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Friday November 10th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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2 hours ago, richwmn said:

Today is Forget Me Not Day,

When we were working on developing a trail near Skykomish, one of the USFS requirements for that trail development was to remove invasive/non-native plants. Two of the plants they were specifically concerned about: Forget-Me-Not and Stinky Bob.

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Good morning. It is cloudy and drizzling on and off with a temp of 50. I think that will be the high of the day as well.I am not a good accountant and am grateful for those who do this work. Vanilla cupcakes are my preference, I am odd in my food choices. 
I was in the hospital recovering from surgery when the Berlin  Wall came down. It was fascinating to watch on cable TV while stuck in a bed. 
The recipes look so good but I would have breakfast for dinner and try the second one. Thanks Debbie @dfish.

I found a PBS Masterpiece series that takes place in Sardinia and the surrounding islands. The scenery is great but the show itself is an Italian soap opera. It is called “ Back to the Island”.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers, for the great photos.

Have a great day today everyone.

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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Jim Beam Black Hot Toddy cocktail:


2 parts Jim Beam Black®
1 part Honey
2 parts Fresh Lemon Juice
1/4 cup Hot Water
Lemon Peel

Put bourbon, honey, and lemon juice in a 6-ounce mug. Top off with hot water and stir until honey is dissolved. Garnish with a lemon peel (optional).


Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 7.26.53 AM.png

A friend's mother used give this to her children when they were il.

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Good morning,

It is a beautiful cool morning. I had trouble sleeping last night and feel a little blah this morning. I may take an early nap and hope it wakes me up. I am sad to hear that @JazzyVand @Nickelpenny back pain is till bad. I have been there and it is not fun. @RMLincoln so sorry to hear DH needs more surgery. Just one more thing on your list. 

I hope everyone has a good weekend. 


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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Our first day at sea and still only mid 50’s. Sky is overcast with an occasional sea shower. Our departure time was delayed by three hours yesterday afternoon for bunkering. With the original departure 4:00 pm, we chose 6:30 for our reservation at Fahrenheit 555 for dinner. During dinner Sue went outside  during dinner along with a number of other diners to see the Statue of Liberty as we sailed by. Dinner was very good!


Another sea day tomorrow along with a Military Appreciation Gathering tomorrow.


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack

The Costa stack in place of a Whale Tail





Edited by Heartgrove
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Good morning everyone, 


The sun is peeking out at the moment but rain is forecast for later today and tomorrow along with a wind warning. I'm planning on staying home for a few days and have important things to do - a jigsaw puzzle, needlework, Cruise Critic, etc. 


Actually today is busy as I'm having friends in for lunch (first since DH's passing) and I'm making a potato corn chowder and homemade rolls so have to get the bread machine out for the dough. The company comes at 1:00 so I've got the morning to finish up cleaning, etc. 


This week was busy with water aerobics, physical therapy, and Wednesday a friend and I went to B.C. to visit my 97 year old mother and took her out to lunch. She's a going concern and have to get on her social calendar! I hope I'm like her when I get to 97!


Have an enjoyable Friday. 


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Forget me not, as in flowers, raise money for disabled veterans. Accounting is important. I'd prefer a chocolate cupcake. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal if someone makes it for me. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Cagliari. 2 good days in history. When going around in Germany you'll see chunks of the old Berlin wall on display in different cities; and around the world.


It's cloudy and chilly here today. Same sleeping issues, but maybe I got 4 hours by taking a Benadryl before bed. Maybe the increased Gabapentin is helping a little, as I was able to change the bed linens without as bad pain as I was anticipating. I will be speaking to the social worker later; I found out it was the Rheumatology office that requested it.


@StLouisCruisers Great photos from Cagliari. 

@Denise T I'm sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather due to issues with your diabetes. Feel better soon!

@rafinmd The gardens look very nice. Safe travels to FLL today.

@Nickelpenny You sound like me, starting with a referral to a pain clinic. Is one of the procedures the epidural steroids? I understand about wanting to remain active, something I can't do right now. I find NSAIDS don't help with nerve pain. Wishing you the best outcome!

@ger_77 I'm glad to hear about DH's great report from the Device clinic. 

@RMLincoln I'm sorry to hear that DH needs eye surgery and prayers that it will be successful. I spent a few months at Wilmer Eye Institute way back in the 70's - great place!

@Vict0riann I can empathize with your trouble walking. I hope you're enjoying the cruise despite that and the changes in itinerary. 

@dfish Good luck with the CT scan. Thanks for the recipes (too much work for me though). 

@ottahand7   I'm glad you're doing well after the tooth extraction.

@aliaschief I do have one usb-c brick that I think came with an iPad. I bought a couple of adapters from C to A, so I can use old cables. I don't know if that will affect charging speed.

@GTVCRUISER Great photo.

@Cruzin Terri Praying for good news.

@HAL4NOW Nice to see you here on the Daily again.

@Heartgrove Have a great cruise!

@luvteaching Enjoy the lunch today. And way to go for your DM.

@kplady Happy Birthday to your DH!

@Copper10-8 Happy Birthday John!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

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Time to sit for a break… 

Thank you @ottahand7 Nancy and @JazzyV for your vote of confidence in Wilmer Eye institute. I do feel a little better today about it all, have to!  There’s too many other things going on!  

Sorry @Nickelpenny that you are struggling but glad you have options. A prayer that you find just the right path. And same for you Vanessa @JazzyV   Pain is so exhausting. Good luck to @Cruzin Terri and DH Jim!  

So nice to read of all the fun stuff!  I was hoping we could soon look at some little cruise but that’s not in the radar screen yet!  When the timing is right…. 

DH got a bunch of admin done this morning …. Keeping going!  

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Good morning and thanks all! 
@ger_77 yay,  on the great news at the pacemaker check! 

A bit of a crazy few days here, not the least of the furnace quit yesterday and the parts may be a month or two.  Praying the temporary fix works that long! 

We enjoyed our visit to Cagliari on the Queen Victoria.  We enjoyed seeing the elephant sculptures on the climb up to the cathedral. 












Edited by bennybear
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Well, i had hoped for better news.  They could not get much fluid out of the knee so it its still swollen. Jim now has to wear a compression stocking up to his thigh and apply heat 3 times a day to his knee and ice to his ankle. He has to do this for a week.  

He can still go on the cruise but has to be careful.  

Not the news I wanted but that is what it is.

Thanks for all your support and prayers.


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7 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Bok Tower Gardens where I visited yesterday and enjoyed beautiful settings including the glory of their 60-bell Carillon.




Need to get busy and loaded up for the drive to Fort Lauderdale.



My very favorite place in Florida. The Carillon bells concerts are magnificent.


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5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

But I’m thinking of you, especially @JazzyV, as I struggle to walk. I’m going to have to figure something out if I’m to continue cruising.  


I am so sorry to hear of your difficulty walking, Ann 😔. It might be sciatica or other issues.  Wondering if physio could help?  Hate to see you and @JazzyV having so much difficulty and pain 😔 




5 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

It was a tough eye doctor visit yesterday. DH needs eye surgery. We’re scheduled for first eye Jan 16, here in Maryland at John’s-Hopkins. The many followups will be done near our new home in NJ by a doctor she trained. It wasn’t what we were ready for but we’ll figure it out.  Like the decision in 2019 to go to MD Anderson for cancer treatment instead of Albuquerque, DH chose to be treated by the teacher instead of the student. We’ll figure out how to do it all. And be grateful it can be done.


So sorry to hear your DH needs eye surgery Maureen 😔

Good attitude with “we’ll keep moving forward”.


And no, we are not tired of you posting about these issues.  We’re here for you, always.  And our prayers are with your DH 🙏 



6 hours ago, kplady said:

In addition to @richwmn Rich's days to celebrate, today is the 248th birthday of the US Marine Corps. I will be sure to wish my DH a very happy birthday today before he goes to dinner with his other Marine friends. (and a happy birthday wish to @Copper10-8 John!!)


A very happy birthday to your DH and @Copper10-8 and all those that served and are serving in the Corps.




5 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

 My tooth extraction wound is doing very well. 



That is good to hear 👍. Dinner looks yummy 🙂 




4 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, i had hoped for better news.  They could not get much fluid out of the knee so it its still swollen. Jim now has to wear a compression stocking up to his thigh and apply heat 3 times a day to his knee and ice to his ankle. He has to do this for a week.  

He can still go on the cruise but has to be careful.  

Not the news I wanted but that is what it is.

Thanks for all your support and prayers.



Poor Jim. 😞. Hopefully the treatment will help him 🙏 

the good news is that he can still go on the cruise, at least.



6 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

My PCP finally reviewed my MRI and commented on the "significant areas of narrowing.  He put in a referral to a pain clinic and "they can address procedures".  I am not a pill taker (I forget about taking them and do not like pain meds - even acetaminophen or NSAIDs) so when he said "procedures" my initial disappointment went away a tad.  I had to do some research on what that might entail.  Where the referral went, they have a couple of FDA approved procedures that are relatively new that I might consider.  I hope to have that done before I leave but I will keep the appt with the surgeon so I have options to think about.  While I have always had back pain (2 back surgeries in my past) this is just getting ridiculous; I don't want to get to the point where I can't be active.  


Sorry to hear about your MRI results, Pennie 😔. Hopefully there is a procedure that may be helpful to you 🤞. I sure hope so.



6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Yesterday's Device Clinic appointment went SO well - DH's pacemaker was reviewed and both he and it are doing "exceptionally well".  I don't think it gets better than that, so we were totally happy walking out of there. 



that is REALLY good news, Gerry 👍 



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3 good days to celebrate. I couldn't possibly figure out my taxes without my accountants help, vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting, yum. I will give a miss to the meal and the drink, would certainly want to try the wine. I've not been to the port of ther day.

I saw my pulmonologist yesterday and was told that I not only had Covid, I also had a rebound Paxlovid Covid infection and now I have bronchitis along with a flare of my CHF. He said I was not nearly strong enough to cruise on the 18th so I had to cancel.  Not the news I wanted to hear as I started feeling a bit better a couple of days ago. Oh well, this just has to run it's course.

Nothing planned for today except going to Albertson's to pick up a few groceries and another new Rx.


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41 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

3 good days to celebrate. I couldn't possibly figure out my taxes without my accountants help, vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting, yum. I will give a miss to the meal and the drink, would certainly want to try the wine. I've not been to the port of ther day.

I saw my pulmonologist yesterday and was told that I not only had Covid, I also had a rebound Paxlovid Covid infection and now I have bronchitis along with a flare of my CHF. He said I was not nearly strong enough to cruise on the 18th so I had to cancel.  Not the news I wanted to hear as I started feeling a bit better a couple of days ago. Oh well, this just has to run it's course.

Nothing planned for today except going to Albertson's to pick up a few groceries and another new Rx.


Bummer. I am sorry to hear all of this.



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2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, i had hoped for better news.  They could not get much fluid out of the knee so it its still swollen. Jim now has to wear a compression stocking up to his thigh and apply heat 3 times a day to his knee and ice to his ankle. He has to do this for a week.  

He can still go on the cruise but has to be careful.  

Not the news I wanted but that is what it is.

Thanks for all your support and prayers.



I really had hoped to hear much better news, just like you both did.  At least they told you he can still cruise.  I hope the treating with compression stocking, heat and ice will make him feel much better. 




2 hours ago, lazey1 said:

3 good days to celebrate. I couldn't possibly figure out my taxes without my accountants help, vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting, yum. I will give a miss to the meal and the drink, would certainly want to try the wine. I've not been to the port of ther day.

I saw my pulmonologist yesterday and was told that I not only had Covid, I also had a rebound Paxlovid Covid infection and now I have bronchitis along with a flare of my CHF. He said I was not nearly strong enough to cruise on the 18th so I had to cancel.  Not the news I wanted to hear as I started feeling a bit better a couple of days ago. Oh well, this just has to run it's course.

Nothing planned for today except going to Albertson's to pick up a few groceries and another new Rx.



Jane, how disappointing for you!  But I do like your attitude about it running its course.  Hopefully when you're fully recovered you can have another cruise booked to enjoy.



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