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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday October 26th, 2023


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Today's sunrise is from another round trip transatlantic, this one in 2014 eastbound on QM2 and returning on a cruise ship, this time Wind Star.  I worked early on our fire department's breakfast October 26th and caught the sun coming up from our ballroom lobby:




Great to hear from @NextOne again.



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Someone asked about soaps and  beauty products on Seabourne.


The room is stocked with Molton Brown products and bar soap. Shampoo & Conditioner already in shower. Use all you want in the larger containers but you will be charged if you take them home.



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2 hours ago, NextOne said:

Good morning, friends! I'm happy to be able to check in today!

The valve replacement and WAZE surgery went went well last week &I was released last Monday to come home. Now I have to be patient, rest and let my body heal -- not easy for me! I always have lots  that I think I need to do! My son is making a herotic effort to keep me reined in.! It appears that the AFib is gone, which makes me very happy!

Members of my church have brought food by, and neighbors send flowers.  My fuzzy freeloaders  are happy to have me back & curl up with me. 

It's all good! Thank you all for the prayers - they worked!

Did you mean MAZE surgery?  Hubby just had it on Oct. 18....A-fib still comes (rarely) & goes & like you, he has trouble being patient (& a patient)..

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Good afternoon.  The rain has stopped and we've actually seen the sun between waves of clouds.  There is still a big difference between the digital rain gauge and the old fashioned one even though they are sitting less than a foot apart.  I looked into the digital one and didn't see any debris blocking the water flow.  I also know I emptied the old fashioned one after the last rain, and I don't think we had any rain at the house yesterday when we were gone.  At least the digital gauge read 0.00 last night.  The digital rain gauge shows 1.86 inches, and the old fashioned one showed 3 inches before I emptied it.  However much rain we had, the yard is saturated and some of the top soil I added washed away.  When it's drier, I'll drag it back where it belongs.


It was a busy morning between laundry and cooking.  Now, all I have to do is fold two more loads of clothes and heat the baked beans for an hour before we eat, which will be later this afternoon.  I also verified our AARP membership with HAL so that we'll get the discount on future cruises.  The process was easy, but you do have to scan or take a picture of your membership card and upload it for verification.  For some reason, they won't just take your word for it. 🤣  I also learned you have to type your Mariner number in, instead of copying and pasting it.  Now, we just need to book a cruise.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is 54 going up to the high sixties later. I salute those who are deployed. We have two National Guard reservists in the family. One is in Connecticut (that state with the boring drive to New Yawk) and the other Massachusetts. No one really likes turkey here so I doubt I will try the recipe. We have been to Scotland but not Oban. I found the quote funny too.

The hospice nurse was able to get a new IV in for Tana yesterday and left the very beepy machine in my hands. I am learning more than I ever cared to about IV’s!

We have been going through pictures of my DD DH in preparation for his  gathering next week. I have found some doozies that he would not have liked the public to see. He was quite heavy at one time and struggled with that for a few years. Today Tana and I are picking out the best ones to display. It is bittersweet.


Have a great day everyone.


Terri, I'm glad the nurse got a new IV going for Tana.  I know going through the pictures of your DH is difficult, but I hope the good memories behind the pictures will make it easier.  I'm glad Tana feels like helping you.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We enjoy mincemeat in tarts; as a child my mother always added chopped apple so it wasn't quite as spicy.  I still do that today.  Our horseless carriage did it's job bringing us home safely yesterday.   Blessings on all those deployed; may they stay safe and return to their families whole.  The quote made me smile today.


Well we're back after a whirlwind of a week with our family in Calgary.  Two active boys, age 8 and almost 4 make for busy days.  We got them off to school and the sitters each weekday so their parents could just get ready and go.  After the kiddles were gone, we cleaned up the kitchen and headed out in our horseless carriage to see what Calgary had to offer in terms of shopping.  Of course one of the obligatory stops was made at IKEA, but after spending 2.5 hours there, I ended up feeling almost downhearted, as my bill was under $100.   Between school, drum lessons, swimming lessons, soccer and Japanese class, we were kept busy the entire time, so now that we're home we can relax again.  There's a reason why child rearing is left to the young.  Before we headed home (the roads were atrocious), we took some family photos - some were great, but there's one that as soon as our DS and DDIL saw it, they immediately turned to one another and said "Christmas card!"  Here it is:



On Tuesday morning we woke to snow - lots of snow, and it kept up throughout the day.  Yesterday when we got up the temperature was -16C (-3.2F) with a strong wind, making it feel like -20C (-4F); it took nearly 30 minutes of running the car with the defrost on high to clear both front and back windows.  The roads were terrible as mentioned previously, with snow and ice, but we were cautious, and about 2 hours northeast of Calgary the roads cleared up and it was normal driving the rest of the way home.  Here's a shot of one of the highways north of Calgary; we were only able to go about 60kmh (35mph) without slipping and sliding around.



Today is a day to restock the fridge, DH needs a haircut, and Sochi needs some much needed love, as she was very chatty and clingy when we got home yesterday.  I turned on the TV to see the terrible occurrence with a mass shooting in Lewiston; prayers for all involved.  I know, being off the boards for a week that I've missed a whole bunch - Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Bon Voyage to all who had celebrations, and heartfelt thoughts to those with losses.  


I like the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and will take a look at the menu suggestion when I thaw out part of the turkey carcass that sits in our freezer.  For tonight because it's cold out (currently -15C), I've got hamburger thawing that will be made into hamburger soup for us to enjoy with crusty bread at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, in pain, and in grief.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Welcome home, Gerry, but YIKES!  😱  to all that snow on the road.  That is why we live in the warmer climates, even though we suffer with the extreme heat in the summer.  Great picture of your DS, DDIL and DGSs.


4 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is a very mild 62F here in mid-Michigan, but that is accompanied by rain.  It is supposed to clear out late morning, early afternoon.  I have nothing on the agenda for today except for a trip to the grocery store.  There are very few leaves left in the trees here.  Next week may be the last time we rake to the curb.  My dad loved mincemeat pie with brandy sauce and I would make one for him every  Thanksgiving and Christmas.  He was particular about the mincemeat and I only used the Cross and Blackwell brand.  I haven't made it since he passed.


The shooting in Lewiston is so senseless and makes me angry.  Those who can make a difference refuse to do so.  That is what makes me so mad.  The tune might change if the victims were those they cared about, but as long as they aren't, they can turn a cold shoulder to the rest of us.


The surgeon suggested I get a brace to wear that will help keep my innards in place around the hernia.  It came yesterday, so I'll be trying it today.  At least I shouldn't look so lumpy.


Today's meal is one to save for the leftover turkey we will have next month or that you already have if you are in Canada.  I'm sorry you didn't like the chicken rice soup recipe, Lorraine @cruising sister.  I prefer brothy soups to the cream ones and would probably just follow my own recipe for making the broth.   I suppose we will get a few recipes now and then that are not so great.   Today we'll start with A Taste of Home and see what they have cooked up.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/turkey-wild-rice-soup/




As I said, I prefer the broth based soups more, so here is one of those.  I usually add a bay leaf to my soups.   https://lexiscleankitchen.com/turkey-wild-rice-soup/




This next one uses a bit of white wine to flavor the liquid.  Wine usually helps just about everything.  https://www.thecookierookie.com/turkey-wild-rice-soup-recipe/




This one includes mushrooms.  You can really use any vegetables that you like.  I include brussels sprouts quite often as they hold up well. As for the carrots, I've learned that if I need them for "flavor" I use big chunks and fish them out at the end.  Or just eat around them.  Adjust the seasonings to your taste, not that of the recipe. I sometimes add a sprinkle or red pepper to the pot.    https://www.aheadofthyme.com/leftover-turkey-wild-rice-soup/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


Debbie, I agree with you about the shootings and lack of action by those who can make a difference.  The news was bad enough last night, and it's only getting worse today.  I hope the brace helps until you can have the hernia repaired.  I also agree about wine helping just about everything, and the wine doesn't necessarily have to be in the food.  It can be in a glass and still help.  🍷


2 hours ago, NextOne said:

Good morning, friends! I'm happy to be able to check in today!

The valve replacement and WAZE surgery went went well last week &I was released last Monday to come home. Now I have to be patient, rest and let my body heal -- not easy for me! I always have lots  that I think I need to do! My son is making a herotic effort to keep me reined in.! It appears that the AFib is gone, which makes me very happy!

Members of my church have brought food by, and neighbors send flowers.  My fuzzy freeloaders  are happy to have me back & curl up with me. 

It's all good! Thank you all for the prayers - they worked!


Edi, thank you for checking in, and I'm glad you are home and are recovering.  That is great news the surgery went well and the Afib appears to be gone.  Hats off to your DS for stepping up and helping you as you recover.  Your fuzzy freeloaders are probably the best medicine, and will help you rest and not over do.


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

At Frederick Douglass International. Although my trip is international, the first flight is only to Philadelphia. In some pain from yard work and lack of sleep, applying ibuprofen and diet cola internally.


Save travels, Paul.  Hope all the flights are smooth, on time and without problems.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've never had mincemeat, but was always intrigued by it. I'll salute horseless carriages and the deployed (as well as their families). Funny quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Oban. 2 good days in history. 


Another nice day here today. While I did get more sleep, my pain has been off the scale today. I went to bed early, after benadryl for my injection. I slept until about 2 AM, and when I attempted to sit up I had the most horrendous back and leg pain. I wondered if the manipulations at the pain clinic had anything to do with it. I managed to get that to settle down, and had a series of catnaps. After I posted the Cares list I slept until after 8! So about 5 hours total. But when I got up, my right leg was so painful and had tingling and numbness. I barely could put weight on it, and thought I might have to call 911. I managed to get dressed, as the plumbers were coming. It has eased up some, and I hope more so as the day goes on. I called to get an appointment with the recommended neurosurgeon (who has glowing reviews online), but she had nothing until January. So I'm going to see her PA next Friday, who may get the ball rolling with repeat imaging and anything else she thinks I need. I wanted to mow the lawn today; I'll see how I feel later. Some of the boiler plumbing is replaced and the new toilet is in!


@StLouisCruisers I know everyone appreciates your prayers. 

@grapau27 Thanks for the information on Day of the Deployed.

@cat shepard Can you remind me what vehicle you got?

@kazu Take some time to relax if you can; you've been so busy! I really need to find someone to do snow removal and mow the lawn. It's so hard to find anyone reliable.

@aliaschief It sounds like they're treating you very well. Enjoy!

@Nickelpenny Oops! I'll correct it. 

@RMLincoln I know you have a lot to do, just be careful not to injure yourself. And getting more sleep is great. Now just for the legal document to come!

@cruising sister Thanks for the updates. DB must have osteomyelitis (infection in the bone) to require antibiotics for that long. And I hope Murphy can get off the ventilator. Prayers for them both, and the families. I'm glad you feel ok from the vaccines. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Oh no on the roof leak! Your meal is making me hungry. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad the hospice nurse could get a new IV in for Tana. Hugs to you and Tana as you go through the photos; I hope the good memories will help sustain you.

@ger_77 Welcome home! Great photo of the family. I'm glad you stayed safe on the nasty roads. 

@dfish I hope the brace helps. Great recipes. 

@kochleffel Feel better, and safe travels!

@NextOne Yay! Good to see you and know that you're doing well. Now just relax and heal.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry your back and leg were even more painful this morning, but glad you got some sleep.  I hope the surgeon's PA can help and can expedite things for you.  We've found the neurosurgeons at USTW and in Temple to be extremely busy and difficult to see.  Even with an appointment with the surgeon Monday, we saw the nurse practitioner, which was fine with us.


1 hour ago, dfish said:


Once I learned how to make soup, I never bought a can of Campbell's again.  It just seems so gross to me!   I will make up a large batch of soup and freeze half of it.  Then I don't have to eat it every day till I'm sick of it and I do have it for when I want it again. 


Debbie, I have a great tomato soup recipe, but it needs very good and flavorful tomatoes.  Sadly, they are hard if not impossible to find.  I haven't made my vegetable beef soup in years, since it makes too much for two of us even if I freeze some.  If I use canned soup for dinner, it's Progresso.  If it goes in a recipe, I use Campbells.  


2 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Yesterday 10/25. Thank you!


Thanks.  I should have remembered that.  I guess I've got too much info overload.


17 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

Did you mean MAZE surgery?  Hubby just had it on Oct. 18....A-fib still comes (rarely) & goes & like you, he has trouble being patient (& a patient)..


I hope the Afib disappears completely for your DH.  I think most patients are patient when recovering.



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Vanessa, I hated reading about the worsening of your pain. I pray the neurosurgeon’s PA can see you soon and maybe help you through this journey. 

I got a Volvo XC60 recharge plug-in hybrid.  Sadly, the only thing available when I went looking, but it is a great vehicle.
Comes with an interchangeable plug so you can use either 110 or 240 outlets. It has a range of about 43 miles to the charge. 


So far I have used gasoline twice. I am getting 323 mpg.  😜


I really wanted to checkout the Hyundai Tucson plug-in hybrid, but they don’t even sell them in Florida. 🤔 It may have the largest inside area. 

The one test I have yet to try with the Volvo - is whether the kayak fits. 🤞🏻

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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Debbie, I think the brown rice was the problem. I love creamy wild rice soup. Being a Minnesota girl i had it often growing up. I will be brave and try with wild rice recipes.


And brown rice is supposed to be better for us!   I do like wild rice, but rice in general really spikes my blood sugar so I tend to stay away from it.


51 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I agree with you about the shootings and lack of action by those who can make a difference.  The news was bad enough last night, and it's only getting worse today.  I hope the brace helps until you can have the hernia repaired.  I also agree about wine helping just about everything, and the wine doesn't necessarily have to be in the food.  It can be in a glass and still help.  🍷


While it enhances the flavor of the food it is in, I think it works best in a glass.  


51 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Debbie, I have a great tomato soup recipe, but it needs very good and flavorful tomatoes.  Sadly, they are hard if not impossible to find.  I haven't made my vegetable beef soup in years, since it makes too much for two of us even if I freeze some.  If I use canned soup for dinner, it's Progresso.  If it goes in a recipe, I use Campbells.  


I liked tomato soup as a kid, but it tends to be high in carbs so I stay away from it.  I like to make chicken vegetable soup, cabbage soup, spicy bean soup, and others.  As I said before, I prefer to brothy soups.  Maybe because I like to dip a piece of garlic toast in them. I have a good recipe for French Onion that I want to try.  


@NextOne I'm glad you are home and recovering well.  Take it easy and take advantage of the forced relaxation.



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While cruising aboard the Zuiderdam this past April, we tendered to shore at the port of the day, Oban, Scotland.  We choose an excursion that took us about an hour inland so we could tour Inveraray Castle, the family home of the Duke of Argyll.  Originally built in the 1700’s by the 3rd Duke of Argyll, this home is among the earliest examples of Gothic revival in Britain.  Approximately two-thirds of the castle is open to the public, with the rest of the home reserved as the private residence for the current Duke of Argyll and his family.  While touring the home, we learned the Duke was working the register in the gift shop.

Some photos from the bus on the way to Inveraray Castle.








Inveraray Castle



















DW with the Duke of Argyll in the gift shop.


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@seagarsmoker Bon Voyage!  I hope you have a great cruise!


@rafinmd best wishes for your Petscan.  I hope it helps resolve things 🤞 


@JazzyV I hate to hear of your increasing pain.  I am glad you have a Care team and pray they can give your some help and pain relief 🙏 


@RMLincoln wow - you are moving along.  Wonderful that the realtor was so pleased.  Hopefully everything else comes in place soon 🤞 


@ger_77 what a lovely photo you posted ♥️. Ugh on all that snow you got 😢. It’s far too early for that crap.  I am dreading winter and I hope it stays away as long as possible.


@dfish I sure hope that brace helps 🙏 


@NextOne so wonderful to see you back here with such good and encouraging news 👍 


@kochleffel safe travels.


Ivan is making up for his lack of fetches while I was away 😂. Apparently fetch is only done with Mum 🤷‍♀️ 

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A few days ago @Cruising-along Carolyn and @Sharon in AZ Sharon asked for the recipe for Beef and Guinness Stew.  Here is my recipe that I use.


2 lb. stewing or braising beef

1 tsp vegetable oil

2 tbsp butter

8 oz baby or pickling onions - I just use small onions or shallots or cut up the onions into wedges

3/4 cup Guinness - I use the whole bottle

1 1/4 cups beef stock

bouquet garni

1 1/2 lbs potatoes cut in slices - I use small red ones as they have more fiber.  Just cut in half.

8 oz mushrooms, sliced

1/2 tsp mild mustard

Thyme sprigs to garnish

1 tsp plain flour

salt and freshly ground pepper


Season both sides of meat.  Heat the oil and half the butter in a large, heavy pan.  Brown the meat on both sides, taking care not to burn the butter.  Remove from pan and set aside.


Add the baby onions to the pan and brown for 3-4 minutes.  REturn the steak to the pan.  Pour over the Guinness and stock and season to taste.


Add the bouquet garni and the potatoes.  Cover with a tight fitting lid and simmer over a gentle heat for 1 hour.  

Add the mushrooms.  Replace the lid and cook for another 30 minutes.  Remove the meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon and arrange on a platter.  


Mix the remaining butter with the flour to make a roux.  Whisk a little at a time into the cooking liquid.  Stir in the mustard.  Cook for 2-3 minutes until thickened.  Season and pour over meat and vegetables.  Garnish with thyme sprigs.  


The above came from a cookbook I picked up in Ireland.  Another cookbook, Irish Traditional Cooking by Darina Allen includes garlic, 2 tbsp tomato paste, 8 oz carrots, and a pinch of cayenne. She does not put potatoes in the stew, but she does serve the stew over potatoes (colcannon or champ).  


In the Ballymaloe Cookbook Myrtle Allen does put potatoes in the stew.  She leaves out the mushrooms and garlic and sprinkles parsley to garnish.


When I make this I serve it with warm soda bread.  


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Good afternoon everyone. Sam is finally home from the hospital. I think he’s been in at least four times in the last six weeks. It’s been very stressful but maybe this was the last round.

Our grandson has his application in for early decision at a great school and fingers crossed he gets in.

Stay well and safe everyone,


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Debbie @dfishthank you for the recipe! I will definitely be making that in the future. Of course I’ll be replacing the mushrooms with some other vegetables (no surprise to you). 🤣


@Mtn2Seayou got a great photo of the Duke! He’s such a personable young man. I remember his joking about working for his wife because she ran the gift shop. 

@mamaofamiI’m glad Sam is home from the hospital. 

Today I’ve been really dragging even after 2 good nights of sleep. Almost fell asleep on the couch this afternoon, so I decided to mow the lawn to try to wake up. I know it’s after effects of the flu shot, should be better tomorrow. Strangely my arm hurts more today than yesterday too. Odd. 

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Good afternoon. Well, although I had some leg tingling, I managed to get about 80% of the lawn mowed. Then I started feeling tired and somewhat shaky, so I stopped. I can finish tomorrow after PT and then getting my flu and Covid shots.


@cat shepard Thanks for the information. Volvos are great cars. I'd like to get a hybrid, I think. I love my Acura RDX, but there won't be a hybrid, just an all electric (and costing $60k or more, which I won't pay). My RDX is a 2015 and I don't even have 30k miles, so it's probably cost effective to just hang on to it for now.

@Mtn2Sea Great photos, thanks. Nice photo of DW and the Duke.

@dfish Thank you for sharing your recipe.

@mamaofami I'm glad to hear that Sam is home, hopefully for good. Prayers that your grandson gets into the school he wants. 

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Deployed certainly deserve a day.

Would try the meal, probably pass on the drink, try the wine and have not been to Scotland.

It was 66° headed to 73° when we landed in Rome.

Sunrise over Rome from our plane. Had no idea we were directly over the wing until I took this picture. 

Shoulder is not happy - it was at a weird angle during the flight then pushing & pulling luggage down the street during the 15 min walk from Termini really gave it a workout. 

Last night we did a nighttime tour of Rome and today we go see the Underground at the Colosseum then HOHO around Rome.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 




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14 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Sounds great and I'm so glad you're going to see the Underground at the Colosseum.  We really enjoyed it.

Yes it it definitely something to see. I did it in 2022 right after they started the tours in that part of the Colosseum. 

Edited by Nickelpenny
Spelling correction
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14 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Yes it it definitely something to see. I did it in 2022 right after they started the tours in that part of the Colosseum. 


29 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Sounds great and I'm so glad you're going to see the Underground at the Colosseum.  We really enjoyed it.

Thrilled to hear you enjoyed it. Tickets were hard to get; floor and lower levels were easy to find, but may of the Underground tours were sold out. So when we found some available for a day we would be tbere, we jumped on them. Seeing the Colosseum last night all lit up has really gotten us excited. 

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@ger_77 I was very concerned about the roads where you were but happy you were not too troubled by it all. 
@kazu, glad you are finally home!  
@mamaofami hoping Sam continue to improve. 
@Haljo1935 nice weather in Rome!  Hoping your shoulder rests. 

I’m in bed early. Felt lethargic all day. I was able to get the rooms cleaned up and the sunporch mostly cleared out that the realtor’s photographer will photograph tomorrow… it was more work than it sounded!   The views are exceptional now with the fall colors so pretty, and the realtor wants to capture them before they fade. 

I concocted a dinner out of what’s on hand. Not buying more food just to throw out what’s here. I made a ham and pineapple pizza (a DH favorite called a Hawaiian combo around here) but with a pie crust  I had in the fridge. We ate it and it was ok but I can’t recommend it!  Saturday my long-time friend from NM who lives here now will come see us and hopefully take some things I’m letting go of… I might make up the ravioli in the freezer with shrimp in there too, maybe scampi style. It all needs to get used up!  

Hoping I can get a deeper rest tonight. Tomorrow is another day to excel!  M—

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3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good afternoon everyone. Sam is finally home from the hospital. I think he’s been in at least four times in the last six weeks. It’s been very stressful but maybe this was the last round.

Our grandson has his application in for early decision at a great school and fingers crossed he gets in.

Stay well and safe everyone,



That is really great news, Carol.  I pray it is the last round for Sam 🙏. Fingers crossed for your grandson. 🤞 



1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Shoulder is not happy - it was at a weird angle during the flight then pushing & pulling luggage down the street during the 15 min walk from Termini really gave it a workout. 


Your poor shoulder.  If there’s any other pulling for that length of time, do it a favour and take a cab, please.



1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Last night we did a nighttime tour of Rome and today we go see the Underground at the Colosseum then HOHO around Rome.


Nice on the underground at the Colosseum.  I hope you enjoy it - I’m pretty sure you will 👍 



8 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

I’m in bed early. Felt lethargic all day. I was able to get the rooms cleaned up and the sunporch mostly cleared out that the realtor’s photographer will photograph tomorrow… it was more work than it sounded!   The views are exceptional now with the fall colors so pretty, and the realtor wants to capture them before they fade. 


You deserve that rest after all that hard work.  I hope you can get a good night’s sleep and feel well rested for your busy day tomorrow.


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Good evening.  The brisket and sides were good, but idealy the brisket should have been in the smoker an hour longer to get the meat really tender.  Instead, we had to eat early before the technician came.  He was running behind schedule and was not scheduled to arrive until 5:45 instead of sometime between noon and 5 pm.  We now have the new system,  and it wil be a learning curve, but I don't have the energy to tackle it tonight.


4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good afternoon everyone. Sam is finally home from the hospital. I think he’s been in at least four times in the last six weeks. It’s been very stressful but maybe this was the last round.

Our grandson has his application in for early decision at a great school and fingers crossed he gets in.

Stay well and safe everyone,



Carol, I'm glad Sam is home from the hospital.   I hope your grandson is accepted to the school.


5 hours ago, Mtn2Sea said:

While cruising aboard the Zuiderdam this past April, we tendered to shore at the port of the day, Oban, Scotland.  We choose an excursion that took us about an hour inland so we could tour Inveraray Castle, the family home of the Duke of Argyll.  Originally built in the 1700’s by the 3rd Duke of Argyll, this home is among the earliest examples of Gothic revival in Britain.  Approximately two-thirds of the castle is open to the public, with the rest of the home reserved as the private residence for the current Duke of Argyll and his family.  While touring the home, we learned the Duke was working the register in the gift shop.

Some photos from the bus on the way to Inveraray Castle.








Inveraray Castle



















DW with the Duke of Argyll in the gift shop.



Thanks for sharing your pictures.


1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Deployed certainly deserve a day.

Would try the meal, probably pass on the drink, try the wine and have not been to Scotland.

It was 66° headed to 73° when we landed in Rome.

Sunrise over Rome from our plane. Had no idea we were directly over the wing until I took this picture. 

Shoulder is not happy - it was at a weird angle during the flight then pushing & pulling luggage down the street during the 15 min walk from Termini really gave it a workout. 

Last night we did a nighttime tour of Rome and today we go see the Underground at the Colosseum then HOHO around Rome.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 





I'm glad you made it to Rome safely.  The underground tour at the Colosseum sounds interesting.  I hope you don't stress your shoulder anymore, and that it starts to feel better.



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i am just checking in.

Sorry I am so late.

DH had a doctor’s appointment today and after going over all that transpired in the last two weeks, it was determined that his medication needed to be increased.

DH was amenable to that.

He has seemed pretty good for the last few days.

We are trying to book a short cruise just to get away, but not having very much luck.

Looking at one that may work.  TA will let us know tomorrow.

I think it would be good and DH was the one to suggest it.

Hope everyone had a good day.

i will read all the posts tomorrow.  I had very little sleep last night and hope I do better tonight.

Prayers for everyone.


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