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The Daily for Sunday Mar 07, 2021


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Good Morning Everyone from a very windy and cool day at the beach.

      I was named after my Dad as was my brother. My mother loved the name " Charles". No one is named after me, in fact I rarely meet another " Charlene".

      Love the quote from Anne Frank. What an amazing and intelligent girl she was. She had such potential but she is still teaching and inspiring us all these years later.

    DH is putting Tbones on the grill today. Mashed potatoes and asparagus. Will be great.


    All the family is recovering. BIL still in hospital. No new cases that we know of.


Stay safe and be vigilant



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Good  morning. It  is  sunny  here  and  we  are  promised  40  degrees which  is  a  pleasure  after  several  windy  and  cold  days. I  think  of  my  namesake  often and  will  honor  her  formally. I  made  crown  roast  of  pork  only  once  for  a  special  dinner. The  butcher  very  kindly  supplied  me  with the  little  paper  things  to  put  on  the  ends.

Our  dinner  today  will  be the  current  soup  favorite shared  with  DD  and  SIL. We  call  it "Pasta  Fazool" just  to  be  ornery.

Just  thinking  about  Madagascar is  fun. I  looked  at  online  pictures and  loved  it.     Terry

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Good morning all. Making cinnamon buns to share with our daughters and their husbands this afternoon, outside in a lovely sheltered spot. Very sunny here but just barely above zero.


i was named after my paternal grandmother and her twin sister. I got the sister’s name first, Eva, and the grandmother’s name as a middle name, Margareta. Neither of my girls (twins) got any of those names, nor the name of my maternal grandmother. I broke tradition and chose totally different names. I, too, seldom run into someone named Eva but of course now I can hear it most days if I watch ABC news since Eva pilgrim is one of the reporters!

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Good morning everyone. My Hebrew name means life, but I realized this morning that I don’t know who I was named for. I think it was my grandmother’s mother who died before I was born.


I love the quote from Anne Frank. If she could be optimistic, so can we all. It’s almost spring and that brings a smile to me. Love the blossoms and the leaves returning to the trees.


I love oatmeal , and sometimes even have it for dinner. Our taxes info is all done and will be on the way to the accountant this week.One side of my closet has been cleaned out, first time in 7 years, and a donation will be made this week also.


Stay safe out there. It scares me that so many things are opening up before they should. I hope we won’t pay a price for that.



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Good Morning.

Thanks for the inspirational and fun thoughts for the day.


Roy,  In the 1950's, my parents took our family of 5 overnight on the Silver Meteor from NYC to Winter Haven, FL, and back to visit my mother's family in the winter.  My grandmother in her 80's took it back up to NYC in the summer well into the '60s to visit us.   I still remember the fun of the "roomette" and spending the whole trip looking out the window at the world going by and loving travel even then.  


Prayers and Cheers everyone.  Stay safe.



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Good morning.  I was named after my mother and both grandfathers.  My mother was Elizabeth, which was a name found throughout her mother’s family, and it is my first name.  My grandfathers were Leonard (Len) and David Albert (DA), which explains the spelling of my middle name.  I like cereal and will have it fairly often for breakfast, bunwill pass on the pork roast.


Anne Frank was an amazing person.  We were fortunate to visit “her” house when we were in Amsterdam.


Wish I could help with information about Madagascar, but that is one country we have not visited.  We had planned a cruise with friend that stopped there, but we cancelled the cruise when several ports were changed.  We’ll also be looking forward to learning about it.


@Seasick Sailor  Besides celebrating Texas Independence Day yesterday, it was also another important day in Texas’ fight for independence.  It was the 185th anniversary of the fall of the Alamo, which while tragic spurred the Texans to fight even harder using the battle cry, “Remember the Alamo”.



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I missed posting yesterday as I got busy in the kitchen and visiting with our son.


He brought over a new board game that he wanted us to try. It was a card and dice game called Sagrada (https://floodgate.games/products/sagrada) where the object is to construct stained glass windows. It was actually quite fun and would be worth checking out if you need a new game to help you through the lockdowns. I wonder if the name was inspired by Sagrada Familia? 


We grilled burgers and tried to replicate one from a favorite local burger joint (Red Cow). A local "fancy" grocery (Byerlys) had Wagu beef patties on sale. They were very good but I am not convinced they are really worth the extra cost. We topped them with Manchego cheese, prosciutto, piquillo peppers, and an aioli made with smoked paprika, garlic powder, and a bit of hot sauce all in a Brioche bun. Red Cow calls it a Barcelona Burger (perhaps a fortuitous choice considering the game we were playing). Our version was a definite winner! 


I also made "St. James Baked Beans" which were great! It is a recipe from Dear Abby of all places; you can find it easily with an internet search but I can post the recipe if anyone is interested. It uses canned pork & beans, kidney beans, lima beans, ketchup, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, bacon and onions. It filled up a 1.6L casserole dish! When we can do potlucks, group BBQs, and such again, this would be a good dish to bring. It is practically a meal on its own. 


I also finally made Pecan Tassies using the recipes I posted awhile back. They are the closest things to butter tarts that I have seen in the US. They definitely reminded me of my childhood and my mom's baking prowess!




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2 hours ago, St. Louis Sal said:

I got to visit Amsterdam, but did not get to see the Anne Frank house although we did see the Jewish neighborhood


The Anne Frank house is a truly moving thing to experience.  It really hits home how little space and how ingenious the hiding spot was for them.


No pictures were allowed inside, but here is the outside entrance of her house:






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 Good Morning and Thank You again for the Daily! 😊

Haven't been to Madagascar (I always say yet!) but the 2005 animated movie came to my mind, LOL! 😄 🤪

🙏 Prayers to all who are in need and continue to stay safe! 😷


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Thank you Rich, Roy, the drinks and recipe ladies. 

Looking forward to off and on showers today then little rain as we head to the coast for several days. 

I'm named after my great aunt Julia, who was a wonderful cook and seamstress.  I give them both a good try.  We eat 5 grain oatmeal most mornings with apples and blueberries.

The Anne Frank quote is definitely wise beyond her years. 

Have not been to Madagascar but a friend went and forgot to pack underwear.  He was a larger guy and had great difficulty finding anything that fit and ended up washing out the pair he had worn every night.

Prayers to all those on the care list and best wishes to all.

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Good morning, all! Pork crown roast is worth celebrating. I have a pork loin roast ready to go for tonight, that’s close enough for now. Debbie, thanks for the dual recipes - the enchiladas and the crown roast! I’ve never been to today’s port, but I believe we go there on the 2023 GWV. Looking forward to reports from those who have been there already!

A year ago today the 2020 GWV gave us two full days in Sydney, Australia. It was the most amazing stop of the journey for me. To start with, my DDs best friend growing up, one of the four people on the planet that call me Mom, lives there now. He and his SO met us at the pier and swept us away to the Hunter Valley wine district north of Sydney. We spent the day sampling local wines and cheeses and checking out farms. He had booked a two bedroom villa for the four of us on the grounds of a small winery. When evening came, kangaroos came out of the bush to feed in the grassy field behind the villas. It was the first time I’d seen them outside a zoo! We rose well before dawn for the main highlight - a sunrise flight in a hot air balloon above the Hunter Valley. It was magical! The pictures say it all.

Off to,taste wine and cheese!



The McGuigan winery, and the cellar host.



Stopping for lunch. I had a kangaroo burger served Aussie style with sliced beetroot instead of tomato.



Tambourlane winery - I just loved that entrance.



Our home for the night.


Mom and Joey.



Now you see me, 



And now you don’t.



Birds in the backyard - a Crested Pigeon



a magpie, differently marked than the ones here



Gallahs, a type of cockatoo. There was a whole flock of them on the lawn behind the patio.


And then came morning....


The predawn set up.




Sunrise from above the ground.



Light comes slowly to the farms and villages below.



Grape vines and olive trees.




We sail into the day.



David, Will, and I in the gondola in the sky.



What goes up must come down. The flight is over, and the guys help the crew load the basket onto its trailer.


And with that, Happy Sunday from the elevators of our beloved Amsterdam!





Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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Good morning again, just rockin’ the National Cereal Day for breakfast, but had to come back here to impart some advice:


Don’t sneeze with a mouthful of granola . . .


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂


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53 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. My Hebrew name means life, but I realized this morning that I don’t know who I was named for. I think it was my grandmother’s mother who died before I was born.


I love the quote from Anne Frank. If she could be optimistic, so can we all. It’s almost spring and that brings a smile to me. Love the blossoms and the leaves returning to the trees.


I love oatmeal , and sometimes even have it for dinner. Our taxes info is all done and will be on the way to the accountant this week.One side of my closet has been cleaned out, first time in 7 years, and a donation will be made this week also.


Stay safe out there. It scares me that so many things are opening up before they should. I hope we won’t pay a price for that.



According to the article, lockdowns didn't seem to make a difference  :




"The fall and winter lockdowns don’t appear to have made any difference in the virus spread. Between Nov. 1 and Feb. 28, there were 5.8 new cases per 100 people in New York, 6.4 in California, and only 5 in Florida, where businesses could stay open at full capacity. But the economic impact of the lockdowns has been enormous"


Thank you everyone for the daily....hope to see you at today's sailaway!

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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Love cereal, sometimes have it for dinner.  Never had a Crown Roast of Pork.  And I'm not named from anyone.  Anne Frank was a very smart girl, such a shame.  The meals both sound good.  Love your memes Kazu.  Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Tropa Mango Mojito as served on Half Moon Cay:

Frozen Tropa-Mango Mojito

Yield: 1 cocktail

1-2 sprig fresh mint
2 oz Cruzan Guava rum
3 oz Dish D’Lish Lemon & Lime Sour Cocktailor
1 oz Monin Mojito Syrup
1/2 oz Monin Mango Puree


Garnish: dried or fresh mango and mint sprig

Glass: pint glass

Drop mint into blender cup.
Measure rum, Dish D’Lish Lemon & Lime Sour Cocktailor and syrup directly into blender.
Fill pint glass to the top with ice and pour into blender
Blend until smooth
Pour into pint glass
Garnish with a fresh mint sprig and mango

Screen Shot 2021-03-07 at 9.10.24 AM.png

Next time I am on HMC I will have to try it!

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Good morning all!

Just a very quick Hello, I have a minute while the grandsons are having breakfast.  We're having SO much fun, and they're so excited to be here after more than a year.  Kids are funny, they always go immediately to our treadmill (!) and find it a ton of fun 😉  


My Dad was so loved that he has 5 grands and great grands named after him.  His name "Lawrence" was even changed a bit for "Laura", my niece.


I'm celebrating cereal day by having a bowl of Raisin Nut Bran right now. Both meals sound very good.

The Anne Frank quote is so moving, considering the circumstances of her life.  We visited the Anne Frank House on our last cruise (fall 2019)

Mondavi Fume Blanc is one of my favorites!

Never have been to the port of the day, I hope some have and share some photos.  🙂  

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

I had to chuckle at National Crown Roast of Pork Day (I;ve never had it)! Not sure if it's considered  cereal, but I like muesli, which I first encountered when I started cruising.

Great quote. I fortunately got to visit the Ann Frank house in Amsterdam.

Another port I've never been to. I will visit vicariously.


It's chilly here today, but sunny; going into the 60's later in the week.

I'll be baking 2 loves of sourdough bread shortly. I usually freeze one for the future.


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe and wear your mask.






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Good morning, and thanks to everyone for the Daily news.  This afternoon we are going to a "drive-by" baby shower.  I have no idea how it's all going to our out.  We are allotted 7 minutes.  How life has changed.


I also post on a philatelic forum, which has people from all over the world who collect stamps discussing stamps and other things.  Someone called vicaf60 (I think his name is Victor)  in Minsk,  Belarus, posted today asking us to pray for his wife who has been in the hospital for a month with covid-19 and is now on life support.  They have been married for 35 years.  I wonder if I could pass on his request to all of us here to say a little prayer for her.  There is strength in numbers!



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1 hour ago, Overhead Fred said:

also finally made Pecan Tassies using the recipes I posted awhile back. They are the closest things to butter tarts that I have seen in the US. They definitely reminded me of my childhood and my mom's baking prowess!

I love Pecan Tassies!!  Thank you for your pictures. 

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Thank you, Rich.  I love not only reading The Dailies, but looking forward to reading The Dailies.  Middle name is for my mother, Ruth, and in our large family, common names are commonly used. When someone asks for John or Jon, or Dave, or Robert, many heads turn to answer. We who share the name Ruth, answer to Ruth the 1st, Ruth the 2nd, Ruth Jr.... Thank you for the Anne Frank quote, so hopeful and helpful. 

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Thank you Rich and Roy and all of the "Dailyites " for my morning read . Love the new addition of the Port of the day that Rich has added and also hope to get to Madagascar one day , it's on my bucket list . Thank you also for the Anne Frank quote the amazing young girl from my native land who with her courage and her diary has moved the world as few others have ! 


Please take care everybody , hang in there for a little while more , keep your distance and wear your mask we are almost there .................... maybe this sign will help you adhere to that .............


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