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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday February 12th, 2023

cat shepard

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Found some of my pics from Cobh.  I don’t think I have posted them before?


As you arrive:




The Titanic museum is easy to spot




It is the old Whitestar terminal and the last stop Titanic made before it crossed the ocean.




There is some actual stuff from the Titanic and they do a recording of people that were on.  I thought it would be touristy and it was very good. And the passenger waiting to board.




Quarters on board - steerage.  Apologies for the dark pics -no flash allowed.  My first class are too dark 😡 







this is the actual dock that people would board from.  In the case of the Titanic, passengers had to tender.  Titanic could have docked but the captain wanted to make record time and it was faster to tender the passengers than dock and do it in a civilized way.




By the way, the woollen shop that was so nice was nearly next to the Titanic museum.  We went shopping around figuring it was in a tourist spot and over priced.  Nope - best prices and the very best quality.


the beautiful church









And some enjoyment of the pretty spot wandering around.





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Thanks for the Fleet up and general info. Wow I made it on page 2. Lots of work outside this am so I can watch the Super Bowl.


I might have lost my marbles but never lost a penny, I think.

Happy Birthday Abe. Is he the one that lied about chopping down the Cherry Tree?

Edited by RedneckBob
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Good morning to all from Roseau, Dominica where we finally have calm seas.

It is a beautiful day.  

We did not have anything planned for today so we are just chilling out on our veranda right now.

Everything in town looks closed because it is a Sunday.  We are the only ship in port until noon when the Windstar will be joining us.


Thank you to @cat shepard for the Daily and Fleet report.  Nice of you to step in for Sandi and Roy and Rich.

Thank you also to @JazzyV Vanessa for taking care of the Cares and Celebration lists for Roy.

Glad to see that he is improving and slowly getting up to speed.

Prayers for all on the Cares list and cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

We heard from our contractor that the Master Bath is moving along and they hope to be finished by the time we get home on Feb. 20.  YAY!   Also they were able to fix the light fixture that went kaput during a power surge.

There will be SuperBowl festivities beginning at 6 pm (Atlantic Time) in the Sirena Lounge with a Tailgate Party and then the game starts here at 7:30 pm since we are one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time.


As for the days, Happy Birthday to Honest Abe,  I guess I have lost a few pennies in my lifetime.  I don’t think I have ever had plum pudding.

I like the quote.

I have not been to the port.

I will skip the meal and the drink and definitely the wine.  That is way above my budget.  Don’t want to squander my casino winnings on that.

Thank you to all who contribute to make this a happy and positive place.

Have a great Sunday and hope that whoever your favorite team is, that they win.

I am not a football fan.


Here’s a photo of the Windstar coming into port.

Have a great day everyone and God Bless,



Edited by Cruzin Terri
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Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday!


Thanks to all who are keeping the Daily going! Those who faithfully provide meal and drink and wine facts and recipes, Port of the day memories and photos. 

Prayers 🙏🏻 For the Care list, and unspoken prayers.  Cheers 🥂  for the Celebration list. 

I don’t post often, but the Daily and Fleet report, and you all, are the best part of my mornings. 

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Good Morning from a sunny  but a cool and windy day at the beach

           Good collection of days. I still wrap coins but dont really have many anymore. Have been to Cork a few times but not on a ship. 

            Not a fan of the NFL so no football for me. 

            Thank you to all who keep this wonderful thread going. So positive and supportive. 

      Went to a cooking class yesterday and the item was black bean and chicken enchilidas. They were excellent. May have to try it at home.  During the pandemic, a small group of my " bubble friends" got together for test kitchen where we would try different recipes. It was fun. May have to do it again.

      A friend of one of my neighbors is a priest and is visiting. He is going to say Mass for us at 11, so mut get going.

     Stay safe and enjoy today


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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Paul, how are you feeling ? I am sorry you missed so much at the synagogue yesterday.


At this point it feels like a lingering cold. Paxlovid is working, and I'm experiencing the typical side effects: metallic taste, and gastrointestinal disturbance, of which the nausea is the worse part. It made me wary of food, but it turns out that eating relieves the nausea. I'm also experiencing "coronasomnia." It's very hard to get to sleep at all, but when I do, I sleep well.


I cancelled the classes I was scheduled to teach this morning, but I'm going to attend an online class at 12:30. I'm also the Zoom host for a monthly discussion group late in the afternoon, but if anyone else who knows how to host Zoom attends, I may make them the host and sign out.


To make jambalaya at home, I'd need to replace the principal ingredients. No on the cocktail but I never decline champagne. (I still haven't persuaded my doctor that I suffer from champagne deficiency.) I haven't been to Ireland.


I grew up in a state where Lincoln's birthday was a legal holiday. It's not a federal holiday and in irks me when people think that it has been absorbed into so-called Presidents Day. The federal holiday in February, according to law, is the birthday of George Washington.


It's sunny this morning with an expected high of 44°, although it will cloud over later. I would like to spend some time outdoors, but won't get farther than the mailbox.




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Well, I found one crocheter Sandy and her husband Don at the gathering of knitters and knatters so sat down to chat. Eventually a woman named Emily joined us. Sandy said last week there were 6 people at the get together. I noticed Bible study had more participants than we did which is nice. 

Today’s port Cobh is a good one. I’ve been there and enjoyed it. I know yesterday we’d been to Cape Horn several times. First time in 2012 we were able to go all the way around, unlike the 2015 trip Lenda mentioned.  

Seas today are rocky.  We are  heading west around Cuba now. Everybody have a great day. 

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Good morning all!

Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln! If I ever lost a penny I didn't know it, and have never had plum pudding but it sounds good.  Will pass on the meal and expensive champagne (our bill at Total Wine yesterday was less than 1 bottle of this) 😉  The drink sounds very yummy but a big no-no for Diabetics. 


No big plans for today, and not being a football fan, I won't be watching the game.  DH might watch some of it.  Since yesterday's plans changed, I'll be doing what I planned to do yesterday (finish painting and fold laundry). Not too exciting. 😄


We've been to Cobh twice, in 2014 on the Eurodam British Isles cruise,  and in 2019 on our 50th anniversary cruise on the Nieuw Statendam.  In 2014 we took the train to Cork and went to Blarney Castle.  In 2019 our Captain was Noel O'Driscoll. This is (near?) his home and the whole town came out to cheer the arrival of the ship!  On that visit we took the ferry out to Spike Island, or as our guide calls it, the "Irish Alcatraz".


Some photos of our visit to Spike Island, the "Irish Alcatraz"


Entering the prison grounds



Cell Block A, burnt in the 1985 riots.



The punishment block from the 1850's



Solitary confinement cell



View of our ship and Cobh from Spike Island



Love the colorful streets of Cobh





These houses in the background going uphill are called The Deck of Cards.



And a few of Blarney Castle from our visit in 2014.  We did not choose to kiss the stone 😉  






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Good morning Daily-ites. 


Thank you Ann for revving the Daily engine this morning. Thanks to everyone who contributes and pinch hitting while Rich is somewhere on earth.


I have been to Cobh twice, although on tours, not ships. I loved the history of the Titanic and the museum. 


I grew up in Illinois and have visited Lincolns home and loved the history in town. He lived here til he moved to Washington and the house is a historical site.




It's nice we celebrate pennies and Lincoln the same day. Every time I find a penny I always think of my MIL (RIP) We always say "hi mom, thanks for thinking of me". Anyone own a 1909 Lincoln penny?


So happy to hear from Sandi and Paul. I hope everyone is enjoying their cruises. You are all in my prayers today. My ribs are sore but each day gets a bit better. I'm still going back to the clinic tomorrow for another exray.


Taking it easy today for Super bowl. Allen asked for Nathan's hot dogs, homemade chili, chips, and Kolach. I'm having leftover pasta from last night..


Have a great day, hope your favorite team wins!



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11 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites. 


Thank you Ann for revving the Daily engine this morning. Thanks to everyone who contributes and pinch hitting while Rich is somewhere on earth.


I have been to Cobh twice, although on tours, not ships. I loved the history of the Titanic and the museum. 


I grew up in Illinois and have visited Lincolns home and loved the history in town. He lived here til he moved to Washington and the house is a historical site.




It's nice we celebrate pennies and Lincoln the same day. Every time I find a penny I always think of my MIL (RIP) We always say "hi mom, thanks for thinking of me". Anyone own a 1909 Lincoln penny?


Joy, the lost penny I referenced in my post was a 1909 VDB Lincoln penny 😢.

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Good morning again from a beautiful sunny, but cool central Texas.  It is currently 48F and heading to 67F this afternoon, and there is practically no wind.  This morning, we went out for a drive through breakfast since it was a nice day, but still about 36F when we left..


Abraham Lincoln's birthday should be celebrated since he kept the country together.  It's been a while since I've found a penny, but I always pick up any pennies I find.  That being said, I wish we'd follow Canada's example and ditch the pennies.  I don't think I've ever had plum pudding.


A funny, interesting quote today.  


Creole jambalaya or even Cajun jambalaya sounds good, and I've made it with sausage in the past.  We'll pass on the meal and the wine since it's very pricey.


We  have been to Cobh several times on BHBs.  We've generally rented a car and toured the area, so have not seen too much of either Cobh or Cork.


@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad your shore excursions have been good.  Please keep us posted about the credit for the days out of your cabin.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad your guy could get the driveway cleared and deliver your packages.  Sorry you are facing more snow.  I enjoyed your pictures of Cobh.

@0106  Thanks for the lovely sunrise picture.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope you find a penny like the one you lost.

@ger_77  Gerry, if you don't want to drag our pennies back to Canada, many stores have a small tray near the cash register where you can leave pennies for customers who are short a penny or two.  My computer will sometimes show a very different temperature than the regular thermometers.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad you had a nice evening last night, and that their baby wasn't afraid of you.  Thanks for the explanation of the differences between Creole and Cajun cooking.  BTW, Lake Charles is also a big Cajun area,,

@smitty34877  The chili sounds like a good meal for the Super Bowl.  However, we are going basically junk food tonight.  We'll be having cheese dip and nachos with a small veggie tray thrown in.

@superoma  Eva, the "All Creatures Great and Small" was a good series, and the books the show was based on are very good reads.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I've been enjoying your pictures of Cancun.  It's been 30 pus years since we've been there.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm sorry you didn't sleep well last night.   I hope you can rest today, and that you can sleep well tonight.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, that is good news the ship finally docked at a port.  The news from you contractor sounds good too.

@kochleffel  Paul, I'm glad you are feeing better, but sorry about the side effects.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, good to see you and Dennis on the sail away pictures.  My apologies for not posting your pictures yesterday.  I'd just finished posting my pictures when DH said let's go to Fort Worth today.  By the time we got home and I had the car unloaded, I forgot I hadn't posted your pictures of Cape Horn.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, thanks for your pictures from Cobh.  As usual, I learned something today.  I'd never heard of Spike Island, and will try to remember it the next time we're in Cobh.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm glad your ribs are hurting a little bit less each day.  Another x-ray and a talk with the doctor tomorrow sounds like a good plan.


We will be watching the game today, for the commercials.  🤣  However, having lived in Delaware and southeast Pennsylvania, plus the fact, the only NFL game we've been to was in the old Yankee Stadium in 1969 with the Eagles beating the Jets, I'll be pulling for the Eagles.  We'll also probably watch part of the Puppy Bowl.





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Before I forget, here are the pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers posted on October 17, 2021.


Another view of the Lusitania memorial only with wreaths laid.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIu-883K1Gvk062Y3n2spWm?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435189596


Cobh is a hilly place and I liked this view of the houses side by side down the hillside.  Many different colors (to help you find your own home after a trip to the pub?).00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLqVuzpCM7nMqdaEhAlezQZ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435189603


While walking past those homes we saw this little dog watching us from "their" window.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIRgQUU9Ji8wVFqCFOVLTlg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435194539


Speaking of pubs, could your favorite be this one?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLOz76XV2-7nXgDMuz1Hbmh?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435189588


Or maybe this pub?  Lots of color again.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ6d5XSPdTFL7_8MHjg526K?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435189600




Annie Moore statue00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIj5VDQyJeZgICS6iZPzriY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435189572




In viewing our pictures I see we were in Cobh twice on back to back cruises on Royal Princess.  The first cruise was a spring 2015 transatlantic cruise and on that one we spent our stop that day visiting Blarney Castle.  The second cruise was a British Isles cruise and that is the day we spent in town exploring.  I knew I'd been to Blarney Castle.  We enjoyed these two cruises with our friends from Myrtle Beach whom we met in 2018 getting on our first transatlantic.  Great couple!

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  We just had breakfast and decided to head to Crown Grill lounge to see if any “knitters and knatters” people show up. I didn’t bring any cross stitching for such a short cruise but want to say hello and see what they are working on. Just my luck and no one will show up!


Thanks to all who make the Daily work each day!  Excellent lists!  

I have a photo for Graham of his section of the Fresh Marketplace or in other words Lido. He would be right at home gathering his English breakfast. 

Thank you Sandi for posting this excellent photo.

It is nice to see Princess having a Great British section for breakfast.

I wonder if there are many Brits on board?

Did you and Dennis sample their lovely breakfast?.

As your itinerary is almost the same as ours last week on Royal Caribbean Oasis of the seas I know you will be having a fantastic time like we did last week.



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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and @cat shepard.

Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln. I collect pennies and somehow lost my most valuable one (BFF's DD DF had a big jar full and I want to go through them to see if I can find the one I'm missing). I've never had plum pudding. Funny quote. I like jambalaya, so I think I'd like today's meal. Pass on the meal and wine ($$$).


I've never been to Cobh-Cork, but it's a stop on my upcoming TA cruise, so I look forward to photos.


It's 27F and cloudy, but I think we're going up to the 40's. No big plans for me other than watching football later. Maybe a quick run to Aldi and I might bake some keto brownies. Dinner will be buffalo wings and salad.


@cat shepard Thanks for starting up the Fleet/Daily today.

@grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon.

@0106 Lovely sunrise.

@ottahand7 I'm enjoying reliving my cruise when looking at your photos. I hope you get the credit you deserve for all the trouble you had. I'm glad you're back in your home at sea.

@kazu I'm glad the driveway is de-iced, but sorry there's more snow. It's going to be unusually warm here, in the 50'sF next week.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for stopping by. I'd like that English breakfast! Have a great time on your cruise!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for all with something to Celebrate.

Take care everyone.

Thank you Vanessa.

Cobh is a pretty town with a lovely Titanic museum.

The train station is right next to the cruise terminal where you can get a train to Cork city or further afield if you have time.


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It took me a while to find the pictures I posted on November 14, 2022.  I'd spent most of the day with DH at the rehab hospital.  I also discovered I didn't post any pictures on October 17, 2021, when we were between Texas and Quartzsite.


We have been to Cobh at least three times.  The first was in 2003 on Rotterdam VI.  We did a tour to Blarney Castle, where DH kissed the Blarney Stone, but I decided to skip the kiss.  I have enough Blarney without inviting more.  😉   Once back in Cobh, we took the local bus to Kinsale and then walked around Cork on the way back.  The next year, we were there on Noordam III and surprise, rented a car.  We drove to Kinsale and then to a golf course two business associates had played.  Our last visit was in 2016 on Prinsendam.  That day we rented a car and drove to Waterford and toured their glass making demonstration.  Then we drove to the Jameson's Distillery, where we toured the old distillery and the new modern one.







A market, but I don't remember if it was Kinsale or Cork





Cobh port train station.



Roche's Point lighthouse



The golf course, but I have no idea which one or exactly where it is.







I'm going to omit the Waterford pictures since I posted them just a few days ago when Waterford was the port of the day.









I omitted the pictures from Blarney Castle since they would be repeats.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says its raining now....duh.  It was so windy last night, that DH woke up and said "I hear a truck outside.". I said, " nope its the wind, and go back to sleep.  If there had been a truck, you wouldn't hear it"  I did hear hundreds of pine cones hitting the roof, but thank the Lord that it was the cones, and not the trees.


Due to lack of variety of meats the other night when we went shopping , instead of our Sunday dinner of steak tonight, we will have to celebrate the super bowl, with chili.  Short one job, maybe burger meat and beans seem more suitable now anyway.  We are not football fans, but love the ads, but on Sunday nights Britbox is loading one Vera from the new season, so we are more excited about that.




@grapau27Thank you for the last two weeks of food porn, and the Father David posts on Sundays.  Regardless of where ever you are, you have made my Sundays complete.


To all who post, like, thank or laugh, thank you!  And for everyone who stepped up recently to keep us covered...a BIG thanks.




Thank you so much for your kind words and lovely cat meme's.

It is lovely to get nice responses like yours and it makes me happy that I am able to pass on our lovely vicars sermons every week and the photos of lovely food we are very fortunate to be able to enjoy on our travels.

Vera is filmed near us in North East England.




Edited by grapau27
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Good morning. Sunny today and high maybe in the mid-40's but snow, rain (read ice) and freezing temperatures are forecast for Monday - Thursday off and on. Hope I get out to the doctor before it all starts and maybe make a quick stop at the store for milk and a couple other items. And as for pennies... I need to roll some and take them to the bank. Maybe during Super Bowl I can do the rolling. I have no favorite in the game so will be watching it while doing other things in the vicinity of the TV. Will pay much closer attention to the Puppy Bowl. 


Have been to Cobh on several land tours including my own driving tour around Ireland. Spent several days there and really enjoyed it and the surrounding area. Unfortunately, not likely to get to go back.


Off to do laundry and other exciting things. Also, need to make a list of things I want to discuss with my PCP tomorrow morning so I don't forget anything.


Take care all..... don't overdo. I think we all need to pay attention to our health this days. Pay attention to what your body tells you.







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