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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday June 1st, 2024

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🐇 🐇 🐰 

3 good days today. Pass on the drink, L❤️VE a good classic egg salad on toast, pass on the drink, would try the wine if I could find it, not been to the port. Big day in music 🎶 history - I like S&G.


Sad night for the 🌟 🏒 last night, hoping for better results tomorrow night.


Hugs @Vict0riann

SMH @StLouisCruisers the inside job is the worse kind of invasion.

Beautiful poppies @grapau27


Currently 72° headed to sunny 90°. Humidity has dropped to 85° but that's still too high for comfort and breathing. Marginal risk of storms & no more rain until Mon, then just 1 day, so the forecast has changed; thank goodness  - everyone needs a break from the storms.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 




Edited by Haljo1935
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Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit!

I'll be back later to catch up. There's a women's retreat at church today and I was "volunteered" to help out. See y'all later and wishing all a good day!

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Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit.






Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  Happy June!  May felt way too long!  I dont think I could have taken much more of that month this year.  I tried to sing "The Lovely Month of May" from Camelot, but it did nothing to cheer me up.


If you remember in the Graduate, our hero is told that the secret to  financial success was invest in "Plastics" and look what that did to the environment.  I still love listening to Simon and Garfunkel, their music, unlike them have stood the test of time.  I saw Garfunkel several years ago at the Woodruff center.  The music started, and he began singing.  But he was facing the back of the stage, not the audience.  Turns out he has some sort of stage fright, and finds his voice, when not seeing the audience. When he feels that his voice "is there" he will turn around to face the audience.  Ok I can deal with that, but I was not happy when the staff turned on the lights, and opened the doors, as if it was the end of the concert, but he was not done singing.  In fact he was in the middle of a song.  Weird night either way.


I know that I need to finish reading yesterdays post, but @Vict0riann you are in my prayers.  I hope this health situation is resolved easily and without pain.


I saw on the googly news that the Northern Lights were going to be visible in the Northeast and Midwest last night, so for those of you who live up there, I hope you got another chance to see them.


The kittens are growing, they are all eating (not at the same time) and it seems that bare legs look like something good to climb.


I bought what DH wanted for his birthday (June 12) and after the item was delivered, he said, he changed his mind, and wanted something else.  He didn't know I had ordered it, and when I asked him what he wanted, he said he couldn't remember, but he would think of it. ( I often give him gift cards on major Holidays, but then he forgets to use them) I also ordered a T shirt with Catman on it, I guess I can have the word "do" put on the back

Women's Vintage Catman Al  Crusher Vee


Donna forgot to pay me for dog walking this week.  I was hoping that she wouldn't, so I could drive over to Chick fil A and get a chicken biscuit without the biscuit, alas, I am hungry, with no cash. So another mini bagel is in my future.  



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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We had a sad email from our neighborhood Pod captain.  It seems a couple on the other street in our Pod went on vacation . While away someone broke into their home and stole both their cars and other items of value in the home.  They found the location of one of the cars through the Find My Car app on their phone.  The police had a chase involving one of the cars, an SUV, which was totaled when the culprits ran into 7 other vehicles along the way.  The second car was found in okay shape. 


Who did it?  The older couple's grandson and some of his "associates". 😲 People in the neighborhood had been worried about the break in since this is a rare occurrence in our location.  Imagine how humiliating this was to have to admit to the whole community that it was an inside job, and their own grandchild broke in and stole from them?!?  It puts all our minds at rest, but I feel terrible for them.  I can say with no doubt that my 4 grandsons and 2 granddaughters would never, ever do something like that.  Their parents can be proud of them and I let my son and daughter know it. 🥰




Wow, that’s terrible that their own grandchild would be in on the robbery. 

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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!


Have a great weekend!


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack

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7 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

Relaxing in the garden.


Just seeing your lovely space soothes me - I'll be in one those chairs behind you, just holler or wave if you need anything 😎

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Good Morning Everyone,  thanks for today's daily fleet report.   Work has been busy and we are finally bringing one back online one of the hospitals that had the cyber event.   Hopefully more next week. This morning I made a Market Basket run and stocked up on a lot spending more than I realized.  It adds up all too quickly. 

@StLouisCruisers that's sad what the grandchild did.

@marshhawk I keep thinking of getting that tshirt for DH. He's a batman fan.

Jasper on the hunt and training Zander. 


Zander looking for a snack. 



Mona says its time for bed.


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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the  Fleet Report and Daily.  Three nice days to celebrate.

Great quote by Marley..

I loved Simon and Garfunkel

I have not been to Kos.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Marinated Pineapple Spears, Basil Crusted Veal Rack, and Tiramisu as lserved on MS Prinsendam Junee 1, 2015.

A chilly start to the day but it will warm up.  I’ve been out for my walk and will leave mid-day for UPS mail, grocery, and fire house..



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit!

3 good days to acknowledge. Awesome quote. I like good egg salad. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Kos. I remember the song Mrs. Robinson very well.


Another cold start here in the low 40's, but going up to 81F. Yesterday, although I wasn't at BFF's house more than 5 hours, I got a lot done. I must have been tired when I got home, as I fell asleep for about 30 minutes in the early evening. But then later I slept 2.5 hours in the recliner. And still slept last night. I was very stiff this morning, and my knee is pretty painful. I may put off doing laundry, to avoid the multiple trips up and down the steps. I have a good book, so I may just be in the recliner reading. Lots going on in town this weekend; Kenny Chesney concert, the Pride parade today, and the 2 week long arts festival starting (for which it always rains!).


@Mr. Boston Bon Voyage!

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you had decent weather for Helsinki. How awful about that neighbor's break-in being an inside job by the grandson and his associates. 

@grapau27 I hope you're feeling well today. Lovely poppies.

@rafinmd I'm glad the pain from the extraction has been tolerable.

@Crazy For Cats Thanks for stopping in. I know you have your hands full at work with those cyber events.

@Vict0riann I was sorry to learn of the positive biopsy. I hope you can get scheduled soon for the lumpectomy, and that that is all that is required for treatment.

@smitty34877 Thinking of Tana, and I hope you are getting some rest.

@kazu I hope you have less pain and can get some answers soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit.  Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'll remind my son about Children's Day, although he's working away from home this week and will have to celebrate it with his boys when he returns late tomorrow.  Not sure what we'll do to celebrate Global Parents Day, but I'm sure I can come up with something!  I performed the Heimlich Maneuver on a BHB passenger as we were sailing out of Venice a few years ago.


A clear sky with sunshine and the ever-present wind is what I see when I look out the computer room window.  I think we've got a current temp of 10C (50) and an expected high of 21 (69) which will be nice.  I wish the wind would gust a little more so it shakes all the pollen off the spruce trees around our place - yesterday I dusted everything on the deck twice because there was so much pollen.  Today I'm going to use the vacuum to do the cushions on the furniture, rather than pushing it into the fibres by dusting.


@Vict0riannI'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis; hopefully the lumpectomy will take care of the issue for you.

@Mr. BostonBon Voyage; I hope you have a wonderful cruise and can really relax before your move out and move in.


Yesterday was interesting; in the afternoon our friend Ollie dropped over just after I'd finished baking a brownie (coincidence?  I'm not sure!), so we sat on the deck enjoying brownies and ice cream and coffee.  She said she had found another few boxes that she wanted to get rid of, but said she'd like us to go through them to see if there was anything there that Gord had collected that we might want.  We went over and of course, DH was in his glory, going through "stuff".  LOL   I wasn't terribly interested, because lots of it was technical gear, walkie-talkies, old calculators, etc.  There was an old wooden cigar box that Ollie said just had junk and some old coins in it that she was going to put in the donation pile.  I told her I wanted to just go through it in case there were some foreign coins I could give to our grandsons.  Oh my.  There was an envelope in there containing an appraisal for a man's gold and diamond ring, and as I dug into the collection of coins, found a little box.  Inside was a beautiful gold ring with a large centre diamond that in 1982, according to the appraisal, was worth well over $5,000.  And she was going to put it in the donation pile . . . . .   It makes us wonder what he had in the storage unit that she stopped paying for when he died!  


We were expecting DH's son and another fellow to come over today to work on our back steps, but he called last night saying he decided to postpone it till next weekend.  I guess so.  There's nothing we can do about it, but wait; either that or pay the high price for a professional to do it.


The drink of the day sounds good, but heavy, like it would be a dessert.  I'll pass on the wine, and haven't had a good egg salad sandwich in ages, as DH doesn't care for eggs.  I've got some pork chops thawing that will be breaded and cooked in the air fryer and served along with asparagus and potato salad on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in the path of devastating storms and fires.   Cheers to all who have celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Rabbit, rabbit, grey rabbit. (Does anyone remember the unlicensed bus service by that name that ran up and down the west coast?)


I'm not sure about the juxtaposition of international children's day and the global day of parents. I've been trained in the Heimlich Maneuver.


I have the ingredients for egg salad but I might make a tofu, imitation egg, salad instead. The key is not to load it up with mustard and turmeric; a little to take away the extreme whiteness is good, but enough to make it look like egg salad would make it taste strongly of mustard and turmeric. Instead, add a shake of Himalayan black salt, which imparts the slight sulfurous character that will make everyone think of eggs.


The drink might be OK for dessert, but I don't love tequila and would substitute something else. For yet another SB, Hosmer Estate 2021. "The nose is of rich meyer lemon and coconut cream, leading to lime blossom and cherimoya on the palate. The finish is rich, carried by soft tropicals and notes of jasmine," $22. Kos was not in my 2022 itinerary on the Norwegian Jade, and I don't even know where in Greece it's hiding.


Yesterday I was thinking about packing for the conference in July, and that led to thinking about packing for the Panama Canal cruise in December. Especially, I was wondering whether my distaste for airline baggage fees would persuade me to use only carry-on baggage. (This is only a consideration for the outbound flight, to Miami.)  My first cruise, in 2018, was with bags that could have been carried on, although I actually checked one. That came about through dislocating my shoulder right before; the ortho doc said I could go if I packed light, checked the main bag, and kept my cabin bag light enough to place overhead using just one hand.


The cruise in on NCL, which has no formal nights and has a passable laundry service, both of which help. School will be in session and there will be two class sessions during the cruise. My iPad mini is sufficient for attending classes online, but if I have to give a presentation on one of those days, I might have to take a laptop computer.


Camera gear is also an issue. For travel in scenic areas I usually take a DSLR and multiple lenses, but when photography won't be so prominent, I use just my phone. Would I regret not having the range of camera equipment?


This afternoon I'll be helping at my former organization's booth at the community Pride Festival. The synagogue celebrates Pride Shabbat at the end of the month, closer to the anniversary of Stonewall.



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🐇🐰🐇. Happy June!  
Love the quote!  💗
Another lovely day, sunny and low 80s. I walked twice yesterday and it was calming…. had a very nice day, a pleasant meditation class with singing bowls, a fun chorale show on campus last evening… so why could I not sleep?  Oh well, it’s a new day and I’m grateful for that!  

🎉 Bon Voyage @Mr. Boston!  Great you have this break while in the throes of moving. Hoping the cruise is everything you want it to be. 


@smitty34877 Glad you are enjoying some respite. 🌺

@Vict0riann I’m sorry you have to add this to your plate!  We’ll be with you!  Smooth travels for Pat and happy visit! 

Thanks Vanessa for the lists. Blessings lifting for all our Dailyites needs. 
Toasts to all celebrating 🥂

Safe and smooth travels to all away 🛳️✈️🚘


Annie, I woke up thinking of you and Chuck. Extra hugs today. 

We continue on our post eye surgery regime for DH’s glaucoma. DH checks eye pressures before most of the 4x/day “massages” and every now and then he has a new low reading! Not every day but it’s encouraging. So maybe in time that eye will stabilize where they want it? … we’re not there yet but not giving up. So many here have dealt with long recoveries, you help me keep positive!  Thanks for your support!  

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37 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Mona says its time for bed.



Your Mona looks a lot like my Mona (Lisa), although I can't see whether there's a white blaze on the chest. Mona Lisa goes up to bed before I do and then yells at me that it's bedtime.

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3 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


Your Mona looks a lot like my Mona (Lisa), although I can't see whether there's a white blaze on the chest. Mona Lisa goes up to bed before I do and then yells at me that it's bedtime.

Mona is all black with a touch of silver.

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Three great days to honor!  I will pass on the meal (eggs!!) and the drink and the wine and never been to Kos.  A very deep quote that I seem to not have in my life.  But that is ok!!  I am a great Simon and Garfunkel fan.




Great day yesterday as my surgeon was very pleased with my progress.  In fact, we will skip the 6 week post op and I won't return until August.  I confirmed with him that I still can't bend, lift or twist until 6 weeks nor can I go back to the gym and that, yes, the entire spinous process on L2 was removed (so I sort of have a "hole" there in my spine 🥴).  And he took out the stitches from where the drain was.  Thank goodness as it was irritating me!!  After the 6 week mark, I can slowly increase what I do as long as I feel comfortable with doing whatever it is.  I may wait to return to the gym as I am a little gun shy that I might screw things up.  But walking or maybe even some easy hiking might be on the agenda.  3 more weeks!!  To be honest, this back surgery has been the easiest of the 3 that I have had.  I am surprised - very surprised - and I think I was worried for nothing.  But I prepared myself for it so diligently - increasing core and leg strength - as much as I could.




The call from the insurance company was a "how are you doing after surgery" call and wanted to know if I needed anything.  I told her I had been thinking about the 30 days of meal delivery right after surgery since I was admitted but decided I would not take advantage of that perk as I don't need it.  It was a nice call.




It was in the news yesterday, 2 more young children (< 5yo) nearly drowned just hours apart in NW Tucson.  CPR had to be done on both and they both are in the hospital.  You can't take your eyes of children around pools or spas.


@StLouisCruisers so sad about the inside job.  I understand the betrayal as my youngest did the same to me years ago.  Without going into it, after she finally stole my car and I found her 6 months later, that was the last straw.  I pressed charges and she went to prison for a year.   Drugs will do that to a person.

@Mr. Boston Bon Voyage!!  Have a great time!!

@Vict0riann Sorry to hear about your biopsy results and hope that all goes well with the removal.

@kazu I hope your foot is getting better.

@grapau27 Those are lovely poppies!!!!




Everyone have a very nice day.

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Good morning from a partly sunny central Texas.  It is 72F with  95% humidity and a dew point of 70F.  Our high today will be 88F.  Rain was predicted for about this time, but I think it missed us.  There is rain predicted off and on tomorrow, but that may not materialize with, and hopefully Monday's rain will not arrive either.  Since it's not supposed to rain today, I will get the mowing out of the way.


International Children's Day and Global Day of Parents are important days.  The Heimlich Maneuver has saved many lives.


I like the loooong quote from Bob Marley.


I like egg salad sandwiches, but my egg salad was not good, so I'll check out Debbie's @dfish recipes.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


While we have visited many wonderful Greek ports, we have not been to Kos.


An interesting day in music history with the release of the single "Mrs. Robinson".  Now, I'll have that song in my head all day.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, what a sad turn of events finding out it was the grandson and his friends who robbed your neighbors.  I'm glad the weather cooperated in Helsinki.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad al you needed were four ibuprofen after the extraction.

@Mr. Boston  Congratulations on selling the condo and buying a house in Wells, ME.  Relax and enjoy your cruise.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope your back feels better soon.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope you find a purse that is exactly what you are looking for.  Sorry the dice were unkind to you last night.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope June is a much better month for you and Chuck @catmando

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, thanks for checking in, and I hope the other hospitals are back online soon.  I loved the pictures of the cats.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm amazed at your recovery, and I'm glad you are sleeping well.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm so glad you went through Gord's box of treasures.

@kochleffel  Paul, I laughed at Mona Lisa going up to bed, then calling you.  Our mini dachshund Brandy would put herself to bed.  She'd jump on the bed and then burrow under the covers and get to her spot near the foot of the bed.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I'm glad the surgeon was pleased with your recovery.  I'm sorry that your youngest betrayed you, and you had to press charges.















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Today's sunrise is the last from my 2013 Blount cruise from New Orleans to St. Petersburg.  On June 1 the Silver Meteor was probably in Northern Virginia when the sun rose.





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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We had a sad email from our neighborhood Pod captain.  It seems a couple on the other street in our Pod went on vacation . While away someone broke into their home and stole both their cars and other items of value in the home.  They found the location of one of the cars through the Find My Car app on their phone.  The police had a chase involving one of the cars, an SUV, which was totaled when the culprits ran into 7 other vehicles along the way.  The second car was found in okay shape. 


Who did it?  The older couple's grandson and some of his "associates". 😲 People in the neighborhood had been worried about the break in since this is a rare occurrence in our location.  Imagine how humiliating this was to have to admit to the whole community that it was an inside job, and their own grandchild broke in and stole from them?!?  It puts all our minds at rest, but I feel terrible for them.  I can say with no doubt that my 4 grandsons and 2 granddaughters would never, ever do something like that.  Their parents can be proud of them and I let my son and daughter know it. 🥰





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Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit.🐇

Good morning, all! June has arrived with rain, but I’m not complaining. We’ve been getting enough rain to lower the fire hazard a bit, but not enough to cause flooding. I take that as a win! 
Thank you all,for the anniversary wishes a couple of days ago. We were traveling over to the island, and service was good enough to read but not to post. @Vict0riann, I’m so sorry for the positive results. Best wishes that it’s easily and fully removable. @StLouisCruisers, that’s so sad about your neighbours. As terrible as the property loss and feeling of invasion is, the feeling of betrayal would be far worse! 
yesterday was spent defrosting and cleaning the fridge and freezers. That was so fast and easy to say, but one thing leads to another and in the end it took all day and was exhausting. Today we’re taking a day off. Tomorrow we have company for dinner. The husband is on his last day of work today, and tomorrow we celebrate his retirement. He’s the last of us to be set free!

Happy Saturday, everyone, and may your upcoming June involve a BHB at some point!

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Good morning 

Happy Saturday.

Didn’t post yesterday because I was so busy with many things.  I just got so tired.  Ended up going to bed early.

@Vict0riann  I am so sorry to read of your biopsy results. I hope that you can be treated quickly and the lumpectomy is all that you need.  Prayers for you.


Thank you Vanessa for adding me to the cares list.   I am doing a bit better since the injection.  I have to find a PT facility that I am happy with.  Will do so in the next week or so.


I hope everyone is doing well and having a great weekend.

God Bless,


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My Thursday/Friday medical visits were quite a vareid lot.  My major issue for the Primary doctor was a soreness and weakness in my left hip.  He did a lot of feeling, pushing, and pulling thought it was most likely bursitis.  He ordered an x-ray and a course of prednizone to see if that helped.  It was late and I did not do anything about the followups.

The extraction was quite straightforward.  Since I knew I would not be good for much for a few hours after the extraction I swung by radiology for the hip x-ray.  That was pretty quick, and I had several hours at home not good for much, and was quite tired in the evening.

When I head off on afternoon errands there is a cancer prescription waiting at the UPS store and several more at the grocery pharmacy, the prednasone and at least 2 from the oral surgeon.  I will not pick up the opoid pain medicine they gave me.


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