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Wednesday November 29th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We were taught how to square dance in Grade 1 and I haven't used that particular talent since.  Ooohhh, you had me at chocolate!  DH would love the lemon cream pie, and I do like today's quote.  So grateful for Edison's invention, as I love listening to music - hand cranked or otherwise.


A busy day ahead for the 2 of us - yesterday at the dentist, it was determined that the tooth with the cavity wasn't salvageable, but DH didn't want it extracted right away.  After speaking with the denturist, it's been decided that he will invest in a new partial plate and once he has it, will have the tooth removed, allowing the plate to provide pressure/protection for healing.  It made sense to me when the doctor explained it, so today DH has to go for an impression (hope he makes a good one!).  Then I have to bring a purse back to a store because after only a couple of months of use, the zipper has separated.  Later this afternoon I'm getting a much needed haircut; not appreciating the shaggy dog look at all.


Continued prayers for @rafinmd that you'll soon be feeling much better and on your way home; for @smitty34877's Tana who continues to struggle; for @marshhawkI do hope you get that oxygen - I can't imagine you've gone this long without it!


I think I'd try the drink of the day (the other ingredients might drown out the bourbon taste), would probably like the wine, and would love to try today's menu suggestion, but will wait for someone else to make it.  I've got a container of stew thawing in the fridge that will be reheated and served along with a side salad and crusty buns for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says it is 26 degrees. And sunny.  But the sun hasnt come up over the hill yet.  Wednesdays here are trash days.  There are 3 different trash trucks. The regular trash, the lawn and leaf pick up, and the glass and plastic recycle truck.  Three chances that I will be out with the dog going bananas barking and trying to drag me along as she tries to attack the trucks.  So far, recycle has come by.  I can only hope that the other two come by before 10.


When I was at the docs yesterday they checked to see if I had any yeast infection in my throat, from all the antibiotics I had taken on the ship.  Nope, but this morning I woke up with a terrible sore throat.  Must have slept with my mouth open all night.  One of DH's docs told us that people usually swallow at least one spider at night during their lives.  Really makes me want to sleep on my stomach.


I would love to try the meal today.  If you have ever seen Salt, Fat, Acid and Heat  on Netflix that is one of the recipes she makes. Looks really yummy!


Plans for the day?  Work.  Finish the front garden.  Plans for the weekend?  Plastic wrap the porch, so that the stray cats can sleep with a heater and some warmth.  I think this winter might be a bit harsh on them.  The NOAA weather site says that we are very dry and have no humidity, so our area is a fire hazard, but we are supposed to get 4 inches of rain this weekend.  


And a new tiger stray showed up yesterday.  very cute, and not wild.  He approached me when I called him tiger, not close enough to pet though.  DH said, I guess you want to adopt him too.  Well, yes I do, but I did not tell him that.  He was going to clear out a room for him.







Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning,

It was a busy day yesterday and looks like it will be again today. The temp will get into the 50’s today so any snow still on the ground will be gone. 

Prayers for our dailyites who are ill or in pain. That list has grown a bit. It looks like an explosion of dailyites will be cruising soon which is exciting. 

Flu and Covid are on the rise here so I will be limiting my exposure best I can  before I cruise. I don’t want a repeat of my last 6 week cough for the start of my cruise. 

Everyone have a great day. 



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Good morning from sunny SW MI with temps in the low 20s.    Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports @richwmn.  I liked square dancing when I was a child but when they forced us to do it in gym in 10th grade with dancing with girls I hated it.  Lemon cream pie is another pie that one rarely sees offered.   I will celebrate chocolates day by cracking open a box of Godiva chocolates I picked up at Costco yesterday.    A great quote by Schweitzer and would be a good quote for Rosalyn Carter's service yesterday.    The Korean short ribs sound great and would be great with today's Italian wine, I will pass on the peachy cocktail.  @summer slope @cat shepard and @dfish thanks for researching these for us each day.  

Prayers for Roy, I hope you can get an answer soon and be able to be released.   @JazzyV I pray that you are going to get some relief from your leg pain, thanks for keeping our cares and celebrations updated for us.   Prayers for everyone on our care list, the people in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.  Prayers for the release of the hostages.

I will be trying to work on loading photos on a photo frame for John today but it is hard with him moving about the house most of time.  @aliaschief as it was last year we will be departing FLL the same day the world cruise leaves the US.  This year the Eurodam, last year the Volendam.  Always exciting to see a world voyage taking off in person.   I finally heard from one of my scholarship colleges yesterday after I sent a reminder they have 5 candidates that they are narrowing down to two.   Hopefully Northern Michigan University will reply today.    Have a nice Wednesday!    Nancy 

Edited by ottahand7
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Good morning from a chilly Quartzsite, but what would seem balmy to those in the northern regions.  It is 45F and feels like that.  There is a 1 mph breeze so that is not really a factor.  The humidity is 43% with a dew point of 24F.  Today will be partly cloudy with a high of 67F and no chance of rain.


I used to love to square dance, but haven't done that since high school or the first summer in college.  Square dancing was big in west Texas in the 1950s and 1960s.  I'll stop at chocolates day, and I'll let someone else have my lemon cream pie.


The Albert Schweitzer quote is very true.


IIRC, we had slow cooker Korean short ribs a the meal of the day last year, and they were very good.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds lovely.  It's just not in our wine cellar and the nearest Total Wine is at least 120 miles away.


We have not been to today's port, so I don't have any pictures to share. 


In 1876, Thomas Edison changed how the world listened to music.


@Cruise Suzy   Welcome home.  I hope you had a great cruise.

@Mr. Boston  I hope the remainder of your trip home is hassle free and uneventful.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, that is good news Scott got the Paxlovid and antibiotics he needed, but I'm sorry it took a trip to the ER to get them.  Maybe it's time to think about a new PCP,

@smitty34877  Terri, I'm glad that Tana is "somewhat" recovered from the pneumonia, but I'm so very sorry it made her breathing even more difficult.  She is very lucky to have your and the dogs as caregivers.  You and Tana are in our thoughts.

@kazu  Jacqui, please  be careful when your out today.  I hope you get a good report from the doctor.  I love the last meme and totally agree with it.

@RedneckBob  RNB, that is good news you won't be cut off from the real world on your next cruise.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope you and Allen don't get sick from that elevator ride.  














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Sandi @StLouisCruisers thanks for the clarification.   We are not going to Rarotonga.    We are on a 35 day trip to Hawaii and Tahiti.   I am glad that they offered a pearl farm in Raiatea as the same situation would probably be present.    Too many cruisers for a small island, we are on the Konigsdam.  Thanks again.   Nancy 

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I last square danced in grade school. I'll take chocolates any day. I never had lemon cream pie. Good quote. The meal sounds good. Yes to the drink and wine. I've never been to Mamoudzou. Yay Thomas Edison! 


It's 19F out and still windy, with a high of maybe 34. I don't think I can take much more. I was awakened around 1:30AM by a loud noise. The house alarm was on, so it wasn't that. Then I heard water gurgling in the radiator (never a good thing). I hobbled up to the third floor, and all was ok, as was the 2nd floor where the bedroom is. I went downstairs and it took a minute to figure out it was the living room radiator. There was water pooled on the oak floor. The marble top table in front of the radiator had the top dislodged, so something powerful happened. The lamp on it was wedged between the table and radiator. 2 Lladro porcelain pieces were on the floor 🥲; luckily one landed on the area rug and is ok, while the other has a hand broken off. The floor is covered in this now dry dirty grime. I haven't been back to sleep. I can only do maybe 5 minutes at a time working on it, due to leg pain. I turned off the water and called the plumber. Of course all the old guys who worked on radiators at this company have retired. I'm just trying to get the water shut off to this one radiator, so I can have heat and water to the rest of the house. So he's coming to look at it this afternoon, but I may need to find an HVAC company that works on boilers and radiators. So, how's your day going? 


@Cruise Suzy Welcome Home!

@Mr. Boston Safe travels back to Boston.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad Scott was seen and started on medications.

@smitty34877 I'm glad that Tana is somewhat better, but sad that the pneumonia has taken a toll. And kudos to you for being able to physically assist her. 

@rafinmd I'm glad you got better rest. Hopefully you get discharged today. It's a tightrope walk trying to remove fluid from where you don't want it, and leaving the vascular system with enough fluid to not be dehydrated.

@RedneckBob woohoo on WiFi on your cruise.

@Seasick Sailor Hoping you and Allen stay healthy! 

@marshhawk  I'm hoping the oxygen appears soon, and that it plus the meds has you feeling much better.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

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Good morning, everyone.


It is a chilly 25F here in mid-Michigan with a forecast of 37F for a high today.  The electricians are coming at 10:30 am to fix the outlets that won't work.  I know they were working for the previous owners as I have pictures of their fan plugged in and working.  They were supposed to have all electrical issues taken care of according to the terms of the sale, but obviously they didn't.  There are two outlets in the dining room that don't work and one outside the dining room sliding doors.  Interesting that they are all in the same area of the house.  


Sue does have a virtual visit with the NP this morning.  She was feeling better yesterday, but woke up today and her face was on fire.  It is all sinus.  I can relate because I had that happen to me on the Zaandam this summer.  Fortunately, mine cleared up very quickly.  


We did have this meal of the day back in February so today we will be reviewing.  The meal sounds good to me, but has quite a bit of sugar in it, so I would probably decline.  https://houseofnasheats.com/slow-cooker-korean-beef-short-ribs-kalbi/




This one has less sugar in it, so might be a possibility minus the carrots.  I chose this one for Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Carolyn @Cruising-along since they are carrot fans.   https://mykoreankitchen.com/slow-cooker-short-ribs/




This next one is a definite possibility due to the lower sugar content.  https://mykoreankitchen.com/slow-cooker-short-ribs/




It also uses a product called coconut aminios.  Here is a description of that.  https://www.eatingwell.com/article/289738/what-are-coconut-aminos/  This product would be good for those watching sodium.


Personally, this next one looks the best to me.  https://damndelicious.net/2016/03/23/slow-cooker-asian-short-ribs/




I hope this finds all of you well or recovering.  Wishing  you a wonderful day.

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39 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a chilly Quartzsite, but what would seem balmy to those in the northern regions.  It is 45F and feels like that.  There is a 1 mph breeze so that is not really a factor.  The humidity is 43% with a dew point of 24F.  Today will be partly cloudy with a high of 67F and no chance of rain.


I used to love to square dance, but haven't done that since high school or the first summer in college.  Square dancing was big in west Texas in the 1950s and 1960s.  I'll stop at chocolates day, and I'll let someone else have my lemon cream pie.


The Albert Schweitzer quote is very true.


IIRC, we had slow cooker Korean short ribs a the meal of the day last year, and they were very good.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds lovely.  It's just not in our wine cellar and the nearest Total Wine is at least 120 miles away.


We have not been to today's port, so I don't have any pictures to share. 


In 1876, Thomas Edison changed how the world listened to music.


@Cruise Suzy   Welcome home.  I hope you had a great cruise.

@Mr. Boston  I hope the remainder of your trip home is hassle free and uneventful.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, that is good news Scott got the Paxlovid and antibiotics he needed, but I'm sorry it took a trip to the ER to get them.  Maybe it's time to think about a new PCP,

@smitty34877  Terri, I'm glad that Tana is "somewhat" recovered from the pneumonia, but I'm so very sorry it made her breathing even more difficult.  She is very lucky to have your and the dogs as caregivers.  You and Tana are in our thoughts.

@kazu  Jacqui, please  be careful when your out today.  I hope you get a good report from the doctor.  I love the last meme and totally agree with it.

@RedneckBob  RNB, that is good news you won't be cut off from the real world on your next cruise.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope you and Allen don't get sick from that elevator ride.  














Thanks. Forget about being cut off from the rest of the world. As long as I can login to Cruise Critic!

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26 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I last square danced in grade school. I'll take chocolates any day. I never had lemon cream pie. Good quote. The meal sounds good. Yes to the drink and wine. I've never been to Mamoudzou. Yay Thomas Edison! 


It's 19F out and still windy, with a high of maybe 34. I don't think I can take much more. I was awakened around 1:30AM by a loud noise. The house alarm was on, so it wasn't that. Then I heard water gurgling in the radiator (never a good thing). I hobbled up to the third floor, and all was ok, as was the 2nd floor where the bedroom is. I went downstairs and it took a minute to figure out it was the living room radiator. There was water pooled on the oak floor. The marble top table in front of the radiator had the top dislodged, so something powerful happened. The lamp on it was wedged between the table and radiator. 2 Lladro porcelain pieces were on the floor 🥲; luckily one landed on the area rug and is ok, while the other has a hand broken off. The floor is covered in this now dry dirty grime. I haven't been back to sleep. I can only do maybe 5 minutes at a time working on it, due to leg pain. I turned off the water and called the plumber. Of course all the old guys who worked on radiators at this company have retired. I'm just trying to get the water shut off to this one radiator, so I can have heat and water to the rest of the house. So he's coming to look at it this afternoon, but I may need to find an HVAC company that works on boilers and radiators. So, how's your day going? 


@Cruise Suzy Welcome Home!

@Mr. Boston Safe travels back to Boston.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad Scott was seen and started on medications.

@smitty34877 I'm glad that Tana is somewhat better, but sad that the pneumonia has taken a toll. And kudos to you for being able to physically assist her. 

@rafinmd I'm glad you got better rest. Hopefully you get discharged today. It's a tightrope walk trying to remove fluid from where you don't want it, and leaving the vascular system with enough fluid to not be dehydrated.

@RedneckBob woohoo on WiFi on your cruise.

@Seasick Sailor Hoping you and Allen stay healthy! 

@marshhawk  I'm hoping the oxygen appears soon, and that it plus the meds has you feeling much better.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Ok JV, calm down. As Chief stated you may hope to have a break from me. But on the other hand, WooHoo!


Sorry about your heating system

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37 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Sandi @StLouisCruisers thanks for the clarification.   We are not going to Rarotonga.    We are on a 35 day trip to Hawaii and Tahiti.   I am glad that they offered a pearl farm in Raiatea as the same situation would probably be present.    Too many cruisers for a small island, we are on the Konigsdam.  Thanks again.   Nancy 


Oh, good that you got the pearl farm in Raiatea then if you won't be going to Rarotonga.  I'm glad you are keeping a step ahead and searching for the excursions you want to do before they sell out.  And, you're very welcome.🙂




33 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I last square danced in grade school. I'll take chocolates any day. I never had lemon cream pie. Good quote. The meal sounds good. Yes to the drink and wine. I've never been to Mamoudzou. Yay Thomas Edison! 


It's 19F out and still windy, with a high of maybe 34. I don't think I can take much more. I was awakened around 1:30AM by a loud noise. The house alarm was on, so it wasn't that. Then I heard water gurgling in the radiator (never a good thing). I hobbled up to the third floor, and all was ok, as was the 2nd floor where the bedroom is. I went downstairs and it took a minute to figure out it was the living room radiator. There was water pooled on the oak floor. The marble top table in front of the radiator had the top dislodged, so something powerful happened. The lamp on it was wedged between the table and radiator. 2 Lladro porcelain pieces were on the floor 🥲; luckily one landed on the area rug and is ok, while the other has a hand broken off. The floor is covered in this now dry dirty grime. I haven't been back to sleep. I can only do maybe 5 minutes at a time working on it, due to leg pain. I turned off the water and called the plumber. Of course all the old guys who worked on radiators at this company have retired. I'm just trying to get the water shut off to this one radiator, so I can have heat and water to the rest of the house. So he's coming to look at it this afternoon, but I may need to find an HVAC company that works on boilers and radiators. So, how's your day going? 


@Cruise Suzy Welcome Home!

@Mr. Boston Safe travels back to Boston.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad Scott was seen and started on medications.

@smitty34877 I'm glad that Tana is somewhat better, but sad that the pneumonia has taken a toll. And kudos to you for being able to physically assist her. 

@rafinmd I'm glad you got better rest. Hopefully you get discharged today. It's a tightrope walk trying to remove fluid from where you don't want it, and leaving the vascular system with enough fluid to not be dehydrated.

@RedneckBob woohoo on WiFi on your cruise.

@Seasick Sailor Hoping you and Allen stay healthy! 

@marshhawk  I'm hoping the oxygen appears soon, and that it plus the meds has you feeling much better.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.


Vanessa, I'm really sorry to hear that life seems to be piling on right now.  You certainly don't need this!  Wishing you good luck getting someone the that knows what they're doing with radiators.  Prayers for better days ahead for you!🙏

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Everything seems off for me here, I think moving is disorienting. DH seems off too, maybe has a bug. Hard to tell with all the antihistamines he’s taking for the glaucoma med allergies. One day at a time is enough. I have to focus on What’s good right now!  I spent part of the night worried about how we’ll get to granddaughter’s wedding if we’re sick, but I had to put that aside, that’s 2 weeks away!  And maybe we won’t get there, and they’ll still get married!  

@JazzyV I’m so sorry you have a mess on your hands, physically and now the house!  Hoping the plumber can sort it out. 

@marshhawk Annie, I hope you get your oxygen today!  That is just a horrible failure to have to wait for basic life support!  

@rafinmd Roy, you are doing the balancing between not having fluid’s building up where they cause difficulties, but enough needed for normalcy - homeostasis, or “even keel” is a challenge!  I hope a cause for the fluid buildup can be identified and addressed so it doesn’t reoccur. May today be a breakthrough!  

Blessings to all in need, near and far. For our country, your country and especially all the war zones!  

Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good! 💐


🛳️ Smooth travels to all away!
Thank you all for being here!  Love the upbeat pulse of sharing, and the beauty from near and far!  

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@JazzyV,Vanessa, Oh no on the heat and radiator problems and the mess to clean up. We found the same thing when we had radiator troubles. The older workers knew how to fix them and there are only a few left. I am so sorry that you have to deal with this on top of the horrible pain. 

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Good morning. Cold here (20F) and cloudy although no snow is in the immediate forecast. Friday may be another matter.


@JazzyV... (no blue bubble this morning) I hope you can find someone who knows radiators. I have lived in houses with them and know they can be difficult to service.


I used to love square dancing but have not done it for many year. The ribs look good but tonight it will be soup and salad.


Dogs and I will be taking out a large load of stuff to the thrift store and I need to go to the bank.  Then home to continue the sorting and maybe do some reading just to relax. I am celebrating my microwave... did not realize how much I relied on it until is passed. The installer left some tools here, but since he is also my snowplow person, I will give them to him when he comes by... which may be soon.


Glad to hear Tana is feeling better and hope Roy will be discharged soon and can make his way home. Glad also he is not faced with driving that route.


Take care all...





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Good morning to all!!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports!  We are cruising into Honolulu presently. Will be here overnight. 


today I will see the US Arizona memorial and the Mighty Mo. I expect it will be a very somber trip. 

The sun finally came out yesterday afternoon and I enjoyed walking close to the ship and having lunch (and local beer that benefited Lahaina). 


Dinner in the Lido was barramundi which was delicious!!


Thoughts for those on the care list   @rafinmd thinking about you Roy!  Cheers for those celebrating!!


Have a great day everyone!



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Good morning all!

My parents were in a square dance group for a number of years when I was small.  Good memories!  I think the great granddaughters still have Mom's square dance skirts. And I had square dancing in the 5th grade -- fun!   Every day is chocolates day for me, and Terry @smitty34877 and Jacqui @kazu I would be more than happy to take them off your hands. 😉 😄 Also like lemon cream pie!  I'll pass on the drink and red wine, but the meal sounds yummy.  Thanks for thinking of Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and me, Debbie @dfish! We'll eat the carrots.   I'd like all the recipes, but the first has more than a whole day's worth of sodium so will pass on that one.  I think the 2nd and 3rd recipes are the same (?)  but that's ok with me, I like that one LOL 😂


Today I'll be seeing my Nephrologist to find out what she thinks about my labs.  Hoping she doesn't think the slight dip in kidney function is worrisome.  


Terry @smitty34877 I'm glad Tana is feeling somewhat better but very sorry her breathing is so difficult.

Roy @rafinmd I hope you can be discharged today and back on the road to feeling better.

Vanessa @JazzyV Very very sorry about the night you had!!  As if you needed anything else. 😞 We all wish we could wave a magic wand and make everything better for you! 

Debbie @dfish I would be letting my realtor know about the electrical issues which were supposed to be all taken care of before you took possession of the house.  

Sandi @StLouisCruisers Interesting about the discussion of Rarotonga and the tour.  We have that port on our GA itinerary and it's one of the few with NO excursions listed...wondering if any will still be added at this late date.



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Nickelpenny, enjoy your stay in Honolulu, we loved it it there in 2010.  The trip to the Arizona is indeed a very somber visit. We couldn't believe the number of Japanese people touring the site.  They have a very interesting submarine exhibit there also.  My uncle was the Exec. Officer on the subbase there in the 60's when I visited the first time.  Enjoy your trip.



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