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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday August 15th, 2024


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3 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

Dearest Daily-ites,

A number of you have wondered about me and my doctors have, too. Since mid-May I have been doctoring to determine the cause of very unexpected gynecolical symptoms.


All the usual and even the gold-standard tests came back negative. So, my doctors continued the search with additional tests in the works. Then, two weeks ago, my routine annual mammogram wasn't as it found a reactive lymph node leading to more testing, biopsies, and a very unwelcome diagnosis two days ago.


I have cancer. Lymphoma. It is likely the cause -- albeit a rare cause -- of my gynecological issues and the reactive lymph node that led to my diagnosis is likely a metastasis. I have appointments next week for a full body PET scan to determine how far the cancer has spread and an immediate follow-up with a well-respected oncologist specializing in lymphoma.


So, I am now starting a new journey but, unfortunately, not on a blue hulled beauty. I don't know if I will ever be able to return to the sea, but I have years of cruising memories to visualize as this new, unwanted trip begins.


Thank you for wondering about me. Please understand if I don't respond to what I know will be your many good wishes. It's not that your care and prayer doesn't matter. I treasure it. But, I need to spend this time planning for my ever-declining DHs care amidst my cancer journey.


With a grateful heart,


I was glad to hear from you, but not with this news. Very best wishes and continuing prayers... and keep us updated as you can and feel like. You have so much on your plate right now .... take care of yourself along with DH. We will be thinking of you.



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Good morning and thanks all! That salad looks great as does the wine and drink! 

@HAL Sailer I’m so very sorry to hear your news,   It’s so overwhelming when you get news like that.   Take time for yourself and one day at a time.  Thanks for letting us know, sending prayers all shall be well! 

@kazu love the haven you have created,  Ivan is such a clever boy I just know he will adapt well.   

@Vict0riann thinking of you today!  Hard juggling so many balls! 

We too are dealing with smoke again,  timing is bad as we had new doors installed.  Luckily we’re pleased.  They still need to be painted.  






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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@HAL Sailer  Melisa, I was sorry to read your diagnosis.  FWIW, my DFIL lived with lymphoma for 25 years from the very early 1970s.  I say lived with because during the periods when his lymphoma was in remission he took cruises, with family rented sailboats in the Caribbean, took long motorhome trips, and had a good life.  I'm sure the treatments have improved in the intervening years.  Sending positive thoughts for a good treatment plan and a long remission. 



May the blessings of each day  be the ones you need most. 

You are both in my prayers

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Good morning and Happy Thursday!  I leave for Boston one week from today. I need to get my act together and start setting out the clothes that I’m taking. 

We have had an unexpected guest since Tuesday. DM!!  The A/C went out in half of the entire building where she lives along with a busted pipe and flooding. She slept one night with a fan but really shouldn’t have, however she didn’t call me until Tuesday. They were putting people up at the nearby Hilton but she didn’t qualify since she’s on assisted living. I had to sign papers that I was responsible for her and her medical care and meds along with a list of meds with time to take them. She’s sleeping on the couch because we don’t have any extra beds but I think she’s sleeping okay. We’ve been eating out and ordering takeout so I don’t have to cook since we all eat at different times. Hopefully she’s going home today. I’m going to call them soon and check the status. I know she doesn’t like being here, she’s very independent. 

I missed several celebrations so am sorry about that. And I’ve missed many prayer requests and will try to catch up. 

Melisa @HAL Sailer, thank you for updating us about your health and this unexpected journey. Prayers and hugs coming your way. I can tell you are a strong woman and I’ll pray for continuing strength for you. 

When I read today’s meal I envisioned a half of an avocado filled with tuna salad on top of a bed of spinach. Debbie @dfish, I agree that the third recipe looks really good. Not sure what we will have today. We are going grocery shopping after dropping DM off. I still haven’t made the barbecue chicken with peach preserves yet. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning. Today will be dry and sunny and pretty warm. It was 50F when the dogs and I walked this morning. There was a pretty stiff breeze and I found a light jacket was needed. Will have to search out Monty's little jackets and sweaters ... he shivered the whole walk. It will get up into the mid-80's later this afternoon.


Yesterday mid-day I felt like I was coming down with something. Runny nose, eyes watering, headache and my arms were aching for some reason. In the evening I took a Covid test.... negative. This morning I am fine. Wonder what that was all about. Anyway, I am going to do some light work at home today. I have pulled out two boxes of unknown contents from storage to go through and I need to label some pictures I found in another box a few days ago. Those pictures will then go back in storage. At least people will know who is who. One is a favorite of mine.... my Grandmother (Dad's Mother) with her first two girls (twins) along with her Mother and Grandmother. Probably taken around 1893 looking at the age of the twins. One of the twins passed away at age 17, but the other was a very important person in my life when I was growing up.


So ... off to have a semi-productive day I hope. Take care all and remember to use the bubble wrap. I really need to do something about my own balance issues. Will talk to Doctor next Monday when I see him. Am going to have to make a list of what I want to cover.





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When I get Mona Lisa and DaVinci to the v-e-t I will ask whether they are chipped, and if so--they came from a shelter so probably are--how to have the chips' registration changed to me. As for green data, yesterday I received TWO postcards telling me that the utility company was going to install smart meters, one from the company that sends my bill and a duplicate from its sibling company in Rochester. But it seems that the only immediate purpose is to spare them having to come to the house to read the meters.


The salad would be OK but the pseudotini would not. I had to look up Portugieser, a new grape variety to me. Legend holds, probably incorrectly, that it was introduced to Austria from Portugal; it's very productive although usually low in both acid and sugar. It would probably grow here but I don't think it's cultivated, so I'll substitute the 2022 Epic Reserve from Keuka Spring Vineyards, a blend of Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Saperavi, $28.99. "Epic Reserve boasts a striking deep garnet hue in the glass, accompanied by a captivating aroma of custard, red fruits, and baking spices. Nuances of cinnamon and nutmeg intertwine with hints of toffee, coconut, and a touch of burnt brown sugar. Medium-bodied with soft acidity and balanced tannins, it offers a fruity finish with a touch of toast and brightness. Its creamy mouthfeel mirrors the custardy aromas, while the delayed emergence of deep fruit notes adds complexity, resulting in a harmonious and memorable wine."



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Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I won't acknowledge Chauvin but will raise a toast to the other 2 days and will add @GTVCRUISER's Relaxation Day.  Love Billings' quote (and I am guilty of it), the meal, drink and wine sound delicious, and I have never been to the port.  Thanks @Sir PMP for the map!  I was "close" to the port as I lived in Dalian and just south of Shanghai!  Two very interesting days in history.




As we have some high pressure over us, the heat will ramp up today.  At 0800 it is already 88F with 43% humidity heading up to ~105F with no chance of rain.  Summer is still with us.




Yesterday's research project was a 1.5 hour interesting adventure.  Most of the "tests" I did I have done in other studies but there were a couple I had not done before.  I think they might call me for an MRI portion of a study but I am not sure.  Today I have to get my bu++ in gear and accomplish something as tomorrow I am subbing.




@HAL Sailer My thoughts for you and your DH as you navigate the way ahead.

@StLouisCruisers Fantastic about the Delta debacle and glad you made it to TX safely.

@seagarsmoker I am sooooo glad you are enjoying your job!!  

@kazu Your pergola and the foliage are gorgeous!  🤞 on a sale!

@Vict0riann I hope your angio goes smoothly

@JazzyV Gosh, I hope you find a solution for your vertigo@@




Thoughts for all who need extra support and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!!


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Good morning all!

Interesting set of days, and I so agree with the quote.  I'll pass on the meal (avocado) and red wine, but would try the drink.  Have not been to Japan.  Last night we had the Caprese Salad with the Chicken Meatballs recipe we've had in the past.  All a hit.


Like Lenda's @Quartzsite Cruiser DH, my DH was stationed near Woodstock, wanted to go, but commanding officer said NO.  I was still in CA, so no possibility of me attending.  


The raised garden bed arrived yesterday, so today DH and I will set it up next to the other one.  It's supposed to be a little cloudier today than yesterday, so a good day to do it.  Yesterday it got hot, hot in the backyard while gardening.  Not a cloud in the sky.  


Vanessa @JazzyV I'm sorry you're still dealing with the vertigo. You don't need this.  🙏 you get an answer soon.


Terry @smitty34877 I'm glad that family help will be coming this weekend.


Sandi @StLouisCruisers  Good that Delta came through.  I don't have good memories from a problem I had with Delta, so it's good to hear they come through sometimes.  Fingers crossed that Flight Ease does too.


Brenda @bennybear Lovely doors!


5 hours ago, grapau27 said:



Graham I see there's a mole problem in England too!  😅

5 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


I have cancer. Lymphoma. It is likely the cause -- albeit a rare cause -- of my gynecological issues and the reactive lymph node that led to my diagnosis is likely a metastasis. I have appointments next week for a full body PET scan to determine how far the cancer has spread and an immediate follow-up with a well-respected oncologist specializing in lymphoma.


So, I am now starting a new journey but, unfortunately, not on a blue hulled beauty. I don't know if I will ever be able to return to the sea, but I have years of cruising memories to visualize as this new, unwanted trip begins.


Thank you for wondering about me. Please understand if I don't respond to what I know will be your many good wishes. It's not that your care and prayer doesn't matter. I treasure it. But, I need to spend this time planning for my ever-declining DHs care amidst my cancer journey.


With a grateful heart,


Melisa I am so very sorry to hear this.  Thank you for letting us know, and we understand you will need all your strength for yourself and your DH.  Just check in when you can, we understand.  Sending hugs and prayers. 

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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I hadn't heard of Chauvin before today. Microchips are important for pets. Green data uses more efficient technology. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal (or substitute chicken) and drink, and take the wine. I have not been to Amami. A good day in history for the Mayflower and Woodstock. 


It's sunny and 80F today, with moderate humidity. Our last dry day, as rain is expected tomorrow and on the weekend. I took my 2nd shot of the new RA medication yesterday afternoon; unfortunately around 11PM my abdomen felt itchy, and when I looked there was a hive. So I took Benadryl. No recurrence so far today. Again dizziness this AM during my exercise, on the right and only on the first set of 5 times. Laying down all night seems to bring it on, no matter what position. No big plans for me today, mainly trying to declutter. I considered going to run some errands, but I'll try to combine them tomorrow with going to PT. In the late afternoon, BFF and I are going with friends to a travel agent to plan a 2025 Alaska trip. The friends have never been to Alaska. We tried to convince them to go on HAL, but for some reason they want to go on Princess. I'll find out their reasons tomorrow.


@Vict0riann Thinking of Pat today during his procedure and I hope you are able to get to your appointment. 

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you made it safely to TX. Be careful in the heat. Yay on getting reimbursements from Delta! Now to pester Flight Ease for the airfare reimbursement.

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanation of Chauvin Day. 

@GTVCRUISER I'm all for relaxation day!

@kazu I like your routine for while people are looking at the house. It's such a pretty spot to hang out and the clematis are lovely. 

@HAL Sailer I am so sorry to hear your news. I am glad to see you had extensive testing so that a cause of your symptoms could be found. I hope your Oncologist has a good plan for treatment. Many people with lymphoma respond very well to treatment. Prayers for you and your DH as you navigate this new journey.

@ottahand7 I'm sorry your dinner wasn't up to the usual standard. 

@Heartgrove I'm glad DSIL is in better spirits, and hope that the appointment tomorrow goes well.

@smitty34877 Good news that family help is arriving this weekend. I'm glad you're feeling a bit more cheerful. Caregiving can be debilitating sometimes. Hugs. I'm glad the edibles are helping Tana's nausea; sad that the coughing interferes with eating. 

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photo.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you were proactive about getting seen by Ortho, and great that you could coordinate it with appointments you already had.

@rafinmd Lovely sunrise.

@ger_77 Enjoy your weekend at the lake. Safe travels tomorrow.

@bennybear Nice door. It's reminiscent of my own 115 year old door and sidelights; my house has a lot of craftsman elements.

@durangoscots I'm glad you're feeling better today. 


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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Posted (edited)

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to all for the daily news.  Melissa, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  Prayers that all goes well and you are in remission pdq!  


I took Pat to the hospital this morning, we got there before 7:30, and he waited in the admissions  line while I took the car to the parkade.  He was still in the queue when I got back, and I went up with him to the Cardiac unit, and I waited with him until they took him in at 8:30.  We did see his cardiologist enter the unit, I wonder if he participates or does the angiogram.  They said he will probably be ready to be picked up late afternoon, so I should be good for my oncology appointment,  If there's a conflict, DD can go to pick him up.  I think I will get chicken out for supper, as that will be bland, he may not feel like eating much, I have chicken noodle soup available, too.  


I haven't been to today's port, but I lived in Shanghai, too, Pennie, I think Dalian was where we went for holidays.  


Our Hawaii Martin Mars was hauled out of Pat Bay yesterday, tail first, (how undignified!) and will now be carefully rinsed off (salt water does not agree with her..) and then they have to figure out how to get her overland to her new home at the airport.  I'll try to find some pictures on the Aviation Museum website.






Edited by Vict0riann
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Good afternoon from a hot central Texas.  It's already 97F./  All the errands are finished, and everything is put away.  Now, I can relax.


3 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Ms Crystal,


Stay away from the gaseous elements on the chocolate periodic table! 😬


 It might already be too late.  😉


3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'll pass on Chauvin Day, our dear Sochi is chipped, and not sure about green data, but if it helps the environment, why not?


A calm morning out there for us today, but there's a problem - the sky is a brownish colour from all the smoke from the northern forest fires.  As soon as I turned on my phone this morning there were notifications on all the weather apps telling us of an Air Quality Advisory for the day.  Thankfully neither of us has breathing issues, but for those who do, it would be a very good day to stay indoors with the a/c turned on.  When I went out to turn on the fountain, the smoke smelled like people were burning trash, rather than that of a campfire.   Weird.


@HAL Sailermy prayers and hugs coming your way as you navigate this health crisis; sending you strength to deal with your diagnosis and to assist your DH with his declining health as well.  Check in when you can; we care about you.

@Vict0riannsending good wishes for Pat's angiogram today and hoping you haven't cancelled your appointment!

@Seasick Sailoradding prayers for Bonnie's upcoming surgery.

@StLouisCruiserswill be thinking of your DS as she preps for surgery tomorrow.

@smitty34877while I'm sorry the edibles haven't helped with Tana's appetite, I'm glad they've lessened the nausea.  A number of years ago (before they were legal) a dear friend was suffering terribly from nausea due to chemo - a good friend brought her some "smoke-ables" which she said did wonders for the nausea. 

@kazuyour flowers are gorgeous; you and Ivan have a great place to stay while your house is showing.


A busy day for us today as we're getting ready to go to our friend's lake for the weekend.  We'll leave tomorrow - it's about a 3.5 hour drive from here, so we'd like to get a relatively early start on the highway before the regular weekenders head out to their vacation spots.  Today I'm making a pasta salad, will get our clothes packed and will tidy up the house as our friend Ollie is coming over to feed Sochi 2x a day while we're gone.  DH's job is to find our fishing gear as they always have an annual family fishing derby and the person catching the largest pickerel (walleye) gets their name on a large plaque.


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, would like to try the wine but might die of thirst before I get the name out, and will pass on the menu suggestion.  Because we're leaving, we'll be clearing out the fridge so it'll be the luck of the draw of leftovers for us to enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in the throes of wars, storms, and fires.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, safe travels tomorrow and enjoy your weekend with friends at the lake.  I hope one of you catches the biggest fish.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good news from Delta today regarding our expenses being reimbursed from our July 20 cancellation.  We had no hotel to claim, but did ask for rental car reimbursement, gasoline, and 2 meager meals.  This morning we got an email telling us all our charges were being refunded and told us how they would do that.  Praise be!


Now we are wondering if we will ever hear from Flight Ease about reimbursing us.  Delta paid them back, and I guess they are sitting on that money.  In addition I'd like the upcharge that FE charges over the actual cost of the tickets they purchased for us.  In other words, the entire cost of our never used tickets, through no fault of our own of course.  Looks like we're going to have to start calling them.  Only problem is last time I called some young man on the other side of the earth answered and he had no clue what to tell me.  We will have to demand to speak to some higher ups in Seattle so we can get some answers. 


Sandi, that's great news Delta is covering your expenses getting home from Boston.  Good luck with Flight Ease.


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! That salad looks great as does the wine and drink! 

@HAL Sailer I’m so very sorry to hear your news,   It’s so overwhelming when you get news like that.   Take time for yourself and one day at a time.  Thanks for letting us know, sending prayers all shall be well! 

@kazu love the haven you have created,  Ivan is such a clever boy I just know he will adapt well.   

@Vict0riann thinking of you today!  Hard juggling so many balls! 

We too are dealing with smoke again,  timing is bad as we had new doors installed.  Luckily we’re pleased.  They still need to be painted.  







Brenda, the new door and side lights look good.


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Thursday!  I leave for Boston one week from today. I need to get my act together and start setting out the clothes that I’m taking. 

We have had an unexpected guest since Tuesday. DM!!  The A/C went out in half of the entire building where she lives along with a busted pipe and flooding. She slept one night with a fan but really shouldn’t have, however she didn’t call me until Tuesday. They were putting people up at the nearby Hilton but she didn’t qualify since she’s on assisted living. I had to sign papers that I was responsible for her and her medical care and meds along with a list of meds with time to take them. She’s sleeping on the couch because we don’t have any extra beds but I think she’s sleeping okay. We’ve been eating out and ordering takeout so I don’t have to cook since we all eat at different times. Hopefully she’s going home today. I’m going to call them soon and check the status. I know she doesn’t like being here, she’s very independent. 

I missed several celebrations so am sorry about that. And I’ve missed many prayer requests and will try to catch up. 

Melisa @HAL Sailer, thank you for updating us about your health and this unexpected journey. Prayers and hugs coming your way. I can tell you are a strong woman and I’ll pray for continuing strength for you. 

When I read today’s meal I envisioned a half of an avocado filled with tuna salad on top of a bed of spinach. Debbie @dfish, I agree that the third recipe looks really good. Not sure what we will have today. We are going grocery shopping after dropping DM off. I still haven’t made the barbecue chicken with peach preserves yet. 

Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, I'm sorry your DM was displaced, but glad she had you to look after her.  I hope everything is fixed, and she can return home today.


27 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I hadn't heard of Chauvin before today. Microchips are important for pets. Green data uses more efficient technology. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal (or substitute chicken) and drink, and take the wine. I have not been to Amami. A good day in history for the Mayflower and Woodstock. 


It's sunny and 80F today, with moderate humidity. Our last dry day, as rain is expected tomorrow and on the weekend. I took my 2nd shot of the new RA medication yesterday afternoon; unfortunately around 11PM my abdomen felt itchy, and when I looked there was a hive. So I took Benadryl. No recurrence so far today. Again dizziness this AM during my exercise, on the right and only on the first set of 5 times. Laying down all night seems to bring it on, no matter what position. No big plans for me today, mainly trying to declutter. I considered going to run some errands, but I'll try to combine them tomorrow with going to PT. In the late afternoon, BFF and I are going with friends to a travel agent to plan a 2025 Alaska trip. The friends have never been to Alaska. We tried to convince them to go on HAL, but for some reason they want to go on Princess. I'll find out their reasons tomorrow.


@Vict0riann Thinking of Pat today during his procedure and I hope you are able to get to your appointment. 

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you made it safely to TX. Be careful in the heat. Yay on getting reimbursements from Delta! Now to pester Flight Ease for the airfare reimbursement.

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanation of Chauvin Day. 

@GTVCRUISER I'm all for relaxation day!

@kazu I like your routine for while people are looking at the house. It's such a pretty spot to hang out and the clematis are lovely. 

@HAL Sailer I am so sorry to hear your news. I am glad to see you had extensive testing so that a cause of your symptoms could be found. I hope your Oncologist has a good plan for treatment. Many people with lymphoma respond very well to treatment. Prayers for you and your DH as you navigate this new journey.

@ottahand7 I'm sorry your dinner wasn't up to the usual standard. 

@Heartgrove I'm glad DSIL is in better spirits, and hope that the appointment tomorrow goes well.

@smitty34877 Good news that family help is arriving this weekend. I'm glad you're feeling a bit more cheerful. Caregiving can be debilitating sometimes. Hugs. I'm glad the edibles are helping Tana's nausea; sad that the coughing interferes with eating. 

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photo.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you were proactive about getting seen by Ortho, and great that you could coordinate it with appointments you already had.

@rafinmd Lovely sunrise.

@ger_77 Enjoy your weekend at the lake. Safe travels tomorrow.

@bennybear Nice door. It's reminiscent of my own 115 year old door and sidelights; my house has a lot of craftsman elements.

@durangoscots I'm glad you're feeling better today. 


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry you are still having dizziness during your first round of the maneuver.  Since it is only the first round, it seems like the maneuver is beginning to work.


23 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to all for the daily news.  Melissa, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  Prayers that all goes well and you are in remission pdq!  


I took Pat to the hospital this morning, we got there before 7:30, and he waited in the admissions  line while I took the car to the parkade.  He was still in the queue when I got back, and I went up with him to the Cardiac unit, and I waited with him until they took him in at 8:30.  We did see his cardiologist enter the unit, I wonder if he participates or does the angiogram.  They said he will probably be ready to be picked up late afternoon, so I should be good for my oncology appointment,  If there's a conflict, DD can go to pick him up.  I think I will get chicken out for supper, as that will be bland, he may not feel like eating much, I have chicken noodle soup available, too.  


I haven't been to today's port, but I lived in Shanghai, too, Pennie, I think Dalian was where we went for holidays.  


Our Hawaii Martin Mars was hauled out of Pat Bay yesterday, tail first, (how undignified!) and will now be carefully rinsed off (salt water does not agree with her..) and then they have to figure out how to get her overland to her new home at the airport.  I'll try to find some pictures on the Aviation Museum website.







Ann, I hope all is going well for Pat, and I'm glad you will be able to go to your appointment.  Thanks for the pictures of the Martin Mars.



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@HAL Sailer Melisa,

What a profound explanation of your health situation. Your words are powerful, and I feel sure, will result in many, many individuals praying for you. I hope you feel the support from the unknown friends here who are holding you in our hearts.


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a hot central Texas.  It's already 97F./  All the errands are finished, and everything is put away.  Now, I can relax.



 It might already be too late.  😉



Gerry, safe travels tomorrow and enjoy your weekend with friends at the lake.  I hope one of you catches the biggest fish.



Sandi, that's great news Delta is covering your expenses getting home from Boston.  Good luck with Flight Ease.



Brenda, the new door and side lights look good.



Sharon, I'm sorry your DM was displaced, but glad she had you to look after her.  I hope everything is fixed, and she can return home today.



Vanessa, I'm sorry you are still having dizziness during your first round of the maneuver.  Since it is only the first round, it seems like the maneuver is beginning to work.



Ann, I hope all is going well for Pat, and I'm glad you will be able to go to your appointment.  Thanks for the pictures of the Martin Mars.



I would suggest eating the element Ca to counteract the gas!

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42 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I posted kinda late last night askIng for HALS emergency number. My sweet PCC gave it to me and told me if my sister needs me and can't get in touch, she will personally track me down. I love her.


Joy, that is very nice of her.  A good PCC is worth her weight in gold.  I hope your DS doesn't need to use the number.


10 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

I would suggest eating the element Ca to counteract the gas!


Oh, goody!  I get to eat another piece of chocolate!  🍫



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Dental problem is solved.  We got some dental instruments and Sue will clean my teeth for me.  I will keep the appointment with the dentist.  Maybe I'll like her better than the hygienist.


Quiet day today.  For the past two days I've been swatting flies like no tomorrow and wondering how we got so many of them in the house.  I was looking for dead mice and other rotting garbage with no luck.  Only one lone fly today, probably left over from yesterday.  It seems our source of flies has gone home to her other grandma.  She wasn't great about shutting doors behind her.  

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@JazzyV Vanessa I am sorry you are still dealing with dizziness and it gets worse when you lay down.   When I first started injecting Enbrel 25 years ago for my RA I got red welts but over time they were insignificant.  Not so my younger sister, she had to stop using the auto- injector because of latex and injected with a small syringe.  



The first photo is the river we cross to go to town.  Hard to see there are two geese perched on the rock in the middle of the river.  Second is a picture of my DN and DN last wedding weekend.  




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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@JazzyV Vanessa I am sorry you are still dealing with dizziness and it gets worse when you lay down.   When I first started injecting Enbrel 25 years ago for my RA I got red welts but over time they were insignificant.  Not so my younger sister, she had to stop using the auto- injector because of latex and injected with a small syringe.  



The first photo is the river we cross to go to town.  Hard to see there are two geese perched on the rock in the middle of the river.  Second is a picture of my DN and DN last wedding weekend.  





Nancy, that's interesting. I got hives at the injection site when I started using Kevzara with an auto-injector several years ago. Then it became unavailable in that form after about a year, so I switched to syringes. I took the Benadryl still, but I wonder if I wouldn't have needed it. Then the auto-injector was back. I really dislike the new Actrema auto-injector, as it's clumsier to use. I don't have a latex allergy; at work I wore latex gloves before they switched over to the synthetic material they use now. And nice photos!

Edited by JazzyV
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39 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@JazzyV Vanessa I am sorry you are still dealing with dizziness and it gets worse when you lay down.   When I first started injecting Enbrel 25 years ago for my RA I got red welts but over time they were insignificant.  Not so my younger sister, she had to stop using the auto- injector because of latex and injected with a small syringe.  



The first photo is the river we cross to go to town.  Hard to see there are two geese perched on the rock in the middle of the river.  Second is a picture of my DN and DN last wedding weekend.  




Lovely photo.

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Posted (edited)

@Seasick Sailor You need to just tell @JazzyV one time and she will have you on her fabulous charting. Sorry Jacqui for highjacking... 


I moved our conversation over, I don't want to upset Jacqui. She works so hard on that list.  


I will let Vanessa know as soon as I get my bookings figured out, I hate it when I'm this indecisive. 

Edited by atexsix
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1 minute ago, atexsix said:

@Seasick Sailor You need to just tell @JazzyV one time and she will have you on her fabulous charting. Sorry Jacqui for highjacking... 


I moved our conversation over, I don't want to upset Jacqui. She works so hard on that list.  


I will let Vanessa know as soon as I get my bookings figured out, I hate it when I'm this indecisive. 


We posted together. Lol

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