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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday June 20th, 2022


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@HAL Sailer, what you wrote about our daily dinner table was beautiful.  You all have not only made me feel welcome at the table,  but you have made the table a place I want to be every day.  I cannot imagine life with out you all.


@StLouisCruisers I went back and read the end of yesterday, which is your today, and I was so sorry that you were still testing positive.  Better luck tomorrow!  

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1 1/2 parts Jim Beam® Original
3/4 part JDK & Sons™ Fleur Elderflower Liqueur
1/4 part Sour Mix
4 partsIPA Beer
(optional) Muddled
Basil Leaves
Garnish with Lemon Wheel

In a Collins glass briefly shake Jim Beam®, JDK & Sons™ Fleur Elderflower Liqueur and sour. Top with IPA and stir briefly. Garnish with a lemon wheel. Muddled basil makes an excellent addition to this cocktail.


Screen Shot 2022-06-20 at 9.13.45 AM.png

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Today's sunrise photo was taken just outside my neighborhood Middle School.  I hadn't noticed when I took the picture the reflection off the basketball backboard.





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Good morning Dailyites. 


Sandi I was sure you would break out of covid jail this morning. Hoping you and DH can walk out tomorrow and get back to your own cabin. 


Prayers for Curt, Buddy, Tana, and all needing a little boost of blessings. 


Today is our yearly checkup. I have already seen my test results on my chart, so I know what the doctor is going to be telling me..


Cheers, prayers and blessings 


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  BTW, @richwmnI do like the new name for this thread.  Both DH and I love orange ice cream sodas - yum!  We occasionally see bald eagles flying around here; they are quite majestic.  I often wished I could take Sochi to work, but considering the amount she sheds, it was likely better that she didn't.


We had a good day yesterday at the annual cemetery clean-up - like I suspected, the numbers have dwindled down and there were only 6 of us there to tend the graves and trim trees.  It only took a couple of hours and we were all done, then DH and I brought out 2 watermelons that we cut up and passed around and a big box of donuts.  Nobody needed lunch yesterday!   Here are some pictures from the pretty little cemetery called Riverhill; DH designed the gates and the armillary monument in the first and second photos.





This morning as I sit at the computer with the window wide open, the scent of lilacs is almost intoxicating.  To me it's one of the most beautiful times of year, but then I don't have allergies like some of our Daily family members do.  


I'm sorry @StLouisCruisers has tested positive; hopefully you'll get negative results tomorrow.

Congratulations @dfishon the new niece to enjoy!


Not a lot on the program for us today, although I'm on the hunt for bubble shooters for when our DGS's come in a couple of weeks.  We had a couple last year, but they took them when they left and they were such fun that I thought we should have more this year.  Instead of blowing the bubbles, the squirt guns spat out a bunch of bubbles at one time, filling the air around us - great fun!


I like today's menu suggestion, but we have leftover salmon from yesterday's Father's Day dinner.  I'm going to break it into chunks and we'll be having a  dinner sized salmon salad tonight.  Along with some fresh buns (I'm not baking, it's too hot right now, they'll be purchased), we'll have a good dinner on the deck tonight.  And leftover lemonade pie.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing assistance to them.  We'll salute all on the celebration list with our glasses tonight.  Stay well, wear masks when you need to, get your boosters and be safe.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Happy Monday. It is going to be very hot here the next two days. We will go to town tomorrow. Since we are off the grid we have no AC. Thankfully the crawl space is still very cool and the logs haven't gotten hot yet so we can stay cool inside for about another 24 hours with the cabin shut up and drapes closed.  The way we used to do it in Michigan when we were kids. 


Sorry for all the airline problems. Hopefully no one will miss their cruises. I hope as DF sees the coverage he will agree with me to drive to Fort Lauderdale next year for our cruise as we always do.


Prayers for all needing them and thanks for the Daily Reports! 


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I am certain that the Junior Cat would not want to be taken to work with me, but since March 2020 a large share of my work has been done at home. Some of it takes place over Zoom and a colleague insists that there is a law requiring that a cat be present in every Zoom meeting.


I can't think clearly about today's menu, because I'm preoccupied with plans for a picnic for 50+ people tomorrow.


For the Eurodam:


For the Koningsdam:



For the Oosterdam (this is Delos):


And for the Zuiderdam:




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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@JAM37Julia, @Cruzin TerriTerri, and @cat shepardAnn thanks for your support and prayers. Hoping for the best again tomorrow. If I knew what I needed to do for that viral load to disappear I’d do it. But there’s nothing I can actively do except wait it out. On Princess they tell me I will be tested each morning from Day 6 on until I’m negative, up to Day 10. At that point I would be released because I am no danger to anyone. But personally I want a negative test result!  Won’t I need a document proving I’m negative when I fly home Wednesday the 29th?  I can just see the question put forward by Delta now - have you tested positive for Covid in the last 14 days?  😳

@StLouisCruisers Sandi.

Sending you both good luck messages for  negative tests tomorrow.



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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.  


I may have to do my laps at the gym as it is threatening rain here.  We'll see what it looks like when I finish here.  My sister is in 7th heaven this morning as her son and his wife had their baby early this morning.  No name yet.  They are going back and forth between Madeleine and Maggie.  When I was a kid my mom used to take me to the soda fountain for ice cream sodas.  


Today's meal sounds like what we should have had yesterday for Father's Day.  While the recipe calls for drumsticks, you can substitute any piece of chicken for good results.  I make pretty good bbq chicken wings, but I do them at a low temperature for hours, basting every hour with the bbq sauce.  The meat is so tender that way and it is falling off the bones.  This first recipe uses a dry rub as a marinade for the drumsticks and has directions for grilling.  There are also directions for the air fryer and the oven.   It is keto friendly, so low sugar.  https://cookathomemom.com/grilled-bbq-chicken-drumsticks/




This next one has a slightly different spice mixture.  They recommend looking for a low sugar or no sugar bbq sauce.  I tried one of them once and it was terrible.  I stick with the real thing and just limit the amount I eat.    https://healthyfitnessmeals.com/baked-chicken-drumsticks/





This next one uses simply bbq sauce, salt, pepper, and liquid smoke.   That sounds like an interesting combination.  Easily done in the oven.   https://bakeitwithlove.com/baked-bbq-chicken-drumsticks/




This next one has a marinade sauce that can be used for 2 hours up to 24 hours before grilling.  https://tasteandsee.com/grilled-bbq-chicken-drumstick-recipe/




And here is one for the air fryer.   https://drdavinahseats.com/recipes/air-fryer-bbq-chicken-drumsticks




Prayers for all who need them, especially Ukraine, victims of gun violence, and Daily family members who are struggling with challenges.  Special prayers for Curt as he undergoes additional surgeries.  Prayers that @StLouisCruisers Sandi and DH test negative tomorrow.  Cheers to those who are celebrating.   Wishing you all a wonderful day.  





Sending our congratulations to your sister Debbie on her wonderful news of the birth of a baby girl for her son and his wife.


Edited by grapau27
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Thanks for our Monday Daily, Rich.


I like an ice cream soda but it’s way too damp and cold here for one today.  We need some of that heat wave others are getting 😉 I am sure the mosquitoes will multiply with all this rain.  As if they weren’t vicious enough this year in the garden 😬 


Love bald eagles.  They are rarely seen here but we did have a couple one year that liked my trees.  Quite the treat.  I wasn’t allowed to take the cats to work back in the day, but as long as a kennel wasn’t involved, they travelled beautifully in the car.  They moved here with me in the car and took a few trips two provinces away.  

They loved the pampering they got and were very good.


I like that quote today a lot.  Love drumsticks but none on hand today.


Late to the party today - a very early dentist appointment.  Oh well, at least it’s over with 😉. I considered stopping a one of the garden centres on the way home to see if there were any sales - still closed.  Just as well.  I probably would have had my card declined like this:




@dfish a new niece - how lovely and so exciting 👍


@StLouisCruisersI hope Tuesday yields better results for you 🤞 


@Seasick Sailorthanks for your post yesterday.  I was feeling like this yesterday 😉   




Sadly, that dead horse is still being beaten.  I’m ignoring and someday there will be a way to repay the courtesy 😉 👿 




1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:

[I didn't want to mix this with my prior post about DH's nephew. Hence this additional musing...]


Yesterday's Father's Day posts made me think about how The Daily helps us keep alive our memories – through a picture or a story – about a loved one, a favorite port, or a shared recipe.


It's likely that many of us grew up making and sharing memories around dinner tables at multigenerational holiday gatherings. And, although my DH enjoyed his Father's Day Zoom that allowed him to visit with his sons and grands scattered in many places, it's not the same memory maker. I doubt I'll ever hear a grand say, "Remember that time we Zoomed…"


So, I propose that, as we gather today around The Fleet Report and Daily, we raise a toast to the new memories we are making and the fond memories we are sharing at this – our daily dinner table.


What an absolutely lovely post ♥️ 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them & a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Monday everyone !!!!  




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 when / where needed.


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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  It’s a beautiful day in New England and I’m done working at noon.  Taking the afternoon off and taking care of some errands.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good although DH would prefer wings or thighs.  I’m making a roast beef today. It was marinating for yesterday but DH insisted on going out for dinner.  Since the shutdown began I’ve been working with cat supervisors. Somehow they managed to move 5 pm dinner time to 1ish.  When I do go into the office they act like they haven’t eaten in forever.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.

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Good morning and thanks for the update. It’s a cool and sunny day, was 49 this morning and is now warming up nicely.

Retired , but pets were not allowed in the office.

Blessings and prayers for all on our lists.🙏❤️🎉🐈‍⬛

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Sunny today and the temps will be comfortable. But there are showers predicted for the rest of the week. We will see. I certainly enjoyed the rainy day yesterday - Bandit, not so much.


Once of the friends who joined me for breakfast on Friday called to say she has been exposed to covid. Fortunately, the exposure was Friday evening. I am dropping a couple of test kits at her door later this morning.


Still loading things for the thrift store - so will get moving on that. Take care all.... will check back later.



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Good morning everyone.  Thank-you for the daily report and recipes and lists.  I would love an ice cream soda but I’m trying to be good prior to our Bermuda cruise in two weeks.  I’m glad that I see more bald eagles now than when I was a kid.  I think bring your cat to work day would be a disaster unless you work from home.  Interesting quote.  I really like the menu suggestion today, perfect for summertime.  I’ll pass on the drink but have a glass of the wine instead.  I haven’t been to today’s port, I’ll bet there are some nice photos to come.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!

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Good morning all!

Night 1 of 3 with the DGSs went well, "Despicable Me" was the movie last night.

Half of us are up, the other half still sleeping.  Older GDS and I were awakened at 7:30 when the alarm on his iPad went off.....the boys were up until 10:30 last night so I was hoping for a later morning for them!  Once younger DGS is up, the noise and activity level rises to high.  Thankful he's still asleep. 😉  


I love root beer and orange sodas, we have many bald eagles here, and we were in Souda (Chania) on our last cruise.  I remember we took the shuttle and went to the market, also got fresh flowers for our cabin.  DD has had to take her cats to work ever since Covid started, as she works from home.  


Will pass on the wine and drink, but the meal sounds good.  We'll be having hamburgers and S'mores tonight at the ocean, our first night there.


Maybe it helped that I mentioned our cooler than ever spring, because we're finally getting predictions of 80 degrees F this weekend!  Finally getting some warm weather here.  


Sandi @StLouisCruisersfingers crossed that your next test will be negative!

Debbie @dfishwonderful news about the new baby in the family!



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I love A&W root beer floats, it's been awhile. The BBQ drum sticks look tasty. Hope all the fathers out there had a great day yesterday, I know I did. Daughter & grand son drove 4 hours for an over night visit first time we've seen them in two years, glad when this covid is behind us.

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Good morning all, and thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily News!  I got this  notification from HAL this morning, but I'm not sure how it refers to our arrival in the US on a cruise ship.  



Please be advised that the COVID-19 testing policy for traveling to the United States has been updated. We are pleased to share that if you are traveling to the U.S. after your cruise, a negative COVID-19 test is no longer required for air travel into the U.S. from international destinations.


We were in Chania/Souda on the Eurodam last October.  We, too, took the shuttle into town and wandered a bit, checking out the interesting market.  I bought a piece of pumice from Mt. Etna there for DS's rock collection.  


Street scenes






In the market






As we sailed away






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Good morning from a hot and sunny central Texas.   There are predictions for a possible thunderstorm this afternoon.  I'm not holding my breath, but I will be happy if one pops up.


Today, I thought I'd mix things up a bit and post my pictures first, and then make comments later.


We have been to Souda and Chania twice.  The first time was in 2017 on Prinsendam, and the second time was in 2019 on Veendam.  Both times, we took the shuttle from Souda to Chania and walked around town.  Except for the bus ride, we did not see much of Souda.  The shuttle dropped us off by a park across from the Old Chania Market.  From there we walked around the area and the Old Venetian Port of Chania.


The area where the shuttle dropped us off, and it's the beginning for the modern part of Chania.  It was next to the little park where the statue in @Vict0riann  Ann's picture stands.



Pictures from the Old Chania Market.







Walking through Old Chania





A nice plaza with shops, restaurants and shade



The Presentation of the Virgin Mary Metropolitan Church in the back ground



The Church





The sea entrance to the Old Venetian Port.  The Lighthouse of Chania is on the right and the Firka Venetian Fortress is on the left.



Looking across the harbor





Looking toward the Kyuchuk Hassan Mosque, which is now a museum.



The mosque and a couple of the exhibits.  The first one was from 2017 and the second was from 2018.







Past the mosque and around the corner are several restaurants and the small boat harbor.



Chania is a lovely place to spend several hours relaxing, shopping, sightseeing and people watching.  We enjoyed our visits there.






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I was just preparing and putting my story together and all of a sudden all these pictures started showing up . Thank you all but here is my contribution . 


We are getting busy for our next cruise a few months from now in the Mediterranean where the Oosterdam will take us to Souda again , we were there last October like @Vict0riann and also took the shuttle from the port to Chania  .
After visiting the market and making a few purchases we walked to the pretty port of Chania , enjoyed a nice beverage when a flash thunderstorm opened the skies which was good for a few nice pictures ! 
Have a great day everybody ! Be well ! 
Tony 😁

IMG_4830 2.JPG




Just to be clear dear Martha did NOT bend that tree 












We had to abandon our seats on the front row on the terrace  but 20 min later everything was normal again ,








After returning on the shuttle and the captain was ready to leave we enjoyed watching a beautiful sunset  in Souda 



Edited by sailingdutchy
Reorganizing order and comments
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