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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 13th, 2024

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Good morning. Enjoying quiet time and coffee before my walk. With three granddaughters, one eight and two four years old it will not be quiet at the beach. Son and family are at airport in Oakland and on their way here. Tomorrow they will drive one of our cars to St. George. The cars are going to be packed and I still worry will it all fit!

@marshhawk Annie I do pray that your day and future goes better than yesterday. Hope surgery can be scheduled soon. Same goes for @kazu Jacqui that all of your task and needs get accomplished with minimal hassle.

Time for a walk before it gets too hot. Just received weather heat index alert of 109 F later today.

Have a great weekend thinking how great it would be to be on a cruise right now. I may be addicted to the Daily but no where as close to my cruising addiction!🛳 Bruce

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Good morning Dailyites 


71 degrees going to 90. No rain yesterday, possibly today. Anytime the weather says "chance" of rain, I assume we won't get a drop.


Thank you so much for your prayers for Bonnie. We are anxiously waiting for the 18th to see what the surgeon decides.


@marshhawk Annie, I am hoping the dark cloud above turns to sunshine for you and Chuck.


@kazu thank you for your sweet words. You and Ivan take care and don't over do. My fingers and toes are crossed the people buy your house!


@smitty34877 Thinking of Tana and hope she loved her dinner last night.


@ger_77 Gerry I hope your Summerfest day is perfect. Pictures please!


Charlotte and her twins were at the feeders when I went out. I put some watermelon rinds behind the fence and they were eating them. 


The Weed Guys (that's their business name) are coming Monday to tackle our crab grass. He said it could take 4 treatments and we are late to the ballgame getting it started. 


Today is Saturday,  so Farmer's market and lunch out.


I made a yummy pot roast last night, so leftovers tonight.


Wishing you a blessed day. Enjoy the weekend. Stay safe away from the extreme heat.

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Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Very early start today. Took the car in to have it looked at and an oil change. Hopefully nothing serious. Was able to get the grocery shopping done before the crowds came. It looks like we will not get the rain we thought we would so I will have to water and get the weeds out of the garden. Perhaps I will take a nap. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Saturday Feeling | Cat memes clean, Cute cat memes, Grumpy cat memes clean

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Good morning all,

Thank you, Debbie ( @dfish) for the recipe which we will have tomorrow. 😁


2 hours ago, dobiemom said:


Going to a potluck this afternoon/evening and I’m bringing a crockpot cherry cobbler. It’s a favorite of the host’s DH. 


Crockpot cherry cobbler?  Inquiring minds are interested….😁


Major clean up of the house continues today- in preparation for the family gathering in 2 weeks. (The normal housekeeping and annual cleaning/ maintenance didn’t happen this year because I was working on the shed.) I have a convention next weekend, and one the weekend after family gathering, then our cruise. Relatives have just decided to visit the area a few days before we leave and want us to drive to San Diego (4 hours RT) on one of the 3 days I reserved for final pre-trip preparation so feeling really stressed. 😫 


Have a great day everyone!

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Thanks @StLouisCruisers for the wonderful pictures - the black swans were beautiful and what a special memory to have dinner w/the captain. 


@marshhawk good news your DH ate all his chicken, even if it was awful to you, so long as you find something to eat - we can't have you not eating.


@kazu congrats on getting your house ready!! Hope 🤞the perspective buyers fall in love with it.


Happy Summerfest @ger_77.


Today is a little work then a lot of learning the new phone.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all.


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Good morning from central Texas where it is sunny, but I see one of our daily clouds already forming.  It is 75F and feels like 75F with what the weather app says is a 4mph wind.  The neighbor's flag says not enough wind to get it moving.  The humidity is 92% with a heat index of 73F.  The predicted high is 91F and the wind is supposed to increase to 13mph this afternoon.  I hope there is more of a breeze in an hour or so when I head out to mow the yard, but there will be a little less to mow since we also haven't had any rain in weeks, except the little bit we got from Beryl last week.


We got an interesting but unexpected call last night from the imagining center where DH has an appointment Monday morning for a follow up CT scan after his last shunt adjustment.  They called about 6:45 to tell us they had not gotten the orders for his CT scan, which we are sure they got on June 14th because they texted DH to make his appointment.  The orders were on his patient portal for UTSW, and we emailed them to the imaging center.  I also printed the orders and have them in my purse.


DH and I were both gruntled workers and enjoyed our work.  Barbershop music is good in small doses, but "Give Me That Old Time Rock and Roll" any time.


The quote from Mahatma Gandhi is true and should be kept in mind, especially during unsettled times.


The meal sounds good, but I'm not sure about using a good drink on the chicken instead of drinking the Mojito.  We'll pass on the drink, but I would try a glass of the wine if it was offered.


We were in Horta once on Noordam III.


Three good days in history, but this might have been the voyage that Captain Cook did not get to complete.  Yes, on Krispy Kreme donuts.  I remember the Live Aid concert.



@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad the weather is better today.  Enjoy your day in St. Anthony.

@1ANGELCAT  I'm glad your friend Denise was not injured in the accident.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad you got most everything done with the house, but sorry your legs are hurting so much.  I hope the prospective buyers make an offer this weekend.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope today is a better day for both of you.  The last time we stopped at Popeye's the chicken was the only thing that was good.  The sides and biscuits were not as good as we remembered.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad everyone enjoyed the meal last night.  I'm also glad Tana requested another meal from years ago.  Since 2020, I've been making meals from my childhood and early in our marriage.  Sometimes something from the past is exactly what is needed to whet the appetite.

@aliaschief  Safe travels today to your DS and family.  Your St. George get away sounds like fun.
















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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Love the "Gruntled Workers Day", made me smile first thing this morning.  While I'm not a fan of barbershop music, I do love rock and roll and will have the radio playing loudly in the house while preparing things.  


It looks like we're going to have a beautiful day - it's starting out at 15C(59) right now and we're expecting a high of 26(78) which is going to be very comfortable for a gathering of friends and family.  After clearing off yesterday's tasks from the "to do" list, today I have a fresh one to tackle.  Make the crock pot beans, put together the coleslaw, continue making ice, welcome the lovely Ukrainian family as they come over this morning to help set up the banquet tables in the back yard, make sangria, and then get everything set up for our guests who should start arriving around 5.


@1ANGELCATprayers for your friend Denise; so glad she wasn't injured, and also that her grandson wasn't with her!

@kazuyou are amazing, getting so much done, yet being in a lot of pain.  I hope the family sees your house and immediately falls in love with it.  BTW, delayed birthday greetings to Ivan; he's so lucky to have found you as his furever mom.

@marshhawksorry Chuck's hospital stay was such a fiasco, but glad he felt like he wanted to eat something - I hope he gets an early surgery date to help his issues.


That's about all the time I can spend at the computer this morning, as there are a bunch of things I have to get done.  I'd like to try the wine, I looked up the Tia Mia and think it would make a great drink on a day like today, and would love to try the menu suggestion, but will tuck it away for another time.  Tonight we're looking at having smokies along with an assortment of salads, fruits, vegetables, and desserts in the back yard.  And wine.  Lots of wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and for the innocents in wars.  Cheers to all who have celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Posted (edited)

Today's sunrise was taken 2 years ago from the parking garage where I walked that day:






Edited by rafinmd
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1 hour ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Crockpot cherry cobbler?  Inquiring minds are interested….😁

Here’s the basic recipe. I put a paper towel under the cover (not touching the food of course) to minimize the condensation.
It’s not as crispy/browned on top as if cooked in the oven but your house won’t get hot and it still tastes good. 😋 


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@puppycanducruise Yes.  Notice in the sky, the Space Needle.  DH and our BFF went up the needle, and I who dont do heights stayed on the ground and listened to a great band from Peru, playing folkloric music.  When they came down, I made them go to the museum with me.  I have two types of pictures from Seattle, Space Needle and glass.😸


@dobiemomThanks for the recipes.  Thinking of doing a blueberry pecan, or maybe the chocolate cherry, might add some flakes of coconut.  I copied and emailed myself the recipe.  Sounds yummy.

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Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I was a gruntled worker until I wasn't!  I think my longest tenure at a job was 6 years (I get bored easily and I believe change is good).  Is there any other kind of music except R&R?? 🙂  Barbershop singing reminds me of my parents.  I think I will keep Gandhi's quote in my head for the foreseeable future.  I like the meal, don't think I would like the drink, maybe the wine, never been to the Azores.  Wow, I love Krispy Kreme and didn't realize they were so old.  I do remember watching Live Aid. 




We finally have no excessive heat warning but it still will be a tad warm - predicted high today is ~106F and no rain forecasted.  My Zoom onboarding was ........ let's say, repetitive and boring.  But it is done.  I had to go sign 2 pieces of paper at the district office - took maybe 3 minutes - where they asked me about being a long term sub.  No way!!  Too much responsibility and I don't want to work on "their" schedule.  




A YT vlogger I follow promoted a company that prints the path of a specific cruise.  So I bought one.  I do like it.  It has the ports and the actual path the ship did on the specific cruise.  



I polled my friends on the design for the tiles.  I had them laid out on the hutch top and rearranged them into 3 designs.  The top is ~4.5' x 1.5'.  The last design was sort of an afterthought but I think that is the one I am going with.  Once I start, I will be committed; no going back.  I will need to go and get more penny rounds but that is okay.  Just a little preview.



@marshhawk I am so sorry about yesterday's procedure failure.  It has to be so hard and I hope you take care of yourself!

@kazu Good luck on the showing this weekend.  Now take a rest. (oh, and Happy Belated Birthday to Ivan!)

@Mr. Boston I hope your cold is better.

Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!!


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I thought I posted this, but it was still loading 4 hrs. later.

Tia Mia cocktail:


The Mai Tai may be one of the most famous rum-based cocktails ever created. It has also been famously riffed on and tweaked over the years—and not always successfully. There are entire Reddit threads dedicated to the worst Mai Tai recipes found in the wild.

That said, as far as adaptable cocktails go, the Mai Tai is easier than most to alter due to its fairly straightforward ingredient list and recipe. Bartender Ivy Mix, co-owner of Leyenda in Brooklyn, New York, merged her passion for mezcal with this classic drink when she created the smoky, complex Tia Mia—an anagram of Mai Tai.


1 oz. mezcal expanding
1 oz. Jamaican rum
1/2 oz. orange curacao
1/2 oz. orgeat
3/4 oz. fresh lime juice
Garnish: mint sprig
Garnish: lime wheel
Garnish: edible orchid


Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake until well chilled.
Strain into a large rocks glass over crushed or pebbled ice.
Garnish with lime wheel, mint sprig and orchid (optional).


Screenshot 2024-07-13 at 6.47.41 AM.png

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Good morning all from a hot but sunny Essex county. The car is packed and safely in the garage for our road trip to meet friends and visit the gaspe. Got word this morning that my friend Susan came down with COVID on the last day of her sorority conference but is taking paxlovid. The worry now is that her dh will come down with it as they travel up to Montreal. And I came down with a head cold and cough. Took some Advil and am feeling marginally better but I think our travel plans may change. Crossing my fingers as we move forward. We will be camping in a tent so that makes feeling crappy even harder. Wish us luck! Early start tomorrow to try and avoid Toronto traffic. 

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Posted (edited)

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Gruntled workers are better than disgruntled workers! I'll salute rock n' roll, and I'm not into barbershop music. An important quote. I like the meal and pass on the drink. I'd try the wine. I've been to Portugal, but not Horta, Azores. 3 good days in history.


It's sunny and 82F. We are having 90's the next few days, with humidity. Rain totals are way below the usual, but there may be rain tomorrow and Monday. I need to pack up all the groceries I bought for BFF, including frozen stuff. I need to get that space back in my freezer; I have a chest freezer downstairs, but right now the basement steps are a challenge. Then portion out chili to take to his house. I'll go over this afternoon to visit. We'll watch a movie probably, converse and then have dinner.


@StLouisCruisers Enjoy your tour today. Great photos from Horta. 

@1ANGELCAT Oh no on Denise being in that bad car accident; thankfully she's ok.

@kazu Sorry your legs and foot woke you up, but good news that the house is mostly done. Take it slowly today. It's great that Ivan has done well with the medication and your TLC. I hope you get an offer on the house this weekend!

@marshhawk I was sad to read that they couldn't unclog Chuck's stents and that now you have to wait to schedule the bigger surgery. It's good he had an appetite yesterday. I hope you enjoy dinner out today.

@smitty34877 I'm glad everyone enjoyed the meal yesterday, and I hope Tana was able to eat a little more. Interesting how there are requests for your back in the day meals.

@aliaschief Safe travels tomorrow and enjoy the time with family.

@TiogaCruiser That's a lot going on before your cruise, so I can see how that would be stressful.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent Horta photos.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photo.

@ger_77 I'm glad the weather is cooperating for your Summerfest! 

@dobiemom Thanks for the recipe.

@Nickelpenny I like the tile layout.

@superoma I hope your friend Susan feels well soon and that her DH stays negative. I'm sorry to hear that you have a cold and cough. Especially with planning to travel and camp. Safe travels tomorrow.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning all!

Another sunny day here, 65 now and going up to 83.  

Three good days, but I'll take rock & roll over barbershop.  I may be the only person in the country who has never had a Krispy Kreme donut -- the ads all show glazed/iced donuts and I just don't care for that type.  They probably have other kinds (?) but the ads just don't make me want to go try one.


Will pass on the red wine but the drink and meal sound very good.  I printed off the first recipe and that's what we will have tonight.  I even have the fresh mint in the garden.  Have not been to this port, thanks for any and all photos.


Feeling old this morning 😉  I just found out that our son's best friend who went to the Naval Academy with him when they were 18, is retiring soon after over 28 years.  He's a pilot and has been Captain for a few years.  The good news is that he and his DW will be moving back to WA and retiring here.


Speaking of our son, he and DDIL are now with DD and her family at Arches National Park.  Loving all their photos!


Annie @marshhawk I hope today will be a much better day.  I'm so sorry yesterday was a bust and that surgery is necessary.

@1ANGELCAT Very sorry about your friend's accident but glad she wasn't injured.  

Jacqui @kazu Belated birthday greetings to Ivan!  Fingers crossed the family make an offer this weekend.

@superoma I hope you feel better soon!


We haven't heard from @HAL4NOW in quite awhile, I hope all is well and he's just been busy.

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3 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good morning all,

Thank you, Debbie ( @dfish) for the recipe which we will have tomorrow. 😁


Crockpot cherry cobbler?  Inquiring minds are interested….😁


Major clean up of the house continues today- in preparation for the family gathering in 2 weeks. (The normal housekeeping and annual cleaning/ maintenance didn’t happen this year because I was working on the shed.) I have a convention next weekend, and one the weekend after family gathering, then our cruise. Relatives have just decided to visit the area a few days before we leave and want us to drive to San Diego (4 hours RT) on one of the 3 days I reserved for final pre-trip preparation so feeling really stressed. 😫 


Have a great day everyone!

What cruise are you taking?  I don’t think the timing of yours matches the one I’m taking next month but I would love to see you again!  You do a mean line dance!

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26 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

We haven't heard from @HAL4NOW in quite awhile, I hope all is well and he's just been bus

Yikes!  He hasn't posted anywhere since December and that was to  the FCL cancelling to a cruise, and hasn't even reacted to a post since May.


I do hope he is ok but that's very ominous.



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Good morning to all - a bit late this morning. No reason except I felt tired after breakfast so went back to bed for an hour. One of the joys of living single .... and the dogs were happy to join me. @kazuthey send belated birthday wishes to Ivan. Since they are both shelter pups, we celebrate "gottcha days" when I remember. They are happy little souls. When I woke this morning, I discovered Monty Chi was not with me so I called him and he came running with his little tail going so fast I am surprised it did not "helicopter" him right up onto the bed.


Weather here continues sunny and dry. We have had some afternoon cloudiness, but the showers seem to go around us. Yesterday about a mile and a half  from me they got hail, wind and rain. We got nothing.


@marshhawkI am sorry to hear that yesterday was a medical bust (so to speak). Hope they can get the surgery scheduled and the issues treated instead of this constant stringing things out.


Today I plan to work on sorting some paper work and clearing another file drawer.  I have a meeting for the kennel club at 3 to discuss the issue of judges for next years shows - we are late getting them on board since we were not sure of our dates.


Best wishes to all.





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