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Friday November 17th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  About the only hiking I'm going to be doing today will be up and down stairs as I do laundry.  We've hosted several international students over the years and have made new friends in many countries because of it.  I'd love some fresh baklava, but often it's a couple of days old and the butter congeals if it isn't served hot.  I completely disagree with today's quote.


It's still dark and -3C (26F), but it's supposed to go up to +8(46F), so I think we'll head out to the back yard and try to clean up the remainder of the leaves that have come off the trees for the compost bin.  In the fall it seems like the leaf drop is never ending, along with the pine cones that the neighbourhood squirrels keep snipping off - little litterbugs!


@seagarsmokerI'm sorry to hear about your job situation; what a rotten time of year for layoffs.  Hopefully you'll be able to find other employment, but if not, is it time for early retirement?

@RMLincolnI hope you had a good night's sleep in the guest suite and wish you the best as you and your helpers unpack in your new home.

@arzz Bon Voyage!

@marshhawkas others have mentioned, I do hope you get to have a few minutes with DH's doctor today so you can get some help, too.

@Quartzsite Cruiser safe travels to you and DH as you make your way back to Arizona!


Not a lot happening today for us, although it's our DS and DDIL's 13th wedding anniversary, so we'll be doing a video call with them this evening.  It's hard to believe they've been married that long already!  I'm sure I'd like the drink of the day, although we did have a lot of rum last night with our friends.  I'll pass on the wine, and will also pass on the menu suggestion.  I guess if someone served it to me, I'd eat it, but I wouldn't make an effort to recreate the recipe at home unless it was really good.  It's Friday night, pizza night at our house, so I'll send DH out to see what appeals to him and we'll enjoy it at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the innocents in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️





Gerry, please wish your DS and DDIL happy 13th anniversary!🥂




2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thanks Sandi.

Royal Caribbean are a lot different to Princess.

The range of activities on board especially the larger ships for younger people are outstanding.

If she hasn't already done so tell them to enroll in the Crown and Anchor Society as the rewards are excellent especially once they move up the loyalty tiers.


I will recommend she do that.  Her fiance has sailed on RC once already.  Their ship will be Odyssey of the Seas.




2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Sandi, I think you'd like La Paz.  It's an easy town to wander around.  Whale sharks are the largest fish, but not really a threat to humans as far as I know.  Swimming with the sharks was an excursion offered by Princess.


I appreciate your willingness to post my pictures.  We are planning on taking four days this year.  It will be less tiring for DH who is the primary driver.  Looking at the list Rich @richwmn sent me a while back, we've only been to three of the ports for the next week, unless, he changes things again.  



Debbie, thanks for the good wishes for our safe travels.  I hope the x-rays help you get the needed ablation for your back.  Sometimes, you have to jump through too many hoops to get medical help.



That part of South Carolina is lovely.  We lived in Camden for a little more than two years when DH worked for Du Pont.  We were there just long enough for both DDs to be born in Camden.



Gerry, please wish your DS and DDIL a VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY for us.




I'm sure I would like La Paz.  As for the sharks I've only trusted the small black tip reef sharks in Bora Bora.  It scares me to see photos and videos of DGD (who is a master diver) in the ocean or tanks at the aquarium with the other types of sharks.  She just got a promotion at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa she works at, and only has one class left to take next semester at Univ. of South Florida before graduating with her degree in marine biology.  I'm thinking she will want to stay there in Tampa to live.  She loves it there.


I'll just plan on posting for the four days then.  Let me know if you extend it.  You don't want to overtire Steve with driving!  Our neighbor Paul only likes to drive about 200 miles a day in their motor home.  He says it's quite a bit of work to set up for the night and get ready again in the morning.  Makes sense.  We've only been to 2 of the next 4 days ports.  I'd better check to see if any of my photos have disappeared though!  It's been a long time since we've been to one of them!




Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Good morning all!

It's a bright, sunny morning here in the PNW.  Perfect day for our fire pit gathering this afternoon.  I was pleased that everyone is eager to come, it's been too long. We have a great group.


I won't be taking a hike, most of my walking is done on the treadmill lately.  I salute all students, and will pass on the Baklava -- too sweet for me and as Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser said, it isn't chocolate. 😉  I'll also pass on the meal but the drink and wine both sound good.  Last night I made Quiche to use up the ham and some cheese we had, something I hadn't made in years.  It was tasty!  I don't agree with the quote and haven't been to La Paz.


Yesterday we had a little bit of a scare.  DH was told to do a follow-up chest x-ray after having the pneumonia, and after the x-ray they sent him for a CT scan.  Apparently it was better but something didn't look right.  Thankfully the PA called him as soon as he got home after the scan and let him know that there's nothing to worry about, the scan showed no problem.  Whew!  


Someone else I'm worrying about today, my BFF told me last night she'd been exposed to Covid and woke up yesterday with a scratchy throat.  Her doctor did a test that is more accurate than the rapid tests, and she's waiting to hear the results.  We have plans to have lunch together on Monday, so I'm hoping she's ok for several reasons.


@seagarsmoker I was dismayed to hear that you got caught up in the company layoffs.  I hope you can find something else soon.


Vanessa @JazzyV  Yay about 5 hours of sleep!  Now to get rid of that darn pain and back to feeling better.



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Well, well, well what was supposed to be our warmest day isn’t 😔. It would be if we didn’t have that cold bitter north wind which is quite strong.  I guess that’s the beginning of the wind of the weather bomb coming in?  But, I’m 1/2 way done.  Once I warm up I’ll try some more and anyways, I had to bring Ivan in.  He was answering barking dogs LOL.



3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Not a lot happening today for us, although it's our DS and DDIL's 13th wedding anniversary, so we'll be doing a video call with them this evening.  It's hard to believe they've been married that long already! 


How wonderful!  A very happy 13th anniversary to your DS and DDIL 🙂 🥂 





14 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Yesterday we had a little bit of a scare.  DH was told to do a follow-up chest x-ray after having the pneumonia, and after the x-ray they sent him for a CT scan.  Apparently it was better but something didn't look right.  Thankfully the PA called him as soon as he got home after the scan and let him know that there's nothing to worry about, the scan showed no problem.  Whew!  


Thank heavens the scan was ok. 👍 



14 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:


Someone else I'm worrying about today, my BFF told me last night she'd been exposed to Covid and woke up yesterday with a scratchy throat.  Her doctor did a test that is more accurate than the rapid tests, and she's waiting to hear the results.  We have plans to have lunch together on Monday, so I'm hoping she's ok for several reasons.


Prayers she is negative and ok for both the sake of your lunch together and her health.  🙏 




@arzz Bon Voyage!  Have a great cruise and a WONDERFUL time!



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Extremely late today.  Happy Friday, Bon Voyage @arzz and virtual hugs to @seagarsmoker.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  I used to love hikes but not recently, will pass on the Baklava but celebrate students.  I'll also pass on the Hemmingway quote.


I have not been to today's port.  That first mouse sounded pretty primitive  It sure was a long time between Elizabeth 1 and Elizabeth 2.


The meal sounds interesting.  My alternative is Classic Caesar Salad, Jerk Lamb Shank and Almond Fruit Cake as served last night in Rotterdam's Club Orange.






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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Gerry, please wish your DS and DDIL happy 13th anniversary!🥂





I will recommend she do that.  Her fiance has sailed on RC once already.  Their ship will be Odyssey of the Seas.





I'm sure I would like La Paz.  As for the sharks I've only trusted the small black tip reef sharks in Bora Bora.  It scares me to see photos and videos of DGD (who is a master diver) in the ocean or tanks at the aquarium with the other types of sharks.  She just got a promotion at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa she works at, and only has one class left to take next semester at Univ. of South Florida before graduating with her degree in marine biology.  I'm thinking she will want to stay there in Tampa to live.  She loves it there.


I'll just plan on posting for the four days then.  Let me know if you extend it.  You don't want to overtire Steve with driving!  Our neighbor Paul only likes to drive about 200 miles a day in their motor home.  He says it's quite a bit of work to set up for the night and get ready again in the morning.  Makes sense.  We've only been to 2 of the next 4 days ports.  I'd better check to see if any of my photos have disappeared though!  It's been a long time since we've been to one of them!




If he hasn't joined yet if he lets RCL know the cruise date  they will add that cruise to his Crown and account.

If they are in a Junior Suite or Full Suite they will get double points per night.

Both passengers if married will get the benefits of whoever has sailed the most.

Edited by grapau27
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Good morning!


It's a frosty cold start to the day with 22F when I got up and it's barely above freezing at the moment. It's also a beautiful sunny day and I'll head out on errands when I finish this post. Nothing too exciting - Hallmark, Costco and Fred Meyer. I took my wedding ring in a few weeks ago to have the antiquing redone and it's back so looking forward to getting it back on my finger! It was tough to take it off. 


After errands I'm hoping I can park the car and not move it again until Monday. There's always something to do around here. I got two new books in the mail today and it wouldn't take much to convince me to cozy in and read! 



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  • Good afternoon from another nice day in SE Wisconsin.  It's close to 50F with lots of nice sunshine.  Supposed to get more normal temps here over the weekend.  No hikes for me today, but I did rake some leaves, that should count for something.  Haven't been to the port, and I'm not sure about the meal of the day.  The drink sounds good, and the I'm not sure I like todays quote.  
  • @seagarsmokerSorry to hear about your job loss, not a good time, but hoping something wonderful comes up for you.  
  • Sorry to her about the pain problems, hoping things start to look up for everyone.  
  • @Quartzsite CruiserHave a safe trip to your winter home in your wonderful, new home!  
  • @rafinmdsounds like your cruise is going well, enjoy! 
  • Bon Voyage to everyone else getting ready to travel!  
  • @marshhawkHoping you get to see a dr, and feel better soon.
  • @RMLincolnEnjoy your new home!
  • The son of a friend is playing football in the State Championship game today at 4 pm, I'm cheering for them, because the team they are  playing beat us!  😉 Have a Great Weekend, Karen

Edited to add, I'm not sure why the dots are there for the new lines! 

Edited by quilty964
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Good afternoon!


I went and had the x-rays done that the Spine and Pain clinic ordered.  I was told today that there is such a backlog of images that it is now taking 2-3 weeks to get results.  Then the PT place called me and the earliest they can get me in is January.  I'm glad I'm not relying on the PT to relieve my pain or anything like that.  I guess at this rate I am hoping to get imaging results back sometime this calendar year so we can commence treatment in 2025.  

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5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thanks Sandi.

Royal Caribbean are a lot different to Princess.

The range of activities on board especially the larger ships for younger people are outstanding.

If she hasn't already done so tell them to enroll in the Crown and Anchor Society as the rewards are excellent especially once they move up the loyalty tiers.

Odyssey is a Quantum class ship with Dodgem cars and the North Star which is a capsule which rises high above the Deck.

We were on Anthem of the seas twice last year which is a sister ship and the photo shows the North Star.

They will love it Sandi.


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With my injured food, I'm not going to be taking a hike today. In fact, I ordered groceries for curbside pickup rather than traipse all around the store. Also, it's raining.


As much as I like butternut squash, the idea of adding it to macaroni and cheese makes me queasy. However, for Thanksgiving, I'm making a Three Sisters casserole: corn (in the form of hominy), beans, and roasted squash. No on the cocktail. For a Sauvignon Blanc (again) maybe Dr. Frank's 2022: "Classic aromas of grapefruit, guava, and wet stones perch alongside dried grass and herbs. Ripe nectarine and passion fruit round out the generous body. It's beautifully delicate and substantial with cool climate acidity cutting through." I haven't been to Pichilingue.


Mona Lisa says that a computer mouse isn't a real mouse, and is totally inedible. At least I think that's what she was saying.


I'm starting to think about packing for my January cruise, and having trouble adjusting to the idea that I'm driving to the port. I'll have two days in NYC before embarking, and I'm also having trouble remembering that the embarkation is from Cape Liberty, not the Manhattan Cruise Terminal.



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3 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I went to the grocery store earlier and in the 65 degree weather there were Christmas trees outside the store. Yikes. Perhaps I am a Scrooge but all I could think was “go away”.


We went to the grocery store today too but it was all about Thanksgiving there, thank goodness!  Pretty crowded, of course, less than a week before the big holiday.  We will be here at home, just the two of us, and DH says he'd rather try a spatchcock chicken this year than a turkey or turkey breast.  Should be a lot easier.  We aren't even having pumpkin pie!  Our roofer was here last week checking his roof repair and he gave DH a bag of whole pecans.  DH gave him a bag of Buc-ee's southwestern spicy trail mix.  So we're having pecan pie for Thanksgiving and with only two of us didn't need any more pies. 😒

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52 minutes ago, quilty964 said:
  • Good afternoon from another nice day in SE Wisconsin...
  • ...  
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • Have a Great Weekend, Karen

Edited to add, I'm not sure why the dots are there for the new lines! 

Hey, now that you mention it, you are all "dotted up" today...Maybe it knows you're special!!🤔

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37 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon!


I went and had the x-rays done that the Spine and Pain clinic ordered...I guess at this rate I am hoping to get imaging results back sometime this calendar year so we can commence treatment in 2025.  

Surely for both your physical relief and sanity, I hope you mean 2024...

I do hope you can get results at least w/in their estimated timeframe.

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25 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

With my injured food, I'm not going to be taking a hike today. In fact, I ordered groceries for curbside pickup rather than traipse all around the store. Also, it's raining.


As much as I like butternut squash, the idea of adding it to macaroni and cheese makes me queasy. However, for Thanksgiving, I'm making a Three Sisters casserole: corn (in the form of hominy), beans, and roasted squash. No on the cocktail. For a Sauvignon Blanc (again) maybe Dr. Frank's 2022: "Classic aromas of grapefruit, guava, and wet stones perch alongside dried grass and herbs. Ripe nectarine and passion fruit round out the generous body. It's beautifully delicate and substantial with cool climate acidity cutting through." I haven't been to Pichilingue.


Mona Lisa says that a computer mouse isn't a real mouse, and is totally inedible. At least I think that's what she was saying.


I'm starting to think about packing for my January cruise, and having trouble adjusting to the idea that I'm driving to the port. I'll have two days in NYC before embarking, and I'm also having trouble remembering that the embarkation is from Cape Liberty, not the Manhattan Cruise Terminal.



Cape Liberty is very easy with a car.  I just googled Rochester to Cape Liberty and they suggested going most of the way on I81 through Scranton.



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Good afternoon. It's nasty out. After PT I was going to stop at the grocery store, before the madness of Thanksgiving shopping, but it was pouring rain, so I deferred. My therapist was nice and walked me to my car while holding my umbrella, as I was juggling my purse and cane. I guess I'll try to go Sunday morning, when it's usually not too busy. I considered curbside pickup, but I like to pick my own fruit.


@dfish That's a long time to wait for results and for therapy, but what can you do?

@kochleffel I hope your foot is better soon.

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