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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday July 18th, 2024

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Now, I know why I didn't hear any rain last night since the predicted rain did not reach us.  Looking at the radar on the 10pm weather, we should have gotten rain.  I guess I'll just have to leave the sprinklers on tonight.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@cat shepardI see the double rainbow!  Fantastic.  I'd hold off digging for the pot of gold, I think the leprechauns  need it .   


Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  DH has developed edema in both arms, and the online site of the mayo clinic suggested that he sleep with his arms over his head.  So I gave him the whole bed, and I got the sofa.  I slept all night.  ALL NIGHT!  I did have some crazy dreams, but trust me, I dont dream when I wake up every two hours....He did say he was too cold with the ceiling fan on to sleep with his arms out of the covers, but I'll turn off the fan tonight, and try again to reduce some of the swelling. 


I turned on the coffee when I woke up, fed the cats, and then the phone rang; it was the Emory scheduler that told me that while they had scheduled an MRI at 2 next Tuesday, and another MRI at 3, they found out that they could not do this, that both tests had to either be in the same room, or on different days, and the second appointment got rescheduled in the middle of August.  (they are trying to see if the cancer is closer to the brain) you would think they could find some appointment earlier.  I did turn one down that was in Stockbridge (south of Atlanta) for tomorrow as he had an appointment with a nurse regarding his mental health, north of town.  If he doesnt see the nurse, then he gets no more appointments.  And he already cancelled the appointment from two weeks ago.


I told him that today, he was going out into the world. I think some visual stimulus might get his brain going again.  I could be wrong.  But it's worth a try.  Plus, on my selfish behalf, I'm tired of cooking. And since his eating is getting pickier, then he can choose what he wants, not what i am making.


We have had rain every afternoon this week, the more rain, the more humid the air gets.  And we are supposed to get rain today, but the temps are supposed to drop with this rain.  Cant wait!


Annie, I hope you can find something to reduce the edema your DH has.  Maybe his oncologist can try to get the second MRI moved up.  I know it's hard to do, but please take care of yourself too.  I'm glad you got a good night's sleep.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!   I'm passing on the caviar, the sour candy (I'm a sweet girl), but will definitely honour Nelson Mandela.  The quote is interesting, I'm on the fence about it though.


@kazusending prayers for you and your medical team that the stent placement will relieve your leg pain and you'll be back to your usual perky self very soon!

@marshhawkI'm sorry to hear Chuck is declining - it's hard watching people we love, but can't help.

@Lady HudsonBon Voyage!


It's a gorgeous morning out there today, bright sunshine, clear skies and not a breeze to be felt.  Although it sounds and looks good, for the next week we're under a heat warning - temperatures ranging from 30 to 35 (86 to 95) which for some of you is quite normal, but to us northerners, is HOT!  Of course the daytime heat could bring with it nighttime thunderstorms, but that helps cool things off.


Yesterday didn't go as planned - first thing in the morning we went to the Field House for the cardiac rehab program, walking the track and using the recumbent steppers and cycles.  The afternoon should have been DH's follow-up valve replacement appointment, but around noon I got a notification on my phone that there was an ongoing "incident" at the hospital and people should avoid the area.  About an hour before DH's appointment I called the police station to get an update and to find out if we could access the hospital another way.  I was told the hospital was in lockdown and nobody was getting in or out, so that was that!  It turns out someone had parked their vehicle in the ambulance bay, saying they had an explosive device, causing every emergency service in the city to respond.  Fortunately, several hours later the person agreed to exit the vehicle, surrendered to the police and there were no explosives found.  It appears the person had been having a mental health crisis that brought this about, so one has to feel awful for them, but also for all the emergency responders involved.  I'm sure there were a number of people who were just glad to be able to leave the hospital after being in lockdown for a number of hours!  DH's appointment will be rescheduled to a later date, which is fine.


Not a lot on the docket today, making sure the fountain is filled, watering all the plants, doing laundry (does it ever stop?), and keeping cool in the house.  I just heard on the radio that this morning our city is going to be visited by an Avro Lancaster bomber airplane, so I'm sure DH will want to go out to the park at the end of our block to watch it fly over the city - he loves planes of any type.  


I'm going to let others enjoy the drink, would definitely have the merlot, and will pass on the menu suggestion - neither of us is a fan of beans in soup.  With the heat I'm thinking it's going to be an easy meal of sandwiches, veggies & dip that we'll enjoy in the shade by the pergola in the back yard tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, I'm glad the incident at the hospital ended with no one injured.  I hope the person involved can get the help they need.  I would love to see the Avro Lancaster too.  I always enjoy visiting air museum and seeing all the planes, but especially the older ones.  We do have warmer summer days than you do in the frozen tundra, but 90F+ is hot for us, and when it is above 100F, it is really hot.  One longtime resident of Quartzsite once told us, it doesn't get hot there until after July 4, when the temperature goes above 110F.  That was about 20+ years ago, and this year it was hot in Q before July 4.  The weather has definitely changed..


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I've taken a look at Saturday and that day we have a new port so no links to previous posts or photos from me.  Maybe you have some photos though.  So since Rich @richwmn generally posts by 6:30 I will be able to use my phone to report that.  I doubt I have much to add to the conversation that day though.  We will be leaving the ship around 8:15 a.m and I won't have much to do.  Get some breakfast and wait for 8:15 to come around.  Thank you for the offer though!




Sandi, I'd also noticed that the port was a new one, and we haven't been there either.  I hope someone will have some pictures to share.  I know you get up early, but if you need me to, I can do the port of the day Sunday.  Just let me know.


1 hour ago, 0106 said:

Happy Thursday! Thank you to all the regular posters. I love caviar.

I was honored to be treated to caviar by @kazu in the Pinnacle of the Rotterdam last October.IMG_0675.png.1a2ab0dd855eaa6585e50ec8b3e0827d.pngThe caviar is from a Dutch company Caviar Exclusives.  Here is a translation of the information about its origin from the site.IMG_0676.thumb.jpeg.27ab8f516266933fa6da4ee2098bde7b.jpeg

Positive thoughts to all who need them, especially Jacqui as she undergoes surgery, may it relieve her pain. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


Tina, thanks for the information about caviar, but I'll still pass.


1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you, Lenda.  This is his first flight alone. So we have him going out of Orlando which is the only airport close to us that has a direct Delta flight to Boston. He is 16 with great instincts- he saved my Sister’s life in his past February, but… we all know how wacko airports can be. 

I just HATE driving on I-4, though at 4 in the morning it won’t be so bad. At least I hope not. 



Ann, I can understand about the interstate driving, and also about leaving at 0 dark 30.  We've done that many times heading to DFW which is 100 miles north of us.  At least, on those occasions, we were heading to a cruise.  Being nosy, but is Brayden going for a visit or is he leaving permanently.  I hope it's just a visit since from what you've said, he is still a big influence on your sister's health.


10 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. As usual sunny and dry. "They" keep talking of showers, but none seem to appear. The fiber optic people seem to be finished with the cable install and their heavy equipment has done a number on the driveway. Will have to consult with the other buildings about what we need to do, but I think anything can wait until next Spring.


Have been to Glasgow many times, but always driving. I will accept the caviar, but pass on the rest.


Hope all goes well with @Kazu (no blue bubble these days). I am sure Ivan will be glad to have her back with him. (I really need to think about getting a new computer). Best wishes and positive thoughts to everyone.


Today is just going to be the usual sort and toss day. My car is getting pretty full with thrift store bound items. They will begin taking donations again on the 22nd. And I will try to spread things out a bit. Also need to stop by the public library to see about donations both of books and time. I need to get out of the condo more.


Take care all.






Susan, just my opinion, but the contractors who installed the fiber optic cables should be responsible for the driveway repairs.  Volunteering at the library sounds good.  If I'd know we'd be here instead of cruising most of the time since 2020, I could have volunteered at our local library.



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Posted (edited)

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'm not a caviar fan. I like sour lemon drops and will salute Nelson Mandela. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good for fall/winter. I'll pass on the drink and take the wine. I haven't been to Greenock. 2 important days in history.


It's refreshingly cool this morning, with a high in the 70's later, and may be in the upper 50's tomorrow morning. Happily we had some rain yesterday, but not enough. I still had a bit of vertigo as I laid down to sleep last night, but was pretty ok this morning. I still feel a little unsteady walking, and the stomach is fairly ok, but not normal. I have PT just after noon, and may pop into the grocery store after. BFF texted me this AM that he got his foot into a sandal, after loosening the straps. PT will come to his house again today. So progress!


@kazu Prayers for a successful procedure and recovery, with no more leg and foot pain.

@Lady Hudson Bon Voyage!

@MISTER 67 Be careful in this heat.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for your Greenock and environs photos. 

@kochleffel Sorry to hear about your hypoglycemic episode last night. Did you have some protein with your dinner last night?

@Denise T Good luck with your enterprises. 

@Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear that surgery may be the required treatment. With my leg pain I tried all the nonsurgical options first. But I couldn't function with that pain so I bit the bullet and had surgery. I live alone and I could have managed on one floor, but BFF being here for 2 weeks was a blessing.

@TiogaCruiser That bread looks good. I used to have a bread maker but got rid of it because I wasn't using it. Now that I'm making sourdough bread I do it all by hand, but I've considered getting another bread maker (but I already have too many kitchen appliances!).

@marshhawk I was sad to read of DH's difficulties. I hope the edema can be remedied. Do you think some of his issues might be due to depression? I think it will be good to get him out into the world. 

@ger_77 Scary about the hospital being in lockdown! 

@cat shepard Safe travels for Brayden.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for you, Tana and the family.

@lindaler @HAL4NOW It was good to see each of you checking in. We worry!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. 

Edited by JazzyV
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Cooler today, I might use it to make a run to the grocery. 

DH’s recent project is putting up pictures in our apartment. We moved 100 pix from Maryland: mostly his travel photography, a few of my photography, many family items including portraits and heritage paintings, wedding and anniversary remembrances, fire department plaques and several other odds and ends. It really makes it start to feel like home! 

@Denise T your adventure into a travel company sounds exciting!  You have SO much going on, keep it going!  

Heart hugs to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  I’ll check back later for updates. 

@ottahand7 safe drive into town for the Rx (and more, there’s always more for a trip into town …), it was always an hour and a half to town for us, I don’t miss it!  

Nelson Mandela endured, inspires us to endure also. 

The papal infallibility doctrine was limited to when he “spoke” ex cathedra, “from the chair”. I think the last proclamation “from the chair” was in the 1920s.

Paul, I’m so glad you recognized your low BGL. Scary!  Recovery slowly and with care. 

Blessings to you all, thanks for sharing the journey. To Rich, Vanessa, Dixie,Ann, Graham, Paul, Roy, GTV, Lenda, Sandi, … oh all the contributors, photographers, gardeners, travelers, writers!  Hugs!  Please be safe!  

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30 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Now, I know why I didn't hear any rain last night since the predicted rain did not reach us.  Looking at the radar on the 10pm weather, we should have gotten rain.  I guess I'll just have to leave the sprinklers on tonight.



Annie, I hope you can find something to reduce the edema your DH has.  Maybe his oncologist can try to get the second MRI moved up.  I know it's hard to do, but please take care of yourself too.  I'm glad you got a good night's sleep.




Gerry, I'm glad the incident at the hospital ended with no one injured.  I hope the person involved can get the help they need.  I would love to see the Avro Lancaster too.  I always enjoy visiting air museum and seeing all the planes, but especially the older ones.  We do have warmer summer days than you do in the frozen tundra, but 90F+ is hot for us, and when it is above 100F, it is really hot.  One longtime resident of Quartzsite once told us, it doesn't get hot there until after July 4, when the temperature goes above 110F.  That was about 20+ years ago, and this year it was hot in Q before July 4.  The weather has definitely changed..



Sandi, I'd also noticed that the port was a new one, and we haven't been there either.  I hope someone will have some pictures to share.  I know you get up early, but if you need me to, I can do the port of the day Sunday.  Just let me know.



Tina, thanks for the information about caviar, but I'll still pass.



Ann, I can understand about the interstate driving, and also about leaving at 0 dark 30.  We've done that many times heading to DFW which is 100 miles north of us.  At least, on those occasions, we were heading to a cruise.  Being nosy, but is Brayden going for a visit or is he leaving permanently.  I hope it's just a visit since from what you've said, he is still a big influence on your sister's health.



Susan, just my opinion, but the contractors who installed the fiber optic cables should be responsible for the driveway repairs.  Volunteering at the library sounds good.  If I'd know we'd be here instead of cruising most of the time since 2020, I could have volunteered at our local library.



I agree about the contractors, but I will need the cooperation from building 7 since we share the driveway and they tend to let things slide. It would be helpful if someone else in these buildings could deal with the contractor..... they tend to disregard me if I don't have back up. Sometimes being a grey haired old lady is not helpful.



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Good morning and thanks for the update. I love caviar and sour candy so I will take everyone’s. I salute Mandela and I agree with the quote. Pass on all the food/drinks. Never been to Scotland. I remember watching Nadia. 

I have no internet and I hate typing on my phone so this will be MUCH shorter than usual.  I hope @kazu Jacqui’s surgery goes well and hugs to @marshhawk. I hope @Cruzin Terri gets an acceptable plan for your pain. Bon voyage @Lady Hudson.  

Sad to hear of the heat related death. Unfortunately it happened here this week and father was arrested. 

Have a great day everyone!  I loved the rainbows!!🥰

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you all for the morning news.  Prayers for Jacqui, Tana, Chuck and Annie and all with health problems.  Still no fridge here, most annoying.  Yesterday, the technician spent over two hours installing the new part, re-setting everything, etc., and half an hour after he left, everything shut down again.   So he came back around 6 last night and spent another hour checking and re-setting, half an hour after he left, nothing!  I'm wondering if the new part might be defective,  Pat has texted him, and hopefully he will visit us again today.  I did race out to buy ice this morning, and the cleaning lady will be here soon, so probably everything will happen at the same time.  I was going to do laundry and bake some banana bread, but I think I will put it off until tomorrow.  The one silver lining to this cloud is that I don't know where anything is, so  I have to buy food for dinner every day!  I think today I will get a couple of chicken pot pies on my way home from the surgeon.  I haven't seen the pathology results on line, so I hope he has them.  


In 78 days, we should be boarding the Koningsdam, IF we are healthy!  We have reservations at the Polynesian Cultural Centre for the day and luau, but, depending on Pat's visit to the cardiologist, I may insist we cancel.  Friends who are much younger and energetic have told us it is a tiring day, although the HAL description says the activity level is "moderate".  Anyway, the decision will be made after Pat sees the cardiologist.  


I think about St.Louis Sal too - she was very kind and offered her support when my cousin was diagnosed with ALS,  I like to think they are both up there now, having a good time!



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Ann, I can understand about the interstate driving, and also about leaving at 0 dark 30.  We've done that many times heading to DFW which is 100 miles north of us.  At least, on those occasions, we were heading to a cruise.  Being nosy, but is Brayden going for a visit or is he leaving permanently.  I hope it's just a visit since from what you've said, he is still a big influence on your sister's health.






Lenda, not nosy at all, Brayden is spending this coming weekend with his Uncle & Aunt at their place on a lake in Maine. 

Then he heads to U-Mass Amherst for a week’s robotics camp sponsored by Battlebots!


Then his Aunt & SO pick him up to spend the following weekend at their place on a huge lake in NH. 

This will be a great break for him & a super opportunity. 

Edited by cat shepard
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Hope you all are having a good day . Here in SW Ontario it all of a sudden is much cooler than the last week or so have been , hopefully we will not have any rain for a few days , the garden and the fields arounds us are just drenched after the big down pours. 
When we were on the Prinsendam cruise in 2019 we had a very nice  but simple day in Greenock . Once on shore we walked to the train station and purchased a combo ticked for the train ride including the Hop On bus in Glasgow for the day at a special rate .
So without further ado and too many descriptions I will just post a few nice pictures .
A very worthwhile and fun museum to visit in Glasgow 
University of Glasgow 
Art Gallery
A Scottish Independence Rally 
Getting married in style …...
Not enough business in the Old Bank anymore so might as well turn it into a very nice Bar , business was booming ! 
Took the train back to Greenock and returned to the Elegant Explorer after a very nice day 
Wishing everybody a very nice day without any big problems , its almost weekend again ....
Tony 😁
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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'm not a caviar fan. I like sour lemon drops and will salute Nelson Mandela. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good for fall/winter. I'll pass on the drink and take the wine. I haven't been to Greenock. 2 important days in history.


It's refreshingly cool this morning, with a high in the 70's later, and may be in the upper 50's tomorrow morning. Happily we had some rain yesterday, but not enough. I still had a bit of vertigo as I laid down to sleep last night, but was pretty ok this morning. I still feel a little unsteady walking, and the stomach is fairly ok, but not normal. I have PT just after noon, and may pop into the grocery store after. BFF texted me this AM that he got his foot into a sandal, after loosening the straps. PT will come to his house again today. So progress!


@kazu Prayers for a successful procedure and recovery, with no more leg and foot pain.

@Lady Hudson Bon Voyage!

@MISTER 67 Be careful in this heat.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for your Greenock and environs photos. 

@kochleffel Sorry to hear about your hypoglycemic episode last night. Did you have some protein with your dinner last night?

@Denise T Good luck with your enterprises. 

@Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear that surgery may be the required treatment. With my leg pain I tried all the nonsurgical options first. But I couldn't function with that pain so I bit the bullet and had surgery. I live alone and I could have managed on one floor, but BFF being here for 2 weeks was a blessing.

@TiogaCruiser That bread looks good. I used to have a bread maker but got rid of it because I wasn't using it. Now that I'm making sourdough bread I do it all by hand, but I've considered getting another bread maker (but I already have too many kitchen appliances!).

@marshhawk I was sad to read of DH's difficulties. I hope the edema can be remedied. Do you think some of his issues might be due to depression? I think it will be good to get him out into the world. 

@ger_77 Scary about the hospital being in lockdown! 

@cat shepard Safe travels for Brayden.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for you, Tana and the family.

@lindaler @HAL4NOW It was good to see each of you checking in. We worry!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. 


Vanessa, that is good news you BFF can now get his foot in a sandal, and that he is having in-home PT.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

I agree about the contractors, but I will need the cooperation from building 7 since we share the driveway and they tend to let things slide. It would be helpful if someone else in these buildings could deal with the contractor..... they tend to disregard me if I don't have back up. Sometimes being a grey haired old lady is not helpful.




Susan, I agree about contractors not taking women seriously, even those who don't have grey hair.  And DH wonders why I want him to deal with contractors.  However, the past couple of years when I've needed things to happen, but was running into roadblocks, I found the "poor little old, helpless grey haired lady" routine can get results.


49 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you all for the morning news.  Prayers for Jacqui, Tana, Chuck and Annie and all with health problems.  Still no fridge here, most annoying.  Yesterday, the technician spent over two hours installing the new part, re-setting everything, etc., and half an hour after he left, everything shut down again.   So he came back around 6 last night and spent another hour checking and re-setting, half an hour after he left, nothing!  I'm wondering if the new part might be defective,  Pat has texted him, and hopefully he will visit us again today.  I did race out to buy ice this morning, and the cleaning lady will be here soon, so probably everything will happen at the same time.  I was going to do laundry and bake some banana bread, but I think I will put it off until tomorrow.  The one silver lining to this cloud is that I don't know where anything is, so  I have to buy food for dinner every day!  I think today I will get a couple of chicken pot pies on my way home from the surgeon.  I haven't seen the pathology results on line, so I hope he has them.  


In 78 days, we should be boarding the Koningsdam, IF we are healthy!  We have reservations at the Polynesian Cultural Centre for the day and luau, but, depending on Pat's visit to the cardiologist, I may insist we cancel.  Friends who are much younger and energetic have told us it is a tiring day, although the HAL description says the activity level is "moderate".  Anyway, the decision will be made after Pat sees the cardiologist.  


I think about St.Louis Sal too - she was very kind and offered her support when my cousin was diagnosed with ALS,  I like to think they are both up there now, having a good time!




Ann, that is horrible that the refrigerator is still not working.  Good luck at the surgeon's appointment, and I hope Pat's cardiology appointment goes well.  I always admired St. Louis Sal for the way she handled such a devastating diagnosis.  She was, besides being supportive to all of us, always cheerful, positive and living life to the fullest as long as she could.


31 minutes ago, cat shepard said:


Lenda, not nosy at all, Brayden is spending this coming weekend with his Uncle & Aunt at their place on a lake in Maine. 

Then he heads to U-Mass Amherst for a week’s robotics camp sponsored by Battlebots!


Then his Aunt & SO pick him up to spend the following weekend at their place on a huge lake in NH. 

This will be a great break for him & a super opportunity. 


Ann, that sounds like a lot of fun and an great learning experience for Brayden, in addition to creating some great memories.  Glad you don't think I was being nosy, and I'll just say it was my journalism background and enquiring minds want to know.


13 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Hope you all are having a good day . Here in SW Ontario it all of a sudden is much cooler than the last week or so have been , hopefully we will not have any rain for a few days , the garden and the fields arounds us are just drenched after the big down pours. 
When we were on the Prinsendam cruise in 2019 we had a very nice  but simple day in Greenock . Once on shore we walked to the train station and purchased a combo ticked for the train ride including the Hop On bus in Glasgow for the day at a special rate .
So without further ado and too many descriptions I will just post a few nice pictures .
A very worthwhile and fun museum to visit in Glasgow 
University of Glasgow 
Art Gallery
A Scottish Independence Rally 
Getting married in style …...
Not enough business in the Old Bank anymore so might as well turn it into a very nice Bar , business was booming ! 
Took the train back to Greenock and returned to the Elegant Explorer after a very nice day 
Wishing everybody a very nice day without any big problems , its almost weekend again ....
Tony 😁


Tony, thanks for the great pictures of Glasgow.  We've been to Edinburgh several times on Prinsendam, and hopefully, someday we'll get to Greenock and Glasgow.



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Posted (edited)

I finally caved in today - a Mexican food restaurant nearish to me was sold and has been remodeling for some time. For a really long time. So long, I thought maybe it wasn't going to open.

But today as I was surfing through GH, I saw their name so here's what I'm having for lunch...and dinner (there's a lot). Sorry it's sideways🤷‍♀️


From the menu:


DH will have the beef version tonight. The guacamole & pico de gallo were missing - probably meant for the empty space next to the rice - which was sort of OK since I don't eat guacamole, but I sure wanted the pico. Charro beans were in a separate bowl that didn't make the picture.

Edited by Haljo1935
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Just did a little organizing for our upcoming trip and added our Flightease made reservations to the airline’s app, and discovered that the seats I had reserved when we booked were no longer assigned to us. In fact, we were seatless.🥴. So now to sit together on all 4 segments we get to pay $63. 

Has this happened to anyone before?

We did have a time change since booking, but I don’t think anything ( like the plane itself) changed. 

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Posted (edited)

I did get DH out today, told him it was a rehearsal for his appointment with the "shrinks" nurse tomorrow which is on the north side of town.I hate driving the highways, and I hate rush hour.  Memorial drive, the 6 lane road near us  was shut down at the bottom of one of the hills, luckily on our way out today, I could see that the road was down to one lane, and I got in the right lane, turned right at the first light and drove around the college  and by passed sitting there for who knows how long.  Even the fire truck could not get to the accident.  Whatever it was had stopped traffic going both ways. 


Dh enjoyed his lunch, he ate the enchilada, he had some chips, he always orders refried bean and rice, and he ate half of them.  We stopped at Pastries a gogo and he got a huge cupcake and ate all of that when he got home.  I got a Filipino dessert made with Taro, the young waitress told me it was very sweet.  She obviously never tried it.  It is good, but not very sweet. I saved a third for a later day snack.


My work hours today are 5-10, in California time that is 2-7 .  I am hoping that I dont fall asleep before 5.  I do have things to do, but really dont feel like doing them.


Todays make me feel better picture is Ephesus.




Edited by marshhawk
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5 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

our Flightease made reservations to the airline’s app, and discovered that the seats I had reserved when we booked were no longer assigned to us. In fact, we were seatless.

Sorry this happened to you.  Who did you pay $63?  

I have booked several Flexible Flightease fares and selected my seats American and Delta on the Flightease site.  I wait about 24 hours and then go to the airlines to double check my seat assignment.  If there is any schedule change, I double check my seat assignments.  

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3 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Just did a little organizing for our upcoming trip and added our Flightease made reservations to the airline’s app, and discovered that the seats I had reserved when we booked were no longer assigned to us. In fact, we were seatless.🥴. So now to sit together on all 4 segments we get to pay $63. 

Has this happened to anyone before?

We did have a time change since booking, but I don’t think anything ( like the plane itself) changed. 

Yes. It was on British Airlines through American and on our return flight from London. If I had known sooner I might have changed it but since we were behind each other I decided not to pay the extra $$. However, I honestly can’t remember if it was through Flight Ease or not. 


24 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

I finally caved in today - a Mexican food restaurant nearish to me was sold and has been remodeling for some time. For a really long time. So long, I thought maybe it wasn't going to open.

But today as I was surfing through GH, I saw their name so here's what I'm having for lunch...and dinner (there's a lot). Sorry it's sideways🤷‍♀️


From the menu:


DH will have the beef version tonight. The guacamole & pico de gallo were missing - probably meant for the empty space next to the rice - which was sort of OK since I don't eat guacamole, but I sure wanted the pico. Charro beans were in a separate bowl that didn't make the picture.

Did you know that the chimichanga was created in Tucson?  By the restaurant El Charro. Supposedly a cook accidentally dropped a burro into the fryer. Isn’t that always what happens?  Oh, and us old Tucsonans call burritos burros. 😉

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5 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Did you know that the chimichanga was created in Tucson?  By the restaurant El Charro. Supposedly a cook accidentally dropped a burro into the fryer. Isn’t that always what happens?  Oh, and us old Tucsonans call burritos burros. 😉

I don't recall hearing they originated in Tucson, but I recall they were the end result of a happy accident. And thank you - I love them ❤️ 💗 

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@marshhawk  glad Chuck ate well!  Good idea! 

@Sharon in AZ thanks for the info on the chimichangas,  DH loves them!,


@Vict0riann yikes on the fridge!  We were without last year for two days and thought it was bad!  Is your fridge quite new? They don’t seem to last as long as they used to. 

yay!  After six weeks we can now water with sprinklers weekly!    My thirsty yard is looking forward to it 

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10 minutes ago, bennybear said:



@Vict0riann yikes on the fridge!  We were without last year for two days and thought it was bad!  Is your fridge quite new? They don’t seem to last as long as they used to. 



We got it in 2017 when we re-did the kitchen.  It has all the bells and whistles - ice dispenser, water filter, even a coffee maker built in ( not that we use it).  Of course now the warranty has expired.  When we got it we were told it would last 10 years…. These hi-tech appliances are prone to disaster.  The technician said he will return this afternoon.  


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19 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Sorry this happened to you.  Who did you pay $63?  

I have booked several Flexible Flightease fares and selected my seats American and Delta on the Flightease site.  I wait about 24 hours and then go to the airlines to double check my seat assignment.  If there is any schedule change, I double check my seat assignments.  

I paid United. 
I had booked no additional-cost seats immediately on booking with FE, for all 4 legs. None of the assignments were there this morning when I added my booking to the United app and logged in. Being its the same locator number, I can’t believe I have seats booked twice.image.png.1b9c395d97d9781c79c74a46db3cc928.png


(On the other hand, the FE matter came up after I had a round with Costco, through whom I reserved a car via my phone app last week, and the reservation wasn’t showing when I went in with Windows. 🤔 A little more digging and I noticed my Costco membership numbers were different. It took 2 calls to get the accounts combined into 1, then the reservation attached to the surviving account. The account I reserved the car under was my old number, replaced about 2 years ago when I lost the card. I also bought some rugs last week through that stale account.🥴)


So maybe I have multiple personalities???


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9 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

I paid United

I would call Flightease, it might be to late to get your money back but it seems like it was their fault.


I hope you and your multiple personalities enjoy the cruise.😉


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31 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

...I can’t believe I have seats booked twice.image.png.1b9c395d97d9781c79c74a46db3cc928.png


So maybe I have multiple personalities???

Just be sure you get double flight credits🫣

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34 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:


We got it in 2017 when we re-did the kitchen.  It has all the bells and whistles - ice dispenser, water filter, even a coffee maker built in ( not that we use it).  Of course now the warranty has expired.  When we got it we were told it would last 10 years…. These hi-tech appliances are prone to disaster.  The technician said he will return this afternoon.  


In less than a year, the ice maker in a Samsung fridge we got in Dec 2019 stopped working. Tech replaced the "brains" as he referred to the circuit board and said it was a known issue. Last summer it stopped working again.

So, I agree - technology heavy items seem to be finicky and have issues.

Since it is out of warranty, we now use a small counter top ice maker and will get the fridge fixed when something else goes wrong with the fridge. We're just 2 people who don't use a lot of ice, so the portable one is more than adequate for us. But ask me how I feel about if we ever want to fill an ice chest, lol.

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