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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 9th, 2024

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Good morning. It is cloudy with a chance of showers and temperatures in the low eighties. The teenager and his lovely girlfriend are off to the city. I drove them to the subway stop in the Bronx as the Sunday bus schedule is not great. There were a lot of folks flocking to the elevated trains and many Puerto Rican flags. I hope they have a great time and that everything stays peaceful.I hate to say it but similar to the St Patrick’s Day parade there is usually a lot of drinking going on. Ok, I will try to stop worrying!

@Seasick Sailor, Joy, we made the delicious rice and beans recipe and I made a separate portion for my vegetarians. They all wanted to thank both you and Allen for the recipe! I will make it again soon.

I have not been to the port, like Donald Duck and celebrate Celtic Art. We have a Celtic Center  on our main drag that often has art shows from local folks. 
Have a great day everyone and please, no more leg injuries….or other injuries.

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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann,  Dixie, and Graham.Father David.   Three great days to celebrate....

I like the Wagner quote.

I visited Montego Bay just once, and that was enough..

Donald Duck has brought us a lot of laughs over the years..

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is  Chilled Peach Soup and Boston Lager Strip Loin Steakas served on MS Prinsendam on June 9, 2015.

Looks like a nice Sunday; I will be returning to worship in person after missing it last week due to the dental extraction..

Special hugs to Jacqui.  May things turn around for Terri and Jim, great news that their TV and phone are back.  You’re all overdue for a positive change.  Special Bon Voyage to Mtn2sea, embarking on the worlds only ocean liner..



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  A dear departed friend of mine was able to talk like Donald Duck - whenever I'd phone him in a down mood, he'd switch to his DD voice and I'd always end up laughing.  I miss him.  Archives are so important; you don't know how important they are until you need some information.  Celtic art is beautiful; the designs are so intricate.


Some of the clouds from yesterday have departed, but we still don't have clear skies.  Looking at the forecast, it says "Temps to rise"; I sure hope so, as it's only 8C (46) and the high is 17 (62), so it's not going to be terribly warm.  For most of yesterday we had a very cold rainy day, not making it enjoyable to be outdoors at all.   


@Mtn2Sea and @cruzn single Bon Voyage!!

@kazuI'm sorry to hear you're not getting better; it's wise though, to start looking at alternate living arrangements, something we should probably start doing as well.  Friends of ours live in Red Deer and they started putting their names in different places, most of which have waiting lists of 6 or 7 years!

@smitty34877it's tough not worrying about the teenager, but you have to trust, and try to occupy your mind with other things in his absence.  I know you'll look forward to conversations with him on his return.

@Cruzin TerriI'm glad things have finally settled down - now it's time for the two of you to relax; that's why you went there!


Our friend Wayne had a heart ablation on Friday and last night called us to see if we wanted to go for brunch today!  Amazing what they can do, isn't it?  Anyway, that's all we have on our agenda, meeting him and Fran for brunch and enjoying their friendship.


I'd like the drink of the day made with decaf (love the flavour, heart can't handle the caffeine), have never heard of a sparkling shiraz, and oh yes to the menu suggestion!  I think on the way home from brunch I'll stop in for green onions and will make today's menu suggestion for a light meal that we can enjoy on the deck (with all the windows closed) tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas.  It 76F with a predicted high of 93F.  The clouds will move in this evening, and the forecast now calls for thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon, with more rain on Tuesday and Wednesday.  The main item on the agenda today is adding coolant to the car a/c unit.  I hope we get it done before it gets too hot.  


Donald Duck has never been a favorite of mine.  Archives day and Celtic art are interesting days to celebrate.


The Jane Wagner quote is interesting.


The meal sounds interesting, but I think I'd serve the shrimp alone and have vegetable rice as a side dish.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We visited Montego Bay in 1975 when we spent a week at an all inclusive resort in Falmouth.  We flew into and out of Montego Bay, and also explored the town when we rented a car for three days.  At that time, only Kingston was to avoided, and Montego Bay was nice.  That is when we learned speed bumps were called "sleeping policemen".  Of course, all our pictures are pre-digital and in albums.


Today in history marks the debut of Donald Duck.


@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the doctors can find the cause and then cure your pain.  I hope a move to an independent living facility can be avoided, but it's good there is one that will also take Ivan, and that you checked it out.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope today is the beginning of the restful vacation you sought.

@ottahand7  I'm glad your back is feeling better, and I'm sure you won't over do the gardening today, Nancy.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the teenager and his girlfriend have a great and safe time at the parade.

@aliaschief and @DWAliaschief  Welcome home, after your fabulous cruise.

@luvteaching  Karen, welcome home.  I hope your cruse was all you wanted it to be.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad Wayne is doing well after his heart ablation.















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Posted (edited)

Good Sunday Morning Daiyites!  I slept in this morning, I've been living off of roughly 4 hours of sleep per night the past two weeks, and figured, well, if the neighbor is still in that pool tournament today, I dont have to walk the dog until 11 or 12, so I said to myself at 6:45, just 15 more minutes and woke up at 8:30.  I'm even considering a nap today...hmmmm.


The cats were a bit miffed that I slept late, but the kittens were the worst.  Entering the porch armed with plates and food, they were all over my legs like a deranged acupuncturist, and I came back into the house, with bleeding toes and ankles.  All is well now, I know there is Bactine somewhere in the house.....


Years ago my first husband and I went to Jamaica, to an all inclusive called Couples.  We landed in Montego Bay, and a bus from the resort picked us up and took us to Ocho Rios were the resort was.  So no one bothered us in Montego Bay.  The resort was beautiful, everything included, every thing!  Except marijuana.  We all had to attend a meeting the first night, we were told to think of the place as camp for adults, that we could participate in as many things that we wanted, and that the employees were our camp counsellors and would solve any situation that came alone, BUT if we wanted pot, to go directly to them.  And if we got caught with marijuana outside the compound -Jail would not be as cushy as in the US.  The first night there the husband of another couple had discovered some pot in the mens' room.  He asked the counselor if he thought it was safe, the counselor  said, only one way to tell, rolled some up and the husband , and the counselor got high.  Must have been good, because I dont remember seeing him for the rest of the week, so his wife and I hung out for the week.  My ex spent his time, with a pair of binoculars checking out the naked people on the "private" island. 


One day I decided to go horseback riding up into the mountains, there were about 5 of us, and two guides.  At one point the guide went ahead of us -he said to check out traffic on an upcoming road.  Not so, when we got to said "road"  (dirt path), there was a table set up and a pot sales man.  None of us wanted to buy anything.  It was an all inclusive, why would I have my purse with me?  So the guide led us away, and we went back to the compound on a different trail.  The idea of spending anytime in a jail in Jamaica just never sat right with me.


But it is a beautiful island, and there are places I would still like to visit there. 



@Cruzin Terri I hope today is better for you, I've always wanted to go to Barbados.  There is a young FIA race driver from Barbados, his helmet says Boy from Barbados.  I wondered where he got to race on the island. 


@kazuI completely understand moving into a "senior" living community.  Especially one that would allow my pet. But when I am the non furred mother to so many how would I narrow it down to just one.  But I know that taking care of this house and yard is way too much for me.


My parents lived in a community like that.  One of mom's friends had a black cat.  Thing was, if and when the pet moved on, you could not replace the pet.  Well the cat crossed over the rainbow bridge, and she went to the pound and got another black cat.  How could they tell it wasn't the original cat.  My mom said her friend ended up having 3 cats in the time that she lived there.  No one but her friends knew the cat was being replaced.









If my tale of Jamaica is a repeat of information, just disregard.

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Good morning everyone.  It’s overcast and mild with occasional rain here this morning.  It was nice to wake up in my own bed this morning.  Thanks for the daily updates.


Three nice days to recognize and explore.  I’m currently reading a book that I bought in Baddeck Nova Scotia of the archived letters from Mabel Bell, Alexander Graham Bell’s wife.  A fascinating woman who lost her hearing at the age of five from Scarlet Fever.


The quote is a welcome bit of humor this morning.


The meal sounds delicious but I’ll pass on the drink.  I don’t like alcohol in coffee for some reason, including Baileys or Kahlua.


 I haven’t been to today’s port.  

Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!

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Posted (edited)

One of my friends is an archivist at the regional history museum. No on the menu suggestion (shrimp). Irish coffee would be OK with me and I'll be ready for it in a little while, I think. I believe that I have an Irish coffee mug from a trivia game or something on NCL.


For a sparkling red wine from the FL, Sparkling Rebel with a Cause from Red Tail Ridge, $39.97. "A serious dry red blend of 50% Teroldego, 25% Cabernet Franc & 25% Blaufränkish that was done Méthode Champenoise." (I've corrected their French. I often seem to do that with restaurant menus here. And their German.) 


The weather report says that it ought to stop raining about now, but it hasn't started and so maybe it won't.



Edited by kochleffel
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Good morning all!

We're having a cloudy day, mid 70's but no rain so it's all good.

Three good days to celebrate, I'll pass on the drink and wine but would like the meal.  Never been to Jamaica.


Another day of gardening and cruise planning, lazy days of summer!  


The other day we talked about large glacial erratics and I told about the one across the street that measures 34 feet tall, 78 feet long, and 210 feet circumference.  I also told about the problems we in the neighborhood have had with vandalism and people climbing it (even though there are signs saying private property).  The latest is a spray-painted racist symbol 😢.  Needless to say, my neighbors and I are just sick about it.  The HOA will get rid of the graffiti, but it will just continue, and people will still come from far away just to climb it. GRR

  DH's suggestion is to put an electric fence around it. 😉  


Jacqui @kazu  Thinking of you as you make difficult decisions and prayers that something can be done about your pain.


Terri @Cruzin Terri Enjoy that book on the beach today -- I hope every day will get better and better!



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and to all contributors.

3 good days. Funny quote. The meal sounds good, yes to Irish coffee and the wine. I haven't been to Montego Bay. I had hoped to go to Jamaica with a good friend from college who was from there, to avoid the touristy and unsafe areas; sadly it never happened and he passed away a few years ago.


It's sunny and going up to 74F today and not too humid. A lovely day. I made my sourdough bread dough last night. It's to set out and do a bulk fermentation for about 12 hours. Since my house is warm, and also I wouldn't get to it in 12 hours, I used a bit less starter and colder water to retard it a bit. It had nicely risen when I came downstairs this AM, so it's now divided into two and in the fridge in bannetons. I'm not sure if I'll bake it this evening or tomorrow morning. I need to do some grocery shopping, mainly for BFF. I may do some this afternoon (Aldi) and finish tomorrow.


@StLouisCruisers I'll be curious what you do regarding the relatives.

@grapau27 Thanks for the link. I hope you and Pauline have a good day.

@kazu Hugs. I do understand how long term pain and not being able to do things can put one in a funk; been there, done that. BFF doesn't have pain, but is down because he can't do things. I pray that an answer is found to help you. I hope you can stay in your house; I too for a while wondered if I could stay in my 3 story house.

@Cruzin Terri I hope today is quiet for you two, and that you can sit on the beach reading.

@smitty34877 Prayers that the teenager and his GF will be fine. I've gotten so I don't like big crowds anymore. I hope Tana is having an ok day.

@ger_77 How is Maurice feeling? 

@GTVCRUISER Cool photos.

@Cruising-along That is just awful about the spray painted racist symbol on the erratic. 


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I always loved DD (more than Mickey).  Two other good days to recognize and I giggled when I read the quote.  The meal sounds good and I do love a Shiraz.  No to the drink (nothing should be in coffee - sugar, cream or alcohol!!).  Never been to Montego Bay, only Falmouth.  I did Dunn's Falls and glad I did but don't think I will ever pine away to go back to Jamaica.  It was just too....... 😬




Achieved my goal of getting a new tire but, unfortunately, the rim is bent and they recommended I replace it.  I can still drive the car but they stated when I rotate my tires and this tire goes the front, the steering would be wobbly.  So a replacement had to be ordered and will come in early this week.  My bank account is severely lighter!!  I had thought the certificate would be in the mail but it wasn't so I went to Olive Garden and ate the only thing there that I like - soup, salad, and breadsticks.  The breadsticks were old (probably from the night before) but the minestrone and salad were delicious.  I did tell the waiter the breadsticks were old and he offered to bring me new ones but I had already finished my meal so I politely said, no, it is no problem; thank you.  I hate complaining about food.




Woke up to another excessive heat warning for Tuesday.  I guess people need to be reminded but this is the desert - it gets blazing hot here!!  And today it should just break 100F so a beautiful day!




I just realized when I read the title for the daily that today would have been my 51st wedding anniversary (to the first husband).  Thank goodness it only lasted 5 years.




@Cruzin Terri I am glad you have tv and phone and that maybe you can sit on the beach, read a book and then enjoy the lunch.

Bon Voyage to @Mtn2Sea and @cruzn single.

Gosh, I hate to see the end of @aliaschief's cruise but welcome home. Safe travels to you and @luvteaching.

@kazu I am sorry you have some big decisions to make but I think getting prepared for it way before it becomes imperative is so important.




I hope everyone's legs are getting better and cheers to those celebrating.  Keep the pictures of your beautiful foliage coming!!  Everyone have a great day. 

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Posted (edited)

Good morning and Happy Sunday. Yesterday wasn’t as oppressively hot as Friday was and I think today will be even better at about 101. 

Good days to celebrate and I love shrimp and rice, especially fried rice. But today I think I’m making sausage and peppers. I have leftover sausage from making pizza and need to use it up. I’ll pass on the drink. I’ve only had Irish coffee once and didn’t like it. 

I haven’t been to Montego Bay, only Ocho Rios. And would prefer to never go again. Annie @marshhawk, it sounds like you enjoyed your all inclusive there and I don’t ever remember you mentioning it before. 

Terri @Cruzin Terri, enjoy the beach and your book!  You deserve a relaxing day. You’ll have to tell us how the buffet lunch was. 

Jacqui @kazu, I think it’s good to know your options for the future. My DM loves her place and is more active than ever.  Hugs to you as you contemplate. 

Like Debbie @dfish
said yesterday, we decided to arrive in Boston a day early so we can have a full day there. After last years fiasco in April trying to get to Fort Lauderdale because of their flooding and the recent flight delays I had in Dallas I feel much better with an extra day as a buffer.  I also changed my flight to go through Phoenix instead of Dallas. I’m getting excited!


Bon Voyage @Mtn2Sea and @cruzn single!!


Have a great day everyone!



Edited by Sharon in AZ
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Good morning. Sunny and dry but maybe a wee bit cooler today. The dawn chorus woke me early and I got up and opened up the house so right now it is very comfortable. I think I am going to have to look at getting a cooling system installed .... actually one of neighbors who really knows about such is looking into one  for his condo right now and will pass on info to me. Something more to think about. It would help the resale on my condo if and when I have to (or decide to) move.


@kazuI too have been looking at what moving to a senior living entails if you have a pet. In my case with 2 dogs, in all probability it means I would have to rehome one of the dogs .... something I don't want to consider but it might come to that. I will celebrate (?) my 87th birthday coming up shortly and I am not sure how long I can continue to go up and down the stairs to my second floor unit several times a day to walk the dogs.  However, my Mother lived on her own until about 97 and my sister at 95 has a house although it is in an 55 plus community and both had single floor living in their last years.  Ah.... decisions. Meanwhile, I plod along.... to to get something out of the house each day, get some help from neighbors at times and wear my Medical Guardian. And I walk the dogs although those walks are getting a bit shorter. Ah the joys of growing old and beginning to fall apart. And the dog walking at the Humane Society has, for the most part, stopped.


Have not been to today's destination and it is not on my list of places to visit. I love Irish coffee in the cooler weather. Garlic anything usually makes me happy.


Take care all. Terri... I hope you have a good day and get to sit on the beach and read.







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4 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


We're starting out a bit overcast this morning, but we've been promised sunny skies and a high of 67F.  A little on the chilly side, so we'll put a jacket or sweater on to go out. Oh, wait.  A different forecast for today says cloudy skies and a high of 69F.  Also a chance of showers.  So, I guess we just pick the forecast we like best.   Nothing on the agenda for today, so weather can't put a damper on anything.  


Safe travels to those on the move today.  @Cruzin Terri I hope today brings you the peace and relaxation you were hoping for.  @kazu I hope you can find relief for your pain issues.  I think it was smart to tour the independent living facility.  You may not need to move there right now, but it is nice to know what the options are for when you do.  My friend lives in independent living in a senior living community and just loves it.  What is nice is that she has the option of moving to assisted living when and if she needs it.  


We did have salmon and asparagus last night.  It was raining too hard to use the grill, so we roasted the asparagus in the oven and did the salmon there, too.  Sue made hollandaise for the asparagus and we were very happy.  It was so good I could have had seconds if there had been any.


Today's meal sounds good without the rice.  I may use the recipe for the seasonings and use it make some scallops today.  I actually want to try to do the scallops on the grill, so I hope the first forecast is the right one - no rain!  But anyways, today's meal calls for shrimp (or scallops or chicken, or fish of some sort).  I would substitute riced cauliflower if I wanted it.  Otherwise, I'd just do the shrimp part.  The garlic is the important part.   Garlicky Shrimp




Or you can substitute spinach for the rice.   Garlicky Shrimp and Spinach




Or you can just have Garlic Shrimp.




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Have problem with garlic, so I rate this dish two Tums up! 👍👍

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the doctors can find the cause and then cure your pain.  I hope a move to an independent living facility can be avoided, but it's good there is one that will also take Ivan, and that you checked it out.


Thanks Lenda.  I would never leave Ivan in the lurch.  And, honestly who would want a 20 year old dog that requires a $250 injection every month?  


He’s at his forever home and we are in this together.  There is no question that he would be very welcome there which is a huge relief.



2 hours ago, marshhawk said:


@kazuI completely understand moving into a "senior" living community.  Especially one that would allow my pet. But when I am the non furred mother to so many how would I narrow it down to just one.  But I know that taking care of this house and yard is way too much for me.


Thanks Annie - yes you do have a conundrum with all the cats you are saving, for sure.  Bless you for helping them 💜 



3 hours ago, ger_77 said:


@kazuI'm sorry to hear you're not getting better; it's wise though, to start looking at alternate living arrangements, something we should probably start doing as well.  Friends of ours live in Red Deer and they started putting their names in different places, most of which have waiting lists of 6 or 7 years!



Thanks Gerry.  The wait list here is not long.  Aside from being the priciest place in the area, It doesn’t qualify for the Government subsidy (which I wouldn’t get anyways) so doesn’t appeal to most people who need more serious help.  It has a lot of good features.  Especially with their pet policy which none of the others have.


The apartments are decent but it’s a far cry from your own home and fenced in back yard for my bundle of trouble.



Thanks everyone for understanding.  I hate being a whiner which is why I don’t post sometimes.  I am struggling to finish the bulk of my planting today and then it’s back to the basement and garage to see what else I can give away.  


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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!


National Donald Duck Day! I would tell you a joke but I don’t want you to quack up!

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Good afternoon,

I have been reading but have not posted lately. I don’t know where the time goes each day.  Jacqui, I know how you feel. After DH died I realized just how much he did around the house. I struggled to find what I wanted but decided on a single home in a maintenance provided community. I wasn’t ready for shared walls. I am happy I moved but it was a project. We had a huge basement so it did not seem like we had a lot until I went through it. Don’t even get me started on the garage. He was very organized but being a car guy he had a lot of tools etc.  You don’t need to rush and you can hire people to help around the house and yard until you find what you want. 

Everyone have a great day. 


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Posted (edited)

Good morning and thanks all! 
Bon Voyage @Mtn2Sea and @cruzn single    

@kazu I’m glad you explored some options, but hope you get some relief soon from your pain.  Makes it hard to make any decisions.  Sending extra hugs!   I’m envious of that lobster roll! 

love Celtic art! 

Happy Sunday all!  Find joy where you are!   We sure enjoyed the soothing views and wonderful creatures in Waterton. 




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Perfect day here, for me, partly cloudy, breezy and not hot!  

Nancy, very glad your back is better! 

Terri, hoping you and Jim have a pleasant day! 

Jacqui, you’ll know if and when to make a change. I’m sad that pain is the motivator. It was a very, very tough change for me. Suddenly due to health limitations (most of which have resolved but the handwriting was showing…) DH said he was ready!  We chose a new path. Different can also be good. It’s easier doing it with two, but harder making the timing work for two 🤨!  Our future where we were was not going to look like the past any more than I was going to be 40 again!  Yes, I miss it, I’m very grateful I had that phase of life with DH. Change is difficult…. I made two list:  things I would not miss!  Things to look forward to in a new environment. It was surprising to notice how much energy went into surviving that now is available for other parts of life. But the transition is not easy, I’m so glad we did it while we could!  Both our senior environments (here in New Jersey and previously in Maryland) have ground floor homes with gardening in the yard!  Lovin’ your beautiful flowers!  

Blessings all, and thanks for being here!  m—


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Good afternoon Dailyites 


I had to leave in the middle of the Daily this morning. Now I'm reading my news feeds and FR.


@Sharon in AZ, Sharon, after the dreadful cottage cheese looking lobster, I made sure to always ask for broiled. And I'm so happy you @dfish and Sue will join in Boston. (Great lobster!) 😉


@kazu Jacqui praying you make the mindful decision when you feel the time is right. My stepmother's mother had to go to an assisted living and fought it like Granny Clampett going to California. She wasn't there but a few weeks and told my stepmother she was too busy for her to visit as she was learning a new game and didn't want to miss it. She loved it and wish she had done it earlier.


Goodness, need to run again. 


Blessings to all on this beautiful Sunday!

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