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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday September 28th, 2023


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We made it safely to UTSW, and despite the usual heavy traffic from the Reunion Tower to our exit, we were early.  Traffic wasn't bad most of the way.  Now, we're waiting for a room in pre-op.


2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser prayers for Amazing!  Safe travels. 

@rafinmd Roy Safe travels. I’m guessing you’re taking the train to NY/Brooklyn?  Enjoy the ride!  

Great pix of Bergen. We took a train there from Oslo to board Hurtigruten Midnatsol for the Norway coast cruise, all the way up to the Russian border and back. Bergen was picturesque but drizzly. Norway is a fabulous place to visit. 

Paul McCartney wrote Hey Jude for John Lennon’s son. 

@lindaler We loved Tales of the South Pacific. DH says his favorite. Hard for me to pick a favorite cruise trip. Immerse yourself in its beauty and cultural diversity and richness!  

@ottahand7 Glad you’re back ok Nancy. Enjoy those crabcakes!!  

We made connections yesterday with the moving facilitator from the local retirement community that is under same corporate as our NJ community. She will send us names of realtors and a moving company. We’ll interview them and pick. The NJ moving facilitator has not responded to me, maybe out this week?  Arrgh.  But we got final editorial comments on the trust done, should be ready to sign Monday. DH has almost all the paperwork for our Resident Profile scanned into electronic form; we’ll send by email and do a zoom call, don’t know yet when. 

Made the decision to fly to granddaughter’s wedding in TX which is Dec 16. Can’t face 3 1/2 days drive each way at this point. Got flights using Philadelphia!  It’s about 2hrs +traffic allowance from either here MD or new place northern NJ. This way it won’t matter where we’re living. But we’re guessing we’ll move end of Nov shortly after we “take possession” of new place on Nov 21. It’s too expensive doubling up so the sooner we can get out and get our condo on the market the better.  I got rental car and hotel reservations in San Antonio. Done. Have a plan. Moving forward. 

Tomorrow son and DIL are coming up from NC by train for the weekend. DH has financial stuff to work on with his son… I’ll take DIL to our storage room and start sorting out what I can get rid of, what must go, and the stuff that needs a look. Too much stuff!  We’ll meet them downtown at Union Station. It’s so easy from here by Metro compared to how it will be in the next place… but we’ll learn. Today I need to get groceries and make a Key Lime pie for tomorrow - it’s the easiest!  And get some laundry done. 

Blessings all!  Hugs and cheers!  Safe travels to all away. And thanks all for being here.  



Maureen, thank you for the good wishes.  I hope all the work for the move goes smoothly


2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a windy and cloudy day at the beach

     I have wonderful neighbors. We try to look out and help each other. Very fortunate. I dont drink beer. 

     @rafinmd Safe travels today. Hope you have a wonderful journey.

       @Quartzsite Cruiser  Hope everything goes smoothly today for your DH. Safe travels to Dallas.

      I have a meeting at the library this morning. Then have to count the money from the copier and prepare the monthly deposit. Will keep me busy for awhile today.  

        Was scheduled to play golf yesterday but the rain took care of that. Tomorrow does not look much better  

    Stay safe and enjoy today




Charlene, thank you.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is another dreary day here in mid-Michigan with temperatures only in the mid 60s.  That's ok.  The leaves here are really starting to turn and they are falling at a faster rate than we like.  I guess I just need to get out there with the leaf blower.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser Wishing you all the best for your DH's procedure today.  I hope all goes well and it makes the difference you are looking for.

@rafinmd Bon Voyage!



We were in Bergen last summer on our Norway cruise.  We took the funicular up to the top of Mt. Floyen.   There are hiking trails of various lengths and difficulties.  This will surprise @StLouisCruisers Sandi, Sue and I went communing with nature and ended up at this beautiful lake.  








Today's meal is a good one.  I know I would like this. Someone on here has Swedish ancestry and may be able to help us out with the recipe.  I can't remember who it is, but possibly @ger_77 or @smitty34877?  I'm probably way off, but hope that person chimes in.  In the meantime, here's the first recipe to get us started.   https://therecipecritic.com/the-best-swedish-meatballs/




The sauce in this next recipe is more involved and sounds very flavorful to me.  Several of the recipes say that using allspice and nutmeg in the meatballs themselves is the key to getting the special flavor Swedish Meatballs have.   https://thecozycook.com/swedish-meatball-recipe/




Swedish meatballs are often served over mashed potatoes or some type of pasta.  They would be low carb if you substitute riced cauliflower.  https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/swedish-meatballs/




Some recipes call for cream for the sauce and some call for sour cream.  This one uses cream.  I think sour cream might change the flavor too much.   https://themodernproper.com/swedish-meatballs




Wishing you all a wonderful day!




Thank you, Debbie.  Great pictures


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Instead of having wine tonight, I think we'll have beer.  We try to be good neighbours and are blessed by having a lot of them.  We are fortunate that our city has many public lands that can be enjoyed by all; one of them at the end of our block.  Holey moley, speaking of the park at the end of our block - a large hot air balloon just went by - it must have taken off from the park, as I can hear the burner going to lift it above the trees!!!


It's a cool, clear morning out there but the forecast is calling for showers later in the day.  I'm going to get into the back yard with the leaf blower to collect all the leaves and then scoop them into the compost bin before they get all wet and soggy.  Then it'll be dragging them around with the rake, which I'd rather not do.  I'll get DH involved with the leaf blower (he loves playing with that thing), and I'll do the scooping, making it a quicker task before the rain starts.


@Quartzsite Cruiserprayers for you, DH, and his medical team for today; I hope the shunt does exactly what it's supposed to.

@rafinmdsafe travels today and Bon Voyage for tomorrow!

@dfishsorry, no Swedish ancestry here!


I'm sure I'd like the drink of the day if it had rum instead of bourbon, and know it would make a great drink in a punch bowl at Christmas time.  I'm going to pass on the wine, and although I do like Swedish meatballs, I'm not a fan of the dish at IKEA.  I've made them a few times but when using sour cream, to me it tastes more like beef stroganoff.  Today I've got a couple of pounds of ground beef thawing that I'm going to make up into porcupine balls for the freezer, but will leave some  out for us for dinner.  It's looking like we'll be enjoying porcupine balls, parmesan potatoes and green beans on the deck tonight.  And beer.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Many thanks, Gerry.


1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


A beautiful morning in Georgetown. 


Roy, Bon Voyage. Have a great time. Looking forward to reading about your journey. 


Lenda prayers lifted for DH shunt installation. Always prayers for Baby Murphy and Terri and family. Were you able to get a new aide for Tana? Prayers to all on the prayer list so well kept by Vanessa.


I really liked the quote today. I looked up at my books and knew they are waiting for me.


We have good neighbors except the one next door.. his son has been living with him for 15 months. He sits on the patio smoking and talking so loud on his phone, it is maddening. He had a job one month. He quit because he did not like his supervisor. 




I do not drink beer but have it in the fridge for our friends. 




And for Redneck Bob:




Today the guy from Lowes will be over to measure our door for a new screen door with doggie door. Oliver will be proud. Today is also bath day for him. Tonight is girls game night. I need to move along to the market. 


Wishing you blessings and happiness this 28th day of September. 




Joy, thanks for the good wishes.



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Good morning all!

It's another drizzly morning here in the PNW.  Yesterday we had some major downpours in the area.  I've turned the heat on for the first time, seems early.  We usually get past September before I have to do that.  😞  


I'm more of a wine drinker, but do love Guinness occasionally.  It's the only beer I'll drink.  We have wonderful neighbors on both sides and across the street.  We and the neighbors to the right and left have been here 30 years now, the others nearly as long, a couple of us are original owners of the homes.    I love Swedish meatballs, will print off one of the recipes -- thanks Debbie @dfish!  Also love any NZ Sauvignon Blanc, so I know I'd like this one.  Will pass on the drink.  The Beatles are my favorite group, and I was lucky enough to see them in person when I was 14 at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. 


I'm amazed that Vanessa @JazzyV knew it was our anniversary yesterday -- Vanessa you must have meticulous notes!!  Thank you again.  We had a nice dinner out and DH surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of roses.


Today we plan to do some clothes shopping for DH for the Grand Australia.  And yesterday we put in our order for Luggage Forward, they will pick up our bags on Dec. 14.  We have unlimited luggage forwarding...uh, to be sure we have enough, we're having them pick up 6 large suitcases....who knows where we'll put all this stuff, but I'd rather have too much than not enough.  If we don't need that many, we just let them know.  We'll also have 2 carry-on bags.  We've never been gone 94 days before.  A lot of it will be games, crafts etc. to do on sea days, some things for the children on Fanning Island.  


I'm thinking of Lenda and Steve @Quartzsite Cruiser today as he has the shunt placed.  I was too late to post on yesterday's thread but I'm thinking of you!


Roy @rafinmd Safe travels and Bon Voyage!  So happy you're doing this.


@Denise T I'm sorry you were sick yesterday, I hope you're feeling much better.


We were in Bergen in 2019 on our 50th anniversary cruise.  That day we walked from the ship to the funicular, back down the hill and to the ship.  It was a nice day!


My favorite scene on our walk



Past a park full of pigeons



Unusual (for us) McDonalds



Loved this sign ("This way That way")



The line for the funicular



Going up...



And at the top



Lovely mini waterfalls



I found a friend 😉  



Very nice and easy path



And coming back down, a view of the Nieuw Statendam











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Permission to vent?


I find it disappointing that we booked months ago with HIA and can not get an accessible excursion. I heard back from our PCC who said "good question" call the shore excursion desk and ask them. I called, was told to go ahead and book any excursion and then send an email to special needs dept and they will make note of it and ensure we can get accessibility. Sent our excursion info and just got told we had to wait til we board and then go to the excursion desk. Asked our PCC if there could be an OBC or even a dinner we could use in exchange. "Good question" call the excursion department. 


Right now I'm too annoyed, so will call later. We will be on board 53 days with 6 bookings B2B etc and have those credits sitting on our itinerary.


Any advice? 

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@Quartzsite CruiserMy most positive thoughts are with you both today. I know you both will be relieved when this is over.


Good morning to all. As usual we are chilly, sunny and dry. There is a suggestion of rain by the weekend. Our trees are turning rapidly. Otherwise things here are very quiet which is a good thing. I continue to plod along with the house clearing at a very, very slow pace. A sloth could keep up easily.


I need to arrange for pickup for luggage for the Grand Australia and am thinking about clothes. I don't have many choices. Need to sort, try on, sort and then mix and match. Not my favorite occupation. Here in Durango you just select your jeans and top.


Hope those who have been feeling under the weather are feeling better.... there seems to be a lot of "its" going around. The covid shot is not available here yet but I have scheduled my flu shot and will talk with the pharmacist when I go in for that. I am not in a real rush but will try to get it done this month.





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Good morning everyone.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, glad you arrived safely.  Thoughts and prayers will be with you and DH today.  I think I mentioned before, my sister had this shunt procedure.  She did well with it.


I skimmed yesterday's Daily at the end of the day.  Belated Happy Anniversary, @Cruising-along.  Stunning wedding photo.  Gorgeous hair!


I was excited to see that Swedish Meatballs are on the menu today.  I love them, but have never been sure about making them.  @dfish, all the recipes look really good.  Thanks @smitty34877 for sharing your tips.  I noticed that our local grocery store is now carrying creme fraiche.  I might try that instead of cream or sour cream. In any case, definitely making an attempt.


@rafinmd, safe travels.  I'll be following along on the Cunard and Crystal forums.  Wishing you a wonderful time!


@RMLincoln, your move sounds like an exciting new chapter.  That's great they had an apartment available.  


So many of us are "on the move" soon.  Fall travel is delightful!

Thinking of all those who are experiencing difficulties and toasting those celebrating.  Have a great day, everyone!

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41 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Permission to vent?


I find it disappointing that we booked months ago with HIA and can not get an accessible excursion. I heard back from our PCC who said "good question" call the shore excursion desk and ask them. I called, was told to go ahead and book any excursion and then send an email to special needs dept and they will make note of it and ensure we can get accessibility. Sent our excursion info and just got told we had to wait til we board and then go to the excursion desk. Asked our PCC if there could be an OBC or even a dinner we could use in exchange. "Good question" call the excursion department. 


Right now I'm too annoyed, so will call later. We will be on board 53 days with 6 bookings B2B etc and have those credits sitting on our itinerary.


Any advice? 


I'm sorry you are having this frustration.  No real advice except that with all things HAL, as you probably already know, it's good to call multiple times to the same department.  Everyone seems to have a different answer.  

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Good morning to all. I’m a beer drinker so I celebrate it a lot!  I have one terrible neighbor but I think by time I get home they will be gone. No on the drink yes on the meal, no on the wine, never been to Bergen and love the Beatles.


made it to Canada. I’m about 4 hours outside of Vancouver. Beautiful here  


Have a great trip Roy and Lenda I hope all goes well. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to all who are celebrating!


have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning and thanks all!  We visited Norway on a BHB years ago with our DS,  the crew loved him as he was their age and he thoroughly enjoyed this cruise.  We remember Bergen well for the views and shopping as DS had forgotten to bring a rain jacket,  even coming from Vancouver.   Prices  in Norway were quadruple for the same exact jacket I had bout at home.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser keeping you and your DH in my thoughts today, praying all goes well! 
@rafinmd safe travels and Bon voyage tomorrow!  



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We' be been back in Pre-op for about an hour.  At looks like the surgery will be at 1pm instead of noon.  It should take about an hour plus 30 minutes in recovery.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's another drizzly morning here in the PNW.  Yesterday we had some major downpours in the area.  I've turned the heat on for the first time, seems early.  We usually get past September before I have to do that.  😞  


I'm more of a wine drinker, but do love Guinness occasionally.  It's the only beer I'll drink.  We have wonderful neighbors on both sides and across the street.  We and the neighbors to the right and left have been here 30 years now, the others nearly as long, a couple of us are original owners of the homes.    I love Swedish meatballs, will print off one of the recipes -- thanks Debbie @dfish!  Also love any NZ Sauvignon Blanc, so I know I'd like this one.  Will pass on the drink.  The Beatles are my favorite group, and I was lucky enough to see them in person when I was 14 at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. 


I'm amazed that Vanessa @JazzyV knew it was our anniversary yesterday -- Vanessa you must have meticulous notes!!  Thank you again.  We had a nice dinner out and DH surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of roses.


Today we plan to do some clothes shopping for DH for the Grand Australia.  And yesterday we put in our order for Luggage Forward, they will pick up our bags on Dec. 14.  We have unlimited luggage forwarding...uh, to be sure we have enough, we're having them pick up 6 large suitcases....who knows where we'll put all this stuff, but I'd rather have too much than not enough.  If we don't need that many, we just let them know.  We'll also have 2 carry-on bags.  We've never been gone 94 days before.  A lot of it will be games, crafts etc. to do on sea days, some things for the children on Fanning Island.  


I'm thinking of Lenda and Steve @Quartzsite Cruiser today as he has the shunt placed.  I was too late to post on yesterday's thread but I'm thinking of you!


Roy @rafinmd Safe travels and Bon Voyage!  So happy you're doing this.


@Denise T I'm sorry you were sick yesterday, I hope you're feeling much better.


We were in Bergen in 2019 on our 50th anniversary cruise.  That day we walked from the ship to the funicular, back down the hill and to the ship.  It was a nice day!


My favorite scene on our walk



Past a park full of pigeons



Unusual (for us) McDonalds



Loved this sign ("This way That way")



The line for the funicular



Going up...



And at the top



Lovely mini waterfalls



I found a friend 😉  



Very nice and easy path



And coming back down, a view of the Nieuw Statendam












Carolyn, thank you for the good wishes.  Beautiful pictures of Bergen.  That McDonald's is our go to place for a coke.


1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Permission to vent?


I find it disappointing that we booked months ago with HIA and can not get an accessible excursion. I heard back from our PCC who said "good question" call the shore excursion desk and ask them. I called, was told to go ahead and book any excursion and then send an email to special needs dept and they will make note of it and ensure we can get accessibility. Sent our excursion info and just got told we had to wait til we board and then go to the excursion desk. Asked our PCC if there could be an OBC or even a dinner we could use in exchange. "Good question" call the excursion department. 


Right now I'm too annoyed, so will call later. We will be on board 53 days with 6 bookings B2B etc and have those credits sitting on our itinerary.


Any advice? 


Joy, sorry about the tour hassles.  Besides bugging shorex, I wonder if calling them special needs department would help or cause more problems.


58 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

@Quartzsite CruiserMy most positive thoughts are with you both today. I know you both will be relieved when this is over.


Good morning to all. As usual we are chilly, sunny and dry. There is a suggestion of rain by the weekend. Our trees are turning rapidly. Otherwise things here are very quiet which is a good thing. I continue to plod along with the house clearing at a very, very slow pace. A sloth could keep up easily.


I need to arrange for pickup for luggage for the Grand Australia and am thinking about clothes. I don't have many choices. Need to sort, try on, sort and then mix and match. Not my favorite occupation. Here in Durango you just select your jeans and top.


Hope those who have been feeling under the weather are feeling better.... there seems to be a lot of "its" going around. The covid shot is not available here yet but I have scheduled my flu shot and will talk with the pharmacist when I go in for that. I am not in a real rush but will try to get it done this month.






Susan, the good and positive thoughts are much appreciated.


44 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning everyone.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, glad you arrived safely.  Thoughts and prayers will be with you and DH today.  I think I mentioned before, my sister had this shunt procedure.  She did well with it.


I skimmed yesterday's Daily at the end of the day.  Belated Happy Anniversary, @Cruising-along.  Stunning wedding photo.  Gorgeous hair!


I was excited to see that Swedish Meatballs are on the menu today.  I love them, but have never been sure about making them.  @dfish, all the recipes look really good.  Thanks @smitty34877 for sharing your tips.  I noticed that our local grocery store is now carrying creme fraiche.  I might try that instead of cream or sour cream. In any case, definitely making an attempt.


@rafinmd, safe travels.  I'll be following along on the Cunard and Crystal forums.  Wishing you a wonderful time!


@RMLincoln, your move sounds like an exciting new chapter.  That's great they had an apartment available.  


So many of us are "on the move" soon.  Fall travel is delightful!

Thinking of all those who are experiencing difficulties and toasting those celebrating.  Have a great day, everyone!


Thank you for the good wished.  And thank you for reminding us about how well your sister did with the shunt.


11 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all. I’m a beer drinker so I celebrate it a lot!  I have one terrible neighbor but I think by time I get home they will be gone. No on the drink yes on the meal, no on the wine, never been to Bergen and love the Beatles.


made it to Canada. I’m about 4 hours outside of Vancouver. Beautiful here  


Have a great trip Roy and Lenda I hope all goes well. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to all who are celebrating!


have a great day everyone!!


Thank you, Penny.


Brenda, thank you.  I couldn't get his to go below your post.


16 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  We visited Norway on a BHB years ago with our DS,  the crew loved him as he was their age and he thoroughly enjoyed this cruise.  We remember Bergen well for the views and shopping as DS had forgotten to bring a rain jacket,  even coming from Vancouver.   Prices  in Norway were quadruple for the same exact jacket I had bout at home.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser keeping you and your DH in my thoughts today, praying all goes well! 
@rafinmd safe travels and Bon voyage tomorrow!  



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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

My grandparents were from a small farming community near Goteburg. Mormor never gave exact measurements for any of the traditional food she made so I learned by doing it with her. The first recipe is the closest to hers but we always added finely chopped sautéed onion. One small one. Always cream too.

I brown meatballs in the oven these days for 15 min at 350 but she would not have agreed with that change. Thank you Debbie, it was nice to think of a wonderful woman this morning.


Thank you for your input on the recipes.  Did you add the onion to the meatballs themselves or to the sauce?  Or both.  I learned to cook by watching my mother and grandmother.  They added a touch of this and a tad of that.  Those are some of the best recipes.


1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We made it safely to UTSW, and despite the usual heavy traffic from the Reunion Tower to our exit, we were early.  Traffic wasn't bad most of the way.  Now, we're waiting for a room in pre-op.


Glad you made it safely and continued wishes that all goes well.


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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I did just read that Michael Gambon  passed away.  He was quite the character in real life, but he did make a wonderful Professor Dumbledore.  


How sad 😞 May he Rest in Peace.



4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Sort of on the way.  I got out of the house early but realized there were some backup copies of reservations I had not printed so I just got off the copier in the fire house .


Safe travels today, Roy.  I hope you have fabulous cruises 🙂 






1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Permission to vent?


I find it disappointing that we booked months ago with HIA and can not get an accessible excursion. I heard back from our PCC who said "good question" call the shore excursion desk and ask them. I called, was told to go ahead and book any excursion and then send an email to special needs dept and they will make note of it and ensure we can get accessibility. Sent our excursion info and just got told we had to wait til we board and then go to the excursion desk. Asked our PCC if there could be an OBC or even a dinner we could use in exchange. "Good question" call the excursion department. 


Right now I'm too annoyed, so will call later. We will be on board 53 days with 6 bookings B2B etc and have those credits sitting on our itinerary.


I don’t want to swear to this but it was my understanding that HAL’s shore excursions were mostly accessible.  The ones that are not are usually designated NOT WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE (or some such wording.  Usually the ones designated “easy” have wheel chairs on board from what I have seen.


I agree with the advice to call again.



34 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

made it to Canada. I’m about 4 hours outside of Vancouver. Beautiful here  


Glad you got there safely 👍. Enjoy 🙂 



1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We made it safely to UTSW, and despite the usual heavy traffic from the Reunion Tower to our exit, we were early.  Traffic wasn't bad most of the way.  Now, we're waiting for a room in pre-op.


Glad you got there ok without too much stress.  Best wishes for today 🙏 


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@Seasick Sailor  on board I asked the excursion gal about the difficulty of a tour in Hilo. She showed me a picture of 3 steps.   It turned out to be many many steps and hills up and down. Also you had to complete the tour to reach the bus back to the ship.   I got my $ back but not my aching body for some time

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Received our booster shot’s and so far no issues. We do have one issue. Upon returning home our AC is not working. Repairman will be here between 2-6 to look at it. House is still comfortable and we are fortunate it’s an overcast day and only 76.

Tomorrow a painter will start painting our front door which probably will have to be left open often so hoping for another cool day.

Time to catch up on Daily.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Do hope all is going well today.

Edited by aliaschief
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The nurse and anesthesiologist took DH back to the operating room about 30 minutes ago.  It will take that long to get him hooked up to he equipment and asleep.  Then about an hour for the surgery.  He'll then be on recovery for 30 minutes before going to a room.


I went down to the cafeteria for something to drink and saw the surgeon's there.


1 hour ago, dfish said:


Thank you for your input on the recipes.  Did you add the onion to the meatballs themselves or to the sauce?  Or both.  I learned to cook by watching my mother and grandmother.  They added a touch of this and a tad of that.  Those are some of the best recipes.


Glad you made it safely and continued wishes that all goes well.



Thanks again, Debbie.


1 hour ago, kazu said:


Glad you got there ok without too much stress.  Best wishes for today 🙏 



Thank you, Jacqui.


30 minutes ago, Cruisercl said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser my good thoughts are with you and your DH on a successful surgery today.


I appreciate the good wishes very much.



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22 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Just read on fb that Australia is requiring visas and a chest X-ray and a medical from a certified Australian doctor for anyone over 75 before they can visit. There are only two in Florida. That has determined we will never visit Australia. 

Are you sure that is for the VISA we need for cruising? It sounds more like a VISA for a more permanent/work stay. That was brought up on our roll call and found not to be true. I will be applying for mine soon. And I will see if I can find the wording. 

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2 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Are you sure that is for the VISA we need for cruising? It sounds more like a VISA for a more permanent/work stay. That was brought up on our roll call and found not to be true. I will be applying for mine soon. And I will see if I can find the wording. 

I don’t know if it applies for cruisers. The article I read, just said you had to have one to enter Australia.  I would think if you were on a cruise and plan on doing an excursion then this would apply. I can’t wait to hear what you find out.

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3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Today we plan to do some clothes shopping for DH for the Grand Australia.  And yesterday we put in our order for Luggage Forward, they will pick up our bags on Dec. 14.  We have unlimited luggage forwarding...uh, to be sure we have enough, we're having them pick up 6 large suitcases....who knows where we'll put all this stuff, but I'd rather have too much than not enough.  If we don't need that many, we just let them know.  We'll also have 2 carry-on bags.  We've never been gone 94 days before.  A lot of it will be games, crafts etc. to do on sea days, some things for the children on Fanning Island.  

You sound like we did when we did GSA.   I hope that your ship has extra storage so that you can have your stewards get them out of your cabin.   We had ours stored but John left needed cold medicine in one of his and he had to have it hauled back.  It sure was wonderful to be able to walk off the ship at 7:45 AM and get to a cab.   


Good afternoon everyone.  I had a trip to Battle Creek for a rheumatologist appointment and then when I returned we went to Costco.   More driving tonight we have a wine dinner at a nice restaurant about 15 miles away.   Thanks for the photos of Bergen today, a lovely city.  I doubt we would ever make it there as it is a summer destination and we have the cabin in the summer.   


@Quartzsite Cruiser thinking of you right now as your DH goes in for his procedure.  Prayers for a great outcome.   


@rafinmd safe travels to get to your first cruise port destination.  


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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for my morning news.  Three BHBs in Ketchikan today - must be a record!  Linda, I hope your DH makes a speedy recovery and the shunt is a great success.  My last beer was in Mexico with Jacqui!  


I did post my pictures of Bergen last time,, so I will just move them over, along with my comments.  I would love to go back to go up the funicular.  Didn't see enough of the town.


Bergen was our last stop on our Midnight Sun cruise in 2013 on Ryndam.   It was a great cruise!  We had 10 days in Ireland first, with Pat's cousins, then DD Cathy joined us in Dover for a few days and my English cousin met us there, too.  Then we shared a Neptune suite with DD for the cruise, and we had great weather the whole time, except Molde (which even the Captain called mouldy!).   I particularly wanted to see a stave church, so we booked a tour in Bergen that took us there and also to the home of Edward Greig, where we also attended a short concert.  When we got back from the tour, we walked into town and visited the fish market.  There was even whale meat on sale there.    As we were leaving in the evening, the bay was filled with little replica ships and we had a "toot fest" with them.  All in all a really good day.  I would love to go back.  After we disembarked in Dover, DD had rented a car and we had another couple of weeks driving in England.  


The stave church




Grieg's home, "Troldhaugen"




The concert hall






On the drive back to Bergen






The fish market












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26 minutes ago, Live4cruises said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser thinking about you trying to pass the time waiting for the report that DH is out of surgery and it all went great!

warm hugs from me. 


Thank you very much.  They called me from the operating room to say he was doing well after being sedated and intubated.  The Daily is helping me pass the time.  I just wish they didn't jeep hospitals so darn cold.

2 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

You sound like we did when we did GSA.   I hope that your ship has extra storage so that you can have your stewards get them out of your cabin.   We had ours stored but John left needed cold medicine in one of his and he had to have it hauled back.  It sure was wonderful to be able to walk off the ship at 7:45 AM and get to a cab.   


Good afternoon everyone.  I had a trip to Battle Creek for a rheumatologist appointment and then when I returned we went to Costco.   More driving tonight we have a wine dinner at a nice restaurant about 15 miles away.   Thanks for the photos of Bergen today, a lovely city.  I doubt we would ever make it there as it is a summer destination and we have the cabin in the summer.   


@Quartzsite Cruiser thinking of you right now as your DH goes in for his procedure.  Prayers for a great outcome.   


@rafinmd safe travels to get to your first cruise port destination.  



Thank you,  Nancy.



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2 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for my morning news.  Three BHBs in Ketchikan today - must be a record!  Linda, I hope your DH makes a speedy recovery and the shunt is a great success.  My last beer was in Mexico with Jacqui!  


I did post my pictures of Bergen last time,, so I will just move them over, along with my comments.  I would love to go back to go up the funicular.  Didn't see enough of the town.



Bergen was our last stop on our Midnight Sun cruise in 2013 on Ryndam.   It was a great cruise!  We had 10 days in Ireland first, with Pat's cousins, then DD Cathy joined us in Dover for a few days and my English cousin met us there, too.  Then we shared a Neptune suite with DD for the cruise, and we had great weather the whole time, except Molde (which even the Captain called mouldy!).   I particularly wanted to see a stave church, so we booked a tour in Bergen that took us there and also to the home of Edward Greig, where we also attended a short concert.  When we got back from the tour, we walked into town and visited the fish market.  There was even whale meat on sale there.    As we were leaving in the evening, the bay was filled with little replica ships and we had a "toot fest" with them.  All in all a really good day.  I would love to go back.  After we disembarked in Dover, DD had rented a car and we had another couple of weeks driving in England.  


The stave church




Grieg's home, "Troldhaugen"




The concert hall






On the drive back to Bergen






The fish market













Thank you, Ann for the good wishes.  Enjoyed your pictures of Bergen.  It never gets old stopping there even if we just walk around.




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