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The Daily for Tuesday 06/07/2022


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Happy Tuesday!  I love chocolate, ice cream and port!  

Taiwan has been on my list of places I want to go to for awhile - don’t know when we will get there.  DH was there when he was in Navy and has told me we really need to go there.  Unfortunately not many cruises seem to go there, but I guess I could figure a deviation??


Tonight I have an outing with women friends to see La Fille Du Regiment, DH isn’t interested in opera.  I like all music and entertainment!  

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Yum on the chocolate ice cream day, yuck on the June bug day.  As a little girl, I remember watching Daniel Boone on tv, thinking how handsome Fess Parker was.   I like today's quote.  We spent several hours in Taipei in 2019, but unfortunately it was at the airport during layovers to and from Singapore for our SE Asia cruise.  


@summer slopeyou lost me at "Serves 10".  LOL

@dfishI'm so glad to hear you had a restful night at last!

@marshhawkit sounds like your middle name should be "Gumby" because you have to be so flexible with your job.


Yesterday was a productive day - spent a good part of the morning vacuuming and dusting the deck, only to have to repeat the dusting portion before we could have dinner there last night.  Seriously, I know the pollen is great for bees, but is there an overwhelming amount of pollen everywhere this year, or is it just our city?  Our city also has a ton of elm trees, so there are mounds of elm seeds all along the sidewalks and roadways.   Oh well, it beats having glaciers in the yard.  


After finishing with the deck, I got on the computer to learn how to crochet angel wings - it should be simple, right?  Uh, no.  My first one looked like a turtle, the second looked like one side was on steroids, and the third was just a hot mess.  I spent a couple of hours with a tutorial, bookmarked it and will return to it today in the hope that I'll be able to get it right.  In the meantime, I was able to make a couple more tiny blankets to add to the basket.


I like today's menu suggestion, but don't have a beef roast.  What I do have is a pork loin, so I'm going to take it out of the freezer and try the recipe with it instead.  I'm going out for breakfast with some retired colleagues, so will stop for necessary ingredients on the way home.   It's looking like pork carnitas in tortillas will be what's on our dinner table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine who struggle to get through every day, and for the families of victims of gun violence.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the fun list.  Stay well, get your boosters, wear masks when you need to, and be safe.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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Good morning. All.   Chocolate ice cream is always welcome, but not June bugs.  Daniel Boone is a fascinating person in history.


@dfishDebbie, that's great that you are sleeping better, with less pain.  You must be so relieved.   Your carnitas looks good today.  We are lucky to have a take-out close by that makes carnitas as good as any we've had.  Which is a lot, here in San Diego.

@ger_77, your project is very sweet.  I had to think about it for awhile.  When I went through cancer treatment, the ladies at church gave me a prayer shawl.  They each contributed stitches.  That was such a comfort to me.  As was the small under-arm pillow made by the volunteers at the hospital.  Your loving handwork will surely be appreciated and a comfort during a really sad time.  I hope you master the wings!


Today is moving day for DMIL into her assisted living near us.  The moving van is packed on her end and headed our way.  Busy day ahead.


Thanks Rich and all Contributors to the Daily.  Sending prayers for those having difficulties and will raise a glass for those celebrating.  Especially those at sea! 😊

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Good morning. I had posted previously but it has disappeared. Hmmmm.

@dfish, I am so glad you had a release from pain and can now really enjoy your trip. The recipes look great and  the meat is in the magic instapot now. Thanks as usual.

@AncientWanderer, it was so nice to see a picture of your grandson yesterday. I hope the move goes well.

@marshhawk, I agree, you are very flexible and I like the middle name.


We are enjoying the cooler weather here with a nice breeze and only 75 or so expected.


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Sunny and dry. What more can I say. There seems to be a sameness in our weather. Our theme song is "I don't want to set the world on fire". Anyone else remember the Ink Spots?


Today will be spent trying to get organized. Still have tables full of china from my kitchen redo. I would have everything back, but if I put it away it will stay here - so it is out while I sort. And sort. And sort. My sister and I have different ways of dealing with family "heirlooms". I take a picture, send it to family and ask who wants it. If no one... it usually is donated. My sister's approach? Mail it to me. No wonder I have so much stuff.


Have not been today's destination and do not see it in my future. The carnitas look good... will have to think about it on another day.


Take care, all.







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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I like chocolate ice cream, although with something added like nuts or brownie bits. No love here for June bugs (grubs that did bad things to my lawn). A salute to Daniel Boone. Love the quote!

I like the meal and will save it for another day; I have a pork loin I need to cook today. Pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Taiwan. Thanks for all pictures.


It's a rainy day here, with more severe storms later. So I'll putter around inside today. Tomorrow I have an Echocardiogram and Cardiology appointment, and Thursday a barium swallow. 


@kazu Prayers for you for peace and strength.

 @dfish Good to hear you're sleeping well now. 

@mamaofami It sounds like Sam is feeling better!

@cunnorl Great news about your sister's scans and blood tests!

@ottahand7 Enjoy the time with your family at the lake.

@Himself Congratulations on the 36th anniversary of your ordination.


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine, and victims of gun violence (seems there's shootings reported on the local news almost daily). A toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone, and wear your mask when needed.


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The good ship Statendam arrived early this morning at Cherbourg,  France. We had reserved a car and drove to the Normandy beaches to pay hommage to those who lost their lives on Day and for those who went on to liberate France and Europe. My first time and it was extremely moving.  A must for every American, Canadian and Brit.
















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Good morning all!

It looks like it will be a beautiful day here, low 70's -- if only the Cottonwood fluff would stop.  It seems to have waited until we returned home and really started coming down hard yesterday -- making piles along the edges of lawns etc.  DH is allergic like many people are.  Thankfully HOA had some Cottonwood trees removed last year, so we're hoping this year won't be as bad as most years.


I love anything chocolate, including ice cream.  Better yet is ice cream with lots of chocolate in it.  We had some ice cream in Yellowstone called Moose Tracks and it was heavenly.  Vanilla ice cream with big chunks of chocolate, chocolate swirls, and peanut butter cups in the ice cream. Yum.  


I don't see many June bugs here thank goodness.  I just looked it up, and they like the opposite corner of our state (and they can stay there!)  I guess it isn't hot enough here.  

Love the quote, like the meal and drink, will pass on the wine.


@cunnorlCharlene that is wonderful news that your sister's scans and blood tests were all clear!!  Funny about the hair.  My sister's hair grew back super curly (her hair had been slightly wavy, but not tight curls) and her hair color stayed the same.


@dfishDebbie, I'm so glad to hear that you're sleeping much better and the pain is gone!  Great news.


Here's a photo of the black bear with her two tiny cubs that we saw in Yellowstone.  They were right along side the road, and the ranger was making everyone keep moving, so it's the only photo we got thanks to DD.  The cubs are at the base of the tree.





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Good evening from the Oosterdam anchored at Giardini Naxos. What a lovely area.  



And Mt Etna is my view


I went on a wine tour today and it was wonderful. 





A mega yacht is here, the Scenic Eclipse. A crew member told me it has a helicopter. 



I love carnitas, it’s probably one of my top favorite Mexican dishes. However, the name for today’s menu suggestion is an oxymoron. Carnitas is always pork. I’m sure someone was just trying to be creative with recipe titles. 

Have a great day everyone!


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Good afternoon.  The yard is mowed and trimmed, using the new equipment.  I am really learning to like all my new outdoor "toys", except I still need to build up my arm muscles so they aren't so sore after I finish.   I was able to get everything done in just under two hours, instead of the usual 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  The weather gods did not look kindly on me today.  When I went outside at 8:30, the sun had already broken through the clouds.  The temperatures and breeze along with a hat and cooling towel, made it pretty bearable.  However, even so, the sun is intense, so I did as much in the shady areas before the sun reached them.


We have an armadillo who keeps making holes in the yard with his snout looking for bugs.  He may also be why we don't have June bugs or grubs, besides the fact I spread insect repellent on the yard.  


@cunnorl  Charlene, that is very good news about your sister's tests and scans being clear.  That must be a relief after all she went through.


@ottahand7  That is good news that  the new solar panels are working so well.  Enjoy your sisters' visit.


@Cat in my lap  I hope you can make it to Taiwan.  We really enjoyed our day and night in port, and would like to return someday.


@ger_77 Gerry, I'm sure with practice, you'll have the angels looking wonderful.


@AncientWanderer  Maxine, I hope your DMIL's move goes smoothly, and she settles into her new home quickly.


@Himself  Congratulations on the anniversary of your ordination, Father.


@St Pete Cruiser  Thank you for your pictures of Normandy.  Every time we visit, we see something new.  It is always an moving experience.  If you ever get a chance, a visit to the Big Red ! museum is worthwhile.




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I've been going through my pictures of Taipei and have a few more to show the city from ground level, mostly.  Taipei, is a big, urban city with modern buildings, while Keelung is a more traditional town.


These first pictures are our arrival in Keelung.





The greeting "committee"



The harbor from the dock.



At the bottom of Taipei 101, there is a huge, modern mall with many high end stores.



The display in the elevator that tracks the progress to the observation deck.  DH videoed the display and said it too 37 seconds.



The area around Taipei 101including sculptures of sheep.



Looking up at Taipei 101 from the ground.  It was difficult to get a good picture from that angle.



One of the main streets in downtown Taipei as seen from the Ho-Ho.



The Chiang Kei-shek Memorial is set in a big area with open spaces and gardens.  Even with the city just outside it is a quiet, tranquil place.







The area around the train station as we headed back to Keelung





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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3 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

The good ship Statendam arrived early this morning at Cherbourg,  France. We had reserved a car and drove to the Normandy beaches to pay hommage to those who lost their lives on Day and for those who went on to liberate France and Europe. My first time and it was extremely moving.  A must for every American, Canadian and Brit.
















Awesome pictures.

Thanks for posting them.

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Here are a few pictures of Keelung when we got back from Taipei.  We walked from the train station to the night market and then back to the ship.  Asian night markets are always interesting. 


The street outside the train station.



There were food vendors even before we got to the night market.  We can't remember what the lady was making, but IIFC the filling was chocolate or vanilla, but don't hold me to that.





A store along the way



A big intersection just before the night market area. 





The night market



One of many "restaurants" in the market.  We stopped at one and had a coke and fried vegetables, which we thought was safer.



We came across this building on a side area of the night market.  When we went inside, it looked like some kind of temple or shrine.





You can find just about everything in the Keelung night market.







Keelung from the ship as we sailed to the next port.





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5 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Sunny and dry. What more can I say. There seems to be a sameness in our weather. Our theme song is "I don't want to set the world on fire". Anyone else remember the Ink Spots?


Today will be spent trying to get organized. Still have tables full of china from my kitchen redo. I would have everything back, but if I put it away it will stay here - so it is out while I sort. And sort. And sort. My sister and I have different ways of dealing with family "heirlooms". I take a picture, send it to family and ask who wants it. If no one... it usually is donated. My sister's approach? Mail it to me. No wonder I have so much stuff.


Have not been today's destination and do not see it in my future. The carnitas look good... will have to think about it on another day.


Take care, all.









The Ink Spots was one of Pauline's late dads favourite groups.

I liked their songs like Whispering Grass.

When I was a record sales representative in the early 1980's we had one of their album compilations on EMI's Easy listening Music for Pleasure label.



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Interesting group of days.  I honestly don’t think I have ever encountered a June bug, as I don’t know what they are.


I had to be at VA early today for my ID.  When the lady tried to do everything, I hadn’t been put in the computer!!     GRRRR!  The woman I have been working with is out of the office for most of this week.


Glad that there is some hopeful medical news today.  Wish all reports were as good.


My sister’s email was hacked and I got an interesting scam email. Was glad I could see right through it.  Guess one of her friends fell for it.  When I reported to our local police, they don’t investigate unless someone has actually lost money.


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.




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