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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday June 8th, 2024

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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! It's 64, sunny and low humidity, looks like it will be a lovely day.  Today the new washing machine and dryer arrive, sometime between 1:30 and 5:30. I have to move some things around in the washroom before they get here. The gentleman who sold us the items said if we ask nicely, once the guys get the old things out, we could clean out the area, before the new stuff gets placed in.  Yay!


DH got a notice from his bank last night, that while we were dining at Popeye's (they have the best fried shrimp) his card had been used for two charges under 5 bucks.  He called the bank, was told what the charges were, looked up the company that had processed them, called the bank back, and because it was fraud, they are closing the account, and sending him a new card.

So no access to his funds for a while.  And he needed to order checks which would have given him some financial help, but he didnt order any, so now it's on me to pay for everything for a few days.  Gulp. At least I bought a bunch of cat food last week, so I only have to worry about feeding us.  And pay the bills.


@StLouisCruisersThanks for the article about the USS Liberty. We need a movie on that one. Maybe not right now however.


Work today, walk the dog, hopefully be able to meet for dinner with Debbie.  Our friend Debbie had a brain tumor, it was fought with drugs, which made her become huge, and now as she is getting older, it is getting harder and harder for her to get around.


And after dinner, hopefully run to the grocery store and do the shopping. I really would love a Sunday without having to go somewhere.  I want to let the baby cats back in for a few hours.

One of the reasons that I have not posted pictures of them, is that only one of them actually looks like a kitten, the other 3 look like little balls of black fur.  That's it.  They don't show up well at all.  That and I need DH to show me how to post them.


Have a great day everyone!






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53 minutes ago, LambKnuckles said:

Happy Saturday!!  And thank you for the Report!!


I love having Best Friends!!  A perfect celebration!!!  And when we remember illnesses and diseases, it's hard not to remember those, we know, or have known, whose lives have been affected by the same!!!


I met Mickey Mantle in an elevator in a Chicago Hotel.  I was a child, but Daddy reminded me about it a few times.  He let me hug him and put a kiss on his cheek!  Of course, I was a cute little blonde girl about 4 years old, with curls and fancy dresses and a pretty hat and gloves, back then!  And Daddy was in advertising, and he knew such people that he would use in his commercials...


I hope each of you have a wonderful day filled with great times and adventures -- or with a smile and peace!!


I saw Mantle play many times at Comiskey Park in Chicago, he along with Yogi Berra would always beat my White Sox, the Sox had great teams in the 50s and 60s but always finished second to the Yankees except in 1959 when we finally won the American League pennant.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  We arrived bright and early in Ijmuiden, Netherlands and it looked like it could be sprinkling with totally overcast skies.  Very dreary!  But since then skies have been changeable with sunshine most of the time.  It’s very windy and the temps have hovered in the mid 50’s.  We’re hanging out here on the Zuiderdam while the passenger load changes over.  Things could get interesting very soon for DH and me.  We’ll see how long it takes before we’re discovered onboard by The Relatives.



Last night's Pinnacle dinner was fine for me, but DH made the mistake of ordering the supplemental 12 oz. lobster, steamed.  It appeared to weigh less than advertised and was rubbery and overcooked.  Lucky for him I can't finish the 8 oz. filet mignon so he got half of mine.  He won't make the lobster mistake again!



Thanks Rich @richwmn for today’s Fleet Report and Daily along with the fleet location maps.  National Best Friend’s Day sounds like a fine idea.  On the other side of the coin we have brain tumor awareness which is a very sobering subject.  The same with N. Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness. ?? on the quote.  No thanks to the meal, drink and wine for me.  Thank you Debbie @dfish,  Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the Food and Beverage Department reports. 



It was a huge day in baseball history with Mickey Mantle’s retirement in 1969.  But the story behind the USS Liberty was shocking from what I read.  Here is a link to History.com on it:







Prayers today for all on the Care list.  Seems like new ailments and problems crop up every day but we want them to disappear.  Prayers also for DB and Alex’s twins, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the remaining hostages, and the troops in the region trying to keep us all safe.  Meanwhile, we do have some special events happening in our lives, and some cruising going on so congrats to all involved.  Bon Voyage to @Suslor and @swin26.  Welcome home @Mr. Boston and @Mtn2Sea!  And thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for her fine work on the Care and Celebration lists!




The port of the day is Kiritimati (Christmas Island), Kiribati.  This was the port twice before on May 12, 2021 and November 16, 2022.  We haven’t been to Christmas Island before so have no photos today.  Thanks in advance for any photos presented for Kiritimati, Kiribati.  Here are the links.









Hoping you all enjoy your Saturday!  Stay safe and keep well.




Thanks @StLouisCruisers  we are on board and happy to be back on a”dam” ship. Susan 

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@Quartzsite Cruiser -- Yesterday you said  "Lambie, I agree about needing a sweater inside sometimes in Texas during the summer.  Our grocery store can be so cold that it feels good to get back to the 90+ temperatures when we leave the store. "


You don't know how many times I have said that exact thing!!!  We are of one mind!!!


And @grapau27 -- It's so strange to see a jacket on in June!!  But I know weather around the world can be different!

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@aliaschief Thank you for taking us all along on your cruise with you. You took the trip, but I am pretty sure that most of us felt like we were there with you because of your great pictures and story line.



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Posted (edited)

Important days today - best friends help us through a lot of things, life is better with 1 by our side 👣 My BFF lost her dad very suddenly to a brain tumor - he got a headache that he couldn't shake and 2 days later was gone.

I'll pass on the meal (salmon & asparagus) and wine, but a Seabreeze sounds lovely, especially in this heat; not been to the port. Thank you @StLouisCruisers for the USS Liberty attack link.


Thank you @ottahand7 for the wonderful news about the 4 hostages being found.


Safe travels @aliaschief as you head home from your amazing adventure - I have really enjoyed your updates and beautiful pictures. 


Rangers  lost (again) last night, we have high hopes for the Mavs🏀 tonight. @ottahand7 I'll root for Sierra Leone and Seize the Gray 🏇 during the Belmont.


Thanks to all who answered questions and provided info on kidney stones. @JazzyVI was not given a strainer to collect them, but would like to know what type they are. Would that have been detectable in the blood work that was done or only by examining the stones? I am out of pain and waiting for the next wave. Canceled today's massage (which is for the frozen shoulder) & Mon PT; we'll see about Tues.


Currently 77° w/80% humidity headed to hot sunny 97° w/an Ozone Action Day in my county, so poor air quality - best to stay indoors. 🌧 returning Mon.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 





Edited by Haljo1935
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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

It’s a day of finishing packing and saying goodbye to our ship mates. Tomorrow we have a 11:30 AM flight to ATL and another 45 min flight home. If all goes well we should be home by 7:30 PM.

Rather grayish day outside but we did see a couple of whales. Last night’s late rain brought Saharan dirt with it so the ship needs a good wash down. 
First days at home will be busy with dental and dr. appointments, shopping and omg the mail and unpacking.

So that’s all folks! It’s over!

Thank you to all that make the Daily a part of our daily lives.👏


Safe travels to you & Sue, Bruce. Thank you for sharing your grand adventure with me!

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Good morning Dailyites.

Looks like the next week will be 90 and above. Maybe I'll go to the market and stroll the freezer section..


Not good news on MSH check up yesterday. Kidney numbers are still concerning, atrophy is concerning, but biggest concern was unexplainable weight loss. 176 to 160 since February. So our goal is to eat heartily and see the doctor in 1 month. He needs to gain at least 1 pound, not lose any. Before we leave for Japan, Allen has the basal cell removal on his neck, follow up on weight loss, labs, Nephrologist, and a new primary doctor visit in August. Our current doctor, who's wife is also a doctor, says our school system is sorely lacking even in the private schools, so they are leaving August 2nd so they can get their 3 kids in a new school. He told us he wholeheartedly wants us to go on our trip and to enjoy every moment. I'm a softy, so cried myself out of the office. 


Today we are heading to Farmer's Market,  lunch, shop, then have a few friends over tonight. Just in time to celebrate National Best Friends day!


Have a great weekend,  be kind, stay healthy and enjoy life. It's the only one we have! Blessings..



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Everyone should have a best friend - someone they can call on day or night for support.  Brain tumor awareness and HIV in Caribbean people are both issues that should be observed and hopefully treated till they're cured.  I truly believe today's quote should end with another sentence:  Or not.


Well our sunshine was short lived - the clouds have moved back in and I see raindrops on the window as I look into the back yard.  So much for getting our back steps done today.  I really want to get them fixed up before Summerfest, as folks will be using them to get into the house to use the bathroom.  Speaking of the back yard, late yesterday afternoon I went out to the deck to wind yarn into balls (I attach the yarn winder to the table), and when I looked into the yard, I realized a large branch(about 25 feet long) from our neighbour's poplar tree had broken off and was lying precariously between two of our large ceramic plant pots, supported by our fence.  I didn't hear a crash or anything, so I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but I know it was not there at lunch, as I sat on the deck at noon time with a sandwich and all was fine.  I called the neighbours who will come over today with a chain saw to cut it in pieces and have it hauled away.


Bon Voyage @Suslor and @swin26 - enjoy your cruise!

@aliaschiefthe last day onboard is always a sad one, as usually you make some great new friends on the voyage.  I hope your flights home are uneventful and quick.

@smitty34877I hope there aren't too many issues to have to deal with while you don't have an aide to help.  I'm sure the teenager will enjoy the parade with his girlfriend.


In speaking with our friend Ollie the other day, she brought up something that I hadn't thought of.  For one of the government forms, she needed an official gov't issued death certificate - the one from the funeral home wasn't sufficient.  To complete the form to obtain an "official" one, she needed to know her husband's mother's maiden name, date and place of birth, and also the information for his father.  Who has that at hand?  Got me to thinking, so I made up a computer file for DH and I with both of our parent's information on it - he had no idea where my mom was born, nor what her maiden name was.  Something for everyone to think about!


I'd like to try the drink of the day, and it's something I'm sure I'll make during the summer.  The wine sounds good, as does the menu suggestion.  DH wouldn't appreciate the sauce, as it contains hard boiled eggs.  He has this thing about eggs where he envisions the chick embryos in them every time, so eggs are off his list of things he'd want to eat.  With the family here working on the steps, I was going to make a barbecued rib dinner, which I'll still do, but just scaled down somewhat.  I've got mangoes for a mango salsa, and will have baked mini potatoes, a crisp green salad and barbecued ribs that we can enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all who have celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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A huge Thank You to Bruce and Sue @aliaschief and DW! 👏 Safe Home on smooth travels. Any cruise I’m sad to leave was a good one!  


🛳️🥂 Bon Voyage and Welcome Home to our cruisers. 

Without best friends in my life, I’m very sure I would not have made it this far!  

My older brother took me to Yankees games when I was a kid in Brooklyn. I’ll never forget my first time - Mickey Mantle homered his first pitch. Such a thrill!  But oh my yes he had problems….  

Elizabeth, we’ll enjoy watching the Stanley Cup finals starting tonight. It should be great hockey!  And today and tomorrow we’ll watch the French Open championship matches we’re recording. I’m so glad we gave the big TV so we can really see the puck and the tennis ball!  

@Seasick Sailor, thanks for the update. Hope all concerns can be resolved before your trip. One day at a time!  

Annie, I hope the W/D come ok🤞and you can be confident about that small part of your world again. Extra hugs!  

Terri, I hope Jim’s leg is healing well and the new room is all in order so you can enjoy the rest of your time there. 

Terry, it’s a big day for the teens! A day they’ll remember. I hope Tana has a good day too, then so will you. 

Our meeting with the CPA was easy but she’s a lot more expensive than we thought…. $700-800 to file our taxes next year… is that normal?  Or maybe we should interview some others…. Any thoughts?  

Met yesterday with folks here to learn more about end of life processes in our community… part of working on our instructions for family. It was a morning meeting and I overslept so we were frazzled getting to it…. not a good start to the day. But I did get to the pool and to my weekly meditation group, then a nap. Maybe it was the nap that caused a bed night’s sleep last night but I will slog through today and prep for granddaughter and her DH coming tomorrow. Always uplifting!  

Blessings to all the Dailyites!  Thank you Vanessa!  And to all in need near and far, our country and your yours!  All celebrating, Life is Good🌈

Smooth travels to all away!  
Stay safe and well to enjoy today!  Thanks for being here!  



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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.   Three worthy days to consider although I think I would only consider one a cause for celebration...

Coelho’s statement seems wildly optimistic to me.

I have not been to Christmas Island..

Two sad days in US history, especially the USS Liberty.  I’m sure I have seen Mickey Mantle in person in Baltimore’s Memorial Stadium but can’t specifically remember it..

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Pear, Cucumber, and Melon Gazpacho, Carmelized Orange and Grapefruit Cocktail, and Pan Roasted Barbary Duck Breast as served on MS Prinsendam Canaletto on June 8, 2015.

Today started out a bit chilly when I went out to my morning walk but will warm up a lot.  I am very busy with my volunteer financial duties right now as I’m in the midst of a major report for my church, and the fire department just closed the deal yesterday on a piece of equipment we no longer use.

I have a sinking feeling that Mary Kay will likely not be boarding her ship tomorrow.  I think I remember she was very involved in the 9/11 cleanup and left with severe lung problems that does not combine well with Covid.  Godspeed to her.



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Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  It is very important (IMHO) to remember the 3 days.  I don't agree with the quote, the meal sounds good sans the sauce, I will gladly drink the Sea Breeze and wine but I have never been to the port.  I did like Mickey Mantle but he was a Yankee (😬) and I grew up as a Dodger!! Sad day for the USS Liberty.




It is not as warm this morning as yesterday.  Only 75F now (0645) heading up to the mid-100s.  Nice day for the desert as we expect some clouds to roll in.  Yesterday I was a homebody but today I need to go get my new tire.  They open at 0700 but I may wait to closer to noon as I have a certificate to a newer restaurant close to the shop and I can have lunch there.  I don't eat out a lot but the certificate was a $50 value for only $25 and I bought one.




I got a "notification" my Google drive is getting close to being full.  I didn't even know things were being backed up to it!  after looking at the large files, they are videos going back several years and they are not in Google Photos.  Plus I have tons of pictures on my phone.  So my mission today is to move everything to one of my numerous external hard drives and free up space!!  Wish me luck!!




@Denise T Safe travels!

Bon Voyage to @Suslor and @swin26!!  I am jealous!!

I hope leg wounds are better for @kazu, @Seasick Sailor and @Cruzin Terri DH.

Welcome home to @Mr. Boston and @Mtn2Sea.

Thoughts for all who might be under any type of frustration/illness/challenge.




Have a great day everyone!



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Good morning from sunny and very warm central Texas.  It is currently 81F and feels like 87F.  Our high will be 94F.  I wanted to heading out to mow the yard about now, but I slept later than I intended.  I guess I needed the sleep after yesterday.


I will celebrate my best friends and honor brain tumor awareness and Caribbean American HIV/AIDS awareness.


I do not like or agree with the quote today.


The meal sounds good, and I might cook salmon in the air fryer tonight, but it won't be with asparagus since we don't have any.  The drink sounds refreshing, but will pass because of the grapefruit juice.  I would definitely try the wine.


We have been to Kiritimati three times, but once was pre-digital.


Two interesting but sad days in history.  Thank you, Sandi, @StLouisCruisers for the article about the USS Liberty.  Mickey Mantle was a great ball player, but he did have his issues.


@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm sorry your relaxing vacation is not going as planned.  I hope the new room is much better, and that your DH gets a good report about his leg injury.

@LambKnuckles  Lambie, what a nice memory about meeting Mickey Mantle.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the weekend goes well without the extra help.  I hope the teenager and his girl friend have a great time at the parade tomorrow.

@aliaschief  Bruce, again, thank you for taking us along on your wonderful cruise.  Safe travels home tomorrow.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm sorry your back bothered you last night, but glad it's a bit better today.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope the new washer and dryer arrive on time and work well.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope Allen can regain some of the weight and that his kidney numbers improve.  It's never easy to break-in a new doctor.

@rafinmd  Roy, you remember correctly about Mary Kay's @cruzn single health problems.  IIRC, her COPD had progressed to pulmonary fibrosis.  I also doubt she will be boarding her ship tomorrow.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I hope you can get the new tire today, and the new restaurant is good.
















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We've been to Kiritimati (Christmas Island) Kiribati at least three times. This is a tender port, with the ships anchoring in the lagoon.  It is very shallow in places, and the tender drivers have to be extremely careful.  However, that was not enough as one tender ran aground, and it took a while to get it refloated.  Fortunately, we were not on that tender.


The first time there was in 1997, so no pictures from that stop.  I'll see if DH has videos of the sunset that day since it as the best sunset we've ever seen.  The water was glassy and you could see the clouds looking like they were rising from below the curvature of the earth.  They were not thick clouds and we were able to see the sun set and IIFC the green flash.


Christmas Island is a fairly undeveloped island.  These pictures are from our 2007 b2b Hawaii-Tahiti-Hawaii cruise on Pacific Princess.


As we left the dock the pre-school class was there to serenade us.



The local "tour bus" we picked up at the dock for a tour of the island.  Notice the "sturdy step" to help get in the truck.   In 1997, they had a old school bus donated by the state of Hawaii as their tour bus, complete with a view of the road as you passed over it. 😀



At the other end of the road is the Captain Cook Hotel, the only one on the island.  It offers air conditioned rooms and non-air conditioned rooms.  Fishermen would fly in for a week's fishing trip.  It was a week long trip, since the only flight was a weekly one from Hawaii, as of 2007.






The beach at the hotel.



Where some of the islanders live



Back from our tour, some of the adults put on a show for us.



They even had an Internet Cafe, with very slow speeds.



The shopping for the tourists



Add the shopping for the locals, but of course, they would take our money too.




Looking down the beach from the dock



If you ever see an itinerary with Christmas Island, it is well worth a visit.



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Happy Saturday!  Cheers to those cruising today!  It's cloudy and rain is in the forecast today.  We're going to a graduation party later, hoping the rain is done by then.  DGD stayed with us last night...she's still sleeping!  

Cheers to all who are celebrating and good thoughts for all who need them.  Have a good day.  


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Good morning everyone from a beautiful, partly sunny Boston.  We just returned home from our cruise on the Volendam.  It’s so nice to not have to fly home afterwards!  The cruise was great and we really enjoyed the Volendam especially the Crows Nest, such an elegant space not all chopped up like the other HAL ships.


Thanks for today’s report, recipes and lists.  Best friends are just the best!


Not loving today’s quote but the meal and drink suggestions are both a yes for me.

I have not been to today’s port.


Praying for those on our prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!




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