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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday January 25th, 2023


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 Good morning to all. It looks as if our area will get mixed precipitation today but nothing of consequence. @kazu, Jacqui, I hope the problem is rectified with your elbow and was glad to see you could get an appointment today. @grapau27, Graham, I will be thinking of Sarah tomorrow and I hope all goes well.

The port pictures are so beautiful, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers
And the recipe looks like a winner. Thanks to Debbie. @dfish.

Take care everyone

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Greetings Dailyites! The chicken dish description is mouthwatering. I’m impressed with the creativity here!  
Blessings for AMAZING going out to Jacqui - increase in pain says something is wrong! and to@cruising sister… never a good time, hoping it resolves quickly… and to Sarah… and for those traveling…  and all in need of hope and a hug!  
Thanks for the education on lovely and historic Kotor, not been there. 
Rainy today in my part of Maryland, we’ll take it, so many are dealing with so much weather woes, May relief be close to them. 
Cheers to all celebrating!  
Will let you know if the eye doctor has any new suggestions for DH to relieve the itchiness caused by the eye drops, a potential complication with March surgery, one step at a time…


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Happy Irish Coffee Day!  



Not a whiskey drinker but I need my coffee in the morning.  Luckily, my DH brings me a cup every morning.97BBED58-1750-45DD-A30B-B13401A22527.jpeg.57fc900abe0e22d39188c6276a99104d.jpeg




@ottahand7 Thanks for food tour pics, looks fantastic.  One of my favorite ways to explore a new place, I particularly like to see the local markets.

@dfish I make peanut stew (soup) frequently.  Easy to make vegetarian and just add chicken to carnivore’s bowls.  Thanks for the great recipes.  

@kazu I hope the doctor is able to relieve some of your pain and aid in your healing.  

Thanks to all who post daily, positive thoughts to those who need them, cheers to those celebrating.

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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says it's 51, that rain will be off  and on this morning,  it's supposed to be windy, but so far I have not seen or heard any wind event. 


We picked up the piano yesterday.  DH should have brought someone with muscles with him, not me, that top part of the electric piano weighed over 100 pounds, he did the backwards walk (very slowly) while I did the forward walk, and we made it up the hill from Shari's condo.  We stopped 4 times for me to rest, and my shoulders are killing me today.  Then we brought up the stand, and the bench and it did all fit in the jeep.  (Liberty)  I was amazed, but we were both done in, and the only thing we got in to the house was the bench.




We have been having problems with our dialing system at work.  My boss says it's a poltergeist, i think it's someone who sabotaged the system because they were tired of getting calls every day.  But then I see the news of Houston and Pasadena TX, and wonder , would you answer your phone from an arts center when you are having a tornado?  I dont think so.


@mamaofamiI have been thinking about you and your missing glasses.  Is it possible that you went somewhere one day when it was cloudy,  so you wore them, and then when you were leaving it was sunny, so you put on your sunglasses, leaving the other pair, at where ever you were?


@dfishThat third picture looks absolutely fabulous.  DH is the chicken chef, but he is shying away from spicy these days, it irritates the inside of his mouth,  I will show him the picture, and see if he is interested.



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Good morning all. Have been Mia for a couple of days, dealing with a never arrived credit card for my dad and an eye appointment. The bank has voided the first card and reissued one to be sent to the bank for pickup. Our non delivery issue is most definitely a post office problem as other bills were also not delivered. Registered a complaint. And am now on the list for cataract surgery since glasses alone can’t correct my vision to 20/20. Since cataract surgery is done in a clinic and no longer in the hospital hoping the wait won’t be too long.


african peanut stew is one of our family favourites. My recipe pretty much follows Debbie’s but no chicken, so vegetarian. I use chickpeas as the protein, one 15 oz can. I suppose you could use lentils, too, if you don’t like chickpeas. If I have kale or spinach that goes in at the end. A great dish on cold winter’s day.


we are under a snowfall warning, 6 to 10 inches (15-20 cm) but so far not enough on the ground to even deal with. But the day is long and more could come.


prayers for all that need them. Will celebrate later with those celebrating. Tonight’s meal for my Wise Wednesday women group is vegetarian shepherds pie and Caesar salad.

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At the airport, ready to go home. Flight changes makes us 4 hours later to get to Austin. Thankfully our sweetest friend says she will be waiting for us.


There were crew leaving today and a bittersweet goodbye. Such a great group of people. We cried when leaving Canneletto last night.


Having a spicy tuna roll at Umaizushi and a few glasses of spirits.


Prayers lifted, love spread. Life is good. God bless!

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43 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

 Good morning to all. It looks as if our area will get mixed precipitation today but nothing of consequence. @kazu, Jacqui, I hope the problem is rectified with your elbow and was glad to see you could get an appointment today. @grapau27, Graham, I will be thinking of Sarah tomorrow and I hope all goes well.

The port pictures are so beautiful, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers
And the recipe looks like a winner. Thanks to Debbie. @dfish.

Take care everyone

Thank you for your kind concerns Terry.


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I arose! I could have slept all morning! Made it through yesterday without taking any cold meds! Time seems to cure all colds. 
We did get about two inches of rain early this morning but none of the severe weather that was forecasted.🙏

I love Irish Coffees and don’t forget the dollop of Crème De Menthe on top of the cream.

One more day of laying low should do it and keep others from catching my woes.

Was surprised RedNeck Bob made it through TSA with his portfolio of highly classified jokes in hand. Bob where are you headed?

Time for another coffee and catching up on the news. Enjoy your day!



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I'll skip all the special days, but would like the chicken and peanut stew. I was booked on a cruise in 2021 that would have called at Kotor, but it didn't take place. I replaced it in 2022 with a cruise from Athens, which called at Kusadasi. I think that Kotor is typically in itineraries from Venice (now Trieste or Ravenna, which makes them less attractive to me).


We have about two inches of snow on the ground, with more falling although it will change to rain later. I have an appointment this morning for a dental exam and cleaning.



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Good waiting for snow then rain morning. We’re supposed to get about 3 inches then ice then heavy rain. All the schools are closing early.

      Today is also Robbie Burns birthday. I don’t have any haggis but do have some Walker’s shortbread to celebrate with.

     No peanut stew here, going to make a quiche like Bacon and cheese pie from a recipe on Mr Food website. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good morning from cloudy and windy central Texas.  It's a chilly 38F and if we're lucky, the sun will appear this afternoon and we may reach 50F.  We got just enough rain late yesterday afternoon to reach 1 1/2 inches total.  No rain is in the forecast until Saturday, but the wind will stick around today.


Opposite day seems a little weird.  Our local library moved into a new building a few years ago, and I still haven't been there to look around.  Since we don't take selfies, I can't celebrate Library Shelfie Day.  I won't be having an Irish coffee since I don't drink whiskey or coffee, but we have the ingredients, especially Jameson's, so DH could make one.


I always enjoyed George Carlin's jokes, and today's is true.


We'll pass on the meal since you lost me on peanut butter, and we'll pass on the drink.  The wine sounds nice, but pricey and hard to get.


We have been to Kotor three times, and I'll use Sandi's @StLouisCruisers link to find the pictures I posted last year.


@ottahand7  Nancy, thanks for the pictures, especially those from the market.  I like to wander through markets and grocery stores in ports to see the various foods offered.

@kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry the elbow is still causing so much trouble, and I'm glad you could get an emergency appointment at the bone clinic.  I hope there is a easy, simple solution to the problem.

@cruising sister  Oh no, on the illness at family's house.  I hope everyone is well in time for your cruise.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, the tornado damage in southeast Texas was in a band along the coast and inland a ways from about Houston to Louisiana.  We are north and west of the area.  The DFW area and north got hit with a wintery mix and a lot of snow, for them.

@dfish  Debbie, good luck on the painting project.  What color are you planning for your bedroom?

@grapau27  Graham, DH had the spinal injections a couple of times over the past few years.  He said it was not really a bad procedure.  Wishing Sarah a good experience, too.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm glad your cold is getting better, and it seems time is the best healer.  Loved all the memes today.

@1ANGELCAT  Thanks for the reminder about Burns Day.  When we were on P&O Oriana in 2000, they celebrated Burns Night with the presentation of the haggis complete with crossed bottles and a huge haggis on a platter.  It was done by the Scotsmen on board wearing their kilts.  Later, there was a special show in the smaller venue to celebrate the night.  Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures.


The clouds are already breaking up and we are having sun breaks.




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Our first visit to  Kotor was on October 1, 2016, when the Prinsendam was in Dubrovnik.  Since that was about our umpteenth visit to Dubrovnik, we decided to hire a taxi to take us to Kotor.  We made sure that we and the taxi driver had our passports since you have to go through checkpoints for both countries driving each way.  We did not really have enough time in Kotor, because the driver said that there could be a backup getting back into Croatia.  


The drive between the two towns along the bay and through the mountains is pretty too.  We had time to walk around the walled city that day, and we knew we had to return in the future.


These are some of the pictures from our first visit.


One of the many towns lining the bay.



This is the best picture I have of the artificial island and the church of Our Lady of the Rocks.








There was a market outside one of the gates that sold produce and flowers.  The women manning the booths got very upset with DH when he tried to take pictures of the market.  I got these on our way to meet the taxi when we were not in the market.





In 2019,  on b2b2b cruises on Veendam, we were in Kotor twice.  July 12, we took the open air Ho-Ho along the bay to Perast and Risan.  We only got off in Risan since that was a stop and the turn around point of the tour.  Our guide took us the Roman Baths to see the mosaics.


A couple of pictures leaving Kotor.





A church along the road, probably near or in the town of Old Perast.



We past a fish farm and another village





The main street of Risan



The Roman Baths and mosaics









The Veendam



Once back in town, we walked around the old town.  These are a few pictures, but most taken that day are repeats of what has been posted.







A peaceful fountain outside the walls, and an interesting statue in the water.





I just realized how many pictures I had.  I will end with these and post the rest in another post..



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We were back in Kotor on August 8, and this time we were anchored a pretty good ways out of town.  The ship used local tenders for the passengers, and ship tenders for the crew who were leaving and boarding that day.


This picture was taken from the tender.



A family home



IIRC, these "clothes": were advertising a shop down a side street.



We enjoyed a the free concert



Walking around the wall at the back of the town, we came across an archeological site.  It was behind a fence but I managed to get a few pictures.







I'll leave you with this picture.




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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:


@dfishThat third picture looks absolutely fabulous.  DH is the chicken chef, but he is shying away from spicy these days, it irritates the inside of his mouth,  I will show him the picture, and see if he is interested.


There are hot spices and then there are flavor spices.  If it is the hot spice that irritates his mouth, just leave it out.  Then he just has the creaminess of the peanut butter, which should sooth his mouth.


8 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@dfish  Debbie, good luck on the painting project.  What color are you planning for your bedroom?


I was thinking of Snowbound, which is a white, but not a stark white.  It is a lot softer.  I used that to paint the old house in Ohio to get it ready to sell.  But, who knows.  I might find something I like better.  I want to lighten it up a bit as it seems kind of dark and dreary.  You wouldn't think that of a pink, but this pink is just that.  

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Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the links to our previous Kotor posts. This is what I posted on November 23, 2022:


We missed Kotor when we were on the Oosterdam in June. The sea was too rough to anchor and transport people in the tenders. However, we did stay a while waiting for some new crew to arrive. The Captain said that it was really important for the crew to come through Montenegro because they don’t require visas. I have a few pictures from the Bay of Kotor that I’ll share in a separate post. 

My next post:


Scenes from the Bay of Kotor, Montenegro. I don’t really know what each picture is of but do know that it’s all beautiful.  This is June 11, 2022 and also the day Craig lost his EarPods. The tracking on his phone never changed from location—Bay of Kotor, so I just think that the battery went out. 

The approach to Kotor is beautiful. Somehow this ship beat us. 







There were sailboats everywhere, this area was especially pretty with the little patch of beach. 






And sunset that evening. Gorgeous. 



Maybe someday we can return and make it to town. I really want to see the cat museum and store. 


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Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday. The low temperature this morning was 28F. Burrr. I’m getting tired of this cold. It’s unusual for Tucson to have so many below freezing temps in a row. 

Today I’m taking DM to run some errands. Then out to lunch where hopefully our friend Kim Crawford will join us. 

Have a great day everyone!


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Good morning.  I’m sorry to see that @kazuis headed back to the doctor.  Hopefully it’s something simple.  
All the photos of Kotor are wonderful.  We’ve been there and would enjoy a second visit.


@dfishDebbie, the stew today is right up my alley.  I’m going to concoct a variation with some cooked turkey drumsticks pulled out of the freezer.  

An Irish coffee sounds delicious.  Maybe with shortbread as a nod to Burns Night. Yum.


It will be a lazy day here as the past few were busy.  All the post-holiday mess is organized.  Do you guys find stuff shoved in every closet after Christmas?  Every year I vow to keep things in order, but no…total chaos.


Thank you, Roy, keeping things going here, and many thanks to all Daily contributors.

Wishing all a pleasant Wednesday.



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Well, there are days that get away from me, and this looks like one of them.  I think I'll pass on all 2 of the days today, and probably the Stew as well.  I've never been to Montenegro.  I wonder if people read comic strips right to left in places and languages where they read books from right to left.  My alternative menu selection is Chilled Sour Cherry Soup, Chilled Lychees with Kiwi Wedges, and Thyme Roasted Rack of Lamb as served on MS Maasdam January 25, 2015.


Today’s care list:

RIP Patricia 1/23/23
California shooting victims
Kazu with new arm pains
From the rotation:
Ominous scan for Marshhawk
HAL Sailer DBIL in final days and family squabbles
Rowsby in need of shoulder replacement
Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7)


Celebrations and Shoutouts:




and Rotterdam in Everglades



Welcome back RedHairedLady
Congrats Crystalspin on making 4-star
Occasional contributors including ssawjo
Welcome home Seasick Salor and ger_77
cruszn single in Hawaii until 1/31
Cruising=Along treatments completed
Heartgrove (Carnival Legend to 1/29), DeniEncinetas, and sailingdutchty   (Koningsdam  to 1/31),  lindaler and ottahand7(Volendam  to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty,richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam  to 5/12) at sea


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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says it's 51, that rain will be off  and on this morning,  it's supposed to be windy, but so far I have not seen or heard any wind event. 


We picked up the piano yesterday.  DH should have brought someone with muscles with him, not me, that top part of the electric piano weighed over 100 pounds, he did the backwards walk (very slowly) while I did the forward walk, and we made it up the hill from Shari's condo.  We stopped 4 times for me to rest, and my shoulders are killing me today.  Then we brought up the stand, and the bench and it did all fit in the jeep.  (Liberty)  I was amazed, but we were both done in, and the only thing we got in to the house was the bench.




We have been having problems with our dialing system at work.  My boss says it's a poltergeist, i think it's someone who sabotaged the system because they were tired of getting calls every day.  But then I see the news of Houston and Pasadena TX, and wonder , would you answer your phone from an arts center when you are having a tornado?  I dont think so.


@mamaofamiI have been thinking about you and your missing glasses.  Is it possible that you went somewhere one day when it was cloudy,  so you wore them, and then when you were leaving it was sunny, so you put on your sunglasses, leaving the other pair, at where ever you were?


@dfishThat third picture looks absolutely fabulous.  DH is the chicken chef, but he is shying away from spicy these days, it irritates the inside of his mouth,  I will show him the picture, and see if he is interested.



Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve checked everywhere I went. Nothing.

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@RMLincoln I hope your concert last night was wonderful.  Also, wondering iv you've been to Strathmore Music Center.  I subscribe to the Baltimore Symphony but mostly attend in Baltimore but visited Strathmore several times when there were conflicts with my schedule. 


Also wondering how far you are from MedStar Montgomery Medical Center.  I took patients there several times when I was operational (way back in the 20th century) but it was known as Montgomery General Hospital back then,



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd and @richwmn.

I guess good evening, for Opposite Day. I have lots of book shelves here, but no shelfies taken. I like Irish coffee, but don't have it often. Funny quote. The meal looks good, pass on the drink. Yes to the wine, except for the price.

I haven't been to Kotor, and appreciate all photos posted.


Well, the weather is weird here. A lot of schools closed for today. But in my area we didn't get much snow and now it's changing to rain/slush. There were a lot of car accidents earlier though, and speed limits were reduced; but now that's been lifted. Good, but not for kids wanting to sled or play in the snow.


I've finally started to try to build up my strength; it's bad how little I can do on the treadmill, but I will faithfully walk and increase my endurance, in preparation for upcoming travel and just for fitness in general. Also my mail ballot for an upcoming special election (someone who had died was re-elected, smh!) is MIA; it showed on my informed delivery email for Monday, but never was delivered. USPS notified.


@ottahand7 Thanks for sharing your photos.

@mamaofami Sorry about the still missing glasses.

@kazu Oh no on needing an emergency appointment at the Bone Clinic; I hope they fix things right up! 

@StLouisCruisers Great pictures from Kotor!

@grapau27 Continued prayers for Sarah and her injection tomorrow. She is fortunate to have you and Pauline supporting her.

@RedneckBob Where are you off to?

@cruising sister Oh no on the illness at the grandkids' house! I hope they're over it quickly and their parents stay well. 

@smitty34877 How is Tana feeling lately?

@RMLincoln I hope DH's doctor is able to help with the eye drop issue. I have a chronic eye issue and seem to have spent the last few years at the eye doctor's office, sometimes weekly.

@superoma I hope you can get your cataract taken care of soon. I hope you don't get all that snow!

@Seasick Sailor Safe travels. Good that your friend meeting you is flexible.

@aliaschief Good to hear you're feeling better.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for sharing your Kotor photos.

@Sharon in AZ Nice pictures of the Bay of Kotor.


Prayers for the Care List. Also all the victims of recent shootings. A toast to the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.


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Good morning all!

Interesting days, I'll pass on the drink, red wine and meal.  I like peanut butter but just can't get past the thought of peanut butter in a stew...I've always liked George Carlin and this quote is true.  We've been to Kotor a few times and it's definitely in the top of my favorite ports.  Like Sandi @StLouisCruisersI could go there every cruise.  And not just because it's a cat lover's paradise 😉  


Jacqui @kazuI'm sorry to hear that your elbow is still giving you problems.  I'm glad you were able to get in today and hope they have a solution.


@cruising sisteroh no about the vomit fest!  Hopefully everyone will be well for your cruise.  There's so much going around this winter.


Here are the photos I posted last time -- love this port!


Sailing into Kotor





It's an easy town to just wander around in.







I could easily post dozens of cat photos from Kotor, but will just leave this one here. This was just outside the Cat Museum.



I had vowed not to buy any more souvenir magnets, but this one captured my heart.



We took a boat excursion to the Skrpjela Baroque Church.  View of our ship from the boat.



We passed this monastery on St. George's Island



Just a couple photos of the church --



Part of the ceiling






Baroque church.jpg



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