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The Daily for Friday 02/11/2022


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8 minutes ago, kazu said:


No, I don’t sadly.  When I click share I don’t have print as an option.  If I click on the photo in the Daily, I get this (share doesn’t give me the option to print)




And if I click on my photo in my album I get this (along with the option to message which I edited out).




scrolling right there is not print.  I have no idea why.  The only way I have been able to print in the past is to email myself and print the email which isn’t idea

I’m baffled.  I might have to call my techie friend if I don’t get anywhere with Jose’s Ipad.  Mine isn’t that old - 6th gen but his is newer.  Maybe there’s something in settings?  Will play.  Thanks.


Hmm.  What happens when you hold down CMD and hit the P key?

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15 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Happy Friday!  The new friends I make are here on the Daily.  Inventors have made our lives so much easier.  I like the Edison quote.  Have not been to Fiji, looking forward to the photo's.

Major prayers to our care list and clink of glasses for our celebrations.

Please continue to stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Weekenders Punch:

8 parts Cruzan® Aged Light Rum
4 parts Cruzan® Passion Fruit Rum
12 parts Riesling
3 parts Lemonade
4/5 parts Lemon Syrup

Combine all but Riesling in a punch bowl and refrigerate. Add Riesling at service. (Serves 😎


Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 8.01.06 AM.png



That would get the blood sugar sky high!

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Good morning, everyone!   


Right now we have wonderful sunshine.  Rain will be moving in later this morning and we're supposed to have rain the rest of the day.  But, it is supposed to get up to 45F.  Maybe some of this snow will melt.  I have the pool this morning and then the grocery store.   


Today's meal is Portuguese cod, potatoes, and onions.   Sounds good to me.  

This simple yet satisfying Portuguese dish is attributed to Gomes de Sá, the son of a 19th-century cod merchant; legend has it that he developed this casserole while working in Restaurante Lisbonense in downtown Porto.




Bacalhau – a popular Portuguese dish made with salt cod, potatoes, onions, hard boiled eggs, olives and olive oil – is traditionally served on Good Friday, but easy enough to be enjoyed all year round!






I like the seasonings in this next one.   http://portuguesediner.com/tiamaria/bacalhau-gomes-sa/




Prayers for those in need and cheers to those who are celebrating.   Wishing you all a wonderful day.  As @summer slope Dixie said, I consider you all my friends.   Enjoy!


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Good morning everyone. We’ve made lots of good friends since we moved to our new condo 8 years ago. My 16 year old grandson is an inventor. He has a computer program that is patent pending and will be selling on the app stores for $1.00. I will let you know when. 
Yesterday I wrote for help on a Facebook page for NYC teachers and the administrator actually called me and helped me find my pension and retirement numbers and stayed on line while I found and printed out my 1099 form. I was so grateful. 
Cases in our county continue to rise so we’re being very careful.

Stay safe everyone,


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Good afternoon.

Thank you for today's daily Rich and Roy for the care and celebration lists.

3 good days today.

Interesting quote

Looking forward to seeing photos of today's port.

Prayers 🙏 for everyone on the care list.

Take care.






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2 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!   


Right now we have wonderful sunshine.  Rain will be moving in later this morning and we're supposed to have rain the rest of the day.  But, it is supposed to get up to 45F.  Maybe some of this snow will melt.  I have the pool this morning and then the grocery store.   


Today's meal is Portuguese cod, potatoes, and onions.   Sounds good to me.  

This simple yet satisfying Portuguese dish is attributed to Gomes de Sá, the son of a 19th-century cod merchant; legend has it that he developed this casserole while working in Restaurante Lisbonense in downtown Porto.




Bacalhau – a popular Portuguese dish made with salt cod, potatoes, onions, hard boiled eggs, olives and olive oil – is traditionally served on Good Friday, but easy enough to be enjoyed all year round!






I like the seasonings in this next one.   http://portuguesediner.com/tiamaria/bacalhau-gomes-sa/




Prayers for those in need and cheers to those who are celebrating.   Wishing you all a wonderful day.  As @summer slope Dixie said, I consider you all my friends.   Enjoy!



Oh my gosh.  I’ve had that dish in Portugal!  Actually, in Madeira, seated on a lovely 2nd story balcony overlooking the Main Street in Funchal.  I wanted to try something traditional and that’s what they brought me.  It was lovely.

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Spoke to my PCC last night.  Testing at the port is now required for Panama Canal cruises in addition to the test two days prior to the cruise.  We're using the  BinaxNow proctored test tonight.  Hope we are able to successfully take and pass🤞 the test.  Flying to West Palm for a brief visit with my niece tomorrow.  Anxious to see how time consuming the board process is when they have to test everyone on Sunday.

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23 minutes ago, kazu said:


No, I don’t sadly.  When I click share I don’t have print as an option.  If I click on the photo in the Daily, I get this (share doesn’t give me the option to print)




And if I click on my photo in my album I get this (along with the option to message which I edited out).




scrolling right there is not print.  I have no idea why.  The only way I have been able to print in the past is to email myself and print the email which isn’t idea

I’m baffled.  I might have to call my techie friend if I don’t get anywhere with Jose’s Ipad.  Mine isn’t that old - 6th gen but his is newer.  Maybe there’s something in settings?  Will play.  Thanks.

Is your printer an air printer? If not, that might be the reason you don’t see print. iPad is not seeing the device. If it is, then I am as baffled as you are. Good luck. @POA1where are you?

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Just like that and another weekend is arriving. I would say slow down but we have cruises coming up! Hurry! Hurry!


According to Alexi it’s 38 degrees right now and will be warming to 65. No arguing when I’m going walking.


A day of mundane chores such as gassing up the car and maybe a wash job. Beat the rush yesterday and bought a dozen long stemmed roses for my sweetheart. Chocolate was not an option this year. Makes one wonder when a dozen roses are cheaper than chicken wings bought for Super Bowl Sunday???


We have been to Fiji so will have to peruse the I-Phone album and maybe share. Getting so I rarely use desk top computer anymore and just rely on I Pad and phone.


For any who are alone and lonely I do wish that you may find new friendships to share the joys of life with. Church groups, local Senior Centers or volunteering are good venues to establish new friendships.


Have a great weekend everyone and thanks to all who make the Daily a part of our lives.

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Good morning to  all. My niece(Camilla 's  Grandma) was married to a Portuguese  man and has made this delicious  dish for us many times. We have a great fish market nearby and I could get the Cod there.Thanks, Debbie @dfish.


I like the quote,enjoy the new friends here and have not  been to the port.


I have a new baby picture.She was watching her Grandma and  shifted to the side.Her sitting balance is improving  and she is  such a joy to us all.




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Good morning Daily family! Thank you everyone for caring and sharing. 

Today is Disney Springs on the way “home.” Tomorrow is Riverside Arts Market on the way to the airport. Weather has been really nice here in Orlando. Today is supposed to be 78F. 

Edited by dobiemom
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18 minutes ago, superoma said:

Is your printer an air printer? If not, that might be the reason you don’t see print. iPad is not seeing the device. If it is, then I am as baffled as you are. Good luck. @POA1where are you?


But the CMD-P prompt should still bring up the option to print and choose a device.

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I try not to cry over spilled milk; there are other more serious problems in the world that can be cried over.   I feel like I've made a bunch of new friends since joining the Daily family.  Kudos to inventors (DH is one of them), they see things in a different way than most of us.


We haven't been to Fiji (yet), but it's a place I'd love to visit one day.  I'd like to do a French Polynesian cruise and just enjoy all the beauty of the area.  I've had today's wine and enjoyed it, but then I like reds and a Malbec is usually pretty good in my mind.  Today's punch recipe sounds like adult lemonade to me - something that would be great on a hot summer's day.


Well after yesterday morning's freezing rain, in the middle of the day we had bright sunshine and warm temps so that it felt like spring, but by 5PM we had blowing snow again.  Talk about 3 seasons in 1 day!  This morning we're back to -19C and all the slush and snow have solidified into hard ruts that are awful to try driving on.  I can hear the crunching as vehicles go past the house on their way to work and am glad we don't have to go anywhere today.    


@marshhawkI love the sound of your necklaces; I'd love if you could post pictures of them!  DH and I used to be on the craft circuit where we made jewelery and fashion scarves, so I'm always interested to see what others create.

@kazu a question - do you have a PC at home that you can email the photos to yourself and print them off there?  Failing that, I know someone who has a printer and an email address (points to moi self) who could print them off for you and pop them in the mail.

@Cruzin Terri I'm so glad you've been able to secure an appointment at the Mayo Clinic; hopefully they'll be able to get you some relief from your hand pain.

@smitty34877 I'm absolutely in love with Miss Camilla; thanks for the photo - she's getting prettier every time we see her!


I'm looking at today's menu selection and will give it a pass - I'm not a fan of salt fish, and DH doesn't care for hard boiled eggs, so I'll let the rest of you enjoy it for us.   It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll check the online menus to see what looks good for us.  And wine.   


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for those traveling to and from vacations/cruises.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list - which is longer than the care list - yay!  Be well, wear your masks, get your boosters, wash your hands, stay safe, and keep warm.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


Edited by ger_77
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Good morning friends and happy Friday!  I was glad to see Julia @JAM37say she would be 77F today up in the Georgia mountains, so checked our forecast here south of Atlanta and we will be "only" 68F!  Odd weather!  Pretty good group of days to celebrate.  Make a friend day is all of us here on the Daily, making friends left and right.  National inventors day is a worthy celebration.  My son and a colleague or two invented a special low power computer chip so tiny you can barely see it and that has been a cause of celebration on many fronts.  Don't cry over spilled milk reminds me to try to be positive even after setbacks.  The recipe for today is quite interesting.  I would give it a try.  We haven't been to Fiji yet, but would love to.  Rich @richwmnthanks as always for the Daily.  Roy @rafinmdthe Care and Celebration lists are appreciated.  Prayers were said today for all of us, listed or not.  Cheers to so many getting back on cruise ships, and the other good news coming our way.


@Cruzin Terrigood to hear you have an appointment coming up.  About your mail situation, there are three ways to handle it.  First, sometimes people ask a good neighbor to pick it up each day for them.  We only do that if we're gone a couple of days and are expecting a package.  The second way is to go to the Post Office and ask to speak to the supervisor, explain your situation being gone 6 weeks, and sometimes they make an exception and write out a hold mail form that spans your entire trip. Our PO has done this quite a few times for us.  If they say no absolutely nothing over 30 days, go to plan 3.  Pick up some of the yellow hold mail cards at the desk in the PO.  I use the PO website first to hold mail for the first 30 days.  Nowadays they require you to sign up with an email and password to hold mail because they want to keep people from just randomly going online and stopping anybody's mail.  Once you have the first 30 days held, you ask them to deliver it.  At that point my next door neighbors retrieve my mail, and the following day they put a yellow hold mail card in my mailbox that I have filled out for the remainder of my trip.  In your case another 10 or 11 days.  That way all mail was held for you.  If you don't have a nice neighbor that you trust to do this for you, I don't have any further ideas.  Try to find someone to help you out is all I can say.  Good luck!


@kazuJacqui, thanks for your memes today.  So sorry about the early wake up calls.  Maybe sit Marley down and have a serious face to face talk, asking him to let his Mom sleep later because you're very tired.  🐶  Seriously, dogs seem to understand people talk from what I can tell!  I hope your visit today with Jose is a good one.  Be careful on the roads!

@cat shepardAnn love the animal series memes too.  The man and dog wearing shirts with each other's photos on them is hilarious.  Thanks for the smiles and laughs.

@Horizon chaser 1957safe travels today.  I bet you can't wait to get to Palm Springs.😎

@mamaofamigreat to hear some good news about your new friend (how appropriate for today) the administrator who guided you through printing your paperwork.  Now that doesn't have to weigh on your mind.  

@smitty34877Terry what a sweet picture of Camilla.  Her hair is so dark and thick looking.  Thank you for posting it.  

@marshhawkIt would be nice to see your necklace photos as everyone else has said.  

@Overhead Fredsorry to hear about the Nieuw Statendam debacle with the azipods.  Hope to hear you have a new plan soon.  However I am happy to hear the Nieuw Amsterdam will have some passengers on it coming up this weekend.  We want things to get back to normal, not go backwards.


Have a great Friday everybody!

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24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:



Graham, where is this lovely lunch being held at?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Thank you Sandi.

Spain but don't let Pauline know I told you.😷




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😲Well, I'm up earlier and only on page 2!! 👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand also to Roy @rafinmdfor keeping the Care and Celebration Lists.

The 2014 out of Vancouver and 2016 out of Seattle TP stopped in Fiji. (both HAL ships)

🙏Prayers for all in need and Happy Friday....weather in 80's!😎




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2 hours ago, kazu said:


No, I don’t sadly.  When I click share I don’t have print as an option.  If I click on the photo in the Daily, I get this (share doesn’t give me the option to print)




And if I click on my photo in my album I get this (along with the option to message which I edited out).




scrolling right there is not print.  I have no idea why.  The only way I have been able to print in the past is to email myself and print the email which isn’t idea

I’m baffled.  I might have to call my techie friend if I don’t get anywhere with Jose’s Ipad.  Mine isn’t that old - 6th gen but his is newer.  Maybe there’s something in settings?  Will play.  Thanks.

Kazu- I suspect print’s not available because you are viewing the picture on the web. It’s not on your device. How about this:


1) choose “add to photos” so the picture downloads to the iPad.


2) Go to Photos, tap on the photo, then on the print button.





Edited by TiogaCruiser
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