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Thursday November 30th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites 


Prayers today for Sharon's surgery, Roy, Tana, Vanessa, Sue, and all needing extra thoughts.


After leaving dinner last night we headed to the Crow's Nest for a quiet nightcap. Two officers came by and asked about our cruise, what we liked and what needed improvement. Never experienced that before. It was very nice.


We got a $50 pp off gift card, to be used on our last port day. HMC. I'm not wanting anything now, so maybe we will get another gift card next cruise.


Today after we finish breakfast I want to have a pool day. 


We are hoping to get our patio door fixed today. I don't have the strength to get it open and even our steward said he struggles with it. The front desk called and said it would get fixed today. Fingers crossed.


Sandi... GWC??

I still have not run into you. Yesterday I had the green HIMSELF shirt on all day Today I am wearing a blue shirt featuring the Float planes of Alaska.

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Best wishes to Sharon!

Safe travels for Roy!

Glad Debbie’s scan was finally read. 
Horrors on Annie still without oxygen. 
Sorry about the washer Lenda. Nuisance!

@JazzyV Oiy!  Just OIY!  Keep breathing!  

@ottahand7 Nancy, our visit to Nuka Hiva had DH do the excursion and I went to the market area. His excursion experience was uninspiring. They did what they could for vehicles but most people couldn’t hear any explanations. I, on the other hand, found the market amazing with so many carved wood items, many on display, too huge to take home. But excellent craftsmanship, so stunning I felt like I was in a museum. Very different from the ports on our Tales of the South Pacific. 

DH definitely has a bug but got through the night on antihistamines, feels better but tired. Well me too!  Not sure if I have a bug but resting sounds good to me!  His eye doctor appt was moved to Saturday! Yay! We’ll find out then what we can set up for local (NJ) followup after his January eye surgery in Maryland. I’m staying hopeful. 

I can’t believe we’ll have to travel in less than two weeks!  Sure hope we’re feeling better by then, but even if not we’ll make it to granddaughter’s wedding in San Antonio. Moving is hard on so many levels, even when it’s a good choice at a good time. One day at a time is enough!  

Other granddaughter and all her husband’s family are going on an MSC cruise this Saturday for her in-law’s 45th anniversary. I’m so happy they can all do this!  And we’ll learn more about MSC for future considerations. 

Blessings for all in need, near and far, especially the innocents caught in wars. 
Cheers to those celebrating!  Life is Good!  
Smooth travels to all away!

Thanks all for being here!  




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Quick update. My friend Dena has been admitted to hospital instead of just observation. Doctors and nurses are baffled because all tests have come back within normal range and she has no risk factors for anything. IV antibiotics continue as does the search for a cause and hopefully a cure. Thanks everyone for your prayers. Our vigil continues.

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1 hour ago, dfish said:


We usually eat around six, but we're not having the lasagna.  Menu is fish and vegetables - probably broccoli.






That is scary, especially since the toes have gone black.  Healing thoughts going Dena's way.



I'm glad you slept well last night!   Hope your travels go smoothly.



It is very walkable.  It is a very small town so if there aren't sidewalks, the streets are safe to walk in.  We walked all over town that day and found the waterfall that we walked up to.  If the fish and chip truck is there, do treat  yourself.  It was excellent.


Well, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.   I posted on the hospital's FB page and they gave me the number for Patient Relations.  I called them and filed a grievance over the situation.  Patient Relations gave me the number of the radiology group that reads the scans and I called them. They were full of excuses because of the huge radiologist shortage.  But, she assured me that my scans had not been lost and were in the queue to be read and that they would be read within 3 weeks.  I told her that was tomorrow and she acted surprised.   Just got a call back from her and the scans have been read and should be posted shortly.  


Debbie, I would have been a squeaky wheel much soon.  That's good that the scans have been read -- finally.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Computer security is vital, especially with reports of hostile takeovers lately. I like a good chocolate mousse. A salute to Barbados independence. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I have not been to Seydisfjordur, Iceland; I want to go to Iceland. Beer purity is very important in Germany. 


It's warmer today (43F) and sunny. Well, quite the day yesterday. The mitigation team came all the way from WV last evening. They measured moisture in the floor, and put fans and a giant dehumidifier both in the living room and in the basement under (to dry the subfloor). It sounds like a jet engine in here. I was concerned about sleeping, but was so exhausted I went to bed at 9:30 and was asleep by 10. I got about 5 hours, which is a near record the last few months. The insurance claims person called this AM to get details, then the mitigation company manager was just here. These fans have to stay about 3 days! I will still need to get an HVAC company to put in a new radiator. I have PT this afternoon, and that's about all on the agenda today. MRI tomorrow, finally.


@Sharon in AZ Prayers all goes well with your cataract surgery today.

@rafinmd Roy, take your time driving today.

@StLouisCruisers You're teasing us about your big news! Thanks for your photos from Seydisfjordur.

@kazu I hope you get your flight worked out for the best.

@Heartgrove Nice photos. I never have heard of "Trapped".

@Seasick Sailor I hope you get your balcony door fixed.

@grapau27 I had to LOL about your original moose post 😉.

@dfish I'm glad Sue is feeling better. Thanks for the recipes. Yes, just copy and paste. Good for you for being the squeaky wheel!

@ger_77 Good news on the mammogram. 

@superoma Prayers for your friend. Sadly black toes usually is dead tissue.

@marshhawk I hope the oxygen comes soon!

@cruising sister How is your hand coming along?

@kochleffel Good luck with your class presentation today.

@Quartzsite Cruiser You've got a lot on your to-do list! 


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, that is good news you got more sleep last night.  I hope the mitigation team and their fans can save the floor or at least make it easier to fix.


58 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Best wishes to Sharon!

Safe travels for Roy!

Glad Debbie’s scan was finally read. 
Horrors on Annie still without oxygen. 
Sorry about the washer Lenda. Nuisance!

@JazzyV Oiy!  Just OIY!  Keep breathing!  

@ottahand7 Nancy, our visit to Nuka Hiva had DH do the excursion and I went to the market area. His excursion experience was uninspiring. They did what they could for vehicles but most people couldn’t hear any explanations. I, on the other hand, found the market amazing with so many carved wood items, many on display, too huge to take home. But excellent craftsmanship, so stunning I felt like I was in a museum. Very different from the ports on our Tales of the South Pacific. 

DH definitely has a bug but got through the night on antihistamines, feels better but tired. Well me too!  Not sure if I have a bug but resting sounds good to me!  His eye doctor appt was moved to Saturday! Yay! We’ll find out then what we can set up for local (NJ) followup after his January eye surgery in Maryland. I’m staying hopeful. 

I can’t believe we’ll have to travel in less than two weeks!  Sure hope we’re feeling better by then, but even if not we’ll make it to granddaughter’s wedding in San Antonio. Moving is hard on so many levels, even when it’s a good choice at a good time. One day at a time is enough!  

Other granddaughter and all her husband’s family are going on an MSC cruise this Saturday for her in-law’s 45th anniversary. I’m so happy they can all do this!  And we’ll learn more about MSC for future considerations. 

Blessings for all in need, near and far, especially the innocents caught in wars. 
Cheers to those celebrating!  Life is Good!  
Smooth travels to all away!

Thanks all for being here!  





I'm sorry your DH has a bug, but glad he is feeling better.  Good wishes you will both be well and rested in time to attend your granddaughter's wedding.


46 minutes ago, superoma said:

Quick update. My friend Dena has been admitted to hospital instead of just observation. Doctors and nurses are baffled because all tests have come back within normal range and she has no risk factors for anything. IV antibiotics continue as does the search for a cause and hopefully a cure. Thanks everyone for your prayers. Our vigil continues.


Eva, I hope the doctors and nurses can figure out the cause of your friend's problem and that she has a quick and full recovery.


Our good  news is the parts for the washer will be in Tuesday, and they will install them asap.  I think I can hold off on the rest of the laundry until the washer is repaired.



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Good morning everyone!  I am just sort of waiting to leave for the surgery center in 45 minutes. Easy to get ready, no creams, lotions, hairspray, etc. I’ll have to read the entire Daily later. 

Thank you all for your good wishes for today. I’ll check in later today. 

Have a great day everyone!

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4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Lol Sandi,  I was just about to ask if dear daughter and SIL were expecting! Or if they picked up a new puppy, or whether you are moving to Texas To be closer to Ren (and us!)  But since it's, 'permission " I think it's Ren! Just a guessing game since there's no hints..


Oh my Lord, DD would have a heart attack if that were happening.  They wouldn't mind another puppy but have their hands full with Sadie and Milo right now.  Nope not moving to Texas!  I should have waited and not leaked news before it happens.  Just too impatient!  




4 hours ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. I have a favour to ask of this great group. A close friend of mine, one of the women in the Wednesday group, could use your prayers. She went to the ER on Sunday for an inflamed right foot and calf. They got her on antibiotics and set her up to get IV antibiotics at home (visiting nurse). Yesterday when the nurse came to do the infusion she recommended that Dena go back to emerg. The big toe and second toe have gone black. She was good, followed advice and was kept overnight for observation. Waiting to hear this morning if she has been admitted. We are very worried for her and will be grateful for your prayers. I won’t post any pictures because they are really gross but thank you in advance for your prayers. 


In my unprofessional opinion it looks like it started as cellulitis. Now we are hoping it isn’t or doesn’t turn into MRSA. Will update when I get news.


Prayers for you good friend, Dena.  I hope they can figure out what is happening and help her back to health quickly. 🙏




3 hours ago, cunnorl said:

        We are scheduled to stop at todays port next summer. To those of you that have been there, is it walkable?  I tried to tell from the pictures, if there were sidewalks.




As Debbie said it's quite walkable.  If no sidewalk, the streets were perfectly safe with little traffic there.  We enjoyed it a lot, and it was such a pretty place.




3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Our beautiful sunny days are gone and rain has returned.  Even a forecast of "frozen mix" tomorrow.  I guess it's our turn, and it will be December tomorrow after all...


The security system we have on our computers works well, and we always have our computer guru DS if we need help.  I love chocolate mousse, but haven't had any in a long time.  Congratulations to Barbados!  I'll pass on the red wine and drink, but might like the meal.  Not sure DH would care for it though.  Thank you for all the lovely photos of Seydisfjordur!  It wasn't on our VOV itinerary.  Photos of Iceland really make me want to do the VOV again....we're booked through June 2025, hmm...


Today will be another full day.  This morning we're going to the DGSs school where the 5th grader will be in a musical program.  Afterwards we'll probably get lunch out, and continue down to Seattle to pick up the last Christmas gift. 


Tomorrow I'm thinking of getting my Covid booster, the timing would be good between holidays and a few weeks before the cruise.  Meanwhile the packing continues.  When DH called World Cruise office at HAL yesterday they told him that this year's Grand Africa didn't receive the list of Theme nights until after Luggage Forward had picked up luggage.  Not inspiring much confidence!  So by looking at previous Grand Voyage Theme nights I'm just making an educated guess and winging it!  


Sharon @Sharon in AZ Thinking of you today as you have your cataract surgery.  Both DH and BFF say it's a piece of cake.


Roy @rafinmd Safe travels home!


Eva @superoma Prayers for your friend.


Time to book another Iceland cruise!  We like to go every year since Covid.  We did in 2022, 2023 and have it on the schedule for 2024.  It's getting to be really popular.




2 hours ago, dfish said:


We usually eat around six, but we're not having the lasagna.  Menu is fish and vegetables - probably broccoli.






That is scary, especially since the toes have gone black.  Healing thoughts going Dena's way.



I'm glad you slept well last night!   Hope your travels go smoothly.



It is very walkable.  It is a very small town so if there aren't sidewalks, the streets are safe to walk in.  We walked all over town that day and found the waterfall that we walked up to.  If the fish and chip truck is there, do treat  yourself.  It was excellent.


Well, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.   I posted on the hospital's FB page and they gave me the number for Patient Relations.  I called them and filed a grievance over the situation.  Patient Relations gave me the number of the radiology group that reads the scans and I called them. They were full of excuses because of the huge radiologist shortage.  But, she assured me that my scans had not been lost and were in the queue to be read and that they would be read within 3 weeks.  I told her that was tomorrow and she acted surprised.   Just got a call back from her and the scans have been read and should be posted shortly.  


Well, thank goodness they've finally read the scans.  It's about time!




2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Computer security is vital, especially with reports of hostile takeovers lately. I like a good chocolate mousse. A salute to Barbados independence. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I have not been to Seydisfjordur, Iceland; I want to go to Iceland. Beer purity is very important in Germany. 


It's warmer today (43F) and sunny. Well, quite the day yesterday. The mitigation team came all the way from WV last evening. They measured moisture in the floor, and put fans and a giant dehumidifier both in the living room and in the basement under (to dry the subfloor). It sounds like a jet engine in here. I was concerned about sleeping, but was so exhausted I went to bed at 9:30 and was asleep by 10. I got about 5 hours, which is a near record the last few months. The insurance claims person called this AM to get details, then the mitigation company manager was just here. These fans have to stay about 3 days! I will still need to get an HVAC company to put in a new radiator. I have PT this afternoon, and that's about all on the agenda today. MRI tomorrow, finally.


@Sharon in AZ Prayers all goes well with your cataract surgery today.

@rafinmd Roy, take your time driving today.

@StLouisCruisers You're teasing us about your big news! Thanks for your photos from Seydisfjordur.

@kazu I hope you get your flight worked out for the best.

@Heartgrove Nice photos. I never have heard of "Trapped".

@Seasick Sailor I hope you get your balcony door fixed.

@grapau27 I had to LOL about your original moose post 😉.

@dfish I'm glad Sue is feeling better. Thanks for the recipes. Yes, just copy and paste. Good for you for being the squeaky wheel!

@ger_77 Good news on the mammogram. 

@superoma Prayers for your friend. Sadly black toes usually is dead tissue.

@marshhawk I hope the oxygen comes soon!

@cruising sister How is your hand coming along?

@kochleffel Good luck with your class presentation today.

@Quartzsite Cruiser You've got a lot on your to-do list! 


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


I'm sorry!  I don't mean to tease!  Can't understand why good news is traveling so slow in this case.  I should have waited!


I'm happy to hear you got 5 hours sleep last night even though it was probably because you were so exhausted.  Hoping the mitigation people can save those floors for you and the radiator repaired promptly.  Finally time for that MRI thankfully.




39 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

So funny to see Craig’s picture!  This was taken on Grand Cayman in 2016. 


I know, right?  Sometimes a photo will show up like that when you copy and paste the link.  I'm not sure why.  I noticed it was Craig, too.

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Good afternoon everyone.  Well I heard from Northern Michigan University and they sent the paperwork for their scholarship candidate and her CV shows a real passion for conservation so that is wonderful news.  Sadly Lake Superior State University has so far found no one for the $1500 and another $1000.   Really disappointing.   I said I would be doing this process next fall and I recommended whenever she has a student contact in the area of study for our awards to let them know there will be money to apply for in the fall and collect their name and phone number. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser so happy you can find parts for your washer and I am glad it was your old one.   John fixed his own dryer once.  

@superoma thanks for the update on your friend Dena.  I will pray for her.  

@RMLincoln thanks for the information about Nuka Hiva.   I will talk it over with John.   He may come in later when my excursion ends and we can go to the marketplace.   I looked at some of the photos from the HA shorex reviews and it looked like there were some beautiful vistas during that excursion.  I have found I like to do excursions so I can see more of a port that I may never get back to or that weather prevents going.  Following Bill and Mary Ann's blog on their Tales of the South Pacific on the Volendam this month they had to miss a port or two due to weather not allowing tendering.   

Edited by ottahand7
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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I did get a call from the oxygen people this morning.  Everything was good, but they had the wrong  company for my part N.  And that had to be corrected.  If they approve it, then I will get the oxygen.  


OMG Annie - this seems to be endless 😔. I hope it gets straightened out FAST and approved and you get the oxygen you need 🙏 



3 hours ago, dfish said:

Well, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.   I posted on the hospital's FB page and they gave me the number for Patient Relations.  I called them and filed a grievance over the situation.  Patient Relations gave me the number of the radiology group that reads the scans and I called them. They were full of excuses because of the huge radiologist shortage.  But, she assured me that my scans had not been lost and were in the queue to be read and that they would be read within 3 weeks.  I told her that was tomorrow and she acted surprised.   Just got a call back from her and the scans have been read and should be posted shortly.  


About time - sheesh 😡. So glad you put the squeaky wheel in motion 👍. It’s about time they were read !



3 hours ago, 57redbird said:

Has Bruno posted anything on any forum lately?


He posted on FB near the end of June but doesn’t post on FB very often.



2 hours ago, superoma said:

Quick update. My friend Dena has been admitted to hospital instead of just observation. Doctors and nurses are baffled because all tests have come back within normal range and she has no risk factors for anything. IV antibiotics continue as does the search for a cause and hopefully a cure. Thanks everyone for your prayers. Our vigil continues.


Oh dear.  My prayers just doubled for Dena 🙏 



1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone!  I am just sort of waiting to leave for the surgery center in 45 minutes. Easy to get ready, no creams, lotions, hairspray, etc. I’ll have to read the entire Daily later. 


Best wishes for you surgery, Sharon.  🙏 

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Good afternoon everyone!


We were in Seydisfjordur in August 2022 on the Nieuw Statendam.  We didn't have any plans that day, so with our cruise friends we got off and walked around the town. ( @cunnorl it's very walkable - I don't like to walk much!!). We passed a VERY small house with amazing carvings in the front yard:


Then we walked to the painted street and went to El Grillo to have a local beer and lunch - delicious!!


We saw the pretty blue church, but since it was a Sunday we didn't try to go in and disrupt services.


We also visited the grocery store with its small selection of items. Overall it was a very cute town, and I'm glad we were able to see so much.


Prayers said for so many on our lists (and new ones being added). Cheers to all celebrating and cruising!!


Take care of yourselves,


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5 hours ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. I have a favour to ask of this great group. A close friend of mine, one of the women in the Wednesday group, could use your prayers. She went to the ER on Sunday for an inflamed right foot and calf. They got her on antibiotics and set her up to get IV antibiotics at home (visiting nurse). Yesterday when the nurse came to do the infusion she recommended that Dena go back to emerg. The big toe and second toe have gone black. She was good, followed advice and was kept overnight for observation. Waiting to hear this morning if she has been admitted. We are very worried for her and will be grateful for your prayers. I won’t post any pictures because they are really gross but thank you in advance for your prayers. 


In my unprofessional opinion it looks like it started as cellulitis. Now we are hoping it isn’t or doesn’t turn into MRSA. Will update when I get news.

Sending prayers for your dear friend 


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