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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday September 21st, 2024

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1 hour ago, Denise T said:

Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Today is the day! My nephew Josh and his fiancé Amanda are getting married today. My plan is to be enjoying the festivities. 

Happy anniversary to @Haljo1935.

75 Funny Anniversary Memes | Happy Anniversary Funny Images – FunZumo


Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

90 Funny Saturday Memes, Images & Pics for a Happy Weekend | Funny ...

Have a wonderful time! Enjoy every minute of your nephews wedding. 

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@kazu Jacqui so sorry to hear that things are not going well for you. I hope you can get the surgeries you need ASAP since it is so hard to live in pain and also not being able to see.  I do hope your lost items are found soon.  


@dfish So sorry to hear about your back.  I know when I couldn't sleep due to back pain it was recommended to me to get a Tempur -pedic mattress. I was very skeptical that it would do anything at all but it helped immensely.  When I sleep at my various children's homes I bought the toppers for the beds and on cruises I get the egg crate. I realize that I can't sleep on a regular mattress anymore.  I don't know if it was recommended for you but my doctors also say to try acupuncture as it helps many people with the pain.  It is so horrible to live in constant pain.  I do hope something can be found that addresses this for you.    


I  hope that Roy is feeling better today but glad he is in a facility that can address all his needs. 


Off to have breakfast- the pool was great as usual. I do deep water aerobics (I don't touch the bottom of the pool) and it was a nice morning.  



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Good morning from central Texas where there are a few thin clouds in a sunny sky.  It is 76F and heading to a predicted high of 96F.  Tomorrow is showing we might only get to 92F.  There is a 3mph breeze from the SSE with 91% humidity and a dew point of 73F.  It looks like tomorrow will be our last day in the 90s for the foreseeable future.  Monday begins a string of days in the 80s along with rain Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and we need the rain.  The more of the grass is looking dry and turning brow.  This morning, as soon as I get breakfast, I'll be mowing and trimming the grass.


International peace would be wonderful, and we should work for that goal.  Someone can have my chai.  I salute surgical technologists and all the do to help the surgeons.


I agree with the quote as kindness makes everything easier to handle.


A smash burger sounds good, we'll probably just have regular cheeseburgers when we have burgers.  We'll pass on the drink, but DH might like the wine if it could be found.


We have not been to Riga.


The 1621 Royal Charter to colonize Nova Scotia was good for that area.


I'm glad that English Heritage was able to obtain ownership of Stonehenge, and that is now owned by The Crown.


@rafinmd  Roy, I hope you are doing much better today, and are back on the road to recovery.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the information about the role of surgical technologists.

@Tbay  Welcome home.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope your leg is better today.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, thanks for the great pictures of you and Allen.  I'm glad they could repurpose the red brick buildings instead of tearing them down.  We saw a lot of interesting shops are there.

@Denise T  Denise, enjoy your nephew's wedding and seeing family.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad your DSIL will be helping you today.  I hope the teenager gets some playing time today, and I'm glad DD and his father will be there for him.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry things are not going well after the move.  I hope your missing items are found soon, and that you get your MRI soon.  It's good your foot nurse working to get it done.  I also hope the cataract surgeries are schedule quickly.

@dfish  Debbie, hopefully the MRI will allow them to find new ways to help with the pain.

@richwmn  Rich, thanks for the video of Yokohama at night.  It is a lovely city at night.












Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Hugs 🫂 🤗 and prayers 🙏 @kazu. My heart aches for you - so much at one time. It's good you were able to make the move when you did; you and Ivan will come out the other side.

I hope they're able to locate Jose's lampshade ❤️ and the other items soon, as well as getting a date for the cataract surgery.

Please know that even when you don't check in, we're all thinking of, praying and cheering for you.



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I don't think I've had a smashed burger, at least not intentionally. Rum is available here but Ting is not, AFAIK. Since we're not sure what the wine is, let's go with Hazlitt's Pink Cat, $10.99. "

Pink Cat is an award-winning sweet blush wine made from native Catawba grapes. It's delightfully refreshing and makes an awesome wine spritzer! But why is Pint Cat in a hot tub, you ask? Well, that's a legend too juicy to share here. Grab a Pink Cat & Get Your Party Started! Enjoy chilled, enjoy often."
If Stonehenge were on the market today, someone would probably turn it into a theme park.
I have a 2025 Alaska one-way itinerary on the Nieuw Amsterdam on a five-day hold, potentially to replace a booking on NCL with an itinerary that is not quite as good, but it depends on being able to switch the NCL deposit to another cruise.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm all for peace internationally, like chai once in a while, and had no idea what surgical technologists do.  Good quote today.


Well the sun tried coming up and maybe it is somewhere, but now we've got clouds again.  Not sure if they're expected to hang around all day or just part of it, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it, so I won't worry.  Not sure how much I'll get done today anyway as yesterday I realized I was coming down with a head cold.  Ugh.  Not sure where the heck I picked it up, likely at a grocery store, but my head is all stuffy and my throat is scratchy.  I'm dosing myself with vitamin C and either lemon or peach tea, so that should help.


@Haljo1935wishing you and your DH a very Happy Anniversary and many more to come!

@kazuI'm so sorry to hear you've got a big black cloud hanging over you - it's time you had some good things happening for you!!!  I do wish you'd be able to get the cataract surgery soon, as that would help you so much.


My son sent me this . . . 



I'd like to try the drink of the day as I love grapefruit, would give the rose a try, and have had a smashburger - they're good!  I'm not cooking tonight as we've been invited over to our friend Fran's (from Wayne & Fran) for dinner.  We haven't been there before, but Wayne tells us she's a great cook, so whatever she's prepared will be appreciated along with the conversation and laughter.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning. Cool and cloudy here. Rain in the lower elevations, snow for the High Country. A possible freeze in the next few evenings. Sounds like a good time to stay in except for dog walks.


@kazuI am so sorry to hear that things are not going smoothly (to say the least). Hopefully the lost items will be found and you can get the cataract surgery scheduled soon.... it will make such a difference. And of course that they can get the pain resolved. All too much at one time.


Roy (for some reason the blue bubble has stopped working).... hope you are feeling better and that you can continue on with your recovery.


Best wishes to all others today.


The man who was stuck by lightning here during our last thunder storms has been transferred to Denver and is slowly recovering but it is a wonder he survived. When he was found his clothes were shredded and his hat blown apart. Evidently the lightning stuck the ground near him, went through his feet and out through the skull. He has numerous burns over the body, broken bones and 2 skull fracture. His dog was near him and reported to be stiff and sore but ok. It was fortunate he was found as quickly as he was. It has given me a new respect for thunder storms.


Off to get ready to haul some stuff out to the Thrift Store (if they are taking donations) and make a quick stop to pick up some salad makings. I think this afternoon I will just settle in with a book and maybe put together some books to be donated to the library. I want to get rid of some bookcases.





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Good morning, today may be the last hot day here.  Rain and cooler temps (70's) are in the forecast for tomorrow and then the rest of the week.  Today we're heading about 45 minutes north for a Wine and Harvest fall festival.  Lots of fun stuff to check out there.  The smash burger sounds good, I've saved the recipe.  Tomorrow our handbell choir is playin in church, need to get up early for the early service!  

@rafinmdand @JazzyVPrayers that your set backs are over quickly and that you are both back on track soon.  

@Haljo1935Happy Anniversary!

@Denise THave a wonderful day at the wedding! Congrats to your nephew and fiance! 

@kazusorry to hear that things are not going so well right now, prayers that everything starts to be on the upswing very soon...


Thanks for all of the caring and sharing here.  Have a good day, Karen



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Good morning and Happy Saturday. It’s cooler and cloudy this morning, must be a front coming in. 

Good days today, and chai can be used for more than just a tea or drink. It’s a mix of spices similar to pumpkin spice with the addition of cardamom. I use it for making homemade granola. I’ve also seen recipes for using it in cookies. 

Smash burgers are good but I’ll leave the smashing and grilling up to Five Guys. There is a Five Guys close to us and it’s been a while since we have been there so maybe that’s in store for this week. 

The quote is so true. I’m always trying to be kind and go out of my way to do that. It really bugs me when someone, especially a store worker ringing up a sale, ignores you. This happened recently at the grocery store, the cashier was talking to a coworker the entire time she checked me out. I purposefully interrupted her while collecting my bags to thank her and to tell her to have a nice day— it took two tries but she finally responded. They need to teach kindness when they train, just like they do on HAL. 

Jacqui @kazu, thank you for checking in with us. I’m sorry you are having so much pain and difficulty with your eyesight. I’m hoping those issues get resolved soon. Also it must be hard to decide if you should cancel your cruise. 

Elizabeth @Haljo1935 & DH— Happy Anniversary!! Enjoy your celebration today. 

Have a great day everyone!



Edited by Sharon in AZ
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

International Peace is an elusive goal, but hoped for. I like chai tea and chai latte. Surgical techs are an important part of the surgical team. Great quote. Yes to the meal, maybe for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Riga. 2 interesting days in history. Good deal on Stonehenge.


It's partly sunny and 80F. We're still hoping for rain, but it looks like Mon-Wed. I spent most of yesterday in the recliner, then about 9 hours in bed. My leg looked smaller this morning, but just standing in the shower I could see it get larger and it was painful. I've tried to squeeze it into my compression stocking, but if it slides down there's no getting it back up. BFF plans to come over later to watch another 2 episodes of the LOTR prequel.


@Haljo1935 Happy Anniversary Elizabeth and DH!

@Tbay Welcome Home!

@rafinmd I hope you are doing better and will be back to rehab soon.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start. I've been meaning to ask how your twin is coming along? Good job on the stocking, and I'm sure it will be perfect.

@Denise T Enjoy your nephew Josh and Amanda's wedding and spending time with family.

@Seasick Sailor I like your enthusiasm. Nice photos of you and Allen.

@smitty34877 DSIL sounds like a nice person and I'm glad he's there to help. Good luck to the teenager at his game and I'm sure the support is important to him.

@kazu Thanks for checking in. Oh no on the missing items from the move! That is so frustrating and I hope you get your things. I'm sorry about your eyes and hope you can get cataract surgery soon. Your pain sounds like mine was, neuropathic due to nerve compression (in my case by a spinal cyst), found on the MRI. That is wonderful of the foot nurse to offer help out. Sorry about the inconsistent dog walkers and the probability of having to cancel your cruise. Hugs and prayers for you. You can come here and vent any time; we're not only about good news and want to support you if we can.

@ger_77 I hope your head cold passes quickly. 

@durangoscots Yikes on that man struck by lightning. The weather people here are always saying, "when thunder roars, go indoors".

@quilty964 Enjoy the Wine and Harvest festival.

@mamaofami I hope Sam is more comfortable now.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


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6 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good Saturday evening from Yokohama on the lovely Westerdam. All aboard is 8:30 tonight. Chef Gonzaga told us more disembarked today than embarked by about 60.


We had such a fun day! The weather was a bit more friendly with a slight sea breeze.


Yesterday was Chinatown and oh so beautiful. Today was souvenir shopping day!


The Red Brick buildings had some unique items I took advantage of. Lovely jeweled hair sticks, music boxes, chop sticks (my Thursday Girls asked for) and the post cards are stunning. (My girlfriend has been collecting them since a teenager, and has nearly one thousand) 


The cashier ladies wrap each gift with beautiful paper and place in a paper bag that looks a gift in itself. 


I know I go over board with excitement,  so excuse me for my over board excitement!!


Tomorrow morning I will be up before daybreak awaiting the amazing Mount Fuji!!


Wishing all those who are in pain blessings and prayers from above. 






PS: I won twice this week on Bingo! No free cruise, or the $1600 jackpot, but paid for a few more Bingo games!

Nice photos Joy.

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Good morning and thanks all!  Love chai, had friends teach us how to make the real deal! Yum! 

@Haljo1935 happy anniversary!  
@Seasick Sailor love your excitement,   The Chinatown there is amazing,  hoping you get a great view tomorrow of Mt Fuji!  
@kazu sending lots of hugs and prayers that things improve, stat!  Glad the surgery was a success but so sorry you are playing whack a mole!  Hoping your air tags pop up, and of course it would have to be a box missing with important things in it!  

Edited by bennybear
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Good day. Just getting up over here. We just had a lite shower pass through but I’m seeing blue skies. @Haljo1935 HAPPY. ANNIVERSARY!🍾 

@kazu Jacqui oh my! You can’t seem to catch a break. Praying that all will get better,

Here it will be more of the same which is basically doing nothing but enjoying our surroundings.

@rafinmd Roy as I said yesterday don’t get discouraged and let your faith strengthen you.

Sunset last night was a little less spectacular but no complaints here. Our alfresco dinner with good wine was wonderful.

I guess we can watch college football and have breakfast at the same time. Night race from Bristol will be an early afternoon happening.

Hope all of you have a great weekend and those of you in pain, worries and illnesses find some relief. Aloha! and Mahalo. Bruce



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Good (late) morning all!

Not a good night for sleeping last night so I'm very late this morning.  I think it was after 5 before I got to sleep.


All good days, I like the quote, drink, wine and meal.  We had hamburgers last night on our way home from DD's so will wait awhile for more. Not sure yet what will be on the dinner table tonight.  Have not been to the port.


Not much on the agenda today other than getting the laundry done so we can pack.  It looks like it will be warmer in Yellowstone than we expected, but of course there will be cool/cold areas so have to bring a little of everything. Getting excited!


Happy Anniversary Elizabeth and DH! @Haljo1935

Welcome home @Tbay!

Roy @rafinmd I hope you're doing better today and the problem yesterday was just a bump on the road to recovery.

@Denise T Enjoy the wedding today!  The bride has the same name as our DD's. 🙂  

Jacqui @kazu Continued prayers...and hugs.

Vanessa @JazzyV How puzzling about the swelling in your leg.  The fact that it looked smaller this morning but then the swelling started up again in the shower makes me think that the heat has something to do with it.  Could you put ice packs on it?  (not medical advice, of course, just trying to think of something to give you some relief).  

Susan @durangoscots Wow about the poor man who was struck by lightening!!  What a miracle he survived.

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