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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday, January 8th, 2024


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Prayers said, blessings sent out. Thinking of Roy starting treatments and his busy day. Hoping for a good report for Annie.  Safety for all who are out in tough weather conditions, and improvement for all feeling under the weather. 

Time to get moving on our growing list of address changes!  I need to get some things crossed off!  Maybe get some decorations put away today but not ready to put away the nativity and little fiber optic tree yet - the magi just arrived from the East!  Haircuts are on our calendar - first need to find a place. Also need to find our way to a Costco. All if the roads are clear. Big rains coming Tuesday late with flooding expected Wednesday so it’d be good to make progress today. 

Our takeout dinners last night, because of the snowstorm, were underwhelming so I’m looking forward to a nice dinner in the dining room tonight!  Early dinner tonight because tonight is the college football championship game - Michigan vs U of Washington, both undefeated. Should be an exciting game. We’ll root for “UDub” lots of DH’s Seattle family went there including both his parents- class of ‘26!  

Hugs for those dealing with loss. Cheers for all celebrating.  And smooth travels to all away-  thanks for sharing your experiences. And thanks to all for being her!  
Blessings for our country and yours! And all suffering in wars. 
Be grateful for something today!  


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Good morning. It will go up to forty or so later and rain will return for another round of storms tomorrow. DDIL is a member of the Campbell clan and no bubble baths here. I remember being very upset after divorcing my first husband but it was for the best. I have not been to the port.I think the group would like the recipe. 
We decided to make enchiladas today, bean and cheese and chicken versions. It was voted on last night when we had take out from the local diner.I have developed an aversion to cooking on Sundays for no particular reason. The teenager offered to make us something but then got an invitation to eat with his girlfriend and her family. He came by to say goodnight to his mom and gave us a blow by blow meal description. It sounded good to me! He took me aside later to tell me he liked my cooking better. Smart guy!

Enjoy the day everyone


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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says it's 36 degrees, it's cloudy, and just now the "temp" gauge says "feels colder".  There is a new stray cat munching away outside, very pretty soft tan.  When Donna took care of the cats she fed them at 10 am and 4 pm.  This way, she said that the fox, possums. racoons and coyotes would not come in and eat before the cats have a chance.  I do understand, but now every cat in the neighborhood knows that too.  So I do feed them at 8:30 and a little after 4.  Not the indoorians but just the outdoorians.  



Last night when I took the trash out there was the sound of a crash, and then I heard something large running through the back wooded area.  I looked at the bird feeder closest to me and it was swinging away, I looked at the one further away, and there was a racoon in it.  about 4 feet off the ground, in a feeder that hangs from a pole.  How ever did they get up into the feeders?  



What's a pirates favorite sock?  Arrrgyle!  


Divorce day?  I do celebrate.  You can have all the best intentions to make a marriage work, but it takes 100 percent on both sides, and unfortunately in my first two marriages, I was there, but my other halfs were not. When we parted both sides were happier.



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Good morning everyone.  Thank-you for today’s report, recipes and lists.  I spoke a little too soon yesterday about the lack of snow.  Shortly thereafter it started to snow big beautiful flakes for most of the rest of the day, our first real snowfall in over two years!  Two nice days and one awful one to recognize.  I’ll wear my argyle socks while deconstructing our Christmas tree today.  Probably won’t have time for a bubble bath but it sure sounds nice.  The quote is pretty funny.  Think I’ll pass on the soup and drink today.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events. 🥂

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Happy Monday!  I spent the weekend planning tours for our Best of Norway cruise in August.  For the first time, I used Tours by Locals: Rotterdam to the windmills, a walking tour in Bergen and a walking tour in Oslo that includes Vigeland Park.  The only port that isn’t planned is Farsund.  I believe it is a “new” port and cannot find much info.  All of the wonderful posters on the Daily who post pictures and info about the ports have made my planning easier.  Thank you.  Wishing everyone the best possible day!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Charlene I remember you telling us about that incident before and it certainly is a terrible comment he made.  I hope the bus service fired him for that.  I can see why that would mar your time spent there.  Maybe you can go back again someday.  


I wondered if you heard the rocket that launched from Kennedy Space Center this morning?  It's headed to the moon!

 Oh we heard it alright! Did not go out to see it. We also had a launch on Sunday evening which we did watch. The technology is amazing!  All those Starlink satellites are  giving us all better internet connections on our cruises. 

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I wondered if you heard the rocket that launched from Kennedy Space Center this morning?  It's headed to the moon!

I’m sorry, but that reminded me of Ralph Kramden’s “to the moon!” threats to 

Alice on The Honeymooners. Wouldn’t be tolerated now, for good reason.


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Posted (edited)

Butternut squash soup is on the MDR menu tonight. There’s also butternut squash risotto on the lunch menu. There was no butternut squash at breakfast.


The special French starter is escargots.

Edited by kochleffel
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Good morning from a chilly Quartzsite.  It is sunny and 37F with a predicted high of 53F.  Right now there is a 7mph wind, but 20mph winds are predicted for this afternoon.  The winds yesterday did pick up after it stopped raining, so the rain was followed by a dust storm.  We were lucky the dust storm was not as bad as some we've had.   It looks like today will be the last day for high winds for a while.  🤞


There is no Argyle in the house.  I prefer showers to bubble baths.  Thanks to Graham @grapau27  I understand about divorce Monday, but I will not celebrate it.


A funny quote by Johnny Vegas.


We'll pass on the meal and the cocktail.  The wine sounds like a lovely red I'd like, but the price is no lovely.


We have not been to Napier -- yet.


I will definitely celebrate the 1665 beginning of the newspaper in Haarlem, The Netherlands.  The oldest continuously published in the US is the Hartford Courant which began and the Connecticut Courant on October 29, 1764.  I'll also honor the first State of the Union address by George Washington in 1790, and 1835 when there was no national debt.


@rafinmd   Roy, I hope your first radiation treatment goes well today.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope your appointment today goes better than expected.

@seagarsmoker  I'm glad you are feeling better today.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope your DH is over his cold soon and can have the tooth extracted before your cruise.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I don't think anyone who was in Arizona 12 years ago will for get the shooting of Gabby Giffords and the wounding and killing of the others.

@aliaschief  Bruce, thanks for the pictures of last nights Azamazing Evening.  It looks like it was spectacular.  Loved the picture of the Captain and Cruise Director.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope The Beast works well for Sue.

@smitty34877  Terry, the teenager is growing into a smart person.  Tana and you should be very proud of him.















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Posted (edited)
Good morning to all !  Thank you for the Daily :  Jacqui , Rich , Vanessa, Debbie ,  Roy, and for ALL the contributions from many others . 
I might not be posting that often but I have been reading the Daily almost everyday .
We have been to Napier , New Zealand and had a wonderful day there so I will check if I have some special pictures to share.  This from the Oosterdam on April 1st 2013 .
Uhhh….. NO honestly…….we did not go to Hooters ……..and I have no pictures from there!
Six siblings from one family live in these similar houses although exterior looks different .
Different architectural designs even for newly built homes and offices 
The Art Deco architectural designs found in Napier where a direct result of the rebuilding of this city after the devastating earthquake hit the city on Feb 3rd 1931 and the rebuilding started right after that.
Mission Winery 
Beautiful scenery outside of Napier 
Back into Port we had a nice send off .
DW forgot her ID when returning to the port and she was taken into detention for a while , but was later allowed to rejoin me after a lot of  questioning . ppppfffftttttt ! Lucky me !
Have a wonderful week everybody ! 
Tony 😄
Edited by sailingdutchy
Some additional information
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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

On Dec. 3, 2017 our ship Sun Princess arrived in Napier, New Zealand on the final cruise of our B2B2B2B cruises Down Under.  As usually happened on these cruises, the ship provided us a shuttle ride to the downtown Visitor Information Center.  The town appeared clean and had beautiful Art Deco architecture. 








Across the street and a short way to the right was an antique car show which all the tourists seemed to be enjoying.  There were people there in period costume, too.  I think this was a regular occurrence in town, especially with ships in port.












The town was so cute and the weather was perfect so we took our time looking around.  This pedestrian street made it easy to look around without worry.










Being December the Christmas decorations were up too, to get us into the spirit.



Love the reindeer faces at the bottom!



A trolley in case you couldn’t walk far







And along the beach was this pretty park-like area




The beach was made up of black pebbles.  Not black sand in my opinion.







And here is the front of the National Aquarium which we passed by to get back to the shuttle bus.



A great day in Napier, New Zealand.  

Very interesting Sandi.

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Good afternoon from Cork,

Currently it is 3°C/37°F but with wind chill it feels like -1°C/33°F.  Overnight it was -5°C/23°F.  I thought it cold until I read of @ger_77 and the -23° in frozen tundra! I just could not handle that level of cold.  

There was black ice on the roads this morning so chaos ensued.  We (as a nation) just cannot handle freezing conditions on the road.

DW went for her tests this morning and initial results are good.  Her BP has returned to normal and the ECG looks good.  We will hear later in the week for the official result.

Next on the list was taking DS to the dentist for his checkover and any necessary work.  He says that the prices here are at least 50% lower than in Vancouver.  Shame he forgot to take his wallet with him 🙄. Ya just can't beat sponsored dental work 🥲


That's it from me. Hope everyone has a great day!

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Good morning, Dailyites, another Monday here...  It is finally raining hard, but we are threatened with wind and snow later in the week.  I will be happy to just stay indoors if that happens.   I had chicken for us and a piece of fish out for DD last night when she said she would go and get fish and chips from a place near where we used to live which is reputed to be the best in Victoria, so I immediately agreed, and we will have the defrosted chicken and fish today.  Later this month we will compare the fish and chips with a place nearer where we are now, which claims to be the best in Victoria... 


Hope all goes well with Roy, and no aftereffects, except good ones!  I will be having two "bumps" removed next week, which the dermatologist says are squamous cell carcinomas.  One is on the back of my right hand which I seem to be continually bumping so it is sore.  The other is on my left wrist, so gets in the way of my watch.  I'm looking forward to getting rid of them both!  I have already primed the household that I will have to keep the areas dry, so I won't be washing dishes.  I wonder how long that will last!


We have been to Napier, on a driving trip in NZ, I remember enjoying the Art Deco streets, but they interfered with them by shading the sidewalks.  



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My room is an obstructed-view balcony stateroom. It’s classed as 50% obstructed but from the deck plan and a photo on the interweb I thought it would be less. It’s actually much less.


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Hello from the Volendam,


It has been going very well. The food has been good, great lectures and nice people. I have enjoyed meeting the fellow Dailyites. Tomorrow is our first stop in Honolulu. 

I will celebrate divorce day. Not everyone has a happy and healthy marriage. My first husband was mentally ill and  it was a very physical and mentally damaging relationship. It was a great day when that marriage ended. 

Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 

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Good Monday morning to all the Dailyites.

Thank you to Jacqui @kazu for taking over for Rich so that we have the Daily to look forward to each day.

Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Lists that are kept so meticulously.  I pray that you get some relief soon from your pains.   

Thank you to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope in the Food and Beverage Departments.  We can always count on the three of you to keep us fed and hydrated.   

Today it is now 49 degrees outside and promises to go up to 56.  Good day for my Argyle sweater.   Since we replaced our Garden Tub with a beautiful big shower, I don’t think I will be taking a Bubble Bath.   As for a Divorce, Monday or otherwise, I will pass on that.  After 42+ years of wedded bliss, I think we will stay that way.   


We will pass on the meal and drink.  The wine is a bit above our budget.


I have been in a bit of a funk the last few days.   Lots of worries in spite of my resolution to take one day at a time and make the best of each day.


Tomorrow I have two appointments at the Mayo Clinic.  One for blood work to see where we are with the PMR.  I already know from the pain level that it is not in a good place.


The other is to remove the two cancerous lesions on each leg.    Our plan is to drive down tomorrow morning and get an early check-in at the hotel on campus, where I am well-known and then go to my appointments in the afternoon.   Well, after we saw the weather forecast for tomorrow, we rethought the plan and figured it might be better to go today.  That is, until I called the hotel.  No room at the Inn tonight.   So we had to scrap those plans.


The weather forecast for tomorrow is horrendous.  I am not looking forward to this.  However, if I don’t keep this appointment, I don’t know when I will get another.   I was offered this earlier appointment when someone cancelled.  My original one was on Feb.  27.  I am sure that one is gone now.  


So we plan to leave early tomorrow.  About 9:30 and take it slow.  It usually takes about 2 1/2 hours.  I am sure tomorrow will take much longer.   The hotel promises to have a room available for me for early check-in.  Keeping my fingers crossed.


On Wednesday we are coming back early so that I can attend a workshop on Wills and Trusts.  While we just had new wills done, my Financial Advisor is urging us to look into finding out how to protect our assets.  A local attorney is holding a workshop on Wednesday afternoon.  So we will try to get back in time for that. We will have to make some decisions in that regard.


And then at 9:30 am on Thursday, we meet with the Neurologist to go over the results of Jim’s tests and see where we go from there.   


So, as you can see, there is a lot on my mind.


Will try to be more communicative.  

@rafinmdHope all goes well for you today.

@smitty34877 Hope your aide is back and things are a bit better in your house.  Prayers for you.


Take care everyone.

God Bless.


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