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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday November 8th, 2022


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2 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas.


There have been some serious complications with DH.  The rehab hospiital had been trying to lower his blood pressure and at times got it too low.  Yesterday, they became concerned he might have had a heart attack, so they sent two blood samples to a local hospital.  One or more enzymes were slightly elevated.  They transferred him to the hospital yesterday afternoon.  Tests revealed he had the flu, but that was not the problem.  They found blood clots in the pulmonary artery and going into arteries in both lungs.  He is in ICU and stable.  However, the cardiologist determined they need to go in and try to remove as much of the biggest clot as possible.  This will happen sometime between 2 and 3 this afternoon, and will take 1 to 3 hours.  He will be here for several  days,and then, hopefully be readmitted to the rehab hospital.  


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, would you please repost any of my pictures for a while?  





Oh no!!! Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way that it all goes smoothly and he is soon headed back to rehab. Take care and please keep us posted.





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Good morning all. And thanks for the contributions. I spent hours trying to get my Mother's sewing machine to work. My sister had just used it when she was here visiting and I have used it before. After coming back to it several times, I gave up for the day. Today I will read the directions and see if I missed some step. If all else fails read the instructions. Hope everyone has good things happen today. 

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19 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas.


There have been some serious complications with DH.  The rehab hospiital had been trying to lower his blood pressure and at times got it too low.  Yesterday, they became concerned he might have had a heart attack, so they sent two blood samples to a local hospital.  One or more enzymes were slightly elevated.  They transferred him to the hospital yesterday afternoon.  Tests revealed he had the flu, but that was not the problem.  They found blood clots in the pulmonary artery and going into arteries in both lungs.  He is in ICU and stable.  However, the cardiologist determined they need to go in and try to remove as much of the biggest clot as possible.  This will happen sometime between 2 and 3 this afternoon, and will take 1 to 3 hours.  He will be here for several  days,and then, hopefully be readmitted to the rehab hospital.  


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, would you please repost any of my pictures for a while?  






Lenda Thank you for sharing. Adding my prayers that all goes smoothly for Steve, and you can relax a bit. 

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20 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas.


There have been some serious complications with DH.  The rehab hospiital had been trying to lower his blood pressure and at times got it too low.  Yesterday, they became concerned he might have had a heart attack, so they sent two blood samples to a local hospital.  One or more enzymes were slightly elevated.  They transferred him to the hospital yesterday afternoon.  Tests revealed he had the flu, but that was not the problem.  They found blood clots in the pulmonary artery and going into arteries in both lungs.  He is in ICU and stable.  However, the cardiologist determined they need to go in and try to remove as much of the biggest clot as possible.  This will happen sometime between 2 and 3 this afternoon, and will take 1 to 3 hours.  He will be here for several  days,and then, hopefully be readmitted to the rehab hospital.  


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, would you please repost any of my pictures for a while?  






Oh Lenda, I am so sorry to hear of these latest complications for Steve!  I hope and pray the surgeon can take care of the clot issue later on today.  Of course you need to be there to support him and I'm sure he's happy to have you with him.  I'll post photos for you whenever you need it.  In fact, I'll go retrieve them now.  Let us know later today how it all went.  🙏

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15 minutes ago, lindaler said:

Good morning all. And thanks for the contributions. I spent hours trying to get my Mother's sewing machine to work. My sister had just used it when she was here visiting and I have used it before. After coming back to it several times, I gave up for the day. Today I will read the directions and see if I missed some step. If all else fails read the instructions. Hope everyone has good things happen today. 




there might even be a YouTube video that could help. 

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Photos below are from Lenda on July 17, 2021.




We have been to Bonaire once in 2000 on the P&O Oriana world cruise.  At that time, only DH had a digital camera, and took a few pictures.  We rented a car and drove around the island, then walked around town.  All the pictures are from our drive.


These were some of the former slave cottages in 2000 before any were restored.



Other pictures from our drive.











Finally, last year on the Rotterdam Panama Canal cruise,  we completed seeing the ABC Islands with two visits to Curacao.




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34 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas.


There have been some serious complications with DH.  The rehab hospiital had been trying to lower his blood pressure and at times got it too low.  Yesterday, they became concerned he might have had a heart attack, so they sent two blood samples to a local hospital.  One or more enzymes were slightly elevated.  They transferred him to the hospital yesterday afternoon.  Tests revealed he had the flu, but that was not the problem.  They found blood clots in the pulmonary artery and going into arteries in both lungs.  He is in ICU and stable.  However, the cardiologist determined they need to go in and try to remove as much of the biggest clot as possible.  This will happen sometime between 2 and 3 this afternoon, and will take 1 to 3 hours.  He will be here for several  days,and then, hopefully be readmitted to the rehab hospital.  


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, would you please repost any of my pictures for a while?  





Prayers coming your way. Please keep us updated. Blood clots can be so dangerous as you well know.

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29 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

I got up to a light dusting of snow! Fortunately it's on the grass but the road looks clear. I don't need to head out for a couple of hours so hopefully it will warm up and be gone by then. 

DH continues to make slow progress. He was seen by the PA on Friday and she ordered a chest x-ray stat as well as one to check his ankle with the broken bone. Stat didn't happen until yesterday morning (a sooner or later but not right now attitude) but when I got to Life Care I was told there was no sign of pneumonia and no broken bone. Just waiting for the facility doctor or PA (who only come 2-3 times a week) to ok taking off the boot and then try to figure out why he's so congested and his lungs are wheezy. Yesterday he worked on standing and that seemed to go well I was told. I wasn't there until 12:30 PM. I went to the pool for water aerobics and then for a much needed haircut! My hair is thick and I always feel I should lose 5 lbs after a haircut but the scale never shows it. Oh well....


Have a great day everyone. We did DH's ballot a few weeks ago and it was in the mail. I checked on-line and it was accepted. All of Washington is mail in ballot and I like that. As for me, I'm a Canadian citizen and permanent US resident so no vote. I do the research for DH so keep on top of things (sort of). 



I'm very sorry to hear your poor DH is so congested and wheezy.  I hope someone can figure out what the cause is and get him the proper medication to help clear it.  


Nice to hear you help your husband keep updated on who's on the ballot.  So many people are uninformed and just vote for a political party without doing some research.  Sort of like, well my parents voted for that party so I will too.


We went next door to have our neighbors witness our signatures on our wills and chatted a bit.  They spoke about seeing our late neighbor and his wife two weeks ago at the Shrimp Boil.  They said Tom looked shockingly bad that day.  He had a knee surgery in the past year, and was experiencing pain all over his body but kept going back to the knee surgeon to try to diagnose his issue.  Turns out he had multiple myeloma and didn't even know it.  Unfortunately he didn't get other opinions.  Very sad situation.

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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!   


It is shaping up to be a nice fall day here in mid-Michigan.  Temperatures will be moderate until the weekend when they plummet.  It is that time of year.  


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, the resemblance between you and your daughter is very strong.  It does look like the three of you were having a great time.  That is the most important thing.  


Yesterday I ran a Covid test over to my brother and it turns out he is positive.  It seems to be a light case.  My DBIL took paxlovid for his Covid and now has a rebound case.  This stuff is nasty.


Galette (from the Norman word gale, meaning "flat cake") is a term used in French cuisine to designate various types of flat round or freeform crusty cakes, or, in the case of a Breton galette, a pancake made with buckwheat flour usually with a savoury filling. Of the cake type of galette, one notable variety is the galette des Rois (King cake) eaten on the day of Epiphany. In French Canada the term galette is usually applied to pastries best described as large cookies.


I have made King Cake and had quite the selection of those little ceramic figurines that were baked in it.  The person who got the figurine got to wear the crown.  


The potato and fennel galette reminds me of some of the recipes for the tomato pie we all liked.  Some were the free form crusts that we see in this recipe.   https://greenthumbfarms.com/rustic-potato-and-fennel-galette/




I only found the one version of the potato and fennel galette.  Galettes are very versatile and there is a lot that can be done with them.  This next one makes the crust out of the potato.  There is no fennel in this one, but I'm sure you can add it in if you like.  https://www.southernliving.com/recipes/crispy-potato-galette




This next one uses leeks (just for @superoma).  It also has a pistachio crust that sounds very interesting.   https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/goat-cheese-leek-and-potato-galette-with-pistachio-crust




This last one has a rye crust and uses leeks and fennel, but no potato.   https://www.irishexaminer.com/recipes/?c-recipeid=5297




Wishing you all a wonderful day.  Time to tackle those boxes!

Thank you, all interesting recipes!

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3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. I'm still having log in issues and have to log in with user name and password and only on my desktop. My ipad is a no go.

I can't believe Florida is going to be hit by another huricaine. Wishing everyone in her path to be safe.


I got a great report at the dentist yesterday and a great report at my oncologist last week, grteful for both. A radiologist saved my life back in 2015.

Hope everyone has voted or will vote today. I will be so happy not to see all the adds and emails asking me for donations. I get at least 3 of those a day.


Stay safe everyone,



Try clearing your cookies and history on the iPad.

go to settings, then to choose safari. Scroll about halfway down to clear cookies and website history. It might even be highlighted in blue to help you find it. Choose it.

you will need to log in to cc but if the clearing out did the trick, that will set a new cookie and history and should clear your issue. 

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56 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I hope all are exercising (or already have) their right to vote. At least political ads should be gone soon! A salute to radiology and the way it has enhanced medical care. I'll take a cappuccino! Good quote.

Maybe on the meal. Pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Kralendijk, Bonaire. I've been to Aruba and Curacao on my Panama Canal cruise.

Good luck to those in FL and the southern east coast, as well as those trying to leave on cruises.


I woke up before 6, but couldn't see the lunar eclipse, so saw it on the local TV station. And I knew my favorite local photographer would be out and about. It was 39 this AM, going up into the 50's. I'll try to get leaves done today.


@4966and556 I'm sure you're thrilled to be picking up your new cat.

@MISTER 67 Yikes on the finger; I'm glad the hand surgeon got it all cleaned out. Do you know how the infection started?

@Crazy For Cats It sounds like you're enjoying your cruise.

@StLouisCruisers Lovely photos, especially of your family.

@Lady Hudson I'm glad to hear DH is doing ok post oral surgery.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear about the loss of so many friends recently. It does make one reflect.

@dfish Sorry to hear about more Covid in the family, but hopefully mild cases. Thanks for the recipes.

@smitty34877 I hope you can get in soon and that the injection helps.

@Overhead Fred @HAL4NOW Great photos.

@durangoscots Good luck with your decisions.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


A picture of the lunar eclipse from my favorite local photographer, Dave DiCello.


Jazzy, thanks but I have no idea what brought this on, maybe a bug bite, not sure.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas.


There have been some serious complications with DH.  The rehab hospiital had been trying to lower his blood pressure and at times got it too low.  Yesterday, they became concerned he might have had a heart attack, so they sent two blood samples to a local hospital.  One or more enzymes were slightly elevated.  They transferred him to the hospital yesterday afternoon.  Tests revealed he had the flu, but that was not the problem.  They found blood clots in the pulmonary artery and going into arteries in both lungs.  He is in ICU and stable.  However, the cardiologist determined they need to go in and try to remove as much of the biggest clot as possible.  This will happen sometime between 2 and 3 this afternoon, and will take 1 to 3 hours.  He will be here for several  days,and then, hopefully be readmitted to the rehab hospital.  


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, would you please repost any of my pictures for a while?  





Thoughts and prayers for your DH.

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5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Not sure if @oakridger has ever posted to the Daily but she is on the Rotterdam but fortunate to be in the middle of a B2B so while the itinerary will change a whole lot (A LOT more sea days) but at least her end points are covered.



Thanks Roy! I've only posted a few times on the Daily but read it sporadically.  I follow your blog also so know your whereabouts!  Captain on the Rotterdam didn't mention what's happening with your ship in his announcement at about 12:30 today, but clearly the port is closed to all ships tomorrow.  Glad you're safely ensconced in a dry hotel.  



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Good morning and thanks all!  We’ve enjoyed snorkelling in Bonaire, but much prefer Kona, Hawaii. 
@MISTER 67 hope your poor finger will heal now!  Yikes! 
@Quartzsite Cruiser  oh no!  But so glad Steve is getting the care he needs.  Prayers for a speedy discovery. 
@luvteachinghoping your DH continues to improve

We’re  up to 13 inches of snow in one week, boy are we glad we hired snow removal! 


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Good (late) morning all!  I'm late today because my next-door neighbor spent the morning here while the workers removed the tree from her roof and attic.  I had a warm place, coffee and a shoulder to lean on while she waited. 

It's amazing how fast they work, it was all done in under 3 hours.  Clean-up too.  Beth is still a bit shaky, but doing ok.  The repairs could go on well after the holidays.


DH and I sent in our vote by mail, and thankfully missed most of the ads while we were gone on the cruise.  There was a pile of political ads in the mail though!  Radiology is extremely useful and important.  I've never cared for Cappuccinos.  The wine, drink and meal all sound good to me.


@Quartzsite CruiserLenda sending prayers for your DH Steve, and hugs for you!  


Photo this morning of Beth's roof.  This was after they'd removed the branches.  The trunk of the tree (other side of the house) is quite big. 







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I just extended my hotel stay another day.  Strangely, they claim I need to move to another room because my category is fully booked.  I find it hard to imagine a lot of people actually arriving tomorrow.  Wondering if I should have made it 2 more nights.


I have brought every bit of food I have in the car up to my room, as I don't expect to go out to dine tomorrow.  It will be a strange day with a potential diet consisting mostly of pringles, peanuts, and chocolate mints.



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas.


There have been some serious complications with DH.  The rehab hospiital had been trying to lower his blood pressure and at times got it too low.  Yesterday, they became concerned he might have had a heart attack, so they sent two blood samples to a local hospital.  One or more enzymes were slightly elevated.  They transferred him to the hospital yesterday afternoon.  Tests revealed he had the flu, but that was not the problem.  They found blood clots in the pulmonary artery and going into arteries in both lungs.  He is in ICU and stable.  However, the cardiologist determined they need to go in and try to remove as much of the biggest clot as possible.  This will happen sometime between 2 and 3 this afternoon, and will take 1 to 3 hours.  He will be here for several  days,and then, hopefully be readmitted to the rehab hospital.  


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, would you please repost any of my pictures for a while?  





I'm so sorry Lenda.

Our prayers 🙏 for your husband.

Raised enzymes was the only indication of my heart attack.

Hopefully the doctors will clear the blood clot and thankfully swift action may prevent any permanent heart damage.🤞

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14 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good (late) morning all!  I'm late today because my next-door neighbor spent the morning here while the workers removed the tree from her roof and attic.  I had a warm place, coffee and a shoulder to lean on while she waited. 

It's amazing how fast they work, it was all done in under 3 hours.  Clean-up too.  Beth is still a bit shaky, but doing ok.  The repairs could go on well after the holidays.


DH and I sent in our vote by mail, and thankfully missed most of the ads while we were gone on the cruise.  There was a pile of political ads in the mail though!  Radiology is extremely useful and important.  I've never cared for Cappuccinos.  The wine, drink and meal all sound good to me.


@Quartzsite CruiserLenda sending prayers for your DH Steve, and hugs for you!  


Photo this morning of Beth's roof.  This was after they'd removed the branches.  The trunk of the tree (other side of the house) is quite big. 








I would call that extensive damage!  Poor Beth.  You're right, it will take quite a bit of work getting that fixed up.  I just hope her insurance company doesn't delay like Terri's did.

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12 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I would call that extensive damage!  Poor Beth.  You're right, it will take quite a bit of work getting that fixed up.  I just hope her insurance company doesn't delay like Terri's did.

Thank you Sandi.  So far her insurance company has been stellar.  After determining the damage they will cut her a check and she can get the work done -- no waiting for the insurance company to choose the contractors etc.  Hopefully things will continue to go well.  

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