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The Daily for Saturday December 04, 2021


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3 hours ago, JAM37 said:

Charlene, I believe your loved ones would want you to do what makes you happy including decorating. You are certainly due for some joy and peace, so put up your lights and enjoy.


(I hope we will be able to meet in a few weeks.)

Absolutely! I am looking forward to meeting you .

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Good morning everyone, and thank you Rich and Roy for the Daily. And all here as well.


I forgot to mention that due to the mix up with the unexpected closing the lab did not charge us $150.00 for the two Rapid tests yesterday. Plus contacted us twice to make certain that we had received the results. Kudos to them! They have secured my future business!


Finally bought a blue blazer for this trip so I can wear brown shoes. I would always bring a pair of black dress shoes because I have a black sportcoat. Extra weight! I did go on a cruise onetime without having a blazer - but it just didn't feel right! Plus my brown shoes weigh less.


Made our connection in Chicago with only fifteen minutes to spare. Smooth rides both flights. I purchased a new Travelpro checked rollerboard suitcase for this trip. Very disappointed that one of the two feet broke off! I specifically didn't buy one with four wheels as I have seen a few wheels on  carousels detached from their bags. I'll contact Travelpro when I return.


The Grand Princess was at the pier before leaving for Ensenada last night. Ironically I just started thinking about seeing our friends in Australia, probably for our last time. I just had a Skype chat with my mate last week. We haven't been there since 2007. And they were last here in 2008. The Grand Princess will be Down-Under in 2024! Beginning to convince Sue about a cruise and train trip of Australia in 2024.  😊 


Trying to adjust to the time change. Sue was awake at 4. But in less than 48 hours from now  - breakfast in the Lido, and sitting outside by the Seaview pool wearing my DAM ships hat!


- Jack

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Nice collection of days.  And, by chance I am wearing brown shoes.  Conservation is so essential to the entire planet.  I am always on the save water issue, especially in Colorado.  After living in NM for 9 years I learned to love a good empanada.  Would love some again.

@smitty34877, I think we have all fallen in love with beautiful, happy Camilla.  Thanks for the most recent picture.


I think I have recovered from yesterday’s “food poisoning “ bout or whatever it was.  But I know it was a very bad few hours.  Slept like a log last night, and now am eating a little with my morning tea.  My task is to go to town later as my laptop won’t turn on.  UGH!  I also need to do a little  hristmas decorating,  it who knows if that will happen today.


@rafinmdwhen my DH was undergoing radiation for prostrate cancer, he also had the same problem. Between his radiologist and me, we came up with him eating 1-2 Activia yogurt per day, and it pretty well solved the problem.


@ger_77, I always mean to tell you that I love your evening meal descriptions.  You make everything sound so delightful, and I always want to join you.  

My laundry is almost finished, so it’s off to the computer place.  Have a great Saturday everyone!  



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Good morning, all! I don’t have brown shoes, but with today’s snow I think it’s time for boots anyway. Santa’s List Day is appropriate here. Everyone is getting homemade gifts this year. Today is set aside for going over what I’ve got for who and if there’s any gaps in the list to fill. The cheesy beef empanadas sound good, especially in this weather! I haven’t been to,Todays port, but the pictures are beautiful. Thank you all who posted them! @smitty34877 Miss Camilla just gets cuter by the day!

@dfishI so much admire your attitude to yesterday’s rude swimmer. I can only wish I could be so understanding in the same circumstances.

We are back in Chilliwack, and this morning it is snowing. We seem to keep hitting the travel windows perfectly. The Christmas tree and decorations are stored on Salt Spring. We brought them over this trip.This is a perfect day to put up the tree, drink something hot, watch Christmas movies, and let it snow outside!

Cheers, and Happy Saturday! Of course I’d trade the snow for a BHB in a sunny climate!


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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for the news of the world, food and drink!  


We visited Korcula in 2019 on Koningsdam, and then again in this year on Eurodam in October.  I have lots of photos from the first, but I didn't go ashore this year, as I had an upset stomach.  Tony, @sailingdutchy, organizes great tours and our guide took us to a few small villages where we tasted interesting wines and snacks, then back to Korcula for a walking tour.  


Arrival spot




View of Korcula from the road out of town




Vela Luka




Smokvica and the countryside








Back to Korcula  (I have a lot of other photos, like those already posted)




The narrow town streets are aligned to filter in the breezes in the summer and protect from the winter winds.






Marco Polo is supposed to have started his Travels from Korcula



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and to all contributors. It's also National Cookie Day!

Oh, I'd better make my list for Santa! Wildlife Conservation is very important. No brown shoes, but I do have brown Birkenstocks. 

Good quote.

I'll pass on the meal, but like the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Croatia. Thanks for the pictures @bdrcole @Cruising-along @tjcox9 @Vict0riann.


I'm about to start shaping and baking my fruit bread loaves soon. Later I'll pull out the few outdoor decorations I'm going to use. And think about something to cook for BFF if he wants.


@StLouisCruisers Sorry the opponents in DGS's game were so aggressive physically and the ref not noticing. Hoping for a better outcome today.

@Sea Viewer Have a great cruise!

@smitty34877 Nice to see Miss Camilla smiling.

@Seasick Sailor Prayers for Walker.

@cruzn single I'm glad you feel better today.

@kazu Thinking of you and Jose. Great memes today.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe and wear your mask if needed.




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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Here is some exciting news for us. We have made a deposit for for the 2024 155 Day World Cruise on the Azamara Onward. Starts in Port Everglades and ends in Barcelona. Looking for a pre cruise on Azarama to see if the cruise line will work for us after so many exclusive cruises with Hal.


That is exciting 🙂. A line we are considering.  Hope you will let us know about your pr-cruise experience.  Good for you for branching out!


@StLouisCruisersI hope today’s soccer game is not so rough and no one gets injured.  And, of course, I’m rooting for yorur team 😉 

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Good morning and thanks all!  


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I've been trying to check things off Santa's list for a few days now.  I don't think I even own a pair of brown shoes - my clothing colours don't go well with brown.  Every day should be wildlife conservation day in my opinion.


I like the quote of the day; it's interesting because I've got an electronic note board (commonly called a Boogie Board) on the fridge where I wrote this note:  Every day is the best day!  I started this in 1998 after DH had his sextuple bypass, and that's been my mantra ever since.  


I think it's going to be a quiet day here on the "frozen tundra", nothing planned, so I'll get the mixer out and make a batch of whipped shortbread cookies.  If I'm still in the cooking mood, I might make a batch of Eat More bars as well, using rice krispies instead of peanuts.  


I had my booster shot on Wednesday and haven't felt a thing, yet a friend of mine had hers the day after and said her arm was so sore that she's barely slept the past 2 nights.  Does that mean my immune system is so poor that it won't even react, or is it so good that it fought everything off?  I'm going with the latter.  LOL


I'm not a fan of empanadas, there's just too much dough, so I'll give today's menu a pass.  After doing baking and kitchen things, I'm going to make an easy dinner tonight by taking out frozen turkey soup and dinner buns for our evening meal.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.   Extra prayers for those going through difficult times.   Clinking the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, and stay well.


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂



4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@StLouisCruisers,Sandi,I still remember  how aggressive  DS's first high school soccer game was.The tame days of watching them play were over.I am rooting for Ren's team today.

@ger_77,Gerry, I had little  to no reaction from any of the 3 shots.DH was a little  under the weather but all of our adult children were more ill for a few  days.I just chalked it up to a benefit of being old.Ha.

I too have been wondering about this,  I am guessing if you have a bigger response you had more immunity.  Just because our second shots had more of a reaction than our first while DS had a bigger one the first time.  

Baby Camilla seems like “our daily “ baby, so it’s so nice to see that sweet smile.  I think she represents hope! 

Good  luck to all those navigating travel, we’re hopeful but trying to be realistic with this new variant.   Need the test within 24 hours now.  

We were fortunate to visit Korcula in 2019 so I’ll try to share a few different photos.  









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Thank you for another wonderful Daily Rich and all the contributions from Roy , and many others .
It’s Saturday today and another beautiful Port is hi lighted today Korcula . We have been there a couple of times and had a couple of  wonderful small independent tours with our guide Stanka Amadeo . Some pictures today of our first visit in 2019 while on the Koningsdam .
While preparing this I noticed Ann @VictOriann already showed a few.
On our way to the Western end of the Island we visited a small museum with old tools ,  utensils and furniture 
The small pleasure boat harbour of Vela Luka where we made a coffee stop 
From there on our way back we enjoyed our first Croatian wine tasting with 4 different wines  ( …and we did not spit it out  !!! It was very nice ! ) 
Computer does not like pictures taken on iPad of DW  but you get the picture  ! 
After another short drive we visited the the next winery Grk  so now we were in great shape to stroll through the old town of Korcula 




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Thank you for another wonderful Daily Rich and all the contributions from Roy , and many others .
It’s Saturday today and another beautiful Port is hi lighted today Korcula . We have been there a couple of times and had a couple of  wonderful small independent tours with our guide Stanka Amadeo . Some pictures today of our first visit in 2019 while on the Koningsdam .
While preparing this I noticed Ann @VictOriann already showed a few.
On our way to the Western end of the Island we visited a small museum with old tools ,  utensils and furniture 
The small pleasure boat harbour of Vela Luka where we made a coffee stop 
From there on our way back we enjoyed our first Croatian wine tasting with 4 different wines  ( …and we did not spit it out  !!! It was very nice ! ) 
Computer does not like pictures taken on iPad of DW  but you get the picture  ! 
After another short drive we visited the the next winery Grk  so now we were in great shape to stroll through the old town of Korcula 
The CC gremlins just attacked me they said that's enough of this no more pictures from you today ! 
A great day was had by all , so we celebrated that on Ann and Pat's balcony with another glass of wine …..
Tony 😄🙃
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Another beautiful sunny day here, 75 and lower humidity.  Camelot it is today, come summer it is not.  

Looking at booking for February as I see some good prices.  Guess the fear of omicron is keeping demand low.  Caribbean from Florida seems relatively safe for us.  If the ports closed, we would have to tough it out onboard the "dam" ship.  LOL

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Today's sunrise was from the 2016 trip that featured round trip transatlantics on QM2 and Seabourn Odyssey with a Med voyage on Queen Elizabeth in between.  December 4 was the day I disembarked Queen Elizabeth in Southampton.





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4 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Good morning Dailyites! Tonight is a Christmas tree lighting at church (they also did it last night). DH helps out with parking lot traffic. There will also be chili, apple cider, Christmas carols, a sweet treat so dinner is taken care of.


So I’ll go to service tonight and stay for the lighting. Then tomorrow I’m going with GFs to play bingo at a local casino. 

Prayers for those on the care list and for everyone not on the list who needs prayers and hugs. A big “woo hoo” for those on the celebrations and shout out list. 

Tak care everyone!

Oops, looked at the calendar wrong. Bingo is in 2 weeks. Tomorrow is shopping with DD at the Harvest Festival. 

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Good afternoon!  I was in CC jail this morning and couldn’t post or like anything. And yesterday I was thinking that all that was history. 

I’m loving all the pictures today of the port. And Little Miss Camilla!!  Oh my goodness has she gotten big. And such an adorable little face. I could just squeeze and hold her tight forever. 

It’s been a lazy day today. This upcoming week I’m going to start setting out my cruise things and stuff. Even though we don’t live in really cold weather I’m looking forward to being in more tropical weather. 

Have a great day everyone!

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13 minutes ago, bennybear said:

I like yours better! image.thumb.jpeg.cab1de91b3591f63691ce604a571d082.jpeg


I feel your pain.  It’s brrr-y cold here.  Snow & then it’s going to warm up to rain and then back to the deep freeze.  I HATE ice.

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Good evening Daily family!


I've been in CC jail intermittently the last few days - I can sometimes like, but 5 minutes later not allowed!  @kazuso glad to hear Jose has a new doctor and a treatment plan. You both have been in my prayers for answers to the problem.  @StLouisCruisershoping DGS's soccer game was better than yesterday - it's terrible when the refs don't call the bad plays.


Loving all the pictures of Croatia....we've never been there but it definitely looks like a place to visit.  It's on my bucket list now.


I've been reading every day, especially in the evening to catch up on the daily activities.  My best friend from school (we've known each other since kindergarten, and we're both turning 70 next year!) is visiting from North Carolina, so I've been running her ragged.  We went to the Holiday Magic light show at Jones Beach (a drive through), which was amazing. 





Yesterday we went to the New York Botanical Gardens to see the Holiday Train Show.  All the

buildings and bridges are made of plant products, and they have many model trains going through the scenes.  I've always wanted to go, so this year was the one! 




Today we drove around our old neighborhood and took it easy this afternoon.  She flies home tomorrow, and it's been another wonderful visit.


Praying for all on the prayer list, and those that need prayers but haven't mentioned it yet.  Cheers to all who are celebrating, especially those on a BHB or other cruise!


Take care,


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Thanks for all the Daily reports, humour, recipes and photos, have not been to Korcula so appreciate the photos, looks to be a lovely place.

DH is wearing  brown shoes today. He is setting up the outdoor Christmas lights, with a timer set  to start after 9 pm and turn off at midnight.

@smitty34877 thanks for the photo of Camilla smiling, she is so sweet.

@kpladywhat a marvellous display of lights, thanks for sharing your photos.

@summer slope what gift do you take for the ship Captain?

@kazu hope that there were good outcomes from your appointments today.  Sending positive thoughts and cyber hugs to you.

It's another grey day, temperature 14 C, need to be getting some summer sunshine soon.😃

Stay safe, take care everyone.

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Wow, it's getting late but wanted to write before tomorrow since Sunday is a 7:30 am game.  Right now we're watching the Michigan-Iowa game.  Go Blue!


Today's outcome was better than yesterday because we did beat the So. California team.  But what a bloodbath!  The score was 2 to 0 in our favor.  But we had two players down on the field.  One Tiger had a deep bruise on the tailbone from yesterday and ended up on the ground in worse shape today.  After treatment from a medic he rested on the bench the last half.  Another of our players fell down and was kicked by an opposing teammate, then had a ball thrown in his face while down, by another opposing teammate. He was in so much pain he had to rush off the field and "upchuck".  At this point near the end of the game the So. Cal. team was getting mad because they were losing and were trying to start fights with our team.  Today's ref had no control over the game at all!  (They need about 60-70 refs for all these games over 3 days so they must have to settle for some less than stellar ones to fulfill the numbers).  The So. Cal parents started yelling at the parents on our side and I have to admit one lady did yell back at them.  That is something our side tries never to do, but I guess she got frustrated.  🙄


I found out these are the top 40 teams in the country playing here and last year's #1 and #2 teams are the two teams we played so far this weekend.  I don't know how the schedule was drawn up but that seems unfair, eh?  The fact we won today is great news actually.  Hopefully I survive tomorrow's game, then DH and I head home to Georgia.  The national tournament continues in March in Phoenix.  


I'm just proud of the way our team played during all this, and I appreciate all the supporting comments from the Daily family.

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13 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning everyone. I wear my hiking shoes when  the streets are slippery from the leaves.I will be in compliance as they are brown. We received  notice via a robo call last week that there are "numerous" coyotes  in the park adjacent to us.Fred and I are keeping an eye out on early morning  walks.

We gave not been to Croatia  and look forward to pictures.

I look forward  to the recipe as well.Tonight we are having everyone  here for baked ziti so dinner is decided.

My niece  sent me a cute picture of the smiling Camilla .She was babysitting  last week and the baby was so happy to have Grandma rescue her!




OMG, she has certainly come a long way. She’s gorgeous!  Thanks so much for sharing her with us. 

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