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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday February 15th, 2023

cat shepard

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Good afternoon everyone.  I like gumdrops but haven’t had one in a long time.  Cheers to singles and Susan B Anthony.  Not sure that I get today’s quote.  The meal and drink suggestions sound very tasty.  I love today’s wine.  Today’s port sounds very exotic.  I’ll enjoy the photos as I’ve never been.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today.  Hats off to those of you celebrating happy events.

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Good morning all!

I'm celebrating not having to get up before dawn for a doctors appointment today. 😄 It was so nice to sleep in a bit.  And it's a beautiful sunny day!


Jacqui @kazuwhat lovely flowers and kind friends!

Katherine @Lady Hudsonbrag all you want, your DH is a keeper for sure.

Joy @Seasick Sailorsafe travels!

Karen @luvteachingThat had to be so traumatic to experience. 😞  

Sharon @Sharon in AZwow on the snow!

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41 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday. Monday I went to the big screen to see Titanic for 3 1/2 hours. I knew it was remastered but didn’t know that it was in 3D until they gave me the glasses to wear. It was so good and after a while I got used to the 3D. I think only 3 people were there. 


I had a weird dream that my DD was going on a cruise but her friend didn’t give her any documents to board so I helped her print them out. Somehow I ended up on the cruise and met up with Graham and Pauline @grapau27, we had a great time!


I woke up at 4 am and decided to check the weather. It said that it was snowing so I had to check. Yes it was but of course couldn’t see much in the dark. When I got up at 8:45 snow was on the rooftops and cars. It won’t last though. It’s the second snow this winter.  It’s not much for those with heavy snow but it’s a big deal for us. 





Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, I didn’t know about the I10 accident and looked it up. It was nitric acid. It’s been cleared and residents could start using heat at 9:00 last night.  We aren’t in that area thank goodness.  BTW, your Valentine cake looked lovely and congratulations on your new pans. I bought new cake pans during lockdown but still haven’t used them yet. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Have a great day everyone!


That would have been lovely if we had met on a cruise ship Sharon.

Pauline is very chatty whereas I am quiet unless we are talking cruising or sport.


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4 hours ago, kochleffel said:

I never drop gum, and I'm already aware that I'm single. The meal and the drink don't interest me, and the wine would be above my budget.


Susan B Anthony (the B does not require a period, because she added the middle initial herself and did not use a full middle name) lived most of her life in Rochester and before that was politically active in the region between there and here. She was close to Frederick Douglass, for whom the Rochester airport is now named, and they are buried in the same cemetery.


Her initial activism was toward the abolition of slavery, and the women's rights movement began within the abolitionist movement. In women's rights, her earliest concern was not voting, but equal pay, and then the protection of women from abusive husbands. She shifted to voting rights after the Civil War, under the influence of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She and 14 other women in Rochester voted in the election of 1872; they were all arrested but only she was prosecuted. She was convicted and fined $100, which she never paid; because the judge didn't jail her or make any other attempt to collect the fine, she could not appeal the conviction. President Trump offered a pardon in 2020, but the president of the Susan B Anthony House and Museum declined it, responding that to accept a pardon would wrongly validate the trial proceedings in the same manner that paying the $100 fine would have.


The opera The Mother of Us All is about her life, sort of. The libretto is by Gertude Stein.




Very interesting information, Paul.  Thank you for posting it.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Not a fan of gum drops. I'm a part of singles awareness, and I'll salute Susan B Anthony. In college I was in an all female dorm for two years; it was disheartening when truckloads of flowers were delivered on Valentine's Day, and none for me. 


I didn't get any flowers either, so we're in the same boat.  


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

 It's terrible about the train derailment and poisonous chemicals released in East Palestine; I'm only about 52 miles from there.


I have friends in the area.  It has been horrible for them.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@dfish Thank you for the recipes. I once ate at Paul Prudhomme's restaurant in NOLA and had the gumbo, yum, many years ago (1980's I think). I hope your appointment went well. 



I always wanted to eat at K-Pauls, but never got the opportunity.  I did buy a couple of his cookbooks and one of my favorite recipes is Fried Chicken Salad with Green Onion Dressing.  Mmmmm


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

DH is making progress. Yesterday he did well standing at the parallel bars and transferring to the wheelchair. Today is wound care for the heel and then speech for sure. 
We had a scary afternoon that had nothing to do with DH. His roommate wasn't doing well and the daughter had come in. We left to do PT and then wandered the building, sat in the foyer to enjoy the sun, and then went to the dessert buffet then headed back. When we got back his daughter was taking his belongings to the car and the EMTs came in minutes later to transport him to the hospital which is .5 miles away. They go to move him and he coded! We're behind the curtain separating the two bed (and by the window) with nowhere to go. The daughter came over and I gave her a big hug as they worked on him then she went back to give info, etc. They worked on him doing CPR, suctioning blood (he'd had an upper GI bleed) and no pulse at each check. DH and I are sitting silently hearing all this and just hoping and praying for the bed. 30+ minutes later they call the time of death and 30 seconds later, if that, he starts breathing on his own! They bundled him up, got him out of there, and I haven't heard anything since. 


The staff was so good. The nursing person, Mykel, knew we were stuck and came to check on us as did several others. DH understood some of what was going on. I was shaky but ok. The EMTs were amazing!  The roommate was there due to hip replacement surgery and only arrived on Friday. Life takes such sudden turns, doesn't it? 



Oh, my goodness, that would have been so scary.  Especially since there is nothing you could have done.  


My appointment with the endo went well.  He said we can make an argument for taking out the adrenal tumor and I said go for it.  He wants to do a CT scan first and that was one of my goals as well.  So, moving along.

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4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all from the Island of Guadeloupe.

We will stay on board today.  Last time we were here we had a not too good experience so we will not venture off the ship today.  

Thank you to Ann, @cat shepardfor taking over for Sandi who is taking over for Roy who is taking over for Rich.  The list gets longer, LOL.

Thanks also to Vanessa @JazzyV for the cares and celebration list.  Prayers to all that need them. Especially the citizens of Ukraine and the victims of the shooting in Michigan and the victims of the earthquake in Turkiye and Syria.

I pray also for those in our group who are ill and awaiting results of tests and those in pain.  Roy, Tana, @tupper10, Jacqui, and all others who need our prayers.

@grapau27Graham, glad for the good results.

I like gumdrops,  Glad I am not single, and hats off to Susan B Anthony and her work.

No to the meal and the wine is above my budget.

I enjoyed the quote.

Have not been to the port.


Not sure what is going on but all of a sudden there are announcements to use the hand sanitizers and in the dining rooms the menus are just a piece of paper instead of being in the folders.  When asking why, the waiters just say they don’t know.  Huh!  Interesting.

There has been no mention of illness, either GI or Covid so it is left to one’s imagination.


Other from that, we are going to have a quiet, restful day on board.

Have a good day and stay safe and well.

God Bless,


Definitely sounds like a Nora Virus outbreak on board Terri.

There was one on P&O Azura in November during our first week and we were advised not to use outside restrooms on board and wash our hands regularly.

It never affected us as we used speciality restaurants and there was no issues in getting off in ports.

Take care and stay safe.


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Good afternoon,

Kansas City is crazy with the Chiefs parade. I am content watching it on TV.  Yesterday was not as bad as I thought it would be being my first Valentines Day alone. Friends picked me up for lunch (my first outing since surgery). Unfortunately, he brought one of those tall pick up trucks with no runningboards. I had to be boosted up by my behind to be able to get into the seat. Laughs all around for everyone.


Oh my gosh @luvteachinghow traumatic that had to of been to witness.  The bad part of all the confidentiality is that those who witnessed traumatic events like that don’t often get closure. Back in the old days they would’ve informed you on his status. I believe we need confidentiality but I wish there was a way that you could know what happened.


I get my new cast tomorrow. I had tried to talk her into a brace only prior to surgery, but she said no. I told her I would try the cast but if I hated it, I wanted the brace. I know other surgeons brace only afterwards.  I live alone, and she thinks I would not be good. She said she has worse outcomes with medical professionals not behaving after surgery. I will try to be good because I have a trip planned for first of May. 

My sweet niece went home Monday. The backstory on her is that she has a seizure disorder secondary to multiple brain surgeries. She went into status epilepticus and I took 3 days to stop the seizures. Her doctor put her on reduced work with FMLA paperwork. Unfortunately, her last place of employment didn’t understand the rules. At one point they all sat around in a circle and told her how her reduced work schedule negatively affected them. I told her that was not legal to do and start documenting everything. She filed an EEOC complaint and a lawyer in Denver took her on her case. She obviously left that employer and is trying to find new employment. She is a sweetheart, but people really don’t understand the effects of epilepsy and how it can take a while to come back from what she went through seizing for three days. She has made it to the final round a handful of interviews and is getting a little depressed. I’d like to put her on the prayer list. 

prayers and well wishes to all that need it.

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5 hours ago, ger_77 said:


Not much excitement here, except that our city is f-i-n-a-l-l-y going to be allowing compostable bags for kitchen waste to go into the green recycling bins.  That means I'm heading out to the dollar store to stock up on bags, because the city is mandating green bins (and a little pail for the kitchen) for every household to reduce the load on the landfill beginning in March.  Prior to this, they said they didn't have the proper equipment to break down the bags - apparently they do now.



2 hours ago, kazu said:

Yay on the compost bags.  No need to break them down, they deteriorate in no time.  We’ve been using them here for a very long time.  Tip #1 - do not keep them in the garage - the heat and cold makes them break down faster.  Tip #2 - dollar store ones are not great - you can get them just as cheap from Costco - big box - lasts and they last as long as they stored properly.  If there’s no Costco nearby, you can order them online.





California enacted legislation that went into effect in 2022 requiring that kitchen scraps be deposited in the green barrel which had been previously designated for garden waste.  I thought it made reasonable sense.  Enforcement seems to  be spotty, and, so, if you live in California, and you are not aware of this, then don't worry about it.


I first saw the green compostable plastic bags at Trader Joe's where they are available in the produce and the meat sections.  I thought they were pretty great.  Subsequently, I learned from Cruise Critic contributor @JimmyVWinethat they were available from Amazon,, and, so, that is where we now get them  We have been using them for several years now in our "landfill" trash barrel.  The next time I visit Costco, I will check there.


As we were transitiong to the new program our trash collection company advised not to put the compostable plastic bags in the green barrel because they do not breakdown fast enought.


Reading @kazu's comments. I wonder if Canadian compostable bags are different from the one's available in the U.S.  Not only does our trash collector ask us to no put them in the green barrel, but we store ours in the garage and have never had a problem with them deteriorating before we use them all up.

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23 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

I get my new cast tomorrow. I had tried to talk her into a brace only prior to surgery, but she said no. I told her I would try the cast but if I hated it, I wanted the brace. I know other surgeons brace only afterwards.  I live alone, and she thinks I would not be good.


Sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong but I think your doctor is right.

I had a brace for my other elbow surgery 7 years ago and they are heavy.  Makes it even harder to balance and there is little you can do with your arm.  The cast is lighter and enables you to do a bit. 

the brace was fine last time as I had DH but I sure wouldn’t have wanted it this time alone.  



23 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

I will try to be good because I have a trip planned for first of May. 


You better be good - you have a lovely adventure planned 😉 
Sad to hear how your niece was treated - glad you gave her some good advice 👍 



18 minutes ago, XBGuy said:

Reading @kazu's comments. I wonder if Canadian compostable bags are different from the one's available in the U.S.  Not only does our trash collector ask us to no put them in the green barrel, but we store ours in the garage and have never had a problem with them deteriorating before we use them all up.


They must be different indeed.  Ours (the only ones we are allowed to use) are truly compostable.  they break down on their own - exposure to heat and severe cold makes them decompose faster so they are of no use and end up in the compost bin without anything in them 😬 

Ours go in the compost bin along with the other compost.  Garbage is picked up one week, compost and recycling the opposite week.



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Good morning and happy day after.   Well we had a 4.8 earthquake last night so that rocked my world, but DH didn’t even notice, lol!  
@luvteaching yikes, how traumatic! 
@Lady Hudsonhow sweet! 
@grapau27 wouldn’t have known you were quiet,😉 good news on the derm check. Keratosis are normal and the basal cancers are so treatable.  A good reminder for others to get checked. 
@ger_77what a perfect card! Life should be experiences and adventures! 
@dfishglad the appointment went well 

@Seasick Sailorglad you are heading for your cruise! 
@kazuwe like the bags from Costco too!  Our city composts all our organic waste and has for several years.  The compost is then supplied free to us if we go pick it up.  It’s really good.  



Edited by bennybear
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2 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and happy day after.   Well we had a 4.8 earthquake last night so that rocked my world, but DH didn’t even notice, lol!  
@luvteaching yikes, how traumatic! 
@Lady Hudsonhow sweet! 
@grapau27 wouldn’t have known you were quiet,😉 good news on the derm check. Keratosis are normal and the basal cancers are so treatable.  A good reminder for others to get checked. 
@ger_77what a perfect card! Life should be experiences and adventures! 
@dfishglad the appointment went well 

@Seasick Sailorglad you are heading for your cruise! 
@kazuwe like the bags from Costco too!  Our city composts all our organic waste and has for several years.  The compost is then supplied free to us if we go pick it up.  It’s really good.  


Thank you.

Nice photo.

Sorry to hear about that 4.8 earthquake and hope there was no damage and no one hurt.


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The other day lasagna was the meal of the day, Classic Lasagna.  It is so regional and different depending upon where you are from and how your relatives made it.  Personally I enjoyed the lasagna in the MDR and Canaletto.  I prefer it with bechamela and not ricotta.  Magnolia Network has a show called Recipe Lost and Found that did an episode on lasagna.  It was very interesting.  Even though the grandmother was from southern Italy she made hers with a sneaky sauce which ended up being bechamela, not ricotta which is what is used in southern Italy.  Turns out that this was during the depression and the family had moved so she made it with what she had.  If you can find the episode I highly recommend it.


Jacqui @kazu, I understand what you mean about typing while recovering from an arm/elbow/hand injury.  When I broke my hand in 2018 the ortho doc scoffed when I said I couldn't work because I couldn't type.  He was like "WHY"?  It's your hand not your fingers and it'll do a lot of good so go back to work and type away. Even though I was in a cast I did it and pushed myself.  Best thing I did.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@Sharon in AZNext time you cruise in your dreams, I want to go!

Bu the way it snowed in Tucson in  January 1977.... I was there.....


I love spiced gum drops.  Especially the clove and cinnamon.  And spearmint, and licorice. And...

 Maybe my next cruise dream will have you and DH sailing through the Panama Canal!  I have lived here since 1971 and remember many snows but not specifically 1977.  I hope you enjoyed it!



1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

That would have been lovely if we had met on a cruise ship Sharon.

Pauline is very chatty whereas I am quiet unless we are talking cruising or sport.


I also remember taking a lot of pictures with you and Pauline.  You were both chatty and it felt like friends meeting up for a nice visit.  I'll talk cruising but I'm not good with sports if it ever happens for real. 



56 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

Kansas City is crazy with the Chiefs parade. I am content watching it on TV.  Yesterday was not as bad as I thought it would be being my first Valentines Day alone. Friends picked me up for lunch (my first outing since surgery). Unfortunately, he brought one of those tall pick up trucks with no runningboards. I had to be boosted up by my behind to be able to get into the seat. Laughs all around for everyone.


Oh my gosh @luvteachinghow traumatic that had to of been to witness.  The bad part of all the confidentiality is that those who witnessed traumatic events like that don’t often get closure. Back in the old days they would’ve informed you on his status. I believe we need confidentiality but I wish there was a way that you could know what happened.


I get my new cast tomorrow. I had tried to talk her into a brace only prior to surgery, but she said no. I told her I would try the cast but if I hated it, I wanted the brace. I know other surgeons brace only afterwards.  I live alone, and she thinks I would not be good. She said she has worse outcomes with medical professionals not behaving after surgery. I will try to be good because I have a trip planned for first of May. 

My sweet niece went home Monday. The backstory on her is that she has a seizure disorder secondary to multiple brain surgeries. She went into status epilepticus and I took 3 days to stop the seizures. Her doctor put her on reduced work with FMLA paperwork. Unfortunately, her last place of employment didn’t understand the rules. At one point they all sat around in a circle and told her how her reduced work schedule negatively affected them. I told her that was not legal to do and start documenting everything. She filed an EEOC complaint and a lawyer in Denver took her on her case. She obviously left that employer and is trying to find new employment. She is a sweetheart, but people really don’t understand the effects of epilepsy and how it can take a while to come back from what she went through seizing for three days. She has made it to the final round a handful of interviews and is getting a little depressed. I’d like to put her on the prayer list. 

prayers and well wishes to all that need it.


You will appreciate the cast over a brace, at least I did.  I am so sorry your niece is having trouble with work due to her seizures.  My DD had epilepsy as a preteen and teen and I can't imagine her having to go to school after an episode.  She missed a lot of school during that time.  I hope she can find the right people to help her and the right job to understand.


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I'm feeling a lot better. I would still rather sleep than do almost anything else, and I'm continuing to rest as much as possible.


It's 68° and sunny. I've been out to bring in the mail, but that's all. If I had outdoor furniture on the deck I would sit outside for a while, but it's all in the garden shed.



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Good afternoon.  The clouds have been coming and going, and it is windy.  It is a good day to do some more research on Ancestry.  After all the talk the other day about HEB, I discovered that some of DH's ancestors come from a town in the south named Butts.  🤣


5 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny morning.It’s going to be a beautiful day.High of 65.

I have an appointment with the doctor in Hershey this afternoon to discuss Botox, when I told the receptionist this was declined by my insurance company last summer and asked if they don’t read the report from my local doctor, she said no not unless they request it. 
I may need bail money before the day is over 😱

I’m just really tired of poor communication from within the same company.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists 



I hope you can get the Botox issue with the insurance company straightened out.


4 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. This morning I lay in bed looking out the window. Peeking through the ice handing over the edge of the roof, I could see snow covered tree branches dancing in the wind. I thought about staying in bed but the dogs convinced me otherwise. On the plus side, when I went out I found my neighbor had cleared off the car and shoved a path for me and a clear spot for the dogs (who were very happy). It has stopped snowing now and we probably got about 7 inches. Less than was predicted. Schools are closed today and there is ice under the snow so movement outside will be limited.


Otherwise, no news from here. My best wishes to all on needing them including Jacqui, Kathi, Roy, Tana and all the others including those dealing with disasters and war. Guess I can deal with the snow.




Susan, you have a really nice neighbor who not only cleared off your care and shoveled a path for you, but cleared an area for the dogs.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

Thanks for all for getting today's thread going and checking in. It's a lovely sunny morning here in our corner of the PNW but clouds are coming and rain for the weekend. 


DH is making progress. Yesterday he did well standing at the parallel bars and transferring to the wheelchair. Today is wound care for the heel and then speech for sure. 

We had a scary afternoon that had nothing to do with DH. His roommate wasn't doing well and the daughter had come in. We left to do PT and then wandered the building, sat in the foyer to enjoy the sun, and then went to the dessert buffet then headed back. When we got back his daughter was taking his belongings to the car and the EMTs came in minutes later to transport him to the hospital which is .5 miles away. They go to move him and he coded! We're behind the curtain separating the two bed (and by the window) with nowhere to go. The daughter came over and I gave her a big hug as they worked on him then she went back to give info, etc. They worked on him doing CPR, suctioning blood (he'd had an upper GI bleed) and no pulse at each check. DH and I are sitting silently hearing all this and just hoping and praying for the bed. 30+ minutes later they call the time of death and 30 seconds later, if that, he starts breathing on his own! They bundled him up, got him out of there, and I haven't heard anything since. 


The staff was so good. The nursing person, Mykel, knew we were stuck and came to check on us as did several others. DH understood some of what was going on. I was shaky but ok. The EMTs were amazing!  The roommate was there due to hip replacement surgery and only arrived on Friday. Life takes such sudden turns, doesn't it? 



Karen, that must have been very upsetting for both of you.  So glad the nursing staff looked after you once the roommate was on his way to the hospital.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

My appointment with the endo went well.  He said we can make an argument for taking out the adrenal tumor and I said go for it.  He wants to do a CT scan first and that was one of my goals as well.  So, moving along.


Debbie, your new doctor seems good and glad he will make the case for removing the adrenal tumor too.


1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

Kansas City is crazy with the Chiefs parade. I am content watching it on TV.  Yesterday was not as bad as I thought it would be being my first Valentines Day alone. Friends picked me up for lunch (my first outing since surgery). Unfortunately, he brought one of those tall pick up trucks with no runningboards. I had to be boosted up by my behind to be able to get into the seat. Laughs all around for everyone.


Oh my gosh @luvteachinghow traumatic that had to of been to witness.  The bad part of all the confidentiality is that those who witnessed traumatic events like that don’t often get closure. Back in the old days they would’ve informed you on his status. I believe we need confidentiality but I wish there was a way that you could know what happened.


I get my new cast tomorrow. I had tried to talk her into a brace only prior to surgery, but she said no. I told her I would try the cast but if I hated it, I wanted the brace. I know other surgeons brace only afterwards.  I live alone, and she thinks I would not be good. She said she has worse outcomes with medical professionals not behaving after surgery. I will try to be good because I have a trip planned for first of May. 

My sweet niece went home Monday. The backstory on her is that she has a seizure disorder secondary to multiple brain surgeries. She went into status epilepticus and I took 3 days to stop the seizures. Her doctor put her on reduced work with FMLA paperwork. Unfortunately, her last place of employment didn’t understand the rules. At one point they all sat around in a circle and told her how her reduced work schedule negatively affected them. I told her that was not legal to do and start documenting everything. She filed an EEOC complaint and a lawyer in Denver took her on her case. She obviously left that employer and is trying to find new employment. She is a sweetheart, but people really don’t understand the effects of epilepsy and how it can take a while to come back from what she went through seizing for three days. She has made it to the final round a handful of interviews and is getting a little depressed. I’d like to put her on the prayer list. 

prayers and well wishes to all that need it.


Lorraine, I smiled at the mental picture of you getting helped into the truck.  I can sympathize since DSIL has a very tall vehicle that I almost needed a boost to get in.  I'm glad you are determined to be a good patient so you can go on your May trip.  Thank you for sharing your niece's story, and I hope she gets a job soon.  It's good that you could help her with the situation at the old job.


4 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I'm feeling a lot better. I would still rather sleep than do almost anything else, and I'm continuing to rest as much as possible.


It's 68° and sunny. I've been out to bring in the mail, but that's all. If I had outdoor furniture on the deck I would sit outside for a while, but it's all in the garden shed.




Paul, I'm glad you are feeling better, but please continue to rest when needed.



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2 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

The other day lasagna was the meal of the day, Classic Lasagna.  It is so regional and different depending upon where you are from and how your relatives made it.  Personally I enjoyed the lasagna in the MDR and Canaletto.  I prefer it with bechamela and not ricotta.  Magnolia Network has a show called Recipe Lost and Found that did an episode on lasagna.  It was very interesting.  Even though the grandmother was from southern Italy she made hers with a sneaky sauce which ended up being bechamela, not ricotta which is what is used in southern Italy.  Turns out that this was during the depression and the family had moved so she made it with what she had.  If you can find the episode I highly recommend it.


Jacqui @kazu, I understand what you mean about typing while recovering from an arm/elbow/hand injury.  When I broke my hand in 2018 the ortho doc scoffed when I said I couldn't work because I couldn't type.  He was like "WHY"?  It's your hand not your fingers and it'll do a lot of good so go back to work and type away. Even though I was in a cast I did it and pushed myself.  Best thing I did.


 Maybe my next cruise dream will have you and DH sailing through the Panama Canal!  I have lived here since 1971 and remember many snows but not specifically 1977.  I hope you enjoyed it!



I also remember taking a lot of pictures with you and Pauline.  You were both chatty and it felt like friends meeting up for a nice visit.  I'll talk cruising but I'm not good with sports if it ever happens for real. 




You will appreciate the cast over a brace, at least I did.  I am so sorry your niece is having trouble with work due to her seizures.  My DD had epilepsy as a preteen and teen and I can't imagine her having to go to school after an episode.  She missed a lot of school during that time.  I hope she can find the right people to help her and the right job to understand.


It sounds like we all had a great time Sharon and it would be fantastic if we were on the same ship and we would definitely all be great friends.



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1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

 She said she has worse outcomes with medical professionals not behaving after surgery. I will try to be good because I have a trip planned for first of May. 


Given the medical professionals in my family and who are friends, I would guess it is pretty common that they don't behave after surgery.  How can you be a respiratory therapist who refuses the CPAP for sleep apnea and smokes?   


1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

My sweet niece went home Monday. The backstory on her is that she has a seizure disorder secondary to multiple brain surgeries. She went into status epilepticus and I took 3 days to stop the seizures. Her doctor put her on reduced work with FMLA paperwork. Unfortunately, her last place of employment didn’t understand the rules. At one point they all sat around in a circle and told her how her reduced work schedule negatively affected them. I told her that was not legal to do and start documenting everything. She filed an EEOC complaint and a lawyer in Denver took her on her case. She obviously left that employer and is trying to find new employment. She is a sweetheart, but people really don’t understand the effects of epilepsy and how it can take a while to come back from what she went through seizing for three days. She has made it to the final round a handful of interviews and is getting a little depressed. I’d like to put her on the prayer list. 


I sure hope your niece finds a job where she is understood and appreciated for what she contributes.  Documenting everything is a great strategy and I've told people not to be afraid to whip out a little notebook and to take notes right then and there.  When my sister was documenting I told her the standard response when asked what she was doing was to say her attorney advised her to document all interactions. 


31 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

The other day lasagna was the meal of the day, Classic Lasagna.  It is so regional and different depending upon where you are from and how your relatives made it.  Personally I enjoyed the lasagna in the MDR and Canaletto.  I prefer it with bechamela and not ricotta.  Magnolia Network has a show called Recipe Lost and Found that did an episode on lasagna.  It was very interesting.  Even though the grandmother was from southern Italy she made hers with a sneaky sauce which ended up being bechamela, not ricotta which is what is used in southern Italy.  Turns out that this was during the depression and the family had moved so she made it with what she had.  If you can find the episode I highly recommend it.



I tried to look up what was considered "classic" lasagna and got nothing.  I think it all depends on the region and there are definitely regional differences depending on local produce and such.  The same for "traditional" and "authentic" recipes.   


Many people are familiar with the hot German potato salad.  OR at least warm.  My great grandmother never made it that way.  Hers was cold with a dressing of bacon drippings and vinegar.  I loved hers and don't care for the warm version.


23 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, your new doctor seems good and glad he will make the case for removing the adrenal tumor too.


His argument is that they have to have a positive on two out of three tests with the three tests taken at different times.  That, he said, is because the dexamethasone suppressant test can give a false positive.  But, since my results came back over twice the upper limit it seems unlikely that it was a false positive and he agreed.  Last year my cortisol was elevated but I was one point low on dexamethasone absorption, so they said that negated the high cortisol and we'd wait a year and check it again.  Meanwhile, I have a lot of the symptoms of high cortisol.  I told him I was done waiting.


23 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

It sounds like we all had a great time Sharon and it would be fantastic if we were on the same ship and we would definitely all be great friends.




I hope I can be in the next cruise dream.  Last night I dreamt that I was being chased by Prince William and Kate Middleton because they had decided, for some unknown reason, that I should be part of the royal family and I wanted no part of it.  I was hiding under fallen trees in the forest to get away.

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Annie @marshhawkin getting a closer look at the large beach and the protective barrier to keep swimmers safe, I'd say they would need a net beneath the surface to prevent the nasty fish from coming into the swimming area.  It's looking more like one of those barriers they put out when oil is leaking from a boat and floats on the surface. 


We walked over there and it looks like a nice area for cruise ship passengers.  I searched Mahogany Bay and found out it's a port which Carnival Corporation developed for their cruise ships to visit.  Further on up the coast was where the Royal Caribbean ship is located and I think they must have something similar for their cruise ships to visit.  Graham @grapau27showed the photos from his visit earlier this month and it looks different from this dock.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

This is where we docked in Roatan Honduras on February 2nd





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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

Kansas City is crazy with the Chiefs parade. I am content watching it on TV.  Yesterday was not as bad as I thought it would be being my first Valentines Day alone. Friends picked me up for lunch (my first outing since surgery). Unfortunately, he brought one of those tall pick up trucks with no runningboards. I had to be boosted up by my behind to be able to get into the seat. Laughs all around for everyone.


Oh my gosh @luvteachinghow traumatic that had to of been to witness.  The bad part of all the confidentiality is that those who witnessed traumatic events like that don’t often get closure. Back in the old days they would’ve informed you on his status. I believe we need confidentiality but I wish there was a way that you could know what happened.


I get my new cast tomorrow. I had tried to talk her into a brace only prior to surgery, but she said no. I told her I would try the cast but if I hated it, I wanted the brace. I know other surgeons brace only afterwards.  I live alone, and she thinks I would not be good. She said she has worse outcomes with medical professionals not behaving after surgery. I will try to be good because I have a trip planned for first of May. 

My sweet niece went home Monday. The backstory on her is that she has a seizure disorder secondary to multiple brain surgeries. She went into status epilepticus and I took 3 days to stop the seizures. Her doctor put her on reduced work with FMLA paperwork. Unfortunately, her last place of employment didn’t understand the rules. At one point they all sat around in a circle and told her how her reduced work schedule negatively affected them. I told her that was not legal to do and start documenting everything. She filed an EEOC complaint and a lawyer in Denver took her on her case. She obviously left that employer and is trying to find new employment. She is a sweetheart, but people really don’t understand the effects of epilepsy and how it can take a while to come back from what she went through seizing for three days. She has made it to the final round a handful of interviews and is getting a little depressed. I’d like to put her on the prayer list. 

prayers and well wishes to all that need it.

I hope your niece gets an employment attorney.  After working in big business in the US nothing like your DN seizure disorder should have been shared.  Her company that did that should be sued then give her full disability. They got her off their insurance and never having to have her on temporary disability again.   Terrible and an HR nightmare.  

Sitting here enjoying our balcony looking out at the Atlantic. We had a great dinner with a wonderful wine we bought ashore. Big shakeup in our cellar masters. We now have 2 on a 1400 passenger ship.  We have Fernando who was with us from the beginning and now we also have cellar master #2 Patricia I think formerly from the Rotterdam. Hmmm 

@StLouisCruisersthanks for the photos of Roatan. We are going there next February and have never been. 

Saw a whale this afternoon while stretching in the gym. Got a great look at it really close bilit by the time I grabbed my camera and got out on the balcony it had dove.

Dinner tonight. Fried calamari, mozzarella salad, petit filet, mahi Diablo and sugar free raspberry mousse. Early seating very busy probably because of new people boarding in Buenos Aires. Have a great evening. Nancy 










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3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

This is where we docked in Roatan Honduras on February 2nd





Graham, your cruises look so nice, we just booked a very similar itinerary for my birthday in October on the Allure of the Seas, but out of Galveston.  (We're trying to book shorter cruises now because DD is having trouble dog-sitting for us, as she is busy with two small children.)  We're excited to do something different!


Do you and Pauline have a favorite restaurant?  They all look very good.

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I Need a Wang Wang. 
Afternoon all, back from Hershey,the first question was you’re here today for Botox, ah No, unless it’s a surprise, since the insurance  company denied that last year

When the Dr finally showed, his first question was who referred me to him, Ah I Saw You.  Last April okay , He started to talk about Botox, my reply was Insurance denied last year as not necessary. He doesn’t understand that, he’s thinks he can do better. Go ahead and try, he says 3 weeks ( at checkout 1st available appointment is May 22) not even approved but book it anyway.  
People wonder why I wish my Vet was an MD.


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