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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday September 1st, 2022


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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@lindaleryou leave Mobile on the 11th, and I arrive in Mobile on the 11th, really just missed each other! 

I am sorry to be missing you. How long will you be in Mobile? We will sail out of Seattle for Alaska for a week and be back by the next week.


33 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

 Ten days and we will be off to Alaska!  Hope it's not too rainy.  We've never done it in September.  

What ship will you be sailing on? We will be on the Westerdam.

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Rabbit rabbit white rabbit,  I need all the help I can get!  love Sangioveses and Tofu, had miso soup with it yesterday, but my favourite is how they prepare it in Japan with a spicy ginger sauce. 

@mamaofami agree with you about the quote
@0106 cabbage looks great!  
@Cruzin Terri happy birthday!  Hope you get to enjoy today! 
wondering how @AncientWandereris doing?  

@kazu glad you made it safely to the grief group.  

1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit.

I'll try to appreciate ginger cats. Haven't had a cherry popover. No to tofu from me. Interesting quote.

Interesting meal. I'll take the drink and pass on the wine.

I haven't been to Boca da Valeria.


It's a lovely day here. It was 59 early this AM, and now in the low 70's, with low humidity. The water damage guy was just here. All was dry, as I knew, due to the daytime 90F temps on the 3rd floor (the AC doesn't come on until about 6PM on the 2nd and 3rd floors, as I'm not up there all day). Now to wait for the final decision on what the insurance will cover. I plan to go pick up my new eyeglasses this afternoon, and stop again at the mattress place to try to decide between 2 mattresses for my new bed.


@Cruzin Terri Happy Birthday! I hope you're feeling better today and enjoy your dinner out with DH.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Safe trip to visit DS and enjoy the visit.

@luvteaching Prayers for your friend Wayne and his wife Karen. 

@kazu Enjoy your lunch out with your BFF.

@0106 Great job on the recipes!

@marshhawk Congrats on all your sales yesterday! Good luck to DH with the car.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the great photos.

@lindaler Lovely sunset photo.


Prayers for the Care List. Yay for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Two of the toughest decisions, new glasses and a new mattress!  Good luck,  I also just picked up new glasses, never sure. 

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Good morning!  Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report Rich. Thanks to all for sharing. 

I love cherry pie so I probably would love a cherry popover. I like tofu and chick peas but not a fan of cooked cabbage usually. I just was telling Craig that I should eat more tofu because I like it so much, of course he said not for him. 😉


Carolyn @Cruising-along, I would probably tell the neighbor about feeding the cat, but not mention that the daughters were being neglectful.  It’s a tough situation though. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to say anything. 

Terri @Cruzin Terri —



Enjoy your special day!!


Have a great day everyone!

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Unanswerable question: why do people whose goal is to talk constantly and loudly choose a venue where there is live music to do it?


And: why do people push their way into an elevator before others can exit the elevator and make room for them?

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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit

      Good Afternoon from a warm and sunny day at the beach

Very late today but went shopping this AM. Went to Melbourne where there would be a better selection. Still no shoes, might just end up with my flip flops. They are Clarks and very comfortable.

       @Cruzin Terri A very Happy Birthday ! Hope you are having a wonderful day.

        @StLouisCruisers  We had a very similar issue with a pilot that was doing acrobats over the beach. My neighbor  called the local airport and complained that this was a safety issue. It stopped almost immediately and have not seen it since. Might be worth a try if it is over a residential area.


Stay safe everyone and enjoy today

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I am getting so tired of hearing this pilot who does loop de loops near our home!  He's been here a lot lately and is out there right now dive bombing downward, then sharply turning upward again, and over and over and over again.  The noise is awful!  I wish there was something we could do but I guess airspace is not mine to complain about.


Actually, you can complain about air space if the pilot is violating laws concerning altitudes above your home. Here is an Arizona Department of Transportation link to a page on how to complain: Low Flying Aircraft Complaints (azdot.gov) 

Since aircraft have to follow federal laws, the above document would still apply in Georgia.

To complain about noise to the FAA, there is a Regional Noise Ombudsman. The one for Georgia is from the Southern Region and his name is Shane Jackson. The number to call is: 202-267-8507. The email is: 9-aso-noise@faa.gov.


and here is a relevant section of the code that the FAA will use for prosecution:


·91.119 Minimum safe altitudes; general Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, no person may operate an aircraft below the following altitudes; (a) ·Anywhere. ·An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface. (b) ·Over congested areas. ·Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons, an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2.000 feet of the aircraft. (c) ·Over other than congested areas. An altitude of 500 feet above the surface except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In that case, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.

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Several years ago I was on my mountain bike, on a fairly well traveled dirt fire road that goes through a local state park. The road winds up a canyon- with tall hills ( maybe 800 feet above SL) on both sides. ( I won’t ride there during Santa Anas, as the only way out is up or down that road.) There was a loud machine sound, then a small plane suddenly appeared making its way down the canyon- below both ridges. ( I estimate he was about 4-5 stories off the trail level). He just missed a very large oak tree. I was sure he was going to crash, but he just continued on down the canyon. 

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2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Carolyn @Cruising-along, I would probably tell the neighbor about feeding the cat, but not mention that the daughters were being neglectful.  It’s a tough situation though. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to say anything.

Thank you Sharon.  It really is a tough situation.  The problem is that if I say anything about feeding him, she'll know her kids were neglectful because she knows I would only do that in an emergency.  In the past a neighbor kept food on her porch for him and any other cat.  So Jinx put on too much weight (his owner had him on a special diet with lower calories).  Of course he went to that house to get treats. 😉 


I'll be home today and will keep an eye out (I hope she gets him inside!) and will talk to her if I see her (what I'll say other than welcome home I don't know).  I feel like saying something like "Jinx missed you!" lol

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@Cruising-alongSeveral years ago, at the start of Covid, the couple up the street just disappeared.  They had purchased the house, with cats included.  One cat disappeared, and the other survived.  But while they were gone, and I mean cold winter months for at least 3, their neighbor fed the cat until they ran out of food, I guess, so Chuck and I saw the cat moving closer and closer down the street each day.  We figured in a couple more days, he would be living at our house....so every afternoon, we drove up and filled his food bucket up so that there was food, and water.  The cat went back home,,And eventually the family came home.  And we stopped feeding the cat.  I have to admit, that I do care more for animals than most humans.


When God was assigning the animals all of their powers, when he got to humans,  the human asked for the power that he would get, and God said, your power is to care for the animals.  I heard that story years ago, and it hit my heart like a hammer. 


Even that darn dog that I have walked for a year, is still dear to me.  And I finally heard from it's mom, when she got home today.  She is working from home tomorrow, as Dragon.con is in town.  So today was my last day walking the dog.


Back to job #2 now ....

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Ann @marshhawk I remember you telling about that cat. I just can’t stand to see any animal hungry or suffering. Thankfully there are lots of people besides me who love this cat and try to look out for him. 
Just now I was gardening and sure enough he found me.  He seems content (here he is on our porch) so I wonder if he got some food today. I still haven’t seen his owner but know she’s home. 


He’s a beautiful boy. 


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Good afternoon.  It turned out to be a busy day.  I got the house clean in record time, not that I was faster than normal, but there were fewer interruptions.  I had enough time to mow the yard.  The native grass (aka weeds) had gotten so tall, I realized that if I waited much longer, it would be almost impossible to mow some areas.  I am still surprised at how much quicker I can get the yard done with the new mower and trimmer.  I guess it's because I don't have spend time messing with power cords and gas cans.


@marshhawk  Ann, double congratulations.  Five sales is impressive.  And 👍 on your last day as a dog walker.


@durangoscots  I'm glad the meeting went better than expected last night.


@luvteaching  I also wish your friend Wayne peace and comfort in his final days, and love and comfort for Karen now and after his death.


@cat shepard  Ann, I'm glad you enjoyed the glacier cruise even if the weather was not ideal.  I hope the skies are clear enough so you can see Denali.  The mountain on a clear day is spectacular.  Keep an eye out for the Northern Lights.


@Cruising-along  Jinx is a handsome cat.  He's  lucky he has you and the neighbors to look out for him.



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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Ann @marshhawk I remember you telling about that cat. I just can’t stand to see any animal hungry or suffering. Thankfully there are lots of people besides me who love this cat and try to look out for him. 
Just now I was gardening and sure enough he found me.  He seems content (here he is on our porch) so I wonder if he got some food today. I still haven’t seen his owner but know she’s home. 


He’s a beautiful boy. 



That is certainly a good looking cat.  Love the silky black color with the bright eyes.



As for the pilot, he doesn't seem to fly directly over us.  It's always just west or north, and I certainly hope it's not over land with homes on it.  And I can't estimate elevation but he is not coming too close to planet Earth (thank God!).  One of these days though, that engine might fail and I dread hearing the crash...

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I wanted to add my congratulations to @marshhawk for all the sales.  Quite an accomplishment.  My DSIL in Australia makes calls for a polling company all about politics.  She has some tales to tell!


@lindaler, we will be on the Nieuw Amsterdam on the 11th.  Was it you who mentioned a visit to Victoria?  I'm sorry if I won't be here to show you around.  We get back on the 25th.


Now I'm back, curry is simmering, and I can add my photos from this morning.


The floating dock...












This was not the boat we took our ride in!




Edited by Vict0riann
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Thank you again for all the wonderful birthday wishes.  it warms my heart to have so many people wishing me a happy birthday.

As an update, we did not go out for dinner.  When I saw the weather forecast i figured that I had better have a PLAN B.  We had bad thunder and lightning and it got as dark as midnight.  Not weather to go out anywhere.  

I was prepared.  I had baked potatoes and a London Broil.  So I got that out and defrosted it and we had a lovely dinner.  Jim got a little Carvel Ice Cream Cake and a bottle of Santa Margarita Sparkling Rose.  We had a very nice dinner a home and celebrated that way.  We decided to make my birthday a moveable feast for the first sunny day, whenever that may be.  

i feel like it has been raining for 40 days and 40 nights and I have to change my name to Noah and build an Ark.  Start counting the animals two by two.

Anyway, we had a nice evening and stayed dry.

Afterward, my very first friend from my childhood, Mary Ann, who now lives in Montana, called me.  It is amazing that after all these years, we are still friends and though miles apart are very much a part of each other’s lives.

Again, thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes.

God bless,


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@lindalerWe get into Mobile on the evening of the 11th, and cruise out on the 12th (our 13th anniversary is  on the 9th, so this is our anniversary cruise)  We've been together since 2000, but actually made it legal in 2009.  9/9/9. Spending the night at the Holiday Inn Airport.  They have a good deal on park and cruise.


We have a 10 day cruise and get back into town on the 22nd.  I have to drive like a crazy peep back to Atlanta as DH has dr's appointments the next  morning, and I go back to work on the 24th.





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Dailyites I need your help. I will post this again in tomorrow’s Report & Daily, because I want as many of your opinions as possible. 

But I want to know how you would interpret the   wording in the picture between the yellow lines: about lunch on the way to Denali.


 If you have personally experienced this lunch, I ask you not to comment. 


Thank you all! ❤️




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49 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Dailyites I need your help. I will post this again in tomorrow’s Report & Daily, because I want as many of your opinions as possible. 

But I want to know how you would interpret the   wording in the picture between the yellow lines: about lunch on the way to Denali.


 If you have personally experienced this lunch, I ask you not to comment. 


Thank you all! ❤️




Maybe I’m missing something in your question, but it sounds like you’ll be stopping for lunch at the Mt. McKinley Princess Lodge and will not be charged for the meal 🤷‍♂️

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6 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Sounds like they plan to feed you?  Or maybe just give you the opportunity to feed yourselves...

It sounds to me like you will be fed at the Princess lodge, at no additional expense.


This map shows the lodge some miles south of the National Park.


Edited by TiogaCruiser
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