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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday April 2nd, 2024


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Posted (edited)

I would like to add Mike and Sue on the care list.  They are snow birds and were heading home around March 11 with a stop in Cape Coral.  She texted me today that Mike has been in the ICU at Cape Coral hospital for 23 days with double pneumonia.  He now has a trac to help.  He had a minor cough the first of  March.

Edited by summer slope
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Posted (edited)

Good morning from rainy SW Michigan.  Thanks for the Daily Reports and Maps Jacqui and Roy!   I like peanut butter on a low carb English muffin though the jelly we have is set aside for the Baltimore Orioles when they show in a few weeks.   @MISTER 67 Congratulations on your first big job as produce manager, what a mess on ordering though, either run out or have a bunch of stuff go bad.  A good quote by Keith.   I will pass on today's cocktail, lavender belongs in soap not a cocktail, I make Keto French toast with real 1/2 + 1/2 with sugar free syrup.   I think I had the wine before.   I look forward to some photos of today's port but if Lenda or Sandi don't have them I hope some show up.  

Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa.  I hope you slept better last night. @smitty34877 prayers for Tana, I worry when you said her cough and wheezing were different.   @doobieb Good luck with the bad storms going through.   John and I were driving home from Fort Lauderdale and spent the night in Huntsville.  We heard the weather reports for our morning drive and thankfully just as the storm arrived a rest area appeared and we pulled off to wait it out.  Lots of lightning.  When we travel south and north we always worry about some of the late winter storms you get in your state.  Prayers for everyone in war zones, the people of Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  

Since it is a lousy day we are sticking close to home.  Snow in the forecast for tomorrow, then finally I hope it warms up.  I got a happy gift from Direct TV (don't get those often) with a free week of the MLB out of market feeds.  I got to see Opening Day for the Orioles, part of Saturday's game.   I have two more free games tonight versus the Royals and tomorrow afternoon with the same team.   Hopefully they can get some nationally covered games more than in the past.  Have a lovely day!.  Nancy 

Edited by ottahand7
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Good morning everyone. I’ve been MIA the past few days, we were in the Chicago area visiting my sisters and their families for Easter.  Yesterday we flew to Traverse City with my mom and drove her to her house in Boyne and now it’s chores and chilling.  We’re sort of freaking out as we have painters in our condo in Boston getting it ready for sale next month, too much going on all at once!  It’s overcast and cold here in Northern Michigan.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. I’ll celebrate ferrets, produce managers and pb&j!  I like today’s quote.  The meal suggestion sounds great for a brunch along with the drink.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I find ferrets too wyley and cunning, and they're awfully quick - much prefer cats.  We have pretty good produce managers at the grocery stores near us, but nothing competes with the farmer's market.  Love peanut butter and jelly - it goes on anything flat:  crackers, bread, toast, waffles, pancakes . . . .


Thank you all for your beautiful words of condolence yesterday; they were so appreciated.  I'm not that great of a person, just that when I see others in need, I'm willing to help in any way.  I'm blessed to have such a sweet support group like you to help buoy me up in dark times.  Having re-read yesterday's post, I have to apologize for the lengthy diatribe; I could have simply said Gord had passed away and I was there to support Ollie, end of story, rather than going into detail.


The house is quiet, but yesterday I did get all the beds stripped, some of the laundry done, and all but a few fingerprints wiped off the coffee tables.  I'm almost hesitant to take the last of them off, as they are a great reminder of the little people and their presence.  Today is a day to finish the laundry, do a once-over with the vacuum and to relax - there might even be a nap in the afternoon for both of us.  LOL  



@smitty34877I'm sorry to hear Tana had a bad night; I'm glad you've got a call in to the hospice nurse, especially when you know the cough sounds different.  Prayers that everything turns our alright for her, and please try to get some rest when the aide is there.


I'd like to try the drink, but seriously, how many bars carry lavender syrup?  Pretty sure I'd like the drink, and a healthy French toast casserole?  Sure.  We'll go with that.  I like breakfast casseroles, but don't care for the flavours of almond or oat milk, so will continue to make them (as infrequently as I do) with regular 2% milk.  As for us, we've got leftovers from Easter dinner to work on, so it'll be warmed up ham and baked potatoes along with freshly cooked asparagus (it was on sale, and I bought WAY too much!) at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars.  Special prayers to the aid workers killed in the air strike in Gaza - as if things there weren't horrible enough!!!  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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Hello again.  I took a photo of 90 days work on my latest Christmas stocking for Chris (DGD Ashley's fiancé).  I am considering moving down to the foot of the stocking now, just below the manger to work for a while since it looks harder than the remainder of the top of the stocking.  Once I'm on a ship at Knitters and Knatters get togethers, it will be harder to keep my concentration on what color goes where.  I just finished the area where the bright 8 pointed star will be.  When I get to that it requires white for the star, pale yellow for an aura around the star, and a mix of 1 strand of pale yellow and 3 strands of light sky blue to finish it off.  That should pop!


Today's photo:



And the chart for the bottom of the stocking.  There will be two lambs and two cats plus a whole lot more straw on the floor.  



Back to work shortly.



1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. We will have four days of rain starting today with temperatures in the forties. I am not a PB and J fan and ferrets should be in someone else’s home. I like the quote and have not been to the port. Good produce is mainly available at the large Asian market and also at the Farmers markets that start up soon. The two nearest grocery stores have awful produce. Perhaps a new manager is needed.

Today I am doing laundry and grocery shopping. Dinner plans include shrimp  with gnocchi which everyone will eat. We are a little frazzled here as Tana had a very tough night . She is sleeping now which is unusual but we were up and coughing/wheezing from two o’clock on. I have a call into the hospice nurse as the cough sounds different to me. I will crash later but coffee is a wonderful thing in the morning.

Have a great day today.


Terry I'm sorry to hear about Tana's worsening cough and wheezing.  I hope the hospice nurse can help somehow.  Prayers for her. 🙏




34 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

What a beautiful evening on the Coral Sea. Our under the stars Tuk Tuk Dinner has been spectacular.

Doesn’t get much better with the lighted lanterns swaying in the beautiful cooling breeze.




Those cooling breezes sound good to me.  I'm very uncomfortable in the high heat and humidity in that area of the globe.  Thank you for the lovely photos of your amazing evening.




18 minutes ago, summer slope said:

I would like to add Mike and Sue on the care list.  They are snow birds and were heading home around March 11 with a stop in Cape Coral.  She texted me today that Mike has been in the ICU at Cape Coral hospital for 23 days with double pneumonia.  He now has a trac to help.  He had a minor cough the first of  March.


Prayers for Mike that he can recover from the double pneumonia soon.  And for Sue who is no doubt very worried.  Thanks for letting us know so we can put them on the Care list.


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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  Not a fan of PB&J, do like ferrets and I don't want to "love" a produce manager!  My father used to tell us kids - Always do the best you can.  It might not be as good as yesterday or tomorrow, but always do your best.  I don't think I would like the meal at all, the drink sounds (and looks) delicious, yes to the wine, and I have never been to Townsville.  What an explorer Ponce de Leon was!


Thanks @Sharon in AZ for the heads up about the SpaceX launch yesterday.  Unfortunately, I went to bed early as I started coughing and feeling crappy.  A friend in Yuma posted some pics they could see from there.  Amazing.


We still have cool weather today and yesterday it rained off and on.  Sometimes heavy.  We may get up to high 60s and it should become clear skies but presently it is 45F under cloudy skies with 97% humidity!  This is cooler than normal for us.  


I am in a funk today.  I had some x-rays of the knees yesterday (trying to get into a clinical trial) and was surprised to see how bad the R knee has become.  It is now Stage 4 OA and definitely will not qualify; it is too bad.  Maybe the L will (?); we will see.  This is not good news.  I don't want knee replacement so I am looking at other alternatives.  I don't mind "fixing" my bones but I don't want "stuff" in my body.  Go figure.  I just envision a future of immobility and that just depresses me to no end.  




Very sad to read of the passing of the friends and relatives of some dailyites.  Thoughts for you and others on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.



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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  I got up and spent more than an hour filling out the forms for my appointment today with the oral surgeon.  I certainly hope today's appointment is just a talk, as I have not received any information about eating/not eating, where surgery will be done etc..  We drove past the place yesterday and there were no cars in the lot.  I dont think Medicare covers oral surgery, but apparently I am the one that has to check that out, since I need a description of the surgery to approach Medicare, I cant see them doing the surgery today..  If they dont I have to come up with a way to pay for it.


Tigger may have had that cone off of him in less than 3 minutes, but he managed last night to get the bandage off his foot in two hours.  What a cat!








Ahhh French Toast Casserole.  Carbs in every corner.  Calories in every bite.  I have made it several times with ground sausage in it. (brown first).  throw fresh fruit on top, and if you can have syrup, add your own.  Still isnt healthy.  Really good, but not healthy.


@smitty34877I am sorry that Tana had a hard night last night.  And if she is sleeping now, enjoy the peace for a moment.   Give her a gentle hug from me.


My new go to snack is celery with peanut butter.  Last night Bob decided to lick the plate with the peanut butter on it.  I had no idea that cats liked peanut butter.  They probably don't, but he wanted to make sure I didn't eat any more of it. 


It is currently cloudy, there is a notice on the computer that we will get High winds soon.  Yippee. Oh, its 67 degrees.  Supposed to get up to 80 and then the bottom drops out after the storm passes and we go back into the 30's at night for the rest of the week, with highs in the 50's.  This is not normal!  But the weather threat is.  


Take care all!

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Good morning Daily-ites 


I'm waiting in Radiology for my mammogram appt. 


I just wanted to tell @summer slope your friends Mike and Sue are being prayed for.


@smitty34877 prayers for Tana, I hope her cough improves.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi your stocking is looking beautiful. I can't wait to see the finished product.


Can't say I've ever loved a produce person, not a fan of PB or Jelly. I used to make a French toast casserole at our B and B, but it really was not healthy! 


Sending you prayers and blessings. 

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Iv’e been questioning this; is it OK that I still keep posting from our different cruise  line experience to a Hal audience?

The best decision we made is not let loyalty decide your cruise line decisions but what works to recharge. The experience!

Our experience with Hal has been fantastic and we love the Hal Community.
Love the Daily. Bruce

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The weather is cloudy, rainy, wind increasing and temps in the 40s. Not pleasant but no snow and nothing severe like other places. Blessings for those out in more dangerous conditions. 

🎉😅Here’s some happy medical news!  DH’s visit with eye doctor has us declaring Victory!  The complex glaucoma surgery in January has his right eye pressure low and stable!  I think this news has been sinking in all night!  He’ll finish up 2 more weeks of the post surgery steroid drops and be done!  The hope is that there’ll be no more need for the meds he’s allergic too in that eye!  But what it really means is that his doctors have saved his sight in at least his right eye apparently forever!  That means he won’t go blind!  At least not from glaucoma which is where he was heading. He can’t regain what’s been lost but he can and will be able to see!  Left eye surgery coming 4-23 to save left eye !  Another 3-4 months 🤞. I’m feeling my heaviest worries melt away!🌈 @JazzyVVanessa, we can all celebrate this. Thank you all for your support!  


@ger_77 Gerry, I’m glad you shared how it went with you and Ollie saying goodbye to Gord!  It’s traumatic and important. Ollie w had the privilege to walk with her beloved to his last day/only one of a couple gets to do that!  And you helped her!  It’s huge!  Thank you for sharing it with us, we’re here for you too. It is so not easy.  And thank you for being such a rich blessing in so many lives!  Update us when you can about your Ukrainian friends!  Your love spreads far and deep!  Blessings for Maurice every day in his challenges!  

@smitty34877Terry, so sorry for Tana’s bad night. DH coughed most of the night here, I’m wondering if it’s allergies. 

@summer slopeTough days for Mike and Sue. Hoping for a breakthrough soon and renewed hope and healing. Sounds like he is getting the care he needs, I hope she is managing to take care of herself. 

@marshhawk Gook luck at the oral surgeon office. Hoping you get the info you need. And the money comes in the best timing! 

No word on my SIL. My other brother and his wife were to be driving from NC to north PA today, a long day for them and iffy weather. 

I remember delicious banana bread French toast on the MDR menu, wow!  Don’t remember what ship, could have been Rotterdam, Or maybe our last cruise, NCL Joy. Not healthy but memorable !

Blessings to all in need near and far, our country, your country and the world. 

Cheers for all the joys!  Life is Good🌈


Smooth travels to all away, lots of Dailyites and families on the road, and lots of cruisers! Thanks all for being here! 
🙏 Maureen


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@aliaschief I started reading the Daily because of the port pictures and descriptions.  I have to admit I am a bit jealous of your adventures but am truly enjoying your pictures and commentary.

Many times the “port of the day” photos are from other cruise lines.  There is a regular poster on the Daily who has never cruised on a HAL ship.  

@RMLincolnBanana bread French toast is on the MDR menu on HAL.  Yummy

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3 hours ago, doobieb said:


Weather today is about 70 already and feels balmy. Schools will dismiss at mid day because the threat of strong storms and tornados. My DD is a counselor at one school and both her DSs go to two different schools. Getting everyone home safely and quickly before the storms  should work as long as drivers are all cooperative with each other. 


I hope you are spared the worst of the storms and  no tornados come near you 🙏 


3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I think something is missing on the Zaandam.  She is not wandering aimlessly at sea until April 13.  This is what I think the itinerary is per cruisetimetables:

April 2: Manzanillo 10:00-18:00
April 3: Ixtapa 0700-1300
April 4: Huatulco 1100-1800
April 6: Puerto Vallarta 1200-2400
April 7: Puerto Vallarta 0000-1500
April 8: Mazatlan 1400-1800
April 9: Loreto 1400-2300
April 10: LaPaz 0800-1700
April 11: Cabo San Lucas 0700-1400
April 13: San Diego


Thanks Roy but yikes - I’ll make a note for each day and hopefully remember to check it before I post.  I wish there was a way to go to the future pages and amend. Oh well.



1 hour ago, summer slope said:

I would like to add Mike and Sue on the care list.  They are snow birds and were heading home around March 11 with a stop in Cape Coral.  She texted me today that Mike has been in the ICU at Cape Coral hospital for 23 days with double pneumonia.  He now has a trac to help.  He had a minor cough the first of  March.


My prayers for Mike and Sue, for sure 🙏 



1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Having re-read yesterday's post, I have to apologize for the lengthy diatribe; I could have simply said Gord had passed away and I was there to support Ollie, end of story, rather than going into detail.


You have nothing to apologize for and speaking for myself, I appreciated the detail.



Terry @smitty34877 I am so very sorry to hear the news on Tana.  😔. I hope the hospice nurse can help her cough/wheezing.  Prayers for her and you prayer



1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

I am in a funk today.  I had some x-rays of the knees yesterday (trying to get into a clinical trial) and was surprised to see how bad the R knee has become.  It is now Stage 4 OA and definitely will not qualify; it is too bad.  Maybe the L will (?); we will see.  This is not good news.  I don't want knee replacement so I am looking at other alternatives.  I don't mind "fixing" my bones but I don't want "stuff" in my body.  Go figure.  I just envision a future of immobility and that just depresses me to no end.  


Oh Pennie, I am so sorry 😔. I hope your other knee will qualify 🤞 I know several who have knee surgery and they are walking wonderfully and mobile.  they are glad they did it.  Speaking as someone with “stuff” in her arm, sometimes it’s necessary.  Hoping you can get things resolved 🙏 



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@ger_77, Gerry, I very much appreciated your post yesterday as that is so difficult and our friends need our support. I know I felt “ carried “ by those with me when family and friends died.

On a lighter note  @aliaschiefBruce, I love seeing your pictures and hearing about your cruise!

@RMLincoln Maureen, I am so glad to hear that one eye is doing so well. Great news! Regards to your DH. 

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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Purple Butterfly cocktail:

The "Purple Butterfly" cocktail is an enchanting and visually captivating drink that exudes elegance and charm. Inspired by the vibrant colors of a fluttering butterfly, this cocktail combines the fruity sweetness of blueberries with the floral notes of lavender, creating a delightful and refreshing libation. The Purple Butterfly delights the taste buds and captivates the eyes with its mesmerizing purple hue. Whether you're hosting a garden party or simply seeking a magical escape, the Purple Butterfly cocktail is sure to transport you to a world of beauty and grace.

2 oz. vodka
1/2 oz. lemon juice
1/2 oz club soda
.25 oz lavender syrup
1 oz. blueberry liqueur
In a cocktail shaker with ice cubes add the vodka, blueberry liqueur, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and lavender syrup. Shake vigorously for about 15 seconds
Strain the cocktail mixture into the glass. Top off the cocktail with club soda, and stir to combine.
Garnish the cocktail with fresh blueberries and a sprig of lavender for a touch of elegance and visual appeal(optional).


Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 6.16.48 AM.png

Looks good but it would not help to control my diabetes.

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26 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Iv’e been questioning this; is it OK that I still keep posting from our different cruise  line experience to a Hal audience?

The best decision we made is not let loyalty decide your cruise line decisions but what works to recharge. The experience!

Our experience with Hal has been fantastic and we love the Hal Community.
Love the Daily. Bruce


Agree with @0106. The daily is not HAL specific when sharing cruising experiences. I am enjoying your current cruise updates and hope you will continue. 

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1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  Not a fan of PB&J, do like ferrets and I don't want to "love" a produce manager!  My father used to tell us kids - Always do the best you can.  It might not be as good as yesterday or tomorrow, but always do your best.  I don't think I would like the meal at all, the drink sounds (and looks) delicious, yes to the wine, and I have never been to Townsville.  What an explorer Ponce de Leon was!

I am in a funk today.  I had some x-rays of the knees yesterday (trying to get into a clinical trial) and was surprised to see how bad the R knee has become.  It is now Stage 4 OA and definitely will not qualify; it is too bad.  Maybe the L will (?); we will see.  This is not good news.  I don't want knee replacement so I am looking at other alternatives.  I don't mind "fixing" my bones but I don't want "stuff" in my body.  Go figure.  I just envision a future of immobility and that just depresses me to no end.  


Very sad to read of the passing of the friends and relatives of some dailyites.  Thoughts for you and others on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.



Sorry to read this news about your knee Penny. 😞  I hope you can an alternative... 

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2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning from rainy SW Michigan.  Thanks for the Daily Reports and Maps Jacqui and Roy!   I like peanut butter on a low carb English muffin though the jelly we have is set aside for the Baltimore Orioles when they show in a few weeks.   @MISTER 67 Congratulations on your first big job as produce manager, what a mess on ordering though, either run out or have a bunch of stuff go bad.  A good quote by Keith.   I will pass on today's cocktail, lavender belongs in soap not a cocktail, I make Keto French toast with real 1/2 + 1/2 with sugar free syrup.   I think I had the wine before.   I look forward to some photos of today's port but if Lenda or Sandi don't have them I hope some show up.  

Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa.  I hope you slept better last night. @smitty34877 prayers for Tana, I worry when you said her cough and wheezing were different.   @doobieb Good luck with the bad storms going through.   John and I were driving home from Fort Lauderdale and spent the night in Huntsville.  We heard the weather reports for our morning drive and thankfully just as the storm arrived a rest area appeared and we pulled off to wait it out.  Lots of lightning.  When we travel south and north we always worry about some of the late winter storms you get in your state.  Prayers for everyone in war zones, the people of Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  

Since it is a lousy day we are sticking close to home.  Snow in the forecast for tomorrow, then finally I hope it warms up.  I got a happy gift from Direct TV (don't get those often) with a free week of the MLB out of market feeds.  I got to see Opening Day for the Orioles, part of Saturday's game.   I have two more free games tonight versus the Royals and tomorrow afternoon with the same team.   Hopefully they can get some nationally covered games more than in the past.  Have a lovely day!.  Nancy 

ottahand, at 18 years old I didn’t really look at it as my first big job, someone was needed to do it until they found an older Produce Manager, I started taking night classes that fall at Loyola of Chicago and the next big job I had was 4 years in the Air Force starting in 1965, LOL.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Iv’e been questioning this; is it OK that I still keep posting from our different cruise  line experience to a Hal audience?

The best decision we made is not let loyalty decide your cruise line decisions but what works to recharge. The experience!

Our experience with Hal has been fantastic and we love the Hal Community.
Love the Daily. Bruce


First off, on this thread you are not posting to "a HAL audience", but to to a group of friends (even if many of us have never actually met). Lots of folks post here about their lives that have little to do with HAL and cruising. I think we all enjoy hearing about all the ups and try to comfort about all the downs. Your posts from the Azamara Onward fit with this IMHO.


Secondly, learning about other cruise lines and ports from folks we can trust is very valuable. Keep it up!


Edited by Overhead Fred
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2 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  Not a fan of PB&J, do like ferrets and I don't want to "love" a produce manager!  My father used to tell us kids - Always do the best you can.  It might not be as good as yesterday or tomorrow, but always do your best.  I don't think I would like the meal at all, the drink sounds (and looks) delicious, yes to the wine, and I have never been to Townsville.  What an explorer Ponce de Leon was!


Thanks @Sharon in AZ for the heads up about the SpaceX launch yesterday.  Unfortunately, I went to bed early as I started coughing and feeling crappy.  A friend in Yuma posted some pics they could see from there.  Amazing.


We still have cool weather today and yesterday it rained off and on.  Sometimes heavy.  We may get up to high 60s and it should become clear skies but presently it is 45F under cloudy skies with 97% humidity!  This is cooler than normal for us.  


I am in a funk today.  I had some x-rays of the knees yesterday (trying to get into a clinical trial) and was surprised to see how bad the R knee has become.  It is now Stage 4 OA and definitely will not qualify; it is too bad.  Maybe the L will (?); we will see.  This is not good news.  I don't want knee replacement so I am looking at other alternatives.  I don't mind "fixing" my bones but I don't want "stuff" in my body.  Go figure.  I just envision a future of immobility and that just depresses me to no end.  




Very sad to read of the passing of the friends and relatives of some dailyites.  Thoughts for you and others on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.



Nickel penny, have you looked into Synvisc Gel injections, I’ve been bone on bone for 10 years and I get the injections every 6-7 months, they don’t work for everybody but they do for me, I can’t run a Marathon but I’m not in agony and able to play Golf 3 times a week and ride my bike twice a week

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