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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday October 28th, 2023


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We'd have to bundle up if we were to attend the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party here today.  I've never seen the Statue of Liberty in person, only in movies and photos.  Loved plush animals as a child - a trait our grandsons seem to have inherited.  Did somebody say Chocolate???


Oh, it's brisk out there this morning; we're the provincial cold spot at -17C (1.4F), and there's a good breeze blowing as well.  We had more snow late yesterday afternoon and by 9:30 last night the fellow we hired was out there already, clearing off the driveway and sidewalk.  If he continues like this, he's going to be a real gem.  


Bon Voyage @seagarsmoker, I hope you enjoy your cruise.

Welcome back to all the Daily-ites from your cruises.

@RMLincolnI'm happy to hear things are falling into place for you and DH to relocate to your new place.  If you fell in love with your current home, surely someone else will as well.

@JazzyV I do hope you can find a resolution to your pain.


I'm sure everyone was greatly relieved when it was announced the shooter in Maine was no longer a threat.  We can't take mental health for granted, and only hope that others will seek help, or that we can help them to get it.  Prayers for all involved.


Not a lot happening here today, but I know I have to dig out our winter boots - to this point, I've only been wearing my Skechers, but it's time to get something that has better grip so I don't fall.  And it's also time to put the light spring/summer/fall jackets away and bring out the downfill and fluffy jackets to replace them in the front closet.  And gloves.  And scarves.  


I'd like to try the drink of the day to see if all the other flavours disguise the bourbon.  LOL  I know I'd like the wine suggestion, and think today's menu sounds like a good one.  I've already got half a pork loin thawing in the fridge that will be put into the slow cooker along with vegetables for a hot meal for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need - especially those in war torn countries, and those who grieve.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Morning to All and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I have a couple of plush animals - a panda I bought visiting the panda preserve in Chengdu and 2 Captain Hudsons (IYKYK).  Chocolate should be celebrated every day!!  And the gift from France is such symbol for the US and should also be celebrated daily. A quote to ponder, a meal to try without the drink or wine. Interesting days in history.


As I grew up in LA, I have been to Long Beach numerous times.  We did dock at San Pedro on my last cruise so I could have ambled over to LB but nay, I wasn't interested in doing that.  There was a natatorium near the beach that we would have swim meets when I was young.  I remember when they built the fake buildings over the oil derricks to hide them from those on shore.  I went over in 2019 to take the ferry over to Catalina Island.  Took some pics of the Queen Mary.








And a couple of Long Beach.







Nice day subbing yesterday but the teacher left conflicting sub plans (one on the app and a slightly different one on his desk).  So first period missed out on a quiz!  This week has been a good one as several students and past students have given me accolades for my work.  I have to admit it brought a tear to my eyes; you never really know the effect you have people.


I have to arrange for my flight in Feb.  It will be a tad tricky as I have to be the LA area a day before I should fly.  I think I may fly out of LA. Decisions, decisions.


I am now waking up to temps in the 50s with highs only getting to the 80s.  It is getting cold here!!  


Thoughts for the world and everyone on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great Saturday everyone!!

Edited by Nickelpenny
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Good mornung Rich and my fellow DAILYITES.  A bit chilly here in Naperville with leaves in full color and falling.   Nice that two Signature Ships are in Ft. Lauderdale at Port Everglades.  Thanks for the Fleet Report and all others who post on this thread. contributionss. 

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Good morning Daily-ites. 


Vanessa thank you for the Daily prayer and celebrations list. My brain is not on full operation mode yet, so your help is appreciated. Thinking and prayers lifted for all on our Daily. Special love sent to Sandi on her DB pain. ❤️ 


Many thanks to our F and B ladies.. Debbie, Dixie and Ann. And thanks to Rich for jump starting us each morning. 


The Rangers game was exciting last night. Go Rangers! 🧢 


I bought a few blouses for our upcoming cruise and they came last night. All 3 fit great. We went round and round the Caribbean last year, so I know what I'll be packing. We are still hoping to get thru the Panama Canal.  No change to our itinerary yet. 


Tonight we are having Pork tenderloin, 🍄 mushrooms sautéed in a 🍷 wine reduction, baby red 🥔 potatoes and MSH wants cherry pie. 🍒 


Safe and happy cruising to @seagarsmoker 🛳 


Enjoy your chocolate today!!



Oliver enjoys all his stuffed animals. He tries hard to make then squeak.




Have a wonderful weekend. Know you are loved!

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Good morning everyone.  Thank-you for today’s report, recipes and lists.  World’s largest cocktail party sounds fun.  Hats off to the Statue of Liberty, plush animals and chocolate, lots of folks will be pleased with that one.  Isn’t today’s quote the truth!  The meal suggestion sounds nice, the wine would go nicely.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for all on today’s list.  Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events!

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Good morning from a very overcast central Texas where we are under a flood watch.  It is 65F and fees like 65F.  The humidity is 100% with the dew point sitting at 65F.    Our high today will only be 71F with the predicted rain beginning about 4 pm, at least that's the guestimate now.  Yesterday, I got the grass trimmed and mowed just in time as it started sprinkling as I was finishing the back yard.  It started raining harder just as I got the mower back in the port.  


I finished reading yesterday's Daily after dinner, but was just too tired to try to comment.  I plan to go back and reread part of it and comment a bit later.  After several night's of sleeping well, but not long enough, I managed to sleep eight hours last night.  Hopefully, that means my brain is working better.  It was an interesting end to Game 1 of the World Series in the bottom of the 11th inning with the Rangers getting a walk-on home run.


With our weather, we'll skip the largest outdoor cocktail party.  I've always enjoyed seeing the Statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor from the Staten Island ferry and on our sail ins and out of NYC.  Plush animals are nice, and there are some of the DDs' in the attic.  My favorite day today is National Chocolate Day.  🍫


I partially agree with the Karen Horney quote, but sometimes life makes you feel like you need a therapist.


The meal sounds interesting, but I think I'll stick with my penne pasta bake with Italian sausage, or  even the vegetarian version.  The Chianti would go nicely with the pasta bake, in a glass or in the sauce, but in both would be better still.  We'll pass on the cocktail.


On one turnaround day in San Pedro in 2016, we drove over to Long Beach.  I'll look for my pictures in a bit.


Two interesting days in history.  I'll celebrate the first use of fingerprints, but I will wait to celebrate the repeal of the Volstead Act.


The news that the shooter in Maine will not be hurting anyone else is good, but I would have preferred him to be alive and in prison for the rest of his life.


Welcome home @Lady Hudson, @Live4cruises, @Horizon chaser 1957 and @Smmessineo.  I hope everyone had a great cruise.


@JazzyV Vanessa, I hope last night was a better night for you.

@rafinmd  Roy, our condolences on the deaths of three members of you congregation.

@aliaschief  Bruce, thanks for the latest report from your cruise.  The block party sounds like a log of fun.

@cat shepard  Ann, I loved your meme about the three little words.  Yesterday, with the higher humidity, felt like we were back in The Woodlands instead of central Texas.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I loved the "skin and bones" cat.

@Heartgrove  Jack, I hope you can get some relief from the wasp sting.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm very happy you finally got the letter your DH had been waiting for.  

@smitty34877  Terri, I'm glad the antibiotics are finally helping Tana.  I hope the higher humidity doesn't cause her too much trouble.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, I enjoyed your Long Beach pictures.  I wish we were heading to Quartzsite sooner to enjoy the fall weather.















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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I'm all for an outdoor cocktail party! I am a big Statue of Liberty fan, collect replica statues, and was at the rededication Liberty Weekend in 1986 along with millions of other people. Plus animals are cute and chocolate is always a favorite. Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Long Beach. Use of fingerprints revolutionized police investigation. Prohibition was a fail.


It's 66 and cloudy here. The last warmish day I think. I had another rough night, but then when I get up and have to stand I have even more numbness and pain. It is gradually easing as I sit at the PC. No fun!  And now my eye wants to flare, but I'm catching it early; I think it's stress which many with uveitis say can cause a flare. I hope to be able to get laundry done, and maybe make stuffed pepper soup. That's all I can manage. At least so far only a sore arm from yesterday's vaccines. And perhaps I'll watch Pitt vs ND (and hope we're not embarrassed by their performance).


@seagarsmoker Bon Voyage!

@aliaschief Thanks for all the info about your cruise.

@Heartgrove Good idea to get that bite area checked out.

@RMLincoln Yay on getting the letter! Good luck with all the cleaning out and getting rid of things you won't take with you. I'm sure you'll settle in your new place and make wonderful new connections. I hope DH's eye pressure settles and he has less itching.

@smitty34877 I'm glad Tana is feeling a little better; hopefully as temps drop so will the humidity.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. LOL on DB's choice of dinner.

@ger_77 Brrrr; the frozen tundra is living up to it's name.

@Nickelpenny Nice LB photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


From 1986 Liberty Weekend


Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning everyone!  Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn.  I have been enjoying more chocolate than normal with the Atkins low carb bars, cheers to the Statue of Liberty.  I still have a few plush animals including my mid-50s chimp named Zippy.    I have never been to Long Beach.   I'll drink to the failure of the Volstead Act, what a mess that caused.   They could ban alcohol but nothing about military guns to kill many people quickly.  

I will pass on today's pasta, I would try the cocktail but prefer my bourbon neat.  I would try the Riserva of today's Chianti.   

Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports @JazzyV.   I hope that you are feeling some relief from your back and leg issues.  @RMLincolnI am happy to hear the needed paperwork has arrived and passes muster.   @smitty34877 prayers that the antibiotics are working for Tana's pneumonia.  Prayers for everyone having family members in the hospital or healing at home.   Prayers for the people suffering in war zones in Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  Prayers for the safety and return of the hostages.   

I have already been to Walmart and put everything away.    It is a beautiful sunny day but nothing like the 70s we had the last few days.   They were rainy.  I will get to 50 today so the tulip bulbs will get planted into warm soil, the hose retired for the season because on Halloween we may see snow flurries.   The brisket cooked quickly yesterday, I forgot how much faster things cook with convection and in an oven bag.  We have enough for a simple dinner tonight of brisket sandwiches with horseradish sauce.   We are stuck going to the casino tomorrow because my Raven's game is not televised in our area.   Enjoy the warm weather all of you in the East, this cold weather that @ger_77is experiencing is rolling in here tonight and heading your way.  Have a nice Saturday!  Nancy 

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Good morning,

I have some good news. I talked with DSIL last night and they extubated Murphy and she is on CPAP. First blood gas was good. I hope her night went well. I will touch base later this afternoon. Thanks for the prayers. DB is set for surgery Tuesday. 

Have a great day!



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Good Saturday morning. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

It is warm today in the 80s. Brief return to summer. 

Every day is Chocolate Day for me. I also do a lot of ground turkey pasta bakes. Easy and economical meal. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Image result for saturday morning cat memes

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Well, back from Urgent Care. I was happy to see that they shuffled people quickly as there were eight patients ahead of me when I arrived. The Doctor was't sure if it was a wasp but agreed that something got me. Prescibed Silvadene as an antibiotic, and Dexamethasone as he was concerned about infection. Now to deal with CVS filling the prescriptions! Almost decided to wait on going to UC but glad I did now. Need to be well for our Carnival Venezia cruise in 12 days!

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3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Celebrating!  Yesterday afternoon while I was at my last session with my Spiritual Companioning group DH received a letter from our new home-to-be staff which approves us and satisfies the contract’s requirements for authorization for a distribution as our trust stipulates when the first of us dies.  It’s all gonna happen quickly now!  Should be moving into the NJ community before Thanksgiving. And I think we’ll be able to get to a Remembrance Day with my Hudson Valley cousins.

Our realtor’s photographer came here yesterday while the sun was out!  The pictures of our views should be very pretty.  I’m sure someone will love it here. Clearing out the rooms she wanted photos of was more effort than it sounded but I’m glad we’re not trying to clear the whole place before the move. 


Excellent news 👍 It sounds like things are moving along very well for you 🙂 




51 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I have some good news. I talked with DSIL last night and they extubated Murphy and she is on CPAP. First blood gas was good. I hope her night went well. I will touch base later this afternoon. Thanks for the prayers. DB is set for surgery Tuesday. 

Have a great day!




That is REALLY good news 👍. I hope Murphy’s night went well 🙏 



16 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Well, back from Urgent Care. I was happy to see that they shuffled people quickly as there were eight patients ahead of me when I arrived. The Doctor was't sure if it was a wasp but agreed that something got me. Prescibed Silvadene as an antibiotic, and Dexamethasone as he was concerned about infection. Now to deal with CVS filling the prescriptions! Almost decided to wait on going to UC but glad I did now. Need to be well for our Carnival Venezia cruise in 12 days!


Good to hear 👍. Glad you went and hopefully will be on the way to recovery 🤞 

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Good morning all!

It was down into the 20's F this morning -- brrr!  The house was cold until the heat kicked in.

Interesting days, and I'll pick chocolate every day.  We've been to Long Beach when we lived in CA and also when DS lived in So. CA. I'll pass on the drink and red wine, but the meal sounds good.


Today will be busy, we're going to the pumpkin patch/festival with DD, DSIL and the boys with their scout group.  It has become a yearly tradition.  That will be all afternoon, and then the boys will come home with us for the night.  Another full day tomorrow before we take them home.  I wish I'd gotten more sleep than I did, but I'll survive.


Jack @Heartgrove Good that you went to Urgent Care.  I'm allergic to wasp stings and now carry an epipen at all times.  We found out about the allergy when I broke out in whole-body hives.


Vanessa @JazzyV I'm sorry you had another rough night.  We need to get you better!


Lorraine @cruising sister Good news about baby Murphy!  Thank you for letting us know.


Now to get ready for the day...

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Good morning, 


It's 22F on the front porch thermometer this morning on a gorgeous sunny morning. The full moon was a sight to see when I got up this morning. 

I'll take chocolate - dark preferably - and plush animals. When DH was alive and having his memory issues he really enjoyed stuffed animals and insisted on several being purchased on cruises, which was fine. I gave four to his sister for her 4 grandchildren and I kept several. I have on bear that was beside him on his last hospital stay and I have his ring on the paw. It went cruising with me. I have another one on his bed pillow. I know at some point I won't need it there but it's a bit of a comfort now and it's been just 4 months yesterday that he passed. 


I really really love dark chocolate up to about 70%. I have to hide it so I don't overindulge. 


This week has been busy with something every day so I'm hoping to just stay home this weekend and get things done around the house. Dinner tonight is a hamburger (a tradition that goes back many years and coincides with Saturday night hockey in my childhood). 

Have a lovely day and an enjoyable weekend. 


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We had two turnaround days in San Pedro in 2016 went we did a 7 day Mexican Riviera cruise, a 15 day Hawaii cruise and a 10 Sea of Cortez cruise on Ruby Princess.  Most of the day was spent in Los Angeles since we wanted to see as much as possible and still be able to head back to San Pedro before rush hour.  We got back to San Pedro earlier than expected because the traffic on the freeways was lighter than normal.  Before heading back to the ship, we drove over to Long Beach.


Queen Mary and the Russian Sub



The original hanger for Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose.



Long Beach skyline from the island where Queen Mary is berthed



The main Street in Long Beach





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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

I have on bear that was beside him on his last hospital stay and I have his ring on the paw. It went cruising with me. I have another one on his bed pillow. I know at some point I won't need it there but it's a bit of a comfort now and it's been just 4 months yesterday that he passed. 


That’s a sad anniversary, Karen 💔. I too take a bear with me.  It has Jose’s ashes in a heart in it.  His wedding ring is on my favourite necklace (that he gave to me).


don’t worry if you want to have it with you.  there’s nothing wrong with that at all and believe me, you are not alone ♥️ 



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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is quite a bit colder here this morning in mid-Michigan than it has been this past week.  We do have some blue sky and sunshine and that helps make up for it.  Chocolate day sounds really good to me.  I'll celebrate chocolate every day.  I'm thankful the shooter in Maine has been found and is no longer a threat to anyone.  I'm glad to read that Tana is breathing easier.  That is such a nasty disease.  


We have Farkle tonight since DB Bill worked last night.  It is his turn to bring dinner so that means either bad pizza or KFC.  It's one meal.  


Speaking of meals, today's meal sounds like a great comfort food.  You could use ground turkey, shredded turkey, ground chicken, shredded rotisserie chicken, or whatever you desire in this dish.  I'll give you a couple of variations and I'm sure you'll be able to come up with some of your own. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/ground-turkey-pasta-bake/




This one is kind of a take on lasagna.  Worth a try.  https://thisdelicioushouse.com/baked-spaghetti-with-ground-turkey/




This last one has no tomatoes, just cheesy goodness.  https://www.spendwithpennies.com/cheesy-ground-turkey-pasta/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


That really does look like comfort food!  I'll send this recipe to DH to see if he'd like to try one of these versions.




3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites. 


Vanessa thank you for the Daily prayer and celebrations list. My brain is not on full operation mode yet, so your help is appreciated. Thinking and prayers lifted for all on our Daily. Special love sent to Sandi on her DB pain. ❤️ 


Many thanks to our F and B ladies.. Debbie, Dixie and Ann. And thanks to Rich for jump starting us each morning. 


The Rangers game was exciting last night. Go Rangers! 🧢 


I bought a few blouses for our upcoming cruise and they came last night. All 3 fit great. We went round and round the Caribbean last year, so I know what I'll be packing. We are still hoping to get thru the Panama Canal.  No change to our itinerary yet. 


Tonight we are having Pork tenderloin, 🍄 mushrooms sautéed in a 🍷 wine reduction, baby red 🥔 potatoes and MSH wants cherry pie. 🍒 


Safe and happy cruising to @seagarsmoker 🛳 


Enjoy your chocolate today!!



Oliver enjoys all his stuffed animals. He tries hard to make then squeak.




Have a wonderful weekend. Know you are loved!


Thank you for the love, Joy!  Sending some back! ❤️ Good luck with your team tonight.




2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I have some good news. I talked with DSIL last night and they extubated Murphy and she is on CPAP. First blood gas was good. I hope her night went well. I will touch base later this afternoon. Thanks for the prayers. DB is set for surgery Tuesday. 

Have a great day!




That's wonderful news Lorraine on Baby Murphy.  Hoping for more good news as days go by.  Hoping for a good result for your DB and that he is able to cope with the loss of this additional toe.🙏




1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

Well, back from Urgent Care. I was happy to see that they shuffled people quickly as there were eight patients ahead of me when I arrived. The Doctor was't sure if it was a wasp but agreed that something got me. Prescibed Silvadene as an antibiotic, and Dexamethasone as he was concerned about infection. Now to deal with CVS filling the prescriptions! Almost decided to wait on going to UC but glad I did now. Need to be well for our Carnival Venezia cruise in 12 days!


I'm glad you went today, too.  Twelve days isn't a lot of time and you will want to be in tip top shape for that cruise.  Thanks for the report back, and please relax and take care of yourself!




1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We had two turnaround days in San Pedro in 2016 went we did a 7 day Mexican Riviera cruise, a 15 day Hawaii cruise and a 10 Sea of Cortez cruise on Ruby Princess.  Most of the day was spent in Los Angeles since we wanted to see as much as possible and still be able to head back to San Pedro before rush hour.  We got back to San Pedro earlier than expected because the traffic on the freeways was lighter than normal.  Before heading back to the ship, we drove over to Long Beach.


Queen Mary and the Russian Sub



The original hanger for Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose.



Long Beach skyline from the island where Queen Mary is berthed



The main Street in Long Beach






Looked like the Queen Mary could have used some BHB painters for that hull!   I wonder what she looks like today, 7 years later?  Thanks for posting! 

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Good morning and thanks all!

@seagarsmoker Bon Voyage!  
@Heartgrove glad you went to urgent care, you don’t want an anaphylactic reaction!  
@cruising sister hoping little Murphy holds her own!

@aliaschief wondering what flavours, lol!  
@luvteaching and @kazu hugs, love the caring sharing! 

We were blessed with some swans. 



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Good afternoon.  With the heavy cloud cover it is still 68F.  It looks like there might be light rain showers this afternoon, but most of the rain will be overnight and continuing through Monday.  We won't see the sun until Tuesday, and we won't be back in the 70s until Friday.


We're still trying to get the new satellite tv receiver working properly.  We can only get over the air tv on the main receiver but not the one in the livingroom.  DH is going to order an indoor over the air antenna for the livingroom.  We spent a couple of hours working on all the cables behind the tv and other devices in the bedroom.  We eliminated a couple of wires, and untangled the rest.  Now, it doesn't look like a major rat's nest, and it will be easier to keep that area clean.  I'm just glad we have tile floors that make moving the heavy tv stand with the heavy tv easier.  DH could help and he helped move it out.  It was easier for me to move it bacj.  I just had to push one side back a bit, then the other, and kept repeating that until the stand was back in place.  I think I got my exercise for the day.  As you can tell, life is really exciting around here.  🤣


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I'm all for an outdoor cocktail party! I am a big Statue of Liberty fan, collect replica statues, and was at the rededication Liberty Weekend in 1986 along with millions of other people. Plus animals are cute and chocolate is always a favorite. Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Long Beach. Use of fingerprints revolutionized police investigation. Prohibition was a fail.


It's 66 and cloudy here. The last warmish day I think. I had another rough night, but then when I get up and have to stand I have even more numbness and pain. It is gradually easing as I sit at the PC. No fun!  And now my eye wants to flare, but I'm catching it early; I think it's stress which many with uveitis say can cause a flare. I hope to be able to get laundry done, and maybe make stuffed pepper soup. That's all I can manage. At least so far only a sore arm from yesterday's vaccines. And perhaps I'll watch Pitt vs ND (and hope we're not embarrassed by their performance).


@seagarsmoker Bon Voyage!

@aliaschief Thanks for all the info about your cruise.

@Heartgrove Good idea to get that bite area checked out.

@RMLincoln Yay on getting the letter! Good luck with all the cleaning out and getting rid of things you won't take with you. I'm sure you'll settle in your new place and make wonderful new connections. I hope DH's eye pressure settles and he has less itching.

@smitty34877 I'm glad Tana is feeling a little better; hopefully as temps drop so will the humidity.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. LOL on DB's choice of dinner.

@ger_77 Brrrr; the frozen tundra is living up to it's name.

@Nickelpenny Nice LB photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


From 1986 Liberty Weekend



Vanessa, I'm sorry last night and early this morning were rough again.  I'm glad you caught the eye flare early.  Thanks for the great picture of the Statue of Liberty.


2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I have some good news. I talked with DSIL last night and they extubated Murphy and she is on CPAP. First blood gas was good. I hope her night went well. I will touch base later this afternoon. Thanks for the prayers. DB is set for surgery Tuesday. 

Have a great day!




Lorraine, that is definitely good news about Murphy.  I hope she had a good night and she will continue to improve.  Sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery Tuesday, and a quick recovery for your DB.


2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Well, back from Urgent Care. I was happy to see that they shuffled people quickly as there were eight patients ahead of me when I arrived. The Doctor was't sure if it was a wasp but agreed that something got me. Prescibed Silvadene as an antibiotic, and Dexamethasone as he was concerned about infection. Now to deal with CVS filling the prescriptions! Almost decided to wait on going to UC but glad I did now. Need to be well for our Carnival Venezia cruise in 12 days!


Jack, I'm glad you went to the Urgent Care and that they were able to help.


17 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Looked like the Queen Mary could have used some BHB painters for that hull!   I wonder what she looks like today, 7 years later?  Thanks for posting! 


Sandi, I was really surprised at the condition of the Queen Mary's hull.  



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