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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 16th, 2024


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Thank you Sandi, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!
We visited New Zealand back in May 2007. It was their winter in the Southern Hemisphere and one of our most memorable trips. Traveling by train from Auckland to Wellington and then a ferry to the South Island where we rented a camper van to drive the southern portion of the South Island. That was before the earthquakes in 2010 and 2011 that hit Christchurch. As my friend in Australia always says about NZ: "Around every corner is another picture postcard!". It was one of our best land trips! 
Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack


The former Christ Church Cathedral destroyed in the 2011 earthquake



Near downtown Christchurch.





A vintage tram with a pram on the front.



From our campsite in Akaroa.



Along the road



Notice the scarcity of traffic.



Pancake Rocks




Along the East Coast near Greymouth with Mt. Cook in the distance



Every corner is another photo!



Franz Joseph Glacier



Our little snowman.


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Update on the dissertation. My committee chair says first draft looks good, no editing needed as of now. I am waiting for my methodologist to review the results section to see if any edits needed. If not edits, then goes through Form and Style review and I then schedule my oral defense. Almost done!

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54 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We have clouds this morning, but the forecast promises a sunny day and mid-60's.  Actually the best day this week because we have a lot of rain coming.


Three good days, but we both will pass on the guacamole.  Good quote too, will pass on the drink and wine but the meal sounds yummy.  We were in Akaroa on the GANZ this year, it was a very good day.  Photos below.


Not much on the agenda today other than yard fall clean-up.  The yard waste bin is full for the next pick-up and both compost bins are nearly full too.  Thankfully we don't get the leaves in our yard now that several of the Cottonwood trees behind us were removed this year.  


Terry @smitty34877 Thinking of you as the 1st anniversary of your DD DH's passing nears.

Jacqui @kazu Sending hugs!

Elizabeth @Haljo1935 Adorable photo of your DGD.

Annie @marshhawk There are no words... you have so much on your plate.  Lean on us here as much and as often as you need. (((hugs)))


We were in Akaroa on the GANZ this year, it was a cloudy but pleasant day.  We had a tour driving down the peninsula, and then after that we walked from the wharf up to the Giant’s House.
It was built in 1880 by a banker from England. The house, now restored, is the home of artist Josie Martin. She has lived there for 26 years and has been working on the concrete mosaic sculptures for 22 years. She designed and created the flower garden, doing most of the work herself. She is now in her mid 70’s and still works hours in her gardens and sculptures when the grounds aren’t open.  I enjoyed visiting the Giant's House more than I expected to, it was a very interesting afternoon!  And the walk to and from the House was very nice too. 
First some scenes from our drive down the peninsula.  I loved NZ!
And then the Giant's House.  
The piano
And bunny
The king and queen
The Giant's House 
The one and only photo I took on our walk to and from the Giant's House.  Couldn't resist this sweet kitty.


Carolyn, thank you for the pictures of today's port.


48 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:
Thank you Sandi, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!
We visited New Zealand back in May 2007. It was their winter in the Southern Hemisphere and one of our most memorable trips. Traveling by train from Auckland to Wellington and then a ferry to the South Island where we rented a camper van to drive the southern portion of the South Island. That was before the earthquakes in 2010 and 2011 that hit Christchurch. As my friend in Australia always says about NZ: "Around every corner is another picture postcard!". It was one of our best land trips! 
Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack


The former Christ Church Cathedral destroyed in the 2011 earthquake



Near downtown Christchurch.





A vintage tram with a pram on the front.



From our campsite in Akaroa.



Along the road



Notice the scarcity of traffic.



Pancake Rocks




Along the East Coast near Greymouth with Mt. Cook in the distance



Every corner is another photo!



Franz Joseph Glacier



Our little snowman.



Jack, thank you for the pictures of Christchurch and the scenery of the South Island.


45 minutes ago, Denise T said:

Update on the dissertation. My committee chair says first draft looks good, no editing needed as of now. I am waiting for my methodologist to review the results section to see if any edits needed. If not edits, then goes through Form and Style review and I then schedule my oral defense. Almost done!


Congratulations, Denise.  Your hard work is paying off, and I hope the remainder of the process goes smoothly and quickly.



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Happy Monday - although I imagine it would be happier if I was retired or on a cruise ship 😉  


I've never been a fan of guacamole, so others can have my share! Both DH & I are step parents, but had it easy from the standpoint of the "kids" being pretty much young adults rather than children. A "step" shouldn't be any different from a biological or adopted kid in my opinion. 


The meal sounds good, pass on the cocktail & wine, and Christchurch (and all of New Zealand) is on the bucket list. Thanks for the many photos!


It's hot, humid, gray & cloudy here in "sunny" Florida. This morning's excitement came when one of our residents' body (he passed before dinner Friday at the hospital) was on its way to Jacksonville rather than one of the funeral homes we use here in Gainesville. The brother/guardian set that in motion, not realizing by doing so leaves him 100% responsible for the final arrangement costs. After many frantic calls, the transport company with the body sitting on the side of the road awaiting further instruction, we got it resolved and the resident delivered to the appropriate funeral home. Once they've done their part he'll be transported to the cemetary in Jacksonville to be buried next to his parents. 


Warm thoughts to those struggling with ailments/issues - hope the day also has bright spots mixed in with the not-so-good stuff.



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Thank you to the very kind people thinking about us as we remember my DD DH. Vanessa, please don’t apologize. I am the one who needs to know the date but I appreciate all you do for us. 
If I missed someone I apologize in advance:  @JazzyV,  @Haljo1935, @cat shepard, @kazu, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @quilty964, @Mr. Boston, @dfish, @ottahand7, @RMLincoln, @durangoscots, @ger_77, and @Cruising-along

My extended family would like to thank you as well. They credit the Daily for my semblance of sanity(!). 

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Back to check in after yoga,   Thanks  all!  

@smitty34877 it must be a very tough time for you, I’m sorry DB had to leave but glad you have some other help,  hope you can take some time for you or maybe just keeping busy works too.  Gentle hugs! 


@kazu glad you checked in,  I’m hoping todays not too hard and you get a date soon for your cataracts.  Sure hope like @aliaschief that light gets brighter at the end of the tunnel! 

@Denise T good news on your thesis!  I’m sure the rest will go well too. 

So excited to see the photos of Christchurch .  Thanks all!  @sailingdutchy I still can’t see yours.    DS has invited us to join them, but who’d look after the dear grand dog?  

 @Haljo1935 DSIL was working in Texas a month or two ago, and tried to describe Buckees, lol.  

Wishing I had some Hawaiian avocados, they’re huge and so delicious. 


Edited by bennybear
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16 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

From my DSis;


I just received results from pathology. They removed 10 nodes and they are all negative for cancer. 

Woo hoo! That’s wonderful news!  Let the healing begin! 

Now, have a Glass of champagne and enjoy your trip!  

Edited by bennybear
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16 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

From my DSis;


I just received results from pathology. They removed 10 nodes and they are all negative for cancer. 

That is wonderful!   Thank  you for letting us know!  You must have been holding your breath waiting to find out.  

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This is the latest update from Roy.


Monday was a mixed bag.  Despite a suppository overnight constipation remains.  


My sessions were spread out today.  Occupational Therapy was at 8 and started out with dressing but I handled that quickly and no assistance except pulling up my shorts.


Then down to therapy rooms for hand-eye coordination using a large video screen.  I think I did pretty well considering that the corners of the screen were a long reach.


After an hour break Physical Therapy was at 10.  I practiced several modes of walking, walker, rollator, and cane.  All went well except for the cane.  I also practiced climbing a short staircase.


I had a 2-hour lunch break.  Meals have been a random variable.  I place an order each day but what arrives has little or no relationship to what I order.  Today has been so bad I took a screenshot of tomorrow’s selections as evidence.  Luckily, the nutritionist came by and I expressed my concerns so I hope improvement is coming.


In speech and language therapy we did some breathing exercises and then some personal management scenarios.


I was done for the day at 2 except for a talk with a representative of the agency who will be giving me home care.



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23 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

From my DSis;


I just received results from pathology. They removed 10 nodes and they are all negative for cancer. 


Dear Joy❤️

Thank you for the wonderful news on your sister Bonnie🥰 I am so happy to hear that!!



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49 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

From my DSis;


I just received results from pathology. They removed 10 nodes and they are all negative for cancer. 

That's wonderful news!! Curious - did she have a sentinel node procedure, which found those 10 nodes were the ones to test? I've had breast cancer 3 times and the last 2 times they did the sentinel node thing - injecting material that will glow/light up in an xray to indicate which nodes carry cells from the area of the tumor to other parts of the body. They then took me to surgery and biopsied just that node or nodes - but don't think they necessarily removed the entire node as I have no restrictions that are common with people who have lymph nodes removed. 


I wish your sister the best going forward - this has to be a huge relief for her and all the people who love her!



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Good afternoon after a busy afternoon.  They really worked DH at PT today.  Besides working to retrain his brain, they also worked on strengthening his leg muscles.  We stopped at the grocery store on the way home, and I remembered why I like to go early in the morning.  I did get everything on my list.  Once we were home and the groceries were unloaded an put away, I took the car up to be inspected. This is the last time for the cars since Texas is eliminating inspection beginning in January.  BUT, they are still charging the inspection fee, but are renaming it a recovery fee.  The state is not losing any money, but all the small stations that do the inspections will be losing a lot of money.  In the metropolitan areas, the will still have to have an emission inspection each year.


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

@bennybear, thank you! I am the type who is better off keeping busy.


Terry, I'm also one who needs to keep my mind busy.


53 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

From my DSis;


I just received results from pathology. They removed 10 nodes and they are all negative for cancer. 


Joy, that is the best news I've heard today.  



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Terry @smitty34877 I'm sure it's hard to see your DB leave, but it's so good to hear your DD will be able to help out at night with you.  I hope you have many happy memories of your DH Lou as this week passes.  


Joy @Seasick Sailor what great news to receive!  I gasped in relief when I read it.  Now you can relax and enjoy Japan fully.  My best wishes going out to Bonnie.


Annie @marshhawk sending you many hugs as you deal with all that's on your shoulders.  You are an amazing person!


We got home early afternoon and are thankful for a safe trip.  Unfortunately we did see a terrible accident scene which had us stopped for a bit at the main exit to Dalton, Georgia (known as carpet capital of America).  At first we thought oh look it's a jackknifed 18 wheeler, but when we passed on the left shoulder we saw a small car wedged underneath the trailer.  What a sobering sight!  I don't see how anyone could survive that but hold out hope that it did turn out that way. God bless them!😢

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37 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Terry @smitty34877 I'm sure it's hard to see your DB leave, but it's so good to hear your DD will be able to help out at night with you.  I hope you have many happy memories of your DH Lou as this week passes.  


Joy @Seasick Sailor what great news to receive!  I gasped in relief when I read it.  Now you can relax and enjoy Japan fully.  My best wishes going out to Bonnie.


Annie @marshhawk sending you many hugs as you deal with all that's on your shoulders.  You are an amazing person!


We got home early afternoon and are thankful for a safe trip.  Unfortunately we did see a terrible accident scene which had us stopped for a bit at the main exit to Dalton, Georgia (known as carpet capital of America).  At first we thought oh look it's a jackknifed 18 wheeler, but when we passed on the left shoulder we saw a small car wedged underneath the trailer.  What a sobering sight!  I don't see how anyone could survive that but hold out hope that it did turn out that way. God bless them!😢


Sandi, I'm glad you made it home safely.  That is horrible about the accident, and I hope whoever was in the car managed to survive somehow.



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