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Why Don’t You Think Before You Speak?


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11 minutes ago, Ukigirl said:

Great idea about the solo lunch, how do I find info? I’ve checked roll calls and there’s no one even signed up so I guess I can start a thread 

These types of events are usually advertised in the Cruise Compass. Regardless, enjoy yourself, and remember that the only thing most people absolutely know how to manage is other peoples lives. Send them pictures - lots of pictures:classic_laugh:

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15 hours ago, Ukigirl said:

I’m amused by some of the dumb things people have said to me when they found out I’m taking a solo cruise. I’m happily married, hubby and I have gone on at least a dozen cruises so I’m very comfortable with RCL ships. Because of his work schedule he has limited vacation days , most of those will be used for a back to back in November but my office will be closed for a couple weeks in March.  I brought up the idea of my bucket list which includes a solo cruise and he has no problem with me going.  I’m an introvert, love alone time so looking forward to being a big girl by flying to Fort Lauderdale, staying overnight and getting on that ship all by myself (been married for 32 years). Just want to chill by the pool with my books, eat when I want to and basically do whatever I want and this a big deal for me.  If I want to talk to other people I will, if I don’t then that’s just fine too. Well, told some members of my family and friends and got so many comments, everything from “aren’t you scared for your safety “, “what are people on the ship going to think when they see you by yourself “, “you will be eating alone?” and my absolute favorite “is everything ok with your marriage??”  I’ve read a lot of threads on Solo cruises, I’m a smart woman who can take care of myself and yet I still can’t believe those comments. Yeah should have kept my mouth shut. Sorry for the long rant 🙄

Good heavens! A very justified post!!! Honestly you shouldn’t need to explain yourself. 

I HAD a friend and have a sister who feel it is their duty to announce in public little helpful things that they typically voice as questions. Adorable things like “oh I know you have a problem with so and so and don’t want them included right?” Of course this is in front of a huge group that knows so and so!  Sister will spew things like “of course you are doing, not doing, not meaning something you said etc etc”......depending on who is listening or judging. 

I no longer reply or react. Life is waaaay to short to become involved with other people’s opinions or drama. I ditched the friend and limit togetherness time with that sister 😁


I loooooooove time on my own! YOU GO GIRL !! More power to you! 

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I feel like the best response to a question that is so clearly out of bounds is “why do you want to know”.   It really makes people stop and think.    

cruising solo sounds absolutely heavenly.   

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I now cruise solo on a regular basis.  Sometimes I cruise with my husband and/or daughter.  Several years ago my daughter and I met up with a solo woman cruiser in New Orleans.  Via Cruise Critic - the woman asked if someone on our Roll Call wanted to walk Bourbon Street with her. the night before the cruise.   We volunteered.  I admit, I quizzed her about cruising solo.  She talked me into trying it - now I cruise solo at least once a year.  


This past Thanksgiving - I was cruising solo.  The cruise activity person - interviewed people asking what they were thankful for.  This was to be played in the theater that evening.  Some comments of course were:   thankful for family, for the drink package, for the ice cream machine, etc.  Almost all mentioned family.  They caught me - I mentioned I was thankful for the ability to travel - and for my family - and then I mentioned - I left my husband at home, but was still thankful for him.  When this was played in the theater - my comment drew a cheer!


I'm booked for my next solo cruise.  You will have a good time.  If you've thought about cruising solo - go for it!



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The rude comments remind me of a moment in my childhood. Summertime, and my mom was sitting alone in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.  I was on my way out to the backyard to play with my friends. I felt this pang of pity for her, and I said, mom are you going to be lonely?  She said no I'm fine, but she just looked at me as if to say child, are you KIDDING? I'll be so happy enjoying my personal space and peace and quiet away from you, your sister, AND your dad!  Nowadays of course I enjoy being alone and doing things alone.  I just didn't get it back then and perhaps some people never do.

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16 hours ago, Ukigirl said:

I’m amused by some of the dumb things people have said to me when they found out I’m taking a solo cruise. I’m happily married, hubby and I have gone on at least a dozen cruises so I’m very comfortable with RCL ships. Because of his work schedule he has limited vacation days , most of those will be used for a back to back in November but my office will be closed for a couple weeks in March.  I brought up the idea of my bucket list which includes a solo cruise and he has no problem with me going.  I’m an introvert, love alone time so looking forward to being a big girl by flying to Fort Lauderdale, staying overnight and getting on that ship all by myself (been married for 32 years). Just want to chill by the pool with my books, eat when I want to and basically do whatever I want and this a big deal for me.  If I want to talk to other people I will, if I don’t then that’s just fine too. Well, told some members of my family and friends and got so many comments, everything from “aren’t you scared for your safety “, “what are people on the ship going to think when they see you by yourself “, “you will be eating alone?” and my absolute favorite “is everything ok with your marriage??”  I’ve read a lot of threads on Solo cruises, I’m a smart woman who can take care of myself and yet I still can’t believe those comments. Yeah should have kept my mouth shut. Sorry for the long rant 🙄

Sounds awesome to me.  I would do this in a heartbeat..Coming up on 48 years of marriage & I would cruise solo and

do as exactly as you plan to.  Have a great time.

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Thank you for your post! I have been with my DH for 26 years and I am contemplating a solo cruise. I may actually book my first inside cabin. I have far more leave time and can leave within a few weeks notice, whereas my DH works for a small company and cannot.


I guess I will start monitoring the GGG flyer for good deals on last minute cruises. 😀


We will be 24 points from diamond after our fall cruise, so a few solo cruises should get us caught up.

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17 hours ago, Ukigirl said:

I’m amused by some of the dumb things people have said to me when they found out I’m taking a solo cruise. I’m happily married, hubby and I have gone on at least a dozen cruises so I’m very comfortable with RCL ships. Because of his work schedule he has limited vacation days , most of those will be used for a back to back in November but my office will be closed for a couple weeks in March.  I brought up the idea of my bucket list which includes a solo cruise and he has no problem with me going.  I’m an introvert, love alone time so looking forward to being a big girl by flying to Fort Lauderdale, staying overnight and getting on that ship all by myself (been married for 32 years). Just want to chill by the pool with my books, eat when I want to and basically do whatever I want and this a big deal for me.  If I want to talk to other people I will, if I don’t then that’s just fine too. Well, told some members of my family and friends and got so many comments, everything from “aren’t you scared for your safety “, “what are people on the ship going to think when they see you by yourself “, “you will be eating alone?” and my absolute favorite “is everything ok with your marriage??”  I’ve read a lot of threads on Solo cruises, I’m a smart woman who can take care of myself and yet I still can’t believe those comments. Yeah should have kept my mouth shut. Sorry for the long rant 🙄

Hey, Michigan here also. I'm with you. Cruised since 1980's, with my then wife, kids, had my first SOLO after 9/11. Everyone else was working or in school. I'd just had multiple surgeries, spent time watching Wee Ones while recouping the last yr and was getting ready to deploy. Since 2012 have done 2 dozen Cruises Solo, have own table, do my own thing. Have 4 Grandkids, retired and Cruise is my way to relax, unwind, recharge... Good for you

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Have done many solo cruises (while married). I don't really get this kind of comment, but it's probably because people around me know that I'm an independent introvert. 🙂

That said, this kind of comment usually speaks more to jealousy (conscious or unconscious) on the part of the person saying it.


A lot of people also really can't fathom the idea of travelling alone. 

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19 hours ago, kruzerci said:

The best I encountered was being asked to take a picture for a group of older women at sailaway. They asked if I wanted them to take my and my (apparently invisible) wife's picture. I told them I appreciated it but I was solo. They all proceeded to tell me that they were adopting me into their group and they would 'find me a girl'. Needless to say I spent the weekend avoid them like the Coronavirus! 

Kruzcerci: That is what I hate the most, everyone wants to take you under their wing! Ha! Were are traveling Solo for reason.

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50 minutes ago, trivia addict said:

Still don’t like eating and drinking alone, but if I ever cruise solo again,  I hope some of you are on my cruise!

If you ever cruise solo again, you could join a facebook group for your cruise and meet other people who are also traveling solo.

I wouldn't mind eating alone at the buffet, but I don't think I would like doing it in the MDR.  I would probably try to find other solo travelers to see if anyone was interested in meeting to see a show or eat dinner.  Although I would not mind seeing a show alone.

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23 hours ago, Ukigirl said:

I’m amused by some of the dumb things people have said to me when they found out I’m taking a solo cruise. I’m happily married, hubby and I have gone on at least a dozen cruises so I’m very comfortable with RCL ships...“is everything ok with your marriage??” 

I could have written this post myself. In fact, I posted in the solo cruising discussion group a few years back b/c the exact same thing happened to me and I wanted to make sure I wasn't the only person who was married cruising SOLO. 

I took my first solo cruise in 2015 (7 day on Oasis) and DH got so many inappropriate comments, texts and even phone calls from both of his parents and brother about me cruising solo insinuating that I must be doing it b/c I was going to cheat. Ummmm, excuse me, but most people who cheat do it locally. I don't need to go on a cruise to cheat.

DH knows me and knows I love to just sit with a cocktail in one hand, a book in the other and watch the ocean go by for hours at a time. 

I haven't been on a true solo since then, but I have taken children one at a time with me on a cruise at least once a year since then. My kids are all in school now and I am spoiled by longer Transatlantic Cruises and want to do those mostly, so I can't take my kids out of school that long. This year I'm doing a TA cruise all by myself and then I'm going to putz around Europe for a bit before coming home. 

Take care of yourself and you do you. I love being as introverted as I want on a cruise or talking to people when I'm feeling social. 

Enjoy your cruise! 

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To those who would never think of traveling solo, try it.  Sure, you get questions, but I have kept the mindset of that I never want to belong to the “Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve Club”.  

You’ll never see the world, the adventures because you didn’t have someone to go with.  Sometimes, you need that alone time.  I don’t know how many times after coming back from a trip somewhere, someone would say, I should’ve gone.  Cruising is a safe start to try going by yourself.  Besides most time walking around the ship, people have no idea you are by yourself.  Royal and Celebrity newer ships have communal tables where anyone can sit down and eat.  No one asks if you’re alone.  Try going on escorted bus tours through Europe, those tours are safe as well.

See The World As a Solo Traveler, there are so many young 20 somethings who are doing this, why not you?  Get Out There!

Edited by Plum Happy
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8 hours ago, Ukigirl said:

Great idea about the solo lunch, how do I find info? I’ve checked roll calls and there’s no one even signed up so I guess I can start a thread 

I went to a "solo" lunch once - the cruise staff member and four others - two of which were sisters.  Actually I found it not as enjoyable as joining a table in MDR on sea days or eating alone in the WJ .

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Last April I saw a 7 night cruise to Bermuda last minute. 4 days prior to sailing they dropped the solo supplement and were offering this cruise at unbelievably low prices. I looked at my husband of 35 years and said “I am going on a cruise by myself Friday”. He said “Go for it”. That was my first solo cruise. I thought at first I must be crazy. I had the best time doing or not doing whatever I wanted. I found out I am fine eating by myself but also can easily make friends on my own and join them. Went exploring Bermuda on my own each day and loved it. Went to bed early or late. Enjoyed the lazy days reading or sitting in a hot tub. Ate or did not eat when I wanted to. I would highly recommend that everyone try a solo vacation once. Sooo relaxing.

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23 hours ago, Reader0108598 said:

Love my husband dearly we are heading for 40 years in 
May! He has to get off the ship even though we have been to the same tierd ports tons of times! I just love being on the ship! I have no desire to get off ! I am a sea day person! So yes I would enjoy a solo cruise!

My DH and I cruise solo together. 

He goes to Windjammer for breakfast and lunch because it’s his favorite place to eat. 

I do room service breakfast and go to the MDR for lunch or grab pizza or a beef on week and eat on the balcony. 

We eat dinner together and then he goes to shows and I go “home” and read in bed. Pure luxury!

on RCI, I do go to the Aqua show and the ice skating show. On Princess, nope. Not enough to keep me from my Kindle. 

In the Caribbean he gets off and walks, but  I seldom get off the ship. 

A solo cruise would be right up my alley!

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Traveling- as mentioned - solo at leat once a year- even though in a happy realtionship- I never attend those " singles get together " things! I can do what I want- when I want- i love every minute of it!

Ah- the adventure of meeting the table mates in the MDR for the first time- i usually ask for a table for six when cruising solo. I met wonderful people- some have become dear friend for 15 years now. Also i met the weirdos- but interessting either way!

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9 hours ago, jagsfan said:

My DH and I cruise solo together. 

He goes to Windjammer for breakfast and lunch because it’s his favorite place to eat. 

I do room service breakfast and go to the MDR for lunch or grab pizza or a beef on week and eat on the balcony. 

We eat dinner together and then he goes to shows and I go “home” and read in bed. Pure luxury!

on RCI, I do go to the Aqua show and the ice skating show. On Princess, nope. Not enough to keep me from my Kindle. 

In the Caribbean he gets off and walks, but  I seldom get off the ship. 

A solo cruise would be right up my alley!

You keep doing what makes YOU happy! 🙂


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If you enjoy solo cruising do it!  We live in a hectic world and sometimes you just want a little peace and quiet- looking at the ocean, reading a book- doing what you want when you want to.  I see many couples on the ship not interacting with each other- 


Have a great vacation and enjoy what works for you!

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22 hours ago, icsys said:


Hey, you may have hit on something there... if we each cruise solo we can climb the loyalty ladder twice as fast. 😜


Sure, but you always need the partner with the most cruises to travel solo. Once you get more points, He/she will always have your overall points. Getting them more points at that time wont rsuse your status.  


Laura probably has 400 more points than I do

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Well since I’m purchasing the internet package I’ve decided to post a live thread about my first solo adventure so stay tuned , won’t happen until late March but I promise it’ll be honest, humorous and full of pictures. I’m beyond thrilled with all of your positive comments and encouragement and can’t wait ....45 days!

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