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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday February 14th, 2024


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6 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Benny, that’s impressive getting Wordle in one. 
Do you use the same opening word all the time?

I use 3 and rotate them or if I have a gut feeling I go out of rotation, the 3 are NOISE, ALIEN and ATONE.

@MISTER 67 I use the same three every game. ABOUT, MISER, LYNCH/LUNCH. They work really well. 🤪. Susan

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3 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Happy Valentine's Day! Lent has started with Ash Wednesday, for those who celebrate. Congenital Heart Defect awareness is important, so it can be corrected. I'll salute Frederick Douglass. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Barra Norte Sea. 2 good days in history.


It's been a long day. I was up and out to a medical appointment this AM, then on to labwork. So I was starving when I got home around noon. I had missed a call from the Interventional Radiology nurse, so called back. I'm not optimistic about what I was told. He mentioned 2 shots, one to decrease inflammation of the nerve and one to the cyst. I asked about drainage or rupture of the cyst (which was what I was expecting), and he said that on closer exam the cyst was partly calcified and would therefore not collapse. I suspect I may not get the relief I was expecting, but I hope I'm wrong. BFF came over this afternoon, bearing roses. He helped me do some final removal of stuff from the DR. The moving people will come tomorrow morning, so I have to be up and downstairs. Then we went out for a nice early dinner (we were a bit too early, not knowing that starting at 4 apps were 1/2 price and it was happy hour). 


So sad about the shootings in Kansas City at the Super Bowl parade.


@Suslor Happy Birthday to Lorenzo!

@superoma Happy Birthday to your twins!

@rafinmd Prayers as you and your family remember the passing of your brother. I'm glad to hear your foot is almost completely healed.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for you and Tana.

@RMLincoln I'm glad a close eye is being kept on DH (no pun intended, lol).

@Nickelpenny I am glad your DGS benefitted from all the advances in treating congenital heart defects.

@ottahand7 Congrats on the casino win!

@lazey1 Thanks for the update. I hope just the right treatment is found for you.

@Cruzin Terri Very nice job by DH for Valentine's Day.

@luvteaching I'm sure today is hard; hold onto the good memories.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


I"m sorry you didn't get better news about your cyst...hope there are more options.

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Happy Valentines Day to all on the other side of the International Date line! ❤

And...hello from the Volendam.  We are at sea today on our way to Perth (Fremantle) AUS. Nice weather today.

We were in Exmouth yesterday.  It was hot but not unbearable.  Went on a wonderful glass bottom boat SE to see the Ningalooo reef. Pretty impressive. 

Prayers for all of us and the world.  We need them now more than ever.

Prayers for everyone observing Ash Wednesday. It is a solemn day of reverence in the Catholic church.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Take care all,

Caron 😎

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Thanks to @DeeniEncinitas, @JazzyV, @Haljo1935 @StLouisCruisers, @kazu, @bennybear, @smitty34877, @ger_77, @puppycanducruise, @grapau27, @cunnorl and @Quartzsite Cruiser for the birthday wishes for my dear DH. And Happy Birthday to @superoma’s twins. Hope we didn’t forget anyone.
It’s always hard to celebrate on a cruise as we’re up against all the Valentines celebrations in the PG. Susan 


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Good afternoon.  Debbie @dfish, Sharon @Sharon in AZ, Dixie @summer slope, and I met in the Ocean Bar to test the chocolate chicken drink.  Without the picture the drink looked a little different, but the bartender was able to make it using the recipe Dixie provided.  For me, it was too strong, and one taste was enough.  We had a good time just visiting.  I think someone will post some pictures.


Today was not a good day in trivia for Debbie and me.  We would have done worse if yesterday's and today's Daily hadn't given us two of the answers.  One question was the date galventine is celebrated, and the other was about the invention patented on February 14.


2 hours ago, lazey1 said:

Good afternoon dailyites.  This is an update regarding my condition. After posting I will go back and read both yesterday's and today's posts. Yesterday at the local Heart Hospital I had a TEE followed by a right heart cath then a left heart cath.  I was sedated for the TEE then awakened before the cath's. My cardiologist talked to me after finishing the 3 tests then had a thoracic surgeon talk to me. The findings were severe Mitral Valve calcification and moderate Aortic Valve calcification. All pressures were fine and there is minimal leakage. The cardiologist says surgery is needed, the surgeon said surgery would be high risk for a stroke, that he wants to consult further with my cardiologist and also have a roundtable discussion with other valve specialists and that he will get back to me. He also mentioned an experimental procedure with apparently good results as a possibility.

I am restricted from driving for 5 days, no bending and lifting over 10 lbs for 7 days. I can bend with no lifting such as putting shoes on. Today i am having soreness but no frank pain.  Now to go read the last coupe of days.




Jane, thank you for the update.  I'm glad your medical team will be consulting, and I sure they will find the best and safest plan to help you.


3 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Valentine’s Day in our Stateroom.

DH stepped up to the occasion.



Beautiful flowers, Terri.


Just now, JazzyV said:

Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Happy Valentine's Day! Lent has started with Ash Wednesday, for those who celebrate. Congenital Heart Defect awareness is important, so it can be corrected. I'll salute Frederick Douglass. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Barra Norte Sea. 2 good days in history.


It's been a long day. I was up and out to a medical appointment this AM, then on to labwork. So I was starving when I got home around noon. I had missed a call from the Interventional Radiology nurse, so called back. I'm not optimistic about what I was told. He mentioned 2 shots, one to decrease inflammation of the nerve and one to the cyst. I asked about drainage or rupture of the cyst (which was what I was expecting), and he said that on closer exam the cyst was partly calcified and would therefore not collapse. I suspect I may not get the relief I was expecting, but I hope I'm wrong. BFF came over this afternoon, bearing roses. He helped me do some final removal of stuff from the DR. The moving people will come tomorrow morning, so I have to be up and downstairs. Then we went out for a nice early dinner (we were a bit too early, not knowing that starting at 4 apps were 1/2 price and it was happy hour). 


So sad about the shootings in Kansas City at the Super Bowl parade.


@Suslor Happy Birthday to Lorenzo!

@superoma Happy Birthday to your twins!

@rafinmd Prayers as you and your family remember the passing of your brother. I'm glad to hear your foot is almost completely healed.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for you and Tana.

@RMLincoln I'm glad a close eye is being kept on DH (no pun intended, lol).

@Nickelpenny I am glad your DGS benefitted from all the advances in treating congenital heart defects.

@ottahand7 Congrats on the casino win!

@lazey1 Thanks for the update. I hope just the right treatment is found for you.

@Cruzin Terri Very nice job by DH for Valentine's Day.

@luvteaching I'm sure today is hard; hold onto the good memories.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry you didn't get the news you were expecting.  I hope the two shots will ease the pain a lot.  Is it possible for them to remove the cyst?



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4 hours ago, cruzincari said:

I feel for you .....my dad would have been 94 today.  I was due on Feb 14 w my 1st...he said if I blessed him w a grandchild on his birthday there would be some $ in it.   But she arrived on her due date Feb 8 (w 2 min to spare) so never got the cash🤣


@cruzincari  Welcome to the Daily 🙂 



@cruzincari @MISTER 67 @rafinmd @Denise TMy heart is with you all with the sad memories of deaths on this day.  💔  



@lazey1 Oh my heavens, Jane 😱. I hope they can find a plan that works best for you.  Hang in there.  What a scary time!   All my prayers are with you 🙏 



1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

For me the challenge is to keep my spirit, head and heart aligned!  Faith, hope, trust and gratitude are strong!  Heart gets worried and scared a bit… Head can be all over the place! 🤣. Thanks all for your support, none of us walk alone!  


I love your attitude in such a trying time 👍   We’re with you.   Prayers for you both 🙏 


25 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

This is the first Valentine's Day without DH and I was a bit melancholy this morning but fine now. I am wearing the earrings he bought for me last year and I'll have a glass of wine and toast him when I have some dinner. He was a keeper and I miss him. 


Good for you wearing his gift and toasting him ♥️. I know some say it’s just another day, but when you’ve lost someone you loved dearly, it’s not.  I know it’s hard.  I don’t understand why all the good ones are taken too early 😢 



15 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


I'm not optimistic about what I was told. He mentioned 2 shots, one to decrease inflammation of the nerve and one to the cyst. I asked about drainage or rupture of the cyst (which was what I was expecting), and he said that on closer exam the cyst was partly calcified and would therefore not collapse. I suspect I may not get the relief I was expecting, but I hope I'm wrong.


Oh no, Vanessa!  😱. I hope you are wrong and I pray they can find a way to release you of all this pain 🙏. You need the relief and you need it soon!



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27 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Vanessa, I'm sorry you didn't get the news you were expecting.  I hope the two shots will ease the pain a lot.  Is it possible for them to remove the cyst?




Lenda, if this doesn't help, or helps only for a short time, then I believe surgery would be the next option (possibly minimally invasive).

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Today was a clear, but kind of cold and windy day here in the Pacific NW.  Feel blessed when I see what those on the NE Coast are experiencing.

Had a dental appointment this morning.  Have had an infected tooth for a few months.  They scraped it x-rayed it, and made casts of it to prepare for removing it in the future.  Got a prescription for an antibiotic to handle it.  Since I was going to Costco to get a chicken, told them to send it to their pharmacy, as the Navy one usually takes an hour.  Found that Costco's also takes an hour.  The good news is that wandering around the store for an hour I didn't end up spending a hundred dollars like I usually do.


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45 minutes ago, dfish said:

As @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda reported, The Daily Four got together this afternoon in the Ocean Bar and tried the Chocolate Chicken.  It wasn’t as strong as I was expecting.










We had 4 straws and all tasted at once.

Thanks for taking one for the team, in the interest of research 😂

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@dfish, little straws and a white substance????  But I'm glad you tried it.  It just does not look chocolatey enough.


I had a weird day.  DH was getting his infusion, and he asked me to get some Valentine's chocolates for the nurses in the office.  He asked if I needed money, and I said I would "rob the bank" , ATM.  Well turns out that the Emory Credit Union ATM no longer works with my bank, and it refused giving me money.  It had done so before and I tried a second time, but again, it refused me.  I went to the store, bought the chocolates (and two new gnomes) with a credit card, and figured I would ask the girl in the hospital gift shop about the ATM.  The one in the hall she said never works, but to use the one behind the second plant in the atrium.  I tried, and again it said  NO!  I thought, well maybe my account has been hacked, and that there was no money, so I asked it for a balance.  I had money, so figured I would just wait until I got to an actual bank.  And when I was there, it told me that i had suspicious activity on my account, and my card was frozen.  We went to lunch, and when we got home I called the 800 #, but they said they had to call me while I was on the phone with them, so that they could open my account.  Well apparently our call waiting does not work,, and after 3 attempts, I was told I had to go to my bank, and have them call, bring  two forms of ID (aren't I glad I always have my passport near by. )  And after a half hour at the bank, with them working with the fraud people, I now have a working ATM card again.  


I know I have mentioned that Dh is losing weight, and not by choice.  He lost 5 pounds this past week. His doc is now submitting a new prescription to help build up his appetite. DH says he has no appetite, but I think something psychological is going on with him regarding food.  If a salad has more than 3 leaves in it, it is too much.  And Yet tonight, I fixed a salad, with some teriyaki /peach jam marinated shrimp, and he was fine.  He ate a whole sloppy joe on an onion roll last night, it is when he has to make a decision on what he eats that it all falls apart,  Even asking if he wants mayo and mustard  or just mayo, or mustard, that he shuts down and cant make up his mind.  And then it is a problem of him eating it, because he thinks he made the wrong choice. And if I want something, and I order first, he doesn't want to eat the same thing I do in a restaurant, even if what I ordered was what he wanted.  So, I make him order first, and sometimes a simple decision (at least to me) takes over a half hour to decide on.  Sometimes life is just not easy or entertaining.  Sorry I'm sounding down and frustrated.  Tomorrow is a new day. 

Edited by marshhawk
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Dressy night was switched from tomorrow might to tonight.  I had the beef tenderloin and it was tender and good.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


Lenda, if this doesn't help, or helps only for a short time, then I believe surgery would be the next option (possibly minimally invasive).


Vanessa, I know surgery is the last resort, but DH hasn't had any pain since his back surgery, but the numbness remains.  While It's better, it still bothers him.  Nerve damage takes a lot of time to heal.  I hope if it comes to surgery, it's minimally invasive.


13 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@dfish, little straws and a white substance????  But I'm glad you tried it.  It just does not look chocolatey enough.


I had a weird day.  DH was getting his infusion, and he asked me to get some Valentine's chocolates for the nurses in the office.  He asked if I needed money, and I said I would "rob the bank" , ATM.  Well turns out that the Emory Credit Union ATM no longer works with my bank, and it refused giving me money.  It had done so before and I tried a second time, but again, it refused me.  I went to the store, bought the chocolates (and two new gnomes) with a credit card, and figured I would ask the girl in the hospital gift shop about the ATM.  The one in the hall she said never works, but to use the one behind the second plant in the atrium.  I tried, and again it said  NO!  I thought, well maybe my account has been hacked, and that there was no money, so I asked it for a balance.  I had money, so figured I would just wait until I got to an actual bank.  And when I was there, it told me that i had suspicious activity on my account, and my card was frozen.  We went to lunch, and when we got home I called the 800 #, but they said they had to call me while I was on the phone with them, so that they could open my account.  Well apparently our call waiting does not work,, and after 3 attempts, I was told I had to go to my bank, and have them call, bring  two forms of ID (aren't I glad I always have my passport near by. )  And after a half hour at the bank, with them working with the fraud people, I now have a working ATM card again.  


I know I have mentioned that Dh is losing weight, and not by choice.  He lost 5 pounds this past week. His doc is now submitting a new prescription to help build up his appetite. DH says he has no appetite, but I think something psychological is going on with him regarding food.  If a salad has more than 3 leaves in it, it is too much.  And Yet tonight, I fixed a salad, with some teriyaki /peach jam marinated shrimp, and he was fine.  He ate a whole sloppy joe on an onion roll last night, it is when he has to make a decision on what he eats that it all falls apart,  Even asking if he wants mayo and mustard  or just mayo, or mustard, that he shuts down and cant make up his mind.  And then it is a problem of him eating it, because he thinks he made the wrong choice. And if I want something, and I order first, he doesn't want to eat the same thing I do in a restaurant, even if what I ordered was what he wanted.  So, I make him order first, and sometimes a simple decision (at least to me) takes over a half hour to decide on.  Sometimes life is just not easy or entertaining.  Sorry I'm sounding down and frustrated.  Tomorrow is a new day. 


Annie, I hope the medicine helps with your DH's appetite.  Would plating the meal at home help, since it takes the decision making out of the equation?


1 hour ago, dfish said:

As @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda reported, The Daily Four got together this afternoon in the Ocean Bar and tried the Chocolate Chicken.  It wasn’t as strong as I was expecting.










We had 4 straws and all tasted at once.


The four short straws were actually two long straws cut in half.  I found the drink as strong if not stronger than expected.  Without a picture, the bartender did not know about the chocolate shavings on top.  The straws were so short that if we'd tried to sip at once, we would have banged heads.



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