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What’s the rudest thing you’ve ever had done to you on a cruise?


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57 minutes ago, DonnaK said:

On our last cruise (not NCL), I was sitting on my balcony reading a book when I suddenly felt something warm and wet on my foot.  At first glance, it appeared that bird poop landed on me, however upon further inspection, it was snot-filling sputum.  Someone from a balcony above us spit a chuck of phlegm overboard, and it landed inside my balcony on my foot.  I was so grossed out!  Couldn't stop cleaning my foot and flip-flop with the Clorox wipes I brought.

This would have probably upset me so much that I would have trouble enjoying the rest of my vacation. Not

even exaggerating. Sorry this happened to you.

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12 hours ago, tanyaewa said:

On Freedom of the Seas I was browsing at the sales tables in the promenade and someone ran over me with their scooter. She literally ran right between me and the table   I was startled and hurt and yelled ow and started to cry and the lovely Lady just reached over to grab the $10 deal and ignored me.



Literally, WOW!

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@david_sobe By "stuff" I meant the clothing we had left draped over the chairs to hold our table.  NOT food.   Sorry I didn't make that clear.  I'd find someone dumping food on the floor difficult to believe also!!!


RE: "NCL does not allow emotional support animals to board."  Really???  Sorry, but may be the "official" NCL policy but in the case I cited the people in question were carrying the dog at times & then letting it run free on a leash; we saw them around the ship on several different occasions.  This was NOT a "a certified animal for the disabled that is highly trained".  It was a dog on a leash and it "did its business" on the floor in the casino.  Period.  Last time I checked that's "rude" behavior in that the animal was obviously not housebroken.  You weren't there watching it happen.  I was.  So sorry, "Doubting Thomas".

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Two things:


On my last cruise I was in an elevator and a guy on a scooter rolled over one of my feet and did not ask if I was okay or apologize.


I am disabled and when I go to shows on ships I sit in the section for people who are disabled. There were a couple seated in the section not visibly disabled.The wife said her husband forgot his cane in their cabin .I said that I saw them both when they entered the cruise terminal and both were running,no canes. I was not asking them to get up but merely to move down one seat so that I could get into the row.They refused.I complained to a ship representative.He asked them to move and they refused.

The ship rep went to an office and brought out a chair for me to sit in.

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9 hours ago, tomk3212 said:

Two incidents; one on the Breakaway back in October where some pax with an "emotional support" dog who pooped all over the floor in the Casino!  To their credit, however, they were highly embarrassed and made every effort to clean up the mess until a crew member showed up to assist & close off the area until it could be thoroughly cleaned.


On the Gem a number of years go DW & I left our stuff at a table in the Garden Cafe while we went to get our food but when we returned found it occupied & our stuff pushed to the floor!  The folks didn't speak English & pretended they didn't know our stuff was there until we got a ship's officer who happened to speak their language.  I dunno what the officer said to them but they got REALLY red & embarrassed and, literally, fled the scene!


@DominicAUS That is a GREAT line!!!!  Can I please borrow it the next time I encounter rude behavior? lol 

Do it! This guy was embarrassed, as were I with his lack of manners. 

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4 minutes ago, OhMyLard said:

The rudest thing I encounter is men and women wearing ball caps while eating their meals either in the main dining room or at the buffet. 

Whilst I was bought up that men don’t wear hats indoors: if that’s the rudest thing you have seen you have been pretty lucky.

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4 minutes ago, GUT2407 said:

Whilst I was bought up that men don’t wear hats indoors: if that’s the rudest thing you have seen you have been pretty lucky.

You took the words right out of my mouth.


Who is the rude one in the following situation?  Someone gets food from the buffet, walks around to find a table, and then sits down at an empty table for eight people at which two seats have stuff on them, so that there are now five empty seats, and starts to eat.  Then two people approach and ask that person to leave, saying that all six empty seats are being saved for friends, despite there being nothing on those six seats.  The person who is eating refuses to move.  The buffet is extremely crowded at the time. and the person who is eating doesn't see any empty seats anywhere (other than those at their table).  So who is rude - the person who sat down in an empty seat that was one of six empty seats at a table, or the two people who insisted that the six empty seats were being saved?

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18 minutes ago, Julie MacCoy said:

You took the words right out of my mouth.


Who is the rude one in the following situation?  Someone gets food from the buffet, walks around to find a table, and then sits down at an empty table for eight people at which two seats have stuff on them, so that there are now five empty seats, and starts to eat.  Then two people approach and ask that person to leave, saying that all six empty seats are being saved for friends, despite there being nothing on those six seats.  The person who is eating refuses to move.  The buffet is extremely crowded at the time. and the person who is eating doesn't see any empty seats anywhere (other than those at their table).  So who is rude - the person who sat down in an empty seat that was one of six empty seats at a table, or the two people who insisted that the six empty seats were being saved?


It's a tie although I'd probably give the first two the win on volume!  One of the original 2 should have stayed at the table while the other went to eat. That would have been the smart thing to do.  That would have possibly eliminated the problem, although I'm not too sure of that. One question might be how crowded was the buffet area in the first place. 



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23 minutes ago, Julie MacCoy said:

an empty table for eight people at which two seats have stuff on them,

IMO, the people who put stuff on the seats and then walked away are the rude ones.  But, to answer the question, if only 2 seats had "stuff" on them, I'd figure the other seats were available.  So, again the original table "reservers" are the rude ones.


I get that there are problems during a busy time getting seats, but my husband and I don't claim seats until we've got our food.  That means, we don't board the ship with extra bags, and other "stuff" so that we can actually handle a plate at the buffet before getting a seat.

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It's a tie although I'd probably give the first two the win on volume!

Since you started your answer with the words "it's a tie," I guess that means that if the person eating apologized for sitting in a seat that was reserved and got up and walked around and around, looking for somewhere else to sit, and he/she finally found an empty seat and sat down, only to be told again that his/her seat was being saved for a friend, he/she would have to get up again and look for another empty seat, and upon finding one, sat down, only to be told again that the seat was being saved for a friend,  and finally said, "I don't care - I'm sitting here," you would think that he/she was being rude, although not as rude as the seat-savers.  So what should that person do to avoid being rude?  Keep walking around and around (carrying his/her food)?  How many times would that person have to be shooed away from an empty seat to have the right to say, "I don't care - I'm sitting here" without being rude?

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Waiting in line for a tender when a man begins to push my wife because the line wasn't moving quickly enough for him. I stepped in between them and the silly fellow just happened to vigorously jam his solar plexus into my elbow twice. 😀

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Another elevator story:  We were in a crowded elevator after disembarking a tender.  Just as the door was about to close 2 sizeable men jumped on to the consternation of everyone already packed into the elevator.  The door didn't close so people told them that the elevator wouldn't move with the additional weight and they had to get off.  They both kept pushing back on everyone already in the elevator refusing to get off and the alarm started beeping.  Then they argued with each other who had to get off.  Finally one got off and the alarm kept beeping.  The second man realized he wasn't going to win the argument and the elevator was going nowhere so he eventually got off cursing the entire time. 

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Wife and I wanted a ice cream cone so joined the line waiting to be served.  When the lady, use this term lightly, in front of us received her order instead of moving from the serving position she looked over at the chairs around the pool and yelled and waved at some friends.  Three came over and placed their order.  Then same lady waved some more and one more came over.  At that time I figured it was time to speak to her so I started to move up along side of her.


The ship person saw what was happening and told the Lady she had to step aside so others in line could be served.

When we moved up the Lady just stood their glaring at us like we had stolen something from her.  


I guess she had the word Entitled embossed on her tail assembly, however her clothes covered it up so we could see it. 

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3 hours ago, 4x4bob said:

Wife and I wanted a ice cream cone so joined the line waiting to be served.  When the lady, use this term lightly, in front of us received her order instead of moving from the serving position she looked over at the chairs around the pool and yelled and waved at some friends.  Three came over and placed their order.  Then same lady waved some more and one more came over.  At that time I figured it was time to speak to her so I started to move up along side of her.


The ship person saw what was happening and told the Lady she had to step aside so others in line could be served.

When we moved up the Lady just stood their glaring at us like we had stolen something from her.  


I guess she had the word Entitled embossed on her tail assembly, however her clothes covered it up so we could see it. 

Seriously are there people that do this sort of thing?


It's not like ice cream is a served all day or anything. 


Some people are not just selfish and ignorant but are incredibly stupid too.


Get your friends to join the queue you stupid git.

Edited by DarrenM
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No one episode in particular stands out, I try to let things roll off my back.

Those that are so surprised at the behavior of others while cruising, keep your attention at the same level when home. Shopping, driving, eating out and so on. T same bad behavior can be found.


I used to get frustrated with those who were in the "ask forgiveness" and not permission crowd. Now, it seems the "ask forgiveness" is even gone.

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12 hours ago, capriccio said:

Another elevator story:  We were in a crowded elevator after disembarking a tender.  Just as the door was about to close 2 sizeable men jumped on to the consternation of everyone already packed into the elevator.  The door didn't close so people told them that the elevator wouldn't move with the additional weight and they had to get off.  They both kept pushing back on everyone already in the elevator refusing to get off and the alarm started beeping.  Then they argued with each other who had to get off.  Finally one got off and the alarm kept beeping.  The second man realized he wasn't going to win the argument and the elevator was going nowhere so he eventually got off cursing the entire time. 


We've seen very much the same type of behavior more than once. It always boggles my mind that the last people to get on, the ones who caused the alarm to go off, never think that they're the ones who should get off. They seem to have some cockamamie notion that somebody else should.

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I can't really remember any really rude people.  Maybe seat savers.  And not those who are saving a seat or two for someone who is actually going to be there. 


I once saw a woman in the theater saving 6 or 7 seats for her friends.  She waved off any number of people and no one had the nerve to just sit down (and for whatever reason there was no crew member around).  Of course, the friends never showed up.  Those seats remained empty for the whole show.  To me that's rude.

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It was on RCI.  We were "downgraded".  We ended up in a cabin that was less $$$ than the one we paid for.  We did not have a guarantee, we had a specific cabin #.  Customer relations said it was a "snafu" with the reservation.  When we got home we contacted our agent who said contact the line, the line said contact your agent.  It was never fully explained and we never did get a rebate on the difference in price.  I though that was pretty "rude".  Nuf' said....since then we've not sailed on RCI and won't. 

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15 hours ago, Julie MacCoy said:



Since you started your answer with the words "it's a tie," I guess that means that if the person eating apologized for sitting in a seat that was reserved and got up and walked around and around, looking for somewhere else to sit, and he/she finally found an empty seat and sat down, only to be told again that his/her seat was being saved for a friend, he/she would have to get up again and look for another empty seat, and upon finding one, sat down, only to be told again that the seat was being saved for a friend,  and finally said, "I don't care - I'm sitting here," you would think that he/she was being rude, although not as rude as the seat-savers.  So what should that person do to avoid being rude?  Keep walking around and around (carrying his/her food)?  How many times would that person have to be shooed away from an empty seat to have the right to say, "I don't care - I'm sitting here" without being rude?


Heres my go to line in that situation. "No problem, when they get here I'll leave." I use that in any crowded venue. Seldom is there the need for me to move. Most friends and family that don't make the effort to met up promptly are going to be no shows.


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2 things jump out.  The first, is parents who send their children to save seats at shows.  I don't put the blame on the very uncomfortable looking children who clearly don't want to do this, but the parents.  It's rude to knowingly break the rules and worse to encourage your kids to do it for you. 


The other was on our last cruise, there were a couple deck parties where the cruise director/entertainment crew was throwing stuff out- glow sticks, beads, hats, whatever. This is obviously a case where everyone can't get everything- there's a limited number.  But, we saw several people who would run in front of a kid to grab one, or if one fell to the ground, and a kid went to go pick it up, someone was there to grab it.  This one had a nice ending though, there were other people who saw what was going on and started giving some of their stuff to the kids.



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I was on a Princess cruise years back. There was an elderly woman dressed in sparkly red white and blue who rode a scooter similarly festooned. She used her scooter as a battering ram to get to her targeted food in the buffet. She had no regard for others as she would gleefully run over others feet or just outright run into them. A man in front of me got both and chastised her to which he got the finger as she merrily scooted on her way to her next victim. As I joined my wife at our table a guy in line with me sat down at an adjacent table and said to me, "If you think that's bad you should see her in action if you are sitting at her favorite slot machine!" She was a veteran of many Princess cruises and apparently the crew were loath to take action against her. This was a dozen years ago and she may well be bowling over people in that great cruise ship in the sky.


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I joined the Eurodam for a repo cruise up from San Diego.  It was a continuation of a longer cruise.  Some weren't happy that this "interloper" got on their ship.  Apparently they had gotten familiar with everyone and had their special tables, chairs, etc. and would glare if one of us dared to take an unmarked space that they had been using for their cruise.  One woman in a gaggle of women made sure to say loud enough for me to hear "these repo cruisers are just ruining it for us."  

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