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The Daily for Sunday 03/06/2022


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My name is the base name of my grandmothers.  Ann is the base name for Fannie, and Grace is the meaning of Ann.  Mom's mom was a Fannie, and she really wanted to name me after her mother.  I am very grateful that she didn't.  The name Ann means Grace, the name of my Dad's mom, and I really wish that that had been my name, but alas, i am not a  Grace.  All the Grace's I know are out and about skiing, mountain climbing, facing bears, you know the type, I am not that.  Middle name is Elizabeth.  Named after the Princess (before she was queen) .  My mom told me once that she figured if she named me after two princesses, I might find a prince. NOT.  I find humans.

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5 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  I have a love hate relationship with the dentist.  I really don’t like going but understand their importance for my health.  Was very disappointed when the governor said they weren’t essential during the pandemic.  @dfish the recipes look good for chicken pies.  HAL’s Navigator app chirped this morning alerting me that I have reservations at the Tamarind for today, if only that were true I’d be a very happy camper.   Today looks like a stay at home day and get some chores done.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

Your comment about the Navigator app chirping at you just reminded me that now I will have to listen to all sorts of phones making noises on cruises now. Ugh… it was so nice not hearing phones all the time on past cruises, but I’m sure I will now since most people don’t keep them on silent or vibrate mode. My ptsd really kicks in when someone’s phone loudly goes off when I least expect it. 😢

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Oh, I love my dentist.  I owe the man thousands for getting me through rough times, divorces, lack of insurance, and he just tells me to pay what i can, when i can, once a month.  I should sign over my house to him.  He wants all my teeth to be perfect before he retires.  I hope that is no time soon, but we are the same age. And i've retired twice.


When we vacation, the phones go off.  When we cruise, we call the kitty sitter after the sail away party starts, and then that's it until we get back into the home port.  When you are spending your day looking at post from friends all day, how are you going to meet new ones? 


I love the quote today.  Lying ruins all relationships.  Telling the truth may hurt a relationship, but allows it to grow by time and change, but lying?  just means someone doesn't want that relationship to get anywhere beyond that moment.


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54 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:


DD and I spent a few hours at the Ukranian church nearby assisting  a whole lot of people packing supplies.We were overwhelmed  by the welcome we received  and heard many frightening  stories of loved ones in Ukraine.It is such an awful situation.We sat in the car together and cried  .I was glad I held it together until then as it felt important to just listen.

Take care everyone. 



Bless you & DD, Terry! 

FYI - any one interested in making a donation - Trip Advisor is currently matching donations to the World Central Kitchen. Chef José Andres’ wonderful organization. They are feeding refugees in major border cities, and now delivering meals. 

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Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday!  Great collection of days today.

My father was a dentist.  We lived above his practice but were not allowed in there while he had patients. 


My freezer is well stocked and I even have chicken pot pie in there. I’ll have to set it out for us to have for lunch. I always use two of the recipes Debbie @dfish posted and it is fairly easy to make using the rotisserie chicken breast meat from Costco, which I always keep in the freezer. I believe the key to frozen food is using my Food Saver — I couldn’t live without it. 

We named our DD after my middle name, Gayle. We named our son from a name we heard from a TV show. 🤷🏼‍♀️Sounds crazy now but 36 years ago it made sense. 

The quote was something we tried to instill in our children. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning!

I really like the dentist I’ve gone to for many years, but I loathe his new-ish hygienist.  She is rough and talks to me as if I were a kindergartner.

I’m not fond of my name, Robin, and I certainly didn’t like being the subject of the “robin” songs we learned in grade school.  I wasn’t named for anyone, and in fact family lore has it that one of my grandparents commented “I guess Robin is for the birds”.  C’est la vie.

hmmmm, I seem to be a whiner this morning!  Time for another cup of coffee and an attitude adjustment. I can do that, especially since early trip preparations are on the agenda for the day.

Best to all, bon voyage for all our cruisers.  

Strength and victory 🇺🇦

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41 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:
51 minutes ago, 0106 said:


That cookbook also has a really good shoe fly cake recipe.

My Grandma made great shoo fly pie.  We used to have it for breakfast.  For those of you who don’t know what we’re talking about…


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38 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Trip Advisor is currently matching donations to the World Central Kitchen. Chef José Andres’ wonderful organization. They are feeding refugees in major border cities, and now delivering meals. 

Thanks for this reply info.  Here’s the link….https://www.tripadvisor.com/vpages/refugee_relief.html

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Good morning to all..... we are finally getting the snow we have been promised over the past few days!!! Not much by Colorado standards, but I will take it. I think it is supposed to stop by noon and I will go out and clear my car. Our snow plow should be by later in the day. And I need to shovel a path for the little Bandit who did a really fast in-and-out this morning.


I have some pot pies in the freezer. I am not a real fan... they are more for emergencies (or desperation). Have not been to today's port.... don't think I would like it as I am not at all happy with pushy vendors. As to names.... I was given my Mother's younger sister's name as a middle name. I think my first name was given because it 1) was popular at the time and 2) my parents could not agree - and I am just as glad my Mother was outvoted. I have heard what she had in mind. Our family does run to some strange names on both sides, so I should be grateful. My sister was named for Dad's grandmother who fortunately had a rather normal combination.


My good wishes continue for all.







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37 minutes ago, 0106 said:

My Grandma made great shoo fly pie.  We used to have it for breakfast.  For those of you who don’t know what we’re talking about…


Growing up at Milton Hershey we got shoe fly cake.  I rarely see it when I visit Lancaster.

This is worth trying. 



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4 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

Truer words never spoken.  I learned a lot of baking and cooking from Grandma and have some of her recipes, but nothing comes close to dinner at her table.

Now mom was a fabulous cook, but grandma made dinner fun.  She loved the unusual and the colorful. So for a meal you might have pigs feet with candied pears.  For one Christmas everything (and I mean the turkey too) was red and green!


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Interesting reading today regarding dentists and events in childhood.  I experienced an incident as a child and was not happy with any dental procedures after. A couple of years ago I found a new dentist who is great and now I am able to get work done without the fears I had before, wish I had  found her sooner. I thought I was the only one who felt that way about dentists. Once again the Daily shows me how much we all have in common! Its a great place to share.

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Is anyone here as afraid of dentists as my brother's wife?  Last week my twin mentioned in a text she was at the dentist office with my SIL who was having her teeth cleaned.  SIL has to be put out for that simple procedure!  Afterwards someone has to drive her home and I guess she has to lie down until she is fully awake.  She is definitely groggy on the drive home.  I had never heard of anyone having to be put totally under for a teeth cleaning!

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Good morning, all! The quote is so sad, because it’s so true. I love chicken pot pie, but being celiac prevents me from ordering it at restaurants. On the Amsterdam, they used to make me a gluten free version baked with a mashed potato crust instead of pastry. It was wonderful!

We are supposed to go to Dakar on the Grand Africa this fall. All the port info sites warn you about the city, and advise an organized tour, so we’ve signed up for one.

@ger_77, I found a Geraldine poem that you might like. It wouldn’t have impressed you earlier in life, but you may be at a place now that resonates more. This is the last verse:

You make my heart feel better 
I see myself when I look in your eyes 
I can't thank you enough for the way that you've sculpted me 
You take my hand and never let me go 
Say my name and in my heart I know 
That' you'll never leave me 
My Grandma Geraldine 

Happy Sunday, everyone! I wonder if they still do Sunday Brunch on the BHB’s?


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Late today.  Do not like going to the dentist. Not named after anyone.  And have frozen food is a staple in our home.

Great quote!

Love chicken pot pie, especially Marie Calendars.

Have not been to today's port.

Everyone have a blessed Sunday.  Stay safe, social distance, and continue to wear your mask if you want to!!!

Tequila Sunrise:

The tequila sunrise is a cocktail made of tequila, orange juice, and grenadine syrup. It's served unmixed in a tall glass. The modern drink originates from Sausalito, California, in the early 1970s after an earlier one created in the 1930s in Phoenix, Arizona. Wikipedia
Main alcohol: Tequila
Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz (3 parts) Tequila, 1/2 oz (1 part) Grenadine syrup, 3 oz (6 parts) Orange juice
Preparation: Pour the tequila and orange juice into glass over ice. Add the grenadine, which will sink to the bottom. Do not stir. Garnish and serve.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish: Cherry, Orange slice
Drinkware: Collins glass


Screen Shot 2022-03-06 at 12.55.10 PM.png

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Good morning all!

DH and I will be a day late for dentists day, we both have appointments tomorrow for our cleaning/check ups. We put it off because of Covid, so I'm hoping there won't be any surprises with the visit. 

 I wasn't named after anyone, but my dear Dad was so loved that 3 babies (including my son and grandson) have his name as their middle name (Lawrence) and a niece has a female version (Laura).  @JAM37Julia DH's Mom and sister are both named Julia and live in GA (Savannah) too.  Funny. 🙂  There are a lot of Bills in his family too, his brother was the "third".  His family had 6 children, sometimes I wonder if they just ran out of names. 😂  DH has his Mother's maiden name as his middle name. 


Our freezer is always well stocked with frozen food, but we use lots of fresh veggies and fruit.

The quote is so true, I love chicken pot pie (I never use a recipe) but we had it recently, and Viognier is one of my favorite wines. Not sure yet what will be for dinner tonight.  



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2 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:


@msmayor, I was so tired of being pregnant with our son that I resorted to a biofeedback technique of visualizing oxytocin flowing out of my brain to the appropriate parts to trigger contractions.  It worked!  No joke.  I went into labor that day.  Maybe would have anyhow, but it can't hurt.  A giant restaurant dinner did the trick with our daughter.  lol

The mind is a powerful thing - I'll have to suggest that to her.  I already told her she should make sure she gets in the shower today to at least get that nice 'fresh' feeling, just in case.  It will be a while before she's able to get in a shower after giving birth.


21 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Is anyone here as afraid of dentists as my brother's wife?  Last week my twin mentioned in a text she was at the dentist office with my SIL who was having her teeth cleaned.  SIL has to be put out for that simple procedure!  Afterwards someone has to drive her home and I guess she has to lie down until she is fully awake.  She is definitely groggy on the drive home.  I had never heard of anyone having to be put totally under for a teeth cleaning!


@StLouisCruisers I can relate.  I actually burst into tears and shook when having the x-rays done at the first visit with this new dentist, that's how much anxiety I had.  I also needed the calming gas to have the cleaning done.  I'm calmer now, but still make sure I have music in my ears to avoid ANY of the machnery noises.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

A salute to dentists; I grew up with my previous one over about 30 years, until he retired. I had to find a new one this year. I am supposedly named after the actress Vanessa Brown; growing up I was the only one I knew with that name. My freezers are stocked with meat and veggies; with the price of meat these days I'm glad to have a lot on hand.

Agree with the 2nd half of the quote, but I'd be upset about being lied to.

I like the meal (although I've never made it myself) and drink; I'll pass on the wine.

I haven't been to Senegal. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers


It's warm and very windy here. 66F already after morning rain. More rain later and storms tomorrow. I'm doing somewhat better as far as the headaches. I haven't been wearing my glasses much, and increased the text size on my phone. Sadly, I paid a lot for these glasses about 2 months after my cataract surgery. At least I can reuse the frames if I need new ones.


@grapau27 Enjoy your travel!

@kazu I hope you take some time today to regroup and relax. Sorry your weather is still so awful!

@aliaschief Have a great cruise.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for DH to get a resolution to his issue.

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for Jen and Buddy. The only people I knew that were put out for teeth cleaning were those with functional challenges, who couldn't sit still.

@Sea Viewer Sorry your DH had an uncomfortable night; I hope he feels better today.

@msmayor I hope your DD doesn't need to be induced.

@ger_77 What a nice surprise from  your friends. Prayers for DH on his procedure tomorrow.

@JAM37 I'm glad you're feeling better.

@marshhawk So sad about your friend; it sounds like dementia. I went through that with my Mother, but fortunately she had a sweet disposition during it. Congrats on getting that bonus!

@smitty34877 So kind of you to help at the church; I'm sure the stories were heart wrenching.

@Sharon in AZ Thanks for posting the sermon in Graham's place.


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine/refugees/all helpers. A toast to the Celebration List.





Edited by JazzyV
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Love chicken pot pies, especially homemade. I use a recipe from a Nordstrom cookbook, a Christmas gift from DDIL the first Christmas after she and son married. ❤️ 
Love sailing along side the Hawaiian Islands as we approach Honolulu. 127BAD0E-B886-4621-9544-58C13126E647.thumb.jpeg.b9e934e18508625438e7f088e8468767.jpeg

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17 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

A salute to dentists; I grew up with my previous one over about 30 years, until he retired. I had to find a new one this year. I am supposedly named after the actress Vanessa Brown; growing up I was the only one I knew with that name. My freezers are stocked with meat and veggies; with the price of meat these days I'm glad to have a lot on hand.

Agree with the 2nd half of the quote, but I'd be upset about being lied to.

I like the meal (although I've never made it myself) and drink; I'll pass on the wine.

I haven't been to Senegal. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers


It's warm and very windy here. 66F already after morning rain. More rain later and storms tomorrow. I'm doing somewhat better as far as the headaches. I haven't been wearing my glasses much, and increased the text size on my phone. Sadly, I paid a lot for these glasses about 2 months after my cataract surgery. At least I can reuse the frames if I need new ones.


@grapau27 Enjoy your travel!

@kazu I hope you take some time today to regroup and relax. Sorry your weather is still so awful!

@aliaschief Have a great cruise.

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for DH to get a resolution to his issue.

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for Jen and Buddy. The only people I knew that were put out for teeth cleaning were those with functional challenges, who couldn't sit still.

@Sea Viewer Sorry your DH had an uncomfortable night; I hope he feels better today.

@msmayor I hope your DD doesn't need to be induced.

@ger_77 What a nice surprise from  your friends. Prayers for DH on his procedure tomorrow.

@JAM37 I'm glad you're feeling better.

@marshhawk So sad about your friend; it sounds like dementia. I went through that with my Mother, but fortunately she had a sweet disposition during it. Congrats on getting that bonus!

@smitty34877 So kind of you to help at the church; I'm sure the stories were heart wrenching.

@Sharon in AZ Thanks for posting the sermon in Graham's place.


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine/refugees/all helpers. A toast to the Celebration List.


Vanessa, I have to say AMEN to your wrap up today with everyone's news and events.  Excellent comments.👍


I noticed on the Oct. 11 Daily where I copied my post on Dakar, that Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserhad a lot of photos taken there since she had gone on a tour.  She may not be able to post them again today.  Here's a link to the thread.  

Her posts are on page 2, posts #34 and #36.  I'd repost them for her but I don't have her permission to do that.  The tour looked interesting.  I should look into that for our Grand Africa.

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4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

it just won't  say chick

Try garbanzo.  Same thing.


I was not named for any relative.  My parents decided that they were not going to do that because the relatives that the baby wasn't named for got so out of joint over it.  Besides, on mom's side we were overpopulated with Patricias, Margarets, Elizabeths, Johannas, and Kathleens.   Mom and Dad were probably influenced by Deborah Kerr or Debbie Reynolds as that was the era and it was a popular name back then.  My brother is the only one named for anyone. He is William Lawrence for my mom's dad and my dad.   My dad is Lawrence and that was his grandmother's maiden name.  The Lawrences were quite prominent in the area.  


I have fired quite a few dentists who didn't measure up to my desires.  I'm getting ready to fire the one I have now.  I will give it one more chance and we'll see.  Having a hygienist in the family and dentist friends I know what to put up with and what not to accept.  I did miss the notice about dentistry that went around the neighborhood because a lot of the people I grew up with went into the field.  One, Kevin, took over for his dad who was our dentist.  Kevin went above and beyond anything that was necessary.   My brother was in court ordered alcohol rehab and developed an infected tooth.  He complained about it, but the people that ran the place did nothing.  He mentioned it to my mom who mentioned it to Kevin.  Kevin was immediately concerned because an infected tooth can kill if not treated.  So, he called the place and talked to the person who answered the phone.  He explained how serious the situation was and that it could potentially kill my brother.  Her response was, well, he's not dead yet.  So, Kevin got in the car and drove to the next town where this place was.   He banged on the door and someone answered, but wouldn't allow him the entry way.  This was January with cold winds blowing and ice and snow.  The guy who answered said they tried to call Jeff's probation officer but didn't get a response.  Kevin asked for the number and they gave it to him.  He went back to the car, called the probation officer and explained the situation.   About 10 minutes later the door of the facility opened and the guy motioned for Kevin to come in.  Kevin went up and the guy said they would let him take Jeff back to the office for treatment.  Kevin did take him back, did what he needed, got him some antibiotics and wrote and printed off about 20 copies of a letter about the medication schedule and the use of ibuprofen for pain before driving Jeff back to the rehab facility.  He told my brother to hand one to the person in charge each time he was denied.  It only took two letters.  

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