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I GIVE UP......

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2 hours ago, Mikew0805 said:

Understand, I am very sad with you. I also booked through Casino Royale and at least they are honoring the comps and allowing them to be moved... which is more than they normally do.


I find that keeping them booked gives me something to look forward to.


Hang in there... 

Agreed, and given you have to reschedule before end February I’m hoping they know something we don’t otherwise we will be back at square one moving them all again 😉

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3 hours ago, Mikew0805 said:

Nah.. a simple Excel spread sheet works just fine for keeping track. 


3 hours ago, Iamcruzin said:

 The OP is using post it notes on the computer monitor.  The only spreadsheet I ever needed was for the Drink package calculator.

Spreadsheets work quite well.  Calculates price paid and payments made, credit card used.

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5 hours ago, EscapeFromConnecticut said:

Some reality:

   1. COVID doesn't care about "optimism." 
   2.  COVID isn't defeated by pretending it has gone away ... or by dismissing cold truths with the witless reply of "Debbie downers!! doom and gloom!"
   3. There have been a few posters on CC who've consistently cautioned against baseless "optimism" - week after week, ever since March. Those posts have been based on evidence. Every time.
   4.  But more than a few CC members have still gone ahead & booked, even though every fact available warned that the cruise would probably never happen.
   5.  Some of those "optimists" have been posting pretty much the same thing every few weeks: "Cruising is sure to start again." They just change the month each time: First the CDC will rescind the No Sail Order in April, then Trump will override it in May, then surely the cruise lines will be going again in June, then "August 1 looks good."  Now they're all about October.
   6. The ugly truth is that nothing has changed since February. Nothing. There's no cure, no symptom treatment, no vaccine, not even a deeply reliable test. And despite having three months, cruise executives still haven't figured out how to arrange cruises safely enough to meet public health guidelines.
    7. All of that suggests only one rational conclusion: Don't bank on cruising any time soon. If surprise good news should surface, that's great ... we can intelligently book cruises after that. Because the evidence will tell us to be optimistic. But right now, that's not the case.
     If you want to avoid disappointment forget the lies about "we're reopening, we're on our way back to normal."  Forget hydroxychloroquine. Forget "it will go away like a miracle." Concentrate on the evidence.

This is one of those "truth" or "reality" statements that seem very taboo in today's culture.

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9 hours ago, 3red7s said:

I know that the Covid has controlled much of our lives lately.  My hubby and I are Diamond + & both members of the Club Royale.  I have had 5 cruises cancelled since the Covid, as i am sure, some others have.  I am throwing in the towel......I am so sick of booking, being hopeful, only to have my cruise cancelled.  My computer is full of post its, trying to track the refunds that I am getting.  Although we truly love and miss cruising, we are just not going to do it anymore....



Bye.  Sorry we'll never meet.

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I've had 3 cruises cancelled thus far this year (and fully expected them to be).  For those 3 I played "chicken" with Royal, Princess and Carnival.  Took a refund on 2  (took 70 days) and a 125% FCC on one.


I've cleared my 2020 calendar of any cruises.  I did a lift-and-shift on the remaining Royal and Celebrity ones.  My next cruise (?) is on the books for December 2021 and I wouldn't take bets on even that.  If something changes between now and then, like (yay) an effective vaccine... I'll be first in line to book something.  Until then... YMMV.

Edited by mk-ultra
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9 hours ago, EscapeFromConnecticut said:

Some reality:

   1. COVID doesn't care about "optimism." 
   2.  COVID isn't defeated by pretending it has gone away ... or by dismissing cold truths with the witless reply of "Debbie downers!! doom and gloom!"
   3. There have been a few posters on CC who've consistently cautioned against baseless "optimism" - week after week, ever since March. Those posts have been based on evidence. Every time.
   4.  But more than a few CC members have still gone ahead & booked, even though every fact available warned that the cruise would probably never happen.
   5.  Some of those "optimists" have been posting pretty much the same thing every few weeks: "Cruising is sure to start again." They just change the month each time: First the CDC will rescind the No Sail Order in April, then Trump will override it in May, then surely the cruise lines will be going again in June, then "August 1 looks good."  Now they're all about October.
   6. The ugly truth is that nothing has changed since February. Nothing. There's no cure, no symptom treatment, no vaccine, not even a deeply reliable test. And despite having three months, cruise executives still haven't figured out how to arrange cruises safely enough to meet public health guidelines.
    7. All of that suggests only one rational conclusion: Don't bank on cruising any time soon. If surprise good news should surface, that's great ... we can intelligently book cruises after that. Because the evidence will tell us to be optimistic. But right now, that's not the case.
     If you want to avoid disappointment forget the lies about "we're reopening, we're on our way back to normal."  Forget hydroxychloroquine. Forget "it will go away like a miracle." Concentrate on the evidence.

Excellent post.

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I retired last year and moved from California to Florida (love it). Having 4 cruise ports here we were very excited, however we got one cruise in and then Covid hit.  So far have had 2 cancellations, the next booked is in April 2021.  Looking forward to getting back on a ship.  We will get there.


Stay Safe


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Only have 2 booked,.................... September 2021 and March 2022. Once Covid19 started back in March, I looked at it being a realist..................No safe cruising until aleast 12- 18 months from when all of this started.


To think otherwise you were  just dreaming. This is very serious, until you all realize this you are just kidding yourself.

Edited by Jimbo
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9 hours ago, EscapeFromConnecticut said:

Some reality:

   1. COVID doesn't care about "optimism." 
   2.  COVID isn't defeated by pretending it has gone away ... or by dismissing cold truths with the witless reply of "Debbie downers!! doom and gloom!"
   3. There have been a few posters on CC who've consistently cautioned against baseless "optimism" - week after week, ever since March. Those posts have been based on evidence. Every time.
   4.  But more than a few CC members have still gone ahead & booked, even though every fact available warned that the cruise would probably never happen.
   5.  Some of those "optimists" have been posting pretty much the same thing every few weeks: "Cruising is sure to start again." They just change the month each time: First the CDC will rescind the No Sail Order in April, then Trump will override it in May, then surely the cruise lines will be going again in June, then "August 1 looks good."  Now they're all about October.
   6. The ugly truth is that nothing has changed since February. Nothing. There's no cure, no symptom treatment, no vaccine, not even a deeply reliable test. And despite having three months, cruise executives still haven't figured out how to arrange cruises safely enough to meet public health guidelines.
    7. All of that suggests only one rational conclusion: Don't bank on cruising any time soon. If surprise good news should surface, that's great ... we can intelligently book cruises after that. Because the evidence will tell us to be optimistic. But right now, that's not the case.
     If you want to avoid disappointment forget the lies about "we're reopening, we're on our way back to normal."  Forget hydroxychloroquine. Forget "it will go away like a miracle." Concentrate on the evidence.

Good post.


I've noticed the people who a few weeks ago were sure their August cruises would be a go, and were "hopeful people" have gone quiet.  I'm sure they have September/October bookings but maybe they're becoming more realistic than hopeful.  

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43 minutes ago, bouhunter said:

Good post.


I've noticed the people who a few weeks ago were sure their August cruises would be a go, and were "hopeful people" have gone quiet.  I'm sure they have September/October bookings but maybe they're becoming more realistic than hopeful.  

I have already had 3 cruises cancelled and fully expect our cruise on Harmony in October will be cancelled. I have 4 cruises booked next year between January thru July and I am already starting to think these cruises are in jeopardy too. 

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I'm with you,partially. I do not plan on booking anything til cruising starts again. 

I am frustrated by the refund policy, or lack of. I can not understand all this piece meal refunds. I have multiple refunds of $11.80. And the lack of them applying my fcc to a future cruise. 

Why couldn't they just refund everything in one shot. Go one by one and do refunds. Completely. How can it be time saving and cost effective to give me 10 refunds(on 2 cruises) and still owe me a balance. 

If they they did it one by one completely, the hot topic would be what date are they on for refunds. And you could almost guess when you were gonna get hour money. 

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8 hours ago, Spurschick said:

Agreed, and given you have to reschedule before end February I’m hoping they know something we don’t otherwise we will be back at square one moving them all again 😉

I know... I keep thinking that if/when this moves further, they are going to need to extend that Feb time frame. I can't take all the cruises I have and smash them into Jan/Feb LOL

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We really have something to complain about! 

Cancelled cruises and tracking our refunds.

We should be ashamed of ourselves.

122,000 plus have died during this short time. More wiil die before cruising starts. 

Think of the people who lost their love ones. 

Go back and rethink your frustration. 

May God Bless those that really suffered. Amen!

Edited by Oxo
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15 hours ago, 3red7s said:

I know that the Covid has controlled much of our lives lately.  My hubby and I are Diamond + & both members of the Club Royale.  I have had 5 cruises cancelled since the Covid, as i am sure, some others have.  I am throwing in the towel......I am so sick of booking, being hopeful, only to have my cruise cancelled.  My computer is full of post its, trying to track the refunds that I am getting.  Although we truly love and miss cruising, we are just not going to do it anymore....


Same with us  Enough is enough

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16 hours ago, 3red7s said:

I know that the Covid has controlled much of our lives lately.  My hubby and I are Diamond + & both members of the Club Royale.  I have had 5 cruises cancelled since the Covid, as i am sure, some others have.  I am throwing in the towel......I am so sick of booking, being hopeful, only to have my cruise cancelled.  My computer is full of post its, trying to track the refunds that I am getting.  Although we truly love and miss cruising, we are just not going to do it anymore....


Hang in there, no pandemic has ever lasted forever.  This too will end.  We just need to sacrifice and do what is needed to help curb the spread to get it under control.  I know the last 4 months have seemed a lifetime, but our ancestors have endured more with steely reserve. We can do this!  The 1918 pandemic lasted more than 2 years, but we have better science, better knowledge. We have the greatest minds, not just in the US, but in the world working on vaccines and therapeutics.  We will conquer and be out on the beautiful blue ocean eventually.  It is going to take awhile to understand and conquer this horrible worldwide disease, but we will get there.



Edited by cured
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14 hours ago, EscapeFromConnecticut said:

Some reality:

   1. COVID doesn't care about "optimism." 
   2.  COVID isn't defeated by pretending it has gone away ... or by dismissing cold truths with the witless reply of "Debbie downers!! doom and gloom!"
   3. There have been a few posters on CC who've consistently cautioned against baseless "optimism" - week after week, ever since March. Those posts have been based on evidence. Every time.
   4.  But more than a few CC members have still gone ahead & booked, even though every fact available warned that the cruise would probably never happen.
   5.  Some of those "optimists" have been posting pretty much the same thing every few weeks: "Cruising is sure to start again." They just change the month each time: First the CDC will rescind the No Sail Order in April, then Trump will override it in May, then surely the cruise lines will be going again in June, then "August 1 looks good."  Now they're all about October.
   6. The ugly truth is that nothing has changed since February. Nothing. There's no cure, no symptom treatment, no vaccine, not even a deeply reliable test. And despite having three months, cruise executives still haven't figured out how to arrange cruises safely enough to meet public health guidelines.
    7. All of that suggests only one rational conclusion: Don't bank on cruising any time soon. If surprise good news should surface, that's great ... we can intelligently book cruises after that. Because the evidence will tell us to be optimistic. But right now, that's not the case.
     If you want to avoid disappointment forget the lies about "we're reopening, we're on our way back to normal."  Forget hydroxychloroquine. Forget "it will go away like a miracle." Concentrate on the evidence.

A voice of reality. Thank you.


The only thing I disagree with is #7.  There have been changes. Vaccines are in phase 3 trials showing very promising results.  Both the Moderna mRNA vaccine and the Oxford vaccine based on the ChAdOx1 virus are showing great promise.


Oxford/AstraZeneca have been able to completely eradicate covid in monkeys. Now they have started trialing in hard hit Brazil and South Africa and predict they will have a market ready version within the next 6-8 months. The scientists have way more knowledge how the virus works than they did in February, allowing progress on developing therapeutics and vaccines.


The only thing we need to realize, you don't eradicate a pandemic in 4 months, 6 months, or even a year, even with a vaccine. It will take time.

Edited by cured
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12 hours ago, crazyank said:

Wow!  can you be anymore of a downer?

If one manages their expectations within the scope of reality, one tends to be less disappointed as their expectations were not miscalculated.


It is extremely frustrating, but in the scope of worldwide pandemics, 4-5 months is just the beginning.


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17 hours ago, soremekun said:

I think as a treatment or vaccine becomes widely available, things will slowly open back up.

That is fine if you are young and healthy but for those of us who are elderly and have medical issues it may not be an option,

My wife and I desired to do one more cruise which was going to be December of this year which we cancelled.I fear that we have taken our last cruise.

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I have a semi-philosophical approach to all this COVID19 driven cruise book-and-shift, or book-and-FCC, or book-and-refund.


First, we decided when we were WILLING to cruise, and that was after a vaccine is distributed.  So, April 2021 looked like a good time to put a stake in the ocean, so to speak.


I cancelled and got a refund on 2 cruises (waiting for one refund), cancelled and FCC'd another, and cancelled and moved a deposit on a Princess cruise, then moved the deposit again.  All our cruises are now between late 3/2021 and 3/2022.  


Now, we sit and wait.  Meanwhile, I keep track of pricing, and look for alternatives if we have to cancel any of our current bookings.


To me it's just a modified version of my usual cruise planning.

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I feel your frustration but Im not giving up.  I booked Harmony of the Seas over 400 days out only to have Hurricane Dorian completely ruin my plans.  I took the FCC and booked Ovation to Alaska about 350 days out only to have COVID 19 completely ruin my plans.  I had it lifted and shifted to September 10 2021.   If I cant somehow squeeze a short cruise in between now and September 2021, which isnt looking promising, it will be 1431 days from my last cruise to the next.  That is IF the September 2021 cruise goes off as planned.  I cant throw in the towel.  If I do, I lose about 1800.00 in cruise credits.  

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