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4 minutes ago, lincslady said:

My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.

At last, so pleased for you both. Both Frank and I had the AZ vaccine and we didn't have any bad side effects, just felt a little tired and achey. A couple of paracetamol, a good nights sleep and we we're right as rain the next day.


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15 minutes ago, lincslady said:

Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



Great news that the RAF have vaccinated you both.  That is certainly more unusual and I’m sure the experience is a talking point for you both......

Gill x

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13 minutes ago, lincslady said:

Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



Excellent news. I’m so relieved for you. Although all three of my wife, my daughter and me had an adverse reaction to the AZ vaccine, they were short lived. My daughter felt very poorly indeed around 12 hours after the jab and it lasted most of the next day, but I have read that younger people can often get worse reactions. I just had a headache and stiff neck for 24 hours and a very sore arm for 4 days. My wife has MS and it affected her motor functionality for a day or so, but then recovered, so hopefully if your husband gets a reaction it should be short lived. Like everyone, we considered all of the reactions to be a very small price to pay for the incredible relief at being vaccinated after a dreadful year. I have heard it said that it is wise to take a couple of paracetamol in advance of the onset of any side effects and the info leaflet recommends paracetamol, so no harm done. 

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59 minutes ago, lincslady said:

Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



I am absolutely delighted for you, lincslady - you've waited long enough.


Wonderful news.😃

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48 minutes ago, Angel57 said:

Great news that the RAF have vaccinated you both.  That is certainly more unusual and I’m sure the experience is a talking point for you both......

Gill x

I wonder if we can request a fireman or two for the next one?🤣

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Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and advice.  So far so good - will take paracetamol at bedtime and hope for the best.  I am, truly, not a hypochondriac, having had a few quite serious problems in the past, just concerned about being able to look after my other half.



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1 hour ago, lincslady said:

Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



Fantastic!  Your post has made my day. How different from last week when your situation seemed pretty hopeless.  Your MP must surely have intervened on your behalf and quite right too.  I hope you are both free from side-effects.  Jane.x

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2 hours ago, lincslady said:

Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



Pleased to hear you have both had your vaccination. 

My mother (88) wasn't sure if she had a headache or not (!), hubby had shivers and very tired and I had not symptoms at all, and we all had the Astra Zeneca jab.

Wishing you both the best.

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2 hours ago, lincslady said:

Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



That's great news. I can think of one or 2 posters who deserve to have the SAS drop round. Hope you get no adverse reaction.

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3 hours ago, lincslady said:

Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



We were vaccinated just over two weeks ago, pre-vaccination “interview” carried out by 2 members of armed forces,  vaccine given by a senior fire officer. We had the AZ we both had a sore arm and felt tired a headache with aching joints for around 36 hours, paracetamol relieved the symptoms and drank plenty of liquids. We just read or watched TV during the day, with the occasional nap. 

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3 hours ago, lincslady said:

we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca. 

Great stuff , I bet you didn't see that coming :classic_wink: Try not to worry about side 

effects , lots of people get nothing and there's nothing to say you will not be 

the same .I had the Astra Zeneca same as you , no good getting wound up expecting 

a reaction ,that way you will feel ill. Keep your paracetamol handy just in case and 

with luck you should not need them .

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3 hours ago, lincslady said:

Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



Great news at last for you both.


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3 hours ago, lincslady said:

Calm down, chaps.  I think many of us are getting very twitchy about everything, unsurprisingly.


My news is - we have just been vaccinated by two very personable young RAF Doctors, female, in their camouflage outfits and big brown boots.  It was Astra Zeneca.  I will report back if any serious side effects - I don't mind slight ones, but anything severe  would be a problem with husband needing to be looked after.



Well done what a weight off you mind, you must be flying high, hope you don't have any side effects, we had AZ and apart from an odd sniffle and an achey arm all was well, they do say that if jabbed by the RAF you should keep away from high buildings in case you think you are a spitfire, I think Aldi do a nice range of parachutes, they are on the pickle aisle if you can't find them.

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I was reading about people who are claiming that they have managed to 

get their jab by claiming they are a carer when they are not . From what I

can gather they apply claiming to be a carer ,get the appointment and 

then upon arrival ,they claim that they have forgot their ID/proof  and 

get the nurses to feel sorry take pity and get the jab . I think this claim 

is for the big hubs , the news papers claim these people are boasting 

on social media how they have fiddled the system . Not very nice if true 

when we have genuine people as we have seen on here struggling to get

appointments . I was wondering if any of our NHS  jabbers had been made

aware of this situation and had put things in place to thwart such things

happening in their vaccine hubs ?  The only thing I take comfort in , is the 

very fact they are at least getting the jab ,but it does not make it right .





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5 minutes ago, kalos said:

I was reading about people who are claiming that they have managed to 

get their jab by claiming they are a carer when they are not . From what I

can gather they apply claiming to be a carer ,get the appointment and 

then upon arrival ,they claim that they have forgot their ID/proof  and 

get the nurses to feel sorry take pity and get the jab . I think this claim 

is for the big hubs , the news papers claim these people are boasting 

on social media how they have fiddled the system . Not very nice if true 

when we have genuine people as we have seen on here struggling to get

appointments . I was wondering if any of our NHS  jabbers had been made

aware of this situation and had put things in place to thwart such things

happening in their vaccine hubs ?  The only thing I take comfort in , is the 

very fact they are at least getting the jab ,but it does not make it right .





One thing I can say as a nurse vaccinator is that we jab the people sitting in front of us.  We are not  the people who decide if someone should have a vaccination or not.  There is a whole process around that and its decided well before they sit down in front of me to get jabbed.  The only thing we are checking is that the person I am about to vaccinate is who they say they are based on their demographics. 


We don't check the validity of them getting the vaccination.  That role is someone elses.

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18 minutes ago, Dinglebert said:

One thing I can say as a nurse vaccinator is that we jab the people sitting in front of us.  We are not  the people who decide if someone should have a vaccination or not.  There is a whole process around that and its decided well before they sit down in front of me to get jabbed.  The only thing we are checking is that the person I am about to vaccinate is who they say they are based on their demographics. 


We don't check the validity of them getting the vaccination.  That role is someone elses.


Thanks for the reply Dinglebert , I think I worded that wrong , should have been

"the powers that be " point of contact before they reach you but was wondering

if any of you were aware this or had been made aware this had happened ?

I'm sure it must be a small minority . Thank you for your reply and keep on jabbing

you and others are doing a great job with this vaccine program .:classic_love:

Take care and stay safe .





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4 minutes ago, kalos said:


Thanks for the reply Dinglebert , I think I worded that wrong , should have been

"the powers that be " point of contact before they reach you but was wondering

if any of you were aware this had been aware this had happened ? I'm sure it 

must be a small minority . Thank you for your reply and keep on jabbing you and

others are doing a great job with this vaccine program .:classic_love:

Take care and stay safe .


A distant relative of ours claims he did this to get his appointment, I will be interested to hear if he actually got his jab.

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2 minutes ago, kalos said:


Thanks for the reply Dinglebert , I think I worded that wrong , should have been

"the powers that be " point of contact before they reach you but was wondering

if any of you were aware this had been aware this had happened ? I'm sure it 

must be a small minority . Thank you for your reply and keep on jabbing you and

others are doing a great job with this vaccine program .:classic_love:

Take care and stay safe .


I will try to make this not sound rude! 


My primary role is to ensure I give a safe vaccination to the member of the public sitting in front of me.  I must check if it is safe to give that specific person a vaccination based on their history.  I then need to make sure that I actually carry it out in a safe manner.  There will be some people where it is safer they get the vaccine in hospital, others (usually people who faint), where we will adminster the vaccination away from public view while on a day bed.  I will tailor the experience as much as possible to the individual with me.  Some want to get out of there as fast as they can, others enjoy/need a bit of banter/conversation.  We need to guage each person individually for the short time they are with us.


If one or two people con the system and get jabbed quickly then so be it.  I can't and won't worry about it as it would be a distraction.  I can't get into the business of thinking the person in front of me doesn't deserve to be vaccinated now or to start questioning the system which got them to being next to me.


Perhaps the system needs tightened up before people get their jabs.  Not really my problem.  Given that over 20 million have got their first jabs then there will always be a problem somewhere within the process.

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Having just performed the marshalling role at the local vaccination centre the number of grumpy people turning up for vaccination has increased. Thankfully a very small minority. I'm not sure if its the change in demographics but there does seem to be more people want to find something to grumble about. For all future people to be vacinated please be nice to the marshals. Its not thier fault if parkings not free or if you need to change your face covering. Thank you.

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1 minute ago, Dinglebert said:

I will try to make this not sound rude! 


My primary role is to ensure I give a safe vaccination to the member of the public sitting in front of me.  I must check if it is safe to give that specific person a vaccination based on their history.  I then need to make sure that I actually carry it out in a safe manner.  There will be some people where it is safer they get the vaccine in hospital, others (usually people who faint), where we will adminster the vaccination away from public view while on a day bed.  I will tailor the experience as much as possible to the individual with me.  Some want to get out of there as fast as they can, others enjoy/need a bit of banter/conversation.  We need to guage each person individually for the short time they are with us.


If one or two people con the system and get jabbed quickly then so be it.  I can't and won't worry about it as it would be a distraction.  I can't get into the business of thinking the person in front of me doesn't deserve to be vaccinated now or to start questioning the system which got them to being next to me.


Perhaps the system needs tightened up before people get their jabs.  Not really my problem.  Given that over 20 million have got their first jabs then there will always be a problem somewhere within the process.


Too right your job is to jab and do not let anything distract you from it .

I was asking if any of the NHS staff  on here were aware and if anyone 

knew of it . Not a problem as I have said and you have said ,I think it's a 

small minority I was just curious that's all . Stay safe :classic_smile:

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6 minutes ago, mrbluesea said:

Having just performed the marshalling role at the local vaccination centre the number of grumpy people turning up for vaccination has increased. Thankfully a very small minority. I'm not sure if its the change in demographics but there does seem to be more people want to find something to grumble about. For all future people to be vacinated please be nice to the marshals. Its not thier fault if parkings not free or if you need to change your face covering. Thank you.


Thank you you guys are doing a great Job .:classic_love: I took my wife last Saturday for her jab 

and all the Marshall's we met were fantastic !  It was freezing outside but these guys

were smiling from ear to ear and a couple of them were doing a little tap dance around

the car park . As people left they would shout "See you in a few weeks time guys "

They were stars ! Goodness knows what they had put in their cuppa's :classic_wink:

I commented to the Mrs these guys could get a job doing Meet & Greet on the 

cruise ships they were so nice . Keep up the good work and keep safe :classic_smile:

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22 minutes ago, kalos said:


Too right your job is to jab and do not let anything distract you from it .

I was asking if any of the NHS staff  on here were aware and if anyone 

knew of it . Not a problem as I have said and you have said ,I think it's a 

small minority I was just curious that's all . Stay safe :classic_smile:

Hello Kalos. I hope you and Mrs K are both well. I have to admit to not being aware of this scam but it doesn't surprise me. Dinglebert is of course right in that it's the booking staff who make the appointments and the vaccinators just get the body in front of them. It's not right, but as you said previously, in such a large operation there are always going to be a few who slip through the net. What upsets me most is the fact that they are show-boating about it online. On the other hand, it's another person vaccinated albeit fraudulently. Lying gits! Take care both. Best wishes. Jane. X

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1 hour ago, kalos said:

I was reading about people who are claiming that they have managed to 

get their jab by claiming they are a carer when they are not . From what I

can gather they apply claiming to be a carer ,get the appointment and 

then upon arrival ,they claim that they have forgot their ID/proof  and 

get the nurses to feel sorry take pity and get the jab . I think this claim 

is for the big hubs , the news papers claim these people are boasting 

on social media how they have fiddled the system . Not very nice if true 

when we have genuine people as we have seen on here struggling to get

appointments . I was wondering if any of our NHS  jabbers had been made

aware of this situation and had put things in place to thwart such things

happening in their vaccine hubs ?  The only thing I take comfort in , is the 

very fact they are at least getting the jab ,but it does not make it right .





It happened at first at our local hub but now a security guard checks ID before you enter the building as well as proof of appointment.I felt sorry for an elderly chap who hadn't got any proof of appointment as he said he had been phoned by the GP.

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40 minutes ago, mrbluesea said:

Having just performed the marshalling role at the local vaccination centre the number of grumpy people turning up for vaccination has increased. Thankfully a very small minority. I'm not sure if its the change in demographics but there does seem to be more people want to find something to grumble about. For all future people to be vacinated please be nice to the marshals. Its not thier fault if parkings not free or if you need to change your face covering. Thank you.

Firstly mrbluesea thank you so much for marshalling.  Without the good, public-spirited and kind marshalls this huge operation would not have been possible. Sadly, I totally agree with your sentiments about the element of Mr & Mrs Grumpy, and entitled, that has crept in.


In the beginning, when we were vaccinating the very elderly they were lovely - thankful to be there, didn't moan about the weather, polite, and largely very sweet and kind. The demographic has changed dramatically, which is where the entitled have marched in. If it's any consolation to you, when I have been working as manager in overall charge of the session, I have asked a few people to leave when they've been unacceptably rude to one our marshalls. These were people who had turned up on spec at the end of the day demanding a vaccine because "you must have some left over and I'm not leaving until I get one".. I'm not a particularly combative person but I can’t bear bad manners and all our volunteers deserve our thanks and support. Thanks again for volunteering. Best wishes. Jane. X

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41 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Hello Kalos. I hope you and Mrs K are both well. I have to admit to not being aware of this scam but it doesn't surprise me. Dinglebert is of course right in that it's the booking staff who make the appointments and the vaccinators just get the body in front of them. It's not right, but as you said previously, in such a large operation there are always going to be a few who slip through the net. What upsets me most is the fact that they are show-boating about it online. On the other hand, it's another person vaccinated albeit fraudulently. Lying gits! Take care both. Best wishes. Jane. X

 My thoughts exactly ,one less to worry about but you and Dinglebert have answered my 

question ,you are not aware of it and chances are nor or the other jabbers .So I think it's minimal .

All of you, please keep safe & keep up the good work your doing a great job The hospital covid 

figures are tumbling around these parts .Rotherham ICU  covid related have now dropped to 

7 cases and I'm sure they will fall further due to all your jabbers ,who I have no doubt are 

part of the reason these figures fall .  Take care :classic_smile:       

                   A Very  Big  animated-thank-you-image-0111.gif.b78f0587b8e2eecdc1a1575e22dab6b0.gif:classic_love:






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