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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday January 23rd,


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On National Handwriting Day ( & John Hancock’s birthday) some information about cursive handwriting instruction in the US. Maryland's law on cursive took effect in 2020. Handwriting in cursive starts in second grade and continues to fifth grade. The curriculum dictates that testing for the second grade will be on letter formation, case writing. From the third grade to the fifth grade, testing is done on the ability to create a final cursive written document that is readable. 

The latest state to return cursive writing instruction to public schools was California, where the Legislature unanimously passed and Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation requiring it be taught to public school students in grades one through six. The law took effect January 1. Besides California and Maryland, others now requiring some cursive writing instruction are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia, according to MyCursive.com, a website that tracks cursive writing requirements nationwide.

Wishing you good health, peace, joy and happiness.

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Ann @cat shepard good job figuring out Joh.  I came here to say I found that out too but you were here first!  Working on making that chocolate pie and waiting for the crust to cool.



1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

By golly, I used my decoder ring in an attempt to figure out what “Joh” was that coincides with Handwriting Day!

Today is John Hancock’s birthday!


And now I know that my trusty ring is not just meant for wine. 😎


I've read online his birthday is today and some sources say Jan. 12.  Let's just celebrate him all month long!  That secret decoder ring really comes in handy.😆



38 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  Being just a bit further north than @StLouisCruisers, we are at 39 degrees, very cloudy, and it is raining lightly.  Furnando is on the desk next to me, knocking things off as he finds them.  Ahh cats.  There are no birds in the feeder so I am the next best thing to be with.


DH says that his leg is really bothering him, so I need to wake him at 9 to call the doc this morning.  Grocery shopping is going to be mandatory today, so it's lunch out. 


We had a chat with the vet assistant on what to do with the feral cat Bubbles.  Either massive surgery or let time heal him.  DH asked for a pill that would calm the cat before we bring him in, and they said that we needed to bring him in to get weighed before they can give him a pill so that they don't under dose or overdose him.  i'll go with time, and if there is no improvement, in a couple of weeks I'll just take him in.  He does need antibiotics.  So must apply. 


Back to Rome (as I have not been to the port of day)


Once we settled into the hotel, we wandered a bit around the area, but we were both very tired, we found a place for dinner.  Our first meal in Italy was pizza and a salad, and bottled water, and we pretty much ate here for every meal.



After we ate, we went back to the hotel (the restaurant was just around the corner from the hotel) and slept for 16 hours straight.  This was the night that I realized that our room was haunted.  I woke around 3 am to see a green light covering the ceiling,  I think I may have said a bleep word, and the light disappeared and shattered into a thousand little green dots, and I was bleeping again, but DH slept through all my bleeps, and i had a hard time explaining the next morning what I saw.  Since our window faced a wall, and the light was coming from behind the bed, which was nowhere near the window, it was impossible that it was lights from the outside.  There was one other incident in the room, but I didn't feel threatened and if ghosts want to wander around in a hotel, I'm OK with that.


The next day, we got up and started out wandering.  First stop was Plaza Navona, and the fountains!





We stopped in a church that was open and enjoyed a few minutes out of the sun. Unfortunately there was going to be an event at the church, and it was going to close in 3 minutes, so we basically did a quick walk around, got a few pictures and went back out to the Plaza, Piazza...

IMG_0461.thumb.JPG.3ef51d5450fd0faad310dd80fc6d5a5e.JPG IMG_0462.thumb.JPG.b6f093e1e495a9b52e690ab17cc64543.JPG






The plaza had filled with people, it was getting close to lunch so we headed out of the piazza towards the museum of Rome.  I had read that they had a great restaurant. Thought I would try some lasagna. 




Thanks for your Rome photos.  Great to visit again through all our experiences.  I hope Chuck can get some help with his leg.  And that Bubbles continues healing.  Enjoy your lunch out!




30 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites from a rather dismal Central Texas morning. 


My prayers were said earlier, but thinking of our Tana and baby Murphy, and all going through stress and pain.


Our friend Ron was back in ER yesterday afternoon with tremendous pain. He was given an IV treatment for the pain, a CT scan, bloodwork, and at 11:45 last night he was in line for an MRI. Please keep him in prayer. He is a 35 year retired LTC helicopter Army veteran, has leukemia, dementia, Parkinson's and now going thru this. Thank you for prayers. 


Today is a watching the rain fall day. Making a pork roast and reading Killing Witches by Bill O'Reilly. 




I'm so sorry for your friend Ron.  He's been through a lot and now this.  Prayers for help for him and pain free days again.🙏  Enjoy your book.  I borrowed it for DH from the Kindle library.  Haven't asked if he's read it yet.  

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Good cloudy 39 degrees morning. Rain is coming tonight and tomorrow and Thursday.

Hopefully, it will get rid of all of the snow.

Birthday blessings to @smitty34877and @DWAliaschief, Sue are you face time with dear sister today?

Not much going on today, I have a Key Lime Pie on the freezer so I will celebrate with it.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Special thank you for all the thoughtful and kind birthday wishes for my DW Sue.


@smitty34877Terri Happy Birthday to you.


I told the Executive Chef how much we enjoyed last night’s dinner by the pool. I was amazed when he stated it was the first time they had done one. 

Off to food demo. They definitely keep us busily entertained.



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Instead of Google I tried Bing to see if they had a definition of Joh.  According to the search, Joh is a Hebrew version of John, which also translates as God is Gracious.  I like this definition and I think I deserve some pie, for all my hard work.  Ok, I admit that I think everything I do entitles me to pie.  Even if you disagree, please send pie.  Thank you in advance.

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Good morning from another cloudy day in Quartzsite.  We got a tad more rain overnight, but I think the rain is over for now.  It is 51F and we'll reach 60F today.  We should see the sun for a few hours tomorrow.  


I won't be measuring my feet today, but I know they have gotten a little bigger.  If I try very hard my handwriting is not bad.  If I'm in a hurry, then sometimes, I can't even read what I wrote.  Pie sounds nice, but I doubt I'll be making one today.


An amusing quote from Mike Myers.


We'll skip the meal and the drink today.  The wine sounds nice though.


We have not been to today's port.


Good for Sweden for banning aerosol sprays in 1978.  I remember reading the book Roots, and watching the mini-series.


@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sorry Tana has had a rough time, but it's good she is turning a corner now.  It was nice of her friend to come help yesterday.    I hope today goes smoothly and your get to take it easy on your birthday.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope the chiropractor is helping your DH.  I also hope the cortisone shot helps your shoulder pain.  Those injections helped DH with his shoulder pain for many years.

@cat shepard  Ann, I'm glad the decoder ring help with more than deciphering wines.  When I googled Joh, I didn't find a reference to John Hancock, but then I didn't have a decoder ring.  😉

@superoma  Eva, I'm glad your DD made it to work safely.  

@marshhawk  Annie, thanks for the additional pictures of Rome.  We've enjoyed exploring the city many times.  I hope Bubbles can heal, and that you can get some antibiotics on the wounds.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope your friend Ron can be made more comfortable, and they can do something to relieve the pain.

@0106  Tina, thanks for the information on Joh.  It's about what I found, too.
















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2 hours ago, cat shepard said:

By golly, I used my decoder ring in an attempt to figure out what “Joh” was that coincides with Handwriting Day!

Today is John Hancock’s birthday!


And now I know that my trusty ring is not just meant for wine. 😎


I’m glad someone had a better decoder ring than I 😉. Now why didn’t I even think of that?  Sheesh.



2 hours ago, superoma said:

And I just got word the DD made it safely to work. She travels highway 401 which is a major commercial route east from here and well taken care of on winter. She says the worst part was their driveway and the parking lot at work.


Glad she is safe 👍 Decades ago, I travelled the 401.  no way could I drive it now - especially in the Greater Metropolitan Toronto area - scary!



1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Our friend Ron was back in ER yesterday afternoon with tremendous pain. He was given an IV treatment for the pain, a CT scan, bloodwork, and at 11:45 last night he was in line for an MRI. Please keep him in prayer. He is a 35 year retired LTC helicopter Army veteran, has leukemia, dementia, Parkinson's and now going thru this. Thank you for prayers. 


Poor Ron!  Prayers are winging his way 🙏 



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Good Morning from a sunny and warming day at the beach

      It is currently 73 degrees. Perfec! Suppose to be warm for the next several days.

 I was taught to write via the Palmer method. Dont think I will be measuring my feet. Love Pies of all varieties. Have not been to todays port.

     @smitty34877 a very Happy Birthday to you! May you have many more.

       @DWAliaschief A very Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoy your special day on board that beautiful ship.

          Strong thoughts and prayers for those that are undergoing medical issues.

           Quiet day here today. Getting some chores done here.

Stay well and enjoy today


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I remember the x-ray machines at the Seattle Nordstrom's shoe store where they could see how well a shoe fit many years ago.  Guess they finally realized it wasn't a good idea.  Don't remember being taught cursive writing, but learned to print in an engineering drawing class.  So I still print when I need to write with a pen or pencil.  I am kind of envious when I watch children text on a cell phone.  I could never do that so fast and easily.


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Good morning, it's not a very nice day here.  It's in the 30's and raining/sleeting.  Everything is coated with ice.  Poor Cooper had a rough time getting out the back door this morning...too slippery.  

Happy Birthday  @smitty34877 and @DWAliaschief!  Have a good day! 

My handwriting is bad!  Our DGD in 5th grade knows cursive, I don't remember learning it.  

@RMLincoln and @Cruzin Terri Safe travels and good thoughts for you today as you travel for medical appointments.  

Have a good day, Karen



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Good afternoon from a gale swept Cork.

We have another 'Amber Weather warning' in force for winds and storms.

(I think an Amber warning is just a posh Yellow warning 😃)

DW felt so much better again today, that she decided that she could survive a busy day under a hairdryer and I am just about to head down to collect her from the hairdresser.  All the good work will probably be blown away as soon as she walks through the hairdresser's door!

Tomorrow morning she has her review appointment with her surgical oncologist, so we are hoping for good news from him.


Hope everyone has a great day,

take care!


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5 hours ago, summer slope said:

Apple Pie cocktail:


5 ounces apple cider, *
1.5 ounces fireball whisky
1.5 ounces vanilla vodka
turbinado sugar, optional
If you'd like a sugar rimmed glass: Pour a thin layer of turbinado sugar into a shallow bowl. Run a lemon or apple wedge to around the rim of your glass (or use a bit of apple cider) and dip into sugar to coat. Fill glass with ice and set aside.
In a cocktail shaker, combine apple cider, fireball, and vodka. Shake to combine.
Pour into prepared glass and serve immediately.

Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 6.43.03 AM.png

This sounds potent!

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Well, I thought we were through with the rain, especially when the clouds cleared in places and we could see the sun.  Then came the sprinkles, and now we have sun and sprinkles. ☀️ 🌧️ 🌦️   This weather is about as crazy as Texas weather.


1 hour ago, 0106 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser I believe you wanted to thank @travelnap for the info on Joh.  I posted about cursive because a few posters thought it was no longer taught in elementary school.  Btw, a always in enjoy the port pictures you post!


Oops!.  That is what happens when you are in a hurry.  I wanted to thank you for the information about cursive still being taught in schools.  I was glad to see Texas on the list of states teaching cursive.  I remember in first and second grade being taught to print correctly, and in about the third or fourth grade learning cursive by the Palmer method.


1 hour ago, USN59-79 said:

I remember the x-ray machines at the Seattle Nordstrom's shoe store where they could see how well a shoe fit many years ago.  Guess they finally realized it wasn't a good idea.  Don't remember being taught cursive writing, but learned to print in an engineering drawing class.  So I still print when I need to write with a pen or pencil.  I am kind of envious when I watch children text on a cell phone.  I could never do that so fast and easily.



Even though DH learned cursive, as a mechanical engineer, he printed most of the time in business, and now very, very rarely writes in cursive, and that's to sign his name.  Since I'm the one who fills out all the forms in the doctors' offices, I've started printing then.  Otherwise, they might not be able to read what was on the forms.


26 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Good afternoon from a gale swept Cork.

We have another 'Amber Weather warning' in force for winds and storms.

(I think an Amber warning is just a posh Yellow warning 😃)

DW felt so much better again today, that she decided that she could survive a busy day under a hairdryer and I am just about to head down to collect her from the hairdresser.  All the good work will probably be blown away as soon as she walks through the hairdresser's door!

Tomorrow morning she has her review appointment with her surgical oncologist, so we are hoping for good news from him.


Hope everyone has a great day,

take care!



I'm glad  your DW is still feeling good, and felt like a day at the hairdresser's.


@travelnap  Thank you for doing the research on Joh.  You dug deeper than I did.



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Good morning and thanks all! 
Hope all goes well for @RMLincoln @ger_77and @Cruzin Terri!  

@VMax1700 sending good wishes for answers tomorrow 

Sorry for the multiple posts, but I’ll try to never rival😂 @grapau27
We are having amazing waves.   Many beaches closed. 





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Good afternoon from HMC.   The rough seas ended and we were able to tender ashore though it was very breezy.   I understand whatever BHB was due in HMC yesterday wasn't able to stop.  

I had an early start with 9 am horseback riding.  I understand the water part of the riding will be suspended for the remainder of today. Many people are preparing to depart in  FLL tomorrow.  Such a luxury to be on B2Bs.


Happy birthday @smitty34877! 🎂🍾 Prayers for Tana and that she continues to heal. 

@aliaschief Happy birthday to Sue! 



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The morning was a blur. Hospital called asking we come in asap. DH was asleep, I hadn’t eaten. But I threw snacks in the soft lunch bag, water bottle. DH got all his eye procedures going- pressures, skin coatings, eye drops etc. Showered and out the door. Took as long in the hospital parking lots and garage than getting there from the hotel. He’s in OR now. I’m grateful for all the help he’s getting and all the support. Grateful I can serve his needs. I brought the grab-tool suggested here, and his new step-in shoes - no bending over!  
Glad that his appt tomorrow is 10:10 which is an hour later than I had thought, gives us some better cushion to get breakfast, packed, checked out of hotel. 
Tomorrow rain might hold off till we get home🤞.   But getting through today first!  

@Cruzin Terri Safe travels and good reports!  

Terry @smitty34877 Hard to celebrate with Lou💔 but life is for the living!  Hug Tana, the teenager, those close to you and feel the flow of life!  Sending hugs too!  

The status board here just changed his color code to Recovery!  One step at a time. Thanks all! Maureen


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Having to write legible reports (Hughes Helicopters, McDonnell Douglas, and Boeing) I realized I could write faster and more legible while using a ruler and writing in printed block letters. I think I got more compliments for my writing than my reports.




I wear a size 6, 36, 3.5, 4.5, or size 22 depending on what country I'm in.







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I am enjoying a lovely birthday and would like to thank all of you for such wonderful birthday wishes.

Thank you all so much. @bennybear, @quilty964, @cunnorl, @aliaschief,  @1ANGELCAT,  @Quartzsite Cruiser, @Seasick Sailor, @tupper10,  @dfish, @superoma, @marshhawk, @Haljo1935, @ger_77, @Nickelpenny,  @Mr. Boston, @seagarsmoker,  @StLouisCruisers, @kazu, and   @cat shepard. Wow! I am a very fortunate woman and appreciate all of you.


@Seasick Sailor, So sorry to read about your friend Ron and  I am  sending prayers his way. 
I also loved the picture of Oliver the other day. He looks like a lot of fun.



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