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The Daily for Saturday 06/04/2022


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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  I slept until 8 this morning, yay!  started a load of laundry, fed the cats,  and grabbed a cup of coffee, and read that it was hug a cat day!  Oh my, my cats are not into hugs.  It's my fault actually, the only time they are "hugged" is when I am throwing them in the carrier to go to the vets.  They all have an aversion to hugs...LOL.    They are snugglers though,  Bobagingee  snuggles with me on the love seat, Furnando snuggles with my feet in the early morning hours, and Neko demands constant brushing when we work at the desk together.  DH's cats are Tazi, who snuggles with him at night, and Irving who sits on DH's lap when he is on the sofa.  




Cheese day is one of my favorites!  




I love apple sauce, alone or in cake.  I'm about to check out the recipe that @0106 posted for us this morning.  Thank you.


The sky is blue, the humidity is down, looks to be a beautiful day.  I,  of course,  will be inside until 7 p.m.


Well my co worker Fern, and I got adopted into another group, with different management, as "floaters".  We will continue to sell for Arizona Opera, but when staffing is down in their group, or hours are down  with our group, we will be moved into that group to cover.  So now I also work for Theatre Under the Stars in TX.  At least I wont be working those nights until 11 pm.  Only one hour's difference from my living room, to theirs.  Not 3.  I printed out the training manual yesterday, and now I get to sit and read it, and create my sales forms.


Have a great day- and my question about Hurricane Agatha, is why did she have a sex change when in Mexico?  

Edited by marshhawk
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Happy Saturday.  We had an exciting day yesterday.  New solar panels and new batteries. Then a trip to town to see our lake neighbors who sold their cabin last year. They had flown into town from San Diego for a very brief visit. He is 97 and was still boating alone on the lake last summer and foraging mushrooms.  I will miss them on our remote lake they were among the very few all summer residents.  He also made great pizza. 


The panels fit perfectly on the tracking system.  The batteries are the new kind I won't have to add water to.  That was a dreaded task.  The tech said the generator probably won't run all summer.  Great news as propane costs have gone up. So cold this morning we turned on our backup propane lights for some heat. 


I hug my cats in my heart. They passed in 2019 and 2021.  Prayers for all on Roy's care list and for the people of Ukraine.   Thank you everyone for making the Daily such a great group!




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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds and is a favorite.  The pictures and recipes from @dfish are very appealing.  I enjoy applesauce cake but haven’t had it in a long time.  It’s a damp morning so will run some errands and then work in the yard when things dry out.  I will definitely hug a few of the cats today.  Two of them prefer virtual hugs 😂 I hope that everyone has a good Saturday. 

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We were in Roseau in March of this year. It was a replacement port for Fort-de-France which was closed due to Covid. 


We had a tour scheduled but there were problems with the transportation - one of the open air trucks (a Unimog) broke down and never arrived to pick us up at the pier. We had the option of waiting for a regular van, going on the later version of the tour, or cancelling. Since we were already hot from standing around waiting in the sun, we opted for the cancellation. The port was closed to independent touring so we only saw Roseau from the ship and the small shopping area by the pier. I did find a nice shirt!









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Good morning. I enjoyed a sleep in late morning. It’s a beautiful day and we are starting to feel the summer heat. Forecast calls for a high of 88 degrees or 31 Celsius. 
Sure would love to hug all of our former cats as they were wonderful lap kitties.

We are having a dear friend over for dinner tonight and all I know I have to go get some fresh gulf shrimp. We buy our fish and shrimp right at the docks of the trawlers that harvested them last night and the price is right!

Other then that I have nothing really planned for today other then my foot is better and I’ll be going for a walk right after this.

It was sad to learn about the cruise cancellations due to staff shortages especially how it has affected McKinley Lodge in Alaska. Don’s Family Vacations yesterday, stated one of the problems is that it’s taking up to six months for staff to get work visas. Stated that the entire industry is about 40,000 short of staff. Jamaica has come out an offered rapid visa application processing and up to 10,000 new workers. Will wait and see how that would work and how do they get trained.


Thanks for the Fleet Report and all of your contributions. Have a great weekend and for my fellow Floridians too the South stay safe and dry.

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Good morning from a cloudy central Texas, but I suspect the sun will peak out of the clouds off and on today.


When I was little, I wanted applesauce on everything, but then I grew out of that and now, I really don't care for it.  I guess I ate my "lifetime quota" of applesauce as a toddler. 😄  When we had cats, we were allowed to hug them when they wanted hugs.  We don't eat cheese very often, mainly at Christmas when the DDs and their guys are visiting.


As a reader, I like today's quote.


The meal and the wine sound good.  We'll pass on the drink.


We have been to Roseau, Dominica, twice on the old Regal Princess.


@kazu  We're all thinking about you and hope things are getting better for you.

@St Pete Cruiser  I have been enjoying your pictures from the ports on your cruise.

@TiogaCruiser  The little bird isn't so little anymore.  It looks like he/she could fledge anytime.

@dfish  Debbie, that is good news that you are getting a good night's sleep.  Glad you were able to make the lap around the block.  Like others, don't do too much too soon.  Listen to your body, and it will tell you when it's ready for more activity.

@ger_77  Gerry, I know today will be bittersweet with the internment of your birth mother's ashes, and also meeting more of your birth family.

@ottahand7  That is quite an array of batteries.  Your former neighbors look good, and if you hadn't mentioned his age, I would have said several years younger.




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Roseau was the port of the day on April 2, 2021.  I posted these pictures that day.  I checked and @StLouisCruisers Sandi, did not post any pictures since they had not been to Roseau.


We were in Dominica in 2006 on the old Regal Princess.  Since we did b2bs from FLL to Manaus and back, we stopped there twice.  Both times we rented a car and toured the island.  The second time we drove out to the aerial tram only to find out that all the spaces were booked by the ship.  Still we had a great day both times.


The first three pictures are of Roseau, both in town at the shopping area and from the ship as we sailed.





On our second stop, we stopped at a beach to get something to drink and to enjoy the view.




There was a beautiful sunset as we sailed and we tried to get a picture of the green flash.  I don't remember if we saw the green flash or not, but here are just a couple of pictures of the sunset.





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning, all! We don’t have cats, so cheese wins out for attention today. We have the ingredients for today’s meal, and it sounds good. I’ll go heavy on the broccoli and light on the pasta. The wine sounds good, but the drink sounds too sweet. 
Roseau (pronounced Rosie-oh by the locals) was our first stop on the 2020 World Cruise. We wandered off the ship and took a tour that was waiting with a comfortable 8 person van looking for customers. Our guide, Kirk Jeremy, was a riot and we had a great time. Here’s a few pictures I’ve been able to find. 

Roseau from the Amsterdam - signs of hurricane damage from a previous year are visible.



The Anglican Church, which took a beating and is not yet repaired.



The Amsterdam from a viewpoint above town.



Same viewpoint. Kirk Jeremy entertaining with souvenir vendors behind him.



At the botanical gardens - the bamboo house. This is a large circle of living bamboo forming walls with windows and doors cut in, and closing over high overhead inside forming a large hut.



And of course a waterfall, up high where it rains most of the time. Then the water runs down into the valleys and coastal areas so they are well watered although they get much less rain. 

@ger_77 my thought are with you today at your birth mother’s internment. At least you will meet more of your birth family, and new chapters may come of this otherwise sad day.

Happy Saturday, everyone! I’m enjoying my coffee outside in the sun with the roses and the birds. It’s ALMOST as good as being on a BHB! (Emphasis on the ALMOST)


Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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@ottahand7 I agree your old neighbor looks great.  There are two ways to age.  One is keep on doing, and the other is I'm done.  When I call on my elderly patrons, they say they are too old to go, and some of them are in their early 80's, and then I sell tickets to people who are 97. 98, and they are like the energizer bunny, and keep on going.  It's the way we think that ages us.  The last two years, I've been thinking old.  I love working with younger people, they teach me things, I learn about music and what's HOT these days.  Working from home, I get the crabby hubby with aches and pains who wants to sleep all the time,  and me with aches and pains, and I cant sleep at all, and I've gotta snap out of it.  It is too easy to be complacent. To all of you who are moving your body every day, I salute you.! 

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Good morning from our last full day in Yellowstone. 
Yesterday was another full day. We spent it at Old Faithful, did the 5+ mile hike around one of the geyser loops, ended the day at Grand Prismatic and then a very late dinner. 

We saw more mama and baby bears, and of course had several bison road jams. 🤣  Today I think we’ll be heading to Mammoth Terraces and Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. At least I think that’s what DD would like to do. Since DH and I come every year this trip is for them especially. This is Shep’s second time here and Foster’s third. 

Prayers for those who need them and cheers for all on the celebration list. 

This chart is a winner!


Old Faithful erupted exactly on time and was a good show. 


Being silly by Grotto Geyser





Grand Prismatic 





Beauty Pool





Morning Glory sadly isn’t as glorious after years of people tossing things into it. 😞



At dinner


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11 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning from our last full day in Yellowstone. 
Yesterday was another full day. We spent it at Old Faithful, did the 5+ mile hike around one of the geyser loops, ended the day at Grand Prismatic and then a very late dinner. 

We saw more mama and baby bears, and of course had several bison road jams. 🤣  Today I think we’ll be heading to Mammoth Terraces and Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. At least I think that’s what DD would like to do. Since DH and I come every year this trip is for them especially. This is Shep’s second time here and Foster’s third. 

Prayers for those who need them and cheers for all on the celebration list. 

This chart is a winner!


Old Faithful erupted exactly on time and was a good show. 


Being silly by Grotto Geyser





Grand Prismatic 





Beauty Pool





Morning Glory sadly isn’t as glorious after years of people tossing things into it. 😞



At dinner


You both are looking great and what a beautiful family. Thanks for the pictures. Bruce

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The Junior Cat doesn’t like to be hugged - most cats don’t - but did let me hold her for a bit. I’ve had only one cat who did like being hugged.


I feel better but still not completely well. Retest around 7:00 p.m.; I can give my presentation virtually if necessary.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I like applesauce cake and cheese! No cat to hug here. Cute quote.

I like the meal (although more carbs than I'll eat), pass on the drink, and I'll take the wine.

I haven't been to Dominica. Thanks for the pictures.


It's sunny and not too hot or humid; actually cool this AM. I should try to mow the lawn. I was concerned yesterday, as I started having itching. I suppose when a medication is injected, it can have a slow release and longer lasting side effects. Although I figured any really bad allergic reaction would have taken place sooner. I've never had an allergy to any medication, so this is new territory, and living alone, one worries. So I took a Benadryl last evening, and went to bed early, as it is sedating. I took a Claritin this morning. So far, so good.


@kazu Thinking of you and wishing you strength to deal with everything.

@0106 Thanks for the recipe.

@Sharon in AZ Thanks for the pictures. I hope Craig is feeling ok. 

@dfish Good to hear you're feeling back to normal, just don't overdo it!

@ger_77 Bittersweet occasion today, with the internment and seeing more of your birth family.

@ottahand7 Nice picture of your former neighbor.

@kochleffel I'm glad you feel somewhat better; hope you "pass" the test!


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine, and those in the way of storms. A toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration Lists.

😊DH, Auntie and I visited Dominica (🛳️from the Rotterdam) on a ship's sponsored excursion in December 2021.

🙏Prayers to all in need and especially Ukraine.🙏


🚗P.S. T-shirt from our recent trip to Hannibal, Missouri.🐈



Edited by garlictown
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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:



@dfish  Debbie, that is good news that you are getting a good night's sleep.  Glad you were able to make the lap around the block.  Like others, don't do too much too soon.  Listen to your body, and it will tell you when it's ready for more activity.


The lap around the block was therapeutic.   Exercise releases all those hormones and things that get the body going and make you feel good.   My instructions for home care are to take 2-3 short walks a day.  It helps to energize you and to prevent the build up of scar tissue.  

43 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


@dfish Good to hear you're feeling back to normal, just don't overdo it!


I was amazed at how easy it was to complete my laps.   I'm stopping at two today and will up it to 3 tomorrow.

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DH and I arrived back in NW MI last night after my three day 1500 mile drive from our family place in SW FL. We left a day early to get out of FL before TS Alex's rain arrived.


I spent this morning catching up on the May 31 - June 3 Daily. Just a few notes from the past few Dailys: 


My much older brother brought our dad a quart of moonshine when DB was stationed in the South. This much younger sister just had to sneak a sip when no one was looking. Ohhhh, what a mistake!!! Sixty years later, I can still remember the burn...


My maternal grandmother made the best applesauce cake. She'd pick the apples, make the sauce, then bake the cake! She used to let me help when, as a child, I summered with her. She's been gone almost forty years. It's time I dig out her recipe!


DH and I were last at Roseau on our honeymoon on a Transatlantic cruise on the (defunct) Royal Line. From the posted pictures, much has changed in the intervening decades.


@dfish So glad to learn your surgery went well and that you are feeling strong enough to get out for walks.


@Sharon in AZ Sorry to learn of your DH's COVID but I'm glad he is being well cared for and that you have been able to take tours that fit your solo time.


@kazu You are missed! A lot.


🙏Prayers for all those in need.🙏

🎉Joys to all celebrating!🎉



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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  I slept until 8 this morning, yay!  started a load of laundry, fed the cats,  and grabbed a cup of coffee, and read that it was hug a cat day!  Oh my, my cats are not into hugs.  It's my fault actually, the only time they are "hugged" is when I am throwing them in the carrier to go to the vets.  They all have an aversion to hugs...LOL.    They are snugglers though,  Bobagingee  snuggles with me on the love seat, Furnando snuggles with my feet in the early morning hours, and Neko demands constant brushing when we work at the desk together.  DH's cats are Tazi, who snuggles with him at night, and Irving who sits on DH's lap when he is on the sofa.  




Cheese day is one of my favorites!  




I love apple sauce, alone or in cake.  I'm about to check out the recipe that @0106 posted for us this morning.  Thank you.


The sky is blue, the humidity is down, looks to be a beautiful day.  I,  of course,  will be inside until 7 p.m.


Well my co worker Fern, and I got adopted into another group, with different management, as "floaters".  We will continue to sell for Arizona Opera, but when staffing is down in their group, or hours are down  with our group, we will be moved into that group to cover.  So now I also work for Theatre Under the Stars in TX.  At least I wont be working those nights until 11 pm.  Only one hour's difference from my living room, to theirs.  Not 3.  I printed out the training manual yesterday, and now I get to sit and read it, and create my sales forms.


Have a great day- and my question about Hurricane Agatha, is why did she have a sex change when in Mexico?  

 Pacific Hurricanes have different names than Atlantic Hurricanes so once it passed over Mexico from the Pacific and wound up in the Atlantic it was renamed.

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