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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday September 30th, 2022


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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. My friend from Boynton Beach, Boca, Naples and Delray Beach have all checked in as safe. Still some I haven’t heard from . Watching Ian’s destruction across Florida is painful. 
Today is my grandson Jared’s 17th birthday. So hard to believe he is a junior in high school and starting to think about college.

Stay safe everyone,


Happy 17th birthday Jared.



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1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a very cool and windy day at the beach

      I think that finally the storm has left us. We all did fine. No damage for us and we never lost power.   I count my blessings and hope and pray for our friends that are all over Florida.   In my 35 years of dealing with hurricanes, this one was different. We have had some substantial damage in the past, and we even had to evacuate a few times. This time we came thru ok but it was worse. Hard to explain.

     I am heading down to the beach to see how much erosion has taken place. Ocean still looks angry but less than the last few days. I however dont plan on leaving the crossover.!


Please stay safe and enjoy today



You were so close to where the eye crossed the coast, Charlene. I would think the atmospheric pressure would be really intense. 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Gosh, I haven't had a mud pack in years, but I still recall how fresh my skin felt after the process.  I don't know many vegetarians, so the hugs will have to wait, and yay for all the translators out there.  Today I will be wearing my orange t-shirt and putting out the "Every Child Matters" flag on the front lawn to honour Truth & Reconciliation Day.  Some provinces have declared today a holiday, but ours isn't one of them.


I'm saddened by all the devastation we are seeing on tv from Ian - but am happy to see the Daily-ites checking in to tell us they are safe.  Hopefully the rest will be able to come back and post here once their power is on.  


We had a beautiful day yesterday, coming within 2 degrees of breaking a 100 year old temperature record at a balmy +30C.  Another good one in store for us today, but with a moderated +22C as the predicted high.  Yesterday DH and I got our high dose seasonal flu shots and had no reactions, so we're good.  Today I go across town and get my 3rd Covid booster, and then we'll be set to travel - woo hoo!


I know I'd like today's menu suggestion, the drink of the day and the wine - a trifecta of goodness!  However, it is Friday, so we'll pick up a pizza for dinner that we can enjoy on the deck in the late afternoon sunshine.  And wine.


Prayers for those who are hurting, especially for those impacted by Ian, and cheers for the celebrations.  Stay safe, everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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Good morning Daily-ites. A beautiful morning here.


So many people in my prayer book and lifting up all our Daily friends in prayer. Hope to hear from our Floridian friends. Please check in when you're able!


Last night we had friends over for dinner and Mahjongg then a night ride on Elvis. Even the dogs enjoyed the ride.


I know 2 vegans and just gave one of if them a hug last night. Our 2nd one lives in California so sent him a virtual hug.






My sister is recovering from shoulder surgery 😩. She had bone spurs removed. When she is on the mend she will come visit us for a week. I sure miss her.


Wishing everyone a happy weekend. Top of our prayers are Ian victims and Ukraine. God bless.



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Just a quick stop by before heading out to get my flu shot. Had the Covid booster #3 two weeks ago, so I should be all set for my trip to the east coast in about 2 weeks. Cool here this morning and s*** is in our forecast for the higher elevations this weekend. Hopefully only a light dusting. I am so sad about Ian's rampage through Florida..... still have not heard from my high-school friend near Fort Myers.. Hope she sheltered with her family out of the area.


More later.



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41 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites. A beautiful morning here.


So many people in my prayer book and lifting up all our Daily friends in prayer. Hope to hear from our Floridian friends. Please check in when you're able!


Last night we had friends over for dinner and Mahjongg then a night ride on Elvis. Even the dogs enjoyed the ride.


I know 2 vegans and just gave one of if them a hug last night. Our 2nd one lives in California so sent him a virtual hug.






My sister is recovering from shoulder surgery 😩. She had bone spurs removed. When she is on the mend she will come visit us for a week. I sure miss her.


Wishing everyone a happy weekend. Top of our prayers are Ian victims and Ukraine. God bless.



Sorry to hear your sister had to have shoulder surgery Joy.

Hopefully now the bone spurs have been removed she will mend quickly and you can both enjoy time together.


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3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. My friend from Boynton Beach, Boca, Naples and Delray Beach have all checked in as safe. Still some I haven’t heard from . Watching Ian’s destruction across Florida is painful. 
Today is my grandson Jared’s 17th birthday. So hard to believe he is a junior in high school and starting to think about college.

Stay safe everyone,


Wishing Jared a very happy  birthday


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3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Today is my grandson Jared’s 17th birthday. So hard to believe he is a junior in high school and starting to think about college.


A very happy birthday to Jared 🙂 





1 hour ago, dfish said:

Hi all,


Dixie @summer slope reports that she has no internet and will post the Drink of the Day as soon as it is restored.  I think we can all safely substitute wine.


Thanks for letting us know, Debbie 👍 

Agree - I think we can substitute wine 😉 


1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:


My sister is recovering from shoulder surgery 😩. She had bone spurs removed. When she is on the mend she will come visit us for a week. I sure miss her.


Good to hear she is recovering.  Hope she can visit you soon and you have a lovely visit.


1 hour ago, kochleffel said:


I stayed there and liked it.



Thanks, kindly. 🙂 


Good to hear some of our CC friends are safe and hope we hear of more.  Everyone is in my 🙏🏻 

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Thank you for your patience.  It felt so weird not to be able to get online.  Thank you Debbie for letting everyone know.


Cruzan Confusion cocktail:


1 part Cruzan® Coconut Rum
1 part Cruzan® Mango Rum
1 splash Pineapple Juice
Garnish: Pineapple, Mango

Combine over ice and serve. Option to skewer a pineapple wedge, a mango cube and a pineapple leaf for garnish.


Screen Shot 2022-09-30 at 11.27.51 AM.png

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It’s time for a weather report.

So far i cannot complain about the weather.  

We have had some gusts of wind, but nothing to speak of.

We have had some rain, but in reality we have had worse and it did not have a name.

Right now, it is windy, but no rain.  

No flooding.  

I hope I am not jumping the gun and thinking that all is well, but really, I think we will be okay.


Also, this morning I received an email from American Airlines reminding me to get to the airport early since I requested a wheelchair.  I did this after I fell down.  My back is still hurting and don’t think I can manage in Miami without one.  So it looks like we actually will be able to go on our vacation/anniversary trip to Barbados.


All that being said, we are still under Hurricane and Storm Surge Warnings.  We will see what will happen.  From the weather map that I am looking at, we are just at the outer bands.  I think we will get some more outer bands of rain and wind, but I don’t think we are in a danger zone. 

I am praying I am right.  

At least Jim Cantore is not in our area.


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Thanks, HAL4NOW for the updates on the fires.  We drive from Southern California to Seattle often and appreciate knowing about travel conditions. Lenda, thank you for the comments regarding my DM.  Sisters and brother and SIL met with staff yesterday to "refine" what services are promised and actually available to DM.  🤨  @kochleffel, I appreciate your news about the NCL ships.  Sure hope that the Star has an area like the Crow's Nest for water watching, reading and coffee drinking...

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A quick good morning from central Texas.  It is a busy morning, so I thought I'd drop in to wish everyone good morning and to repost my pictures of today's port.  I hope we hear from @MISTER 67 and @jimgev  soon and I hope they are safe with no injuries or much damage.  I'm so many are checking in and are safe, and their many friends and relatives are safe.  I hope everyone still in Ian's path remains safe, too.


In 2019, the Veendam took us to Napflion in the Peloponnese.  When we couldn't rent a car, we walked around town and then took the Ho-Ho which took us up to the fort overlooking the town.


From our walk around town






The fort from town and on the hillside.  We opted to skip going into the fort. Plus the view of town from the hilltop.





Town as seen from the Ho-Ho






A smaller fort on the harbor



Napflion is an interesting town.  There are also several places to visit outside of town including Corinth.


I be back to finish reading the Daily after my haircut today.




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I did not mean i was seeing an oncologist, it was my endocrinologist, and I was correct, more meds.  No weight gain, no change in vitals and not really a change in diet (except for cruise food for 10 days)  the sugar keeps rising, and so more meds.  She said enough to scare me this time.  Apparently it is my heredity now that is taking over.  Being adopted, there should be a law, that may not tell you who your parents are, but at least what their health was once you get past age 21.


Well now I can read and catch up before I walk THE DOG!

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It's never a good day when your classic Mercedes ends up in your swimming pool. At a friend's on Ft Myers Beach where their house was destroyed, too. But, all house and car occupants safe.



I see that @MISTER 67 hasn't posted since 4pm Wednesday as the worst of the hurricane hit Punta Gorda. Almost all of Charlotte County is still without power, so I pray that is why he hasn't checked in yet.



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6 hours ago, richwmn said:

Hug a Vegetarian Day

I hugged a vegetarian today, but then found out that National Hug a Vegetarian Day is actually the fourth Friday of September, so September 23rd this year. Tomorrow is World Vegetarian Day. I had no idea that vegetarians had so many special days, and neither did the vegetarian involved in today's hug.

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Good morning all!

I heard from our friend in Ft. Meyers, her house came through fine but some of her trees didn't fare as well.  I hope we hear from more of our Dailyite friends soon.


I have never had a mud pack, and don't know any vegetarians to hug.  Funny, just this morning I decided to pack my English/French dictionary to help with my rusty French so that's my way of celebrating translation day.


I would like the meal if it isn't too spicy, and know I would like the wine and drink.  We were in Nafplion a year ago on the Eurodam.  We took a tour to Ancient Nemia and wine tasting.


Today will be spent doing more cruise prep, folding laundry, and housework.  I hope everyone has a great day!


Sunrise off our balcony in Nafplion





The stadium seated 30,000 people



"Locker room" for the games



Temple of Zeus



Temple of Zeus



I love how friendly the cats are in Greece



At the winery





A cemetery by the road



And a small fort










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4 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thankyou all for being here! Have a great weekend!


Still fighting with the insurance company on our roof from the April storm. The rain showers should start late afternoon from the remnant of Ian. Rain is forecast over the next three days of 3+ inches. 


We are amazed at the Covid numbers currently on the Rotterdam. Today they are back to serving everyone in the Lido. No self-serve, even coffee. I guess we will be wearing masks on our travels more than we had anticipated.


- Jack





I guess you are on Rotterdam, @Heartgrove?  Are they telling you the numbers of cases?  I'm sure the numbers were high on the NA in Alaska, too, but we never heard.  And I know there were sick people who did not isolate or tell the medical people they were ill.   I think it is something we're going to have to learn to live with and work around!  I  blame the dining room for our cases, it was crowded and very  noisy.  We had Club Orange, but of course on the NA there was no private dining room.  


Good morning, Dailyites.  I hope Ian is petering out today and will cause no more damage.  Poor Florida!   Thanks to everyone posting today.  


With all the talk of holiday cruises, we decided to book one this year - not Christmas, but New Year's Koningsdam to Mexico for 16 days.  Our PCC told us one was on a special Canada Supersaver sale that ends today.  I had no idea!  But it was nice to get a little more off the price.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Not a mud pack person, I don't know a vegetarian to hug, and translation professionals are important. Also a salute to Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Day 

I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), and like the drink and wine.

I've been to Greece, but haven't been to Nafplion.


I was off to Quest for lab work this morning, and a couple of other errands. It's cloudy here and we'll start to get some rain tonight from Ian. Thinking of all in the Carolinas who are in the path of the storm, and those devastated in Florida with so much damage.


@rafinmd Thanks for our lists. Glad to hear your niece and her family were ok. 

@HAL4NOW I'm glad you made it safely back to Skykomish and that the evacuation level was lowered. 

@marshhawk I agree about knowing health history; that's all I was concerned about with adoption. So I've tried to do all the preventive tests, as I have no clue about cancer, diabetes, etc history.

@kazu Good to hear you can do the stairs more easily; that's a challenge for me. 

@mamaofami Happy Birthday to Jared!

@StLouisCruisers Awww, cute picture of the sibling pups. 

@Cruzin Terri Prayers for safety and that you get to your trip.

@superoma I'm glad to hear your friend and her family are ok.

@dfish Good news about your niece's house. 

@Horizon chaser 1957 Bon Voyage tomorrow!

@Seasick Sailor I hope your sister recovers quickly.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos of Nafplion.

@HAL Sailer Glad the friends are safe, and wow on that photo.

@Cruising-along Great that your friend is ok. Nice photos from Nafplion.

@Vict0riann Good going on the new cruise. I hope you and Pat are feeling better.

 @MISTER 67 and @jimgev hope all is well with you. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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