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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 30th, 2023


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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

As I mentioned in the previous post, in 2014 on the Veendam, our tour took us to a local school and a banana plantation.  There was an unscheduled stop at the local church.  The church ladies had prepared a lunch for us which was quite good with local foods.  There was a discrete donation box, which we all gladly added too.


These are just a few of the imagines from the school.  The fathers greeted us with a marimba concert. 



This is a typical classroom.



The students performed their local dances for us.  Before we arrived at the school, our guide gave each of us a packet of school supplies (cost included in the tour cost).  We figured we'd give the packets to one student each.  Instead, we were told to open them and talk to the kids before giving them one item from the packet.  The way the kids converged on us, reminded me of sea gulls when you throw breadcrumbs at them.



This is the inside of the church.  Unfortunately, I don't seem to have a picture of the lunch.



After lunch, we headed to the banana plantation which is close to the border with Guatemala.  At that time, most of the workers at the plantation and packing facility were Guatemalans, as they could make more money working in Mexico.  We thought that was rather ironic.


Of course, the first stop was the banana plants where our guide explained a lot about them.



The banana stalks are first washed before being packed.  The ones that do not meet the standard for export, are loaded loose in a truck for local use.  You can see the truck in the background.



Those little stickers on the bananas when they get to the store are put on by hand, with at least one sticker per bunch.  They pack the bananas for several different brands.  That day they were packing for Dole.





Interesting port photos Lenda.

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Good afternoon from a hot and getting hotter central Texas.  It is about 97F with just a few stray clouds.  I managed to finish my "art" project without getting too messy or too much spray paint on me.  I also put a big piece of cardboard under the "critters" so the port floor stayed clean, and there wasn't any wind which helped keep things neat.


When I finish here, we're going to get out of the house and take the convertible for a drive -- with the top UP!


The latest information on the wildfire is it is 50% contained.  There was a small breakout fire that was quickly handled by the bulldozer operators.  Now we just need some rain to get the fire out.


I'm glad so many are having cooler weather.  If you can spare some, please send it toward the southern part of the US.  


@ottahand7  Nancy, thanks for the wonderful flower pictures.


3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Both DH and I were blessed with great fathers in law; unfortunately, they are no longer with us, but they left us with great memories.  We've made many international friendships over the years, some dating back 50 years.  Thanks to CC, there have been many more as well, and we treasure them dearly.  I'll leave my cheesecake for others, as I'm not a fan - I find them too heavy after a meal.


It's a beautiful day out there this morning already, bright blue sky and just a hint of a breeze.  Looking at the weather app, it looks like we will see a high of 29C (85F), which means the A/C will likely be turned on later in the afternoon.  Right now the windows are open and the cool morning air is coming in nicely.  


I think I'm going to spend some time today looking online for a new air fryer.  Yesterday DH asked if I could make pork chops instead of the chicken skewers, so I took out a couple to do in the air fryer.  It took twice as long as the recipe called for to cook in an air fryer.  I also noticed the last time I made muffins in it, that it seemed to take an unusually long time for them to bake, so I'm thinking it may be time to get a new one.  I know a lot of my Daily family have an air fryer, so are there any recommendations?  I'd really like to get another with multi functions like the air fryer/toaster oven we currently have, as I can also bake in it on the deck during the summer.


It looks like the medication DH received for his gout is working.  By last evening, he was able to hobble around the house a bit, and was even able to sit outside the front door for a little while.  Thanks for the suggestions of cherry juice - I'll have to take a look for it.  Cherries are on sale right now, so I'll head out this morning and be sure to pick up a bunch of them.   I'm not sure what caused this to happen, as we haven't had most of the foods/beverages that cause gout.  Our bodies are strange things.


@AV8rix Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruise!

@smitty34877 prayers that all goes well for Lou tomorrow.

@cat shepardI'm glad all went well with your nephew's service yesterday; it really helps to have something positive to end the day.


I think I'd like to try the drink of the day, I know I'd enjoy the wine, especially since it isn't pricey.  The menu suggestion sounds like a shore lunch we had on a fishing trip;  fresh caught fish, dredged in flour/salt/pepper, fried and served on crusty buns and eaten while sitting on large rocks overlooking the lake.  For us tonight, I think we'll be having burgers done on the barbecue, served with corn on the cob that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm glad you DH is doing better with the medication.  I like my air fryer which has three racks, but it is just an air fryer.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

No FIL here. I'll salute friendships, foreign and domestic, which make life sweeter. I am a fan of cheesecake. I somewhat agree with the quote, but we can make changes to who we are. A fish sandwich is about the only fish I'll eat, and yes to the drink and wine. I like Roy's meal. I haven't been to Puerto Chiapas. 


A cold front came through with the rain yesterday, and it is cooler, yay. Heavy fog is burning off. We'll be around 79-81F this week, until Friday, and less humid. I was up late last night, as one of my night blooming cereus cacti had a flower opening. The flower opens at night, and closes and dies the next day. I put a couple of photos down below. I have to be up and at the PC tomorrow AM, as my friend Ruth's memorial service will be webcast from the UK.


@AV8rix Bon Voyage!

@cat shepard It sounds like although sad, the memorial service was also somewhat healing, especially for your nephew's son. The ice cream and farm sound great. Enjoy meeting your friends for lunch and family for dinner.

@0106 Thanks for the recipes.

@ottahand7 Beautiful flowers.

@1ANGELCAT Happy Birthday to Houdini.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos from Puerto Chiapas and for posting Sandi's too.

@ger_77 I have a Breville countertop air fryer oven that I like. I didn't get the bigger one that can hold a 9x13 inch pan, due to having a small kitchen and not a lot of counter space. I'm glad DH is starting to feel better.

@Nickelpenny You're not alone - I have the Apple watch on my left arm and Fitbit on the right! 

@cruising sister Continued prayers for Baby Murphy.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.


My Cerus cactus around 7:30PM



11 PM



Vanessa, it was worth staying up late to see your night blooming cactus.  Thanks for sharing the pictures.


2 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Sunday everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. 

Weather is lovely today. The heat and humidity have taken a break. 

I will gladly have the meal and drink of the day. I love cheesecake. 

Fancy had her visit with the vet yesterday. She is a very good dog who travels well in the car. She got a clean bill of health and some shots. She does have a luxating patella, much like me, which explains why she will occasionally run on three legs. Fancy has adapted well to our home. She is such a sweet dog who seems really happy. We did go for a walk after the vet appointment. She loves being outdoors. For me, I am getting more exercise which is helping my blood sugar go down. 

Thinking of everyone on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating.

Have a safe and healthy day. 


Denise, not only are you good for Fancy, she is good for you with helping lower  your blood sugar.


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Sunday from a very humid Tucson. We’ve had several heavy monsoon storms the past few days, Friday night and last night the heaviest. Our DS’s power was out Friday night until midnight and his internet was still down as of yesterday morning.  His SO saw a transformer hit by lightning and there were reports of trees down. According to my weather app we got 1.2” of rain last night and the yard looks like it. @Nickelpenny, we must be in different areas of town if you haven’t gotten much, we are on the east side. 

Lots going on in everyone’s lives. Prayers to all. I would appreciate prayers for a family member’s situation that is heavy on our hearts. I can’t go into details. 

I don’t eat many sweets but do love a good cheesecake. On my last cruise I had a piece almost every day.  HAL’s version is very good. 



The Premier Margarita looks and sounds good. I had stopped drinking them after having bad tequila in 1999 on a party boat excursion until I went to a tequila tasting in Puerto Vallarta in April and in Cabo on an excursion I made my own.  The key is really good tequila. The jalapeño version yesterday sounds good too. 




I might just have to buy some tequila. Has anyone tried the Corona Sunrise that is going around on the internet?


I’m not a fan of fish burgers but the fried fish sandwich looks good. I think we will go out for lunch today at my favorite Mexican food place and have a greasy ground beef taco and a Margarita. 

Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, sending positive thoughts that your family member who is dealing with a situation.  While we don't eat lunch, often on a BHB l'll get the cheesecake for a mid-day snack.  I'm glad you are finally getting some monsoon rains.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cooler here this morning and our forecast high is mid-80's. That is if the clouds move in. Hopefully they will give us some rain. The last couple days we have had sprinkles and I can smell the rain, but it does not fall. Hopefully monsoon is coming.


Nothing really new. Today I am going to concentrate on things that can be discarded. Trash day is Tuesday. I am also going to call a couple of friends to see if we can't find a home for Diane's cats. When I was out at the shelter yesterday they told me that they were sending flowers and a card to the service and several people will be joining me in attendance. I think I am going to be reaching for the phone to call her for quite awhile.... we did talk several times a week and she was my "have you heard this" person. And we cruised together a couple of times.


Better get the dogs out again and get to work.


Take care all.




Susan, bless you for trying to find a home for Diane's cats.  It is always difficult to lose a close friend, and more so when it's sudden.  


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:



Graham, that is so true about the dog.  However, we did have one diva dachshund who did not like criticism, but was good at giving it.  🤣  She was the alpha member of the family, both animal and human, and would not let you forget it.  Puerto Chiapas is an interesting port, but you need to take a tour or go into town.  There is not much in the port area except a few vendors in the port building.




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Cooling off in Maryland, nice respite. 
My FIL from my first marriage was a gem!  When my father died, he told me he’d always be my dad. He walked me down the aisle when my DH and I got married. His last years were sad. He remarried after being widowed but was soon was in a facility where I visited him often. His wife was so appreciative because I really did know him and his history better than she did. I still replay much of his wisdom and talk with in my heart.  My DH’s father died long before I was in his life… I wish I’d known him, he was brilliant and had 150 patents. 

I have a pretty piece of amber on a neck cord from Chiapas. Mostly I remember it was very hot there!  

The granddaughters loved afternoon room service cheesecake on our cruises!  

Tomorrow we should get a call telling us what time to be at the eye surgery center Tuesday. We’ll take anytime but morning is easier when fasting. I’ll be anxious waiting until we get the call! Interesting that in March his surgeon told us that even though it was Ramadan, she didn’t fast on surgery days so she could be at her best for her patients!  

@cruising single Mary Kay (I hope I got the right blue bubble) my hat is off to you getting through your downsizing. We are pulling up boxes from storage that we moved from NM in 2021, a few at a time trying to purge before our next move to the NJ community. It’s very hard, the hardest stuff got left to “do later”. Blessings for a smooth transition to your new environment. Are you in GJ?  That was my “first life” out of college as a geologist. Learned to fish and hunt, loved CO!  Then jobs went away and we moved to Albuquerque in 1983. Couldn’t give away a house then. But better times have returned there. Wishing you the best!  


@smitty34877 thinking of you checking in DH tomorrow for chemo. When we’d check in for radiation, the smiling receptionist had a plaque that changed my thinking, “ It’s a good day to happy!”  Hugs to you Terry!  
@ottahand7  and @JazzyV

Thank you for the flowers!  Hoping the connection is good for Ruth’s memorial service. 


@marshhawk I hope you and Chuck ate well and enjoyed the show last night!  And that you get some relief from your pain. 

@ger_77 Glad DH is getting relief from the gout. Sounds like all forms of cherries are on your list!  

@Quartzsite Cruiser Relieved to hear the fire isn’t growing. Enjoy the convertible ride tonight. 

Thanks to CC and cruising I have some extraordinary friends!  

Blessings to all the Care list. All the Dailyites. All in need of healing, comfort or hope. Those grieving losses. Those with worries and ill loved ones. Those here and afar.  Thank you all for being here. Cheers to those celebrating, Life is Good! 🌈


Hope all our cruisers are enjoying!  Smooth travels to all away. Be well and safe. 



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Good afternoon, everyone!


Thos morning we took the mail boat out around Casco Bay and visited some of the islands.  We couldn’t get off the boat, but it was nice to see them.  There are some beautiful homes on the islands, but I’m thinking it would be really cold when those winter winds blow.  You can catch the mail boat right next to the ship dock-Casco Lines.   $17.50 for adults, &14.50 for seniors.









And a little food porn.








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6 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Oliver continues to be a good boy. He's potty training very well. I have a potty bell that arrived this morning we will try. My girlfriend says her DD uses one and they are now trained to ring the bell when they want out. Hmmm

Our 2 DS had dogs that were trained to ring a bell beside the door when they wanted out. Worked great, because if you couldn't see them, you could hear them. They were bear bells mounted on a hook.

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Cheesecake is definitely not in my plans, because non-dairy cheesecakes, while they exist, aren't very good.


Fish burgers with creamy slaw would be OK. No Margaritas of any kind for me, please. For the wine I might substitute Lakewood 2021 Long Stem Red. I haven't been to Puerto Chiapas and it sounds like maybe I haven't missed anything.







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44 minutes ago, Tbay said:

Our 2 DS had dogs that were trained to ring a bell beside the door when they wanted out. Worked great, because if you couldn't see them, you could hear them. They were bear bells mounted on a hook.

Our dog was also a bell ringer....but it hung on the door knob.

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We keep Blue inside our family room/kitchen which has two entryways but none to the outside. We put up fixed gates on both which have swing openings, one faces the front door and the other faces the backyard. When he needs to go outside he taps on the gate. I can usually tell if it’s for attention or if he really needs to ‘go’. We also keep a potty pad by the gate as a just in case when we aren’t around.  He doesn’t use it often, however for some reason he’s using it a lot lately. So much that I had to order some from Chewy last night, since I only have 3 left. 

57 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Yup, I am more west side - Oracle and Roger.  I saw some pics of the east side and all I can say is Wow!!  Be safe!!

Yes, different areas, we are Houghton Broadway and DS is Camino Seco Broadway. They were hit really hard. Earlier my app said it would rain at 3 and now there is nothing. Craig said if he had the weather person job he’d be fired. 


39 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

It might take a few seconds to get this but most of us have had this experience.



I just told Craig that I felt like I just flew from Heathrow to Phoenix with a layover and then to Tucson. The view is great but you can’t appreciate it for your weariness. 

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I've just been virtually attending a wedding, being held somewhere on a beach. From the standpoint of watching on Zoom, it wasn't a wonderful experience. The sound was almost nil, and in-person guests kept standing in front of the camera. Also, what joker wears a tuxedo to a beach wedding?


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8 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Oliver continues to be a good boy. He's potty training very well. I have a potty bell that arrived this morning we will try. My girlfriend says her DD uses one and they are now trained to ring the bell when they want out. Hmmm


Joy, I had a couple of dogs that didn’t bark when they wanted out.  I always hung bells on the sliding door and said “outside” as we went out to do business.  the bells ended up on the door for years - the 2 dogs that didn’t bark rang the bells when they wanted to go.  Worked well.  they finally fell apart last year so I turfed them.  Very easy to do - a bit of wire and Christmas bell like things and it’s all set up.


It does work if you connect them with “outside” (or whatever your code word is for business) and the bell ringing overall.


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I had just written a rather extensive post, and all that posted was the meme.  Aghhhhh!


so i will shorten post

stayed out late

went to bed late

woke up late

had breakfast late

had lunch late

spent remainder of after noon watching F2 races from this weekend,

watched the porche race from early today

watched Chuck sleep the afternoon away


A Midsummer Nights Dream was very good, 95% of the time.  It was the last weekend, and many folks were there for the 2nd of 3rd time.  Because it was their last evening performance, they added some of their own humor, and then rushed through the final third of the play.


BUT Puck was played by a woman, and SHE was fantastic!


DH is still sleeping, guess he needs it, we are off to the Proton Radiology doc tomorrow to get his opinion on more treatment.  But in reality, he needs the next two tests, CT and PET to see if what they are now looking at is cancer in his mouth, or scarring in his mouth.


I will let him rest, perchance to dream.


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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Joy, I had a couple of dogs that didn’t bark when they wanted out.  I always hung bells on the sliding door and said “outside” as we went out to do business.  the bells ended up on the door for years - the 2 dogs that didn’t bark rang the bells when they wanted to go.  Worked well.  they finally fell apart last year so I turfed them.  Very easy to do - a bit of wire and Christmas bell like things and it’s all set up.


It does work if you connect them with “outside” (or whatever your code word is for business) and the bell ringing overall.



Jacqui did you hang them inside and outside? Or did you watch them when they wanted back in? How is Ivan today?

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Rain!!!! We are having rain!!! And also lightening and thunder. Hope no fires start but this is the first really measurable rain in some time. Got the dogs out and in just in time. Temps feel good and there is a nice breeze.


Just sort of plodded along today. Not much done but some stuff out to the trash and another box ready for the thrift store.



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31 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Jacqui did you hang them inside and outside? Or did you watch them when they wanted back in? How is Ivan today?


I just hung them inside the door.  The key was knowing when they wanted out.   that was my main worry.   I always keep an eye on my dogs when they are out even though I have a fenced back yard and the others were on invisible fencing out front.  (Ivan isn’t.  He trained fine but then associated the flags with the grass - he won’t leave me anyways so I nixed it)  

Ivan seemed good today, thanks, a bit lethargic in the morning which worries me - is pain not letting him sleep at night? Is he in pain?  It’s crazy where your mind goes - not sure if that is a sign or not.  (I’m making notes and trying to gage) But he perked up later and wanted his fetch games (ad nauseam).  I try to limit him to make sure he doesn’t overdo.  if this morning’s lethargy leads to pain tomorrow, I might have one of my signs.  I just hope this dam injection works for him.  I do think it has helped but hard to know if it was the pain pills or the injection.


I watch him too carefully for signs of pain when we walk, play or even if he doesn’t eat, I start to worry.  Stupid.   I’m just glad he is here with me.  He has the care he needs.  I am sure he would be dead or in agony if he was in his old home.  I don’t rush a dog to an emergency vet unless I know it’s urgent.  he’s been twice and the vets confirmed my timing was good. My budget says ouch but.. he’s well loved in our neighbourhood and welcomed by all.  We just need to make sure he can have a good quality of life for more of it 🤞 if a monthly shot gives it to him, it’s well worth it.  I just hope it does.

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We're back from the matinee.  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser we both agreed that the second half of the movie was better than the first.  That's because the second half all took place inside the haunted mansion and the first half was a lot of background for the characters (not a bad thing, but it could have been shortened).  We did enjoy it, especially the music and scenes from the mansion making you feel like you were on the Disney ride.  It was silly but in a good way.  The theater was pretty full, so obviously a lot of people want to see it.


Before that I made bruschetta from some tomatoes and basil in my garden -- oh wow, so, so good! We ate it all for lunch. 

Tonight will be the fish burgers (we have Halibut).  




I combined 2 recipes I had, adding balsamic vinegar and parmesan to the bruschetta.  




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1 hour ago, kazu said:


I just hung them inside the door.  The key was knowing when they wanted out.   that was my main worry.   I always keep an eye on my dogs when they are out even though I have a fenced back yard and the others were on invisible fencing out front.  (Ivan isn’t.  He trained fine but then associated the flags with the grass - he won’t leave me anyways so I nixed it)  

Ivan seemed good today, thanks, a bit lethargic in the morning which worries me - is pain not letting him sleep at night? Is he in pain?  It’s crazy where your mind goes - not sure if that is a sign or not.  (I’m making notes and trying to gage) But he perked up later and wanted his fetch games (ad nauseam).  I try to limit him to make sure he doesn’t overdo.  if this morning’s lethargy leads to pain tomorrow, I might have one of my signs.  I just hope this dam injection works for him.  I do think it has helped but hard to know if it was the pain pills or the injection.


I watch him too carefully for signs of pain when we walk, play or even if he doesn’t eat, I start to worry.  Stupid.   I’m just glad he is here with me.  He has the care he needs.  I am sure he would be dead or in agony if he was in his old home.  I don’t rush a dog to an emergency vet unless I know it’s urgent.  he’s been twice and the vets confirmed my timing was good. My budget says ouch but.. he’s well loved in our neighbourhood and welcomed by all.  We just need to make sure he can have a good quality of life for more of it 🤞 if a monthly shot gives it to him, it’s well worth it.  I just hope it does.


Oh Jacqui I hope so too. Our sweet little Oliver was so abused his first 10 months living in a 1 dog cage with 3 siblings. He tries so hard to please and does not want to leave my side. We get to formally adopt him this week. I am so thankful our neighbor saw him at Harley's Angel's Sanctuary.  We are life long donors now!

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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

We're back from the matinee.  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser we both agreed that the second half of the movie was better than the first.  That's because the second half all took place inside the haunted mansion and the first half was a lot of background for the characters (not a bad thing, but it could have been shortened).  We did enjoy it, especially the music and scenes from the mansion making you feel like you were on the Disney ride.  It was silly but in a good way.  The theater was pretty full, so obviously a lot of people want to see it.


Before that I made bruschetta from some tomatoes and basil in my garden -- oh wow, so, so good! We ate it all for lunch. 

Tonight will be the fish burgers (we have Halibut).  




I combined 2 recipes I had, adding balsamic vinegar and parmesan to the bruschetta.  





Carolyn, thanks for the information about the movie.  It has a good cast, and my guess is that the trailer is from the second half of the movie.



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It is quite late here, so don't know if anyone will read this, but this is a "fun" Father-in-law story.  My DFIL married my DM, so he became my Step-Father, and my DM became my MIL!!  This was quite a number of years AFTER my DH and I were married!


Have a great Monday, if I don't get back here tomorrow!

Mary Kay

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