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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday January 28th, 2023


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Good morning, 

Roy @rafinmd - good choice to get help and get checked out. Our local department is wonderful! 

Jacqui @kazu hang in there - you are so cared for on these boards. Hope the healing continues without hiccups along the way. Bless your kind neighbors. 

DH update - Yesterday we found out that his UTI is not MRSA but a more common bacteria so he's now on ampicillin every 6 hours and they are watching as he's sensitive to the cillins. Yesterday morning he was talking a bit more but had failed his swallow test. By 4:00 PM the speech pathologist came back in to test again (she didn't want him to go all weekend without solid food if possible) and he passed for thick liquids. Yay! When I left they were feeding him chocolate pudding and he was not going to be interrupted with that. He has a sweet tooth. His speech is coming back slowly. The doctor thought he might come home tomorrow but I told him I thought he was being too optimistic. DH has been in bed since Tuesday and we need PT to make sure he can transfer from bed to wheelchair and back, we need him to be eating totally on his own and his speech needs to improve. We also need an extra day to get transport home for him arranged. I'm thinking Monday or Tuesday. 

Thanks for listening/reading everyone! 


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Wow!  What a jam-packed crazy daily!!  Here’s me thinking I’ll just take a quick peek and get on with my day and then WHAM… so much going on!


First and foremost, thanks for checking in, @rafinmd Roy, and I hope your current silence is due to being checked out at the hospital.  We look forward to hearing of a happy outcome.  Thank you, @StLouisCruisers, for stepping in.  You’ve done a great job!


My husband and I have lifetime credit monitoring courtesy of an FBI data breach.  The FBI!!  😲  I imagine some heads were rolling that day.  😂  It comes with sex offender monitoring so we get all the deets (names, address, convictions, pictures) of those people too.  Murderer monitoring would be handy but apparently that’s not as important.  I’d kind of like to know if my next-door neighbour was an axe murderer though.


Liverpool has a long history with gin and tonic and you can get some amazing variations there.  I highly recommend The Pump House on the Albert Dock if you ever find yourself at that port.


I have had fun with kazoos but not at work.


Our Antarctica trip, which was to end in Buenos Aries, was covid-cancelled so thank you to all who are posting pictures.  Hopefully I’ll make it there one day.


2 hours ago, kazu said:


At least for me, i am reticent to seek medical help worried i am bothering them for no reason.  If Jose were still here, I am sure once he heard the first scream, he would have been making me call (or calling himself) Thursday morning.


I’m that way too.  My mother was an RN so we learned to suck up any illnesses or injuries unless we had an axe sticking out of our heads.  And, even then, she’d remove it and tell us it was just a scratch.  It’s hard to get past that kind of training.  😂


So I see I have taken enough time to write this post where at least 10 others have posted since I started.  Looks like it’s going to be a busy day on The Daily!  Have a wonderful day everyone. 

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4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich and Sandi.  I had a very bad night last night but finally slept about 3 hours starting at 3:30, and then getting out of bed and dressed took forever.  I think I'll be calling an ambulance soon.



Oh my. Just saw your post. I guess I was posting the same time as you and did not see your post. So sorry, get well soon.

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Good morning. Dogs and I just finished a second short walk and now are settled into the house although I am going to have to venture out later. I need to put gas in the car and pick up a couple things for lunches. It is supposed to warm up the next couple of days.... still possible snow in the forecast but it is looking like it will stay north of us.


@rafinmdRoy, hope you are ok and the ER can make you more comfortable. @kazuJacqui... glad you are having that elbow monitored and hopefully getting the pain under control.



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Hello, again, from a very dreary central Texas.  It was foggy when I made a quick trip to pick up what I didn't get yesterday and a couple of prescriptions for DH,  It is 52F and windy.  Our predicted rain might bring a shower tomorrow morning, with the main rain beginning Monday through Thursday.  


So far, I've only had a slight reaction to yesterday's shingles vaccine including a sore arm and chills.  I don't know what will happen later today, but it is nothing compared to what others are facing.  It will all be worth the reaction to keep from getting the shingles.


With DH owning a computer software company and being on the internet when it was basically Prodigy, we have always been aware of data security.  Fortunately, our cc companies have block most of the fraudulent purchases.  I tried to have fun at work, and it was easier when I was working for DH.  At one time, we had a couple of kazoos, but I think they are long gone, and not missed.


I love today's quote.  DH has suggested on numerous occasions that since I love to read, I write a book.  So far, I don't even have the pages numbered, and that's not going to change. 🤣


The meal sounds good, but will have to wait until later since broccoli is a no-no right now because of one med.  DH would like the drink, if it's made with non London dry gin.  We'll pass on the wine.


We have been to Buenos Aires twice.  The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III, and the second time was in 2015 on Ruby Princess with Sandi, @StLouisCruisers.  I'll look up my pictures from the 2015 cruise in a few minutes.


@mamaofami  Carol, I'm glad you found your glasses.  I always have a couple of extra pair JIC.

@ottahand7  Nancy, thanks for sharing your cruise and for the pictures.  

@cruising sister  Wishing you and the entire family safe, on time flights along with the luggage staying with you all the way.

@cunnorl  Charlene, sounds like a fun trip for your niece.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm glad you did not do any damage beyond a skinned knee.  Keep an eye on it, and get it looked at if necessary.  You have to watch out for those sneaky trash cans. 🤣

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad you like the new doctor and all went well at the visit.  It was nice of her to find a clinic near you for that dreaded test.  After reading the latest about Dr. Awful, I'm surprised they let him stay in the practice.  I don't blame you for being upset when asked about drinking after 32+ years sober.  I hope Fawn is getting better.

@smitty34877  Terry, thanks for the latest picture of Camilla.  I can see the calculation and mischief in her eyes.

@RMLincoln  Sorry about your fall last November, and that the you're still healing.  It's amazing the new ways they close cuts and surgical incisions now.  The doctor did not use stitches, staples or glue when DH had his back surgeries.  Instead, the closure device used very small, very thin zip ties.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm glad your tummy is better today, but on no, about the eye.  I hope it continues to improve.

@luvteaching  Karen, I'm glad the UTI is not MRSA, but a more easily controlled and cured bacteria.  I hope your DH gets the time in the hospital he needs before he comes home.  

@kazu  Jacqui, that was good that you could get seen at the pain clinic so quickly.  I hope this is the last hiccup with the elbow, and you can start healing in earnest.


Thank all of you who have shared your pictures of Buenos Aires.


I hope we hear from Roy soon.



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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

@kazu Sorry you are having so much trouble with the elbow.  Any news from HAL about covering the cost for this?


No.  I think it is unlikely .  Just finally got HAL’s bill and still waiting for the hospital’s.   Then, i will call to discuss and attempt to begin all the insurance claims one fingered.  Elbow has slowed down my energy & efficiecy.


55 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

As I was going to bed early, when I looked in the mirror to put my bedtime eyedrops in, I noticed my right eye was completely red. I'd had a really big subconjunctival hemorrhage sometime earlier. No pain, but it looks awful. It's going to take a while to resolve, but looks a little better this AM. And so far my stomach is ok today.


Oh dear on your eye - hope it clears up quickly with no issues.  Glad to hear of your stomach improvement and hope it continues.


26 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

DH update - Yesterday we found out that his UTI is not MRSA but a more common bacteria so he's now on ampicillin every 6 hours and they are watching as he's sensitive to the cillins. Yesterday morning he was talking a bit more but had failed his swallow test. By 4:00 PM the speech pathologist came back in to test again (she didn't want him to go all weekend without solid food if possible) and he passed for thick liquids. Yay! When I left they were feeding him chocolate pudding and he was not going to be interrupted with that. He has a sweet tooth. His speech is coming back slowly. The doctor thought he might come home tomorrow but I told him I thought he was being too optimistic. DH has been in bed since Tuesday and we need PT to make sure he can transfer from bed to wheelchair and back, we need him to be eating totally on his own and his speech needs to improve. We also need an extra day to get transport home for him arranged. I'm thinking Monday or Tuesday. 


Good to hear of the improvement in your DH.  I think your plan for PT and preparation for his return home is a wise one 👍 

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We visited Buenos Aires twice.  The first time in 1999 on Noordam III.  We had an afternoon and a full day there.  We took a ship tour of the city, including Recoleta Cemetery the first day.  The next day, we took a train to Tigre on the Lujan River.  All my pictures of that visit are pre-digital.


In 2015, on Ruby Princess, we took the shuttle into town, and got a Ho-Ho tour.


Downtown Buenos Aires in the distance as the ship docked.



Scenes of town from the Ho-Ho











A monument to commemorate  the 25 May 1810 revolution, a week-long series of revolutionary events that took place from May 18 to May 25, 1810, in Buenos Aires. It started the Argentine War of Independence, and it is considered the birth of modern Argentina.



Casa Rosada (Pink House) is the seat of the Argentine national government and houses the president's office.  It was the scene of much of the city's history, and it was from the balconies of the Casa Rosada that Juan and “Evita” Perón addressed the masses during the late 1940s and early 1950s.  The balcony scene in "Evita" was filmed at the Casa Rosada.



Guards outside the Casa Rosada



A neighborhood street



More pictures of La Boca







After the Ho-Ho, we walked over to this shopping mall, but did not stay long.



We  took a taxi to San Telmo district to wander through some of the antique stores.  Since it was Saturday afternoon, most of the stores were closed.  We did find some street vendors and Plaza Doreggo.





The Buenos Aires skyline and moon as we sailed toward Montevideo.




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Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday. 

Goodness!  I was off CC yesterday and so much has happened to our Daily family. I’m really concerned about Roy @rafinmd.  I hope he is at the hospital right now getting checked out. I remember when I took a tumble (5 years ago) trying to straighten a rug and getting my little finger caught in a chair how awfully difficult it was to get dressed and ready to go to urgent care. And I had waited all day to do that thinking it would be okay but when it kept swelling I knew I shouldn’t put it off.  So Roy, please get yourself checked. 

Yesterday was a busy day. I had a morning appointment and needed to go shopping for a birthday gift on my way home, took an early nap so I could shower before the birthday dinner last night. It was Amaya’s 16th birthday celebration, she’s our almost DGD. But I started feeling very nauseous because I forgot to take my Otezla and took it right before laying down. I won’t do that again!  We still went but I really couldn’t eat much. Thankfully it always passes after a few hours. The party was well attended and the birthday girl wore a crown, she looked so cute. 

I need to get going and get some things done but I’ll check back often hoping for word about Roy. 

Have a great day everyone and be safe, watch your step. 


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Well, I came back to check in on all the health problems of the day.

You have all been on my mind and in my prayers.


While I did not have a fall, out HVAC is on the blink again and got the news that it has to be replaced.

Just what we need, another expense!

So next week, before we take off for our cruise, they will come and do the job.

Not good news.


Will check back later to see if Roy has any news.  Hope nothing is broken.


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Our introduction to Buenos Aires was one for the record books - to say the least!!🙂🙃


Our 31-day SA cruise on the Oosterdam arrived in Buenos Aires on Dec 19, 2022 - the day after they won the FIFA World Cup - their first win in 36 years. Needless to say, in a soccer mad country, it was total mayhem, as people took to the streets to celebrate - especially on the 20th, as the Government declared it as a National Holiday.


We were scheduled to fly out in the late afternoon on the 20th and had booked a half-day tour of the city and then drop us off at the airport. When our guide finally made to the cruise terminal, he said he had left 3 hours earlier then normal, as every major roadway (including freeways) were shutdown by crowds of people. It was very obvious to all of us that trying to do a tour of the city was impossible and it was best we leave for the airport immediately. Many hours later, after having to use city streets, because the freeways were shut down, we finally arrived at the airport. There were a few times it looked like we weren't going to make it due to police blockades. Fortunately, our driver was able to negotiate our passage, but we had to show our passports, along with airline tickets showing we were departing that day, before they would let us by.


Some of the crowds gathering on the streets.


From the number of coolers, it's obvious they are planning to wait awhile. The picture was taken at 11am, about 2 hours after we left the Cruise Terminal and we were not even half-way to the airport!


A video clip showing what it was like driving on the streets.


As a side note. We were in Montevideo, Uruguay on the Dec 18, the day Argentina won the cup. Even there it seemed most things came to a standstill while the game was being played.


Here's a video clip taken in the Lido, where some passengers were watching the last couple of minutes of the penalty kicks on a tablet. As you can see, most of the Lido staff were also watching.


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Good morning all!

Like everyone else, I was dismayed to hear Roy's @rafinmdnews this morning.  Will be checking back often today to see if he has more news, meanwhile praying he's ok.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor getting us started this morning!


The quote made me chuckle, that would be me.  I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine and haven't been to Argentina.  


DD, DSIL and the grandsons are now starting the LONG trip back home from Thailand.  They will have life-long memories of this trip, it has been amazing. Feeding and bathing elephants, dodging monkey thieves, snorkeling, diving and swimming, and the boys made lots of kitty friends.   I was mistaken yesterday when I said they will return Sunday morning, it will be Monday morning.  With the time difference and missing date info on the itinerary she sent me, it was confusing.


Jacqui @kazuOh no on more pain!!  I really hope this was the last of it. So glad you could get there quickly.

Annie @marshhawkthat last doctor sounds like a real quack.  He really should be reported, at the very least.

Terry @smitty34877thank you for another adorable photo of Miss Camilla!

Vanessa @JazzyVgood that your stomach is better, but sorry to hear about the eye problems.  I hope it continues to get better today.



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@smitty34877 thank you for the new photo of Camilla. 

Right now I am glad I didn't get off the wait-list for Torres del Paine. We have steady 25 mph winds with gusts to 60.  And I am glad I didn't book the excursion to Magdalena Island to see penguins instead.  

I will keep checking to see if there is any update on Roy. 🙏

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Oh, my!  I read this thread, then  had to go back and read yesterday's later posts to catch up on the news  I had missed.  So sorry Roy had a fall and I hope an ambulance and a trip to Emergency get him fixed up.  I'll be waiting to hear, too.  And, Jacqui, so sorry you have had more problems with the elbow.  I hope it's fixed up now once and for all, and you can start healing.


Then I went back and read the thread from last August, to see if I had posted any pictures, but I guess we were travelling then, and I missed CC.  We have spent quite a bit of time in BA, before, during and after cruises, the most being a week there after our Antarctic expedition (when I broke my wrist on South Georgia).  As Roy posted about Iguazu, I'll add a bit about our side trip from BA to Colonia del Sacramento,  Uruguay (a UNESCO World Heritage site).  We took the buquebus (boat/bus) across the Rio Plata and stayed for a few days at a lovely hotel in Colonia.  We really enjoyed wandering the cobbled streets of this very interesting village.  

















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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:




Yesterday went well with the new doctor.  While I have a zillion (to me) things that they think I need to address, she is helping me with, you do this for me, we do this for you.    They want me to get a colonoscopy.    Ok, I'm old, I understand, but I dont have a lot of people I can ask to drive me to and from especially if they keep sending me to doctors on the far side of town, because with DH's limited eye sight, I dont ask him to drive me too far.  So she found me a clinic on my side of town.  And she found me an orthopedic doctor for the problem with my ring finger, which hasn't looked right since I fell.   She wrote the info down for me, put it on a sticky note, and we added it to my calendar, and I go back in three weeks to get blood tests done.  And then I guess we will have an annual physical.


The downside of the appointment was the information that was in my health file.  It was my husbands, and not mine.  My previous doctor was a real dweeb, and since he refused to treat me the last time I went in to see him, he just put DH's info in my file, so that it looked like he had seen me.  But when both the nurse and the doc asked me if I was still drinking?  I went over the edge.  I have been sober for more than 32 years now, and I told her that, and told her she had the wrong information in that file, and she said, really then when did you get sober?  November 1990. Oh. Since I do have a patient portal I did write her last night, told her how nice it was to meet her, and what had actually happened at my last appointment with her predecessor.  



Good to hear you found a doctor that you like. Just a couple comments:


If you prefer to not have a colonoscopy, there are stool test’s that available. They are not indicated for everyone, and their “reliability” isn’t quite as good. But there’s also not the same risks of anesthesia and a scope. That might be a topic for discussion with your doctor. 

And of course, remember final decisions are up to you, the patient. Care / treatment should not be withheld if you make an unpopular personal decision.


Many health plans ( and Medicare, other government programs) pressure providers to meet certain numbers and reimbursement rates, and fees to providers are not exempt. I’ve reminded more that one practitioner that my family member’s decision, or my decision, is to be respected and I don’t give a hoot about their HEDIS, or other measures/ FFS. 

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Just now, rafinmd said:

No fractures but they found evidence of pneumonia and low sodium which they said could cause dizziness.  Will be here overnight for observation.



Oh Gosh Roy!  Pneumonia and low sodium, no wonder you’ve been off and feeling bad in the afternoons. Take care, get better quickly. 

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2 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

No fractures but they found evidence of pneumonia and low sodium which they said could cause dizziness.  Will be here overnight for observation.




I'm glad they figured out what the problem is and are treating you, but sorry you have to stay overnight.  Still, that's what's best for you so hope by tomorrow they can release you.  Get better fast!  So glad there weren't any fractures!


I'll go ahead and post the Daily tomorrow if that's okay with everyone.

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3 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

No fractures but they found evidence of pneumonia and low sodium which they said could cause dizziness.  Will be here overnight for observation.



Thanks for letting us know, Roy. Glad for no fractures and explains why you have not been feeling well. Hope they allow you to rest (I know hospitals) and that you will be headed home tomorrow.



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6 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

No fractures but they found evidence of pneumonia and low sodium which they said could cause dizziness.  Will be here overnight for observation.



Thanks for the update. I'm glad they found the cause of your feeling unwell, and thank goodness no fractures. Rest, and hopefully the antibiotics will fix you right up! Continued prayers.

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Thank you for posting back, Roy @rafinmd.  We were all worried about you.  I echo what everyone else has said.  Order everything on the menu and pretend you’re on holiday!  All our best wishes that the treatments will have you feeling better and up and about in no time! 💐  


Also, job well done in recognizing when it’s time to get checked out!  Not sure if there’s a Scout badge for that, but here’s a button to pin on your shirt.  👍



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@rafinmdRoy, thanks for checking in....so sorry to hear of your medical issues, but glad there's nothing broken! Try to rest well in the hospital (definitely not easy to do!), so you can head home soon.


@StLouisCruisersthanks for filling in for the Daily today, and it will be great if you can do it tomorrow also!


What a wonderful bunch of friends we have here!!



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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, I came back to check in on all the health problems of the day.

You have all been on my mind and in my prayers.


While I did not have a fall, out HVAC is on the blink again and got the news that it has to be replaced.

Just what we need, another expense!

So next week, before we take off for our cruise, they will come and do the job.

Not good news.


Will check back later to see if Roy has any news.  Hope nothing is broken.



Terri, sorry the HVAC has to be replaced.  The new one should be more efficient though.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Like everyone else, I was dismayed to hear Roy's @rafinmdnews this morning.  Will be checking back often today to see if he has more news, meanwhile praying he's ok.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor getting us started this morning!


The quote made me chuckle, that would be me.  I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine and haven't been to Argentina.  


DD, DSIL and the grandsons are now starting the LONG trip back home from Thailand.  They will have life-long memories of this trip, it has been amazing. Feeding and bathing elephants, dodging monkey thieves, snorkeling, diving and swimming, and the boys made lots of kitty friends.   I was mistaken yesterday when I said they will return Sunday morning, it will be Monday morning.  With the time difference and missing date info on the itinerary she sent me, it was confusing.


Jacqui @kazuOh no on more pain!!  I really hope this was the last of it. So glad you could get there quickly.

Annie @marshhawkthat last doctor sounds like a real quack.  He really should be reported, at the very least.

Terry @smitty34877thank you for another adorable photo of Miss Camilla!

Vanessa @JazzyVgood that your stomach is better, but sorry to hear about the eye problems.  I hope it continues to get better today.




Carolyn, wishing your DD and her family a safe trip home.


31 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

No fractures but they found evidence of pneumonia and low sodium which they said could cause dizziness.  Will be here overnight for observation.




Roy, thanks for checking in, and the good news is no fractures.  Sorry about the pneumonia and low sodium, and I hope they can fix it quickly.  As others have said, get some rest.


31 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I'm glad they figured out what the problem is and are treating you, but sorry you have to stay overnight.  Still, that's what's best for you so hope by tomorrow they can release you.  Get better fast!  So glad there weren't any fractures!


I'll go ahead and post the Daily tomorrow if that's okay with everyone.


Sandi, thanks for offering to start the Daily tomorrow.  It will be one less thing Roy has to worry about.



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