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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday August 28th, 2023


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My photos of Praia will largely center around a not at all healthy lunch, but first our shuttle dropped us off at the Praia Mercado:




The town square:




Crystal has a casual food venue called "The Bistro".  One of the treats regularly found there is "Portugese Tarts".  I'm not as passionite about them but they definitely are tasty.  I just happened to spot a bakery in my wandering around town:



I walked across the street to a little garden area for a chair to eat and there was a group of scouts gathered under a tree. It looks like Portugal’s scouts are coed at all levels but this group appeared to be all girls. They were selling cookies. I asked the leader if I could take her picture and she countered “would you like me to take one of you with the scouts?” Sure. The cookie was freshly baked and delicious.




On the way back to the ship I got a view of the Nieuw Statendam.





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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I use my mouse a lot, but don't race around the icons. I never had a pet other than fish, but know Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day is important to many Dailyites. Yes! Red wine day is my day, lol. I like the quote. I like the meal (one of the few seafood items I'll eat) but have never prepared it myself, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Praia da Vitoria. A salute to Henry Hudson. And the MLK speech was spectacular; as a young girl I saw my DM cry over it (she grew up with segregation), and we got an LP record of the speech, which I still have.


It was in the 60's this AM, now up to 73F, high of 81F, but getting even more humid. I managed to get the lawn mowed yesterday. I think I'll wait to do edging, as later in the week will be cooler. I heard jackhammering down the block, so there may be more water line replacements going on. I'm still hoping my sidewalk is repaired soon.


@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear that Mark was hospitalized. Continued prayers for him. Thanks for the photos from Praia da Vitoria/Santa Criz.

@aliaschief When I was in high school, Mateus Rose was popular among those kids who drank, as it was pretty cheap.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos.

@smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear Lou and Tana both had a rough day; prayers for them and the rest of the family. I hope today is a better day.

@marshhawk Good news that Bubbles and Uggles showed up, but I'm sorry Fawn hasn't come back. 

@cunnorl Sorry to hear about your dryer. Very nice of your neighbor!

@Haljo1935 I hope you get a good report from the doctor today. Can your dryer be fixed? I have an older one with no fancy readouts or anything.

@cruising sister Heartbreaking news about Baby Murphy. Prayers for her and the family, who may have some tough decisions to make.

@rafinmd Nice photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I posted this yesterday from the English Lake District of RAF planes practicing low level flying Rich @richwmn.

As ex USAF I thought you might like this.

Actually, I was US Navy. I was at a Navy Facility which was a tenant command to the AFB. @aliaschief and his wife @DWAliaschief were USAF

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3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

We had a painter committed to come this year and we haven't heard anything in 6 weeks.  Several areas of peeling stain need to be painted with stain to protect the logs.  I will do it all I will need John to do is stir the stain. 


What a shame that you are stuck doing that work 😔. Any chance of connecting with the painter?  Please don’t overdo.



3 hours ago, cunnorl said:

       My dryer died yesterday. Not sure why so must get a new one today. I really do not like appliance shopping!  Luckily for me, my wonderful sweet neighbor took my wet laundry. She brought it back all folded. 


Yikes on the appliance gremlin.  I swear it’s a contagious curse 😡. How sweet of your neighbour to help you ♥️  I’m with you - hate appliance shopping.  Good luck.



3 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

 my washer displayed a couple error codes and locked my clothes inside, so I'll be focusing on appliances, too - ugh.


Oh my, the appliance gremlin really is contagious 😞 So sorry your washer was hit by the gremlin 😔 



2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Some very sad news on Murphy she crashed about 3 days off ECMO. Her neurological status has seemed to deteriorate too. I have not talked to my niece personally but she is calling me today. They are at a crossroads with conflicting opinions from the medical team. She is not back on ECMO but still on the ventilator and unstable. When I left they were able to hold her but now they could not move the bed 10 feet to go for a CT scan when she started to crash. I feel for this young couple who have spent 8 weeks in the hospital with their baby. 


Oh how very, very sad 😢.  So sad for Baby Murphy and her parents - such an ordeal - especially when things were looking hopeful.  My prayers will continue for her in the hopes of a miracle.


@smitty34877 so sorry to hear about Lou & Tana.  I hope they fare much better today 🙏 

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Good Monday morning, Dailyites and thank you, all, for the news of the day.  I always check the fleet list and today I have been to all the ports the ships are at - that doesn't often happen!  It is very sad about baby Murphy, I'll say a prayer for her and her family, also for Tana and Lou.


Here, we're doing okay.  Pat is golfing this morning, and we are due for a very rare thunderstorm - I told him to get off the golf course if it happens while he is playing.  We need rain but not lightning!  I must get cracking and do a little gardening while he is out.  We have a birthday party to go to this afternoon, we are supposed to pick up the birthday boy at the home where he resides.  He has Alzheimer's and occasionally gets violent, so I think I will make him sit in the back seat - I don't want him attacking the driver!  I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing...   And then, what if he doesn't want to go back to the care place?

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Good morning all. Last night we were blessed with about four hours of lightning and thunder from Idalia. Hopefully that is all we get. Only light rain. If the weather stays like it is this morning, I am looking forward to getting out in the kayak tonight. Prayers for all that are in the path of the storm. 

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Good Afternoon, thanks for today’s daily report.  Today is a beautiful day, happy to not run the ac.  I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion since I don’t eat lobster.  I think I’m making spaghetti instead.  I got a very unexpected email from HAL this morning.  It was a Neptune suite offer that I thought reasonable, especially since we were over the Ocean Bar.  After about a 15 minute hold I got an operator and eventually secured the upgrade.  I’ll happily reprint everything tomorrow when I’m in the office.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

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Good morning all!

I'm late today, another sleepless night.  When I finally did get back to sleep, I slept until 8:30.  Strangely it was back pain that kept me awake this time, have no idea where that came from. And it's continuing this morning.  Hoping the others in the Sleepless Club fared better!


As many here, I have had lots of pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge and miss them all.  Will pass on Red Wine day, but I know many who love it.  I won't turn down lobster but do prefer crab or shrimp.  Yay on the white wine!  And a little oak -- in the distant past I loved heavy oak in the Chardonnay -- now I only like it if it has a touch of oak and it sounds like this wine fits the bill.  Have not been to this port, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for your photos!


Today will be 10 degrees cooler than yesterday and thunderstorms are predicted.  We need the rain, but as Ann @Vict0riann said, we don't need the lightening.  I'll be staying inside doing laundry (as long as we don't lose power).


I was so very sorry to read about Baby Murphy's setback @cruising sister.  My prayers continue.

Also sorry to hear about Lou and Tana's bad day yesterday @smitty34877.  I do hope today is much better.

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Just a quick hello to say that I'm back! Doing laundry, checking bank statements, vacuuming up cat hair..... - the usual post-cruise chores! It was a wonderful trip and I was amazed at the number of passengers I met that had done the Voyage of the Vikings multiple times -- now I understand!

Oh - and I booked Norway for next June. I was told that Flam is no longer a port. Sigh!


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Hello all, @cruising sisterso sad to hear about Baby Murphy today.  Prayers for her, her family and her care team.  @smitty34877sorry to hear about your DH and Tana, praying today is a better day for all of you.  @Cruzin Terripraying your trip to the clinic goes well.  Stay safe!  

We had a busy weekend.  DGD danced at the 5th grade football game Saturday!  She and her sister both love to dance, and spend many hours at the studio practicing!  Then, our community had it's festival and parade this weekend.  We listened to some good music and enjoyed the parade!  Today, the NP from our medicare plan is coming for her wellness visit.  I'm making some sauce from about 5 1/2 lbs of tomatoes now, I can smell the basil and the garlic as it's cooking!  First time trying this!  

The pictures today look great, thanks for sharing!  More prayers for all who are in the way of storms...be safe!  karen

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Yes, Red Wine Day.




Bedrock is a terrific California maker.  Almost all of their wines are field blends--including their varietal bottlings.  As you can see, this one is described as "Red Wine."  It was made from multiple grape varieties grown at the historic Dolinsek Ranch vineyard, that were harvested together and cofermented.

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We stopped at Praia da Vitoria this past May while aboard the Zuiderdam.  We took an excursion that highlighted various sites on the island, which included several overlooks where we could see cities as well as the green countryside.  As in Ireland, we saw a lot of dairy cows.  The island has twice as many cows as it does people.  We spent a lot of time in Angra do Heroísmo, which is known as the City of Lords and dates back to the 16th century.  The city has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983.  We had lunch at a resort hotel, which featured a local specialty called Alcatra, a meat dish cooked for about 12 hours.  Our last stop was at São Sebastião, where we saw a very old church, Church of St. Sebastian, that has late-medieval frescoes.  The church, which dates back to 1455, has undergone several renovations through the years.94D2964B-19BB-4A01-B7D3-B72D3A937CEE.thumb.jpeg.9e23f77976e1d037b4a47b8774f8b7e9.jpeg



























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31 minutes ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We stopped at Praia da Vitoria this past May while aboard the Zuiderdam.  We took an excursion that highlighted various sites on the island, which included several overlooks where we could see cities as well as the green countryside.  As in Ireland, we saw a lot of dairy cows.  The island has twice as many cows as it does people.  We spent a lot of time in Angra do Heroísmo, which is known as the City of Lords and dates back to the 16th century.  The city has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983.  We had lunch at a resort hotel, which featured a local specialty called Alcatra, a meat dish cooked for about 12 hours.  Our last stop was at São Sebastião, where we saw a very old church, Church of St. Sebastian, that has late-medieval frescoes.  The church, which dates back to 1455, has undergone several renovations through the years.94D2964B-19BB-4A01-B7D3-B72D3A937CEE.thumb.jpeg.9e23f77976e1d037b4a47b8774f8b7e9.jpeg



























Nice photos.

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Good afternoon form a windy and warm central Texas.  I've been finished with the house cleaning for a while, but it's taken me time to finish reading the Daily.


I've enjoyed all the pictures from Praia da Vitoria that everyone has shared.  It always amazes me that while there are some duplicates, we all seem to see different places too.


8 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It feels a lot cooler this morning, only 73.  We should be partly cloudy and only 88 with a chance of some rain or drizzle later this afternoon.  Thank you Rich for today's Daily and Fleet Report.  I see some good sized storms in your area this morning so hope your power continues on.  We had several blips yesterday due to storms in surrounding area.


I don't know what to say about that quote today.  Way too early for cognitive abilities.  Racing my mouse around the icons sounds like a waste of time!  I'lll celebrate Rainbow Bridge Remembrance day along with all the pet owners out there.  My dear Granddog Gracie left way too early and we all miss her.  And red wine day on the same day we have a Chardonnay for our wine is ironic.  I'm sure the garlic butter lobster tails will be popular with Dailyites.  I can take lobster or leave it.  What a colorful drink of the day we have.  More exploration of the New World in 1609 by Hudson.  Those were brave sailors!  And a salute to Martin Luther King, Jr. as we commemorate his "I Have a Dream" speech.👏  Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for posting their reports today.


Prayers said already for our Care list, DB and friend's DB Mark, as well as those suffering from wildfires and the loss of life.  My friend told me Mark was hospitalized with a blood infection, but is home now.  She is very worried about him. 🙏  Thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for the lists today.  Congrats to all celebrating something!🥂 


Our port today is Praia da Vitoria in the Azores.  I read recently there's an American air base on that island, so that's interesting.  Any of our service men ever been there?  Praia da Vitoria is a first time port for the Daily!🎉  Our Grand Med and Africa in 2018 stopped there and on two other Azores islands.  I'll post the photos next post, but no link needed today. 


Please be careful and have a wonderful day! 


Sandi, I was sorry to read that your friend's DB Mark had been in the hospital.  I hope things improve for him.


6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. My DS left at 4:30 this morning  to try to get to work on time.We enjoyed his visit immensely. We had a video call with his family while our group had dinner together at night.

It is humid(88%) and 72 this morning. More rain showers are.possible. 

Yesterday  was a rough one for both Lou and Tana.I was so grateful  for the extra help . The entire house went to bed early.

I love lobster but will not get it now as it is prohibitively expensive. The recipes are mouth watering,  thanks Debbie @dfish

We have quite a few animals that we always remember.My DDIL appreciated the love when she saw an entire wall in DD's house of departed kitties. 

Please be careful those of you in the path of the storm coming to Florida.Yikes.



Terry, I'm sorry that Tana and Lou had a rough day yesterday.  It was good that your DS was there to help.  I hope he made it safely and on time to work this morning.


5 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Thank you all for doing this thread. I've enjoyed reading it for a while before finally posting - the dedication by all results in a special, wonderful community. 

No lobster for me, but will definitely remember the four-legged family members that have traveled the Rainbow Bridge and give extra hugs to the ones still with us. This lazy bum is our newest addition  - she very much enjoys a couch w/a fluffy pillow. 

We had a very brief rain last night; didn't enjoy the muggy feeling left behind, but the drop in temperature to double digits was very welcomed. It's only 79 now with today's high forecasted to be 95. We aren't supposed to see 100 again until Friday.

I'm doing my shoulder exercises and see the Dr again this afternoon & on Wednesday; Tuesday is PT. So early week is full long days, hope work cooperates by being busy at end of week. 🤔

@cunnorl my washer displayed a couple error codes and locked my clothes inside, so I'll be focusing on appliances, too - ugh. Yay for great neighbors!!20230523_165453.thumb.jpg.b77ce6e015663e784a9b0c9a391f9887.jpg



Wow on the washer locking and then not unlocking.  I hope you get the problem solved soon.  We're a little further south of you, and we'll be back in the triple digits Thursday.  In the meantime, I'll not complain about the upper 90s.


5 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I am back from Tucson and had a wonderful experience. Lots of tears and treatments along with laughs with some new friends. The weather was good and much cooler than KC was last week. I am glad I went. 

Some very sad news on Murphy she crashed about 3 days off ECMO. Her neurological status has seemed to deteriorate too. I have not talked to my niece personally but she is calling me today. They are at a crossroads with conflicting opinions from the medical team. She is not back on ECMO but still on the ventilator and unstable. When I left they were able to hold her but now they could not move the bed 10 feet to go for a CT scan when she started to crash. I feel for this young couple who have spent 8 weeks in the hospital with their baby. 

My GA roll call blew up while I was gone. I will need to spend time going through the posts to see if any of it pertains to me. 

I hope the storm does not cause to much damage and no loss of life. Prayers for those on our care list and have a great day. 


Lorraine, I was so sad to read about Murphy's latest setback.  I hope she can have the best possible outcome, and that her parents and extended family find the strength for whatever is ahead for them.  On the other hand, I'm glad the retreat was good and the weather was nice too.  Welcome home.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good Monday morning, Dailyites and thank you, all, for the news of the day.  I always check the fleet list and today I have been to all the ports the ships are at - that doesn't often happen!  It is very sad about baby Murphy, I'll say a prayer for her and her family, also for Tana and Lou.


Here, we're doing okay.  Pat is golfing this morning, and we are due for a very rare thunderstorm - I told him to get off the golf course if it happens while he is playing.  We need rain but not lightning!  I must get cracking and do a little gardening while he is out.  We have a birthday party to go to this afternoon, we are supposed to pick up the birthday boy at the home where he resides.  He has Alzheimer's and occasionally gets violent, so I think I will make him sit in the back seat - I don't want him attacking the driver!  I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing...   And then, what if he doesn't want to go back to the care place?


Ann, the party and taxing the birthday boy sounds like an interesting day.  I would hope at the end of the party, there will be some help if he doesn't want to go back, or that the people at the care center can help when you bring him home.


2 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon, thanks for today’s daily report.  Today is a beautiful day, happy to not run the ac.  I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion since I don’t eat lobster.  I think I’m making spaghetti instead.  I got a very unexpected email from HAL this morning.  It was a Neptune suite offer that I thought reasonable, especially since we were over the Ocean Bar.  After about a 15 minute hold I got an operator and eventually secured the upgrade.  I’ll happily reprint everything tomorrow when I’m in the office.  I hope everyone has a good day today.


Congratulations on the upsell to a Neptune suite, Jake.  I wish we'd get some upgrade or upsell offers sometime.


1 hour ago, NextOne said:

Just a quick hello to say that I'm back! Doing laundry, checking bank statements, vacuuming up cat hair..... - the usual post-cruise chores! It was a wonderful trip and I was amazed at the number of passengers I met that had done the Voyage of the Vikings multiple times -- now I understand!

Oh - and I booked Norway for next June. I was told that Flam is no longer a port. Sigh!



Welcome home, Edi.  I'm glad the cruise was good and that you are booked for next year.  I was sorry to hear Flam is no longer a port.  I've wanted to get back there since our short visit in 2005.


7 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Though forecast have Idalia forecasted East of us we are still on alert. After living in Florida for many years we have learned to not trust weather forecast. Will top off the car’s gas tank today. Fortunately my Sue is flying home tomorrow. 
Was invited over to neighbors for a pizza party last night with three neighbor households. Good time and conversation.

Have been to Lages, Azores several times to refuel and crew rest. Always had orders to buy and bring home Rose Mateus wine. Popular then hardly ever see it anymore.

Would love today’s lobster dish though at $18.00 per pound for live Maine lobsters here in Florida it’s getting cost prohibitive.

With wonderful thoughts and memories of beloved pets who have traveled the Rainbow Bridge. Know your dearly missed.

Time to get laundry started. Thanks for the Fleet Report and featured post. Have a great and safe week. Bruce





Bruce, when we bought our first house in 1070 after DH got out of the Army, a college friend brought us a bottle of Mateus rose as a house warming present.  We couldn't share it with her, since we did not have a corkscrew.  That was quickly remedied, and Mateus was our go to wine for many years.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  I'm currently listening to the Today show, apparently France has too much wine. Plan your trip now.  (LOL)  and they had a short article about raising the temperature at night if you are over 50.  I'm way over 50, and I still like a snuggly comforter with cool air at night.  Not ready to turn up the temperature yet.


I was happy to read that @DeeniEncinitas was doing well, and was safe from the fires.


Do you know what you get when it rains and the temps outside are in the mid 90's?  A sauna. Every time I go outside my glasses fog up, and I feel like I should put on my snorkel gear.  I know my strays that show up for food, are all wishing for colder air.  And yes, both Bubbles and Uggles showed back up.  I think they have two houses.  But Fawn never did show back up, and my heart still breaks every day.


To my friends in Florida, stay safe. And @Cruzin Terri stay aware of the weather, it might be safer to stay in Jacksonville for a couple of days,  than try to drive home.


We opened a bottle of red NA wine last night for our petite sirloin dinner.  DH said it tasted like grape juice, but I disagreed.  Grape juice tastes better.  The farmers market carries Fre, but Ariel, which I cant find here, is so much better.   






@dfishI'm glad that the Farkle games were restarted, and that the family had a great time.  Oh, and that you were glad to get back to your own bed.  The world is a wonderful, but there's no place like home.



Today is PT, run home, walk the neighbors dog, grab DH, get a quick lunch, get him to his post op, stop at the store,  chill for 5 minutes and then work until 10.


I wish I did have a lobster, I love lobster, but love the flavor of snow crab legs more. 




My dad used to day that if you need a picture of savage, then watch my Annie eat a lobster.  Nothing is left.


Annie, I'm sorry Fawn still has not returned, but I'm glad Bubbles and Uggles have returned.  I hope the post op visit goes well.


6 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good Monday morning.   I think of my two kitties who we lost 3 and 4 years ago a lot.  The home seems a little empty without them.  We chased a flying mouse around the house a few days ago not icons though.  Red wine is usually on the menu each day here, it is our favorite.  A great quote.   Lobster sounds like a winner but will pass on the two beverages.   Today's port looks like a beautiful place to visit, thank you for the lovely photos @StLouisCruisers and @Quartzsite Cruiser

Prayers for all on our Care list.   Prayers for the families in Maui who have lost a family member or their homes.   Prayers for the people of Ukraine.  @smitty34877 prayers for a better day today for Lou and Tana.  

I finally got all my mulch spread yesterday.  John went fishing and caught two tiny Bluegill I am glad I stayed on land.  I think I will start on sanding the cabin wall today.  We had a painter committed to come this year and we haven't heard anything in 6 weeks.  Several areas of peeling stain need to be painted with stain to protect the logs.  I will do it all I will need John to do is stir the stain.   It was 43 when I got up but it is supposed to get back up to the 80s this weekend.  Yesterday we hauled the pontoon trailer up to our neighbors and we picked up fallen maples limbs that we will cut up for good kindling wood for next spring's wood stove fires.  I hope we don't have to fire it up before we leave on the 10th.   Very strange year, my Viburnum has bloomed for 6 weeks, my pink hydrangea the same and my panicle hydrangea is just started to bloom.  Some Daylilies still going.  Happy red wine day! 



Nancy, I'm sorry you are stuck with the job of restaining the side of the house.  Workers disappearing just seems to be the norm now days.


6 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a very warm and cloudy day at the beach

     We are currently not in the path of the storm. But if I have ever learned anything, you must watch as things can change in an instant.

    Port Canaveral announced they are fast tracking the building of 2 new parking garages. Badly needed. A new terminal is also coming to accommodate the 4 ships to be homeported there in 2024.  

    They are currently dredging the channel and all the sand is coming here. Our beach looks a little lopsided right now.

       My dryer died yesterday. Not sure why so must get a new one today. I really do not like appliance shopping!  Luckily for me, my wonderful sweet neighbor took my wet laundry. She brought it back all folded. 

 Stay safe and enjoy today



Charlene, I'm sorry about the dryer dying.  Appliance shopping is not fun, but better than car shopping.


@Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope your travels today and tomorrow are safe and without a lot of rain.  If the weather is bad, just remember that appointments, as much as you hope to keep them, can be rescheduled.  Making it back for an appointment is not worth it if you have to risk your life.  I hope tomorrow's tests and appointment go well.



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Well, after it was too late to edit my post, DH pointed out that we purchased our first house 900 years before we actually bought it.  And while I was trying to comment on Ann and Pat's @Vict0riann providing taxi service for the birthday boy, I said taxing him instead.  Sorry for the typos, but it's been a long and busy day.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Greetings from Jacksonville. 

We had a very easy drive down here from SC.  There were a few patches of rain, but it wasn’t bad.

Mostly clear weather and light traffic.

I called to ask if there was an earlier appointment tomorrow, but no cigar.

Tomorrow, I will go up to the Internal Medicine Dept after my blood work and ask again.  I can also ask to be on standby, but that means I have to sit there and wait.  We will see.

@smitty34877 I missed your post earlier.  I am sorry that Tana and Lou had a rough time yesterday.  Prayers for both of them—and for you.

Hope everyone is staying safe.


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:




Bruce, when we bought our first house in 1070 after DH got out of the Army, a college friend brought us a bottle of Mateus rose as a house warming present.  We couldn't share it with her, since we did not have a corkscrew.  That was quickly remedied, and Mateus was our go to wine for many years.






Lenda if you began drinking Mateus in 1070 and your still around I need to start drinking Mateus again!😁 Bruce

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