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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday March 26th, 2024


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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon.  Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Jacqui and thanks for the maps Roy. Important days to celebrate today especially in the breakthrough in the prevention of polio.  My DF suffered from the illness in his youth and always had a strange gait.  Another good quote today.   I agree with Lenda, today's dish would be better with ricotta, I quit using cottage cheese as soon as I could find ricotta in the store.    The cocktail is a winner too.   When I saw Pavie on the list I thought Wow, that is pricy.   We had an appointment to visit the winery in 1996 but cancelled to spend time in the beautiful town of St. Emillion, otherwise we would have more than one bottle in our cellar, that was a gift.   Have had it one time during one of our small wine group dinners in Baltimore.    Thanks for these reports for us each day @summer slope @dfish and @cat shepard.   

Vanessa thanks for the cares and celebrations report.  I hope that you got some sleep last night.  Prayers for the lost souls in the horrible bridge collapse in Baltimore.  I understand the ship's mayday allowed the police to stop some of the cars from going over the bridge.  Prayers for all in our group who need them.  @Seasick Sailor I am sorry Allan is having such a battle and having to change his diet so much.   I hope his medication is approved.    Prayers for those in war zones, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  Praying they are getting some peace in Haiti. 

@kazu Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of Maverick!  What a handsome dog. 

Our morning was very productive with five varied stops completed in 90 minutes.   We basically avoided most of the wind and rain but it should pick up in earnest shortly.  Now to get caught up on photo sorting and paperwork.   Hopefully I have heard from the guide I contacted for a tour in Papeete next year has replied otherwise I am going with one of his colleagues,  five days waiting is too long.   Have a lovely day.  Nancy 

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Good morning, Dailyites, very sad news about the bridge disaster.  Prayers for the victims and their families.  I have no right to complain about my very minor problems...  we took DD to her doctor yesterday and he told her the hospital report said "minor" fracture of the humerus, so we were all very relieved.   I think she can come off the care list altogether, Vanessa, as, if she misbehaves and makes it worse, it'll be her own fault!  The doctor also reduced her BP meds even more, and is sending her to a nutritionist, as she has lost so much weight.  Now Pat is a bit of a problem, and has an appointment at the ostomy clinic this afternoon.  I feel I am the nursemaid for my two sickies, I need a vacation.   We are still holding our breaths as to whether we will actually go!


We are going to see if we can get Covid shots this morning.  We are actually not due until next month, but we'll be away, and I would like us to be boosted before we go.  We'll see if they will do us at the drug store.  We went to another chain yesterday, and they said they had no serum. 


It is definitely Spring here, camellias, forsythia, magnolias  and the early rhodos, all in full bloom.  I am always amazed that my little pasque flowers know when it's Holy Week, this year Easter is so early, but they are going to be open just in time!  There is a wildflower here,, which we call Easter lilies, and they are blooming, too.  How do they know?

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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  As you can imagine, I've been very distracted and will not comment much on the regular things, but have not been to Saipan.  I think I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Sour Cherry Soup, Spaghetti Amatriciana, and Rhubarb Crisp as served on MS Zaandam March 26, 2017:




Thank goodness the ship was able to radio a mayday and alert the highway authorities a bit before hitting the bridge.  They think they were able to stop traffic before the collapse.  They think now there were a maximum of 8 people on the bridge at the time, a crew repairing potholes.  One uninjured, one in a trauma center, and 6 still missing.  The situation looks grim but but the cold water may have been a benefit.  There's a saying that you aren't dead until you're warm and  dead.  It's almost 12 hours now so hope is slim but a miracle may still be possible.



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Today's sunrise is sort of from my 2019 Prinsendam Grand South America cruise.  The cruise had ended by March 26 but this is from the Fort Lauderdale Amtrak station before boarding the train home:





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4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Diabetes and epilepsy are two diseases that should be recognized, as they affect so many people.  I think we all hope to live long and prosper.  Jonas Salk's vaccine saved many from the ravages of polio.  Our friend got polio before it became available and sadly, now suffers from post-polio syndrome.


First thing I saw this morning on my news feed is the bridge collapse in Baltimore - oh my gosh, how awful!  The latest is that it is still a search and rescue, but realistically the water and air temperatures are such that any chance of finding anyone alive are exceedingly slim.  Prayers for all involved, the victims and the first responders who will do their utmost to find people.  


It's a cool one again this morning; although the sun is shining, we have a strong wind bringing the wind chill factor to -25C (-13F).  For what it's worth, we heard a crow the other day, and DH said yesterday he heard the finches back in the spruce tree beside our bedroom.  Better remember to fill the feeders so they have something to keep themselves warm over the next week or so until the temperatures smarten up.  Spring on the "frozen tundra" is like that.


@kazuthank you for your beautiful photos of Maverick - what a gorgeous creature he was.  I can see why you loved him so much.

@Seasick SailorI'm sorry Allen's test results weren't great yesterday; prayers for better health to come his way soon.  He's just so fortunate to have you as his wife and health advocate.

Extending Happy Anniversary wishes to @LAFFNVEGASLisa and Tom as they celebrate 47 years of marriage today!


Today will be spent with a little more tidying up around the house, getting it ready for the family's arrival later in the week.  I'm also going to pack up and deliver the blankets I've made over the past couple of months; I haven't counted them yet, but I'm thinking there are at least 25 in this bunch.  I've always got one on the go so I have something to do while watching TV in the evenings.


I'd like to try the drink of the day - I think it would be quite refreshing.  The wine?  Yikes!  Sure, if someone offered me a glass I'd take it, but unless I win the lottery, there won't be a bottle sitting at our table any time soon.  Not sure about the menu suggestion, as it looks like a lot of work just for the 2 of us; I'm all about fast and easy.  While making some space in the freezer the other day I found a container of beef stew that is currently thawing in the fridge and will be heated up for us to enjoy with some fresh-bought crusty buns at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Thanks so much Gerry 🥰

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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon from a rainy day in Wisconsin.  The 5 inches of snow from last week has melted.  Our crocuses that were buried are now looking good!  

Such sad news from Baltimore, prayers for the victims and first responders that are working there.  

Prayers and good thoughts for all that need them and cheers for those celebrating.  



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3 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:

On the other hand...DGD has spots all over that look like chicken pox, yet she's fully vaccinated.  We're waiting to hear what the doctor has to say.  Sure look like chicken pox to me.  And DH has his cardiology appointment this morning.  They are tracking the size of a heart aneurysm.  It's always a worry.


Oh NO on the chicken pox!  😱


Prayers for your DH’s cardiology appointment with his heart aneurysm - that is a big worry 🙏 



@Seasick Sailor sorry to hear of your DH’s report 😔 




@LAFFNVEGAS a very happy anniversary to you and Tom 🥂 






2 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Dr says insurance declined the Rx (gabapentin) because they don't approve of the dosage - he wants 9/day, they say 6/day.


For crying out loud, if the doctor says you need 9, you need 9.  when did insurance companies become doctors??  😡 




1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

Do these count as "in flower"? My garden is in a microclimate that is colder than the average for this region.




It sure looks like a flower to me 🙂 




1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

 we took DD to her doctor yesterday and he told her the hospital report said "minor" fracture of the humerus, so we were all very relieved.  


That is great news, Ann 🙂. She still has to be careful and follow the rules though.  I’m glad it is minor but a fracture is a fracture and care must be taken until it heals.



1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

 Now Pat is a bit of a problem, and has an appointment at the ostomy clinic this afternoon.


Best wishes for Pat’s appointment 🤞 



1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

 I feel I am the nursemaid for my two sickies, I need a vacation.   We are still holding our breaths as to whether we will actually go!


You deserve a vacation with all your nursing.  I hope you can go on your cruise 🤞 




1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

It is definitely Spring here, camellias, forsythia, magnolias  and the early rhodos, all in full bloom.  I am always amazed that my little pasque flowers know when it's Holy Week, this year Easter is so early, but they are going to be open just in time!  There is a wildflower here,, which we call Easter lilies, and they are blooming, too.  How do they know?


I am so jealous of you and the others with flowers blooming already.  I remember being in Victoria shortly after this time of year and was amazed by the glorious flowers, rhododendrons, etc already in full bloom.  Absolutely gorgeous.  I have a wait to go.



58 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

The situation looks grim but but the cold water may have been a /benefit.  There's a saying that you aren't dead until you're warm and  dead.  It's almost 12 hours now so hope is slim but a miracle may still be possible.




I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, Roy - but cold water is devastating and does so much damage to the body so fast.  I believe the longest a person can survive is just a few hours at the maximum.  I am afraid that there will be no miracle 😢. I would be ecstatic if I was mistaken, believe me.



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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, very sad news about the bridge disaster.  Prayers for the victims and their families.  I have no right to complain about my very minor problems...  we took DD to her doctor yesterday and he told her the hospital report said "minor" fracture of the humerus, so we were all very relieved.   I think she can come off the care list altogether, Vanessa, as, if she misbehaves and makes it worse, it'll be her own fault!  The doctor also reduced her BP meds even more, and is sending her to a nutritionist, as she has lost so much weight.  Now Pat is a bit of a problem, and has an appointment at the ostomy clinic this afternoon.  I feel I am the nursemaid for my two sickies, I need a vacation.   We are still holding our breaths as to whether we will actually go!


We are going to see if we can get Covid shots this morning.  We are actually not due until next month, but we'll be away, and I would like us to be boosted before we go.  We'll see if they will do us at the drug store.  We went to another chain yesterday, and they said they had no serum. 


It is definitely Spring here, camellias, forsythia, magnolias  and the early rhodos, all in full bloom.  I am always amazed that my little pasque flowers know when it's Holy Week, this year Easter is so early, but they are going to be open just in time!  There is a wildflower here,, which we call Easter lilies, and they are blooming, too.  How do they know?


Ann, I'm glad your DD's fracture is considered "minor", but any fracture needs to be taken seriously.  I hope Pat's appointment goes well, and you are able to go on your cruise.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  As you can imagine, I've been very distracted and will not comment much on the regular things, but have not been to Saipan.  I think I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Sour Cherry Soup, Spaghetti Amatriciana, and Rhubarb Crisp as served on MS Zaandam March 26, 2017:




Thank goodness the ship was able to radio a mayday and alert the highway authorities a bit before hitting the bridge.  They think they were able to stop traffic before the collapse.  They think now there were a maximum of 8 people on the bridge at the time, a crew repairing potholes.  One uninjured, one in a trauma center, and 6 still missing.  The situation looks grim but but the cold water may have been a benefit.  There's a saying that you aren't dead until you're warm and  dead.  It's almost 12 hours now so hope is slim but a miracle may still be possible.




Roy, I was relieved when I read the ship made the May Day call in time to prevent more injuries and deaths.  I hope there will be a miracle, but I'm afraid time is against that.


25 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

A bit of good news, the construction worker reported in serious condition has been discharged from the hospital.




Roy, that is good news the construction worker was released from the hospital.



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Posted (edited)

From WBAL 11 News, a Baltimore station, with regards to the operations of the port due to the collapse of the Key Bridge:

   The Maryland Port Administration announced on Tuesday the suspension of vessel traffic into and out of the Port of Baltimore until further notice. The port is not shut down and it's still processing trucks inside of the terminals.

   As far as cruises go, the Cruise Lines International Association sent a statement to 11 News, saying any adjustments to current cruise activity at the port will be announced as soon as available by the individual cruise lines. 

   Carnival Cruise Lines said its evaluating options for the Carnival Legend's return, which is scheduled for Sunday. Regarding future trips, Carnival has sailings scheduled in May. Carnival sent a statement to 11 News, saying: "Our thoughts are with those affected by this tragic accident. It is premature for us to comment on possible impacts to upcoming sailings." 

   WBAL-TV 11 News has also reached out to Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and will update this article when a response is received. Royal Caribbean has a sailing scheduled to leave Baltimore in April.

   The Cruise Lines International Association's statement follows: "We are deeply saddened by the tragedy and collapse of the Key Bridge that occurred last night and extend our support and heartfelt prayers to all those impacted. We join everyone in extending our thanks and appreciation to the first responders and emergency workers in Baltimore, the U.S. Coast Guard, and other professionals who are working with one goal in mind — to save lives. We are closely following this situation. Right now, the most important thing to do is to allow the emergency workers to do their work." 

   Based on published itineraries, there are 12 ships making 115 ship calls in 2024. Baltimore is the 29th largest cruise port in the U.S. with 378,000 passengers scheduled to move through the port.


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DD took little DGD Coco to the doctor.  It's not chicken pox; it's scarlet fever.  She was recently treated for strep throat and is still testing positive for it, so now it's into scarlet fever.  They put her on a different antibiotic.  

I haven't heard of anyone having scarlet fever for years.  It's upsetting.

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Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  


@AncientWandererI'm sorry to hear your DGD might have chicken pox . . . while rare, it is still possible to get them even after being vaccinated.  Depending on the age of the child, (our son was 13 when he got them and had been vaccinated), a doctor may prescribe something to help lessen the outbreak.

Sending prayers for your DH and his cardiac appointment today - an aneurysm is nothing to fool around with!


@Vict0riann I'm happy to hear your DD's fracture is minor, but as others have said, it needs to be taken care of in order to heal properly.  I hope DH's issues won't prevent you from taking your cruise - you certainly need a break from being the chief caregiver in your family.


I had an email from one of my Daily friends asking for a photo of the blankets I've been making, and it was suggested I post the photo here. This morning I counted them up and was able to take 32 in to be distributed to children who are going into crisis or foster care.  There isn't a particular pattern I follow, I just figure it out as I go along and quit when I think they're big enough.



Watching the TV for further updates on the bridge collapse - sadly, I can't imagine a positive outcome for those who ended up in the water.  Prayers for them and for their families.  

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9 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

DD took little DGD Coco to the doctor.  It's not chicken pox; it's scarlet fever.  She was recently treated for strep throat and is still testing positive for it, so now it's into scarlet fever.  They put her on a different antibiotic.  

I haven't heard of anyone having scarlet fever for years.  It's upsetting.


Maxine, I'm sorry the antibiotics for your DGD's strep throat did not take care of it, and it has now developed into scarlet fever.  I hope the new antibiotic does the trick, and she feels better soon, and is well very quickly.



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@AncientWanderer, Maxine, I am so sorry to hear about DGD’s Scarlet Fever. I hope she feels better soon. I also hope the cardiology visit for DH went well.


@ger_77, Gerry, The blankets are so nice, thanks for the picture!


@Seasick Sailor, Joy, I hope Allen starts feeling better soon. The two of you certainly had a hard week. 





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Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

DD took little DGD Coco to the doctor.  It's not chicken pox; it's scarlet fever.  She was recently treated for strep throat and is still testing positive for it, so now it's into scarlet fever.  They put her on a different antibiotic.  

I haven't heard of anyone having scarlet fever for years.  It's upsetting.

I had scarlet fever as a child. At the time, I was the only case in the entire state. We never did figure out how I got it! 

@ger_77 the blankets are beautiful! I'm sure the children that get them feel wrapped up in love!

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Good day and thanks all!  Prayers for Baltimore and the devastating news! We have fond memories from that area and Annapolis. 

@AncientWanderer yikes on your poor DGD, glad they got a diagnosis quickly, praying the antibiotics work well!  Hope your DH receives good news and you can soon relax on your cruise! 

@kazu beautiful photos of Maverick!  Praying you feel better soon!  

DH got his stitches out this morning so all is well there.  We had a lovely day yesterday seeing a rare Western bluebird.   They only are usually found in BC, and poor thing must have got blown off course with our storms.   





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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  


@AncientWandererI'm sorry to hear your DGD might have chicken pox . . . while rare, it is still possible to get them even after being vaccinated.  Depending on the age of the child, (our son was 13 when he got them and had been vaccinated), a doctor may prescribe something to help lessen the outbreak.

Sending prayers for your DH and his cardiac appointment today - an aneurysm is nothing to fool around with!


@Vict0riann I'm happy to hear your DD's fracture is minor, but as others have said, it needs to be taken care of in order to heal properly.  I hope DH's issues won't prevent you from taking your cruise - you certainly need a break from being the chief caregiver in your family.


I had an email from one of my Daily friends asking for a photo of the blankets I've been making, and it was suggested I post the photo here. This morning I counted them up and was able to take 32 in to be distributed to children who are going into crisis or foster care.  There isn't a particular pattern I follow, I just figure it out as I go along and quit when I think they're big enough.



Watching the TV for further updates on the bridge collapse - sadly, I can't imagine a positive outcome for those who ended up in the water.  Prayers for them and for their families.  


Gerry, thanks for sharing the picture of the blankets.  Some very lucky kids will love them.


2 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good day and thanks all!  Prayers for Baltimore and the devastating news! We have fond memories from that area and Annapolis. 

@AncientWanderer yikes on your poor DGD, glad they got a diagnosis quickly, praying the antibiotics work well!  Hope your DH receives good news and you can soon relax on your cruise! 

@kazu beautiful photos of Maverick!  Praying you feel better soon!  

DH got his stitches out this morning so all is well there.  We had a lovely day yesterday seeing a rare Western bluebird.   They only are usually found in BC, and poor thing must have got blown off course with our storms.   






Brenda, great pictures of the bluebird.



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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute Diabetes Alert Day, having worked with people with diabetes for many years. Epilepsy awareness is important. I hope all live long and prosper (said in my best Spock voice). Great quote. I like the meal, maybe on the drink, and I can't afford the wine. I haven't been to Saipan. Dr. Salk was at the University of Pittsburgh from 1947-1954. I have older nurse acquaintances who worked with him as the vaccine started being given in clinical trials.


It's cloudy and has been raining all day. I, like many of you, woke up to the news of the terrible Baltimore bridge collapse. It sounds like the one positive is that the crew of the container ship gave a mayday and traffic was halted immediately. It looks like power went out on the ship right before the crash. Reportedly they dropped anchor too. Prayers for those lost and their families, as well as the tireless work of the first responders. 


I had a restless night and got about 3.5 hours of sleep. I'm just back from PT. I couldn't do any standing exercises due to pain, but tried to do everything else. I hope I can hang in there until surgery.


@RedneckBob Enjoy your cruise and thanks for the photos.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad made it safely to Clearwater and had a nice dinner with Morgan and her boyfriend.

@marshhawk I hope the new pain med will help DH and that the Neurologist has some options for your arm pain.

@cat shepard Very good news about your Sister's increased activity. 

@smitty34877 So sad to hear of another senseless death of a police officer. 

@kazu Wonderful photos of Maverick. I hope Ivan gets some relief after his shot today. 

@Seasick Sailor I hope Allen gets approved for the medication, and that his lab work improves.

@AncientWanderer Prayers for DGD's  scarlet fever and for your DH's issue with a heart aneurysm. 

@Haljo1935 My insurance also says my 7/day Gabapentin is over their quantity limit. So I use GoodRx and don't go through the insurance. I'm getting 630 capsules for 90 days and it's about $38 with GoodRx.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great Saipan and Tinian photos.

@kochleffel I have a mental picture of you announcing "Hear ye, Hear ye"!

@Vict0riann Good news that the fracture is minor, and i hope DD behaves. I hope Pat's appointment is uneventful.

@rafinmd Beautiful sunrise. A symbol of hope.

@LAFFNVEGAS Happy Anniversary!

@0106 Thanks for the information.

@ger_77 Wow, on all the beautiful blankets!

@bennybear Great photos of the bluebird.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


In honor of Live Long and Prosper Day, a photo of me and Leonard Nimoy taken many years ago.



Edited by JazzyV
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Good afternoon, 

Such sad news about the Baltimore Bridge collapse. My heart and thoughts are with the citizens in that area. Several years ago we had our bridge over the Skagit River collapse but it was due to a semi hitting one of the supports. No loss of life so this area was very lucky. 

Today was PT and next Tuesday is my last session for my stuck hip muscle until mid-May. The water aerobics really help as well. This afternoon is getting Easter cards ready to mail and doing some more purging as it's garbage day tomorrow. Nothing too exciting! 


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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

The day in Saipan, three of us took the small commuter plane to Tinian and rented a car to tour the island before returning to Saipan and touring that island.


This picture shows the four runways used by the US after taking the island from Japan.



A plaque remembering those who died in the invasion of Tinian 



A monument to the 509 composite group, and a sign about the 509 Composite Group and another about the runways.  Runway Able is the best preserved.







One of the pits used to load the bombs on Enola Gay and Bockscar.  The bombs were too heavy to load normally.  There was a hydraulic piston in the bottom of the pits to raise the bomb after the plane was parked above the pit.





There were the ruins of many buildings used by the Japanese that are preserved in the National Park along with old air plane engines and parts.  There is a cave that contains rusting fuel drums, where we could stand in the entrance.





On the other end of the island is a casino and resort that caters to Japanese tourists.





Our visit to Tinian and Saipan was a very interesting and moving experience.



Interesting photos and descriptions Lenda.

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Good afternoon and such a sad news Tuesday. Reading about the bridge collapse was heartbreaking. Prayers for those souls. 

I had a gastroenterologist appointment this morning which took me 9 months to get. Of course I’m overdue for “that” exam so have that on my calendar for the Tuesday after Mother‘s day. I explained my reaction of severe nausea I had to anesthesia during my cataract surgery and found out that they automatically give anti nausea during sedation. Yay. 

We were going to go out for lunch but decided to get takeout instead. Same restaurant but just need to reheat the pizza. Good thing we did because Blue had had an accident and it didn’t look good, like he’d been really sick. Not sure what happened but I did decide to delay his lunch so that might have been an issue. I have him on special food for his tummy so I might need to check with our vet. 


1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

DD took little DGD Coco to the doctor.  It's not chicken pox; it's scarlet fever.  She was recently treated for strep throat and is still testing positive for it, so now it's into scarlet fever.  They put her on a different antibiotic.  

I haven't heard of anyone having scarlet fever for years.  It's upsetting.

Maxine, I’m glad she was diagnosed so quickly and will be starting a new antibiotic. I was going to suggest possible 5th disease. I hope she recovers quickly. 

Have a great day everyone!

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