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Just Tired

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My wife and I are in our mid-70's. First we lost our April cruise. Then there was the note thing for those over 70. Then we can't seem to get a full refund on our excursion. We can't go many places as we are in the 'COVID at risk group'. We can't visit our friends. Now the nation is in an uproar. Stock market went back down and so did our investments. My wife has been shopping online. She got a table water fountain. It quit after two months. She order a new dress on QVC. Shipping was delayed and then back ordered. Trying to get a refund.


We are just tired. 

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10 minutes ago, baldilocks said:

My wife and I are in our mid-70's. First we lost our April cruise. Then there was the note thing for those over 70. Then we can't seem to get a full refund on our excursion. We can't go many places as we are in the 'COVID at risk group'. We can't visit our friends. Now the nation is in an uproar. Stock market went back down and so did our investments. My wife has been shopping online. She got a table water fountain. It quit after two months. She order a new dress on QVC. Shipping was delayed and then back ordered. Trying to get a refund.


We are just tired. 

Hang in there, this too will be over. It will not be forever. The 1918 pandemic ended as this will too. Flying is normal again now after 9/11. Stock market is up today, it is fluctuating so much it is wise not to obsess over it.  


We will all cruise again without worry. It may be a year or two, but it will happen. At mid 70's you are youngsters.  


Set up zoom or google hangout calls with friends and family to feel more connected.  It is not quite the same, but you are still talking to each other and getting some social interaction.  Things get back-ordered even without a pandemic happening. It will all be resolved eventually.  


It is tough right now, no doubt. Hang in there. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Edited by cured
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Sorry to hear all this.  I'm sticking to Amazon and Ebay for any shopping I do.  Amazon and the US Postal Service seem to be running smoothly, if a little delayed.  


Keep up with the refund chase, and go to your bank to reverse the charge.  I did this with Airbnb because they wouldn't refund a $2,400 deposit on a Thanksgiving rental for our family.  I kept up an online chat with them over 10 days last month, copied the transcript, and sent it to my bank.  Gave them 10 days due to shortened hours and staff, and called them.  They reversed the charge the next day with a temporary credit, waiting for Airbnb to get back to them.  That got Airbnb's attention, and they sent me a refund that was there today.  I called and had the temporary credit reversed.  Just DON'T GIVE UP.


Plan future cruises for after a vaccine is likely to be available.  It's fun and occupies time.


Video call your friends and family:  Zoom, Facetime, Skype.  My friend and I are having "breakfast" together in 2 days.


Get outside, even in a car.  My husband and I are driving into the Sierra foothills today to just look at the scenery go by.


Good luck to you.

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Lol join the crowd. I'm old enough to be in the at risk group. I went to kroger for 4 things, got 1. I've ordered easy off and glass stove cleaner from amazon last night. I guess with everything cancelled and people cooking more at home, stores just dont have these things I used to assume were easily bought.


I ordered some quilting stuff for my mom off a site that didnt mention it was in china. Says my items should arrive by july 16. My mom wanted to go look at cotton cloth for her quilts and I talked her out of it. Seems white cotton totally sold out. I think they maybe are using it to make masks. She just wants to work as usual on her quilts. 


I've had 3 cruises cancelled and thinking another round coming. I really know how you feel. I'm just tired of the not knowing, feeling locked in my house too much. I'm right there with you.


And the stock market is depressing me too. I think will come back but I sure have some wrong pick.,cruise stocks and oil I thought were solid dividends. Stock market depressing my parents. It's hard to say when some will come back. I needed to be in more tech and less I bought for dividends. 


Just saying we all feel that way, dont know what I can do to make it go by faster. My parents are locked in their house at age 94 and 101. My mom finally dared go thru the bank drive thru, first and only time she has been out of the house since this started.


I'm still booking cruises. I'm willing to sign a waiver, also went thru the worried about a letter thing ... many of us in this club. I'm booking and going anyway, if I get sick I get sick. I'm willing to chance it

Edited by firefly333
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21 minutes ago, baldilocks said:

My wife and I are in our mid-70's. First we lost our April cruise. Then there was the note thing for those over 70. Then we can't seem to get a full refund on our excursion. We can't go many places as we are in the 'COVID at risk group'. We can't visit our friends. Now the nation is in an uproar. Stock market went back down and so did our investments. My wife has been shopping online. She got a table water fountain. It quit after two months. She order a new dress on QVC. Shipping was delayed and then back ordered. Trying to get a refund.


We are just tired. 

I am sending out hugs to you and your wife. Be patient. Be positive. Better times will come.

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We may be anxious more than tired because we are expecting normalcy in times that are not normal.

The world is in upheaval and we are having difficulty negotiating the virus, quarantine, cancellations, job losses, protests, and so forth.

But, as we know, the only constant is change.


I try to be grateful for all that I have seen and experienced, and all that I possess.

I have been blessed not to have had any great incidents of health problems or major economic loss during this time period.

Yes, I am sorry my cruise was cancelled and my refund is slow in coming, but at least I know someday I can take another cruise.

This is a good time to fix up the house, to garden, to sort through too many possessions and consider donating, to catch up with some good books or television programs, or simply take time to reflect.


My question is always, how do I help to make the world a better place, not just make my life better?









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Don't let it get to you.  I'm in a similar situation and try to stay as busy as possible.  I start my morning with breakfast and go for an hour's walk at 6:30 AM when there's as few folks as possible in the street.  If I see someone on the same side of the street, I go across so as to avoid the person.  When need to go shopping I go early and sure to wear my mask and vinyl gloves and again try as best to avoid other shoppers.  Toilet paper and some sanitary stuff are back on the shelves.


The rest of my day I play chess on my laptop, look at my investments, my messages, do my crosswords puzzles in my backyard,  and chase down credits owed to me by RCL. ☺️ Got some moneys in 2 amounts but can't relate if it's towards Taxes & Fees or the cruise planner charges.


Stay active and don't get depressed.  If you need to go out, as others have suggested, take a car ride, especially with the low gas prices.  

Edited by nelblu
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31 minutes ago, LibertyBella said:


This is a good time  to garden, to sort 



Gardening tools also hard to buy. I hear they got some of the bigger stuff in but out of all those small hand trowels and stuff. I've only been a home owner about 2 years and have a guy who mows, but doest do the flower beds. 


Anything made of aluminium in short supply. Bbq grills even. 


Supply chains broke they tell me. 


OP I hope you can book and get away on a cruise even if all we do is watch the ocean. Need to see sunlight more. I am so with you on just tired and want to know it's going away.


I feel blessed I'm not in my parents shoes. My dad is having trouble understanding how you get this virus. He reads sunshine helps, wants to air out the house. At 101 his understanding is all from the newspaper. Hes very deaf so cant hear us or the tv. Tired of being tired.

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Chin up! I’m probably one of the minority, who’s a homebody anyway. Only changes have been runs to Trader Joe’s every 3-4 weeks. It’s easier when you live alone. I have several crafting hobbies, so I’m busy with crochet projects. I’ve been working on a paint by number picture, and I got a foster dog almost 2 months ago, so it’s been fun having him around. Yard work is always calling. There seems to always be a lawn to be mowed.  New weeds pop up on a daily basis, so they keep me busy. My glass is still half full.

Edited by crzndeb
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Crazy for all of us. I turned 60 and retired in March.  Not the retirement I pictured that's for sure.  To top it off, I can't walk more than 1/4 mile at the moment.  I dislocated my kneecap and dislocated and broke my ankle last Aug.  Ankle is healed.  Knee is very slow going, trying to avoid any more surgery-OS doesn't want to either as he wants me to rehab it.  I'm slowly improving.  Our Nov 2019 b2b and WDW trip were cancelled due to accident and surgery (plate on fibula), b2b in May to celebrate my retirement, also cancelled.  I also didn't get a ceremony at work.  I can't even go for a walk which is what I used to do to exercise.  I can't even go grocery shopping due to walking required.  In Sept last year I could bend my knee 10 degrees.  I can now do 125, which is normal, but the knee is still very tight when walking much and I mean even walking across the room.  I can't do any hobbies like gardening or taking a walk.  But, I've come pretty far since the accident and I know it will get better.  Absolute worst case is an MRI and surgery, but we're trying to avoid that.  We have a week at the beach booked at the end of July and I probably won't be able to walk on the sand.   My parents are 82, dad is high risk due to heart valve replacement last year (which went great) and my mom gets out some, but other than Dr's appts, they haven't ordered or eaten out or seen their grandchildren (ages 21-36) in months.  They just saw my sister last week and we may go by this week but its all weather dependent because we want to stay outside.  This too shall pass.  So, for me, other than eating out occasionally and going to Dr's appts and church (before the virus) and work for three months I've been basically homebound for almost 10 months.  Car rides were what we did every weekend once we were restricted back in the spring.  We still try to do one every weekend.

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1 hour ago, baldilocks said:

We are just tired. 

Do like we have been doing. Social distance with friends, drinks in the backyard or driveway, grill something out for everyone to munch on and live!!! There is a group of about 20 of us. We have been doing this the last 3 months. We all go to the grocery store, get gas, hangout together, go to Home Depot or Lowes, hit the thrift store. Just be smart and enjoy life. 


I am there with you though. We need a real vacation though. It will be almost 2.5 years since we had an enjoyable one.

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1 hour ago, firefly333 said:

I'm still booking cruises. I'm willing to sign a waiver, also went thru the worried about a letter thing ... many of us in this club. I'm booking and going anyway, if I get sick I get sick. I'm willing to chance it

Same here, I have 22 cruises booked right now and first one is 8/3 on Indy to CocoCay and Labadee.  So hoping we can go.  My husband is over 70 and we also would have signed waivers, etc just to cruise.  We are not concerned about getting on a cruise ship or traveling at all.

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2 hours ago, baldilocks said:

My wife and I are in our mid-70's. First we lost our April cruise. Then there was the note thing for those over 70. Then we can't seem to get a full refund on our excursion. We can't go many places as we are in the 'COVID at risk group'. We can't visit our friends. Now the nation is in an uproar. Stock market went back down and so did our investments. My wife has been shopping online. She got a table water fountain. It quit after two months. She order a new dress on QVC. Shipping was delayed and then back ordered. Trying to get a refund.


We are just tired. 


2 hours ago, baldilocks said:

My wife and I are in our mid-70's. First we lost our April cruise. Then there was the note thing for those over 70. Then we can't seem to get a full refund on our excursion. We can't go many places as we are in the 'COVID at risk group'. We can't visit our friends. Now the nation is in an uproar. Stock market went back down and so did our investments. My wife has been shopping online. She got a table water fountain. It quit after two months. She order a new dress on QVC. Shipping was delayed and then back ordered. Trying to get a refund.


We are just tired. 

Welcome to the club, we are also in our mid 70s and the only thing that's keeping me sane is that we live on and belong to a golf club and I've been able to play my usual 3-4 times a week. 

Dispite that, the wife and me are still down in he dumps what with the virus, no cruising and watching the country in a state of division I haven't seen since 1968.

Edited by MISTER 67
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I hear ya! We need to do a big 'ol "ALT-CTRL-DEL" on 2020.


Not in any hurry to hop on a ship, but I would like to go to our house in Orlando without having to be quarantined, or maybe a trip to the casino. Been 93 days since the state virtually shut down and while we enter Phase 2 on Wednesday, I'm not going to be the first one anywhere. My 60th Birthday is Monday and it will be just a couple of us on the deck around the grill.



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I am sorry you are down, but on the plus side all the replys have been positive. So much of social media is hurtful, esp when real names aren't given.

sometimes people, feel better after just ranting.

i hope your thread does just that 😁😁😁😁

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We are 71 and 66 years old, came to the Philippines in October, expected to fly back in April.  Have had 5 cruises cancelled, been refunded on three of them.  Our flight was pushed back from April to June 9 and then 2 weeks ago to June 18.  We will need to take an 8 hour van ride to Manila to get there 4 hours early for a 16 hour non-stop flight to JFK landing at 11:15 PM and then picked up for a 2 hour limo ride to Pennsylvania.  I believe we will know what it is like to be tired.

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You don't have to book an Owners suite, RCCL will just transfer your A1 suite from Allure to Liberty Owners Suite.  Wait, I called and got an A1 on Symphony for same price I paid for Allure.  Wish they had cruises posted beyond April or May 2022.  Ready to CWC and change our Anthem Thanksgiving cruise in 2021 to 2022.  Would love to go out walking but knees don't do so well, shopping at Wal Mart is no fun, nothing changes.  I agree, I am tired and bored.  Lets get this cruising thing back on track and have some fun.

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2 hours ago, LibertyBella said:

We may be anxious more than tired because we are expecting normalcy in times that are not normal.

The world is in upheaval and we are having difficulty negotiating the virus, quarantine, cancellations, job losses, protests, and so forth.

But, as we know, the only constant is change.


I try to be grateful for all that I have seen and experienced, and all that I possess.

I have been blessed not to have had any great incidents of health problems or major economic loss during this time period.

Yes, I am sorry my cruise was cancelled and my refund is slow in coming, but at least I know someday I can take another cruise.

This is a good time to fix up the house, to garden, to sort through too many possessions and consider donating, to catch up with some good books or television programs, or simply take time to reflect.


My question is always, how do I help to make the world a better place, not just make my life better?





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Last count I've won about $100,000 from Mrs Ldubs playing gin rummy.   😄


We literally had to order a couple new decks of cards from Amazon because we wore out the ones we had around the house.  


Anyway, it is refreshing to see the support shown here.  Everyone hang in there.   

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We're with you. March cruise cancelled, couldn't see the grand kids for 3 months, wife got laid-off, broke her foot, I'm a year from potential retirement and the market is tanking, wife's work called asking her back but she can't with a broken foot (there goes unemployment), on top of all that cops are being targeted and we're an LEO family. 2020 can't be over fast enough.

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When it rains, it pours!   Things will get better.  We will cruise again.   A vaccine or treatment will be found and we can breathe again without fear of getting sick.  

Sunny days ahead.😎   Hang in there.

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