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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday March 7th, 2023

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12 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you slept well, and hope the pain subsides soon. Do you think all the moving and unpacking was the cause?

Thanks Vanessa, I am sure it must be all the stuff we have been doing.  i think I may have done something to my back.  I have been moving and lifting things, crawling under places and God knows what.  I probably strained myself in some way but don’t remember how.  All I know is that it hurts a lot.  I just have to wait for it to heal.  The pain meds are not helping at all.

One more dose.  If they don’t kick in, I will stop them.


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2 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Thanks Vanessa, I am sure it must be all the stuff we have been doing.  i think I may have done something to my back.  I have been moving and lifting things, crawling under places and God knows what.  I probably strained myself in some way but don’t remember how.  All I know is that it hurts a lot.  I just have to wait for it to heal.  The pain meds are not helping at all.

One more dose.  If they don’t kick in, I will stop them.



What about using a heating pad? I know when the injury first occurs, ice is recommended; but then heat after a couple of days. And of course just taking it easy for a while.

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This morning after posting, I did my treadmill, then breakfast and then went to my gym for the first workout of the week.  At my Dr. appointment yesterday she mentioned this will help my bone health so I do want to continue with it.  Just took a short break late last year.  Hopefully the bone density test comes back as good as it was 3 years earlier.  


After the gym I went outside to clean up leaves around the shrubs while DH trimmed a few shrubs that are already trying to get out of hand.  Later this week the landscapers will be bringing some pine straw mulch to throw down among our shrubs.  They literally take big handsful and throw it down hard!  I hate the stuff but unless I want to take over the mulching each year this is what it will be.  I'm a fan of hardwood mulch but down South they use the pine straw.  This is all included in our HOA dues.  If we change to the hardwood we would have to pay extra for the mulch and someone to do it for us.  I know my limitations nowadays.  In the past we did it all, but it was back breaking work.  No thank you!

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Good morning all!

Well after 3 good nights, it caught up with me and last night I was a member of the 3am club and many other hours too. I knew it would come, but those good nights were wonderful!  I have my yearly eye exam this morning, and of course my eyes are tired. 😉  


We like cereal here, especially Cheerios with fruit and Raisin Nut Bran (so much yummier than Raisin Bran)!  Crown Roast Pork sounds yummy too, but if someone else makes it.  A big salute to the Peace Corps!


My Dear Dad is a perfect example of quality of life and longevity.  Today is the 5th anniversary of his passing at the young age of 101.  He looked and acted more like an 80-year-old, even his doctors couldn't believe his age.  We miss him dearly.


I'll pass on the drink and wine.  The meal looks good but wouldn't be good for me (too much sodium, even with low sodium soy sauce).  We've been to Norway but never Ulvik.


Terry @smitty34877I hope your DH's consultation with the cardiologist goes well today and also that you find a new aide for Tana soon.  


Dixie @summer slopeGreat news that Bailey is doing well!!  


@RedneckBobHappy Birthday to you!  It was a good day when you decided to join us, regaling us with your humor.  


Debbie @dfishSo glad you slept better last night.  Hope your CT scan goes well today.


 @Cruzin Terri Hope you feel better soon.  I agree, all that work would most likely be the cause of the pain.  


Annie @marshhawkDarn it about your employers not taking out the proper taxes!


Have a great day everyone!  I'll try to check back when my eyes become undilated. 😄




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Good morning from a cloudy central Texas.  It was foggy this morning when I got up and headed to the store.  By 9:30, the fog was beginning to lift, but it will be cloudy all day with highs in the mid 70sF.


We eat cereal some mornings with a banana or other fruit if possible.  Other days, I'll have toast for breakfast.  Even though the Peace Corps was celebrated March 1 on  the anniversary of it's creation, it is worth celebrating again.  The roast pork is an unusual day to celebrate, and it won't be celebrated here.  I'm am not a fan of pork roasts.


The MLK quote is very true, but like Vanessa @JazzyV I would also appreciate the longevity too.  There's a lot I still want to do and places I want to see.


It's confession time about my version of Pad Thai (and the Korean BBQ short ribs).  I don't make them completely from scratch since I found kits at W-M that have the sauce and other ingredients needed.  From there, I adapt the recipe on the package to suit our needs, including cooking the ribs in the slow cooker even though the recipe calls for sliced steak cooked in a pan.   @Crazy For CatsJake, we tried shrimp once in the Pad Thai, but found that we like it with chicken better.  And Debbie @dfish was correct that the chopping and prep work take more time than the actual cooking, but I usually can get it done in about 30 minutes.


We'll pass on the drink, but I would love to try the wine if they would just ship me a bottle to taste and review.  🤣


We have not been to Ulvik, but that area of Norway is as spectacular as the rest.  It's on a fjord that branches off the fjord to Eidfjord.


@grapau27  Thanks for the explanation of National Cereal Day.  

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad to see you are beginning to sleep better most nights.

@smitty34877 Terry, I also hope the cardiologist has the opinion that no more intervention is needed.  I hope Tana's nursing friends can help you find an aide that is a good fit, since Tana does not need any more anxiety.

@summer slope  Dixie, that is great news that Bailey is doing so well.  Here's to many more happy, healthy years.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope the meds start to help with the pain.  I imagine that not only moving boxes, etc. contributed to the pain, but that the stress of the last six months added to the problem.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I hope the new house cleaner is a good fit for you.

@ger_77 Gerry, enjoy the results of your hair cut and other magic your neighbor uses.  I too have been hesitant to mention how well I normally sleep.  Most nights, I manage to sleep from four to six hours straight and then get back to sleep, but I can sympathize with those who wake up and can't get back to sleep.  I went through that for the many months last years with worry and concern about DH. 

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad the pulmonologist found no change with your DH.  Congratulations to your DH on his first sale for the Bowl.  And yikes 😱 on the taxes not being withheld.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I have not lost connection with CC, but then I wasn't on until about an hour ago.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, when we lived in South Carolina and North Carolina we used pine straw for mulch.  When you have a lot of pine trees in the yard, you have to do something with all that pine straw.  It was free mulch, and raking it up and putting in the flowerbeds was not that hard.  When we moved back to Pennsylvania, I found bales of pine straw in the garden centers of $10/bale.  No way was I paying for something I used to get for free.  We switched to wood mulch.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, sorry about the 3am wake up last night.  I hope the eye exam goes well.  I would really like to emulate your father and live to a healthy and fit 101.  I hope the good memories make today easier.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope you are just busy and doing well.  You are missed here, and we do worry when we don hear from you for several days.





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Good morning Daily-ites.

Just sailing into Raiatea..




I stood on the balcony saying my devotions and thought of @kazu hoping Jacqui you are doing ok.


Thankful to hear Dixie's Bailey is on the mend!


Happy Birthday to Red Neck Bob. I could have sworn I saw your picture in the post office..


Roy please let us know how your test goes. Hope you are stronger every day.


Sending blessings and Peace. Our world is turning upside down!!

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Well lost our connection to CC and I believe @RedneckBobcaused it with all his rapid thank you’s!😁 Bob one post saying thanks to all is sufficient. Plus you’ll upset Graham if you get more post today then he does. He’s a salesman and has to meet his quotas.


Just kidding. Did anyone else loose connection?

I guess I blew the fuse! I prefer personnel thank you’s, only the way RNB can tell it.

Sorry Graham. I’m trying for the post record to day.

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Cruise Critic is loading very slowly today for me; frustrating, so I'm saving my post in Word in case it disappears.

I like cereal, mainly oatmeal in winter. In college days cold cereal was often dinner! I've never made a crown roast of pork or eaten it. I will salute the Peace Corps again. I like the quote, although both quality and longevity would be nice. I like pad thai, and have made a version with zoodles. I'll pass on the drink and yes to the wine.

I haven't been to Ulvik. I appreciate any photos,


It's sunny today, but our 50+ temps are gone; it will be mid-to-upper 40's all week, with wind chill in the 30's. I've got lots of little stuff to do; paperwork, organizing, etc. Also my traveling partner is having a hissy fit about the TA requiring a C-19 test before boarding, sigh.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today. 

@RedneckBob Happy Birthday! Sorry I missed adding it to the Celebration List.

@rafinmd I hope you can string together many days of good sleep.

@smitty34877 Prayers for you and DH as you meet with the specialist Cardiologist, that no intervention is needed. I do hope you can find an aide that is comfortable working with Tana's condition. 

@summer slope Great news about your kitty! 

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you slept well, and hope the pain subsides soon. Do you think all the moving and unpacking was the cause?

@dfish Thank you for the recipes. Good luck with the CT scan this afternoon.

@aliaschief I hope the new house cleaner works out, and thanks for the memes.

@ottahand7 Thanks for the food porn. Do you think people are just wearing masks to protect themselves?

@marshhawk Ugh on your jobs not taking out taxes properly. Congrats to DH on the sale! 

@kazu Thinking of you and you are missed. Take care.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.

Thanks JazzyV. No problem not being part of the Celebration List. I made up for it listening to Kool and the Gangs Celebration. 

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43 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Well after 3 good nights, it caught up with me and last night I was a member of the 3am club and many other hours too. I knew it would come, but those good nights were wonderful!  I have my yearly eye exam this morning, and of course my eyes are tired. 😉  


We like cereal here, especially Cheerios with fruit and Raisin Nut Bran (so much yummier than Raisin Bran)!  Crown Roast Pork sounds yummy too, but if someone else makes it.  A big salute to the Peace Corps!


My Dear Dad is a perfect example of quality of life and longevity.  Today is the 5th anniversary of his passing at the young age of 101.  He looked and acted more like an 80-year-old, even his doctors couldn't believe his age.  We miss him dearly.


I'll pass on the drink and wine.  The meal looks good but wouldn't be good for me (too much sodium, even with low sodium soy sauce).  We've been to Norway but never Ulvik.


Terry @smitty34877I hope your DH's consultation with the cardiologist goes well today and also that you find a new aide for Tana soon.  


Dixie @summer slopeGreat news that Bailey is doing well!!  


@RedneckBobHappy Birthday to you!  It was a good day when you decided to join us, regaling us with your humor.  


Debbie @dfishSo glad you slept better last night.  Hope your CT scan goes well today.


 @Cruzin Terri Hope you feel better soon.  I agree, all that work would most likely be the cause of the pain.  


Annie @marshhawkDarn it about your employers not taking out the proper taxes!


Have a great day everyone!  I'll try to check back when my eyes become undilated. 😄




Thanks so much Cruising-along! It’s a pleasure to entertain fellow CC members in my own way. Also don’t tell StLouisCruiser, she did not want me to thank her for my BD shoutout so I will secretly thank her here.

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20 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites.

Just sailing into Raiatea..




I stood on the balcony saying my devotions and thought of @kazu hoping Jacqui you are doing ok.


Thankful to hear Dixie's Bailey is on the mend!


Happy Birthday to Red Neck Bob. I could have sworn I saw your picture in the post office..


Roy please let us know how your test goes. Hope you are stronger every day.


Sending blessings and Peace. Our world is turning upside down!!

Thanks Seasick Sailor. Tell me, was it a good picture.


Interesting CC name. Is it true?

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@JazzyV regarding the masks I get concerned when it is brand new people suddenly popping up wearing masks. There are some on the ship that wear them constantly.  

@StLouisCruisers the Boi Bumba show was the blue team and their music was perfect enough to be exciting but not booming. Maybe you had a different team for your performance. 

We went to the Legendary Voyages presentation by our FC consultant.  Nothing for us as we are already booked for 2024. I was interested in seeing the offerings that are winter cruises that begin and end in the same port in the US.  There has been so much interest in the Seattle Japan round trip he printed out ship layouts by deck, available cabin and the price breakdowns so people can fill out a form and get their choices booked.  Tomorrow he and Jeremy are supposed to be rolling out 2025 world that he gave us a quick preview on the map which included Amazon, some Australia/NZ, down to South Africa and then through the Suez.  That was just a tease so fleshing out stops will be coming tomorrow.  Too long for us so we will pass on that presentation. 

We got back to the cabin and there were 100 day Bronze medallions for us both.  I will have 81 days just on the Volendam this trip and I had a Bronze medallion left in my cabin on the NS last year with no fanfare. Tomorrow they are doing a Medallion Reception.  I am sure 35% of the ship will be there.  The rest all have many more days than 100.  Leaving Port a little late today but we have many sea days to get caught up.  

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6 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@JazzyV regarding the masks I get concerned when it is brand new people suddenly popping up wearing masks. There are some on the ship that wear them constantly.  

@StLouisCruisers the Boi Bumba show was the blue team and their music was perfect enough to be exciting but not booming. Maybe you had a different team for your performance. 

We went to the Legendary Voyages presentation by our FC consultant.  Nothing for us as we are already booked for 2024. I was interested in seeing the offerings that are winter cruises that begin and end in the same port in the US.  There has been so much interest in the Seattle Japan round trip he printed out ship layouts by deck, available cabin and the price breakdowns so people can fill out a form and get their choices booked.  Tomorrow he and Jeremy are supposed to be rolling out 2025 world that he gave us a quick preview on the map which included Amazon, some Australia/NZ, down to South Africa and then through the Suez.  That was just a tease so fleshing out stops will be coming tomorrow.  Too long for us so we will pass on that presentation. 

We got back to the cabin and there were 100 day Bronze medallions for us both.  I will have 81 days just on the Volendam this trip and I had a Bronze medallion left in my cabin on the NS last year with no fanfare. Tomorrow they are doing a Medallion Reception.  I am sure 35% of the ship will be there.  The rest all have many more days than 100.  Leaving Port a little late today but we have many sea days to get caught up.  


Nancy, thanks for your reply about Boi Bumba.  I don't know what color team we had but it was no doubt the LOUD team!


You say you are leaving late tonight.  Is your next stop Macapa for a service call only (no disembarking for passengers)?

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Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday. Yesterday was spent with DM taking her to an appointment and shopping. My back seat was filled with her shopping that I had accumulated over the past few weeks and she still needed some more things, like makeup and laundry soap. Cracks me up that she is so picky about her makeup products and routine. Afterward we went to lunch.  The next few weeks she has a lot of appointments. I wish they were spread out more evenly. 

I like the days today but will skip the Pad Thai.  We had pork chops the other day so that’s the extent I’ll celebrate pork roast. 😉 I made pork roast once and didn’t like it so now just stick with bone in chops. 

Bob @RedneckBob - Happy Birthday!  🎈🎈🎈


Dixie @summer slope - so good to hear Bailey is doing so much better!


Have a great day!

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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

I guess I blew the fuse! I prefer personnel thank you’s, only the way RNB can tell it.

Sorry Graham. I’m trying for the post record to day.

Thank you Bob you can have the post record every day with your humour.

I also prefer to thank everyone personally but I sometimes use the + button if I am catching up.



Edited by grapau27
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48 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday. Yesterday was spent with DM taking her to an appointment and shopping. My back seat was filled with her shopping that I had accumulated over the past few weeks and she still needed some more things, like makeup and laundry soap. Cracks me up that she is so picky about her makeup products and routine. Afterward we went to lunch.  The next few weeks she has a lot of appointments. I wish they were spread out more evenly. 

I like the days today but will skip the Pad Thai.  We had pork chops the other day so that’s the extent I’ll celebrate pork roast. 😉 I made pork roast once and didn’t like it so now just stick with bone in chops. 

Bob @RedneckBob - Happy Birthday!  🎈🎈🎈


Dixie @summer slope - so good to hear Bailey is doing so much better!


Have a great day!

Thanks Sharon in Arizona. 

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39 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Bob you can have the post record every day with your humour.

I also prefer to thank everyone personally but I sometimes use the + button if I am catching up.



Thanks you Graham. If I keep doing these thanks you posts I might have to use the  -minus button 😳

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We have been getting ready for our upcoming cruise later this month on the Westerdam.  It is interesting that a person now on that ship has mentioned how they are emphasizing mask wearing on board; a crew member stationed at the Lido entrance will ask you to put one on as you enter, etc.  Just saw the pictures that a person on the Zuiderdam WC posted of a party last night.  People crowded together dancing and drinking and not a person, including crew, is wearing a mask.


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We went out for dinner tonight.


I had a mixed Grill.

Pauline had a prawn cocktail then a Sweet potato curry with poppadoms and chips washed down with a bottle of prosecco.





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Good day and thanks all!  I actually slept very well in my own bed, nice to be home and appreciate the comforts minus the leaking toilet, argggh!  Plumber coming soon.  
I was grateful everyone in our cabin on the plane was masked, so fingers crossed we stay safe.  I’ve heard of too many flying while sick. 
@ottahand7 hope you continue to stay safe, 
@RedneckBob happy birthday, even with jet lag I couldn’t miss that!  Even if I wanted to😉
@kazu sending hugs that all is well 
@Cruzin Terri I hate having tons of people in my house so I hear you.  
@dfish hope all goes well with your scan.

4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Well lost our connection to CC and I believe @RedneckBobcaused it with all his rapid thank you’s!😁 Bob one post saying thanks to all is sufficient. Plus you’ll upset Graham if you get more post today then he does. He’s a salesman and has to meet his quotas.


Just kidding. Did anyone else loose connection?

You made me laugh out loud!  

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Hi everyone!

From Acapulco; on my NCL Bliss PC cruise.  As usual the internet is not always reliable 🙄. Been tough to keep up.

We are back to LA on Mar 12th, this WE.

All is good,  have had great weather. 

Hope all are well,  take care. 😊😎

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