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Wednesday December 13th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Thank you to all who make the Daily a special place.


Sir Francis Drake was a privateer for Queen Elizabeth I and one of the first British slave traders.  A woman named Maria was taken off of a Spanish ship and brought on the Golden Hind.  Nine months later, pregnant, she was abandoned on an island.   On Wilder Seas: The Woman on the Golden Hind by Nikki Margery is a historical fiction account of her experience and a novel I enjoyed reading.


Positive thoughts to those who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

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19 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Oh Graham, I bet you say that to everybody!  Just kidding!  I hope you and Pauline have a nice day together.  She's off work Wednesdays, right?  Have fun!





Go for it Denise if that is what you want to do!  Life is short and you don't want any regrets at the end.  Good luck!

Thank you Sandi.

Pauline only works Monday and Tuesday.

This was our afternoon tea at Hotel Burj al arab



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Happy Hump Day to All and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  Great 3 days (I would love to play the violin), like the quote, falafel and the drink, pass on the wine.  I lived in Dubai for 4.5 years working at Rashid Trauma Center as the Clinical Educator for the ED.  I even published an article about my training plan for the nurses in the Journal of Emergency Nursing.  It is a cool city.  My parents lived there for 10 years (my Dad worked for ARCO Oil as their head safety engineer).  I have pics but who knows where they are but I have one on this computer from a trip to Dubai from Saudi!  LOL!!  Wow on the days in history!!






Well, yesterday was interesting.  Nice day subbing and then went to the chiropractor.  Was leaving there and thought I would pick something up to eat instead of cooking.  All of a sudden, my low tire pressure light came on.  The R rear tire had a pressure of 25 and it was going down.  It was already 1830 and I wasn't sure if the mechanic I go to was still open or even if the dealer's service department was.  So stopped by Fry's to put in some air but I don't think I figured it out how to use it correctly.  Debated on whether to pick something up to eat, go home or swing by the mechanic.  Picked up food and, alas, the mechanic was open.  They said they could try and patch it but it had a sidewall crack.  So they put the spare on and I will go today to get a new tire after my 2 appts today.  I think I hit a curb and that is what did it.  If it is not one thing, it is another.  Oh, well.


I am keeping my fingers crossed I have an acceptable plan for my back.  I have gone down this road twice before - one an emergency, which I don't want this to become.  We will see.


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!



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1 hour ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning.  Prayers for those in need — which seem to be many this year.  Thoughts for a good end of semester for 2 college age family members who have been raised Jewish.  I do pray that all goes well for them — we are living in a crazy world right now.


Weather here is cold but I may run out for a few gifts.  Getting to the end of my shopping.   I keep on thinking something must be wrong that I am finished this early!


DH Bill had a doctors appointment yesterday that went very well.  Bloodwork results were very positive.  Yay!


Have a safe and great day.  Katherine 

Excellent news Katherine.

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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


This is your local reporter RNB reporting live from Curacao. I will be brief as we are getting ready to go to Mambo Beach for a little snorkel adventure. This maybe my last report until I return to the States due to poor Wi-Fi on ship.


I have attached a few photos of our ship a Shadow ship and what happened when the Misses did not listen to me at breakfast today when I told her to eat only one stack of pancakes.



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Good morning, everyone!


It is a real chilly start to the day in mid-Michigan with mostly cloudy skies and 24F.  It is supposed to clear up and the high is 37F.  Nothing planned for the day, but I think I'll go pick up the last of the leaves.  This week is the last pickup for yard waste until spring.  


We had today's meal last September so today is a refresher.   Here is a recipe to make from scratch.  https://www.themediterraneandish.com/how-to-make-falafel/




The Food Network offers this tutorial on how to make falafel.  https://www.foodnetwork.com/how-to/packages/food-network-essentials/what-is-falafel




How about falafel gyros?    https://dishingouthealth.com/falafel-gyros/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!   I think I might just make a cup of cocoa this morning - a sweet start to the day.  Saint Lucia is the saint of lights, of which there are many sparkling this year.  DH's son took violin lessons as a little guy, and, well, let's just say it wasn't something worth pursuing.  He's much better at playing the radio than the violin.


A busy day for the two of us - I'm going to a Christmas lunch (it's a huge turkey dinner served at lunch time) with my retired colleagues.  I'd forgotten about the online invitation that was sent out, when a friend messaged me about why I wasn't coming this year.  I hastily changed whatever plans I might have had for today to accommodate this request, as it's always fun to get together with more than 100 people I used to work with.  DH has coffee with his band this afternoon, and I've got to package up some things to send away to the cable company so we don't get charged for keeping their equipment.  


I finished the Christmas cards yesterday and will get them mailed today, and while doing the last of them yesterday, the mailman arrived.  In the box was what I've been waiting for - confirmation of an appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon on January 3rd to see about my torn rotator cuff.   I've already put it on the calendar so I don't forget that most important appointment!


@kazuI'll certainly keep your DBIL's mother in my heart; which is it - Bill or Roman's mother?  Prayers to your sister as well as she stays by her side.


I'm pretty sure I'd like the drink of the day, as it sounds quite refreshing with all that citrus.  I'll pass on the white wine and am just not a fan of falafel.   After a large meal at lunch time and with DH having coffee (and I'm sure a snack) mid afternoon, I don't think we'll be very hungry, if at all, by dinner time.  I think we'll just leave it to grazing out of the fridge, or maybe even having cereal for dinner tonight.  And wine.  Or maybe just wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says the temp is 33, and sunny.  Felt colder when I fed the strays, but it is sunny.


DH says that the reason he has been sleeping so much is that he needs 9 hours of sleep.  He went to bed at 11, I stayed up to unwind from the work.  When I went to bed at midnight, he said he was short of breath, so I took the oxygen machine in to him.  It is small and makes a very loud noise when in use, so after a while he turned it off.  I could not get him up yesterday until 11, so our lunch plans, bank plans were cancelled, which threw off the menu here for the rest of the week.    Today, when we have no plans, he set the alarm which has been going on and off for the last hour. I went back to the bedroom and told him to turn it off. Nope, no luck.  I really need to talk to his main doc at his next appointment.  A lot of the extra sleeping is due to depression, and perhaps the cancer.  This time of year is hard on him.


Todays plans?  Walk the dog, work a 3 hour shift, then take an hour off, and then work another 3 hour shift.  Then being off.  


I swear when I got up this morning I heard something under the sink.  I am not about to find out what it is when I am the only person awake.


@cat shepardOh my, on those tiny tots with their eyes all aglow......I will have visions for ever when I hear the song, and when I eat them......scary little tots!


I will celebrate Cocoa day, especially with added whipped cream, and I love the quote.


Years ago, in another life, my boss and I had been working on a form design for the sales agents to use on line for the insurance company we worked for.  We apparently had forgotten to add some major information, and the big boss called us into his office.  The big boss yelled at my boss- Tom!! How stupid can you be?  And Tom replied, I dont know sir, I'm not sure if I have been thoroughly tested on that.


It was a priceless moment.



DH decided what he wanted for Christmas this year.  He wants slippers, so I got him to be specific, to check out some that I saw on line, and we ordered what he wanted.  When I was entering the information the screen said that they would be delivered on the 19th.  When I finished the order, the screen popped up, thanking me for the order, and that the slippers would be shipped out on January 3rd.  I told him he would get a box for christmas.   He asked what did he get me, and I replied a pair of diamond earrings that I already paid for on my store-card.  How could you afford diamonds?  Well, I ordered so much they offered them for 35 bucks.  Oh. ( I hope they fit).


We do Christmas strangely here, and we are the ones who go out for Chinese.  


@grapau27Thank you for all that you bring to the Daily, Happy CC anniversary.

@0106Thank you for the information regarding Drake.  Not so much a gallant hero.  But I will check out the book.  Thank you.




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2 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says the temp is 33, and sunny.  Felt colder when I fed the strays, but it is sunny.


DH says that the reason he has been sleeping so much is that he needs 9 hours of sleep.  He went to bed at 11, I stayed up to unwind from the work.  When I went to bed at midnight, he said he was short of breath, so I took the oxygen machine in to him.  It is small and makes a very loud noise when in use, so after a while he turned it off.  I could not get him up yesterday until 11, so our lunch plans, bank plans were cancelled, which threw off the menu here for the rest of the week.    Today, when we have no plans, he set the alarm which has been going on and off for the last hour. I went back to the bedroom and told him to turn it off. Nope, no luck.  I really need to talk to his main doc at his next appointment.  A lot of the extra sleeping is due to depression, and perhaps the cancer.  This time of year is hard on him.


Todays plans?  Walk the dog, work a 3 hour shift, then take an hour off, and then work another 3 hour shift.  Then being off.  


I swear when I got up this morning I heard something under the sink.  I am not about to find out what it is when I am the only person awake.


@cat shepardOh my, on those tiny tots with their eyes all aglow......I will have visions for ever when I hear the song, and when I eat them......scary little tots!


I will celebrate Cocoa day, especially with added whipped cream, and I love the quote.


Years ago, in another life, my boss and I had been working on a form design for the sales agents to use on line for the insurance company we worked for.  We apparently had forgotten to add some major information, and the big boss called us into his office.  The big boss yelled at my boss- Tom!! How stupid can you be?  And Tom replied, I dont know sir, I'm not sure if I have been thoroughly tested on that.


It was a priceless moment.



DH decided what he wanted for Christmas this year.  He wants slippers, so I got him to be specific, to check out some that I saw on line, and we ordered what he wanted.  When I was entering the information the screen said that they would be delivered on the 19th.  When I finished the order, the screen popped up, thanking me for the order, and that the slippers would be shipped out on January 3rd.  I told him he would get a box for christmas.   He asked what did he get me, and I replied a pair of diamond earrings that I already paid for on my store-card.  How could you afford diamonds?  Well, I ordered so much they offered them for 35 bucks.  Oh. ( I hope they fit).


We do Christmas strangely here, and we are the ones who go out for Chinese.  


@grapau27Thank you for all that you bring to the Daily, Happy CC anniversary.

@0106Thank you for the information regarding Drake.  Not so much a gallant hero.  But I will check out the book.  Thank you.




Thank you for your nice comments.

Prayers 🙏 for you both for good health and happiness.

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Happy Hump Day everyone!  Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Rich.  A good group of days today.  I will be making my Christmas cookies today and cocoa is a main ingredient in my chocolate M&M cookies a new recipe for me.   St. Lucia is a favorite port of ours and when talking with my NP yesterday she asked my favorite Caribbean port and I said St. Lucia due to the evening enjoying the Pitons from the ship, we return twice I recall our next cruise.  I love the violin and the two concert masters and principal violin for the Baltimore Symphony orchestra provide many happy memories.  A good quote by Dumas.   The Hague founded in 1920 will be busy if they can catch some of the Russians and Gazans for the horrors they have inflicted on humanity.   Thanks @grapau27 @StLouisCruisers and @Nickelpenny for the lovely photos of Dubai.   

Pass on the dinner and the bitter cocktail today, wine might be a good value wine.  Thanks for researching these for us each day.  

Happy Cruise Critic Anniversary to you @grapau27.

@JazzyV Vanessa prayers you had a better night and another good one tonight.  I am sure you are on countdown for your neurosurgeon appointment coming on Monday.   @StLouisCruisers sympathy on the passing of your cousin.   @RMLincoln safe travels for your family celebration in Texas.  Prayers for Baby Murphy and the people in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.  Prayers for the safe return of the hostages. 

John's shingles are a thing of the past other than the red dots from where the blisters were but he has been sick for the last three days.  I encouraged him to utilize one of our many Covid tests but he hasn't.  Cannot herd cats.  He has been taking so much cold medicine he sleeps a lot thankfully I could sleep well as he wasn't snoring.   Usually I catch everything that comes along but so far just a last few sneezes and having to use my rescue inhaler once.   I hope I have dodged whatever he is suffering from.  Have a lovely day!    

Happy memories of St. Lucia March 2022


sunrise St Lucia 322.JPG

St Lucia pitons 322.JPG

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Good morning,

People are chatty this morning. We are well down the second page already. I have closed and locked my LF bags. I went through them yesterday and kept what I had in them. I start panicking that I pack to much when I read people are traveling so lightly. I decide it wasn’t a competition and I did not want drying close hanging daily in my cabin.  Today’s goal is to clean up the mess, pay a few yearly bills and relax. 

Jacqui, pancreatitis is so painful. So dangerous for the elderly. The cruising list is getting so long!  How exciting everyone. I wish our care list would be shorter. The back pain list is troubling as we are only a wrong move away from joining them. I hope @57redbirdis feeling better today. Penny and Vanessa I hope you get answers soon. 

Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 

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Good morning from sunny Quartzsite.  It is currently 36F, but the weather app says it's 41F and feels like the 38F.  We have a light 4mph wind from the east with 50% humidity and a dew point of 24F.  Our high will be 67F today.  After breakfast, I'll begin decorating the Christmas gingerbread cookies.  I didn't get any decorating done yesterday because I needed to help DH get the Ranger running.  It turns out it needed a new fuel pump, which he had.  It runs, but there is a problem of a fuel leak.  I spent the afternoon going to the PO, getting two of the gas cans filled, and best of all, a much needed haircut. It had been almost six weeks, and I was looking very shaggy.  Even though I hadn't seen her since spring of 2022, the lady who cuts my hair remembered exactly how I like it cut.


I just made a cup of cocoa to celebrate National Cocoa Day.  I cheated and used the Keurig and a k-cup to make it.  I'm sure others will celebrate St. Lucia Day.  Violins are nice, but the sting orchestra instruments I prefer are the viola and cello.  


I like the Alexandre Dumas-fil quote.  I think in the past few years, it has been proven to be very true.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.


We have not been to Dubai.  It was on the two Princess world cruises in 2022 and 2023 we had to cancel.  Thank you Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, Graham, @grapau27 and Pennie, @Nickelpenny  for sharing your pictures.


The days in history are interesting with two world explorers.  The establishment of the World Court was a step in the right direction.


@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad John is over his shingles, but sorry he is sick.  I hope you remain well.

@rafinmd  Roy, I hope the appointment with the cardiologist goes well.

@seagarsmoker  I hope your job search finds the perfect job for you.

@grapau27  Happy Cruise Critic Anniversary to you, Graham.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, good wishes for your college family members.  I'm glad your DH's tests were good and the visit to the doctor was good.

@RMLincoln  Safe travels tomorrow, Maureen.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad your tree guy has looked at the fallen tree.  Sending positive thought's your DBIL's mother recovers.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, condolences on the passing of your cousin.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, positive thoughts headed your way that the doctor has a plan to help with your back problems.

@RedneckBob  RNB, enjoy Curacao today.  By a happy coincidence, I'm wearing my Curacao t-shirt today.

@ger_77  Gerry, enjoy your Christmas lunch with your former colleagues.  Glad you have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon next month about your rotator cuff.















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Good Morning, thanks for the daily report.  It’s been a very busy morning.  The project that was supposed to go live tomorrow has been postponed.  I checked in for tomorrow’s flight only to have the printer die while trying to print the boarding pass.  A load of laundry was done to lighten the load when we get home.  A few more meetings and then I shut work off.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

Zander when he was younger and innocent.

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

3 good days. I like the quote. I've never eaten falafel. Maybe on the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Dubai. 2 good days in history.


It's cold here, 31F, but sunny. Yesterday was very taxing for me in terms of pain. Plus the last appointment the PA was running almost an hour late. I was concerned that it would get dark, and I don't drive hardly at all after dark. But since it was just local and not highways, it wasn't too bad. I picked up the new med after that. So far no effect (I wasn't expecting any), and I'm very sleepy. I don't have to go anywhere, so I'll try to take a nap, if my leg allows. 


@rafinmd I hope your appointment goes well.

@StLouisCruisers Very nice photos from Dubai. Condolences on the loss of your cousin.

@grapau27 Happy CC Anniversary!

@Lady Hudson Good news about DH Bill's bloodwork.

@kazu I'm sorry to hear of the illness of DBIL's DM. Prayers that she passes the gallstones. Lovely amaryllis.

@Denise T I hope all will work out if you want to move to Canada.

@Nickelpenny That must have been interesting working in Dubai. Sorry about the tire. Good luck with the appointment today.

@RedneckBob Thanks for the photos. Enjoy snorkeling. Hope you're not in trouble with your DW !

@marshhawk I'm sorry Chuck is having a hard time. 

@ottahand7 Good news John's shingles are done, but sorry he's got something else. 

@RMLincoln Safe travels today.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Good morning. Will come back later to catch up. Got an email from Luggage Forward this morning and evidently they have been told about Durango. The are changing my pickup time tomorrow to between 6am and 5pm. Oh goody!!! And...... it is snowing. Weatherman says snow, rain mixed with snow and more snow between now and tomorrow morning. Yipe. LF says if there are problems with the timing on the pickup I can take it to one of two dropoff points. Oh sure. An 86 year old lady is going to haul 2 suitcases through the snow. So, now to finish and lock up the suitcases and pray it does not snow too much. Our driveway is not easy in bad weather.





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Mona Lisa spent part of the night on my bed, and while she got up before I did, she did not bake cinnamon rolls for the Lucia Fest. I would have liked some cinnamon rolls, although maybe not baked by a cat.


Cinnamon rolls are ubiquitous in the Nordic countries, and each one claims to make the best. Oddly, Denmark puts a legal limit on the amount of cinnamon in food, although it's waived for traditional and seasonal foods, and cinnamon rolls are both. A friend of mine started college at a school in the Midwest with a Scandinavian heritage, and had no idea what was going on when, on December 13, the other women in her dorm got up early to bake cinnamon rolls, put candles on their heads, and deliver the rolls to the men's dorm.


But I also want waffles, and I don't think I'm going to get any. There is a Dutch Jewish custom of eating waffles on Hanukkah because Hanukkah is described in Hebrew as a celebration of nes va-fele, miracle and wonder, which to a Dutch ear sounds like miracle waffles.


It's difficult to make good falafel, because the frying temperature isn't perfect, they turn out either sodden with oil, or burned on the outside and raw on the inside. Don't ask me how I know this.


I could skip the cocktail. For Chardonnay, which many Finger Lakes wineries grow even though the region is suboptimal for it, maybe Lakewood Vineyards. I haven't been to Dubai.


This morning I finished and handed the last assignment for the course. Class tomorrow is the final one of the semester.


I need to go to a grocery store. I'll try to make it the one with the kosher in-store bakery, because only store-baked bread is fresh on Wednesdays.




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Was up way too early, hr and a half before alarm.  At our gate at PHL!  Everything was a bit slower than expected - re-routed around traffic jams twice; needed 3 circles of the airport to finally find the economy lot but we’re here. No line for security but DH’s baby powder needed to be tested!  All good!  We’re gonna keep moving forward!  I’ll read the posts on the flight to Orlando.  

Later, m—

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4 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Was up way too early, hr and a half before alarm.  At our gate at PHL!  Everything was a bit slower than expected - re-routed around traffic jams twice; needed 3 circles of the airport to finally find the economy lot but we’re here. No line for security but DH’s baby powder needed to be tested!  All good!  We’re gonna keep moving forward!  I’ll read the posts on the flight to Orlando.  

Later, m—

Safe travels Maureen!

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Just now, RMLincoln said:

Was up way too early, hr and a half before alarm.  At our gate at PHL!  Everything was a bit slower than expected - re-routed around traffic jams twice; needed 3 circles of the airport to finally find the economy lot but we’re here. No line for security but DH’s baby powder needed to be tested!  All good!  We’re gonna keep moving forward!  I’ll read the posts on the flight to Orlando.  

Later, m—


Safe travels, Maureen.  For some reason, I thought it ws tomorrow.



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Good morning all!

We're enjoying a second day of sunshine because the rain will be back tomorrow....and stay....

I did get some yardwork done yesterday even though it was wet, maybe I'll do more today.


I'll celebrate all 3 days today, especially cocoa.  The drink sounds good, and I'd drink the Chardonnay, even though I do prefer just a touch of oak in mine (not too much, just a touch).  I doubt we'll ever get to Dubai, thanks for all the great photos!  I'm laughing here because the meal today has everything I do not like (cilantro, dill and cumin).  Needless to say I'll pass.  😂


Lorraine @cruising sister there will be some who pack a lot and some like Rich @richwmn who pack very, very little.  Because we got free unlimited luggage forwarding (and only because of that) we're sending 4 large bags, checking 1 bag of OTC meds, sunscreen etc. that LF won't take, and have 2 carry-ons.  So we're bringing more than we usually would -- and a lot of that is books, crafts, puzzle books etc. for all the sea days.  


Susan @durangoscots Oh my on the message from LF!  No, don't even think of hauling those suitcases somewhere.  Our pick-up time is between 1-5 pm tomorrow.  But only rain here thank goodness. (edited:  just got an email from LF, our time was changed to 10-5)....


Vanessa @JazzyV I hope the meds will help you sleep tonight -- and/or at least a nap this afternoon.  The fact you feel sleepy is encouraging that it will help you sleep. Keeping my fingers crossed!



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