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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday February 14th, 2023

cat shepard

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53 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Organ donation is extremely important but like others said, who wants our old broken down parts?  🤕 For decades I've been a bone marrow donor but no one wanted my donation and I guess I'm too old to donate anymore!  😏




While visiting with a friend yesterday...she said at our age we should expect some of our body parts and pieces would be warped and wearing out...
Then we cracked up laughing on how we had finally hit "warp-speed"...😅😉

warp speed.jpg

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55 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:



For a change, the weather forecast was correct.  We got 0.36 inches of rain overnight.  It is clearing right now, but will turn cloudy again, with a wind advisory.  Later the clouds will move back in, and it will be cloudy for the foreseeable future.  At least, our temperatures will be warn until Thursday.


Until 2020, when we stopped exchanging gifts, the DDs and I would often give books.  Older DD still takes some of my books to read after I've finished them.  I am not a fan of traditional Ferris wheels, but would like to go on the London Eye.  My driver's license says I'm an organ donor, but I might be past the age to donate.


An interesting quote today.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds nice, but pricey.


We have been to Malaysia, but not to Pulau Penang.  As far as I could tell this is a new port for the Daily.  So, I guess those that have been to the port will have to hunt for pictures to share with us.  I see Sandi, beat me to this.  


@aliaschief  Safe travels home today, Bruce.   Thank you for all the wonderful pictures from Cancun.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm very sorry that yesterday's doctor's visit was so depressing for Tana and you.  She is very lucky to have you to discuss things with and to help her.  Good luck at the orthopedist today.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm sorry today brings sad memories of your brother's death.  I hope you get a good report from your pulmonologist today.

@summer slope  Dixie, I hope the ultrasound does not show any surprises.  It's always good to be proactive about our health.  Enjoy your visit with you nephew, his family and friend.

@dfish  Debbie, thanks for including the HEB recipe.  HEB is a regional grocery chain in Texas and Mexico, and is owned by the family 90% and employees 10%.  it was recently named the number one grocery chain in the US.  The company has turned the name into their slogan:  "Here Everything's Better".  I hope your DB will soon realize he needs to get up and walk.

@superoma  Eva, please wish your twins a Happy 52nd Birthday for us.

@Suslor  Sending Happy Birthday wishes to your DH.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I also think it's time for a new doctor, and maybe a new clinic.  Glad you are feeling better.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm sorry your DB's medical report was not good.





28 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I was so sorry to read about your DB's worsening  of his PF.We know all too well here what that can be like.I am sending prayers to him,you and your family.

Continue  to enjoy your cruise.I hope the crowds are more manageable in the coming days.


27 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


Same here. The marrow registry drops you after age 60. I don't know whether that's because it wouldn't be beneficial to a recipient or because it would be too dangerous for the donor.


24 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Happy Valentine's Day!

BFF and I give books to each other. I like Ferris wheels; I grew up at the shore with a boardwalk and a building with a Ferris wheel in it. And the London Eye was closed the time I wanted to go on it. Anyone who can should be an organ donor; I am. Love the quote. The meal sounds interesting. Yes to the drink (altho high calorie); I'd like the wine but it's out of my budget.

I haven't been to Pulau Penang Island.


It's going to be another nice day here. We started off around 28F, but it's sunny and will go up in the 50's later. I have to laugh at myself. I put on a new belt, one of those rachet kind, and couldn't figure out how to get it off! I thought I might have to cut it off. I have another that's easy to operate. I finally found a little lever on the side of the buckle, that released it. LOL. BFF and I are going out to eat this afternoon, but before the Valentine's Day hordes are out.


@cat shepard Thanks for starting us up today.

@0106 Nice sunrise.

@aliaschief Safe travels home. Thanks for sharing photos from Cancun.

@smitty34877 Prayers for Tana and your family, as you navigate this difficult situation. I hope your post-op visit goes well today.

@rafinmd Indeed a sad anniversary of your brother's death. I hope the visit to the Pulmonologist goes well.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. Sorry DB is not following PT recommendations. 

@superoma Happy Birthday to the twins!

@ottahand7 Thanks for sharing photos of your day yesterday.

@Suslor Happy Birthday to DH!

@Seasick Sailor Unbelievable that no call yet; I agree that you need to find someone else. I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better. 

@StLouisCruisers My first ever cruise was on Princess many years ago; there was a champagne fountain on formal night (I have a picture by it). I aged out of being a bone marrow donor too. 

@Cruising-along I hope the US is helpful to your medical people.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.


Asbury Park Ferris Wheel - you look out onto the Atlantic Ocean when at the top.


Thanks to all for your concern about DB’s pulmonary fibrosis issue. I know his condition is not nearly as bad as Tana’s but it does cause some breathing issues.  Paul you may be right about danger to elderly donors like us. 

Photo of Captain and Maitre’d starting the champagne flowing 


Edited by StLouisCruisers
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I'll pass on the meal and the drink, but might like the wine. I haven't been to Pulau Penang. In the kind of TV shows that I watch, they are always rescuing people trapped on ferris wheels, so I'm wary.


I'm done with the Five Days of Paxlovid, and I hope that the side effects will end soon. According to the CDC I will be safe to go out (with a mask) beginning tomorrow, but I'm planning to isolate at least until Saturday. I was out of the house for the first time, only to take out the trash, and needed to rest after that.


It's sunny and will reach 50° this afternoon.


For the garden club: I'm struggling with seed and plant orders, not least because I don't know what spaces in the garden will need plants (that is, what will have decided that it doesn't like to live here). It would be prudent to order cautiously and fill in with bedding annuals if need be. In a general way I'm moving more toward native plants, but I'm not doctrinaire about it. The big project for this year is removing foundation shrubs that are about my age and in even worse condition.


Edited by kochleffel
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For those that are thinking their body parts are too old for donations, here is a quote from the Washington State Organ Donation Registry: 

"Organs, eyes, and tissues can be used for research after it has been determined they are not usable for life-saving or enhancing transplant."

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Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Ann


Great collection of days.  I celebrated by book gifting and a bunch of other stuff to a charity who picked them up today.  National Donor day is easily celebrated here by just signing your car registration.


But for most, Valentine’s Day is at the top of their list.




Of course, let’s not forget our pets also celebrate Valentine’s Day.  For the cat owner/lovers:




And of course, can’t leave the dog lovers out 😉 




That Sparks post is right on the money on love.


My first physio today and of course she needed the history - she was dumfounded with all that transpired.  Once we moved into action she was pleased with what I had been doing / trying to do.  Our goal is to gain 90 degree flexion and flexibility before I go back.  No weight bearing or anything else allowed until I see the specialist again.  It’s going to be challenge to get the arm straight again - but I’ll work on it.  I have my homework until the next week when I return.  I think I will have earned my glass tonight 🍷 




And for those that might have thought I was crazy trying to type - she was thrilled - it really does help (as long as you know when to stop 😉)





3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. My Valentine is fast asleep still but will be surprised later with his favorite pound cake for dessert. I will salute the days,have not been to the port and look forward to recipes.

Yesterday seemed to be at least three or four days rolled into one. Tana and I managed well but agreed on the ride home that the visit was pretty darn depressing. I did not expect good news but sometimes the way things are conveyed to a patient can make a difficult situation feel  awful.

I am glad I was with her though because we can at least discuss things honestly. It is much harder for her sister at this point. I knew the ambulette would cost a fortune too!

I am seeing my ortho doc for my last post op visit today. Things are going well and I hope he is as pleased as I am with my fancy new hip.


Oh my, that was an awful lot in that day 😞. I’m sorry it was depressing and so hard.  Bless you for your care of her - you are Tana’s Valentine 365 days a year ♥️ Glad to hear you are happy with the hip - hope your ortho doc is as well 🙏🏻 



3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you @richwmn and @cat shepard for today's daily.  Unfortunately, this is not a happy day in my family.  My brother died 2 years ago today.  Later this morning I see my pulminologist.  


a sad day for you today indeed Roy.  Prayers that you can find some happy memories and not just sadness 🙏🏻 

Best of luck with our appointment today 🤞 



2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

DH's vision is still blurry.  I thought that it was because of the antibiotics that we had to use on the stitches getting into his eye, but in reality it was because when the lid had folded under, it was scratching his eye ball.  The doctor said that it will heal, but takes about two months.  Swelling and bruising will go on for a few more weeks. 


Sorry to hear your DH’s vision problem continues.  Hopefully his recovery doesn’t take too long and he will well soon 🙏🏻 



2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I do have a question about HAL today, I read in the section what you need to know-Why does HAL take your passport away from you when you board?    I'm doing Alaska and Canada from Vancouver.


As already stated, HAL shouldn’t take your passport for your sailing unless something changes dramatically.  They do take them at times when immigration authorities need to review them all (saves everyone lining up at an awful early morning to have their passports checked).  If they do need them, no worries - you are given a receipt and HAL keeps them in their safe.  Pick up is organized nicely so there are no long lineups and you have yours back well before disembarkation.



1 hour ago, Suslor said:

Happy Valentines Day to all ❤️💌💕. Today is also my DH’s birthday so that’s what we’ll celebrate. 


A very happy birthday to your DH





@Seasick SailorSounds like dumping that guy is a wise decision to me.


Very happy to say we escaped the ‘Nor Easter with apologies to the other 3 Maritime Provinces.  In my memories on FB was a post apologizing to my dogs as I couldn’t take them for a walk in the blizzard outside so it looks like Feb. 13th is a common date for our “Nor Easters.  I disagree with this one - I want my flowers AND my wine 🌺 🍷 




Prayers for everyone on the Care list the people of Ukraine, those affected by the earthquake and now sadly, those in New Zealand affected by the cyclone.  And cheers 🥂 to everyone celebrating.




Have a great Tuesday everyone and a wonderful Valentine’s Day

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  We moved our clocks back one hour last night so I'm on central time.  Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!❤️  To any of you who have sailed Princess before do you remember on the first formal night they had the champagne waterfall and Captain presenting his officers?  I enjoyed watching that last night, and another treat was the Elite canapes they sent - chocolate covered strawberries! 


Organ donation is extremely important but like others said, who wants our old broken down parts?  🤕 For decades I've been a bone marrow donor but no one wanted my donation and I guess I'm too old to donate anymore!  😏


Thanks to everyone who brings us the Daily each day.  Prayers for the many on the Care List and cheers for everyone celebrating.  I have not been to Pulau Penang Island before and I don't see it listed as a previous port on the Daily.  Lastly, safe travels home Bruce and Sue @aliaschief.

Sending you our prayers 🙏 and best wishes Sandi for an improvement in your brother's health.

Pleased to hear you are both having a fabulous cruise.


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Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Woke up to a skiff of snow this morning but it should melt off before I have to head in to see DH. Today is my niece's birthday so will stop at Starbucks and load her card with $20.00. She's in Canada so this is a quick and easy way to do it. 

Love books and the bookcase beside the bed is overflowing! Currently reading the Rhys Bowen "Her Royal Spyness" series and picking them up used on Amazon. Have the newest Alex Cross to get read as well. 


I like a Ferris wheel but it's been years but not fast carnival rides. 

DH is making progress and hopefully will be home before our Medicare days run out. He's got about 19 or so left. He's been standing in the parallel bars independently and even tried to walk the other day. Yesterday was speech and the coughing has pretty much stopped during eating so he has an exercise to work on. The speech therapist will see him again tomorrow. Sunday he was up in the wheelchair all day, enjoyed Super Bowl snacks, etc. so he was tired yesterday. I have an aviator stuffed pig for him for Valentines Day and I told him I didn't know what he was getting me yet but I'd figure it out! 

Have a good day!


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I forgot to mention in my post that today is the funeral of the fallen police officer. The local tv stations will be showing the service at noon. Many law enforcement officers from throughout the country are here, and a number of roads are closed for the long procession.

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3 hours ago, superoma said:

Good morning all! Happy Valentine’s Day to all who celebrate. Always a special day in our house since our twins were born on this day 52 years ago! I still can’t wrap my head around that number. We will have a party on Saturday since work and school for attendees interferes today. 

another gorgeous day here today. @kazui am still trying to send this weather your way and to my cousin who lives in the laurentians north of Montreal. They too are buried under at least two feet of snow.

I know I have posted this picture of our girls before but it is just so darn cute I can’t resist doing it again. We are very fortunate that we all live in the same city and within walking distance, 45 minutes.


prayers for all who need them and a shoutout to those celebrating.




How adorable!


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Oh Debbie, I have had many patients  like your DB.The doctors often had to do manipulation  under anesthesia  to RIP through the adhesions that form so quickly.I learned early on that it was never worth arguing with them about walking and exercise.....sometimes the other patients in a rehab setting would get after those who did this.Peer pressure. I am sorry.


DB has always been stubborn.  He has to do everything his way and rarely takes advice from someone else.  After all, he knows best.  Unfortunately, he often takes the long and difficult path for most things.  He's doing that now, but as you said, you can't make them listen.  So, we just shake our heads and move forward.  It is hardest on him in the end.  I'll see this afternoon where he is.  I know by this time with the last knee I was pretty close to 90 degrees flexion and 0 extension.  I ended up being released from in home therapy early and had to wait two weeks to go to outpatient.  I just kept doing the exercises they had given me and made people go on walks with me.


I'm so sorry to hear that yesterday's visit was depressing.   Hugs for Tana and you.  


2 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

Most of us won't be donating organs today, but it might me a good day to consider getting on a donor registry (Sign Up To Be An Organ Donor | organdonor.gov) or just donating blood, as a way to celebrate.


I donate blood every other month.  I have type O negative and they really want my blood.


@rafinmd Hugs to you today.   I'll be thinking of you.  


@StLouisCruisers I'm sorry to hear of your DB's illness.  


@Cruising-along I hope all ends up well with the ultrasound.  

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Good morning and Happy Valentine’s Day to all,

Lots of health issues going on and prayers and well wishes to those in need. Since I am one handed I will be brief. I am amazed at how much Jacqui can do with one hand. So I have hope. 

Friends are picking me up for lunch so I will be out and about a bit today. The shower and hair fixing was my workout today. 

Take care all,


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11 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning and Happy Valentine’s Day to all,

Lots of health issues going on and prayers and well wishes to those in need. Since I am one handed I will be brief. I am amazed at how much Jacqui can do with one hand. So I have hope. 

Friends are picking me up for lunch so I will be out and about a bit today. The shower and hair fixing was my workout today. 

Take care all,



It just takes time Lorraine and, sadly, work.  I have a long ways to go, believe me.

I knew that typing would help.  I started with one finger (ouch) and slowly moved to the subsequent ones. (Ouch).

Key is not to over do.  Things like typing are really good as they send messages up via the nerves and help keep things awake or wake them up but it’s hard and if it hurts stop.  the next day do it again and you might find you can do a bit more.  If you can’t type, they tell you to wiggle your fingers but typing is much better.  Even my surgeon agreed on that one 😉. Mind you he looked at me and said IF you can do it.  Takes time.

Other thing that helps is contrast therapy.  Get two gel pacs (I think yours like mine is in a difficult spot so gel pack was suggested).  One is frozen and one as hot as you can stand - alternate them for 15 minutes, keeping neither one on long.  If you are doing physio, talk to them about contrast therapy - most think it is helpful.  No scientific proof I don’t think but even DH embraced it.  


1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

For the garden club: I'm struggling with seed and plant orders, not least because I don't know what spaces in the garden will need plants (that is, what will have decided that it doesn't like to live here). It would be prudent to order cautiously and fill in with bedding annuals if need be. In a general way I'm moving more toward native plants, but I'm not doctrinaire about it. The big project for this year is removing foundation shrubs that are about my age and in even worse condition.


LOL - sorry to say I have never been prudent enough 😆. this year I will be very careful - no idea how much I will be able to do by planting time but I think if I can get someone to bring up a couple of containers for me, I can at least start seeds and my begonias.


I’d go through your list and double check your zones and try to recall what is growing well in the neighbours gardens.  I have a couple little micro climates in mine which lets me grow things that won’t work elsewhere in the gardens (found that out the hard way 😉)

Good luck - I’m starting to review too.  I’m behind 😱 

1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

DH is making progress and hopefully will be home before our Medicare days run out. He's got about 19 or so left. He's been standing in the parallel bars independently and even tried to walk the other day. Yesterday was speech and the coughing has pretty much stopped during eating so he has an exercise to work on. The speech therapist will see him again tomorrow. Sunday he was up in the wheelchair all day, enjoyed Super Bowl snacks, etc. so he was tired yesterday.



So good to hear he is making progress 👍. I pray it’s sufficient to return home before your time limit 🙏🏻 



1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

I have an aviator stuffed pig for him for Valentines Day and I told him I didn't know what he was getting me yet but I'd figure it out! 



LOL 😂 😝 

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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:


Tonight we have tickets to the DSO...Dekalb (our county) Symphony Orchestra.  They perform at the college that is near us, so since I am on strike against my previous employer (ASO) (not really on strike, they let me go, they went to ticket master several years ago) I decided that if I wanted classical music, the best way I could do it, and be happy,  would be to support my local symphony.



@marshhawk, if it is easy, could you post the program of the concert you are attending.  I am always curious.  


Happy Valentines Day to all.


Today has been pretty brutal on the credit card.


I stopped at See's Candies to pick up a gift for Mrs. XBGuy--Milk Chocolate Covered Chocolate Butter Creams.  Mrs. XBGuy, like many women has a thing for chocolate.  See's is a Los Angeles company.  I do not know how far they stretch, but Mrs. SBGuy is convinced that they have the best chocolate.  Whether they really are or not does not matter.  She say's they are the best, and, so, there is absolutely no downside to  gifting a box of See's.


Today is also new release day for a couple of my favorite wineries--Bedrock Wine Co. and Quivet Cellars.  I make no apologies for my California wine prejudice.  😁

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I'm back from the ultrasound, it wasn't as bad as I feared.  Drinking 32 oz of water and holding it for an hour+ didn't sound very appealing to me. Probably having to hold my breath over and over for WAY too long was the hardest part.  But it went well and the results were on MyChart before I had even left the parking lot.  As far as I can tell, there were no surprises -- no tumors, stones, etc. (good news!) It did show worsening chronic kidney disease, which we expected it would.  Now I wait to hear the doctor's explanation.


Jacqui @kazuThat's great that your physio appointment went so well!  Sounds like you're doing everything right. 🙂  Also glad to hear that you escaped the 'Nor Easter.


Karen @luvteachingGood to hear that your DH is making good progress.


Vanessa @JazzyVwhat a great photo!!  

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Good afternoon from beautiful Barbados.  

We spent the day on the Silver Moon Catamaran and it was lovely.

It took me a long time to get through all the posts.

I really need to take a shower so this will be short for now.




Prayers for al. Especially those who are still having problems.  Tana, Jacqui, Roy, Sandi’s Brother, Debbie’s brother’s inspection, etc.


I love Ferris Wheels. I tried to post a picture of DH and I on the London Eye but it did not show here on CC.  Sorry.



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