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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday June 7th, 2024

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1 hour ago, LambKnuckles said:


I don't know how to respond to someone, IN JUNE, saying they need a jacket to go outside!!!  

In Texas, in June, the only reason for a jacket is to go inside where someone has the air-conditioning too low for me!!!


HUGS and Bless you!!!  I can only dream and wish for those cooler mornings!!!

It's 15°C and cold here Lambie.


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Our VCR is long gone, but I know we have some family videos lurking in a box in the basement.  Every day should be world caring and food safety day, no questions asked.  Jackie Kennedy was a quiet, but very bright woman.


The sun is shining brightly, and the trees are swaying, but at least we've got blue skies again.  It's only going up to 19C (66), but it will be nice enough to not have to wear a jacket.  Of course our deck will be much warmer, so I'm sure Sochi will spend most of the day out there on her little bench, keeping watch over her domain - the back yard.


@Haljo1935I'm sorry to hear about the kidney stones; a friend had them and said the pain was worse than childbirth.

@marshhawkit's hard to say what to do about Chuck; I hope his thoughts are more clear this morning and you can talk about what's happening to him.  I guess it's time to get in touch with all of his doctors and tell them to let you know what they require of him as well, so you know what's going on.

@aliaschiefthanks so much for taking us along on your Azamazing cruise; I've enjoyed your travelogue and accompanying photos so much!


I've got the day to myself today, as DH and his son are going out of town about 1.5 hours to visit an old friend of DH's.  He was moved into a senior care home because he was unable to manage his meds and personal needs by himself; initially he was very reluctant and miserable there, but has since made friends with a number of the other residents and appears quite happy.  I'm sure he'll enjoy the visit today, and DH will be reassured that his old buddy is well.


I'd enjoy the drink of the day if someone made it for me, will pass on the wine, and think the menu suggestion would be quite tasty.  Of course it's Friday night pizza night here, so when DH returns from his out of town excursion, we'll check the online menus to see what cheesy goodness will show up on our kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Posted (edited)

Good morning from another sunny day in central Texas.  It is 73F with 92% humidity and a dew point of 71F.  Our predicted high will be 93F and no rain.  Since we got the heavy rain the other day, our grass started growing again.  So tomorrow, I'll try to get out early before it gets too hot to mow and trim.  We are still not sure if we will be heading out to the get windshield replaced on the car today or not.  DH called Wednesday to see if they had gotten the windshield in, and he was told they wouldn't get it until late yesterday, but they would call this morning to confirm.  So far, no call or email.


We still have a working VCR and a few tapes left.  DH converted a lot of the tapes to DVDs several years ago.  We also have the original Betamax in the attic along with some tapes.  DH also copied our 8mm home movies to memory chips, except the two oldest, which are too brittle to copy.  Those two were ones my DF took when I was little, in other words, real antiques.  World caring and world food safety are import.


The Jackie Kennedy quote is good and I agree with it.


We'll pass on the meal, and instead, we'll be having fajitas tonight.  We'll pass on the wine, but might try the drink on a BHB.


We have not been to Bermuda.


A good day in history for The Vatican. 


@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, I'm sorry you have kidney stones and are in so much pain.  I hope you are better soon.

@LambKnuckles  Lambie, I agree about needing a sweater inside sometimes in Texas during the summer.  Our grocery store can be so cold that it feels good to get back to the 90+ temperatures when we leave the store.

@cat shepard  Ann, I liked the meme about power.  I think real power is when you call your cat and they come, a very rare event.  🤣

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry about what happened last night, but don't know what else to say.  ((((((HUGS))))))

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad your back was better last night and this morning.  I hope the prednisone is working.

@Denise T  Safe travels tomorrow, Denise.

@cunnorl  Congratulations on the new car, Charlene.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm sorry to see your cruise ending.  I've enjoyed "tagging" along with you and Sue.  Thanks for sharing your adventures.















Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

...Today is also National Donut Day according to an email from a local bakery market.

YES!! Krispy Kreme advised about today being NDD and sent a good coupon. I put the code in and it worked.


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1 minute ago, Haljo1935 said:

YES!! Krispy Kreme advised about today being NDD and sent a good coupon. I put the code in and it worked.



Our favorite donuts.  Too bad there are none close to us.  The ones we get here are the next best donuts, but not the real thing.





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Good morning all,

We have more marine layer again which is supposed to break up into warm sunshine. His Nibs, our golden has started going on strike part way through our morning walk, and really it isn’t hot yet. So he’s going to start his walks earlier (at which time he will likely see the squirrels🥴).


We had recipe #1 from yesterday ( with the added broccoli) and it was good. It was also surprisingly easy and separated nicely onto a serving dish.😁 Next time I’ll add mushrooms.😁 So thanks again to Debbie @dfish for all your work. And also to Ann @cat shepard for the wine. I’ve added several bottles to our collection- and when Dad comes on Sundays we open a bottle, read your notes and enjoy.(I’ve printed out the posts and reviews and taped onto the bottles).


Have a great day everyone!

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Happy Friday.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.   I’ll celebrate all 3 of today’s days..

I think Jackie was spot on with her comment.

I have been to the Dockyards in Bermuda several times.  I think Kigs Wharf and Heritage Wharf are back to back but could never remember which is wich.

I expect a special celebration 5 years from now when Vatican City reaches a Centennial..

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Canaletto Salad, Sauteed Veal Picatta, and Pistachio Gelato as served on MS Prinsendaml Canaletto on June 7, 2015.

An early start today on what will be a welcome calm day.  Our trash used to be picked up about 9AM like clockwork on Fridays but less predictable (and usually earlier) recently.  I headed out with a final bag of trash about 6:15 and headed out for my Mall Walk and Wegmans a little after 6:30, returning home about 8:15.  The trash had already been picked up and I got both the trash can and groceries inside, and am in for the day.



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A spinach wrap with hummus would be OK; the drink would not. There is less Traminette grown in the Finger Lakes that I would have predicted, given that it was developed here by Cornell at the NYS Agriculture Experiment Station in Geneva, NY. I'd be willing to try the 2021 from the tiny Deer Run Winery on Conesus Lake, $16.99. "[T]ropical fruit bouquet with citrus notes and a floral finish. A perfect wine to pair with Asian dishes or spicy foods!"


I've taken two cruises to Bermuda but only set foot on the island once, for just one of the three scheduled days. The other two days of that cruise, and all of the second, were spent in the Bermuda Triangle.




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Good morning Dailyites. A lazy morning here, Oliver and MSH are still napping and I'm enjoying my coffee and Daily.


Many thanks to all who offer input to make this my 1st go-to spot of the day.

Rich, Debbie, Dixie, Ann, Sandi, Roy, Graham and our famous carelist and celebration writer... Vanessa!


We had a fun game night. We ordered delivery from our local restaurant. Fried shrimp, fries, and salads. I won the game too.


I would like to have Roy's alternative meal please. I love veal piccata!


My ankle feels so much better today. Thanks to all for thinking of me.



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Good morning all!
We're having glorious weather this week, sunshine and up to the mid-high 70's F today.

A good collection of days -- we still have our VCR/DVD combo, but haven't used it in awhile.

The drink sounds good (love anything with basil, so worth a try!), the wine might be good if it isn't too sweet.  I would add some meat to the wraps, and substitute aioli for the hummus.  I like hummus, just not in a wrap.  Have not been to the port.


We had such a good time with DS and BIL Wednesday-Thursday.  After meeting them for an early dinner at Anthony's in Bellingham, we took a LONG walk along the waterfront before heading to their house in Lynden.  A fun evening of talking and wine (I brought a bottle of the NZ wine we got on the GANZ).  A leisurely breakfast and more talk, we finally started for home after noon.  I took a 10-minute power nap (not much sleep the night before) and then did some gardening to try to stay awake.  Slept 10 hours last night!  I guess I was tired. 🤣


Today will be more gardening.  Yesterday I got some grass seed down and need to keep that watered now that the rain has stopped for awhile.  


Elizabeth @Haljo1935 I'm so sorry you're having all that pain.  I've never had a kidney stone (knock on wood) but family members have so I know how painful they are.  I hope you get relief soon!


Annie @marshhawk There are no words....just know we all care.


Joy @Seasick Sailor So glad your ankle looks and feels better this morning!


Bruce @aliaschief Wow, what a cruise!  Thank you for bringing us along, and safe travels home.



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Good morning. Still sunny and dry. Temperatures will be in the low 90's again today. I have the house open and cooling, but will close it up shortly. It is supposed to cool down a bit in the next couple of days.


My downstairs neighbor left for Seattle this morning to join the Eurodam for its next Alaska run. Her first cruise. Her son is baby sitting her cat and the condo. I really hope she likes it. She is a bit concerned about sea sickness,


I am tired this morning. Made the mistake of watching The Longest Day last night starting late in the evening,  so I did not get to bed until after midnight. As in the past I was particularly taken by Henry Fonda's portrayal of Ted Roosevelt. Roosevelt was a remarkable man and needs to be better remembered for his participation on D-Day. Anyway, tonight will be an early night and there may be a short afternoon nap.


@marshhawk Sorry about DH issues and health. Sounds like you need to do some forceful coordination with doctors. I suspect he has never been an easy patient. Take care of yourself too.


Off to try to do something constructive. Best wishes for a good day for all.





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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!


VCR Day! Still have a VCR that I brought at Best Buy for $25 years ago and it is still in the box. Hoping it will be worth a fortune in the next million years! 😀

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We have a VCR/DVD combination that unfortunately will not copy a VCR to DVD.  It is about 20 years old and will connect to the small TV we have in our computer room, but not to our large TV.  Last week I sorted thru two boxes of tapes that were above a book shelf to see if they were worth keeping.  Found one of me teaching a class or giving a lecture on how we automated the publishing of Navy technical manuals about 30 years ago and had just saved the Navy 2.6 million dollars.  Didn't know I had that and suspect my kids might enjoy seeing it some day.  Ended up with a box of movies I haven't seen and a box of how to tapes, like tiling a bathroom or building a new house which I will keep.


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TGIF everyone!!  (that "joke" never worked in the Middle East - their weekends were Fri/Sat and the Chinese couldn't really understand it!!)  Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  OMG, a VCR!  I don't think I have seen one in eons.  Everyday should be Caring Day, and food safety is so important.  Sometimes I wish I had recorded my life so that I could remember both the milestones and even the unpleasantries that happened.  I love the recipes and the Black Widow!!  No to the wine and have never been to Bermuda.  Vatican City is an absolute treasure to visit it is interesting it will be 100 in 5 years.




What a crappy day yesterday was!!  Well, not the whole day but.......  I received my research study materials from Rush so went through all of that and downloaded the app needed.  We will see how this goes.  Then I got ready to go visit the plastic surgeon for my ear; of course, I wanted to go early even though I was warned she tends to run late - thank you @Sharon in AZ.  Thank goodness I did; why I drove the route I did, I have no idea because I normally don't go down this main street.  Anyways, there is construction on the road - one way each direction - and wouldn't you know it, an ambulance was coming behind us.  I tried to move over as much as I could and I didn't notice this large "hose" (around 10 in diameter?) on the side.  I ran over it and then when trying to get out, my car got stuck on one of the couplings and - you guessed it - it ripped up my R front tire and the cardboard (?) housing.  I just sat there laughing and shaking my head in the 110F heat and cars going by looking at me.  AAA and Dr's office called and 45 minutes later I was on the road again with a donut on the car.  I was only 20 minutes late for the appt and she will do the repair in August as this is not an urgent matter.  So I will have to go get another tire; as I am not driving much it is not something super urgent.  So today has to be a better day though it will be hot!




@Haljo1935 While I have never had kidney stones, I have taken care of patients in the ER who have and I just have to give you a <<<<HUG>>>>!

@aliaschief I want to thank you for allowing us to follow you on your journey.  It was amazing!

@marshhawk Thinking of you!




Cheers for those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone!!




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Posted (edited)


We were for the first time at Kings Wharf, Bermuda while on the Rotterdam (VI) in April of 2018  when we were crossing the Atlantic . So today a few pictures of this nice Island .


Visiting a friend along the way checking out their pool 
The narrowest bridge for sail boats to get through , they have to remove the chains on top of the bridge and steer the sailboat so the mast goes through the small opening in the deck of the bridge ! 
St George on the Far East and opposite side of the Island from Kings Wharf 
Town crier looking at the ladies …...
Hear Yeah , Hear Yeah ……. Today …….
Leaving Hamilton , the capital , on the ferry back to Kings Wharf 
Almost home 
Have a great day everybody and a nice weekend ! 
Tony 😁😁



Ooops this one snuck through  an iPad shot that will never post for me .........

Edited by sailingdutchy
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16 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

The culprit:



Oh my - I'd probably cringe every time I looked at. That is a gnarly looking rock - I can see why there was debris in the wound.

Glad you got yourself some proper care and hope you continue to heal quickly. 

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Apparently the fastest way to get a behavioral specialist to see you is cancel your 9 am appointment at 2 am.  They called at 8:30 and he was being evaluated right there and then.

I left the room because this is his time, but had to come through several times, and he was telling them that his first marriage lasted 7 years.  No, I said, it was 20.  So his memory is going, which I thought was happening.  Then they asked him who recommended the appointment and why.  He didnt know.  Yup, we have problems.


@Seasick SailorI looked at that rock, and said, ouch, I know why there is debris, it's like rocks stuck to concrete.


@Haljo1935At first it sounded to me like you had a choice, appendix or kidney stones.  Sorry, I would have chosen the appendix. Sorry about the pain,  hope meds help with it, and you may have to give up ice cream.  Hugs.

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