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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday January 24th, 2024


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6 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Thanks Sharon. He tries to be such a good boy. We had a thunder storm start about 3 am this morning and the poor little guy was in such a tizzy he got sick. 


Our last dog (blue heeler/border collie) was so afraid of storms, gun shots, fire works she would cry til I got out of bed and we went in the closet. We had her 11 years!

Oh dear poor thing!  Funny, but Blue doesn’t get too freaked out about stuff like that except for people outside the house, but Craig will take him outside to check the person out so he gets familiar with them. Mostly people working, like our yard guys. 

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Good morning, Dailyites!  Many thanks to all who post such interesting stuff.  I had to re-read all the threads with Haifa and laughed at the memes.  We have been there twice, the first time I was in isolation with noro, and DH and DD went to Nazareth and Capharnaum; the next time we had a tour to Jaffa and Caesarea with Tony and he posted pictures on one of the threads.  So I won't add pictures - they are much like others here.  Yesterday we had an outing and ended up at the grocery store at almost lunchtime - I came away with Nanaimo bars, butter tarts, carrot cake, brownies and oatmeal raisin cookies.  Fortunately I managed to get them packaged up quickly and into the freezer but we did have a Nanaimo bar for lunch.  On our drive we saw a large "V" of Canada geese - and they were flying north - they must have our same weather lady who said winter is over!


I missed some birthdays, I know, so I wish all the birthday girls many happy returns, even if belatedly.  I made the roasted cauliflower and broccoli the other day, it was really good.  I added some onion chunks and sweet potato slices (butternut squash chunks would have been good), and I had a piece of pork tenderloin which I seared first on the stove and then added to the vegetable pan for the last 20 minutes, which was when I stirred up the veg and put the crumb topping on them, and it was all delicious, I thought.  Pat didn't say anything.... but he ate it.  


Good use of a beer can - a gift from one of the bartenders on a bhb.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

I prefer bottles, but sometimes buy beer cans as I can recycle them without having to take them somewhere. A good belly laugh does wonders. I try to change a pet's life by donating, as I don't have any myself. Good quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and drink; yes to the wine if it were less expensive. I haven't been to Haifa. 4 good days in history.


It's in the upper 40's, but raining lightly. Looks like rain all week, but warm temps. So the snow is melting and with rain in addition, it's muddy out. Nothing new here. I slept about 3 hours. I need to start packing all my fragile tchotchkes that are on mantles, before my furniture is moved for the floor renovation. I'm limited in how much I can do at a time, due to pain on standing. I haven't heard from the interventional radiologist, so I'll let the neurosurgeon know that this afternoon.


@Cruising-along Happy Birthday Carolyn!

@RedneckBob Clever!

@RMLincoln Prayers that DH gets the all clear today, and you can head home.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the wonderful Nazareth photos; especially as I doubt I'll ever get there.

@dfish Sorry Sue had to find out about the baby that way. I hope the baby will be ok, being premature. 

@aliaschief I hope you do get to set foot on Easter Island.

@Nickelpenny Good job yesterday! What's happening with your leg these days; just PT since the injection?

@smitty34877 I'm sure it was nice to have a day off from cooking yesterday. I'm hoping Tana is feeling a bit better today.

@kazu Thanks for starting us up today. I'm sorry to hear you're in such pain, and I hope your treatment of it brings relief. 

@Cruzin Terri Great to hear you got a good night's sleep. 

@cunnorl Congrats on the addition of Ryan Charles to the family!

@Seasick Sailor Oliver is very cute! Continued prayers for Ron.

@rafinmd Thanks for the map. I'll take either of those meals instead of salmon!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent photos.  

@marshhawk Thanks for the Rome photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


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48 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

 Yesterday we had an outing and ended up at the grocery store at almost lunchtime - I came away with Nanaimo bars, butter tarts, carrot cake, brownies and oatmeal raisin cookies.  Fortunately I managed to get them packaged up quickly and into the freezer but we did have a Nanaimo bar for lunch.  


I had a Nanaimo bar when we were in St. Johns, Newfoundland.  OMG was that good!  You did well to get all that wrapped and in the freezer.  


48 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

  I made the roasted cauliflower and broccoli the other day, it was really good.  I added some onion chunks and sweet potato slices (butternut squash chunks would have been good), and I had a piece of pork tenderloin which I seared first on the stove and then added to the vegetable pan for the last 20 minutes, which was when I stirred up the veg and put the crumb topping on them, and it was all delicious, I thought.  Pat didn't say anything.... but he ate it.  



That sounds really good.  We have broccoli and cauliflower for tonight with our fish.

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Annie @marshhawk, about the pork roast. Personally, I’m not a fan. I made it once for Christmas and overcooked it and I think it had been injected with brine, like those tenderloins you wanted. Anyway, what I would do is cut them into steaks/chops, marinate them and then cook like you usually do pork chops. One of my favorite marinades is https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/grilled-pork-chops-8030692 and I also like this one https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/sunny-anderson/easy-grilled-pork-chops-recipe-2106547


I have grilled and pan fried them and like them both ways. 

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7 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

Good morning.  Happy Hump Day.  Thanks for the Report.  Thanks for the maps.

Above freezing today with a chance of showers.   We have lots of snow on the ground so rain will make things very messy.  Bertie did very well with his check up yesterday, he got a booster shot and we were told he should lose a bit of weight, I guess that's how we will change a pet's life.

I like the quote.

I haven't made salmon patties in ages, looking forward to seeing recipes, maybe that will be on the menu soon.  Gin and tonic is my go to drink if I don't want wine.  I hope the wine is tasty.

I've never been to today's port.

Prayers for everyone on the Care List.

Have a great day.  Stay safe.


My moms salmon patties

 I can salmon, half cup chopped celery w leaves.more or less, one egg beaten, crushed cracker crumbs to hold the mess together.heat up fry pan with butter, lots. Form mess into Pattie’s and fry u til golden brown. Is good with celery. Enjoy

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15 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Annie @marshhawk, about the pork roast. Personally, I’m not a fan. I made it once for Christmas and overcooked it and I think it had been injected with brine, like those tenderloins you wanted. Anyway, what I would do is cut them into steaks/chops, marinate them and then cook like you usually do pork chops. One of my favorite marinades is https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/grilled-pork-chops-8030692 and I also like this one https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/sunny-anderson/easy-grilled-pork-chops-recipe-2106547


I have grilled and pan fried them and like them both ways. 

You could also cut thin steaks, pound them flat, bread them and fry them for schnitzel. Pork is the only meat I use for schnitzel and it is a family favourite 

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Vanessa @JazzyV I believe you can take twin sister and niece off the Care list.  Both are doing well.  DBIL is still having quite a time with his cough.  He finished his Paxlovid last night and can only sleep well if he takes Robitussin.  But he's hanging in there.  I hear DB has a bad cold now but it isn't Covid and he wasn't around twin sister.  With his PF I hope he can overcome this without too much difficulty.


Ann @Vict0riann now that airplane took some real talent to make.  Applause for that bartender!👏


Now for the gossip!  At lunch I heard a very loud "truck" coming around the corner and up our street so went to see what was making such a racket.  It turned out to be the Sheriff Department's SWAT vehicle followed by a large van and several lookie-loo's who must have followed it into our neighborhood to see what they were going to smash.  It parked up our street in front of the house they rammed into almost exactly 4 years ago on Feb. 4, 2020.  Long story but the formerly upstanding citizen who lived there (county commissioner) had threatened the Sheriff's staff when they told him over the phone they had a warrant for him on a domestic violence case.  So he brought a ton of back up and then the neighbor started shooting out the windows.  That's when the SWAT vehicle showed up. 


Back to today.  After a while they backed it down the street and stopped in front of our driveway.  We could see a guy up there with a large video camera.  Then the SWAT vehicle drove up the street while the man took video of him.  Turns out someone is making a movie.  I hope it's the Sheriff's Department's video and not Hollywood!!  They didn't have enough crew here to be too big of a production.  And they sure picked a gloomy, misty day for it.  Here are two photos from today.




The guy dressed in black on the street is the cameraman.



Edited by StLouisCruisers
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4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites from a foggy, rainy, day for Georgetown. 


We love our beautiful pup and the reason we were homesick the last week or two of our cruise. He loves his sweaters, a real fashion icon.




Beer cans on the other hand? Only used for beer can chicken and beef stew.






I love a good belly laugh and enjoyed a fun couple on our cruise that were entertaining. 












Today we go to the hospital for an ultrasound on DH. Afterwards, we are going to Fish City for fried catfish. That's all we have planned but one never knows what may pop up.


Happy Birthday to @cruising along. No bubble? 


And prayers lifted for those on our Vanessa care list and our personal lists. DH got to speak a minute with Ron. His pain, plus Alzheimers, has really got him inside out. He thought he was in the hospital and was waiting for the doctor to release him.


Wishing everyone a blessed day. What a great group we have here. God bless. 



I love your pup!


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The sun made it nice outside this morning.  I was able to spray more weed killer around the yard.  With all the rain since just before Christmas, a lot of whatever green has sprouted around the lot, which is rocked.  My guess is that seeds, especially wildflower seeds and desert grass seeds, have blown in.  I'm trying to get rid of them in the rocks before they get too big.  It is still sunny, but there are clouds to the south.


3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Its currently 49 and cloudy and drizzling.  I'm not into drizzle.  Unless it's chocolate on ice cream.  i like rain.  This way the wipers on the car don't get confused. And the sound of rain is so nice to sleep to.  BUT I did sleep last night.  Until 9 this morning!  Wow!  


I should have contacted you chefs yesterday.  We were going for pork tenderloin, the store did not have any unless it was prepacked and extremely salty, so we bought a boneless pork roast.  Cut it in half, and then I read the online baking instructions from total strangers...sometimes this works, but not last night.  It said 350 degrees for 20 minutes per pound.  The package said 2.48 pounds.  If cut in half that would be about a pound and a quarter, so I stuck it in, and cooked for 30 minutes, it was rare.  I put it back in for another 20 and it was still medium rare.  I like my steaks done either way, but not with pork, so any helpful hints for the other half?  It is currently waiting in the freezer awaiting instructions.


Beer cans...in college I had two friends who drank Heineken in green cans, they never threw them out, they were everywhere, under beds, in the closet.  They said they were collecting them so at the end of the year they would now how much they drank that year.  I guess paper and pen was too hard, but at Christmas, I made a Christmas tree out of them, and found a  Michelob gold and put it on the top.  It was about 5 feet high.  I think at that point, they gave up on the counting.....but the tree stayed up until May.


I love the quote! 


I have not been to the port, so back to Italy.  Day one, the Museum of Rome.


The museum had been originally the home and "castle" of one of the famous families, and he, the original owner, had been the mayor.  In all the places we went in Europe people spoke English, but not here.  No paper work to read, and a few small notes under the paintings.  Names of people are names of people, so no translation needed.  The building was very old, and some halls just were dead ends, but as usual we had fun.








Ceiling- when we were looking at this the other night, we noticed a hand held phone in the tree.  It's a hook for hanging the chandelier





I loved this sculpture, she was either a fairy, or an angel who's wings hadnt grown yet, but the thinness of her winds were incredible.  If you look out the window, you see scaffolding, the whole museum was covered in it.  Not sure they were working on the building, or it was being held up by the scaffolding.



I had read that the museum had a great restaurant, we were hungry, and so we ate there.  It was an old review.  Homemade Lasagna.  But when it arrived, it was frozen.  They had microwaved it.  But not enough.  I sent it back. It came back warm.  I gave up. I was hungry-but I felt like this-



Which was my favorite piece in the museum.


We wandered back to the hotel, and relaxed...I'm sure that Gelato was involved at some time during the afternoon.


Annie, there is always gelato involved during a day in Rome, or any place in Italy.  Sometimes, it happens more than once a day.  Thanks for the pictures from the museum.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

I prefer bottles, but sometimes buy beer cans as I can recycle them without having to take them somewhere. A good belly laugh does wonders. I try to change a pet's life by donating, as I don't have any myself. Good quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and drink; yes to the wine if it were less expensive. I haven't been to Haifa. 4 good days in history.


It's in the upper 40's, but raining lightly. Looks like rain all week, but warm temps. So the snow is melting and with rain in addition, it's muddy out. Nothing new here. I slept about 3 hours. I need to start packing all my fragile tchotchkes that are on mantles, before my furniture is moved for the floor renovation. I'm limited in how much I can do at a time, due to pain on standing. I haven't heard from the interventional radiologist, so I'll let the neurosurgeon know that this afternoon.


@Cruising-along Happy Birthday Carolyn!

@RedneckBob Clever!

@RMLincoln Prayers that DH gets the all clear today, and you can head home.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the wonderful Nazareth photos; especially as I doubt I'll ever get there.

@dfish Sorry Sue had to find out about the baby that way. I hope the baby will be ok, being premature. 

@aliaschief I hope you do get to set foot on Easter Island.

@Nickelpenny Good job yesterday! What's happening with your leg these days; just PT since the injection?

@smitty34877 I'm sure it was nice to have a day off from cooking yesterday. I'm hoping Tana is feeling a bit better today.

@kazu Thanks for starting us up today. I'm sorry to hear you're in such pain, and I hope your treatment of it brings relief. 

@Cruzin Terri Great to hear you got a good night's sleep. 

@cunnorl Congrats on the addition of Ryan Charles to the family!

@Seasick Sailor Oliver is very cute! Continued prayers for Ron.

@rafinmd Thanks for the map. I'll take either of those meals instead of salmon!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent photos.  

@marshhawk Thanks for the Rome photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.



Vanessa, if you haven't heard from the radiologist by now, I hope you have phoned the neurosurgeon's office.  I'm sorry your sleeping is still not good.


36 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Vanessa @JazzyV I believe you can take twin sister and niece off the Care list.  Both are doing well.  DBIL is still having quite a time with his cough.  He finished his Paxlovid last night and can only sleep well if he takes Robitussin.  But he's hanging in there.  I hear DB has a bad cold now but it isn't Covid and he wasn't around twin sister.  With his PF I hope he can overcome this without too much difficulty.


Ann @Vict0riann now that airplane took some real talent to make.  Applause for that bartender!👏


Now for the gossip!  At lunch I heard a very loud "truck" coming around the corner and up our street so went to see what was making such a racket.  It turned out to be the Sheriff Department's SWAT vehicle followed by a large van and several lookie-loo's who must have followed it into our neighborhood to see what they were going to smash.  It parked up our street in front of the house they rammed into almost exactly 5 years ago on Feb. 4, 2019.  Long story but the formerly upstanding citizen who lived there (county commissioner) had threatened the Sheriff's staff when they told him over the phone they had a warrant for him on a domestic violence case.  So he brought a ton of back up and then the neighbor started shooting out the windows.  That's when the SWAT vehicle showed up. 


Back to today.  After a while they backed it down the street and stopped in front of our driveway.  We could see a guy up there with a large video camera.  Then the SWAT vehicle drove up the street while the man took video of him.  Turns out someone is making a movie.  I hope it's the Sheriff's Department's video and not Hollywood!!  They didn't have enough crew here to be too big of a production.  And they sure picked a gloomy, misty day for it.  Here are two photos from today.




The guy dressed in black on the street is the cameraman.




Sandi, life seems a bit more interesting in Georgia.



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Well, I heard from Radiology scheduling this afternoon. I am scheduled for the procedure on February 22nd. Not unexpected, since this doctor is the only one in town who does this procedure. So I'll have to put up with the pain for another 4 weeks (there was no cancellation list). 

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Vanessa @JazzyV I believe you can take twin sister and niece off the Care list.  Both are doing well.  DBIL is still having quite a time with his cough.  He finished his Paxlovid last night and can only sleep well if he takes Robitussin.  But he's hanging in there.  I hear DB has a bad cold now but it isn't Covid and he wasn't around twin sister.  With his PF I hope he can overcome this without too much difficulty.

Good news about twin sister and niece.  Let's hope DBIL improves quickly as well as DB.


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Now for the gossip!  At lunch I heard a very loud "truck" coming around the corner and up our street so went to see what was making such a racket.  It turned out to be the Sheriff Department's SWAT vehicle followed by a large van and several lookie-loo's who must have followed it into our neighborhood to see what they were going to smash.  It parked up our street in front of the house they rammed into almost exactly 4 years ago on Feb. 4, 2020.  Long story but the formerly upstanding citizen who lived there (county commissioner) had threatened the Sheriff's staff when they told him over the phone they had a warrant for him on a domestic violence case.  So he brought a ton of back up and then the neighbor started shooting out the windows.  That's when the SWAT vehicle showed up. 


Back to today.  After a while they backed it down the street and stopped in front of our driveway.  We could see a guy up there with a large video camera.  Then the SWAT vehicle drove up the street while the man took video of him.  Turns out someone is making a movie.  I hope it's the Sheriff's Department's video and not Hollywood!!  They didn't have enough crew here to be too big of a production.  And they sure picked a gloomy, misty day for it.  Here are two photos from today.




The guy dressed in black on the street is the cameraman.




Wow!  Now, that is excitement!   Our excitement is driving on icy, bumpy roads.


1 minute ago, JazzyV said:

Well, I heard from Radiology scheduling this afternoon. I am scheduled for the procedure on February 22nd. Not unexpected, since this doctor is the only one in town who does this procedure. So I'll have to put up with the pain for another 4 weeks (there was no cancellation list). 


Well, a step in the right direction to get scheduled, but I am sorry it is so far in the future.  At least there is light at the end of the distant tunnel.


We had such fun this afternoon.  We met with a counselor about Sue's Medicare options and got her all signed up so she will be ready to go as soon as she is eligible.  

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As I said the last 2 days were really busy, mostly medical.  The visit with my oncologist Monday seemed really routine, and the rest of the day I chilled at home.  It was a longer than normal visit because the practice closed for Friday's storms so they had almost a double load of patients.


I had an hour plus meeting with the Fire Department bank to update our account signers, and then my physical yesterday afternoon was also mostly routine, except that the sore on my left foot hasn't improved.  He made some suggestions but I will need to see  my podiatrist again and his first opening was mid-February.


What was not routine was the aftermath of the Oncology visit.  Despite the round   of radiation my PSA showed a significant rise.  I knew of this about noon, and later got messages from my oncologist that he wants to start me on a new pill.  We have played telephone tag for 2 days but I have no further information on what is involved.



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I grew up with salmon patties, but they weren't baked. I especially liked the G&T at the Seaview Bar on the Oosterdam. For a red blend, Flatt Rock 2018 Red Blend. (The rock is Flatt, not flat, because that's the owners' surname.) Strangely, I've never visited Haifa.


Royal Caribbean's break and pastries are exceptionally good, and I feared that I'd gain weight on the cruise. It turns out that I lost weight.


On the food topic, ever since a galley tour on the Serenade of the Seas, in 2019, I've been curious about where ships are provisioned from. On RCI, except for fresh produce and dairy products, everything was supplied from the United States, regardless of where it was produced. For the 2022 cruise from Copenhagen, I was looking forward to Danish butter, but the butter was all Dutch. On the Anthem this year, sailing from New Jersey, all the butter was still Dutch. FWIW, on the Oosterdam, sailing from Barcelona, the butter was Dutch but the milk was from, or at least packaged in, Luxembourg.


My course for this semester starts tomorrow. That's a week late, and to save time, the professor asked us to introduce ourselves in an online forum. It's for credit, ungraded; everyone gets 5 points for writing anything at all by 11:59 p.m. tonight. So far only half the students have written anything.



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We did make it ashore and had long tour. It was wow! Pictures tomorrow.

Time for a shower and prepare for White Night’s Buffet and Pool Deck Party.

Walked over 4 miles today and a lot of it was up and down hills. Phew! 
We are here overnight and will leave tomorrow around noon.

Getting on and off tenders with the swells was challenging for all.

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46 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Well, I heard from Radiology scheduling this afternoon. I am scheduled for the procedure on February 22nd. Not unexpected, since this doctor is the only one in town who does this procedure. So I'll have to put up with the pain for another 4 weeks (there was no cancellation list). 

Glad you have it scheduled, so sorry it's four weeks away. 

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Good drizzly late afternoon. Per a post on the Hotel Hershey Facebook page , today is National Peanut Butter Day. They recommend a slice of Reese’s peanut butter pie and a Reese’s peanut butter cup martini to go with it. 🎉🍸

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Well, I heard from Radiology scheduling this afternoon. I am scheduled for the procedure on February 22nd. Not unexpected, since this doctor is the only one in town who does this procedure. So I'll have to put up with the pain for another 4 weeks (there was no cancellation list). 


Vanessa, finally some progress, 👍 but I wish you didn't have to wait so long for the procedure.


1 hour ago, dfish said:


We had such fun this afternoon.  We met with a counselor about Sue's Medicare options and got her all signed up so she will be ready to go as soon as she is eligible.  


Debbie, anything having to do with insurance is always fun -- NOT!  I signed up for Medicare and the supplemental plan before I turned 65, and that made it a lot easier.  I don't know what plan Sue is one now, but make sure her current insurer knows she wants the plan canceled the first of the month she goes on Medicare.  My old insurance would have kept billing for premiums even though they would not cover me when I turned 65.  It was a good feeling when I mailed the letter telling them what they could do with their policy.  😁


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

As I said the last 2 days were really busy, mostly medical.  The visit with my oncologist Monday seemed really routine, and the rest of the day I chilled at home.  It was a longer than normal visit because the practice closed for Friday's storms so they had almost a double load of patients.


I had an hour plus meeting with the Fire Department bank to update our account signers, and then my physical yesterday afternoon was also mostly routine, except that the sore on my left foot hasn't improved.  He made some suggestions but I will need to see  my podiatrist again and his first opening was mid-February.


What was not routine was the aftermath of the Oncology visit.  Despite the round   of radiation my PSA showed a significant rise.  I knew of this about noon, and later got messages from my oncologist that he wants to start me on a new pill.  We have played telephone tag for 2 days but I have no further information on what is involved.




Roy, I hope the podiatrist will have a plan for healing the sore on your foot.   I'm sorry that in spite the radiation treatments your PSA numbers have gone up.  I hope the new medication will bring those numbers down.


47 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

We did make it ashore and had long tour. It was wow! Pictures tomorrow.

Time for a shower and prepare for White Night’s Buffet and Pool Deck Party.

Walked over 4 miles today and a lot of it was up and down hills. Phew! 
We are here overnight and will leave tomorrow around noon.

Getting on and off tenders with the swells was challenging for all.


Bruce, I'm glad you  were able to go ashore on Easter Island.  Looking forward to the pictures tomorrow.  



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Home safe and sound!  He’s doing great!  Amazing!  Says he could have helped drive but I was up to it today!  I’ll explain more later. Thanks for all your support!  

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