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The Daily for Tuesday 02/15/2022


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Good morning.It is 16 degrees here but promises to get warmer.I am taking  Fred the cockapoo to the groomer.He is way overdue. It will be warmer by the time I pick him up.

I will celebrate  the days  and have not been to Korea.My DS makes a great jerk chicken that neither DH or I can tolerate anymore.I will do as Debbie suggests and adjust the spices for us.


We heard yesterday that the rehab hospital feels they cannot help our Tana beyond this week as her respiratory  issues are so compromised. I was afraid of this  as even small amounts of activity  result in exhaustion.She will return to all if us on Friday and we will do our best to help.She met  another patient  with pulmonary fibrosis  on her unit and they have been encouraging  each other in therapy.

Take care if yourselves out there


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8 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning.It is 16 degrees here but promises to get warmer.I am taking  Fred the cockapoo to the groomer.He is way overdue. It will be warmer by the time I pick him up.

I will celebrate  the days  and have not been to Korea.My DS makes a great jerk chicken that neither DH or I can tolerate anymore.I will do as Debbie suggests and adjust the spices for us.


We heard yesterday that the rehab hospital feels they cannot help our Tana beyond this week as her respiratory  issues are so compromised. I was afraid of this  as even small amounts of activity  result in exhaustion.She will return to all if us on Friday and we will do our best to help.She met  another patient  with pulmonary fibrosis  on her unit and they have been encouraging  each other in therapy.

Take care if yourselves out there


I am so sorry to hear Tana's news Terry.

Her condition must be very distressing for her and for you and her family seeing her like this.

Sending her our love and prayers 🙏.

Graham & Pauline x.

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20 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning.It is 16 degrees here but promises to get warmer.I am taking  Fred the cockapoo to the groomer.He is way overdue. It will be warmer by the time I pick him up.

I will celebrate  the days  and have not been to Korea.My DS makes a great jerk chicken that neither DH or I can tolerate anymore.I will do as Debbie suggests and adjust the spices for us.


We heard yesterday that the rehab hospital feels they cannot help our Tana beyond this week as her respiratory  issues are so compromised. I was afraid of this  as even small amounts of activity  result in exhaustion.She will return to all if us on Friday and we will do our best to help.She met  another patient  with pulmonary fibrosis  on her unit and they have been encouraging  each other in therapy.

Take care if yourselves out there




I am so sorry to hear Tana’s news. Praying that with time, medical science will find an answer that helps her. 

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Good Morning from a sunny but cool day at the beach

       It is currently 63, going to 70. According to the forecasts, next 10 days will be back to "normal". Thank goodness, as my old sweaters are getting more " pilly" after wearing them so much. Probably should just get new ones.

     I have a couple of the Susan B Anthony coins. I believe they are $1. each.  I do like the quote. I enjoy reading and read a lot. I have friends who will say they dont remember the last time tey read a book. It always amazes me.  

    Have not been to todays port. Looking forward to pictures.

    @smitty34877 I am so sorry to hear the update on Tana. I was hoping they could help her. I will keep her and all of you in my prayers. 

     @kazu  What thoughtful sisters!


Nothing exciting today except a bunch of errrands.


Stay safe and enjoy today

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35 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning.It is 16 degrees here but promises to get warmer.I am taking  Fred the cockapoo to the groomer.He is way overdue. It will be warmer by the time I pick him up.

I will celebrate  the days  and have not been to Korea.My DS makes a great jerk chicken that neither DH or I can tolerate anymore.I will do as Debbie suggests and adjust the spices for us.


We heard yesterday that the rehab hospital feels they cannot help our Tana beyond this week as her respiratory  issues are so compromised. I was afraid of this  as even small amounts of activity  result in exhaustion.She will return to all if us on Friday and we will do our best to help.She met  another patient  with pulmonary fibrosis  on her unit and they have been encouraging  each other in therapy.

Take care if yourselves out there



Very sad news about Tana not being able to be helped further at the rehab hospital.  It's nice she and the other patient have been giving each other support.  Prayers continue for her and your whole family.

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:


We heard yesterday that the rehab hospital feels they cannot help our Tana beyond this week as her respiratory  issues are so compromised. I was afraid of this  as even small amounts of activity  result in exhaustion.She will return to all if us on Friday and we will do our best to help.She met  another patient  with pulmonary fibrosis  on her unit and they have been encouraging  each other in therapy.

Take care if yourselves out there



I am sorry to hear this news.   I know that you and your family will all in your power to make Tana as comfortable as she can be.  I can't imagine how awful it must be to be so out of breath.  Breathing is something that we do without thinking and I know I would be in a panic if I felt I couldn't get a good breath.  Bless you.  Prayers for Tana, her son, and all who are involved in her care.  

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Good morning from bright, sunny and cold southwestern Ontario. Thank you for everyone posting on the daily, and the keepers of the maps, lists and prayers. May your day be warm, and the sun shine in your hearts and minds. Blessings to all!


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Good morning all. Thanks Rich for the informative start to my day. I enjoyed singles day yesterday as I took myself to lunch at the casino. It was a Valentine’s Day there and I won two sets of fancy jewelry, plus had lunch, talked to lots of people for about four hours and still came home with the same amount of money I left with. No flowers but the prettiest purple sunset. Prayers and cheers for all the dailyites. 

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Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday!  It’s been very warm the past few days 81F on Sunday and 82F yesterday, but just like Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser said, the weather is changing. It’ll be breezy today and tomorrow much cooler with possible rain. I sure hope it rains because we sure need it. 

Graham @grapau27— I am sorry to hear about the 5 year old with sudden seizures. I hope they find out the cause and he recovers quickly. Also, I read all your cruises you have planned and know you two will have great times, especially for Pauline’s birthday. 

Thank you for the Daily Rich and thank you for the lists Roy.

Roy @rafinmd— enjoy your cruise and hold your memories of your brother close when you visit his gravesite. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning.  Late today.  Was in a creating mood and lost track of the time. Interesting group of days.  Will pass on the meal and have not been to today's destination.

Waiting for HAL to transfer our booking to a TA.  Would like to make monthly payments but can't until they do the paperwork.

Still cold here in Florida, but should be back to normal soon.

Prayers to our care list and toasts for the celebrations.

Please continue to stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Stars and Stripes Bloody Mary:

1 1/2 parts Hornitos® Anejo Tequila
1/2 part Agave Nectar
1 part Lime Juice
6-8 Blueberries
2 parts Hornitos® Reposado Tequila
1 1/2 parts Bloody Mary Mix
Cayenne Pepper
Pepper, Black

Muddle blueberries and 1/2 part lime juice in a glass. Add Hornitos® Anejo tequila and agave nectar. Add ice and shake vigorously. Strain into shot glass. Separately, add Hornitos® Reposado, Bloody Mary mix and 1/2 part lime juice to a shaker. Shake and serve in a second shot glass half rimmed with a salt, pepper and cayenne mixture.


Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 11.09.45 AM.png

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting Days. I'll salute Susan B. Anthony and the Maine. Singles awareness day is my day.

Great quote.

The meal sounds good for warmer times. Pass on the drink and wine (not a port fan).

I  haven't been to S. Korea.


Another cold start to the day, but at least we'll go above freezing later to 35F. Going out for Chinese later with BFF. We're going early to avoid it being crowded, since we're eating indoors. We now have 2 eggs at the nearby Eagle nest, one laid Friday and one yesterday!


@kazu Enjoy your visit with Jose today. How sweet of your sisters to send the flowers. Our roads are horrible here from the freeze/thaw cycles and road salt; potholes everywhere.

@rafinmd Your cruise is almost here!

@grapau27 I'm glad to hear your friend's grandson is doing better. 

@mamaofami Lovely flowers from Sam.

@smitty34877 I'm sad to hear the rehab hospital doesn't think they can help Tana any more. Prayers for her and the family.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning all!

A cloudy day here, but at least the rain has stopped (I think). It's probably too wet from yesterday to do any gardening today. Oh well, I need to catch up on some housework so this is a good day for that.


Good collection of days, but I'll pass on the drink, wine, and have never been to Korea.  Looking forward to any photos anyone can share.  Debbie @dfishthanks for thinking of me with the low-carb meal -- I would have to leave out the spice, but otherwise it sounds good!  Tonight will be left over chicken parm for DH from our take-out last night, and pork stir fry for me. So I guess we're both having left overs 😉  


@kazuwhat a beautiful flower arrangement from your sisters, and so thoughtful!

@smitty34877I'm so sorry to hear that the rehab hospital says they can do nothing more for Tana.  Continued prayers for her and all of you in the family.

@ger_77Sorry that your meal last night was disappointing.  We've had similar experiences here since Covid -- what was very good in the past just isn't now.  We also got Italian take-out last night, and thankfully this was very good.  We just never know.



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Good morning from sunny Quartzsite.  It is 60F now and will reach 73F this afternoon.  We are under a wind advisory today, and the wind will bring cooler temperatures with a high of 67F tomorrow.


Susan B. Anthony did a lot for women.  We collected Susan B. Anthony dollars for a while, but had to use them in the coin machine for the ferry from Port Angles, WA, to Victoria.  I learned about the Maine in grade school.   HAPPY SINGLES DAY TO ALL THE SINGLE DAILYITES!  🥂


The Mark Twain quote is very true and as an avid reader, I can relate to it.


The meal sounds good.  I recently found a package of jerk spice in a box of other meat spices and rubs that DD and DSIL gave us a few years ago.  We use it sparingly on chicken, but like it.  DH might like the drink as he likes a Bloody Caesar.  He also might like the wine if it wasn't so pricey.


@kazu  What lovely flowers your sisters sent you, and how nice of them.  Hope the roads remain ice free with the next storm.  Hope you and Marley can adjust to a 4:30 am outing.

@grapau27  Glad that your friend's grandson is stabilized and is doing better and hope they find the cause of the seizures.  Sending good, positive thoughts for him and for you friend.

@aliaschief  Enjoy your visit with the grandkids, and watch out for sticky fingers in more ways than one.  😉

@ger_77  Sorry your favorite restaurant let you down last night.

@dfish  Loved the meme about singles/taken, especially the third choice.

@mamaofami  Beautiful roses that Sam sent you.

@smitty34877  So sad that the rehab feels they can't help Tana any further.  I hope she and the other patient can continue to support each other after she comes back to your house.  Sending positive thought for Tana, her son and all your family.

@lindaler  It sounds like you had a great day yesterday.

@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, unfortunately our chance of rain here tomorrow is 7%, so I think that means no rain.  But will keep hoping that the forecast changes and we get much needed rain. 🤞  Even the trees are dusty.  🤣

@JazzyV  Vanessa, enjoy your dinner out.

@Cruising-along  Glad your take out dinner was good.


On  October 10, 2002, on the Asia Pacific Explorer Cruise on Volendam, we visited Cheju City.  After walking around town, we decided to rent a car and explore the island.  However, that is when we found that an international driver's license was required in South Korea.  With the help of the doorman at a hotel, we hired a taxi for a tour.


This is the scene that greeted us upon arrival.





Scenes from our walk around Cheju City.  It was a nice, clean town to walk around.











We stopped at two major attractions our tour of the island.  The first was Soingook Theme Park.  It has more than 100 miniature buildings, etc., from 30 countries around the world.  This picture shows several of the miniatures.  You will find the US Capitol, the White House, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and many more famous places there.


The view back toward town and the port.  You can barely see the Volendam on the left, but you can see the air we were breathing.



A look at the coastline



We also stopped at the Jeju World Cup Stadium where preliminary rounds for the  World Cup were held.  That year Japan and South Korea each hosted some of the preliminary rounds, and the finals were in Japan.









The view looking from the stadium





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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I have a favor for anyone sailing this week or next.  If you have time and are willing to help, would you ask the Lido pool bartender how he makes his Bahama Mama's.  I've lost the recipe and can only find ones online for slushy type.  The ones on the ship were shaken. Thank you in advance.

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