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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday March 5th,


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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

I hope you have an awesome cruise next week @RedneckBob


Thanks! Nice photo. Same colors as HAL. Go Figure!


And as usual I will be wearing a bright red golf shirt with a big hand wave from deck 8, on the hump, if we don’t leave too late!

Edited by RedneckBob
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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily @kazu, @richwmn and maps @rafinmd.

Dissociative Identity Disorder is hopefully diagnosed and treated appropriately. I won't celebrate Absinthe. I haven't had a cheese doodle in years and years, but like them. True quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Iraklion. 2 good days in history.


It's another lovely day here, already 68F and sunny. We made 74 yesterday. Then cool again. I did laundry yesterday, which wore me out going up and down the stairs. So I did some sorting of papers in the evening, after a bit more work on the china cabinet. I also scheduled the furniture repair person for Friday to look at my DR chairs and to pick new seat fabric. I was up too late, but slept fairly ok. I will be going to PT in a couple of hours. I think this warmer weather has brought the pollen early; I feel like my grass/tree allergies are starting up. Also the local news is warning about ticks being out early; we have a very high incidence of Lyme disease here.


@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Birthday to Steve! And thanks for the memes and photos.

@marshhawk Prayers that all goes well with Chuck's procedure. Yikes on the woman you lived next door to.

@summer slope Thank you for our daily drink recipes.

@StLouisCruisers Wonderful photos from Iraklion.

@grapau27 Thinking of you (and Pauline) on your Dad's memory day.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. Before I had the injections, PT wasn't doing much as I couldn't do much because of pain. Now I'm trying to rebuild strength, but have to temper my enthusiasm so I don't overdo it. Yikes on that snaking incident! Glad you're ok.

@Nickelpenny I'd have a hard time on that cruise with all the bugs! Ewww. 

@Heartgrove I am so sorry to hear about Sam. With all that pain you did what was best for him, but it still rips your heart out to do it. 

@MISTER 67 I'm glad you had a nice cruise before coming back to the hard work of moving.

@ger_77 I hope Wayne is able to get home safely soon. I too had trouble accessing my FB account. I'm normally signed in all the time, but I had to log in and it didn't want to accept the right PW. I kept at it, afraid it would lock me out, and finally I got in.

@rafinmd I was glad to hear that the Oncologist was pleased with your PSA level. 

@cat shepard Your DSis is fortunate to have you to advocate for her while she is hospitalized. Prayers for continued recovery for her.

@ottahand7 Great news about the pain improving! 

@smitty34877 I worry about having an advocate, as other than BFF, I don't have anyone. We are each other's decision makers and advocates.

@RedneckBob I was wondering where you were.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Well, it’s like this. I have been extremely busy with many other things going on in my life, from sunrise to sundown!. I felt if I could not give my full attention to this thread I might let y’all down.  🥲

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5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@cat shepard, DD and I realized early on in Lou’s illness that he really was way too sick and could not safely advocate for himself. He was a retired social worker and was very upset about this. We also found that vital meds were not given and had to watch things carefully. Today I think we are still processing the experience nowadays as it was incredibly stressful. However, I keep reminding myself that we all did the best we could under extraordinary circumstances  and I am sure you are doing that as well. It is a fine line to walk between getting things done for the patient and irritating the staff!
Sending many hugs to all of you!


Keep reminding yourself that you did the best you could.  I know you did.  I find myself doing “what if’s” or I “should have” sometimes.  I have to remind myself of the many hours and how hard I tried.  All we can do is our best, Terry and I know you did yours 💔 



3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Unusual question, but is anyone else having trouble accessing their FB account?  Mine isn't working and I can't seem to install a new password either.  I'm hoping it's a glitch and I haven't been hacked.


When I got home I saw I had messages and when I went to look, I was locked out.  Password didn’t work.  Reset didn’t work.  it’s back up.  From other replies here on the fleet report, I’m wondering if it only affected us in Canada?  At least is working now.




5 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Today is my first day doing an exercise class since I returned from the cruise, though I will have to leave early so I can be at the hospital for my Sister’s first PT session. It is coming more and more apparent that anyone dealing with a serious illness or condition really needs an advocate to help them.



Sadly you are absolutely right.  Any one seriously ill or condition does need an advocate.  Your sister is lucky you are there for her ♥️ 



6 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

We have been feeling very sad for a few days. Out of the blue my dog Sam has taken a turn and I will need to put him down. He has been getting weaker due to his hip dysplasia, All of a sudden on Thursday night he let out a shriek! It became very painful it seemed to rise. He was very restless after that and I ended up laying on the floor next to him trying to sooth him. Friday I spoke to the vet and doubled his pain medicatio. Somehow we got through the weekend as he got worse as his front legs were now causing problems. The vet came yesterday morning to the house (Sam is 120 pounds and unable to get in a car) to evaluate him. He has even less muscle mass in his rear legs and could have underlying issues beginning to materialize. The decision I madw was to put him down at home on Friday morning.


Oh Jack, I am so very sorry to hear you have lost Sam 💔. You absolutely did the right thing for him and, as painful as it is, you showed your love for Sam by releasing him from his pain ♥️   Bless you for giving him love, peace and stability for the last years of his life.  I bet they were his best 💜 



42 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Thank you all for your well wishes for Catmando.  They just called and said he was ready for pick up at 2:30.    And I dont pick him up at the pick up place, but front of hospital.  Could his nurse Brenda be confused?  I slept for a little over an hour, I was hoping for 3, as I only got 2 hours sleep last night, but this means I can go to bed early. ( I hope). 


Great news that your DH is ready to come home 👍. I’m glad you got a tiny nap and hope you can get a good, long sleep tonight 🤞.   Hopefully nurse Brenda gave you the right instructions 🤞 

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Good afternoon.  It was a busy morning, but the cake is made and decorated.  This year I went with a easy Arizona theme.  The kitchen is cleaned up, and once everything dries, it will all be put away.  



This morning, I also had problems with FB.. Shortly after that, there was a report on CNN that FB and another site were having problems affecting various areas of the world.  I just checked, and everything is back to normal, or what passes for normal on FB.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

No problem here with Facebook.  


I snaked out the drains this morning and the utility glove got caught in the snake and twisted.  We had to cut my thumb out.  It has pinked up nicely, I can move it with no pain, squeeze it with no pain, but it still feels like I slept on it.  I can feel with it.  It just has that pins and needles feeling to it.  


Debbie, I'm sorry your thumb got caught in the snake, but I'm glad it was not badly injured.


2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good evening.

Pauline got out of work early and we went to the Hall of remembrance at the crematorium.

All of the books were opened at today's date.





Graham, thinking about you and Pauline on what must be a bittersweet day.  I hope all the wonderful memories of your Dad make today a lot easier.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily @kazu, @richwmn and maps @rafinmd.

Dissociative Identity Disorder is hopefully diagnosed and treated appropriately. I won't celebrate Absinthe. I haven't had a cheese doodle in years and years, but like them. True quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Iraklion. 2 good days in history.


It's another lovely day here, already 68F and sunny. We made 74 yesterday. Then cool again. I did laundry yesterday, which wore me out going up and down the stairs. So I did some sorting of papers in the evening, after a bit more work on the china cabinet. I also scheduled the furniture repair person for Friday to look at my DR chairs and to pick new seat fabric. I was up too late, but slept fairly ok. I will be going to PT in a couple of hours. I think this warmer weather has brought the pollen early; I feel like my grass/tree allergies are starting up. Also the local news is warning about ticks being out early; we have a very high incidence of Lyme disease here.


@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Birthday to Steve! And thanks for the memes and photos.

@marshhawk Prayers that all goes well with Chuck's procedure. Yikes on the woman you lived next door to.

@summer slope Thank you for our daily drink recipes.

@StLouisCruisers Wonderful photos from Iraklion.

@grapau27 Thinking of you (and Pauline) on your Dad's memory day.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. Before I had the injections, PT wasn't doing much as I couldn't do much because of pain. Now I'm trying to rebuild strength, but have to temper my enthusiasm so I don't overdo it. Yikes on that snaking incident! Glad you're ok.

@Nickelpenny I'd have a hard time on that cruise with all the bugs! Ewww. 

@Heartgrove I am so sorry to hear about Sam. With all that pain you did what was best for him, but it still rips your heart out to do it. 

@MISTER 67 I'm glad you had a nice cruise before coming back to the hard work of moving.

@ger_77 I hope Wayne is able to get home safely soon. I too had trouble accessing my FB account. I'm normally signed in all the time, but I had to log in and it didn't want to accept the right PW. I kept at it, afraid it would lock me out, and finally I got in.

@rafinmd I was glad to hear that the Oncologist was pleased with your PSA level. 

@cat shepard Your DSis is fortunate to have you to advocate for her while she is hospitalized. Prayers for continued recovery for her.

@ottahand7 Great news about the pain improving! 

@smitty34877 I worry about having an advocate, as other than BFF, I don't have anyone. We are each other's decision makers and advocates.

@RedneckBob I was wondering where you were.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm glad you did not have any lasting side effects from going up and down the stairs while doing laundry.  It would have worn me out too.  The only stairs we have are the five steps into the motorhome.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Thank you all for your well wishes for Catmando.  They just called and said he was ready for pick up at 2:30.    And I dont pick him up at the pick up place, but front of hospital.  Could his nurse Brenda be confused?  I slept for a little over an hour, I was hoping for 3, as I only got 2 hours sleep last night, but this means I can go to bed early. ( I hope). 


Annie, I'm glad Chuck @catmando is ready to come home, and that you got some rest.


45 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser  happy birthday to Steve!  

@marshhawk praying all goes well for Chuck! 

@ottahand7 glad the surgery went well! 

@StLouisCruisers glad you found a safe place for your DGD,  can’t put a price on that! 

@cat shepard so glad you are there to advocate for your sister,  although so exhausting.


@Quartzsite Cruiser great photos of Knossos,  do go back so much to see in Crete.   

Good news our dear granddog is home where DGD can look after him.  




Brenda, thank you for your pictures from Crete.  We have been to Souda and Chania twice, and would like to go back to Crete.  Good news that your grand dog is now back home.





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@puppycanducruise, Melanie, @StLouisCruisers  Sandi, @dfish  Debbie, @Mr. Boston, @grapau27  Graham, @smitty34877  Terry, @superoma  Eva, @kazu  Jacqui, @ger_77  Gerry, @rafinmd   Roy, @seagarsmoker, @cunnorl  Charlene, @bennybear  Brenda, @JazzyV  Vanessa, @ottahand7  Nancy, and @RMLincoln  Maureen.


Steve asked me to thank you for the warm birthday wishes.  They were very much appreciated by both of us.



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25 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  It was a busy morning, but the cake is made and decorated.  This year I went with a easy Arizona theme.  The kitchen is cleaned up, and once everything dries, it will all be put away.  



This morning, I also had problems with FB.. Shortly after that, there was a report on CNN that FB and another site were having problems affecting various areas of the world.  I just checked, and everything is back to normal, or what passes for normal on FB.



Debbie, I'm sorry your thumb got caught in the snake, but I'm glad it was not badly injured.



Graham, thinking about you and Pauline on what must be a bittersweet day.  I hope all the wonderful memories of your Dad make today a lot easier.



Vanessa, I'm glad you did not have any lasting side effects from going up and down the stairs while doing laundry.  It would have worn me out too.  The only stairs we have are the five steps into the motorhome.



Annie, I'm glad Chuck @catmando is ready to come home, and that you got some rest.



Brenda, thank you for your pictures from Crete.  We have been to Souda and Chania twice, and would like to go back to Crete.  Good news that your grand dog is now back home.





Thank you for your nice words Lenda.

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2 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

@Vict0riann  Here's my recipe for carrot cake (best served with cream cheese frosting),   I hope Pat likes it.


2 cup sugar

2 cup all purpose flour

2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp cinnamon (you could use 1 tsp, but I'm not a big fan of cinnamon)

3 cup shredded carrots

1 1/4 cup vegetable oil

4 eggs

2 tsp vanilla


Mix first 4 ingredients together in large bowl.  In second bowl, combine oil, eggs and vanilla.

Combine oil mixture with dry ingredients.  Fold in carrots.

Pour into greased 9 x 13 pan.  Bake @350 for 35 minutes.

Ice cold cake with frosting:


Cream cheese frosting


1/2 cup butter

226 gm (8oz) package cream cheese

1 tsp vanilla

3 cup icing sugar


Whip butter and cream cheese.  Stir in vanilla.  Carefully beat in icing sugar a bit at a time.


Thank you Melanie!  I bought the carrots and cream cheese and will make it tomorrow.

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What a difference a day makes! Today we're up to 40F with blue skies and lots of sunshine! Quite a change from yesterday's snow! I'll gladly snack on cheese doodles, cheese puffs, etc. Not sure about the other things. I have been out and about. I had PT today and my body was quite stiff especially with not going to the pool yesterday but the PT helped. I'll gladly be at the pool in the morning. 


As a caregiver for DD DH I join in the "could have, should have, would have" group and there are times I doubt myself even though I know I did everything I possibly could for him and I was his best advocate. It's funny how the doubts creep in. I'm having a bit of a teary day today - no idea why as there's nothing to trigger it today - but life goes on. 8 months later I'm still working on getting refunds from the last care facility and they are on my "call" list. I tried to reconcile the last two sets of explanations of benefits with the bills I paid and pretty much threw my hands up in the air! I'll give them a call shortly. 


Have a wonderful Tuesday! 



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2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

As I drive by Port Charlotte in 11 days at about 8 AM I promise I will not yell fore!  😀

One mile from Kings Highway Exit 170. 8AM will put you right on schedule for arriving at PE around 10:20. My fastest time was 2 hours 10 minutes.

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31 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

One mile from Kings Highway Exit 170. 8AM will put you right on schedule for arriving at PE around 10:20. My fastest time was 2 hours 10 minutes.

Our normal stop is Exit 161, Punta Gorda, fill up at Pilot and fill up at Arby’s! Years ago it was just one gas station and no restaurants.

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10 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Jacqui, thank you Eva, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!


Sorry for not posting for a while. Life got in the way.


We have been feeling very sad for a few days. Out of the blue my dog Sam has taken a turn and I will need to put him down. He has been getting weaker due to his hip dysplasia, All of a sudden on Thursday night he let out a shriek! It became very painful it seemed to rise. He was very restless after that and I ended up laying on the floor next to him trying to sooth him. Friday I spoke to the vet and doubled his pain medicatio. Somehow we got through the weekend as he got worse as his front legs were now causing problems. The vet came yesterday morning to the house (Sam is 120 pounds and unable to get in a car) to evaluate him. He has even less muscle mass in his rear legs and could have underlying issues beginning to materialize. The decision I madw was to put him down at home on Friday morning.


We have only had him 2-1/2 years and we knew what we were in for. The rescue organization classified him as a hospice dog to live the rest of his life in a kennel. But then I adopted himand gave him stability for his remaining years. His original owner had passed away and the family gave him up for adoption. He was adopted for four months but returned "as being too needy." After that , two foster homes until I got him. I had actually agreed to adopt him before letting my previous Alaskan Malamute Juno go at 13 years 2 months.


Sam has been the most affectionate dog I have ever owned. He will be the hardest to let go.


One year ago on February 2, 2023.




Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.

- Jack

God bless you @Heartgrove for adopting an older animal.  I have the utmost admiration and respect for folks that do so. You made Sam’s final years loving, happy and comfortable.  There’s a special place in Heaven for people like you.  

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12 hours ago, luvteaching said:

As a caregiver for DD DH I join in the "could have, should have, would have" group and there are times I doubt myself even though I know I did everything I possibly could for him and I was his best advocate. It's funny how the doubts creep in. I'm having a bit of a teary day today - no idea why as there's nothing to trigger it today - but life goes on.


Ahhh Karen 💔.  I’m sorry you are having a teary day.  Sadly, nothing has to trigger them.  They just come out of the blue.  The “could have, should have, would have” moments come on sometimes for no reason - just like the tears.  Keep telling yourself you did do everything  you could for him and were his best advocate.  You were and are ♥️. Hugs to you.



16 hours ago, dfish said:

No problem here with Facebook.  


I snaked out the drains this morning and the utility glove got caught in the snake and twisted.  We had to cut my thumb out.  It has pinked up nicely, I can move it with no pain, squeeze it with no pain, but it still feels like I slept on it.  I can feel with it.  It just has that pins and needles feeling to it.  


yikes on your thumb, Debbie.  😬. I am glad it seems to be ok.  I hope it feels normal today 🙏 

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2 hours ago, kazu said:


yikes on your thumb, Debbie.  😬. I am glad it seems to be ok.  I hope it feels normal today 🙏 

Thanks, Jacqui.  The whole hand is a bit stiff this morning and the thumb is swollen, but nothing horrible.  I imagine it will take a few days for things to get better.  

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