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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday April 16th, 2023


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Do you remember when I was studying Greek and every lesson seemed to be about elephants? When I went to Greece, I expected to see herds of elephants roaming everywhere, but the only elephants I ever saw were in toy stores. 


I like mushrooms but eat them cautiously, because more than a small amount of even edible ones upsets my digestion. I've concluded that it's less headache to do my own tax return than to have a bean counter do it for me (and I used to be a volunteer tax preparer), but this year's isn't complete yet and now the software is taking longer to update itself than it did to install.


I like falafel but they are difficult to fry without having them either burned on the outside or raw on the inside. Baking would avoid that but baked don't seem quite right to me.  Will skip the drink (wouldn't like) and the wine (would like but couldn't afford even if it could be obtained here). I haven't been to Whittier--Seward would have been the disembarkation port of a cruise that was cancelled because of you-know-what.


I need to go to Staples and Target again, but not necessarily today. Staples is for a printer cartridge, but I got the old one to print some more by shaking it. This mattered because I needed to download various tax documents and it is easier to enter them in software from printed copies, which I would want to save anyway.



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20 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  It was sunny when I woke up at 9 !!!! But an hour later, the clouds rolled in, the temps dropped and I guess we might get those storms that the weather people have threatened us with all week.


I ended my time "at the bowl" with a sale.  Yay!  And found out this morning that Lincoln Center is cutting our hours( a good thing since I stink at fund raising) but Arizona Opera isn't ready until maybe Tuesday or Wednesday.  The upside?  I don't have to be at any job until 5:30 tomorrow.  The downside? really small pay.


DH and I need to go shop for new glasses.  He wants to go up to the Bass Pro Shop and get some good hiking shoes.  However, there are times when getting him organized is like herding cats.  But last night he gave me another scare.  We had left dinner, and when pulling out of the parking lot, at a light that goes left or right I got in the lane to turn left to pick up groceries.  He asked me why I wasn't turning right to go get ice cream.  Where am I going to get ice cream I asked.  He said at the Dairy Queen.  Where is the Dairy Queen I asked.  He said across the street to the right.  I looked across the street, at the now parking lot, that was the garden center where I worked 20 years ago, that was a Dairy Queen 30 years ago. I pointed out to him that the Dairy Queen was long gone.  Then he said he was confused, and thought we were in another town.  He has a doctors appointment with his oncologist this week, but this doc has taken over being his primary physician.  Someone that we can both talk to, and because DH seems to have a problem swallowing this is another thing that needs to be brought up.


Indy race today, so we will be home this afternoon.  I am making roasted Obrien potatoes, he will cook two small tenderloins, and we will have salad. 


@ger_77Your dinner last night sounds wonderful!  I think your new "family" make a wonderful addition your family.


@cruising sisterNot only is it nice to do what you have done for your friend, but you have removed a lot of stress for your friend, which is wonderful.  Something that she may not have thought about has been taken care of allowing her to grieve.


@grapau27Thank you for bringing us Father David.  When I see his face, and put my mouse on the play button, it's like opening a gift every Sunday. Like opening a book, and finding  love, compassion, knowledge and friendship.


@StLouisCruisersRen did great yesterday!  What a final score!  And best birthday wishes to Kai.!


I am loving the pictures of Whittier.  And wondering how much snow I will see this May, and should I pack my boots....


here comes the sun again....



What a lovely message.

Thank you for posting it.

Father David is a wonderful vicar and I'm so pleased that his sermons make you happy.

It is pleasing that so many Dailyites appreciate his sermons.


Edited by grapau27
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Good morning all!

We're having a drizzly, cloudy day, it will only get up to 50F.  A good day to just do some housework and laundry (yes, getting low on underwear here) 🤣 


I'm all for saving the elephants. Such majestic creatures.  Will pass on the fungus (mushrooms) it's a texture thing.  DH was a bean counter (Supply Officer in the Navy) and does all our taxes and investments.  Good thing, because math was never my strong suit.


Have been to Alaska and going again this year, but have never been to Whittier.  Thanks for the great photos!  Will pass on the drink, red wine and meal.  Last night we had beef stew and homemade biscuits, not sure what we'll have tonight.  


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Happy 18th birthday to Kai!  And a big congratulations to Ren and his team!

Lorraine @cruising sisterWhat a wonderful thing you're doing for your friend.  I'm sure your son would be very proud.


Gerry @ger_77 Your dinner last night with your Ukrainian friends sounded wonderful.  How cute that the 5-year-old was proud of helping.  Our Ukrainian neighbor has a thingy on her phone that translates.  I speak into it in English and it translates for her.  Her children and grandchildren speak more English than she does but this really helps her.  



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2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Not a good night last night, too much going on in my head and heart!  
Thanks @grapau27for Fr David’s sermons. 

I wish DH would enjoy falafel but that’s just not happening here. 

im reposting what I posted Kate last night. Blessings all!I appreciate all your support. m—



It’s been a day of running around, making phone calls, getting haircuts, replenishing eye drops from pharmacy, and trying to get a plan together for our quick trip for family funeral. Not all the phone calls were successful so I haven’t got hotel reservations yet, but I read enough reviews to get cross-eyed!  I will have to drive, DHs glasses are not matched yet to his new cataract lens, not till next month. But I’m so grateful he’ll be with me to help me along the way navigating and passing me snacks!! 🍪


Heartfelt thanks to ALL for your condolences. This is my third passing of a cousin in 7 months. Illness can come on quickly. I last saw him at a wake in October!  I didn’t make the January cousins party because of COVID concerns, and he didn’t either, just beginning his yet-undiagnosed illness. Not sure yet if we’ll try to see granddaughter who lives near where we’re headed… she and her DH are just a week past COVID. It’s such a disruption. We ourselves are only a month past our 2nd bout of it which came on the heels of our grand family Rotterdam cruise. Ugh. 

So wonderful to see our Dailyites made it aboard today!  Some very creative and savvy travelers!  
@Sharon in AZ we liked the old ships’ inside cabins where they had a couch!  Now on the Pinnacle class nearly all the insides have only the bed or the toilet to sit on!  Princess has been stingy with sitting areas but at least a chair each!  

@bennybear your comment about the little sandwiches hit home!  My maiden name was Cichetti. And all my cousins are on the Cichetti side!  My Irish mom was adopted, an only child of two only-child parents but she married into a big Italian family. Sadly that family seems to be entering the dwindles. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, thanks for the great pix of Venice. There wasn’t much not to love about Venice!  Too bad the ships can’t dock there anymore. I wonder what Venice will do with the People Mover automatic train that took cruisers from the transportation hub to their ships!  

Very happy to see many ills improving in our Dailyites. May we all stay well and safe, especially @kazu


Welcome @Denise T  Glad you’ve stopped in for a visit here!  This is a very caring assemblage. 

Blessings all for a good rest tonight. Tomorrow I’ll be acting on the several lists I made today! 🙄And laundry, pack Monday including the car. And tomorrow I’ll make Panettone bread to bring to the family!  


Thank you Maureen I hope father Davids sermon helps.

Sending you our prayers 🙏 .

Graham and Pauline 💕

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Good morning.I slept in a bit so I need to get a hustle on. And the dogs will be demanding their second walk shortly. Weather here is Spring-like. The highs are getting into the 50's but we are still freezing or below at night.


I can celebrate elephants and mushrooms. Bean counters are necessary, but can be a pain if they get too focused on the beans.


I am soooo envious of those on the Volendam right now. I watched the sail away yesterday. Love the looks of that ship. My day will come....I hope. Right now I continue to very, very slowly work on decluttering. I wish my nephews and nieces would consent to take some of the stuff, but I think most of it will be heading for the thrift store or to dog rescue auctions. I have so much with scotties and westies decorations. Not worth much here but maybe up near Denver the rescues could get better prices for the whatevers.


Upward and onward. The first item of business is to take papers to recycling and wash the last of the throw rugs. Then I need to mop floors And then........


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22 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Had a delightful get together with the Dailyites:




From the left:

Debra @Dismomx5 and her DH (in the yellow shirt)


Susan @AV8rix

Laura and DH @TiogaCruiser



Thank you Sharon, great photo!   Have a wonderful time everyone!  I'm anxious to hear all about the Volendam, since it will be our home for 94 days in 8 1/2 months. 

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34 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Had a delightful get together with the Dailyites:




From the left:

Debra @Dismomx5 and her DH (in the yellow shirt)


Susan @AV8rix

Laura and DH @TiogaCruiser




Sharon, thanks for the great picture.  We've met Susan, and I recognized you from your pictures.  It's nice to be able to put faces and names with CC names.  Have a great cruise.



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Good day all. Well our streak of summer like weather has come to an end. It was sunny and very warm this morning. Clouds moved in at lunchtime and now we are having thunderstorms and it has cooled off. My friend just called to tell me how silly she was since she finished cutting her grass in the rain and sleet (other side of the city from us).  We do need the rain, however.



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On 4/11/2023 at 1:32 PM, Judypops said:

That is most kind of you to reply.

I read a lot of love story books but never use any social media but lurk here sometimes because all of the posters seem so friendly to each other.



On 4/11/2023 at 1:32 PM, Sharon in AZ said:

Welcome to the Daily!  We all would love for you to post more!  We won’t bite, promise. 


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Good morning and thanks all!  I think we can all agree that @cruising sisterembodies the quote today as does @ger_77


Whittier is one of the ports often used for Anchorage so a few photos from there. I don’t think you’ll need to worry about snow @marshhawk but of course anything can happen.  Do try the fresh salmon or halibut.  A sign from the Fstreet station pub





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Taxes are filed and paid. It was the easiest time in years with the forms, partly because the software carried over last year's entries and partly because TIAA, which in the past always issued me six separate Forms 1099-R, this year figured out how to produce a consolidated one. On the other hand, it was one of the most baroque ever with gathering the information, because of all the things that had to be downloaded or looked up online, some of which required creating new registrations with ID verification and (it seemed) 47-factor authorization.


UPDATE: The Federal return has already been accepted.


Edited by kochleffel
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3 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Sunday Daily, Sandi.


Nice collection of days!  Love mushrooms and elephants.  Bean counters are a necessity and good as long as they don’t get too carried away 😉 


I like today’s quote.  The falafel sounds good but I don’t have the ingredients.  I’ll save it for another day.




@ger_77 it sounds like you had a wonderful dinner with new friends 👍 


@StLouisCruisers wow - congrats to Ren & his team and a very happy 18th birthday to Kai





What a wonderful act of kindness.  I am sure your DS would be very proud of you ♥️ 


Off to a very late start today - slept in - ugh.  Guess I had to make up for a couple of sleepless nights 😉 but now I’m very behind today. 😔  Got to figure out what HAS to be done today and can wait.  I’ll never get everything done at this late time.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them & a toast 🥂 to those on the Celebratory list.




Have a great Sunday, everyone!



Thanks for the birthday and game congratulations Jacqui.  DS was surprised at that high a score with the calibre of the competition.  The Jaguars must have been HOT!  Meanwhile, I'm glad to hear you got some much needed rest.  Those things on the list will get done in time.  Some days we just have more energy than other days.




2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a chilly central Texas.  It is sunny and windy, but not has windy as yesterday.  The temperature is currently 48F and will warm to 73F this afternoon.  We'll have another cold night tonight, but a warming trend begins tomorrow with highs ranging from mid 70s to high 80s for the foreseeable future. 


By the time the laundry was finished and put away yesterday, it was too late to start working outside.  With the sun, it should be nice this afternoon for yard work.  Mainly, with DH's advice, I'll be repairing two sprinkler heads and replacing another one.  I also need to spread the fertilizer and bug preventative.  Friday, I decided to risk the lives of some bedding plants, and I'll be planting them today.  I just hope the adjustments to the sprinkler near the flower bed will help keep them alive.


Elephants deserve all our help in saving them.  When we were in Phuket, our taxi driver offered us a chance to ride an elephant, but we decided to pass.  I like mushrooms sautéed, cooked in various dishes or raw in salads.  I'll salute our Dailyite bean counters. Bean counters the perform a necessary task, at times, some go too far.


The quote is interesting, but I have to think about it some more.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I would like to try the wine, and maybe we'll see it in NZ someday.  The price plus shipping makes it a bit pricey to buy here if we could find it.


We have been to Whitter several times, but not on a cruise.  We have driven through the tunnel to see the town or to take a small boat cruise.  I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, cheers for Ren's team having another great win.  HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO KAI!

@cruising sister  Lorraine, you are truly an angel to help your dear friend, and it's a nice way to honor you son too.

@cat shepard  Ann, I resemble the second meme, but my earrings are from college.  😉

@dfish  Debbie, I'm amazed at the "landfill" the former owners left in the yard.

@ger_77  Gerry, your dinner and time with Valda, Anton, and their daughter sounds lovely.  You may have an adopted granddaughter locally now.  Enjoy your visit with friends today.

@TiogaCruiser  Laura, enjoy your Dailyite meet and greet.  Please tell Susan @AV8rix  hello from Steve and Lenda.  We really enjoyed visiting with her on Koningsdam last year.

@kazu  Jacqui, just remember that what isn't done today, will wait and there will be wine after today's chores are finished.  







Thank you Lenda for Kai and Ren's good wishes.  And also the nice pictures of Whittier.  It really can be sunny there!




2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I definitely support Save the Elephants Day. Mushrooms are ok; I can take or leave them. I suppose bean counters are necessary, but when they make medical decisions based on only cost, it upsets me. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal, and drink. Maybe on the wine, due to price.

I've been to Alaska, but not Whittier.


We had thunderstorms last night. It's warm and sunny now, going up to 82F, but thunderstorms again tonight. Then a cold front with possible flurries Tuesday! I'm surprisingly not sore after all the bending and moving doing yard work yesterday. I think I'll try to do the edging today, which always makes the lawn look nice.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today. Happy Birthday Kai! Congrats to Ren and his team. Thank you for the Whittier photos too.

@grapau27 Thank you for posting Fr. David's sermon. Nice picnic.

@richwmn Interesting fact.

@cruising sister What a blessing you are to your friend to help her out in that way. 

@Denise T Good for you for working on your health! When I get back from my trip, I plan to visit a new PT center to try to enable me to exercise again.

@rafinmd It's interesting that you seem to have been on numerous ferries; I've never been on one. I'll take your meal instead of the one listed for today. 

@aliaschief That really was a long tour, and sad to hear not a great one. Nice memes.

@Seasick Sailor Enjoy the lunch at the vineyard.

@ger_77 Your dinner with the Ukrainian family sounds delightful. 

@RMLincoln Prayers for you, as you have a lot on your plate. 

@TiogaCruiser Enjoy the Dailyite meetup! Pictures please.

@kazu It was probably good for you to sleep in. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos.

@Sharon in AZ Enjoy the meetup.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.


Thank you Vanessa!  I hope you don't really get snow now.  Good grief!




2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

We have a beautiful stowaway on our Verandha hitching a ride to El Salvador.




Wow, that is a very unusual looking bird!  Does anyone know what kind it is?




1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  It was sunny when I woke up at 9 !!!! But an hour later, the clouds rolled in, the temps dropped and I guess we might get those storms that the weather people have threatened us with all week.


I ended my time "at the bowl" with a sale.  Yay!  And found out this morning that Lincoln Center is cutting our hours( a good thing since I stink at fund raising) but Arizona Opera isn't ready until maybe Tuesday or Wednesday.  The upside?  I don't have to be at any job until 5:30 tomorrow.  The downside? really small pay.


DH and I need to go shop for new glasses.  He wants to go up to the Bass Pro Shop and get some good hiking shoes.  However, there are times when getting him organized is like herding cats.  But last night he gave me another scare.  We had left dinner, and when pulling out of the parking lot, at a light that goes left or right I got in the lane to turn left to pick up groceries.  He asked me why I wasn't turning right to go get ice cream.  Where am I going to get ice cream I asked.  He said at the Dairy Queen.  Where is the Dairy Queen I asked.  He said across the street to the right.  I looked across the street, at the now parking lot, that was the garden center where I worked 20 years ago, that was a Dairy Queen 30 years ago. I pointed out to him that the Dairy Queen was long gone.  Then he said he was confused, and thought we were in another town.  He has a doctors appointment with his oncologist this week, but this doc has taken over being his primary physician.  Someone that we can both talk to, and because DH seems to have a problem swallowing this is another thing that needs to be brought up.


Indy race today, so we will be home this afternoon.  I am making roasted Obrien potatoes, he will cook two small tenderloins, and we will have salad. 


@ger_77Your dinner last night sounds wonderful!  I think your new "family" make a wonderful addition your family.


@cruising sisterNot only is it nice to do what you have done for your friend, but you have removed a lot of stress for your friend, which is wonderful.  Something that she may not have thought about has been taken care of allowing her to grieve.


@grapau27Thank you for bringing us Father David.  When I see his face, and put my mouse on the play button, it's like opening a gift every Sunday. Like opening a book, and finding  love, compassion, knowledge and friendship.


@StLouisCruisersRen did great yesterday!  What a final score!  And best birthday wishes to Kai.!


I am loving the pictures of Whittier.  And wondering how much snow I will see this May, and should I pack my boots....


here comes the sun again....




Annie, thank you for the good wishes for the boys.  BTW, I was thinking of your Chuck this morning when I was folding the fitted sheet after laundering.  Perfect squares just like Chuck's!  Keeps the linen closet looking nice.👍  I hope the doctor appointment this week goes okay.




1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're having a drizzly, cloudy day, it will only get up to 50F.  A good day to just do some housework and laundry (yes, getting low on underwear here) 🤣 


I'm all for saving the elephants. Such majestic creatures.  Will pass on the fungus (mushrooms) it's a texture thing.  DH was a bean counter (Supply Officer in the Navy) and does all our taxes and investments.  Good thing, because math was never my strong suit.


Have been to Alaska and going again this year, but have never been to Whittier.  Thanks for the great photos!  Will pass on the drink, red wine and meal.  Last night we had beef stew and homemade biscuits, not sure what we'll have tonight.  


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Happy 18th birthday to Kai!  And a big congratulations to Ren and his team!

Lorraine @cruising sisterWhat a wonderful thing you're doing for your friend.  I'm sure your son would be very proud.


Gerry @ger_77 Your dinner last night with your Ukrainian friends sounded wonderful.  How cute that the 5-year-old was proud of helping.  Our Ukrainian neighbor has a thingy on her phone that translates.  I speak into it in English and it translates for her.  Her children and grandchildren speak more English than she does but this really helps her.  



Thank you Carolyn!  




42 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Had a delightful get together with the Dailyites:




From the left:

Debra @Dismomx5 and her DH (in the yellow shirt)


Susan @AV8rix

Laura and DH @TiogaCruiser



Love the photo Sharon.  I agree it's good to see the faces to go with the names.  I'm glad things are off to a good start!



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2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Had a delightful get together with the Dailyites:




From the left:

Debra @Dismomx5 and her DH (in the yellow shirt)


Susan @AV8rix

Laura and DH @TiogaCruiser



It was a lovely to meet up with people you “know” but don’t. We even added an interested bystander for a bit. 😁

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26 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:



Please let us know what you might want more information on.

Thank you Laura.  We haven't sailed on the Volendam since 2010 and I'm mainly concerned about recent reports of problems with A/C and heat.  I'm pretty easy-going about anything else.   Of course I want to hear that none of you are having any problems! 😅 

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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Had a delightful get together with the Dailyites:




From the left:

Debra @Dismomx5 and her DH (in the yellow shirt)


Susan @AV8rix

Laura and DH @TiogaCruiser




Great pic 🙂. thanks for sharing.  Please say hi to Susan @AV8rix  She was so welcoming on our Koningsdam cruise 👍 

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Question time....DH wants to know


How important is it to have Canadian dollars when we land in Vancouver?  Should we get some before we go?  Would a cab driver take American dollars?  Would a restaurant?  5 out of 7 ports of call are American, two are Canadian trying to figure out how many Canadian dollars I need to bring.  I also need to figure out what coffee costs in Alaska, as my goal is to try coffee in every port.


We did not go shopping today, we will do breakfast with "the girls" tomorrow then choose frames for glasses, then  walk the dog, then go to Bas Pro shops.  And then go to work.  Chuck works W, TH and Friday nights, I work M-Th nights.  And my hours got cut (I may have already said that today)  (sorry).

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