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The Daily for Friday 06/10/2022


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Good Friday Morning Dailyites! 





We went to the Atlanta Symphony last night to see Robert Spano conduct Mahler's 3rd.  I went to his first conducting at ASO and was a subscriber for 24 years until Covid ended my seasons with them, and now I saw his last concert. 


It was rather emotional realizing how many years had gone by, and then someone I had welcomed, trained, and worked with,(he was in an other department, but they wanted to have him understand how the box office worked)  came up to talk with me, and I couldn't remember his name. Thank goodness that there is a list of remaining ASO employees at the end of the program, so I looked him up, and realized he is now Director of Corporate Funding.


After the concert,  while folks were still in the hall, I went back over to talk with him, we reminisced about how I had interoffice mailed him little rubber duckies to put with his tiny succulents he had on his desk,  He said the plants died while the offices were closed , but that the ducks are still there.  He said he missed me, and just had to hug me, which he did.  A lot of memories came back last night, and while I love what I am doing with my life, it certainly isn't as fulfilling as being face to face with the people I work with.  This happened in April when we went to see Duruffle"s Requiem, another (now Director) came up to me and told me how much I was missed at the Woodruff.  You never know how you affect other people.


But, today is a new day, and the senior center is offering Art in the Park, at 11 a.m.. and I will be going!  First time in 2 + years. 


DH has applied for a part time job, close to home, working at a printing office.  They texted him yesterday, and said they would make a decision this weekend.  I know that he hates telemarketing, and wants more freedom with his hours.  But after he fell and fractured his skull his personality changed, and he has not worked face to face with other people in years, I hope for his sake he gets the job, but that he doesn't fall apart if that doesn't work out well for him.


The weather forecaster said last night, to enjoy today, because we will be up in the 100's by mid week.  I see the west coast is under heat advisories, and now we will be too.  Way too early!  Stay safe everyone!  Drink water!


When I moved south, my dentist told me to stay clear of two things in the south.  Don't drink Coke and don't drink sweet tea.  Never was a Coke fan, but ahh sweet tea.  in the 70's and 80's you couldn't even find un sweet tea, unless you made it yourself.  Now we have a choice, and I am back to unsweet tea!  I love iced tea.  But love iced coffee more.






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1 minute ago, marshhawk said:

We went to the Atlanta Symphony last night to see Robert Spano conduct Mahler's 3rd.  I went to his first conducting at ASO and was a subscriber for 24 years


I remember Robert Spano from when he was an undergraduate! I haven't seen him since.

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13 minutes ago, ClippyJoe said:

I fly into Portland Maine quite a bit every year. The airlines always seem to want to send me to Portland Oregon


I am ex-Oregon but I've been to Portland, Maine, only once, for a lobster cruise - I don't eat lobster - when I was staying in Lewiston. My only cruise call so far in Maine was at Bar Harbor.

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I use ballpoint pens every day and have a few that I particularly like using as they write so smoothly.  Does anyone remember the ballpoint pen dispensers that used to be placed in school hallways?  They cost 10 cents and you twisted the knob and hoped you'd get your favourite colour, but rarely did.  I like real iced tea and always have some in the fridge during the hot summer months.  I totally agree with today's quote.


We had a really good rain yesterday - gentle and constant for about 4 hours - enough that it washed off all the pollen from my black car.  By the time I'd finished having lunch with my friend, the sun came out and it was hot for the rest of the afternoon.  Great for growing plants!  We've got more rain today with a break tomorrow, then more in the forecast through to Thursday next week.  I'm not going to complain, as the farmers need the moisture.  


@rafinmdI'm happy to hear your hip is giving you less grief this morning.

@dfishat the rate you're recovering, in a week you're not even going to realize you had surgery!


With the rain happening, there's not a lot that can be done in the yard, so I think I'll focus on our multi-purpose room - the computer/sewing room (once our son's bedroom).  I still have a ton of fabric left from making masks and other projects and I think it's time I separated it into colour bundles so I know what I really have.  DH purchased a bunch of baskets that I think will fit nicely into the shelves, so we'll see how that works out.  I'll take a few breaks by hitting the crochet hook and yarn to see if I can master those little angel wings - I was able to make 1 good set, but my technique isn't consistent, and the others are duds.


I'm going to give today's menu suggestion a pass, but might try it when we get to Portugal.  Today is Friday which means it's pizza night, so I'll let DH peruse the online menus to see what appeals and will order take-out.  It might be too cool on the deck tonight, so it'll be pizza on the kitchen table for dinner tonight.  And wine.



Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and for those affected by senseless gun violence.  We'll clink our glasses together to salute all on the celebration list.  Stay safe, wear masks when you need to, get your boosters, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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Good morning and thanks for the update. It’s a cool and sunny day here but tomorrow is rainy.

Yesterday was a vet visit with Jaguar, unfortunately it’s not good news. He has developed a tumor behind his right eye, nothing can be done for it . The good news is that it’s slow growing and seems to have stopped for now . Just keep him happy and comfortable, could be a couple of months.🤞

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.❤️🙏

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Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here!


We thankfully had an uneventful drive to Chicago. Thanks to the longer days , we pushed through to just outside Indianapolis the first day so arrived at the hospice by noon Wednesday. I have been able to see my sister twice now but she is no longer speaking. I believe she knows that I visited her when we arrived. Just Sunday she was on a Zoom call with her daughter and five grandchildren! What a change! My younger sister text me last evening that her breathing has grown more labored now. Her oldest son's birthday is today so  hopefully for his sake she can hang on a bit longer.


We also visited my brother yesterday afternoon. He is now speaking with mostly just "yes or no" responses. According to my DSIL, he is considering the PEG but she has called looking for a hospice for him. We wonder if he will ever be able to go home. He does know that we are back here to see him.


Thank you all for the support! Today we will spend the morning with my sister and afternoon with my brother.


Stay Safe!


- Jack

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@1ANGELCAT I'm so sorry about Jaguar.  I hope that this doesn't cause pain for him. Your kitty has been added to my prayer list.


@Heartgrove My heart is heavy with all the grief that your family is going through right now.  Take care of your self and I'm glad that you were able to get to Chicago to be with them.

Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Ball point pens are indispensable; growing up I liked fountain pens, but they were messy. Herbs and spices add so much flavor to our meals. I love peach iced tea. Great quote by a favorite author.

I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine.

I haven't been to Maine by land or sea, even though I went to school in Boston.


It's sunny and going into the 70's today. I'll try to get the lawn mowed before it gets too hot. Some rain this weekend. My barium swallow was normal; I was feeling like food and pills were sticking, so not sure what that's about. I'll see how it goes.


Our county was just put down to "medium" Covid transmission from "high", but hospitalizations are up 25% and deaths up by 12.5%. We have a fairly elderly population so that may be part of the explanation. I have to keep my guard up!


@cunnorl Hard to believe your friend's DSIL's mother flew and visited with a positive test; so inconsiderate.

@Cruising-along Thank goodness that tree branch missed you! I hope DD continues with minor symptoms and others test negative.

@HAL Sailer Crazy on that woman snapping off asparagus stems in the grocery store!

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're feeling a bit better with the increased dose of Prednisone.

@CrabbyPatti Sorry to hear your DD, DSIL and DGS tested positive; hopefully all mild cases. Condolences on the loss of your friend. 

@rafinmd Good to hear you're feeling better today.

@StLouisCruisers Too bad about the change in itinerary, but best to be safe. 

@smitty34877 So nice to hear Tana's son went to a school dance.

@marshhawk It sounds like going to the concert was an emotional time. I hope things work out for DH with the part-time job. 

@1ANGELCAT So sorry to hear about Jaguar's tumor. 

@Heartgrove I'm glad you have been able to visit with your sister and brother. Prayers for both of them and your family.


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine, and all victims of violence. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone and wear your mask if needed.


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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

The weather forecaster said last night, to enjoy today, because we will be up in the 100's by mid week.  I see the west coast is under heat advisories, and now we will be too.  Way too early!  Stay safe everyone!  Drink water!


We in Washington state consider ourselves to be on the west coast, but haven't had any real heat. It did hit 70 degrees a couple of days (not in a row). Today, we hope for mid to high 60's, but the weekend will be back to 50's for the high. The atmospheric river has dumped way more liquid on us than anyone deserves and we would love to share with those dry areas that could use more precipitation.

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51 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

I haven't been to Maine by land or sea, even though I went to school in Boston.


We lived in Limerick, Maine for a few years, and it was interesting to know how many local Mainers (Maniacs) had never been out of the state. New Hampshire was only a few minutes away, but the locals had no desire to go over the border.

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Good Morning.

As always, thanks for the daily and the care lists.

I love the quote. Reading is essential to keeping ones mind sharp.

I like cod but not the salted kind so much so I will pass on the meal suggestion.

Ball poiint pen day took me back to the time before they were popular. Does anyone remember school desks with ink wells? When the day came to learn to write in ink the teasher carefully poured a small amount of ink into each student's ink well and distributed the ink pens. by the end of the lesson the ppractice papers were filled with ink blotches but even more ink was on our hands and cloths.

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Death and Taxes cocktail

2 parts Hornitos® Anejo Tequila
2 parts fresh Lime Juice
1 part Simple Syrup
1 part Anaheim Chile Infused Triple Sec
1 part Mezcal
Spicy Bloody Mary Mix

Pour ingredients in a glass over ice and shake. Drizzle with spicy bloody mary mix.


Screen Shot 2022-06-10 at 11.40.44 AM.png

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29 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

We lived in Limerick, Maine for a few years, and it was interesting to know how many local Mainers (Maniacs) had never been out of the state. New Hampshire was only a few minutes away, but the locals had no desire to go over the border.


When I lived in eastern Connecticut, people described going to the neighboring town as if it were a polar expedition. From my house, the next town was almost across the street.

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Good morning all!

It looks like it will be a fairly dry day, welcome after all that rain yesterday.  The slugs were in heaven 😞  

So far everyone has tested negative on their PCR tests, I will go in today and have mine done.  DD says she's doing well, and it just feels like a bad cold.  We're hoping that if the boys get it, they get it soon and over with because we have an ocean stay with them the 19th-22nd.  DD is staying away from them, in two rooms alone, but I have a friend who caught it from her family after a week of doing the same. 


I'm sorry to hear about the other families dealing with this!  @CrabbyPattiand @cunnorlnot a club we wish to be part of 😉  

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My Father took over residence of his father's house in Woodstock VT.  He would drive to Hanover NH to eat, saying there were no good restaurants in Woodstock.  Now he grew up in South Woodstock, and I guess he figured nothing had changed.,  HIs neighbors thought he was weird driving to another state for good food.  When I came up to visit, and explored town out of boredom, I found some great restaurants, and he tried them and agreed with me, but they didn't have that secret ingredient on the menu that made the Hanover Inn so popular.  Bourbon bread pudding.  LOL.  He almost got a DUI driving home one night, the officer could smell liquor on his breath (he was speeding) but Dad insisted it was the pudding, and the officer called the Inn, and verified.  Dad only had the pudding, no drinks that night.  He did get a ticket for speeding however.

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3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update. It’s a cool and sunny day here but tomorrow is rainy.

Yesterday was a vet visit with Jaguar, unfortunately it’s not good news. He has developed a tumor behind his right eye, nothing can be done for it . The good news is that it’s slow growing and seems to have stopped for now . Just keep him happy and comfortable, could be a couple of months.🤞

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.❤️🙏

Sending prayers 🙏 for Jaguar that his tumour stops growing permanently.


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Greetings from Copenhagen. 

The good ship Statendam arrived early this morning and was the only cruise ship in port, as it has been most of the cruise. I'm sure many of the cruisers reading this have been there. The sun came out and it warmed to maybe 18C, comfortcomfortably cool.









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We were notified today that we will be Covid tested tomorrow morning because we are staying on for the next sailing. Fingers crossed we are negative!  My fear would be if positive they would make us leave in Southampton Monday instead of staying here to quarantine and then be able to enjoy the rest of the cruise. Sometimes policies don’t make much sense to me. 🤷‍♀️

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Good morning from sunny, breezy, hot and humid central Texas.  It is the humidity that gets to me.


I remember when ball point pens were gaining popularity in the 1950s.  Compared to today's pens, they were primitive and would leave blobs of thick ink on the paper.  I like using fountain pens, and DH bought be a very good one many years ago.  I haven't used it in several years since the nib is broader than I need for small spaces.  In most cases, I now use a gel ink pen. 


I use herbs and spices some, but not as much as I probably should.  Being from Texas, we drink a lot of iced tea, even in the winter. 


When we were P&O Oriana for 90 days, we asked for iced tea.  It was obvious they did not know how to make it.  The first few times, they poured a pot of hot tea over one of two ice cubes, which were non-existent when they glasses arrived at the table.  About a third of the way through the cruise, we were moved to a table where the assistant waiter had worked for the American Consulate in Goa, India.  He knew how to make proper iced tea.  There were two pint beer glasses of iced tea with plenty of ice on the table each night.  Quite a few people would stop at the table to ask what we were drinking, and were surprosed when we said iced tea.


I like today's quote very much.


We'll pass on the meal (salted cod), drink and wine.


We have been to Portland, Maine, but only when driving to and from Acadia National Park on a camping trip in the mid 1970s.


@MISTER 67  I also like the Parker T-ball jotter, and I still have one I got when I was in high school, even though it doesn't work very well anymore.  It's one of those sentimental.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad your hip pain is much better today.

@cat shepard  Ann, I loved the meme today.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad the prednisone is working for you.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm sorry you had to miss Cobh, it's such a nice port.  Stay save and well.  Good luck on your test tomorrow.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad that the resident teenager was able to enjoy a normal night at a school dance.  They do grow up too fast.

@marshhawk  Ann, I'm glad you enjoyed the symphony and had a reunion with former colleagues.  Hope your DH gets the job and it all works out.

@ger_77  Gerry, I can relate to the meme.

@Heartgrove  Jack, I'm glad you had a safe trip.  I know it is an emotional time, but your DS and DB know you are there for them and that must give them comfort.  Sending positive thoughts to you, Sue and your entire family for strength during this time.

@1ANGELCAT I'm sorry about Jaguar's tumor and hope he can remain comfortable for a long time.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm glad the barium swallow was normal.

@cunnorl  It's hard to believe someone would knowingly fly and stay with family after testing positive.    I hope your friend's family stays well.

@Cruising-along  I hope your DD is better soon, and the rest of the family stays well.

@CrabbyPatti  I hope your DD, DSIL and DGS have mild cases and are well soon.

@StPeteCruiser  Thank you for your pictures from Copenhagen, as very lovely, walkable city.


It's time for me to get some things done around here.  





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🗺️ Good Friday afternoon! Thanks to all the keepers-of-the-Daily!


DH and I are now testing COVID negative, with the only lingering after-effect being the coughing. Not a productive cough, merely an irritating cough. 😡


It is an absolutely gorgeous 🌤️ day in southwestern Ontario-sunny, 23ºC with partly cloudy skies. I note that the heat is coming middle of next week, so I will enjoy the cooler (14º-15ºC) evenings.


DD is in charge of supper tonight. I believe it is spaghetti and (turkey) meatballs. I am enjoying having her take over 1 meal a week. That, and, because DH and I have been out of commission for the past month, she has had to fill the Rav4 with gas. She is learning that owning a vehicle does not come cheap! 👩🏻‍🏫


Praying for all those on the care list and everyone that need it, but especially for @Heartgrove at this time. Cheers all round-especially for those that are getting stronger in their recuperating! Blessings to all!


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I am back from the Doctor's office.  I had been concerned about the possibility of a "you're recovered, why are you here?" reaction but the Nurse Practitioner took the issue pretty seriously.  She ordered a hip x-ray and prescribed pain medicine and I may need to go back next week depending on the results.  In the doctor's office and left the radiologist about an hour later.  She is concerned about the possibility of Arthritis which has not yet struck me.





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